I really needed the support of my friends and family and I was happy to have you guys with me through all the ups and downs. For being my rock when I had no ground to stand on. We were very touched by your thinking of us. Thank you for your support, patience, and understanding while I job search. We are writing this with gladness in our hearts and . Thank you for your sympathy and the support you gave us during Jane's illness and after her passing. Thank you for the support and kindness that you have shown us during this difficult period. 4. Thank you for your support during this difficult time. And you are the one who was truly considering breaking up with me. They all said the food was great! Thank you so much for your support during this time. Losing someone is always going to be hard but it is easier to get through with the help of those around you. I felt your love and your understanding as you were there for me after losing my dad. Thanks for your efforts, it is really appreciated. We would like to thank you in advance for making this celebration one to remember. I know it takes a lot of courage to be happy for me. Express your gratitude in person or over the phone, it could be a good way to show your appreciation and to have a conversation about your situation. It is not your fight alone. Thank you for being available and supporting me when my Dad died suddenly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have always been able to count on you. Thank you for your kindness and support through a difficult time. Letting me stay with you as long as I need to is the best thing you could ever do for me. My husband has been waiting for a miracle the last year, and if it is Gods will that he pass on, we want him to be able to do so at home. I cannot thank you enough, yet this card is just a small way to say it. Thank you for the compassion and support during these difficult times. Saying Thank You as a positive reinforcement. I am a better person because of you, and I love you for it. Youve made a positive difference in my life [or another compliment]. I just cant thank you enough for remaining so steadfast and loyal! We are so glad for your support during this challenging time. I am thankful that youve been able to drive me to job interviews while I am without transportation. The success of this team is a testament to your hard work, and I say thank you very much for that. Heidi has been writing thank you notes for more than 30 years and is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes. Thank you for everything! Getting through these times of loss is less daunting when you have friends by your side. Thank you. Examples are provided to help you say thank you for your support during this difficult time. I really appreciate all the rides you gave me. I hope and pray for each of you that this too shall pass. Your letter can include two or more paragraphs. Thank you; 6. A Thank You Letter For Help should be sincere, personal, and specific. Thank you for your continued support. We wanted to express our gratitude and say how we would have been lost without your support. Losing my mom is very hard and feels overwhelming. You will always be in my heart. What a wonderful outpouring of love and support for me! When we needed help the most you were there. Express your gratitude for the support that your boss provided during the difficult times. During difficult or challenging times, you may want to express gratitude to those who have or are providing support. With our love and thanks for all your support. Getting divorced wasnt something I ever expected to happen. Your support means so much to me. Remember that the best thank you notes are personalized to the situation. Although it may seem like a very easy thing to do, sometimes it can be tough. I dont know where I would be without your love and support. I just have one more thing to say, Thank you for the flower and for your card. 9 work-related "thank you for your support" examples. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, for giving me your trust, and for being the best friend I could have ever asked for. Sometimes I feel like I should be thanking you more than you thank me. I am using this medium to say thank you so much for your timely support. Thank you for encouraging me and cheering me up! He is currently alive. You have rendered so much support and enabled me to learn many things from you. I am feeling much better! For example, "Thanks to everyone for your kind words, generous gifts, and offers of help during a very difficult time. A few sentences and some kind words are all you really need. I would like to take this moment to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I knew that everything would be okay, but it was nice to see everyones support. We hope these messages to say thank you for your support during our time of loss have helped you to find the right words to express your gratitude. I can never express how grateful I am to have you in my life. I know we havent seen much of each other since I moved, but be sure that I always have you in my heart. I would like to thank them for their moral support, for taking care of my nephew, and for those people who provided financial support until my nephew died due to a brain . Whether its for family, friends, your boss or clients, you can show your sincere appreciation and say thank you for being there and saving the day! You didnt have to come, but you did and I am so thankful. Share your appreciation publicly. Thanks for being here for me. Sorry for the inconvenience, but CNW will be on pause for the next 1-2 weeks as I am grieving the loss of my father. Small. Thank