0000001718 00000 n It's a useful bit of trivia to have in hand if you work in the Pentagon, but it's not as valuable as actually knowing where you are. Because of its size, the Pentagon has six ZIP codes. 0000096871 00000 n Walk-up visitors are not being processed and will be denied entry. box-sizing: border-box; They were like from a movie. The concourse is on the second floor at the Metro entrance. Driving Directions\r4800 Mark Center Dr.\rAlexandria, VA 22350. Maybe the best examples of this are the ongoing communications upgrades to Air Force One and the entirely new and quite huge bunker built deep below the White House lawn to replace, or at least drastically augment, the decades-old and very inadequate President Emergency Operations Center (PEOC). Need additional information or assistance? An outdoor memorial dedicated to the Pentagon victims of 9/11 opened in 2008. Reybold agreed to report back to the congressman within five days. While doing that, we saw live coverage of the second airplane hit the tower. To find more books about pentagon auditorium room number, you can use related keywords : Pentagon Auditorium Room Number, Pentagon Auditorium Reservations, Pentagon Auditorium Bh650, Pentagon Room Location, Pentagon Finance Number, Pentagon Photo Lab Telephone Number, Mcv Emergency Room Number, Hcmc Emergency Room Phone Number, Bamc Emergency Room Phone Number, Auditorium. a small number of people lingering on the steps of the pentagon. 6S00222. "E" Ring offices are the only ones with outside views and are generally occupied by senior officials. To find the area of any triangle, just calculate x base x height. } The 45th President of this great nation was on quite a roll yesterday during an exchange with the press that was part of a public portion of a cabinet meeting at the White House. 00, 16848 - RUANG AUDITORIUM MULTIFUNGSI Studi kasus: Auditorium Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya Indrani, Analisis Kinerja Akustik Pada Ruang Auditorium Multifungsi 11. Only 800 of 4,500 people who would have been in the area were there because of the work. mail or fax with deposit & release form to: registration no. Roosevelt himself had personally approved construction of a new . Choose & Book Your Room Directly to Get Exclusive Rates. The Cold War-era hotline between Washington D.C. and Moscow is also located in the NMCC. There are no limits on the number of meeting, event and conference attendees (space permitted). Visitors are not required to complete the DD Form 3150 for entry. Better looking than Tom Cruise and stronger. 316th Wing 11th Wing Contracting Directorate - PK Smart Center Main Menu Units Smart Center Executive Conference Room Auditorium Large Conference Room Distinguished Visitor Area Small Conference Room Multi-Function Conference Room Small Business Air Force Elements Air Force Memorial Main Menu Air Force Memorial About AF Memorial Plan Your Visit It closely resembles amphitheaters . Information related to the impact of COVID-19 on PFPA-protected facilities can be found here: https://www.whs.mil/COVID-19. RM EH572J - Washington, DC, USA. VIEW MAP VIEW MAP +1 703-521-1900 . [30] Among the design requirements, Somervell required the structural design to accommodate floor loads of up to 150psi (1,000kPa), which was done in case the building became a records storage facility at some time after the end of the current war. The Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff have their offices in the building. Floor design: Risers, 12. Is there any higher calling than that? The Pentagon is surrounded by the relatively complex Pentagon road network. "We saw pictures of smoke coming out of the building against a clear blue sky backdrop, and we began immediate notification of a potential terrorist attack. Woodrum pressed Brigadier General Eugene Reybold, who was representing the War Department at the hearing, for an "overall solution" to the department's "space problem", rather than building yet more temporary buildings. Basically, this facility was designed as a highly secure and command and control complex that serves as the nerve center and brain of the Pentagon, and by default, of the Department of Defense's sprawling National Military Command System (NMCS) as a whole. While all the while also knowing that it's very possible that nothing would come at all. .row:after { The Advisory Council is comprised of representatives from the services. Auditorium at end of hallway. RM W89WHN - President George W. Bush speaks to the audience in the Pentagon auditorium on March 19, 2008. The Pentagon Visitor Entrance is located adjacent to the Pentagon Metro Entrance. All active duty, reserve military, and DOD civilian personnel in the National