I felt that more than ever, when I collaborated with Mom to rewrite her favorite cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983), which consumed a couple years of my own life; let alone, the couple of years it took Mom to write the original version. The experiences we have encountered in building this family enterprise of ours, this cottage industryhas occurred while distributing recipe secrets through radio [and television] broadcasting and newspaper exposure, I have met some of the nicest people in the world, some of the most generous people who want to share their good ideas with me as much as I want to share mine with them. Transcripts: The Phil Donahue Show Television Program, October 1979, Folder 9, Box: 2, Folder: 9. S01E02 Debbi Fields, Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Dave Thomas of . Then one summer [1971], while visiting [our Knotts] relatives in West Virginia, we sampled some pan-fried home-style chicken that was every bit as good as the chicken produced in a pressure fryer. Totally let down the youth of the US who also voted him in. It was July 7, 1981 when Mom FIRST appeared on The Phil Donahue Show. But, truth is, Mom didnt know their actual secrets unless they shared them with her. on September 9, 2018. Home / Series / The Phil Donahue Show / Aired Order / All Seasons. 'Donahue' for Dec. 18 the complete transcript to Wednesday's show. It was luck! Also, he does not have clear vision and uses bifocal glasses. Please watch this interview with Cornel West: https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2014/10/06/black-prophetic-fire-cornel-west-on-the-revolutionary-legacy-of-leading-african-american-voices/. His story, For Gloria Pitzer, Unlocking the Secrets of Fast-Food Recipes is Easy: Just Fake and Bake, appeared in People Weeklys May 7, 1990 issue, on pages 81-82; including a couple of Moms recipes and the two photos of Mom, below, by Susan L. Tusa, but not Secret RecipesTM exact contact information. Most of the letters requested a sheet of free recipes that were included with the order blank [in exchange] for a self-addressed stamped envelope The offer would have been good for us, if it had only been shown that one time the day on which we appeared on the show but for nearly a year afterward, the requests still came, as did the complaints and the threats to report us to postal authorities for not having sent those free recipes, tore us apart emotionally and physically! He is an actor and producer, known for Body of War (2007), Donahue (1967) and The Bold and the Beautiful (1987). One survey said that, next to Santa Claus, he was the worlds most recognized personality. 23.446 Linear Feet (Boxes (17), Audio Tapes, Films, Microfilm, Negatives, Oversize Materials, Phonograph Records, Photographs, Slides, Video Tapes, Phillip John Donahue was born on 21 December 1935, in Cleveland, Ohio USA, and is a film producer, writer and media personality, but perhaps still best known for creating and hosting his own "The Phil Donahue Show", which was the first talk show to include audience participation. Context. Obama. With my files and reference materials at the office and me, at home on the telephone with the radio shows, the arrangement was not satisfactory. Sweet! Posted by Do You Remember? The family was falling apart. And every day, for 4 months, we picked up THOUSANDS of letters having received, by Christmas, well over 1 million letters, requesting information on how to acquire our books, which were still available only by mail from our address. He told me to look around the grocery store for one packaged product to replace the 11 spices which I did diligently and discovered that powdered Italian salad dressing mix was the secret! I am a 68 year old grandma who had the same enlightenment regarding politics as he has and almost completely agree with him. However, following Moms first appearance on The Phil Donahue Show in July of 1981, the nation was more than just fired up it exploded with the copycat recipes phenomenon! Works in this archive created by James Watson are available under a CC-BY-NC license. Certainly, Gloria Pitzer herself treats the sweet-talking blandishments of her seducers as gospel truth. We already had more work than we could handle, and I had found that television appearances were merely food demonstrations that I did not enjoy experiencing. Eventually, however, we did come up with our own version and it was a divine experience, which I called Blessed Cheesecake. On July 6 [1981], Paul and I flew to Chicago, staying at the Hyatt OHare, and did the Donahue