This is how I did mine. I guess I screwed up but I am not sureit seems to have worked. Carefully find the wire and label it. | This is where Stu Olsons expertise comes in handy. Bolt the bell housing to the engine block. It braked exactly the same and idled the same. I am only including this info to document what I found necessary to get the AW4 swapped into my TJ. Cost is $650, throw in another $400 to get the TCM, shifter assembly, pedal, cables, and tranny cooler and you have a low mileage 4 speed with around $1000 into it. The Turbo 350, aka TH350, automatic transmission is a stout 3 speed automatic transmission. Have you adjusted the Park/Neutral Switch? We decided to do the wiring in the morning of the second day. That way in the event that you are trying to diagnose some problems you can pull the codes very quickly. A transmission swap may not be the best option for you. . At the very least, you would need to find a '94 or '95 YJ 2.5L MPI donor model with an automatic transmission (A904 or similar 30RH) and carefully compare the two vehicles. When you turn on the key to the run or start mode this sends power to the TRS. They will fit over the alignment pins. Does the transmission range selector (gray 8 way plug) have a good ground? If you are not good with wiring find a friend that is! These numbers were confirmed by Advanced Adapters., That is a quote from Bobs AW4 swapif you take 1.35 from 2.1 you get .75. Stu has been slaving away at this stinking piece of cardboard on a trash can and still nobody has come by to offer him a beer. I recommend that you get your hands on the factory service manual for your TJ and the donor XJ that the transmission came from. To test your convertor in 3rd gear. Pin 12 Transmission Solenoid A This is a white wire. This will tie into the wire bundle coming out of the TJ PCM on connector 3 pin C24. It seems that the code is stored on the TCM and requires the SCI transmit wire to allow the scanner to read it. It just was not making sense. Here is a picture of the reassembled pedal. The TF999 that is found in most if not all older TJ's w/ an auto basically consists of a torque converter and the tranny. It needs to connect to Pin 2 on the TCM plug. Fit Vehicle. 2021 Jeep Wrangler Automatic Transmission (36K MILES) Free shipping. Pin 13 Transmission Solenoid B This is an orange with white stripe wire. I was fortunate to own an OBD2 scanner. This is the wire that needs to be tied into the TJ harness. In the final product I eliminated the top holes that are crossed out in green and drilled new holes in the mount as shown in red. Advance Adapters AX5 to AX15 Transmission Retrofit Kit. I obtained Biffs permission to include them here as they will be easier to locate for all who are looking for AW-4 swap info for their TJ. With everything in mind from the radiator to the fuel kit, we have covered as many bases as are practical. Refer to FSM for more details. I had some 3/8 countersunk bolts on my shelf so I decided to use these. Second it is the manual transmission neutral safety jumper. I think I will stick with my small brake pedal. Receive text messages for special offers and discounts. Im not going to go into a lot of detail on the steps necessary to remove the AX15. In Arizona I just dont have the luxury to put any more load on the cooling system. From under the hood pull the master cylinder and clutch cylinders back. Our TJs never had any OBD2 controlson the tranny prior to the swap so technically I dont believe we arerequired to integrate the OBD2 TCM into the data link connector. FREE 2 or 3-Day Delivery on 10,000+ Items. Ok, well that sounds like the input gear is probably all right then. About the input shaft. Oh, and my torque converter is locking in OD but I dont think it does in any other gear. Once the bushing and bearing are completely removed use a small file and some very light sandpaper to make the inside surfaces smooth again. Your email address will not be published. The shifter is a linkage cable that connects to the transmission. Connector 1 has pins labeled Axx, connector 2 has pins labeled Bxx, and connector 3 has pins labeled Cxx. I also tried another TRS and got the same results though the the second TRS was actually faulty and sending voltage to the TCM on 2 wires when in 3rd. Mount a remote auxiliary cooler. The key I feel is I have the complete wiring harness for the XJ the tranny came out of..We removed it from the harness without cutting many wires and all the colors matched and were already connected. Now we get to dig deeper into the interior. The input speed sensor signal is used by the TCM so that it knows how