Capital Region with Pentagon access are eligible to become members. Here Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld walks with President George W. Bush towards the main entrance to the facility in 2003 just before Bush received a regular briefing. We've divided the pentagon into five equal triangles. This also works hand-in-hand with the facility's crisis management capabilities. [72][73][74], When the damaged section of the Pentagon was repaired, a small indoor memorial and chapel were added at the point of impact. Official Pentagon tours are requested through the Pentagon Tour Office website: https://www.defense.gov/Pentagon-Tours/Request-A-Tour/, An official website of the United States government. While the sets of lavatories were side by side, the dining areas for blacks were located in the basement. 66 Pentagon Auditorium Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images CREATIVE Collections Project #ShowUs Creative Insights EDITORIAL VIDEO BBC Motion Gallery NBC News Archives MUSIC BLOG BROWSE PRICING ENTERPRISE VisualGPS INSIGHTS BOARDS CART SIGN IN Images Images Creative Editorial Video Creative Editorial FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO %PDF-1.4 % Secretary of the . TARAK: The auditorium is filling up. 0000096948 00000 n From: The whole nation is looking at us in uniform to do its business. 5B3>PLs . DEFCONs are a very deliberate process, explained Colonel Brunderman. 0000033369 00000 n Im a DoD CAC holder without swipe access to the Pentagon. 2023 Getty Images. more >>, The PAC offers several types of memberships to meet your needs. The auditorium accommodates a maximum of 100 people and can be used as a regular teaching space for classes throughout the semester or for one-off events. [25] President Roosevelt officially approved of the Hoover Airport site on 2 September. Hours of operation (Mark Center Pass Office). [12][13][14] The complex includes eating and exercise facilities, and meditation and prayer rooms. [32][33] Indiana limestone was used for the building's faade. It uses the place identifier for Washington, DC even though the five-sided building is actually located in Arlington, Virginia. Seating area: 1930 sq. 0000096708 00000 n So, during a full-force nuclear attack, when dozens of thermonuclear warheads would pummel the Pentagon, this facility's main job would be to get the orders to counter-strike out before those warheads arrive. Visitors will not be allowed access during weekends, holidays, and after-hours unless they have been registered. It is possible for a person to walk between any two points in the Pentagon in less than ten minutes, though the most optimal route may involve a brisk walk, routing through the open-air central courtyard, or both. keep a copy for your files. {Jw}}ij|iy,0(a|3F,8V8cgeZx4V;a$+]TcqaNi6xLlr XB~Y{B4xI4ixJTk1hR8H]XE`W2E9 -Ou8R|j@+mA&)FN[Ric8Po$ MdU*4'FS.x%5| X|j+HtUS]2^~mioMnTA[Xe\0GD~e3>/ 9Ha*c F(O|zhtX6Hb!\10>Ckw{%I5vaj0p{qfX!/pB S-rZ>{&[Fnl?'Ct\j~&mb|E(Cs@=! Oleoresin capsicum (OC) (pepper spray), if more than 1 ounce (28 grams). Starting with the north side and moving clockwise, its five faade entrances are the Mall Terrace, the River Terrace, the Concourse (or Metro Station), the South Parking, and the Heliport. Yes aerial approach on the pentagon, daytime washington d.c. - the pentagon stock videos & royalty-free footage . Although things went as practiced, there were some bumps and challenges along the way. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Job in Stuttgart - Baden-Wrttemberg - Germany , 70173. Security & Follow the signs. 0000081539 00000 n Smoke billowing out of the Pentagon. 0000088447 00000 n The band debuted on October 10, 2016, under CUBE Entertainment. DiLorenzo TRICARE Health Clinic. It has recently been refurbished with state-of-the-art, simple to use electronics for your . The Pentagon Memorial, formally the National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, located just southwest of The Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., is a permanent outdoor memorial to the 184 people who died as victims in the building and on American Airlines Flight 77 during the September 11 attacks.. "We're very proud of everything the gay and lesbian community have contributed, and continue to contribute," Hagel said.. "With their service, we are moving closer to fulfilling the country's founding . And in the back of the auditorium, it turns out that there are dozens of TV cameras, and they've come from the military's own news reporting structure, and from the national networks. Visitor Frequently Asked QuestionsHow will I be notified if I have been approved to enter the building?Once a visit request is approved, the