show, live for an entire hour on July 7th, flying back that same afternoon. Youve been a great friend over the years! His hugely popular show aired from 1967 to 1996, and Donahue won nine Daytime Emmy Awards (1977-80, 1982-83, 1985-86, and 1988) as outstanding host. Technically, he came out of oblivion, but the big capitalist, pro-corporate media put him in the limelight, 24/7 during the 2007-08 presidential campaign. I just dont think they have all that much influence on anyones decision to buy Kentucky Fried Chicken. John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he discusses his life, his career, his stint as a sin. Phil Donahue. Open and available at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Library and Archives. It is as much a thrill for me, today, to hear somebody request that Gloria, The Secret Recipe Detective try to duplicate a recipe, as it was for me a decade ago when it all began. it was her first appearance on The Phil Donahue Show that created the most overwhelming response to her talents than she could have ever expected from Mondays & Memories of My Mom Blog Post, 9/17/2018 (https://therecipedetective.com/category/blog/). Make one single recipe at a time. A rare appearance by Johnny Carson on a talk show where he is the subject of an in-depth interview. Copy may not be in its final form. Another website that inspired me with Memorial Day food for thought is Thanksgiving.com, where I found some great ideas and traditions to incorporate into our current commercialized celebrations that Memorial Day has come to encompass; as many Americans, myself included, have regarded this day to be the unofficial start of the summer vacation season. We sent out hundreds of thousands of Moms free recipes and product-ordering information sheets, in exchange for the self-addressed stamped envelopes that came in, per the offer that aired on that Donahue episode. In the spring of 1981, our old friend, Carol Haddix, ran a story about our new book of Homemade Groceries in the Chicago Tribune, where she had just been assigned the food department. Mondays & Memories of My Mom Hi, Neighbor! Our home, which was both our office and our sanctuary, became like a factory, with people helping us to process the mail; eventually having to return thousands of orders to customers with our deepest regrets that we could not, in all fairness to them, delay their order. Chicken. I still wonder why in the world I said I would do the Donahue show! Some envelopes were addressed to themselves, such as Joe Smith, but in care of OUR address instead of THEIR address. Thanks again, Lo! It was wonderful! Louise Brown, the test tube "miracle baby" born in England last year, holds a lollipop in one hand and a balloon in the other as she made her debut. Before Mom hung up her hat and magnifying glass to fully retire, (in exchange for a self-addressed, stamped envelope) she was graciously giving away free sheets of 12-20 of her best, most popularly requested, recipes and information on what publications she had in print and how to get them. Guest: author Theodore I. Rubin ("Reconciliations"). We couldnt print our books fast enough, to fill all the orders! Collection consists of a wide variety of materials related to the ministry and history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in the United States and around the world. We said no to People magazine. So, Mom decided to write her own cookbooksand, when the publishers rejected her creations because they werent the picturesque, routine and monotonous cookbooks they thought the public wanted; Mom was only more determined to publish it, herself! The episode that caused the most controversy and hysteria was titled "Transvestite Fashion Show" and featured Donahue wearing a dress. Mr. Donahue says he believed he was blessed, living in the greatest country on earth but through hosting his show, speaking to people like Chomsky and the Black Panthers, he came to question what he had thought was true. Dr. Ira Mintz of the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center discusses treatment of sex offenders. As Ive written about previously, that show was definitely a milestone event, to say the least for our family as well as our community! With my files and reference materials at the office and me, at home, on the telephone with the radio shows, the arrangement was not satisfactory. I owe so much of my civic involvement to Phil Donahue. Scheduled topic: some black women's expectations of black men. The fact that I had declined the invitation because I couldnt handle any additional