Was previously listed as an Eyewear item in earlier versions of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Speak to them there for a Selfie. As for the other Vampires, make use of the Ghastly Grasp ability to inflict chain damage, as a last resort you can use Mysterion's Ultimate ability Cruel Fate if they were to ever affect you too much. I've found 15 and given the nature of that number I think that's all of them, but if I'm missing any please let me know. Once Corey Haim's health has been brought down to less than half of his health bar, he will proceed to possess Karen, using her as an extension of his Thrilling Touch ability, which revives fallen Vampire Swarmers; however he won't have the ability to attack from this point on. Chiquita's attack process will remain the same throughout the entire battle, repeat the same strategy until he is finally brought down. He will also be set as a fixed combat buddy for this mission. What about the kid by the wishing well? If you do not wish to be spoiled, do not read it. Blast into the pipe located at the rear store room of Tweek Bros. Coffee, then collect from the pouch dropped onto the floor. Use the propane tank here and push it towards the Vamp Kids before hitting it with a Snack N Pop and then. Use the propane tank here and push it towards the Vamp Kids before hitting it with a Snack N Pop and then tossing a fart at it to detonate it. Mr. Adler. After jumping off the waterfall, the Coon will then comment that the New Kid actually did it, even though it was a crazy idea. Once all treasure available has been looted, make your way out of the cave by the wooden door on the very right. Sitting in the living room and the kitchen, Mr Stevens Upon entering the left dining area, you will notice a bunch of Vampires observing Chiquita the Gorilla making some sopaipillas. Inside Tweek Bros. Coffee Shop. This battle can be quite enduring, as the clamato juice fountain will constantly provide health regeneration and an attack boost to the vampires, as long as they are in the fountain's telegraphed area. Inside D-Mobile on day two. Have the Martial Artist sub-class. Outside Cartmans House. Next to the New Kids house on the right. With that, make your way to the right side of the arcade; there will be three arcade games that you can play to obtain arcade tickets: the skee-ball game, the El Chupacabra shooting game, and the Fish Quest arcade game (which is a 16-bit version of the jumping mini-game from the side mission Touch the Sky). This means, "and it is crew". After collecting all available items inside the room, you may proceed through the door. If you throw pops at him he drops it and you can pause time and pick it up before he does. Available as one of the selectable Accent Makeup options during the part of creating The New Kid after the game's prologue. After you get the Farkour Buddy Power. The evidence room has to be accessed by a vent on the wall after leaving the holding cells area as the main door will be locked. This article or plot contains spoilers from the actual game. Equip a psychic power then talk to him. Before heading in though, you're now free to take a selfie with the Casa Bonita host. The Coon will then request you to take a picture with him. Once you have access, simply speak with Ned. This outfit will be automatically fitted when the Netherborn's Ultimate ability is initiated. You can find her right outside Cartmans house at the start of the game. Contents 1 Overview 2 List of Coonstagram followers 2.1 South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Base Game) 2.2 From Dusk to Casa Bonita 2.3 Bring the Crunch Overview Coonstagram is an app in which characters use to communicate with each other. Mr Tweak Counter them by making use of Henrietta's Baleful Blessing on herself or on the other party members (make sure they're within distance of the vampires), the ability will inflict Lifesteal on the vampires draining their health and recovering your own in the process, also make use of your Dire Shroud ability for further protection and life recovery. First, destroy the crate blocking the ladder's opening by dragging the oil drum next to it, and blowing it up by throwing Snap N Pops and a fart to the oil drum. Kill the weakest first and use your AOE attacks when they first appear so that you can dish out as much damage to all of them at once as possible. Collecting Costumes will boost the "Outfitter"title inside the Character Sheet app, providing rewards to the toy chest once the title rank has been reached. Unlike South Park: The Stick of Truth, costumes are purely cosmetic (i.e. If hes not there, you can leave the bar and come back to find him sitting by the counter. Speak with Sharon behind the counter. Not sure if theres anything that can be done except load a earlier save. Collect from the top shelf of the steel cabinet located inside the garage of Cartman's House. That wraps up our South Park The Fractured But Whole Selfie Guide. Ghastly Grasp will be one of your most useful attacks here, thanks to its ability to inflict chain damage on any adjacent enemies, also make use of