you for your support during our time of loss. It's a polite and thoughtful gesture that can make the person who helped you feel valued and appreciated. The trust and confidence you have placed in me has also inspired me to work harder and be more productive. Say thank you to anyone who has been there for and offered you their supporting during a time of loss with these thank you messages and notes. You know perfectly well how much I love you and want to marry you. We are so glad for your support during this challenging time. Thank you! God Bless you all! There is nothing stronger than the bond between friends. Small thank you gifts can also be a beautiful way to show gratitude and make them understand the value of their help or encouragement. If youre struggling to come up with the best way to say thank you for the help during such a tough time then these example thank you messages should help. I want to say that I love you always, youre in my thoughts but the truth is Im just too sad to deal with life right now. When you receive a kind word, a special favour, or loyal support, saying a big thank you is easier than ever. 5. 2. During these times of loss we look to friends and family for support. Everything feels better when you are here. It means a lot to us and hopefully to you as well. Thank you for your support and for making us feel like we arent alone. Your humility, kindness, and strength are greatly appreciated. Show your results. I couldnt do it without you. Im thankful to have a strong friendship with you and a few of the other neighbors. Thank you notes for prayers and support during illness: when they pray for you. We might not always show it, but we are so grateful for your selflessness in helping us get through these difficult days. Through Christ you can overcome difficult times: Philippians 4:13. You were there with kindness and sympathy to offer us comfort when we were struggling. Thank you for your support during this difficult time. I just wanted to thank you for all your support these past few months. You were there for me through it all. All in one day..Wow what a day right!?!? Thank you for being there for me and attending the lawyer meetings with me. I love you so much! Thank you for all the love and support that has been given to me during this difficult time. Im still trying to come to terms with everything that happened and even though I dont know why it happened, I know God will never give us more than we can handle. We understand that times have changed, but still believe in the good heart of human nature. Your nature of helping others is always appreciated. They mean a lot to us. You have always been there for me, listened and comforted me when I needed it the most. 32. Youve been my rock as I get back on my feet. #2 Thank you for your recent support. Of course, I never planned to have a running injury. Related: Say thank you after borrowing a car. I know they are looking down on us right now and that they would be so proud of you, as I am. Hello [name]. Thank you all for your support during my time of bereavement. I was grateful for your presence at the funeral and calling hours. Caregivers may not be related to you by blood, or your best friend, but they can be something close to that. Know that we are forever thankful for your amazing support during our time of loss. #5 As I move forward as a single person again, I want to thank you for your support during the last year as [Spouse Name] and I separated and divorced. When I had no stars left to wish upon and nothing to hold on to, you held out a lantern for me. You truly are one of the best friends anyone could ever have. In some situations, especially following a loss or reaching out to say thank you after receiving a, Send your thanks in a memorable way with a package of pampering treats. #5 Thank you for supporting my family when we moved. This can be a great way to show your appreciation and let the person know that their support meant a lot to you. #3 Thank you for caring for me for a few days after I was in the hospital. #5 Thank you for your support during our time of loss. We are thankful to have your family in our lives. Thank you so much for letting me stay in your home while I go through such a challenging time. Thank you for providing meals and support to my family while I was in the hospital. You have always been extremely helpful, and I cannot express enough how much this lending hand means to me. You have been amazing and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. You are the world to me. Sometimes we forget that you juggle your own . A few sentences and some kind words are all you really need. I wanted to take a moment to not only express my gratitude for your kind words and consideration during this time, but let you know that since our last conversation the doctors have released me from special care and returned me to routine room assignments. Your guidance is so helpful. Here are some ways to thank a mentor for their support of your career: Thank you for your advice. Thank you all so much! I want to apologize for the lack of updates during this time. Here are a few ways to say thank you to friends, neighbors, children, and parents who lend a hand when you need it most. Choose anything from a wall plaque to mugs or fridge magnets that put your feelings into words. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me, as given me hope that I can one day be happy again. #2 Thank you for your kind support while I transition to living on my own. It meant so much to have you come by and help out. You are my best friend and always will be. Saying thank you for your support during this difficult time can take many different forms. Thank you for your sympathy card. If you cant thank them with homecooked food, treat them to some gratuitous goodies. Im so glad that my car is fixed! I appreciate you for taking the time to send me encouraging text messages. You are a true friend! When I look into your eyes, my heart races and a grin spreads across my face. Thank you to everyone. You have been my rock during the worst time in my life. Your support means so much to me. A small gift such as a plant, a book or a gift card could be a nice way to show your appreciation. #1 Thank you for helping my family during the recent tough time while my car was being repaired. To help you, Ill give you a template to follow, a few ideas, and examples of thank you note messages that you can use in a thank you note, email, or text message. Dear friends, Thank you, each and every one of you, for everything that you have done for us - far, far beyond what we ever expected or dared to hope. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for all the support, for being there for me when I needed you. Here are a few ways you can do that: 1. We ask that you allow us to bear some of the burden so that you can take a breather every once in a while and keep living a healthy life. This entire month has been so difficult. We're so grateful that you're making everything easier in these difficult times. Also, I followed your job search tips and have secured two interviews for next week. Thank you for always being there for me, I love you so much. I wanted to thank you for all your kind words and support during this difficult time. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. I miss you terribly and wish we could be together again. Thank you so much for your warm wishes and support during this challenging time. I really appreciate it. They have been a bright spot in my days and helped me beat the depression. Thank You for your Support During Our Time of Loss Messages Say thank you to anyone who has been there for and offered you their supporting during a time of loss with these thank you messages and notes. We always need friends when times are hard, and you are always there. Thank you because we know that, even in this situation, we may not treat you as you deserve. One way to stay happy is to focus on the positive and say Thank You! when someone does something nice for us. Special thanks and hugs to Kristine, Nancy, Jen, Diane, Kelly . Thank you for lending your beautiful singing voice to my [sister's] funeral service. I am so grateful for all the help and support you've given me during this challenging time. I wanted to say thank you for helping me get this promotion. It had been incredibly difficult but with the love of friends like you it has been made easier. Also, we were happy that Ted was able to bring his truck and strong arms. Acing someone to talk to and that could just listen when we were struggling was so important. Thank you for staying over at night and letting me wake up next to you when I call you in the middle of the night. I've grown so much as a person since I started working here and it was because of your support. When we lose a loved one we experience real sadness and grief. When someone gives you their time and attention, its an expression of selflessness. Thanks again! I was so touched by your generosity, compassion and concern. Of course Ive been upset. Your acts of friendship and love have not gone unnoticed. Pay fortnightly, enjoy your purchase straight away! I really do consider you a friend, and the most important one that I have, too. Thank you for the card and gift after our loss. Thanks for support during illness. It would not have been possible without you by my side. This way, you'll feel like a million dollars, and one helpful gift is transformed into a network of much-needed, uplifting support. The most important thing is that the message of appreciation is clear, specific, and conveyed in a heartfelt manner. I appreciate your support and guidance. Above all else, thank you for your friendship and support during this difficult time. Your support means so so much to me!! Thank you so much for your ongoing support during this challenging time in my life, I just wanted to send this note as a small token of appreciation to you and the rest of the team. "Thank You For Your Continued Support" - Synonyms. 2. But what actually matters is that YOU were the one who had doubts about taking this step. These prayers will help you feel God's presence around you and encourage your faith in God's ability to solve all your problems. There are not enough words to begin to describe how grateful I am for all your support during these tough times. Thank you for every bear hug, for every flower, for every kiss on the forehead. So, use the template as a start and modify the wording for your situation. The sorrow and sadness that has engulfed us is hard to explain but your loving presence and warmth helped so much. . Thank you for all your support during this challenging time. You have supported me through the hardest times and I dont know what I would have done without you. In case you are an employer and want to send an appreciation/Thank you message to your employees to support the company during hard times and for working hard during difficult times, you can check our sample messages for the same purpose provided below. Focusing on thank-you note wording may be difficult during a time of loss or grief. If the support helped you to achieve something, let the person know how their support made a positive impact on your situation. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you. 5. Thank you for the amazing support you showed us as we dealt with our loss. We look out for each other, help each other through all sorts of adventures, and just in general, love each other. I can never thank you enough for all your services. Now, I'm ready to help you, too! Thank you. Even though I dont know you, it feels like we are friends. I hope you will continue to stand by my side on this challenging journey as well. Thank you for your sympathy during our time of loss. I want to thank you for everything youve done to help me during what has been a difficult time. Other posts in this series include: Note: This post contains affiliate links. I appreciate you telling me that you loved me, even after I opened up about the abuse I endured. I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life. Use heartfelt words that are specifically for them. I would like to thank you for all your support. So, I am feeling excited about what life has in store for me next. Writing a thank-you note is one way to let people know their support is appreciated. I want you to know how much I appreciate your friendship and all of the support youve given me during this challenging time in my life. Thank you so much for your support. Short and sweet - dont let too many words over-complicate things. No words could possibly express my gratitude for all you do for me, but I wanted to let you know. You have been there for me through it all. Thank you for sending your condolences. Thank you again for all your hard work, well be forever grateful! Your pressure and leadership has made us more productive and converted all of our skills into strengths. I wanted you to have up-to-date information in case others inquire after me. I feel very fortunate to have coworkers like you who made the effort to offer me comfort and support when I needed it. In a business situation, a physical expression of gratitude with a thank you gift for clients will go a long way to showing you recognise and value their support. With our love, appreciation and deepest gratitude, [names] or. Thank you to everyone that contributed to the GoFundMe campaign and to those who shared my story. Thank you so much for being there for me. Thank you again for everything. You are like an angel, coming into our lives at a time we needed you the most. As managers, it's essential to express gratitude to your employees, especially now. Tons of Thanks is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. A thank you letter to your boss for support during difficult times should include several key elements. When you go through a difficult time, it may be friends, family members, bosses, or others that give you support. You are such a great friend and I feel blessed to know you. Thank you for always being there for me and loving me no matter what! Thank you for keeping our business to yourself. Im humbled by the many thoughtful messages, emails and cards. Without you, I wouldnt have made it through the hard days. "What if today, we were just grateful for . Thank you. The template below can be used as you write your thank you messages during or after a difficult time. We used the funds towards his physical therapy. Below are 10 ways to spread appreciation during challenging times. Its friends like you that make us realize how lucky we are. "You really know how to bring out the best in us. It has been a real comfort to know that people like you have are there for us as we grieve. On meeting you I thought my life was complete but then a miracle happened, you became a part of my life too. Just a few thoughts to let you know how much I appreciate your presence in my life. Your care and support have meant the world to me and for that I will be forever thankful. Thank you for being there for me when I need you most. read the pet loss example thank you messages, Thank You for Your Support or Encouragement, ead through how to write a good thank-you note, Thank You for the Meals, Flowers, or Visit After Hospital Stay. I cant quite describe how important you and your support have been. Thank you for being my friend, for listening when I need to talk, writing notes of love and encouraging me. It serves to provide temporary relief from an aching wound created by death. I never thought I would fall so hard. I know you will be there for me when it really counts and I hope I can return the favor someday. I hope your all doing well! Thank you for your kind emails and phone calls of support. We know how much you are hurting, but know that we are here for you. You offered us comfort and strength to face each day with your continuous support and we are eternally thankful. Thank you for your support during this challenging time. Saying "thank you" is gratifying. I wish that I could show you how grateful I really am for all your love and support. You are my one source of encouragement and the person I turn to for support when things get tough. I wanted you all to know that I am doing well and after some recovery and healing to my wounds, will be back on my feet and living a happy life. Being home alone now that Johnny has moved out has been a difficult adjustment. Support can come in many forms. Thank you for being so supportive and patient. Not have been amazing and I am so thankful by your thinking of us and...?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!... Or your best friend, and you are such a great friend and always will be there for.! Ways you can overcome difficult times for lending your beautiful singing voice to my family while I was in hospital! 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thank you for your support during this difficult time