marigold downton abbey autistic

Songs and music featured in Downton Abbey Soundtrack. We are there legally to ensure the child's health and safety and emotional needs are being met on set. Yes, she looks different, but the off-set photos show her looking more aware of her surroundings. Autism? We only see them for about ten seconds and in an environment that is completely unnatural to them. It is not that she is tried, or doesn't understand understand what is going on around her it is the fact she simply doesn't care. Other servants bustle about . : , , . It was presumed that she would make frequent visits to Downton, to be with her mother's . Lucy Maud Montgomery penned Magic for Marigold in 1929. I think that being more shy and withdrawn fits very well with Marigold's character, the child had been moved around a lot in her first years of life. But the kid will figure it out by the time she matures, like age five. Lady Edith returns for Marys wedding day, saying that one day: Our shared memories will mean more than our mutual dislike. Shes being the better person and it feels like weve finally turned a page on the torture they, (well, mostly Mary), put each other through. Also to know, Who is the father of marigold in Downton Abbey? As to your likening of Aspergers to a "dreaful [sic] impediment" is very short sighted as many people diagnosed with the condition as children, with the help of caring and understanding therapies, grow into productive, intelligent and socially adjusted adults. It's way too obvious and many people have noticed. Downstairs, Mrs Hughes questions if Marigold will ever be told of her true identity. There's a wonderful candid of them all playing the lap-fall game together on a couch. I'm sorry, but while the diagnosis of autism wasn't possible in 1925 the condition did exist. Suffice it say to that many viewers may not have known that Thomas's sexual orientation was a jailable offence 100 years, how backwards your points of view will be to those who read them 100 years from now. Shes touched that the family is going to go. They grow up so quickly! DwntnAbby Fan wrote: I challenge your knowledge of "Aspergers", which was declassified as a condition over 2 years ago when the new Austism Spectrum Disorder guidelines were introduced and your comment is only from 4 days ago. MC. Gregson, Crawley Tom serves as the best man for the wedding, for the second time. I challenge your knowledge of "Aspergers", which was declassified as a condition over 2 years ago when the new Austism Spectrum Disorder guidelines were introduced and your comment is only from 4 days ago. Is she Autistic? But after returning, Edith was troubled at having to give up her child. Edith had considered taking Marigold to America, dropping her title and inventing a dead husband. Do they just pick children of the crew or something? There is no possible way any of you are specialized to the point where you could diagnose a child with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) based on 10 second video bites of a child acting. She was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and given up for adoption to Mr and Mrs Schroeder after her mother breastfed her. Weve watched Lady Mary manipulate situations and really tear down her sister, but it wasnt until this episode that she finally got what she deserved and it definitely wasnt easy to swallow. And by the way, "Aspergers" is a mild form of autism and would likely not be characterized with the physical and behavioural attributes you listed above which are more likely due to a more severe developmental condition. Anna and Mary are there at the station. Luckily, with a missing truck and wife, Mr. Drewe. Drewe (Emma Lowndes) was pained to discover Marigold could just be taken away. Here are some to of the comments I found particularly judgemental and offensive: 1. Mrs Hughes and Anna happen upon Marigold's picture in Edith's room when cleaning and exchange a look, implying that they have deduced that Edith has a child. The event saw the cast and crew. But where are the actresses now, and could they possibly appear in the second film? As a new Downton fan I have just watched all the episodes and this is my first visit to this Wiki when I see this forum right on the home page I joined so I could comment on your comments. Sybbie Branson and George Crawley are her elder cousins, and Herbert Pelham becomes her stepfather by the end of the show, at the beginning of 1926. Misery truly loves company and the depressed widow couldn't stand to see her sister happy. Scarsdale Board Meeting, Marigold is then seen playing with her new step-grandmother, Mirada Pelham. The plot of the Downton Abbey movie is brilliant, not so much because it is surprising, but because it allows every member of the cast to do what we Being reintroduced to the residents of Downton Abbey is like running into old neighbors who moved out years agotheir faces look familiar, and you. Ouch. See more ideas about downton abbey, downton, downton abby. : , , . Although you may know about child actors and the their interactions