mark walters trojan horse

In 2017, the academic scholars Therese O'Toole and John Holmwood, who served as an expert witness in the professional misconduct cases, described the Trojan Horse affair as a "false narrative" spread by a hostile British press which led to "a serious miscarriage of justice" against the teachers, drawing comparisons to the Hillsborough affair. [4], These claims by witnesses were unsubstantiated. [4][89], The discussions contained: "Explicit homophobia, highly offensive comments about British service personnel, a stated ambition to increase segregation at the school, disparagement of Muslims in sectors other than their own, scepticism about the truth of reports of the murder of Lee Rigby and the Boston Marathon bombing and a constant undercurrent of anti-western, anti-America and anti-Israel sentiment. The latter piece concluded that in the present system, the schools investigated could have registered themselves as faith schools and been allowed to teach Islamic values with permission from the state. The Greeks were laying siege to the city of Troy, and the war had dragged on for ten years. [9] Its intentions are clearly set out in the introduction where it states "its purpose is to promote greater understanding of the faith, religious and cultural needs of Muslim pupils and how they can be accommodated within schools. [21], The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, said that "protecting our children [was] one of the first duties of government" and convened an emergency meeting of the Extremism Taskforce and a ministerial meeting to discuss the affair. The governors have been made to resign Has she come back because she wants to take the school forward or is she fulfilling a personal vendetta?[127]. [2], The report commissioned by Birmingham City Council and compiled by former head teacher, Ian Kershaw, concluded that school governors and teachers had tried to promote and enforce radical Islamic values and found evidence of extremism in 13 schools. Its just a Trojan horse for gentrification: austerity and stadium-led regeneration book By Mark Panton, Geoff Walters. The Trojans believed the horse was a peace offering and dragged it inside their city. Around a month later, Birmingham City Council revealed that following the letter release it had received hundreds of allegations of plots similar to those described in the letter, some claims dating back over 20 years. [95], After the reports were published, Liam Byrne, Labour MP for Birmingham Hodge Hill, said that cultural division in Birmingham had been caused by the rhetoric of the government, and "[Birmingham]'s school system is so fragmented it feels at times likes the Balkans". Edition 1st Edition. Another school investigated, Alston Primary, was already in special measures. At the heart of the affair ", The government's Department for Education initially responded to the scandal by banning Alam and 14 other teachers from the teaching profession for life in 2015. Mark was definitely the author. Assistant principal Lee Donaghy, a self-declared agnostic, said that the school was achieving more by "accommodating" Muslim practices, but called it "pernicious" the idea "that people running the school are trying to force more religion on these kids than the parents want". None of those involved in the Trojan horse affair were criminals in the conventional sense of the word. to lead the Department for Education analysis of "evidence of extremist infiltration in both academies and council-run schools". Some staff at the school expressed fear that neither eating nor drinking amid high temperatures during the 18 hours of daylight in the months of June and July would compromise pupils' health and their ability to learn. They built a wooden horse, which they left outside the city. Staff were afraid to speak out about the significant changes. Instead, the report concluded, the council was focused on community cohesion. From Serial Productions and The New York Times, The Trojan Horse About. [29] The letter was alleged to have been written from Birmingham and sent to a contact in Bradford to expand the operation into that city. [58] Ofsted found that "the governing body has removed some subjects, such as music, from the timetable". [51], Ofsted investigated in 21 schools in Birmingham in March 2014. The Trojan Horse was a clever idea that turned the tide of the war in favor of the Greeks. ", It said that the council had been aware of the extremist activities as early as the end of 2012, and that discussions had taken place between officials as early as July 2013, half a year before the emergence of the Trojan Horse letter. It described the ideology being promoted as "an intolerant and politicised form of extreme social conservatism that claims to represent and ultimately seeks to control all Muslims. WebTrojan horse virus, also called trojan, may be defined as malware that appears to be legitimate or appropriate software and used by attackers to compromise the systems security. richard belding leave it to beaver songs about rebelling against parents makai polk scouting report. [7][8] This document provided guidance about the religious needs and practices of Muslim parents and pupils that would facilitate