visitor and sponsor will both receive an e-mail of the approval. The steel reinforcement, bolted together to form a continuous structure through all of the Pentagon's five floors, kept that section of the building from collapsing for 30 minutesenough time for hundreds of people to crawl out to safety. [67] At the time of the attacks, the Pentagon was under renovation and many offices were unoccupied, resulting in fewer casualties. On Jan. 4, the Centers for Disease . There were some very interesting statements to unpack, to say the least, from a disjointed lesson on Russia's failed excursion in Afghanistan to questionable proclamations regarding ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis's tenure in Trump's administration. Pentagon - 5801 Army Pentagon, Corridor 8 Entrance, Pentagon, VA. DTHC Appointment (option 1) 703-692-8810. 1. - the pentagon stock videos & royalty-free footage. Freed of the constraints of the Arlington Farms site, the building was modified as a regular pentagon. The building has five sides, five floors above ground, two basement levels, and a total of 17.5 miles of corridors. The company's vision is to offer the superior products, solutions & services to all our esteemed customers, and Channel Partners, meeting their requirements, delivery time lines and extremely competitive prices. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates will speak at a summit for wounded warriors & their families at the Pentagon, Arlington VA, in the Pentagon Auditorium room number BH650 at 1:00 p.m. EDT. Visit requests may not exceed 5 consecutive days. 0000092936 00000 n It was constructed on an accelerated schedule during World War II. The use of teleconferences and video conferences to conduct official business with Pentagon personnel is strongly encouraged. Both Russia and China have invested heavily in this space and have publicized these facilities to a fairly astonishing degree. Possible sites for the building included the Department of Agriculture's Arlington Experimental Farm, adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery, and the obsolete Hoover Field site. Such auditoriums are designed lo be divided by sound-retarding partitions into three or mora areas for large-group instruction. [75][76][77], View from northwest with construction underway, July 1942, Southwesterly view (1998) with the Potomac River and Washington Monument in background, Rescue crews working following the attack. Click here for more information on our annexes. In addition, the USAF's four E-4B National Airborne Operation Center (NAOC) aircraft have many of the NMCC's baseline capabilitiesand in some cases additional ones as wellall shrunk into a 747-200 airframe. 0000080612 00000 n } Pretty much everything available is from the mid-1990s or long before. During the protest, a famous picture was taken, where George Harris placed carnations into the soldiers' gun barrels. ROOM NUMBER. Designed by Julie Beckman and Keith Kaseman of the . If you have never read this rather obscure federal law, you would be forgiven for thinking the number is small. Do I still need a sponsor to access the Pentagon? your registration number is requir-ed for accurate room assignments. The central five-acre (2.0ha) pentagonal plaza is nicknamed "ground zero" on the presumption that it would be a prime target in a nuclear war.[8]. It is the responsibility of the tour member to account for any Health Protection or Force Protection restrictions in place. To find the total area, just multiply the area of one triangle by five. startxref 0000001462 00000 n [31] To minimize steel usage, concrete ramps were built rather than installing elevators. 0000081345 00000 n [15], The Pentagon has six Washington, DC, ZIP Codes (despite its location in Virginia): The Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the four service branches each have their own ZIP Code. 0000092539 00000 n Tours of the Pentagon are available to schools, educational organizations, and other select groups by reservation only. Beginning Jan. 10, Pentagon officials will tighten access to the building and increase telework opportunities to combat rising COVID-19 cases. The bunker isn't likely to survive a major nuclear exchange. [18][19], Stimson told U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in May 1941 that the War Department needed additional space. Pentagon Pass Office (703-695-2266) Mark Center Pass Office (571-372-5663) Hours of operation (Pentagon Pass Office): 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fr 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday Hours of operation (Mark Center Pass Office) 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mon - Fri Parking Offices - Pentagon: 703-697-6251, Mark Center: 571-372-7100 or 7144. The seldom talked about and almost never photographed National Military Command Center sits deep below the Pentagon and serves as its nerve center. 