possilpark secondary school

(I found none on the web or at the local Library.) La . Archives Tel. RMA1WME1 - No entry at Possilpark secondary school Possilpark is a very deprived area of Glasgow Scotland. The links page is (I hope)great for anyone wanting to find out about old mates. To locate these records, search our catalogue with keywords and refine your results to Other archives using the filters. Mr W Nelson 5) ? [citation needed] The foundry site is now occupied by a number of commercial firms, including Allied Motors. Search Discovery, our catalogue by name of school or town for secondary education endowment files in ED 27. Address. After a take over of the company in 1965, the works closed and the infrastructure was demolished in 1967. Mr H Gillespie No. Where these survive, they are most likely to be held by local libraries and archives. Today. Third Row 1) ? Mr Calder Possil Senior Secondary School Balmore Rd 1953 Headmaster John Lyall Bell, MILTON The old shops faces the bus stop in the Milton, Possilpark Secondary School L-R Back Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name 9) No name Middle Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name 9) No name 10) No name Front Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name 9) No name, Possilpark Secondary 1969 71 No names Teacher No name, Possilpark Secondary 1966/7 L-R Back Row 1) No name 2) Peter Gibbons 3) Alan Russell 4) Alan Russell 5) Frank Foy 6) Tony O'Brien Front Row 1) Ellis Fraser 2) Georgina McGill, 3) Hannah Black 4) Teacher no namw 5) Sandra Geddes 6) Catherine Boyle, 7) Margaret McClure, Possilpark secondary school 1959/60 L-R Teacher Miss Thompson art Back Row: 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name Middle Row 1) No name 2) No name Front Row 1) Anna ? inaccuracy or intrusion, then please [10], "Interview: Gil Paterson looks back on 10 years as Clydebank's MSP", "Senior nationalist makes public call for resignation of Swinney", "OPINION Gil Paterson MSP: It's been an honour to represent you", "IN FULL: All the MSPs standing down at the Holyrood election", "Who are the MSPs standing down at the Holyrood election? Right through the leaves as they fly most everywhere. Back row Left to Right: Linda Barclay, Isabel Duncan, Lillian Anderson, Aileen McDonald, Janey Stewart, Catherin Bergamini, Bethia FindlayandSheena Beattie, Front Row Left to Right: Patricia Reilly, Pamela Quinn, Isabel Whyte, Isabel Ralston and Helen Rankin, Photo taken in Ho's Restaurant, Kings Place, Glasgow, Pamela Quinn, Helen Rankin, Sheena Beattie, Aileen McDonald, Catherine Bergamini, Janey Stewart and Beth Findlay, Isabel Duncan and Linda Barclay, Back Home Next, Possil Senior Secondary School Former Pupils and Staff. All of them have memories to share so we want to hear about them. I take a stroll right through the woods, Pinterest. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence With nearly half a century of working in metal finishing, Possilpark Shotblasting is a company with a vast wealth of experience in blast cleaning and applying various coating systems such as complex multi-coat jobs, thermal metal spraying and intumescent (fire protecting) coatings and can carry out all manner of projects direct from our 55,000 square feet metal finishing facility that includes two separate bays and overhead cranes. No name. We know that in every corner of the city, there are storytellers who recall the citys good old days. 7) ? Librarian Karen Rooney said local history was a popular subject at the library. describe their position (e.g. Mr W Samson ; No name. Career. Ironically the building of new homes coincided with the beginning of the decline of Possilpark's industries and by the 1950s the area had become synonymous with urban decay. Promoting everything about Possilpark. Anne McQuade. Triple Customer Leads and Engagement at 1/3 the Cost of Ads and Social Media Boost with FindShare Big Data Engine, Discussions, Personalized Newsletter, and Related Content. The area developed around Saracen Foundry of Walter MacFarlane & Co., which was the main employer. when the picture was taken. Moderator. Possilpark Secondary in Glasgow is to close at the end of this session. Spring You can make a complaint by using the report this post link . Mrs J Brown Angela Morgan. Physical Education Bedroom 2 - 2.84m x 2.74m. Brought up in Springburn in the North of Glasgow,[1] Paterson attended Possilpark Secondary School, before building up his own business Gil's Motor Factors. The Scope Magazine for Possilpark Secondary 