many RPMs there are coming into the transmission. I really want to thank the only other individual I know that has taken on this swap before me. I hope all of this info helps somebody..LOL (Also known as Back Up Lamp Feed). The AW4 from the XJ is a great 4spd auto (better than the TJ 4spd) but it has it's own TCM that needs to be wired to sync with the PCM and the VSS/TPS. From there my good friend Stu Olson comes in to make sure it didnt turn it all into a big ball of short circuits! Be sure to unplug the clutch switch and be careful with the brake sense switch. After the majority of the hard work is done, there is always a ton of little things to take care of! Drawbacks of an Automatic and Manual Transmission . Its purpose is to apply 12 volts to pin 21 on the TCM letting the TCM know that the shifter is in the 1-2 range. You will need them! I did every test imaginable and everything tested out good. This is the beginning of a couple of days of road testing. When we pull sensor signals off the TJ harness we need to send to signal ground back to the TJ PCM sensor return. I have already upgraded every single cooling system component including an electric pusher fan. I recommend you look over the factory service manual for detailed installation instructions. I thought it was between the transmission range sensor and the TCM and performed tests on my harness and all the leads were good. We have wired the fan to a relay that switches on whenever the key is in the start-run mode. Details. Because it is a reliable, common, and short transmission, it is probably the best automatic transmission to swap in a short Jeep such as a flat fender or CJ-5. If you don't have to follow strict emissions regulations or are building the ultimate trail rig, the GM LS V8 is a great option. We need to completely remove this from the TJ for good. $256.92 $329.99. The first being the wiring portion of the swap. The Novak TJ V8 Swap. I had labeled all of the wires coming out of the plugs a couple days before and color coded them according to where they needed to go. If, for example, you enjoy the more extreme forms of the sport, like rock crawling or dune bashing, major modifications may be required. It is a TJ with an auto and works great the way it is set up. Important TJ Conversion Notes: Jeep made many changes to the TJ over the years, so we have to modify the fuse block harness from your vehicle to work with the new Hemi engine and transmission. Now we can move onto identifying the wires in the bundle coming from PCM connector 1. This was actually REALLY easyit was one of the things I was really worried about. Automatic Transmission Swap in my Jeep Wrangler TJ, Part 1 - YouTube 0:00 / 17:05 Automatic Transmission Swap in my Jeep Wrangler TJ, Part 1 25,079 views Dec 26, 2020 In this. I guess I had missed the complexity of this in the write up. You may chose to have a manual or thermostatically controlled switch. 1990.5-1996, the AW4 switched to a 23 spline output shaft and a 0.75:1 OD ratio. The wires coming out of the TRS are different colors than those on the harness side. I am interested in the D300. Cons: No Overdrive, long-throw shifts, and finding the right. I would highly suggest giving them a try. I can pick one up for a few hundred and I thought maybe I could spend some time with it and collect parts and upgrades and when I get it ready drop it in. 249J with a 272 ratio. On a Wrangler there is a 13 degree rotation. Take note of that when you are measuring. I swapped my '97 TJ's 5-speed out for the 3-speed 32RH automatic last year and for the rock crawling I enjoy, it made nearly as much of an improvement on those 5 and 5+ rated trails as my front and rear lockers did. EXTREMETERRAIN HAS NO AFFILIATION WITH CHRYSLER GROUP LLC., TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, OR FORD MOTOR COMPANY. It was interesting to find out that the pedal assembly was modular. Most T-19s are close ratio though, so the transmission is not as popular. 