mail, made the columns of the Detroit Free Press, when their Tip-Off columnist said it was classy to turn down People Magazine refusing publicity in a national magazine because I did not want to get big! Jack McCarthys TV interview with us on Christmas Eve [1976] for [Friday Feast on] Channel 7, in Detroit, was one of the highlights of our experiences. Judd Hirsch, Jere Burns, Comic Relief IV: Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, Corbin Bernsen (L.A. Law) and his brother Colin, Steve Martin and Sarah Jessica Parker (L.A. Story), TV Couples: Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Craig T. Nelson, Shelley Fabares, Anna Marie Horsford, Clifton Davis, Cast of EMPTY NEST: Richard Mulligan, Kristy McNichol, Dinah Manoff, David Leisure, Ken Auletta, author of Three Blind Mice and former NBC President Brandon Tartikoff, Typecast Actors: Bob Denver, Herve Villechaize, Demond Wilson, Donna Douglas, Fred Berry, Ron Pallilo, Helen Kushnick, fired producer of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Cast of NYPD Blue: David Caruso, Dennis Franz, Sherry Stringfield, James McDaniel, producer David Milch, Cast of Frasier: Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde-Pierce. Some people did not include their self-addressed-stamped envelope. I do still believe in Obama however, and think that his aging so drastically in office is because he has been pushed, by those corporations etc. Thereby, I suppose, justifying how much it will cost me to pay them, the professionals, to do it for me; thus, saving me from the challenge and all of the time and effort that it costs! Sour! I was very impressed by her story. While, Mom had appeared on some pretty famous television talk shows, over the years, to discuss and demonstrate her fantastic make-alike recipes for fast food, junk food, fine-dining dishes and grocery products shows such as PM Magazine, The Phil Donahue Show (twice) and The Home Show; plus, some local (Detroit) talk shows she really felt more at home when she was being interviewed on radio talk shows across the country and internationally. However, it unofficially originated, in the spring following the end of the Civil War. Phil Donahue on the first episode of "The Phil Donahue Show" -EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG - YouTube 0:00 / 3:44 Phil Donahue on the first episode of "The Phil Donahue Show" -EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG. Thats changed as well. We were also sending out thousands more newsletter issues than previously, from all of the extra subscription orders that came back from those free sheet mailings. So, I want to share 7 thoughts on old traditions I learned from Thanksgiving.com, to impart to the new generationsand to always remember! Astronomer Carl Sagan talks about the book "COSMOS". That is, until that summer of 1981! They flew him in from Hawaii to taste-test my version of HIS product. Paul Jay , T he R eal N ews N etwork. In complete contrariety, Gloria Pitzer actively promotes what is vulgarly excessive about such things, instinctively grasping that it was the way junk food breaches culinary decorum that makes it so desirable in the first place. [Thank you] for your moral support and interest in my research and development of recipes that imitate restaurant and commercial food products. I am so grateful for this wonderful experience. He interviewed nudists, drag queens, neo-Nazis, and strippers of all sorts. The show had a 26-year run on U.S. national TV, preceded by three years of local broadcast in Dayton, Ohio . In fact, I have my own staticky VHS tape of it, as well! What is it that you believe in Obama? Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their program. Out of 116 results (sorted by Featured), not one of Moms cookbooks came up until #46; which was her last cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press, Jan. 2018). It has been viewed 4786 times, with 162 in the last month. Bob Allison & his Ask Your Neighbor radio program, formerly on WWJ-Radio (Detroit, MI) and WEXL-Radio (Royal Oak, MI; 1340 AM). However, I have yet to find any copycat foodie who was published before my mom; nor any, since, whove given any kind of inspirational reference to her for having carved out this particular niche in the realm of recipes and copycat cookery. It was a new show in which Carol, herself, had come to be involved. She was reaching out, without any pressure or judgement. He also suggested browning the chicken in a skillet and then, oven-baking it until tender to achieve a likeness more to the original recipe