1969 was second in the Scotsman Newspaper School Mag of the year. Mr H Morris And I suddenly stop to think how lovely it would be The National Archives holds the administrative and policy files of the government departments concerned with education, but is not the best source of information about individual schools. The artists included Josephine Cameron, who went on to exhibit regularly in the Royal Institute for Fine Arts; portrait and figurative painter Archibald McGlashan; and Alma Assafrey, who left Glasgow shortly after the project to join her fianc in Canada. At the 2003 election, only three SNP MSPs were returned for Central Scotland and Paterson lost his seat in Parliament. The Spring is here, After being owned by his son, the estate was sold to in 1744 to merchant William Crawfurd of Birkhead, who in 1749 acquired Easter Nether Possil, he thus reunited the lands which had been subdivided in 1588. 3) ? This is Possilpark. Here at the Evening Times, we love to celebrate Glasgows rich past. The collection also covers some 7,000 schools and colleges so it's a good chance that if your school had a . Save up to 30% when you upgrade to an image pack. Second row 1) No name 2) No name 3) My sister Pauline Watson 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name. Gilbert Martin Paterson (born in Springburn, Glasgow, 1942) is a Scottish National Party (SNP) politician, who served as the Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Clydebank and Milngavie, from 2011 to 2021. Other industrial concerns soon followed suit and by the outbreak of the First World War Possilpark was an industrial district, which had become part of Glasgow in 1891. POSSILPARK SECONDARY SCHOOL Custom Page About Page Photo Page Welcome to the Possilpark Secondary School Reunion Page! Our venue for the Thanks for the Memories event has its own fascinating history too. To find out more about what Possilpark can do for you, contact our sales team. Technical Education Please bring along old photos and artefacts too such as cinema tickets, theatre programmes or old newspapers. Mrs M Carbry He was active in raising Brexit concerns for business and economics in Scotland, including questioning First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at First Minister's Questions in the Scottish Parliament. Mrs Steele 1,516 likes. Log in. Mr T Feasby In 2006, Paterson was selected to stand as candidate for the Clydebank and Milngavie Scottish Parliamentary constituency. The Mitchell Library City archives hold information on Possilpark Secondary. 2) ? Possilpark Librarys reading room is home to six decorative murals which were unveiled in January 1914. Quality Assurance Location: Phone: 4) ? The trees are bare, No name. There is an article (and a photo) about Pamela Quinn who was intending to do acting. Mrs M Williamson Location. The Astoria at the Round Toll could seat 3,000 and was described as "the largest working class cinema in Scotland". Possilpark secondary school 1959/60 L-R Teacher Miss Thompson art Back Row: 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name Middle Row 1) No name 2) No name Front Row 1) Anna ? The house and park lands as laid out then, were described then as:[1]. If you ever wondered whether your old school photo still exisited then this is the place to find out. Possilpark Secondary School play 1967 Find this Pin and more on SCHOOL: Possilpark Secondary Schoolby Mayjay Dunn. 3) ? Nice and clear, We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for "[1] The Saracen foundry made a series of decorative iron works, from railings and water fountains to park bandstands. Christine Gunning showed a clever adaptation of dungrarees in gaberdine. My Old School Photo has access to over 70,000 images covering over a hundred years of school photography (dating back as far as 1884). As well as catering for large scale jobs, we are also very experienced in smaller metal treatment projects such as garden gate and railing refurbishments, skip refurbishment, fire places, car trailers and many other bespoke metal items. Read Education and the State from 1833, Ann Morton (PRO 1997). We do not pre-moderate or monitor readers comments appearing on our websites, but we do post-moderate in response to complaints we receive or otherwise when a potential problem comes to our attention. Farmer and stockbreeder . Search our catalogue by name of school or town for records of elementary and secondary schools in ED 21, ED 35 and ED 161. Your response has been sent to our editors. This site is intended for anyone who was at Possilpark Secondary School and is interested in attending reunions. Miss J Fulton No name. Front Row: Teacher? 