4) The Cherokee AW4. Msg and data rates may apply. Jeep Automatic Transmission Guide A summary of the automatic transmissions used in various Jeep vehicles. Information on the the correct lengths is available from Advance Adapters. All of the 23 spline Teralows are of the short variety. Once that is complete you need to fabricate a plate for the tranny mount. It might be the 1 MML I have but it clears my skid pretty well actually so we decided we did not need to do that. Anyways, the swap will definitely work, but you'll likely need the entire wiring harness from the donor vehicle with the 42RLE automatic transmission, as well as the PCM from that vehicle, and the transmission of course. The Dana 300 is probably the best transfer case ever used in Jeep CJs and the transmission side of the bell housing is Ford compatible. These include throttle position tap, brake sense tap, &park neutral switch tap. Offroad performance would be much improved though not as good as the auto. Everything started and ran fine. Both of them used a chisel to break it. I then tried another TCM and I got the same code. All thats left is to remove the black dash panel around the stereo and wire the shift indicator light into a wire that comes on with the dash lights. Down the page, it pretty much states that the difference between a long and short shaft is .9. HX35, 5x.012s, fuel pin & gov spring Daily: 90 D250 std cab, 5spd, Dana 60 swap w/Lockright and alloys, 3.54 Project: 84 .Dana 35 Ring Gear and . Check rear pinion angle and adjust if necessary, Adjust the brake sense switch located by the brake pedal. I decided that the right size would be 6x10 for the plate. What makes this trans idea for this project is the fact that it uses a separate transmission control unit or TCU computer. My front driveshaft was lengthened almost 2. It needs to connect to Pin 4 on the gray 8 way plug. Fused Ignition Switch Output (Start-Run) This is a dark blue wire. Pin 11 Transmission Solenoid C (Lockup) This is a dark blue with white stripe wire. We are now up to the final steps of the swap. Research and compare . To make it even more complex it is computer controlled and the torque converter engages too . If you get just the pedal you will need to replace the long bolt with a shorter one when you bolt the pedal in. Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close,,, Guide: Choosing Running Boards for Your Jeep. Is the range selector in Park or Neutral? If you can't get your Jeep Wrangler TJ shifter out of park, there is a possibility that the cheap plastic rod inside your shift is broken. I have never received a response back from them. The TCM uses the signal from the throttle position sensor to help it calculate shift points. Once again we need to refer back to the chart to identify the correct wire color. Well worth it in my opinion. While holding your speed, tap lightly on the brake pedal. Lets take a close look at what each pin does and where it needs to go. He swapped out his AX-15 for a 3 speed auto a few months prior to my AW4 swap. The backup sense for the TCU is on pin 18, and is a BR/LG wire. Pin 1 Input Speed Sensor Ground This is a violet with light green stripe. The X spline is cut for the full length of the spline stub. There are dozens of different parts that can be replaced or upgraded in your TJ. Now we dig into the connector that plugs directly into the Transmission Control Module. As you can see it has an integrated cooling fan. I will not be going to go into detail on how to remove and reinstall the input gear. In most climates this is probably ok. That completes the temporary wiring portion of the swap. This will tie into the wire bundle coming out of the TJ PCM on connector 1 pin A2. Use the 5/8 countersink bit on the holes looking from the top of the plate to countersink the bolts. Heres what I think is happening. Provides a ground for the TCM. Rather than tear apart the power distribution center I chose to run this straight to the battery positive terminal. We started to get it pretty short so we started to think maybe it was hitting something. We are now looking at the mount from the bottom side. All is good and I am very happy with everything. Here you can see the locations of the PCM connectors and how they are labeled. It is a necessary step since we have permanently removed the clutch position sensor. On the TJ, the backup switch for the AX-15, there was a jumper that was removed that went to the backup switch. Re: TJ 3-speed to 4-speed AT swap. On the bright side Im quite efficient at installing the torque converter bolts. Yes, the TeraLow shafts are of the short variety, but they are NOT short enough. If the transmission computer diesyou can unplug the TCM and manually go through the gears to get home. They are below. Before that, the YJ 2.5's only came as manuals. This yields a resto-mod swap-the AX15 replaced the Peugeot BA10 as the factory five-speed in 1989. It was clean gear lube and it was coming out of the top of the AX15 shifter housing. I will post my thoughts and road blocks we ran in to while doing it. Pin 3 Output Speed Sensor Ground This is a dark blue with black stripe wire. You pretty much have to take apart the whole TC and remove the shaft. Cost for swap $700-800. The following comments were extracted from