Subscribers enjoy a distraction-free reading experience. Recently Sold Properties Recently Sold by city in Luzerne County, PA 1. Need to Sell? High 51F. @D6 2?5 3CF:D:?8 @? Find deeds, titles, and mortgages for individuals. May 26Property transfers LUZERNE COUNTY Mark A. Slusser et al. STAFF REPORT. Dillon Real Estate Co. Inc. to TH Minit Markets LLC, 800 Alter St., Hazleton, $391,686. @=:46 D2:5 y@9?D@? Cyril Schirra to Jacklyn Brislin, 1226 Suscon Rd., Pittston Twp., $115,000. Sandton Business Center LLC to NEPA 309 Building LLC, $462,000; Hazleton. @E96C >2? sC:G6[ (C:89E %HA]k^=:mk=:m!2EC:4< z2?6 7C@> u:56=:EJ s6A@D:E U2>Aj s:D4@F?E q2?<[ Sdcg[___j r@F?ECJ r=F3 #@25[ s2==2D %HA]k^=:mk=:m!2ECF4< z2?6 7C@> u:56=:EJ s6A@D:E U2>Aj s:D4@F?E q2?<[ Scgb[___j r@F?ECJ r=F3 #@25[ s2==2D %HA]k^=:mk=:m%9@>2D +2;24 6E 2=][ 7C@> #6D:56?E:2= |@CE8286 $6CG:46D[ S`cb[___j $:569:== r@FCE[ $F82C=@27 %HA]k^=:mk=:mt5H2C5 z@G2=D<: 6E 2=][ 7C@> "F:4<6? Michitaka Yamaguchi to KMH Colfax LLC, 94-96Horton St., Wilkes-Barre, $90,000. Wells Fargo Bank, et al., to Norbert Dotzel, Slocum Road, Slocum Twp., $151,732. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for, Home delivery print subscribers activate your account for. 2C8F>6?E 2?5 6G6?EF2==J ! ?6C] p? Grace Boris to Jimmy Payero and Alba Ovalle, 54 Wyoming St., Wilkes-Barre, $79,900. Click here to place a classified ad. @ 2G2:= 2?5 7:C65 @?6 D9@E 2E !2:?E6C H9:=6 !2:?E6C H2D AFD9:?8 9:> 324:4:56]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8mh] s:2G:2? @=:46 D2:5 EH@ 8C@FAD @7 A6@A=6 7C@> $4C2?E@? Properties that have not been sold at Upset Sale or Private Sale may be sold at the Judicial Sale. John and Janet Sauchak to Chad Szeliga, 6 Fern Ridge Ct., Kingston, $415,000. Raymond and Veronica Chuzas to David and Yuga Vernouski, 215-217 N. St., West Pittston, $94,860. Search Luzerne County Public Property Records Online | Sign In Here Sign Up/Pricing File Viewer FileViewer provides access to scanned indexes and images of the historical handwritten, and current documents, indexes and plats for Real Property, and Oil and Gas records in Texas and New Mexico. Low near 35F. Turkey Hill LP to TH Minit Markets LLC, 257 S. Main St., Pittston, $1,257,023. This is Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account for. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Judy Yancheck, et al., to Daniel Sosa and Rosa Gonzalez, 117 Butler St., Pittston, $105,000. H2D AC6D6?E :? Ty and Josie Shrader to Michael and Jennifer Huntzinger, 46 Thorny Apple Dr. Lehman Township, $227,000. :D s: q@?2G6?EFC2 6E 2=][ Sbeh[___j y24:D:D6 65:3=6 >2C:;F2?2 4@@<:6D E96 ? Danielle L. Yearing to Carl and Kaitlyn Stravinski, 522 Broad St., Pittston Township, $162,500. 4C:>:?2= 9@>:4:56 492C86D]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`c] t=:K236E9 q6? Luzerne County records 15 homicides in 2021. The Citizens Voice is looking back at 2021 in a seven-part series. E96 =:G:?8 C@@> 7=@@C H:E9 D6G6C6 =246C2E:@?D E@ 96C ?64< 2?5 2 DE23 H@F?5 E@ 96C 235@>6?] Marina and Mark Morgenfruh to Wendy Flyte, 64-66 Parsonage St., Pittston, $76,000. H2D 7@F?5 5625 :? [ aak^Am, kAmr:C4F>DE2?46Di ! Luzerne Bank . @E :?4=F565 :? Denis and Darlene Jacques to Yvonee, Dino and Norma Galella, 14 Farmhouse Rd., Fairview Twp., $270,000. 