5) ? The people who moved to Possilpark came from tenements in the city centre which were demolished as unfit for habitation. Geography ", "Jo Swinson urged to come clean on tuition fees", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gil_Paterson&oldid=1099267693, Members of the Scottish Parliament 19992003, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20072011, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20112016, Members of the Scottish Parliament 20162021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 July 2022, at 21:51. Following his death in 1867, the property was acquired by Walter Macfarlane who, attracted by the newly built railway, moved his celebrated architectural ironworks there from Anderston. The property is well positioned within the sought after area of Bishopbriggs and is conveniently placed for access to all local amenities including schools at both primary and secondary levels, shops, bars, restaurants and public . Possilpark Secondary School, 32 Carbeth St, Glasgow G22 5PT. [8], "The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry - Possil", "The Secret Millionaire from Channel 4.com - Nick Leslau", "Exclusive: The property tycoon who gave away 225K to Possil's poorest after undercover mission", Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, "Campaign to bring Peter Capaldi back to a phone box in Possil - STV Glasgow - Glasgow", "Peter Capaldi profile: An alter ego to swear by", "Kevin Harper on his past and building a football academy", "Ideally suited to face up to racism Why the boy from Possil is mystified over Scots game", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Possilpark&oldid=1092797347, This page was last edited on 12 June 2022, at 17:17. Possil Senior Secondary School Former Pupils and Staff Reunion 2019 First Reunion in 2004 - Ho's Resaurant The Golden Girls Back row Left to Right: Linda Barclay, Isabel Duncan, Lillian Anderson, Aileen McDonald, Janey Stewart, Catherin Bergamini, Bethia Findlay and Sheena Beattie Search our catalogue by name of school or town for building grant applications in ED 103. Mr B Harvey Generally speaking, however, secondary school in many English-speaking countries is equivalent to high school in the U.S. Its only open Monday to Friday, Business hours. Mr N Murray (Phys) French Teacher`s sister. Possilpark Secondary School Join this group Overview Discussions Reviews Members Photos Discussions and Reviews Write a Review Displaying latest 1 out of 1 topics See All Reunion by: Ashby Mcgo . This rather wonderful 18-year-old from Glasgow's Possilpark district, Scotland's second most deprived neighbourhood, described her personal odyssey in pursuing her dream of a career in. SearchFind an archiveto locate relevant archives. Aug 23, 2015 - Possilpark Secondary School L-R Class of 1972 3B. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. 3) ? Visible Anyone can find this group. Mr R Forsyth At the outbreak of the Second World War it was estimated that 2,000 houses in the area had been constructed in the last twenty years. Available for both RF and RM licensing. IRON AND WIRE FENCING 31 Budge Row, LONDON, E.C. History You may also The leaves are falling, Records relating to many individual primary schools established before 1966 are in ED 161. 3) ? Train Stations Charing Cross 0.6m Anderston 1.0m Argyle Street 1.2m Glasgow Central 1.2m Possilpark & Parkhouse 1.2m Exhibition Centre 1.3m. The MacFarlane company moved into standard foundry work, including being one of five foundries casting Sir Giles Gilbert Scott's classic K6 telephone box for Post Office Telephones. Mr J McGillivray Our skilled team of metal finishing specialists can work on a wide range of different projects for Marine, Oil & Gas, Power Stations, Network Rail and Structural Steel Building work. Mr A Mackintosh (Biol) As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. Secondary Schools St Aloysius College 0.6m The Glasgow Academy 0.9m St Thomas Aquinas Secondary 1.1m Hillhead High 1.2m Kelvinside Academy 2.0m Notre Dame High 2.3m. Possilpark Secondary School His is the boys from second year in 1971 at Inverclyde Sports Center in Largs Groupies Secondary School Cloud Gate Glasgow Maid Center Boys Landmarks More information . 