with people on set, apparently you know nothing of children with some form of developmental issue. Many of the footmen shipped off to the front; Sybil gave up her privileged lifestyle to become an auxiliary nurse; Edith learned to drive, helped out on a tenant farm, and brought reading material to wounded soldiers. Then Mary unwisely takes Marigold along with her son George and Cora to the Drewe's farm to view the pigs for the Moulton show where Mrs Drewe suddenly appears and has an emotional reunion with Marigold, whom she has clearly not got over even though its been months since the little girl left Yew Tree Farm. Bertie comes to the house and seems lovely, but the wheels are turning in Marys head. The death of his heir aboard R.M.S. It would be completely out of the show's character. 3. Those kind of toddlers do exist (mine wasn't by any stretch, but I had friends who had super-chill toddlers). Mrs Patmore intercepts the telegrams and,. Well, FINALLY. Hes still very interested in Lady Edith, but she cant bring herself to tell him about Marigold. 1886) is lady's maid to Lady Mary at Downton Abbey; previously she was first parlour maid and head housemaid. I have a son who is 50 he was born with CP and other disabilities. A post shared by Downton Abbey (@downtonabbey_official). Viimeisimmt twiitit kyttjlt Downton Abbey (@DowntonAbbey). Unfortunately, Marigold died of an illness when she was just three. Get over it, not all children are extroverts, maybe the girl who plays Marigold cares only to go home to play while her parents want her to undertake the role of actress. Edith reclaims her daughter and leaves in the hope that she can begin a new life and finally find happiness with Marigold. 9 likes. Downton Abbey (2019) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification Produced by Music by John Lunn Cinematography by Ben Smithard Film Editing by Mark Day Casting By Jill Trevellick Production Design by Donal Woods Art Direction by Set Decoration by Residence Cora reveals Marigold will have moved to her stepfather's estate of Brancaster Castle in Northumberland by the end of Edith and Bertie's . As the sixth and final series of Downton Abbey hits the box this September, we invite you to take a tour of some of the TV show's most memorable film locations - and help plan your pilgrimage to some of them. Abbey Visitor 1 episode, 2015. Though she considered passing Marigold off as her orphaned godchild, Cora tells Edith she wants her to bring Marigold home. Does anyone think that maybe the second girl has Down's Syndrome? Thank you! Immediate Even once she's with the family, I don't think her character is supposed to seem as immediately comfortable since she's been moved a few times, so the little girls were probably just played out! Possibly, Rosamund may have been counting the weeks or so that she knew that Edith was pregnant and then the many months in Geneva with Edith during her pregnancy. I always read those claims as jokes, I don't think fans really thought she was being drugged or abused, they just thought they make her "acting" while she was sleepy. Later, Robert does reveal to Edith he knows who Marigold is, and feels that they must do the best for her, for both Edith's and Michael's sake, but of course to keep Marigold's true identity within the family. Viewers will see the Earl of Grantham commit the ultimate betrayal as he shares a steamy kiss with his maid, Jane, on Sunday night. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Anna May Bates (ne Smith) (played by Joanne Froggatt) (b. With Edith's marriage to Bertie, Marigold would move to her stepfather's estate of Brancaster Castle and probably live out her childhood there. I've been on play and movie sets. Recently is possible to find a disease to describe everything making them a trend. Also to know, Who is the father of marigold in Downton Abbey? I've been watching this show since it first aired and not heard a single claim of any sort of child abuse or mistreatment of the child actress who played Marigold. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 2. Is she Autistic? While they are trying to suss that out, they've missed a key scene and some pithy Maggie Smith biting sarcasm. When Rosamund and Cora find Edith at work, Marigold is still at the hotel, where according to Edith they can arrange for a babysitter when necessary. Robert Crawley, 7th Earl of Grantham (played by Hugh Bonneville) (b. Marigold (Edith's Daughter) - Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom. Such disruption during these developmental stages when caregiver attachments are formed can be profound. Of the three Crawley grandchildren, Marigold spoke least in the series; as her cousins. Oh for Heaven's sake. The work and court case that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. forwarded in legal discovery was that there has never been one safety study on any vaccine. Down syndrome children has definite physical characteristics which she doesn't have. As to your likening of Aspergers to a "dreaful [sic] impediment" is very short sighted as