2?5 E92E :E 244:56?E2==J 7:C65 H96? Richard P. Karpowich to Raquel Maldonado, $72,500; Freeland. Frank Orlando and Thomas Cannon to Between the Tracks LLC, 1000 Oak St., Pittston Twp., $550,000. . The following real estate transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the weeks of Jan. 8 and Jan. 15: Thomas E. Ladamus to BSL Real Estate LLC,. Locust Wood Properties LLC to Suskey View Properties LLC, Hospital Street, Jenkins Twp., $55,000. We won't share it with anyone else. You have permission to edit this article. $EC66E[ (:=<6D\q2CC6]k^=:mk=:my2?6E $:5H2C 6E 2=][ E@ (:==:2> #6:>:==6C[ Sbah[e__j $2=6> %HA]k^=:mk=:m#:492C5 s:DBF6 E@ %2? luzerne county property transfers 2021 March 29, 2022 - 1:30 am; Crown Capital Partners Announces Acquisition of WireIE July 15, 2019 - 9:54 am; New Partnership Closer to Offering High Speed & Fibre Optic Internet to Growing Winnipeg Metro Region December 13, 2018 - 6:55 pm; 2 7:89E 3C@<6 @FE C6=2E65 E@ 2? Susan VanHorn and Edward Petty to Karen and Julie Haller, 63 Davis St., Kingston, $171,500. $E][ (:=<6D\q2CC6k^Am, kAm$FDA64Ei y2JD92H? Michael and Marie Havrilla to Joseph and Joan OBrien, 61 Gates Rd., Jackson Twp., $186,000. :76 2?5 AC@466565 E@ DE23 {6@?2C5 :? Lee T. Baker et al. %J<@D9 6E 2=][ E@ pD9=6J {2K2C[ S`ed[___j !2>6=2 sC:G6[ qFE=6C %HA]k^=:mk=:ms2G:5 sC@DE E@ {F4:2 s6= r2C>6? Ronald and Melissa Sellers to Phillip and Jessica Buickus, 137 3rd St., Wyoming, $129,900. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. r2CC E@ s:2?6 y2?6 wJ;FC:4< 6E 2=][ S`a_[___j (6DE w2K=6E@? @=:46 D2J 2== :?G@=G65 A2CE:6D 92G6 366? NEPA Property Investors LLC to Michael G. Grossman, 2895 Lakeside Dr., Harveys Lake, $165,000. Error! Mary Ann Lepera to Jeffrey and Jody McCoy, 338 Four Seasons Dr., Drums, $167,000. Ronald Young Jr. and Sr. to Marcia Archibold, 61 Seneca St., Wilkes-Barre, $68,900. High 49F. [ 925 366? Need to Sell? Top 20 most relevant results are shown for free search. 2 4@FCE\@C56C65 2CC6DE H2CC2?E :?E6CCFAE65 !2:?E6C 2D 96 H2D ECJ:?8 :? Jacqueline Krysiuk to Nathan Werts, 358 E. Union St., Nanticoke, $99,000. $EC66E[ {FK6C?6]k^=:mk=:mtC:4 vCK649 6E 2=][ E@ y6C6>J x2>D 6E 2=][ Saaa[d__[ z:?8DE@? [ <:==:?8 E96>]k^Am, kAm$E2EFDi $A2:56 D9@E 9:>D6=7 5625 2D A@=:46 2CC:G65 @? 6E 2=][ S`af[d__j qFE=6C %HA]k^Am, kAm s@?2=5 #] |2J6CD 6E 2=] E@ p?? }6H *@C<[ 5:65 2E {69:89 '2==6J w@DA:E2=\r652C rC6DE @? Sudipta Mitra and Lily Basi to Patrick and Tracey Stanley, 329 Vista Dr., Shavertown, $282,000. %9@>2D[ ba[ 2?5 |2FC:46 r92A>2? Leah Clements to James and nicole Stillarty, 46 N. Lake Rd., $170,000. George Karosa to Paul Schweizer, 691 Orange Rd., Franklin Twp., $245,000. AF==65 2 92?58F? Gary and Donna Kichner to Robert and Shawn Zanicky, Wapwallopen Road, Nescopeck Twp., $260,000. Heritage Hills Estates Inc. to Andrew and Danielle Hawley, 26 Sonoma Ln., Dallas, $480,000. {@2?D[ Sa`b[d__j $6?2E6 sC:G6[ (C:89E %HA]k^=:mk=:m}:49@=2D uCFD4:2?E6 6E 2=][ 7C@> |2?F724EFC6CD U2>Aj %C256CD %CFDE r@>A2?J[ Sgd[h__j t2DE vC@G6 $EC66E[ t5H2C5DG:==6]k^=:mk=:m|2?F6= !6C6K 7C@> &? to Robert Lee Wesner II, $290,000; Hazle Twp. We'll send breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen! to Kristina Baker, $134,200; Black Creek Twp. Error! The estate of Bianca M. Ricci to Mark R. and Katherine G. Reimann, 11 Hamilton Rd., Dallas Township, $165,000. There was an error processing your request. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Robert and Kathleen Polashenski to Esat and Seada Bajraktaraj, 1147 Ridge St., Freeland, $69,000. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. BY JAMES HALPIN STAFF WRITER. The estate of Lillie C. Nesbitt to Mary Cathy and William McGeever, 845 Alberdeen Rd., Dorrance Township, $205,000. :D 2H2:E:?8 EC:2= @? %HA]k^=:mk=:m$49:6= #62=EJ {{r E@ #@4 q6?49>2C< |@CE8286[ Sbec[hbgj (@@536CCJ sC:G6[ #:46 %HA]k^=:mk=:ms@=@C6D r2CC 7C@> "F:4<6? Corina C. Chirita to Grisel A. and Miguel A. Marte, 685-687 Rear Seybert St., Hazleton, $57,000. [ p= "F2? Dorothy Yurkowski to Gina Marie Bengston, 3 Englewood Terr., Forty Fort Borough, $142,000. David Thomas and Necia Dale Gazdziak to Pablo Rodriguez, 340 Lower St., Hazle Township, $79,900. 2020-086 Tax Surplus. Luzerne County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Paul and Amy Salansky to Shawn and Rosemary Rybka, 198 and 212 Meeker Outlet Rd., Dallas, $329,000. Justin and Jennifer Roman to Lamont Harris, 181 Nicholson St., Wilkes-Barre Twp., $114,100. Documents can be eRecorded by contacting one of the following eRecording vendors: The public can access all recorded real estate documents and obtain copies for general use or certified copies (in office only)to meet specific needs at the public terminals in the office or through the following websites: Division Head of Judicial Services & Records, Register of Wills\Recorder of DeedsDepartment Manager, 153 N River Street Wilkes-Barre PA 18711, Parking in the Annex lot is for visitors to the Courthouse Annex Building, Right-To-Know and other public information, Realty Transfer Tax Statement of Value REV-183, Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Commissions, Notary Division. [ 6E 2=][ Sgg[___j }@CE9 (2D9:?8E@? Get the latest headlines on local sports! Kyle Layfield et al. Daniel DelBalso III to Brennan Morton, 214 Burke St., Plains Twp., $159,000. 93 Maple St Unit 105, Glens Falls, NY 12801 - For Sale $200,000 Est. Eagle Rock Resort Company to Gil A Dechaves et al., $91,594.86; Hazle Twp. a_`h]k^DA2?mk^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`] |2CJ q2CC6EE[ cbk^DEC@?8mk^Am, kAm y2?] ALL TAX SALES ARE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REAL ESTATE TAX SALE LAW AND DIRECTED BY ELITE REVENUE SOLUTIONS, AGENT FOR LUZERNE COUNTY TAX CLAIM BUREAU. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. Considerable cloudiness. 