0141-556 6221 EMail. Private Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Mayjay Dunn. Mr J Nisbet Today. I have just heard that 69295 (SF04 HXW) has been withdrawn from service. No name, Possilpark Secondary School Teachers No name Back Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name 9) No name Four Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No nmae 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name 9) No name Third Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name Second Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) No name 8) No name Front Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4), Possilpark Secondary School His is the boys from second year in 1971 at Inverclyde Sports Center in Largs, Possilpark Secondary School L-R Class of 1972 3B, Possilpark Secondary School 1967 Mr GD Bhargava, teaching Chemistry in the classroom to student, Possilpark Secondary School 1967 Mr GB Bhargava in Physics Classroom. If a picture could be painted of the leaves and me. Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. Site Map / Contact Us / Privacy Policy / Portfolio / Quality Assurance From 1999 to 2003 he was an MSP for Central Scotland. Possilpark Secondary School 1967 Mr Chaudhary in Physics Classroom he taught Maths down at the Annexe, Possilpark Secondary School 1959 L-R Back Row 1) No name 2) Lizzie Binning 3) No name Middle Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name. Marketed by CODA Estates Ltd, Glasgow History High School/Secondary School. Mrs A Munro 0141 287 2910. Mr Alan Mackintosh Miss S Davidson Miss M Bain El objetivo de este artculo es presentar el proceso de introduccin de la obra del socilogo francs Pierre Bourdieu en la academia contable, para comprender los avances que se han . Possilpark Secondary School about 1968 L-R Teacher McKinnen Back row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name 7) Don Mcinnes Fourth Row 1) No name 2) No name 3) No name 4) No name 5) No name 6) No name. During the inter-war years Possilpark was the focus of intense housing development under the Housing Act of 1919 which for the first time gave local authorities powers to build homes. Mr A Quinn Search by school nameschool registers and log books on findmypast (). Many of the newcomers became supporters of Partick Thistle Football Club, which had been established in 1875. Mrs J McGraw (M, Tu, W am) ), please list their full names and Staff list for session 1990-91. Joyce Moran. These included the lands in the north referred to as Possele, divided in the sixteenth century into Over or Upper Possil, and Nether or Lower Possil. Archives, Open Government Licence 2) ? Modern Languages 2) ? Three Support for Learning Worker Posts have been filled - one in the Secondary and two in the Primary 286 pupils on Secondary roll. About this group A little group for old schoolies of the Secondary school in Possilpark, Glasgow. Helen? 3) ? Speech and Drama On the death of Colonel Campbell in 1849, the estate passed to his son. Alumni.NET News. Science 8) ? [6][7], In 2012, the 'Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation' analysis by the Scottish Government identified Possilpark and Keppochhill as the 2nd and 3rd most deprived areas in Scotland. In the 2016-2021 session of the Scottish Parliament, Paterson was elected as the SNP Group convener. Mr J Wyllie Aug 23, 2015 - Possilpark Secondary School L-R Class of 1972 3B. 4) ? 2 bedroom flat for sale in Towing Drive, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, G64 for 225,000. location. The grid layout of Possilpark was described by the then Glasgow Town Council as: " [o]ne of the finest and best conducted in Glasgow, and the new suburb of Possil Park, laid out by them with skill and intelligence, is rapidly becoming an important addition to the great city. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Friends of The National The Mitchell library were not at all helpful when I asked them to improve the quality of the pics. This month, on Tuesday, March 21, we are visiting Possilpark Library on Allander Street between 10.30am and 12.30pm. 5) ? In the wake of the Saracen Foundry's closure in 1967, this part of Glasgow became one of the poorest in the United Kingdom, and decades later deprivation and crime rates remain high. Registered in England & Wales | 01676637 |. Do you have memories and photographs of old Glasgow to share? Children can sing, even I can sing You ever wondered whether your old School photo still exisited then this is the place to out. 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possilpark secondary school

possilpark secondary school

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