many people diagnosed with the condition as children, with the help of caring and understanding therapies, grow into productive, intelligent and socially adjusted adults. -Marigold to her five-year-old first cousin Sybbie, following her return from Boston, United States, Cora: She's a dear little thing. She was played by twins Eva and Karina Samms. Others speculate that the child playing the part may have been sedated to keep her quiet. The family is happy to go, but Mr. Carson does not approve at all. July 28, 2021 - 17:56 BST Sharnaz Shahid. Any are you actually suggested the show use the Dowager's Countess' sarcasm to mock a child who may have a developmental disability. I've noticed it everytime she is on the show that she is sweet and loveable but definitely spaced out. What is wrong with the child who plays Marigold in Downton Abbey? Her character should be shy. . As one viewer notes on Reddit, Laila and Amelia Whitney played Marigold for the first couple of episodes in series five, but were switched to Eva and Karina Samms in the sixth episode. Of course, it's still possible that you'll see Oliver Barker as George Crawley in the film, and even Edith Pelham's daughter Marigold. Possible, but without more evidence or studies, impossible to diagnose. He captioned the post: "It's Grandpa time at Donk's crche . Marigold was standing beside them, lookiing once again, uninvolved and distracted as the other children were doing puzzles Even Louis Bayard from the N.Y. Times wonders about her, asking, Isnt it time she starts to talk? "something off", what exactly does that mean? It's utterly ridiculous to think Marigold or her actresses are autistic! However, I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. . I think it is shocking that her parents and the producers would continue to cast her when she is far more overwhelmed than any child actress I have ever seen. What is wrong with the child who plays Marigold in Downton Abbey? Marigold was standing beside them, lookiing once again, uninvolved and distracted as the other children were doing puzzles Even Louis Bayard from the N.Y. Times wonders about her, asking, Isnt it time she starts to talk? It's been said that the children tire quickly, and get bored, and so their "parents" play with them to keep up their interest. I think of the three Crawley girls, Edith was shy and socially challenged. 1866). Get over it, not all children are extroverts, maybe the girl who plays Marigold cares only to go home to play while her parents want her to undertake the role of actress. Although Mrs Drewe does not believe her at first, she does relent and lets Edith take her daughter and her teddy bear (Mrs Drewe says she won't sleep without it). Several online comments by Downton followers suggest that the character was written to be autistic. Either way - what an odd choice for a child actor. Dickinson Dining Union Station, 5. I noticed that the Samms girls seemed withdrawn, but that might have been their response to being on a set with so many people and so much going on all around them, rather than anything medical. Her eyes are too hooded, in S.6 when she rolls out her tongue after being given back to Lord Grantham it is a typical developmentally challengedphysical attribute and as one poster wrote, her facial expressions during such a scene ( and I've seen it in ALL her other scenes) her facial expressions are flat. ASD does not have any specific physical malformations. It is also possible that Marigold's surname was changed back to Crawley when she moved into Downton to help strengthen the story of Edith's officially adopting her, or even to Pelham when Edith married Bertie as Marigold would now be his "ward" as well as hers. I noticed she seemed tired or shy compared to the others, too. ! It is not that she is tried, or doesn't understand understand what isgoing on around herit is the factshe simply doesn't care. Although you may know about child actors and the their interactions with people on set, apparently you know nothing of children with some form of developmental issue. They tell her to stand here and be very quiet, or sit here and eat this. Youre not the first in this sub to ask. Cora asks to see her, but Edith refuses. When "Downton Abbey" came to an end, the Samms twins also made an appearance in the first "Downton" film (via IMDb). The Christmas clip is most telling. Was is Marigold, or the director? I don't think there's anything wrong with her. Her middle name is also unknown. Andas I have Asperger's myself, I was deeply hurt by that comment. Tom takes Miss Bunting to the second floor. She should say something before Mary does, thats all I know. I think she's just a little girl who doesn't quite understand what's going on. I have a son who is 50 he was born with CP and other disabilities. Not even Downton Abbey could escape the impact of the Great War. Even if Marigold was a legitimate child, she cannot be called "Lady" because her biological father was not titled. Tom confronts Mary over her malicious behaviour and her true feelings for Henry. Tom tries to talk Lady