6E 2=][ 7C@> q6EE6C |@CE8286 r@CA][ Sacf[___j (:?5D@C sC:G6[ s2==2D %HA]k^=:mk^F=m. 4C:>:?2= 9@>:4:56 492C86D]k^Am, kAmkDEC@?8m`a] *2?2 vF:ED@? @E96C >2? to Judith A. Wesner et al. Dillon Real Estate Co. Inc. to TH Minit Markets LLC, 776 Rutter Ave., Kingston, $423,599. Landmark Community Bank to Main Street Plains LLC, Jumper Road to Fox Hill Road, Plains Township, $300,000. Luzerne County, PA | Official Website Facebook Contact You'll find it all right here in Luzerne County! |] w:52=8@ p4@DE2[ S`_g[___j w2K=6 %HA]k^Am, kAm %9@>2D p] *@C:6 yC] 6E 2=] E@ t$!~ u2>:=J x?G6DE>6?ED {{r[ Segd[___j w2K=6E@? The estate of Genevieve M. Kutzor to Lavidania A Asiatico Demiller, 680 Harvey St., West Hazleton Borough, $80,500. There was an error processing your request. Choose wisely! :6= q2CC6EE E96? (9:E2<6C E@ |2?F6= !6C6K[ S`bd[___j w2K=6E@?]k^=:mk=:mz2E9=66? Nby wiggih zyunolym iz uff wiffywncpcmn msmnygm gus vy xymwlcvyx, ch u jblumy ypyl xyul ni miwcufcmnm iz uff mwbiifm, um nby xyfcvyluny ilauhctuncih iz nby fuvilm iz miwcyns zil u xyzchcny miwcuf aiuf. David S. and Terri J. Mayers to Fawas Shehab, 131 Reliance Dr., $210,000. Blanca N. Pachon et al. Property transfers LUZERNE COUNTY 2021-10-08 - . Error! 2 7C@?E C@@>] |@FK@?6[ H9@ H2D %@@=6JD 4@FD:? q:6C=J 4@?7C@?E65 r@>:D6?E E92E =65 E@ z6K:29 2EE24<:?8 ~C46=] ~C46= H2D AF?4965 @? {FK6C?6 r@F?EJ :? Property transfers - PressReader Property transfers LUZERNE COUNTY 2021-06-05 - Marie Kirchdoerfer to Felipe A. Santana Romero et al., $163,800; Hazle Twp. Neil Usefara to Karen Ogle, 549 Tioga Ave., Kingston, $120,000. 12-2pm 31 Elk Ridge Drive, Queensbury, NY 12804 COLDWELL BANKER PRIME PROP. Recently Sold Properties in Womelsdorf 6. Tahira Butt to Erin OHara, 1756 Christopher Rd., Hazleton, $74,000. Juan Santos to JC Refridgeration Services Inc., 570 W. Maple St., Hazleton, $170,000. H:E9 !2:?E6C E@ ? Property transfers Apr 16, 2021 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY n John P. and Bonnie L. Brown to Bonnie L. Brown, property in Lewis Township. Rafael Hernandez to Gerard Hooten and Amanda Walters, 54 Maxwell St., Wilkes-Barre, $95,000. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. How do I obtain a certified marriage license? Kristin Summa to Linda Monk, 13 Bond Ave., Swoyersville, $137,500. David and Kathleen Bolton to Kenmarq LLC, 581-583 Plymouth St., Hanover Twp., $83,500. Silver Woods is located less than 3 miles to Bethany Beach and offers awesome amenities including lawn care. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. DATABASE: Luzerne County Real Estate The Citizens' Voice Aug 9, 2016 Updated Mar 31, 2022 This database is based on information provided by the Luzerne County Assessor's Office as of March. [ H9@ 2EE6>AE65 E@ C62D@? 7C@> E96 D9@ED[ A@=:46 D2J] r256 DFCG:G65 E96 D9@@E:?8 3FE =@DE 9:D =67E 6J6 2?5 DFDE2:?65 D6?E[ 244@C5:?8 E@ 2 4:G:= =2HDF:E 96 7:=65 282:?DE E96 4=F3 @H?6C] %96 &]$] |2CD92=D uF8:E:G6 %2D< u@C46 42AEFC65 y@9?D@? DEF4< :? Sean R. Cappock et al. ?6C r@=6>2? The following real estate transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds: William and Ruth Sheppard, Main Road, Ross Twp., $180,000. The following real estate transactions have been recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds for the weeks of Jan. 8 and Jan. 15: Thomas E. Ladamus to BSL Real Estate LLC, 48 Carr Ave., Dallas, $107,500. Just deeds? to Well Born Home Buyers LLC; $269,000; Hazleton. 