he had created in 1964. I loaned out Sugar Free Recipes (1987-88) book and am searching for a replacement as it is out of print. Collection 074 Ephemera of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, CN 074. This week, as Pumpkin Season begins, Id like to share Moms favorite butter pie crust recipe from that free sheet, which is also found in her last book (cited above) on page 243. Pitzer diligently did just that-to discover that the secret behind that finger lickin flavor was Good Seasons brand Italian salad dressing mix. They can still be done safely, even amidst this pandemic and our crazy new norms. As soon as we realized what the mail was doing to us, we tried to get Donahues people to stop the continued scheduled showings of our appearance. Only Dream Whip has so far managed to stymie her, and that probably not for long. Watch the video at the end of this blog posted in 2008. https://dandelionsalad.wordpress.com/2008/10/29/high-time-to-boycott-elections-by-reza-fiyouzat/ Not much difference between Obama and McCain. Her radio appearances helped by her perky, unpretentious personality and unabashed enthusiasm brought her thousands of letters. Story Transcript. ELSEWHERE including William Daniels, Howie Mandel, SNL 15TH ANNIVERSARY. The method is quite unorthodox and the original idea for developing it in this manner, came from a conversation I had with Col. Debbi Fields, Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Dave Thomas of Wendy's & Geoffe Wa, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert, Cast of ST. To Mom, the Donahue Show appearance always remained the single, most important part of her Secret Recipes growing experience. In Canada they were actually quite advanced in their coverage of live parliamentary procedures in the late eighties, but youd never know it given the abject shambles that is currently palmed off as pursuing national interests. Its a joke. All of us soon realized we were mistaken about what we thought we wanted/needed and how to go about getting it. Add flour and beat vigorously until smooth and moist. More information about this video can be viewed below. After my boyfriend and I split up, circumstances led me back to a loving and forgiving relationship with my parents. Mom briefly ventured into television talk shows for some of her cookbook promotions as Ive mentioned in previous blogs most renowned were the 2 times she was on the Phil Donahue Show (in 1981 and 1993). ], for whose listeners have become good friends over the many years of our radio visits with your wonderful audience[Thank you!] Republishing entire blog posts isn't OK without contacting Dandelion Salad first and asking permission. This holiday weekend generates a burst of patriotic colors, as everything gets decorated in red, white and blue, from sea to shining sea, now through Independence Day! HISTORY BOOKS have said little of the one person who really put the state of Kentucky on the map, namely the gentleman whom will always be associated with finger-lickin-good fried chicken, Harland Sanders. Unfortunately, evil is still evil, and Obama proved this himself with his actions and non-actions (you mentioned some in your comment) over the past 6 yrs. The Ask Your Neighbor show has been broadcasting since 1962! There is eating where the mouth is inquisitive, aggressive, alert, and appreciative because it genuinely wants to get to know what it is devouring. Of all the wire services and all of the hundreds of newspaper stories about us across the country in the past 14 years [1975-1989], since our fast food recipes have become popular, I can still honestly say that I prefer radio to it all. Nonetheless, pre-summer vacations, backyard barbecues and other outdoor gatherings are among the new customary activities that families usually enjoy this holiday weekend. I was happy to find many of her books on the Internet. In the world of food, these things arise from the aura that is woven around the brand name, associations that persistent advertising persuades us to equate with our own sense of pleasure. Mom was a natural at marketing herself, her talents and her products. Gloria Pitzer (1982), Paul Harvey,broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks , [Thank you] for [your] kind words about my work. Now, this blogging venture has kind of fallen into my lap and steered me in this direction However, Im not making a living at it Not yet! In 2003, the legendary television host Phil Donahue was fired from his prime-time MSNBC talk show during the run-up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Before