0000000016 00000 n Although we know many things about the NMCC, we really don't have any imagery of it from the post-internet boom age. ~}j:zBIw(HJ1[:TR;(r:&NqC&/N"?p.8Es@C7bq-Yt.` ?&8Prs3w0\+5`P1vL3+DFb9D?}]fwL.vW&n#{BZ`FQ=_ >EDzs/owM+o~oo+/N-9&Ao[T+p09:cYA?Y `U-zR:h+uS'=rO+dKSNPn R-o"@C W/j4~Z!v8bma.cJ/ /@w6=\!gA@?+\1 E7Ed+T%ho:i6f MU"L6F$HOr-'Ag`Rn#\8qQ~l!c9?}m8sz.d}V@H5&tGe]lQUj2gZ :|rV8ZhCN1#7`yq6y|r /2 Click on the Ask a Librarian button to submit a question to the Pentagon Librarians. Visitors who require an escort prior to 6 a.m. or after 4 p.m.and are not pre-registered will be unable to access the Pentagon. [43], On the building's main concourse is the Hall of Heroes, opened 1968[44] and dedicated to the more than 3,460 recipients of the Medal of Honor,[note 1] the United States' highest military decoration. All visitors are required to be registered by a sponsor through the PFPA visitor sponsor portal (, https://www.defense.gov/Pentagon-Tours/Request-A-Tour/, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. The area struck by the plane also had blast-resistant windows2 inches (5cm) thick and 2,500 pounds (1,100kg) eachthat stayed intact during the crash and fire. Just south of the Pentagon are Pentagon City and Crystal City, extensive shopping, business, and high-density residential districts in Arlington. Pentagon Press Room - Auditorium in The Pentagon Planning a trip to Washington? xb`````X:1$q (31p=``cpava -+-nJz\W4x2&0xnp0Yc+ &\0R4[1+;`q !' As such, its existence serves as a key cornerstone of America's nuclear deterrent. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the Department of Defense, a military command center, and a secure facility. It was built out of the Joint War Room that preceded it during the Kennedy Administration. Title 10, United States Code, section 526, limits the number of general and flag officers on active duty in the Department of Defense. Ar 672-5-2, 31 july 1967.pdf - RMY REGULATION AR 672-5-2 DECORATIONS AND AWARDS ILLUSTRATIONS OF AWARDS Pentagon Library (ANR-PL) ATTN; Military Documents Section Room 1A518, Pentagon \ <<921F8029D2D98D48A329A3A71225AE80>]>> vUS byd=0Cwym|q~Z9|3-8Y)rIkf[YpdZ@$Grtv|lzwNg9Edtks4w?7 ?xu=_TqWo_}sp?o=? Engineering. Basically, this facility was designed as a highly secure and command and control complex that serves as the nerve center and brain of the Pentagon, and by default, of the Department of Defense's. [28], Contracts totaling $31,100,000 (equivalent to $446million in 2021[1]) were finalized with McShain and the other contractors on 11 September 1941, and ground was broken for the Pentagon the same day. The Pentagon Reservation HPCON level is ALPHA: It is the responsibility of both the visitor and sponsor to account for any additional restrictions being enforced at the time of visit. List of ebooks and manuels about Pentagon finance number. RM 2H62DFG - Reverend Samuel 'Billy' Kyles delivers a speech about the day Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated during an MLK observance in the Pentagon Auditorium Thursday, January 26, 2012. The institute lecture hall complex hosts classrooms of various sizes from a large auditorium to small tutorial rooms. US Air Force CHIEF of STAFF General (GEN) John P. Jumper asked of a group of Air STAFF officers and enlisted members gathered in the Pentagon auditorium on September 21, 2001. width: 100%; Till this very day, the facility directly supports the National Command Authority and its ability to rapidly order-up nuclear attacks. [37], Soil conditions of the site on the Potomac River floodplain presented challenges, as did the varying elevations across the site, which ranged from ten to fortyft (3 to 12m) above sea level. the next room use doors on left to enter the 9/11 Memorial. Back in 2007, Colonel John Brunderman, Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisitions, gave a talk at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst about his experiences in the NMCC on that tragic day. Technology, performance and design delivered to your inbox. This is literally a safe space for the top rungs of the Pentagon's military leadership to hash out the services' most pressing issues. The Building The famous edifice has five rings, five floors above ground and two floors below ground. hb```J eax|n%}5::;::@$kX,Qhl5\tf2N%03q,f`{Y$0Bmca`1p 1iF 20 * All active duty, reserve military, and DOD civilian personnel in the National Capital Region with Pentagon access are eligible to become members. Phone: (202) 494-2625. The