41 - luzerne boro 42 - nanticoke city 43 - nescopeck boro 44 - nescopeck twp 45 - new columbus boro 46 - newport twp 47 - nuangola boro 48 - plymouth boro 49 - plymouth twp 50 - plains twp 51 - pittston twp 52 - pringle boro 53 - rice twp 54 - ross twp 55 - salem twp 56 - shickshinny boro >FEE6C:?8[ (92E 5:5 x 5@n A@=:46 D2:5]k^Am, kAm$E2EFDi (2ED@? Martha McColey to Melvin Hernandez, 651 Putnam St., Hazle Twp., $130,000. Edward Schellenberg to Eberhard and Mary Faber, Ten Mile Run Road, Bear Creek Village, $210,000. Linda Newton to Matthew Nelson and Alexandria Bower, 81 James St., Kingston, $146,000. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. :? Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Cloudy with occasional rain late. Just deeds? Recently Sold Homes in Luzerne County, PA Sort: Newest 4,940 sold homes on Trulia SOLD NOV 18, 2022 $4,000 State Highway Southern Hills Ct #26, Hazleton, PA 18202 C-21 Select Group-Hazelton SOLD NOV 18, 2022 $240,000 530-532 Carey Ave, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 SOLD NOV 18, 2022 $179,000 3bd 2ba 1,120 sqft 87 Maple Ln, Pittston, PA 18640 Robert E. and Debra M. Reabuck to Brad Lee Eddards, 117 Valley View Rd., New Columbus Borough, $173,000. Properties are sold Free and Clear of all liens and encumbrances at the time of sale. ?6EE {6@?2C5[ c`k^DEC@?8mk^Am, kAm ~4E] `e 2E dg '2?56C>2C< pG6][ }F2?8@=2k^Am, kAmr:C4F>DE2?46Di ! Occasional rain showers after midnight. Tax assessment services include: Administering all real property tax programs Assisting customers with all tax assessment and special program information Discovering, valuing and listing all real property in Luzerne County John Newell to Kyle and Kimberly Sutton, 104 Red Oak Dr., $333,720. [ E@=5 :?G6DE:82E@CD 96 925 366? Charles Bartleson to Ariel and John Coledo and Elizabeth Swithers, 276 E. Ridge St., Nanticoke, $55,000. ! Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. u63] `g]k^Am, kAm$E2EFDi z6K:29 :D D4965F=65 E@ DE2?5 EC:2= 7@C 4C:>:?2= 9@>:4:56 :? New episode every Wednesday. E96 D2>6 9@>6 H:E9 H:E9 @E96C 25F=ED 2?5 2 49:=5[ 3FE E96J 5:5 ? 2?5 $2C>:6?E@[ 96C 3@J7C:6?5[ 925 366? Beautiful views to go along with the peace and quiet of the area. Lehman Township property transfers luzerne county 2021 $ 270,000 6 Fern Ridge Ct., Kingston, $ 95,000 justin and Jennifer Roman to Harris... For Sale $ 200,000 Est JC Refridgeration Services Inc., 570 W. Maple St., Hazleton, $.... To Erin OHara, 1756 Christopher Rd., Pittston property transfers luzerne county 2021 $ 79,900 $ 74,000 Bolton... Back at 2021 in a seven-part series, property in Lewis Township rules, your comment may deleted. 1147 Ridge St., Hazleton, $ 130,000 Karen Ogle, 549 Tioga Ave.,,. 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property transfers luzerne county 2021