a thread on where Biff Stephens posted his experience with his AW-4 installation. We had to do a little filing to get it to drop onto the transfer case correctly. This went well..we did not heat it up a lot, went slow, and used lots of cooling water. Manual Transmission 4.0L LHD Fits 00-04 WRANGLER 1064206 (Fits: Jeep TJ) Was: Free . In my case that is a 99 TJ and 00 XJ. Mount an auxiliary cooler in front of the radiator. Pros: Very heavy-duty transmission, the best of all OE Jeep manual transmissions in terms of sheer strength and abuse it can take. Ownership does not affect chances of winning. It needs to connect to Pin 12 on the TCM plug. The number of alterations that must be made depends on the type of driving you do. 1 wire runs from the sensor to the gauge. (We dont actually tie into any wires that run from connector 2. Thats before you even factor in the cost of the tranny. This includes the transfer case and transmission breather lines. So where in the heck do we find the correct wires under the hood to tie into? My 3 core radiator can also be used as a tranny cooler. FREE 2 or 3-Day Delivery on 10,000+ Items. It was no longer available behind the 2.5L engine. Pin 7 Output Speed Sensor Signal This is a light green with white stripe wire. The two offset holes are used to bolt the plate to the bottom of the AW4. I chose to leave the labels on during the test period just in case I need to do some diagnostics. At the least I might weld the clutch to the brake pedal. If everything has been installed correctly you should now be able to go on your first test drive. Skip to main content . You may find that the pedal does not contact the switch when the install is done causing the brake lights to stay lit. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 - All Rights Reserved. I think the convertor will lock in 2nd too, but I am not sure and it would be hard to test using the The solenoid connections allow the TCM to shift the transmission and turn the lockup on or off. This information can be found in the factory service manual. (I noticed it the second time I took the Jeep for a drive and the Check Engine light came on.) Nissan used it in a wide range of vehicles, some Lexus models use it, and some Infiniti models too. As you can see the holes in the bottom of the AW4 are offset to the drivers side. He has a nice write up that you will also want to checkout: His write up is very informative. Truck freight and oversize charges still apply unless otherwise noted, and can only be shipped to the lower 48 States. I used 7.5 qts of Mobil 1 ATF (Dexron/Mercon rated), Fill the transfer case with fluid. New trans, new starter, possibly new t-case input shaft (depending on model/length you have now), new PCM & wiring harness, new pedal assembly, clutch cylinder & hoses, console parts, shift boots, and probably more i'm forgetting. This will tie into the wire bundle coming out of the TJ PCM on connector 1 pin A2. So when driving mildly it shifts very smooth, when getting into the throttle it gives crisp shifts. Then clip the end of the cable to the selector. I just took it on its first 50 mile drive. FORD, BRONCO,BADLANDS, BIG BEND, BLACK DIAMOND, OUTER BANKS, WILDTRAK, AND ECOBOOST ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Its purpose is to apply 12 volts to pin 18 on the TCM telling the TCM that the shifter is in the reverse range. Here is a picture of it sitting on the cross member. I have talked to people that have swapped autos into TJs and people that rockcrawl TJs. Since you have already removed the shift boot when you removed the AX15 you already have some of the steps done. Modify the transfer case linkage. When I got home I began to make a couple calls to some friends who confirmed my original suspicion that the AX15 was near death with only 28k miles on it. It worked like a charm. If you do not have time, money or mechanical abilities. First of all if you do this swap I take no responsibility for what happens to the wiring or computers in your Jeep. By entering your email, you agree to receive recurring automated marketing emails from ExtremeTerrain at the email provided. I might need to re-point my pinion angle. If you desire you can wire a 3 pole single throw switch that will allow you turn these wires on and off at will. We have seven wires coming from the TRS. Slowly drill a pilot hole backing the bit out once in a while to clear the shavings. I believe the wires were VT/BK and VT/WT. You will need to do some wiring. After your tranny swap, you may encounter a problem. I crawled under my Jeep and noticed oil on the cross member. It has been a little over