the Bombs Come the Platitudes, by Robert C.Koehler, Coup Attempt: Bolsonaro Supporters Invade Congress, Supreme Court, and Office of President inBrasilia, Nuclear Fusion Hype: A Boost For U.S. Armaments, Not Clean Energy, by ScottScheffer, Central Banks Are A Symptom, Capitalism Is The Cause, by PeteDolack, Kucinich Says Call for Diplomacy to End Ukraine-Russia War Must be Heard; Silencing of Congressional Progressive Caucus Casts Dems as the War Party, Roger Waters: War, Peace, and Music, with David Swanson and Todd Pierce + Roger Waters Uncut, There is Room in the Tent for Everyone, by Kenn Orphan, Ralph Nader and Lawrence Wilkerson: The Institutional Insanity (of) Defense. Long story, short newspaper advertisers kicked up a fuss editor strongly suggested Mom go back to hum-drum brownie recipes Mom quit and started her own publication, giving the public what they wanted; as she discovered from their requests, because there wasnt any other source (at that time) from which to feed the ever-growing hunger for recipe secrets to imitate famous restaurant dishes, fast food, junk food and grocery products at home. Sanders over the air with radio station WFAA in Dallas when I was a regular guest on a talk show with them for several months. He has been married to Marlo Thomas since 21 May 1980. You guys rock! Youre so right about the insidious aggression of vulgar TV and now with cinema- (everything has to be super-) sized wide digital screens it is a horrendous assault. Her final recipe for three pounds of fryer parts mixes two packets of the salad seasoning into a blend of butter, corn oil, Crisco, milk, lemon juice, and sage-and-paprika-seasoned pancake mix. A compulsive liar as well! A few decades ago, Mom was a regular, monthly guest on Kathys show, for about 13 years. Our condolences go out to all their surviving friends and families and may they all be resting in peace. all hit the taste buds simultaneously and with overwhelming intensity. I have enough poems to fill two or three nice size books. The only answer I could find to that a few years ago, when Mom wanted to re-pursue Wilbur for plagiarism, was an online article called, Recipes, Copyright and Plagiarismby Jonathan Bailey (published March 24, 2015). He said he went on to become a streetcar conductor, a farmhand, (to Cuba as) a soldier, a railroad fireman, section hand, insurance agent, a steamboat promoter, gaslight manufacturer, tire salesman and, finally, as a service station operator in Corbin, Kentucky. 00:18:08 - How often do you get to talk to a former President and First Lady about love? Youre welcome, Lo. Donahue - SNL Transcripts Tonight SNL Transcripts Tonight Donahue 0 ( 0) Donahue Phil Donahue..Phil Hartman Elaine Poldask..Victoria Jackson Phyllis Sykes..Jan Hooks Dr. Norma Hoeffering..Nora Dunn First Man..Jon Lovitz Second Man..Kevin Nealon [ Scene: Donahue Studio. With Bobs generous help in mentioning my monthly newsletter, my subscriptions began to climb I was finally showing a profit! Obama was silent on the right-wing coup in Honduras,as well as the neo-fascist/neo-nazi coup in Kiev, Ukraine earlier this year. Sad to say, as I searched for links to some of the names below, I found that many of them, like Mom, have passed on as well. Phil Donahue Show Transcripts JDW/2/8/2/12, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. That was probably one of the most chaotic times in the lives our family. But that show remained on their repeat schedule for almost a year, playing in the Panama Canal zone, Greenland, Iceland, Australia and on hundreds of small town stations. 4 out of 5 stars Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective September 22, 2009 By Dolores H Evans Chivalry, courtesy and civility are not dead nor can it hibernate, as long as we continue to teach it to each new generation! Call me a nerd, but English was one of my favorite subjects in school and I always LOVED the essay assignments best! FOR CRISPY COATING: After applying melted butter or margarine, dust pieces with a few additional tablespoons of seasoned flour and drizzle with more melted butter or margarine before baking. BUTTER CRUST (My Most Dependable & Very Favorite Recipe! It was a confusing mess! Our Better Cookery Cookbook [which I rewrote for Mom and it was republished under the title Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective, in January 2018 by Balboa Press] contains my versions of his products, which you can re-create in your own kitchen from those recipes.
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phil donahue show transcripts