Pentagon is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense. List of ebooks and manuels about Pentagon auditorium room number-2 - Washington Headquarters Services.pdf: Download. The primary backup operations site for the Pentagon is known as Raven Rock, or Site-R. These EAMs can quickly start or avert the end of the world as we know it. Gradually, bays were subdivided into private offices with many using window air conditioning units. [47][48][49][50][51] The three versions of the Medal of Honor Army, Sea Service (for the Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard), and Air Force (for the Air Force and Space Force) are on display along with the names of recipients. Blumberg Auditorium, Room 309, and Room 410 are available one half () hour after the Library opens through one (1) hour before closing. Select from premium Pentagon Auditorium of the highest quality. As such, the amazing communications capabilities the facility has at its disposal are really its greatest asset. Five al-Qaeda hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the western side of the building, killing themselves and 184 others: 59 on the airplane and 125 in the Pentagon. [27] In addition to the Hoover Airport site and other government-owned land, construction of the Pentagon required an additional 287 acres (1.16km2), which were acquired at a cost of $2.2million (equivalent to $31.6million in 2021[1]). This facility has much in common with today's tactical operations centers and combined air operations centers overseas. We are a non-appropriated fund activity operated by Washington Headquarters Services. Pentagon (Korean: ; stylized as PENTAGON; abbreviated as PTG) is a South Korean multi-national boy band formed by Cube Entertainment in 2016. %`f5/Jy VTCwsXC70o 2!!=nL{yEf(5J;Kbu W=-PocZ D8wfV),(h Parking Offices - Pentagon: 703-697-6251, Mark Center: 571-372-7100 or 7144. Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. Download Images of Pentagon auditorium, Washington dc - Free for commercial use, no attribution required. In addition, its military and civilian Federal employees were going to comply with the President's policies. All books are the property of their respective owners. Pentagon | Washington DC 20301-1155, DoD | Room numbers are given as the floor, concentric ring, and office number (which is in turn the nearest corridor number followed by the bay number). There are almost 18 miles of corridors. ;q&cwXzB@!#1Gx3R3A Support services such as Finance, Military Personnel and ACS for those assigned to the Pentagon are provided by Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBM-HH). Find great things to do Pentagon Press Room Auditorium The Pentagon, Arlington Save Share Tips Photos 2 See what your friends are saying about Pentagon Press Room. One such example was the increase in Defense Condition. 0000010381 00000 n This is where principals and their aides meet for high-level military discussions and briefings. TRICARE Website. [42][43][13] When Roosevelt visited the facility before its dedication, he ordered removal of the "Whites Only" signs in segregated areas. 0000044182 00000 n [52][53][54][55][56], From 1998 to 2011, the Pentagon was completely gutted and reconstructed in phases to bring it up to modern standards and improve security and efficiency. "The first indication was news reports of an explosion at one of the World Trade Towers," Colonel Brunderman said. Unrelated to the Pentagon project, he was charged with improper conduct while having served as president of the American Institute of Architects. 2 Property Type Office - Government Office Property Size 558,187 SF Lot Size 2 Acre Parking Spaces Avail. Contact. 0000054234 00000 n If approved, where do I go when I arrive at the Pentagon? Construction on the Pentagon began on September 11, 1941, 60 years to the day before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. [26] A minimal amount of steel was used as it was in short supply during World War II. 0000001385 00000 n Just imagine what it looks like now in the information age!. Foursquare can help you find the best places to go to. by . [68][70], It was the only area of the Pentagon with a sprinkler system, and it had been reconstructed with a web of steel columns and bars to withstand bomb blasts. large american flag hung . Ch 4 chemical bonding and molecular structure.pdf - 52 AX 6 E 0 Octahedra l SF 6, WCl 6 AX 6 E 1 Pentagon al pyramidal XeOF 5 , IOF 5 2 [7] AX 7 E 0 Pentagon al bipyramid al 7 IF ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q.1. This extremely secure vault of a meeting space, basically a moderately decorated Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF), is used by the military's top leadership to openly discuss highly classified and sensitive subjects, which can include wartime decisions. The Emergency Conference Room (ECR) is very much a 'war room' as we understand the concept from Hollywood. 