your Timefart Summon ability to gain an extra hand. "It's" shouldn't have an apostrophe. David This South Park The Fractured But Whole Selfie Guide will tell you who you can take a selfie with, where to find them, any associated requirements and everything you need to know for how to get more followers on Coonstagram. Before taking them on, break the nearby flower pots, then breaksignboard by the right side and head to the bag to collect some crafting components as well asthe present box behind to obtain the Braids of Dread and Shmo Hawk costume items. PC Principal This is a complete list of costumes available in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and where to find them. Seen hanging on the tree by the left of South Park Community Center. Where to Find Condoms. The bag in the back-left corner of the area has 1x Honey Sopaipilla, whilst the bag behind the front, left table contains $2.20. You need the firecracker ability first. Return it to him, put it in the circle and then use the firecracker ability to light the candles. You need to buy the $30 contract to take a Selfie with him. Coonstagram is an in-game mechanic in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Talk to him to take the Selfie. does not directly affect stats / upgraded in any way) compared to the costumes in South Park: The Stick of Truth. You may also head back into the arcade to obtain all of the exclusive Artifacts available for exchange at the arcade's counter by replaying the arcade games available in there; also you can make your way back to the top and dive down the waterfall again to initiate its corresponding mini-game to collect any coins missed. Randy Marsh Loot from the bag hidden behind the stage at South Park Town Square. Defeat the batch of Sixth Graders standing guard next to a power generator between two moats of electrified puddles by the right of Buca De Faggoncini, then loot the bag located at the same area afterwards. Please help! Unfortunately I had to start over from the beginning. In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, costumes are purely cosmetic (i.e. Bertie (unjam tickets in Bola Skee machine). To help you navigate Lake Tardicaca (and the Bring The Crunch DLC in general) I've put together this Bring The Crunch guide below. Vampires has taken Mysterion's (Kenny McCormick) sister Karen into custody by dragging her to Casa Bonita. Beat up the 6th grader bullying him. Peppermint Hippo strip club. Arcade Ticket x1 0:07Arcade Ticket x1 0:14Selfie Berti 0:18Selfie Calvin \u0026 Ms. Winkelman 0:50Arcade Ticket x15 5:03Ministrel of Ruin Recipe \u0026 Tome of Teleportation Recipe 5:30Selfie Black Bart 6:52Skeleton Face 7:04Chin Spikes 7:30Skull of Sick Burning 8:47Mariachi Sombrero 9:19Rosie Updo \u0026 Rosie Face 9:28Selfie Mr \u0026 Mrs Biggle 10:16Dreadnaut \u0026 Undercut 11:14Mariachi Suit, Raggedy Bangs, Wild Pony 12:08Skeleton Outfit 13:03Resonator of Souls 14:25Selfie Drew 15:46Selfie Master Vampire Adams \u0026 Mike Makowski 16:04Selfie Casa Bonita Host 16:30Ice Cubes 16:42Braids of Dread, Schmo Hawk, Mariachi Mustache 17:22Selfie Mariachi Band 17:38 (change hair color to black)Selfie Chiquita 19:36Selfie Karen 20:18 Use Timefart Glitch to bring back the cart to its original state, then push it to the end of the track at the far right. Once making your way up, break the first plank on the left with Snap N Pops, then climb on it and enter the cave to loot the chest containing 15 arcade tickets and a Vampiric Elixir. The slide thing is all the way to the right, so I cant get up the ramp/beam and i cant move it. Timefart Glitch and Diabetic Rage abilities required to gain access looting it. Stan Marsh Mysterion will later notice his sister has dressed up as one of them, prompting him to comment that he must save her before she is really transformed into one of them. Access Chest in Black Barts Cove with 15x Tickets inside, Guide to South Park The Fractured But Whole Bring The Crunch DLC, South Park The Fractured But Whole DLC guide, Ubisoft Reveals More Information on Far Cry 5 DLC and Map Editor, How to Unlock the Arcade Pro Outfit (Week 2 Live Event) Far Cry 5, Explosion Hazard Live Event Guide Far Cry 5. Morgan Freeman Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2023. Inside City Wok. Dressing Rooms. Ascend to the upper platform via the cart and loot it from a pile of treasure located at the rightmost area. Press the corresponding buttons just like the regular toilet mini-game, once successful, the image "Deuce Rider" will be displayed. You will notice that there is a propane tank next to the sopaipilla counter and a pinata hanging from a beam above the Vampires. Daniel & Natalie Make your way down afterwards via the ladder next to the fridge. Proceed to collect the skull behind it to obtain the Skeleton Face costume item. At least the DLC is shortish. Complete Microaggression Academy. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Mysterion then calls out Karen to come with him back, however she refuses and proceeds to take Mike with her and run to the back door, causing Mysterion to give chase. This article or plot contains spoilers from the actual game. Mysterion will then tell her to join forces, stating that they have a common enemy; she will then reluctantly join in the battle. Also outside New Kids house at the start of the game. Mrs Stevens Inside the bank, she is the clerk. Cristal & Shawna The game may auto save but its important to save certain areas in different save slots to help from starting over. Mr. Adams then proceed to take the door's key out of his pocket, opening it. The Clerk in the police station. You will need to collect all ten of the coins from the mini-game to have a selfie with one of the patrons inside Casa Bonita. South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Bring the Crunch . In Kyles house, the room opposite his. Complete his side quest and he will take a Selfie with you. Haywire ability required to gain access looting it. Postman Terrance + Phillip Backpack bedside table near arcade entrance. Eventually, you'll reach to the top platform, where you will witness Mike and Karen making their way out of the place via the top exit, while Human Kite from an Alternate Universe will proceed to leave. In Raisins. I think the fourth selfies you anyway. You need the Fartkour Buddy Power to get up there. Inside Cartmans House. Complete all the police missions. He will then proclaim that the New Kid is in the "Water Level" right now. does not directly affect stats / upgraded in any way) compared to the costumes in South Park: The Stick of Truth. Seen placed on a bust at the top of a row of lockers inside the backstage area of Peppermint Hippo; use Snap N Pops to bring it down, then collect it from the floor. You need to have taken a Selfie with Ike first. Similarly, make use of the Coon's Coon Claws and Henrietta's Cigarette Burn on Corey Haim for status effects damage whenever possible. Speak with them to find out what set they like best. Mr Daniels Be wary of their attacks though, as they can inflict them from a considerable range and do rather high damage. Make sure to equip a Brutalist power to convince him to take a selfie. Inside The Playground, near the ship. Requesting help from the New Kid to save his sister Karen from Vampires. I know that you have to dress in a mariachi costume to befriend a couple of the mariachi players and one befriends you regardless but I can't figure out how to get the 3rd one to befriend me does anyone know how to befriend him Officer Mike Many of our guides get updated with additional information. Timmy Access through men's bathroom ( requires TimeFart Pause) Shark Suit - Purchase from Bebe Nucleus Suit - Inside the Mephesto Labs This South Park The Fractured But Whole Side Quest Guide will guide you through the games many hidden side quests including where to find them and how to complete them. Eddie & Jeff Release Date: Make sure to equip a Cyborg power to convince him to take a selfie. Speak with Mosquito, Call Girl, Super Craig and Captain Diabetes for a Selfie. Mrs Tucker Three Newspaper Boxes (Next to Bus Stop). You will only need to defeat him to be victorious for this battle. Once inside Casa Bonita, Mysterion will scout for Karen, and you would have to figure out a way in. Loot from the chest dropped onto the upper level in the warehouse next to a scaffolding inside U-Stor-It during the mission, Loot from the chest inside the vent in the first room equipped with gun turrets during the mission, Loot from the bag inside a holding cell after accessing it through a wall opening (marked with a rat) from the area with a Fartkour puzzle during the mission. Available on the third day, sitting with Mrs. Black. You need to have completed the Crab People title. After Henrietta joins in your side, the remaining Vampires will join in the battle, proceed to take them all down. Every superhero needs to look the part. Craft it with the recipe purchased from Photo Dojo. You need Five Followers. Craft it with the recipe found from the yellow chest located above Freeman's Tacos. Henrietta's House. Proceed inside, where Mysterion will inform you that the last relic is inside. Loot it from the chest of drawers inside the master bedroom of Stan's House. Each time Chiquitas turn comes up, hell use his attack and then switch to the other side of the area. Available as one of the selectable Facial Hair options during the part of creating The New Kid after the game's prologue. Loot from the yellow chest located above D-Mobile. Once you choose your superhero persona and you leave Cartmans house, youre introduced to the full use of Coonstagram. After you complete Therapy Wars side quest. Inside his kitchen in Stans House. Bring it down with Snap N Pops, then collect it once it drops on the floor. However, in some exceptional cases, they can affect the battle ( Morgan Freeman serves as an example). The Detective inside the police station. Ms Cartman Defeat the batch of Sixth Graders camping near an abandoned restroom by the left of South Park Elementary, then loot the bag located at the same area afterwards. After the battle, a cut scene will play, showing Corey Haim being sucked back to the portal Master Vampire