their integration into schools. is for sale online, in a number of independent bookshops, including one in Seattle, and in a major bookshop chain in London. The way the letter is written it is like an outsider's perspective on how Muslims would communicate or talk. [4], Figures in the group included Park View Headmaster Mozz Hussain, Deputy Head of Nansen Primary Razwan Faraz and Shahid Akmal, the Chairman of Governors at Nansen. WebIts just a Trojan horse for gentrification: austerity and stadium-led regeneration book By Mark Panton, Geoff Walters. [34] The Guardian and The Independent both stated that the letter is "widely regarded as a fake". Share. [citation needed], An investigation ordered by the government found a "sustained, co-ordinated agenda to impose segregationist attitudes and practices of a hardline, politicised strain of Sunni Islam" in several Birmingham schools. [22] He announced proposals to send Ofsted to any school without warning, saying that the schools in question had been able to stage a "cover-up" previously. banned from any involvement with schools,[10] while the bans against 14 other teachers were eventually overturned, dropped and/or dismissed in courts between 2016 and 2017. [25] This would be so despite the fact that the previous duty on schools to promote community cohesion had included an emphasis on 'shared values' which were exactly the same values espoused in the new duty. [126], He claimed that white children were lazy. Initially, the failure to disclose the transcripts was explained as a "departmental misunderstanding", albeit one, according to the Panel, where, "even on that basis such failure was simply unacceptable". The hearings were expected to be concluded quickly, but continued through until May 2017. The school had a determination from the local SACRE to provide Islamic collective worship since 1996. [23], Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said that the Trojan Horse plot was driven by the same Islamic extremism as that of Boko Haram, the Nigerian terrorist group. [66], On 9 June 2014, Lord Nash, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for schools, wrote to Tahir Alam concerning the OFSTED and EFA reports and outlined the actions required by the school.[67]. [114] He later said that the Council accepted the Ofsted findings that schools in the city were failing pupils. [citation needed] Later, he was critical of the Conservatives' plan to teach "British values", claiming that it would alienate moderate Muslims. [103], A play about the Trojan Horse affair and the injustices at its heart by LUNG Theatre (Helen Monks, co-writer; Matt Woodhead, co-writer and director) won the Amnesty International Freedom of Expression Award at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2018 and began a national tour in October 2019. Across eight episodes, journalists Brian Reed and Hamza Syed sought to discover the author of the anonymous letter that triggered the scandal. [23] The government terminated its funding arrangement with three of the schools. He claimed that girls should be taught cooking and sewing while boys should be taught trades. Based on drawings and written records, this Trojan Horse model allows you to recreate one of the most epic tales of ancient Troyalthough on a much smaller scale. WebTottenhams Trojan Horse? Mark Panton and Geoff Walters (2019) Tottenhams Trojan Horse? [134] Teachers lost their livelihoods and a community had its reputation besmirched, yet their defence was neither fully heard nor reported. Now the audio game-changer has made a divisive UK story the focus of a new eight-part series, its first overseas outing. [79] For three years running non-Muslim pupils and staff were excluded from these trips. 25/05/2022; Posted by [99], Harriet Harman, the shadow Culture Secretary, urged the Culture Secretary, Sajid Javid, to protect music from being dropped from school curriculums after learning this had taken place at one of the investigated schools. The educational advisers to the Clarke Report did not set out the guidelines applying to religious education and collective worship in schools and no information was provided about the locally agreed SACRE curriculum which continued to be taught in the schools. This pre-dated by approximately .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}3+12 months the date on which the witness statements were signed and finalised". WebBook written by Mark Russinovich. He worked for a charity believed by the US to have links with terrorist organisations. [131], A further comment by Mr Justice Phillips is noteworthy. A member of staff at Park View also alleged that the school had handed out worksheets stating that wives can not refuse to have sex with their husbands, a claim that the school denied. He said that its conclusions did not reflect the full reality in schools, and that discrepancies between this and the governmental report were "regrettable and unhelpful". "[78], Segregation was found in one classroom with girls sitting at the back with their heads covered. It effectively ended the war, demonstrating the ingenuity of the Greeks. The educational advisers to the Clarke Report did not set out the guidelines applying to religious education and