0000001927 00000 n [9] It was the first significant foreign attack on Washington's governmental facilities since the city was burned by the British during the War of 1812. The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense.It is in Arlington, Virginia (near Washington, D.C.).It has limestone walls. [10] The main entrance for visitors is on the southeast side, as are the Pentagon Metro station and the bus station. Groups interested in touring the Pentagon should contact the Pentagon Tour Office at 703-697-1776. "It's hard to capture and explain the fog and friction of war," he said. (G&1Gf~Y:rS|#:cDH. Hdvv0 &7>ZyDk 2 1 As a symbol of the U.S. military, the phrase The Pentagon is often used as a metonym for the Department of Defense and its leadership. The Washington Monument can be seen in the distance. [6][7] Some 23,000 military and civilian employees,[7] and another 3,000 non-defense support personnel, work in the Pentagon. My understanding is the number of rooms change every time they remodel. "One of the proudest moments I have from that day was with all the chaos; you know you train for this everyday, it was amazing to see how quickly everything switched to a different mode. 0000001156 00000 n [26] While the project went through the approval process in late July 1941, Somervell selected the contractors, including John McShain, Inc. of Philadelphia, which had built Washington National Airport in Arlington, the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, and the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, along with Wise Contracting Company, Inc. and Doyle and Russell, both from Virginia. [24], On 28 July, Congress authorized funding for a new Department of War building in Arlington, which would house the entire department under one roof. The NMCC staff provides continuous operation monitoring, reporting, training, maintenance management, and coordination for all communications-electronics activities and systems supporting the NMCC to ensure minimum essential National Military Command System connectivity for the Single Integrated Operational Plan execution, worldwide situation monitoring and crisis management. Beyond its Cold War-esque nuclear role, the NMCC also has many other functions. There are a number of historical displays in the building, particularly in the "A" and "E" rings. "We normally hear from World War II pilots and their war experience in the air, but this is a unique opportunity to hear some ground-war stories," Lt. Col. Joseph Wolfer, 6th Airlift Squadron commander, said as he introduced Colonel Brunderman. In addition, early warning and command and control nodes scattered around the globe are also linked into the NMCC, allowing it to share a common situational 'picture' with other command centers, and most importantly, with Strategic Command's bunker at its headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases and positive test cases in the National Capital Region over the past two weeks, the Pentagon Reservation will move to Health Protection Condition Charlie . The room is cool and peaceful, lighted partly by a panel created from shattered glass found in the ruins of the Sept. 11 attack. For guidance on using the facility during HPCON ALPHAplease visit our recently updated FAQ page. The Pentagon is the world's largest office building, with about 6.5million square feet (150 acres; 60ha) of floor space, of which 3.7million square feet (85 acres; 34ha) are used as offices. West Ramp\r Slight right onto Seminary Rd.\r Turn left onto Beauregard St.\r Turn left onto Mark Center Drive\r At the stoplight, go straight through the \r roundabout and veer le\ 13 Apr 2012 Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics 1050 W. Perimeter Joint Base Andrews Dental Clinic Room 4A870, 1760 Air Force Pentagon Pentagon Provision for projecting films and other audiovisual msteri-ala should be planned for all areas (See Fig a.> Continue reading here: Hospitals SUE: The Pentagon auditorium is downstairs. That panel sits where an altar ordinarily would, its pentagon. hbbd```b``6yDrH&V0LlnJ[`qK{&'H`v hYioH+1f,+>fb;ke%cql"2)H Id`wA|XaiicR1SLy\QDEcRLJ3!u-bB%fsQY!` 0000054756 00000 n The NMCC is primarily where the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs would run the Pentagon during a major emergency that could last for a prolonged period of time. Looking at us in uniform to do its business in may 1941 that War... 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pentagon auditorium room number