Adams conjured earlier. So long, partner. Keep heading left, you will then reach an area where some items can be collected. You can only take a Selfie with him after completing the Vigilante Marketing side quest. Mariachi Sombrero on wall beside photo/jail area. On day 4 at Crunchys Micro Brew. Next, make your way up the stairs and keep heading rightwards; loot from the pouch at the very end to obtain the Rosie Updo and Rosie Face costume items. All rights reserved. Just gotta give him 10 food items. Each time he completes his attack, more Vampires (Swarmers) will come in to back him up. Same thing happened to me but luckily I saved right before all that occurred. You need to pull the ladder out of the closet to reach the machine and then punch it for the Ice. Big Gay Al You need to complete the Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job quest before he will take a Selfie with you. This is the first time in South Park series ever to reveal how a child swims in breaststroke. Corey Haim is seen extremely annoyed by the kids in his way, complaining them being "ignorant". Ashley & Annie Nelson At the parking area next to Crunchy's Micro Brew, there will be an abandoned pickup truck propped up by a wench with a propane tank stored at the back. He then says would like to have a commemorative picture taken first; this leads to a brief argument between him and Mysterion. From Dusk till Casa Bonita is a mission in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, the content is included in the DLC "From Dusk till Casa Bonita", which needs to be purchased before the mission is available. Before heading inside, head to the very far left to loot a bag containing the Vamp Bangs costume item. You, however, have Mysterions assistance outside the battle, he will channel his powers to bring you all new abilities: the power of the Netherborn. Dogpoo It is recommended to at least complete Medicinal Fried Fiasco first before starting the mission, as you need a few abilities acquired from the main storyline to solve the puzzles found in this mission. Theres a pipe behind it. This new expansion places you away from South Park and has you facing off against Vampire Kids (not to be confused with goth kids), who are attempting to assimilate Kenny's sister Karen. Acquired after purchasing the Danger Deck DLC. Proceed to the left, along the way loot the pouch under the table being cleaned by a restaurant worker. Police Station (soft room) Complete his sidequest Scavenger Hunt: The Headshot Job. Crystal, Danica, Rhonda Continue making your way up via Fartkour. Conveniently, a car stops by and down comes three Vampire kids, and Mysterion decides to let the New Kid take on them. There will be a lot of instances where you can take selfies with Jimmy, especially after meetings. I cant for the life of me find them. Drag the camera towards the 'X' spot in front of him, then interact with it to take a photo with him. Chiquita the Gorilla will fight alongside some Vamp Kids. As soon as you enter this area, youll see Chiquita the Gorilla and a bunch of Vamp Kids. Before heading to the door, there will be numerous items that can be looted from the room. With no expression on the New Kid's face as usual, Mysterion take it as a yes, and decides to train the New Kid for their abilities to fight the enemies. I'll update the guide. Loot this for Costume Braids of Dread and Costume Schmo Hawk. Seen hanging on the wall next to the "JAIL" photo booth, use Snap N Pops to bring it down, then collect it. They will all take Selfies with you afterwards. Garbage Can and Paper Towel Dispenser in Mens washroom (Hombres). Loot from the chest located inside the garage of Kevin Stoley's House. Mr Mephesto Inside the South Park Senior Center, Mr Adams Youll find Chiquita by the buffet on the far left. Craft it with the recipe purchased from Raisins. The mariachi on the far left requires black hair. Must have a plantmancer sub-class. Make your way right, where you'll see piles of treasure waiting to be collected, however you can't make your way up just yet. There are three ways to get the meal ticket: The first way is by line-cutting: simply purchase them at the counter, however, in regards to Mysterion's obvious poverty, you would have to pay for him, which would amount to $34 for 2 tickets, and that can be rather costly. Make your way down, you can proceed to interact with the Broflovski family, seen having their meals, Human Kite, in his alter-ego Kyle Broflovski will interact with you first, Human Kite from an Alternate Universe will also follow suit. Compared to the portal master Vampire Adams conjured south park fractured but whole mariachi selfie some items can be collected their attacks though, you leave... Obtain the Skeleton Face costume item this area, youll see chiquita the Gorilla will fight some. And Henrietta 's Cigarette Burn on Corey Haim for status effects damage whenever possible the. Table being cleaned by a restaurant worker the rightmost area recipe purchased from Photo.. 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south park fractured but whole mariachi selfie