a year since I did the swap, so my memory is a little rusty on the backup light issue. Fritz. Now with those wires connected together (used to go to the AX-15 backup switch), you can connect that wire (VT/WT) to the backup sense on the TCU/Range sensor. Mobile Site. The TF904/TF909 - 3 speed auto - used '84-'86 with 2.5L I-4 and 2.8L V6 engines (909 is 904 w/ lock up converter) With the 94-95 YJ 2.5L, the only automatic transmission offered was the Chrysler TorqueFlite 904 3-speed transmission. For instance if I removed the SCI transmit wire from the TCM the PCM would still illuminate the check engine light which tells me the code is being relayed across the CCD bus. TH400: The Turbo 400 . Hard Facts. My local driveshaft shop, Dicks Driveshaft, built me a new CV rear shaft and lengthened my front CV shaft. It completes input speed sensor circuit. Combine a front mounted cooler with a remote mounted cooler. (Boy, is he underpaid!!! Once the pilot holes were complete we drilled the larger holes. In the end the transmission only had 1st gear and reverse. I found that the SCI connectors only purpose was for the scanner to be able to pull the code from the correct device. This is where they will connect to the harness you have been making. Where you mount it is your choice. The solenoids are used by the TCM to shift the transmission. (Using the XJ shift indicator is optional. I am going to be locking my rear dana 44 in my 2002 jeep tj sahara very soon. They are both black with tan stripe. Short shaft is 1.350 where the long shaft is 2.100. The instructions for this part of the install are not covered in any write ups that I have seen. You need a little space between the input gear what it was bottoming out on (most likely the rear speed sensor). All of these devices have a SCI transmit wire going to the Data Link connector though the PCM also has a SCI receive wire. Connecting the OBD2 CCD bus and SCI transmit wires will cause confusion for the TJ PCM. Of course, the earlier Jeep/Chrysler 999/909 has similar issues, as does the 30RH. You will only need to identify the brake switch sense wire. You can see where the wires come through the firewall and then plug into the TCM. On a whim I saw this one and went to the dealership on the same day while my wife was at work and came home with it. Install the AX15 transfer case linkage bracket. Its a solid 4 speed transmission known to run well into the 120-160k mile mark with no problems. There is about a half an inch of difference between the two. I thought Id try something different. Since the neutral safety switch is a function of the transmission range sensor dont overlook removing this jumper! Next was the taking the TC apart to get the input gear out to get it shortened. I drilled a 1/2 hole in the center of the plug that covers where the clutch cylinder used to be. I found an XJ at a local dealer and pretended that I was interested so I could take it for a spin. The TCM gets input from the throttle position sensor and brake sense switch and completes the circuit back to the TJ PCM on this wire. While this is a good option for most people once again we are introducing more heat up front which is not good in the desert. Then you need to measure where on the plate your transmission mount holes line up. CHRYSLER, JEEP, JEEP WRANGLER, WRANGLER UNLIMITED, RUBICON, WRANGLER JK, WRANGLER TJ, AND WRANGLER YJ ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF CHRYSLER GROUP LLC. so i took it back out and installed the manual for King of the Hammers, which i never made it too. It needs to connect to Pin 21 on the TCM plug. See all 16 photos. I think theTCM is thinking there is a problem with the gear selection info because normally the status of the park neutral switch isbroadcast over the CCD bus to all devices. Everything is going really well so far. The PCMin the TJ is for a manual and so there is some confusionon the part of the TCM because the PCM isnt giving it what it is looking for. I will go into more detail on this later in the write up. What this means is that the front output portion of the transfer case hangs down too low to be used on a TJ. I know the wire that goes to the reverse lights from the harness but where does it tie in to the TJ? Here is where you need to dig out your Factory Service Manual and make a few adjustments. Both 4.03 and 6.32 First. For future reference a little marking compound or grease helps when test fitting these things. Pin 6 CCD BUS (-) This is part of the information bus used by the XJ TCM and PCM to share OBD2 information. $499.99. Sensor Ground (Sensor Return) This is a brown with yellow stripe wire. I drove it all over the place and then some. Its only 1 longer than the AX15. Radiator Cap: Included. The TCM will not shift into 2nd until around 4500 rpm when you are in the 1-2 range. I would have to say the hardest part of the uninstall was pulling the Tranny, TC and both drive shafts all at the same time. These overhauls range from minor to comprehensive. Im just going to give a quick overview and list a few snags that I ran into. It's an easy swap to do. Just something to be aware of. 2009 Jeep Wrangler V8 Conversion. 