collective worship in schools and no information was provided about the locally agreed SACRE curriculum which continued to be taught in the schools. [60] Girls claimed to have been discriminated against and said some were sent home from a tennis tournament because their dress was too "revealing". The pupils were told at an assembly not to send Christmas cards and that Mary was not the mother of Jesus. WebThe Trojan Horse Affair raises a serious question that requires an answer. The Department for Education inspection found the seating arrangements "often with boys sitting towards the front of the class and girls at the back or around the sides". Community cohesion and PREVENT: how have schools responded? [6], Tahir Alam, former chairman of the Park View Educational Trust which ran three schools in Birmingham, was alleged to have written a 72-page document for the Muslim Council of Britain in 2007 detailing a blueprint for the "Islamisation" of secular state schools, a claim that has been widely debunked. [29] Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Education, said that "wider, more comprehensive action" was needed and appointed Peter Clarke, a former senior Metropolitan Police officer and ex-head of the Counter Terrorism Command. [2], Golden Hillock School, Nansen Primary School, Park View Academy all run by the Park View Educational Trust Oldknow Academy and Saltley School were placed in special measures after inspectors found systemic failings including the schools having failed to take adequate steps to safeguard pupils against extremism. [45], In May 2014, the BBC reported that Tim Boyes, the former headteacher of Queensbridge School, had written anonymously to Birmingham City Council in 2010 to try to expose Operation Trojan Horse,[46] and in June a former prospective school governor said that he had informed authorities of the conspiracy in 2008. [22] Pupils and staff stayed in luxury five-star hotels. He said the government would be terminating its funding arrangement with three of the schools. Texts and images of the girl with a boy, a fellow Year 11 pupil at Park View, were used to justify the girl's suspension weeks before her GCSE exams. the Panel expressly stated in each decision, when pronounced on 9 February 2016, that the allegations were "in no way concerned with extremism". [55] In the event, just 12 teachers were subject to NCTL hearings, in which they were accused of "undue religious influence", not Islamist extremism. Responding to those claims, Education Secretary Nicky Morgan said that there was no place for extremism in education, and there was still more work to be done to eradicate it. Media coverage of Operation Trojan Horse was varied. Arrangements for the hearings were deeply unsatisfactory, with four separate cases brought against different groups of teachers associated with PVET and one other school, Oldknow Academy (which it transpired had a Memorandum of Understanding with PVET, signed at the behest of the Department for Education). [42] The general secretary of the headteachers' union, Russell Hobby, said the union has found "concerted efforts" by hardliners to infiltrate Birmingham schools, and that it was working with 30 of its members in 12 schools and had "serious concerns" about some of them. Staff wishing to discuss LGBT matters were lambasted by governors. The few pupils that elected to study a Christianity unit as part of the Religious Studies GCSE course had to "teach themselves", because the teacher focused on Islamic studies which the majority were studying. It tries to deceive the user to load and execute the files on the device. Marks doctoral research concentrated on the use of sport stadiums in urban regeneration projects and he is currently working on a graphic/comic version of his thesis. Ms.Kondal alleged she had been the victim of undue and unlawful pressure to resign her position by both parents and governors. Three schools were commended. [2], In January 2022, The New York Times released an investigative podcast about the Trojan Horse scandal which characterized it as an "Islamophobic hoax" and compared it to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a historical antisemitic hoax. If that fails get rid of the white kid." He said that "the Trojan Horse in east London was a political one rather than an educational one" and spoke of racial politics taking hold. [5] Its leader, Sir Albert Bore, said that the Council accepted the Ofsted findings that schools in the city were failing pupils. The school was one of those identified in the Kershaw and Clarke Reports, but no information about it was provided. Found that `` the governing body has removed some subjects, such as music, from the ''. Dragged on for ten years the Trojan horse affair were criminals in the conventional sense of the.. While boys should be taught cooking and sewing while boys should be taught cooking and sewing while boys should taught. Idea that turned the tide of the white kid. through until May.! They left outside the city were failing pupils were expected to be concluded quickly but. 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mark walters trojan horse

mark walters trojan horse

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