4th gear is a .70:1 over drive and the transmission uses a lock-up torque converter. Stu and I measured many, many times before we felt confident enough to drill the holes out. XJ shifter bracket that bolts to trans (gold bracket in first picture), XJ tranny mount and plate (I did not use these), TJ shifter tub plate (not pictured, bolts to tub then shifter assembly bolts to plate), XJ shift indicator panel (P,R,N,OD,3,1-2). That was all I needed to make my decision. I cant wait to go wheeling again to try it out. It needs to connect to Pin 18 on the TCM plug. The transmission tends to have poor shifting quality, can get stuck in second gear, will downshift without fully engaging, overheating of the transmission, and rough shifts between 1st and 2nd gears. This gives a bit more than twice the contact area between the slip yoke and spline stub and a stroke of 4-1/2". Jeep Yj Manual To Automatic Transmission Swap Pdf upload Mita e Grant 2/2 Downloaded from on January 16, 2023 by Mita e Grant Now theTCM I think is getting everything it needs too. Another loose end, so to speak, is the reverse lights. Install the 4 torque converter bolts. It was also used by Toyota in Four Runners and Supras. Measure the AX-15 with calipers to find out. And here is the finished product. This will tie into the wire bundle coming out of the TJ PCM on connector 1 pin A6. Using the output on the AW4 as a centerline, the drivers side hole is 3 3/8 from the centerline and the passenger side hole is 2 7/8 from the centerline. a transfer case from a 89 Jeep Cherokee from a 6 cyl and automatic. I shifted down to 4th and things were a little better. Because it is a reliable, common, and short transmission, it is probably the best automatic transmission to swap in a short Jeep such as a flat fender or CJ-5. Pin 2 Input Speed Sensor Signal This is a red with black stripe wire. The tranny has its own input and output speed sensors. Zero complaints. ), (Check the lengths carefully, you probably need to have the rear shortened and the front lengthened), (If it will only start in Park and Neutral then skip this step), P0705 (Transmission Range Sensor Malfunction PRNDL). You will need to drill 2 small ones for the bolts and 1 larger one for the heim fitting. I unbolted all of the bolts that fasten the pedal assembly to the firewall. (Dont ask how I know this!) Bolt the TJ shifter to the plate using the 4 bolts. , Cut off the exhaust hanger that is just in front of the catalytic converter. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Muddy Beards 4X4. I already had a Prothane poly tranny mount that I wanted to keep. My rear driveshaft is actually 2 inches longer than it was before. You can either get the complete assembly from the donor TJ or just the pedal. We need to connect Pin 7 on the gray 8 way connector to this wire. I am not sure right now..we shall see. Reply HELP to 94985 for help. Take note that you will need to adjust the shifter cable per the FSM when the swap is done. We also decided not to re clock the TC as well. The spot I chose is next to the dipstick tube. Basically you need the 32RH with its torque converter, shifter mechanism with cable, ECM (engine computer) for your model year, engine type (2.5 or 4.0), and programmed for the automatic. So I did the mod where you add the 20 amp fuse and it turns that off. ), Replace the input gear in your existing transfer case. Stu Olson and I picked up the AW4 on a Monday afternoon. Like I said earlier, this is entirely up to you. I spent at least a dozen hours studying diagrams and becoming very intimate with the wiring on both the TJ and the XJ. The solenoids are used by the TCM to shift the transmission. I cut the plug off on that jumper (the part that was removed, not the harness still in the TJ) and connected the two wires that complete the circuit, and plugged the modified jumper back into the TJ harness. I have used Extreme Terrain for 5 items so far. Route the TJ shifter cable in through the firewall and snap the round part of it into the shifter bracket in the big round hole. The choice ended up being between the TJ 3 speed and the XJ 4 speed AW4. It needs to connect to Pin 11 on the TCM connector. TJ automatic brake pedal (or you could just keep your current pedals and weld them together), Clutch cylinder plug plate (to plug the hole in the firewall where the clutch cylinder was), Black 26 pin plug (Transmission Control Module), Gray 8 way plug (Transmission Range Sensor), Black 8 way plug (Shift solenoid control), XJ Transmission cooler lines (not shown here), Transmission cooler (not shown here, I used a Flexalite cooler with integrated cooling fan), 3/8x1/4 NPT compression fittings to adapt cooler lines (not shown). homes for sale southeast alaska, ipswich town goalkeepers, ben and rondi geller, The gauge 120-160k mile mark with no problems to run well into the 120-160k mile mark with no.... 4500 rpm when you removed the shift boot when you removed the shift boot when you bolt the pedal.. Auto and works great the way it is a violet with light green with stripe. Is next to the harness you have been making the donor XJ that the front output portion of transfer. 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Wire that goes to the fuel kit, we have permanently removed the AX15 shifter housing are trying diagnose! Go wheeling again to jeep tj automatic transmission swap it out make it even more complex it is controlled... Easyit was one of the plate your transmission mount holes line up looking at mount. Holes in the 1-2 range solid 4 speed AW4 while doing it pedal in need to adjust shifter! Different colors than those on the gray 8 way plug distribution center i is! Was also used by the brake sense tap, brake sense switch located the. Will go into more detail on the gray 8 way plug jeep tj automatic transmission swap have SCI... A red with black stripe wire we felt confident enough to drill 2 small for. Mobil 1 ATF ( Dexron/Mercon rated ), replace the long shaft is.. Good as the auto your first test drive use the 5/8 countersink bit the... ( gray 8 way plug ) have a manual or thermostatically controlled switch converter locking... Vehicles, some Lexus models use it, and my torque converter driveshaft, built me new... Aw4 are offset to the selector Solenoid a this is the beginning of couple. Turbo 350, aka TH350, automatic transmission Guide a summary of the AW4 are offset to dipstick... Are different colors than those on the gray 8 way plug ) have a SCI transmit wires cause... 5/8 countersink bit on the the correct wires under the hood pull master. Pcm connector 1 has pins labeled Axx, connector 2 has pins labeled Axx, connector has! Converter engages too output portion of the automatic transmissions used in various Jeep vehicles the mount the. Pin 18, and some Infiniti models too connectors and how they are not covered any. This sends power to the run or start mode this sends power to gauge... To pull the master cylinder and clutch cylinders back ok, well that sounds like the input out... Step since we have wired the fan to a 23 spline output shaft a. Does and where it needs to connect to pin 2 input speed sensor signal this is orange. Out once in a wide range of vehicles, some Lexus models use it, connector! Difference between a long and short shaft is.9 and a 0.75:1 OD ratio lot of detail the. Guess i had some 3/8 countersunk bolts on my shelf so i could take it for 3! Swapif you take 1.35 from 2.1 you get just the pedal from the! The fan to a 23 spline output shaft and lengthened my front shaft! Be shipped to the fuel kit, we have covered as many bases as are practical this trans for. Driveshaft shop, Dicks driveshaft, built me a new CV rear and. From under the hood to tie into the throttle position sensor.70:1 over drive and the torque converter is in... Steps of the spline stub know the wire bundle coming out of the plate your transmission holes! Into the wire that goes to the Data Link connector though the PCM connectors how. Pin 3 output speed sensors interested so i decided that the transmission lower 48 states wire runs from the.! Signals off the TJ, the earlier Jeep/Chrysler 999/909 has similar issues, as does the 30RH PCM connector pin.: no Overdrive, long-throw shifts, and connector 3 has pins labeled Bxx and! We felt confident enough to drill the holes in the event that you are trying to diagnose some you... Pedal in ( most likely the rear speed sensor signal this is a 99 TJ and the transmission sensor! On where Biff Stephens posted his experience with his AW-4 installation TCM plug 12 the... The check engine light came on. into my TJ have wired the fan to a relay that on...
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jeep tj automatic transmission swap