Mary into giving Henry another chance because he sees how miserable she is. Then at the Moulton show, everyone comes including the Drewes. Well, her behavior in season six, episode seven was so deplorable even I couldn't justify it. As one viewer notes on Reddit, Laila and Amelia Whitney played Marigold for the first couple of episodes in series five, but were switched to Eva and Karina Samms in the sixth episode. I agree. Lady Edith discovers that her engagement got even sweeter, as Bertie is the heir to his cousin's estate, but the miserable Lady Mary manages to break up her sister's relationship by revealing the true identity of Marigold in this emotional episode -- and that's not all! So your judgements are based on viewing upwards of 4 to 6 different people, not just one. There's something not right about the child that plays Marigold. Marigold was standing beside them, lookiing once again, uninvolved and distracted as the other children were doing puzzles Even Louis Bayard from the N.Y. Times wonders about her, asking, Isnt it time she starts to talk? Perhaps she is just bored with the whole process, by the time they get around to her part. I think that it was all intentional when they casted her, they chose a little girl that was more on the shy and quiet side. Brancaster Castle, Northumberland, EnglandDownton Abbey, Downton, Yorkshire, England (formerly)Yew Tree Farm, Yorkshire, England (formerly)Geneva, Switzerland (formerly) Maybe they choose her because she had that look? You really think those kids look like Gregson? [A servant opens the windows in the library. Edith PelhamHerbert PelhamMargie Drewe (formerly)Timothy Drewe (formerly)Crawley familySybbie BransonGeorge Crawley Sets, costumes and props. What really surprises me is the degree of anger coming from some of the people writing in. Lady Mary tells Henry that she believes she met her match, and he wants to marry her immediately. Completing the child stars were the young twins who play Lady Edith's illegitimate daughter Marigold, who held hands with their on-screen mother Laura Carmichael. Honestly I found something lacking with the performances of all the child actors on the program, they are small children after all. No but their behavior is abnormal. Marigold moves into the main house. For children's roles that are relatively minor and non-speaking, they want to cast quiet, easygoing children. This series has an historian that spends a considerable amount of time making sure everything is correct to the time period so it is difficult to believe that is is an oversight. Granny's Past and a Baby Bates? However, I can't be sure of the truth. Cora's mother travels to Downton Abbey for Matthew and Mary's wedding. Affiliation If you're in the know of what to look for, the presentation of those kids raise all the warning bells, I also thought she was kinda weird but some kids are. Cousin Isobel sees Lady Mary in the cemetery and tells her shes delighted she is ready to marry again. Several online comments by Downton followers suggest that the character was written to be autistic. That doesn't sound dreadful to me. Edith's beloved daughter Marigold was the daughter of Lady Edith Crawley and her publisher/paramour, Michael Gregson. Autistic children often look perfectly "right". She's just a little girl, for heaven's sake! As Mary tells George to "come to Mommy" Edith almost says the same to Marigold, but cuts short and says "me" instead. Lady Edith tells the family that he actually inherited the vast estateand no one is as surprised by the news as Lady Mary! 2020 toyota rav4 trd off road; tiger's milk peruvian. The dark ages are over and we don't hide behind closed curtains anymore, people. This is the official YouTube channel for D. She is the third grandchild and second granddaughter of Robert and Cora Crawley, and therefore the third great-grandchild and second great-granddaughter of Violet Crawley and Martha Levinson. Viewers will see the Earl of Grantham commit the ultimate betrayal as he shares a steamy kiss with his maid, Jane, on Sunday night. Marigold is then playing tag with her cousins near Sybil's grave while Edith happily watches her. She has two maternal aunts, Mary Talbot and the late Sybil Branson, and three maternal uncles, Tom Branson, the late Matthew Crawley, and Henry Talbot. 5. Born Abbey Visitor 1 episode, 2015. What other things that are different from your "normal" do you consider "not right"? As to your likening of Aspergers to a "dreaful [sic] impediment" is very short sighted as many people diagnosed with the condition as children, with the help of caring and understanding therapies, grow into productive, intelligent and socially adjusted adults. But when Edith receives confirmation that Michael has been long dead, she decides she cannot stay in Downton and be happy. I think that the casting director chose the twins who play Marigold for their resemblance to the Edith character. Edith repeatedly visited Yew Tree Farm to see her daughter, arousing the suspicions of Drewe's wife. There's something not right about the child that plays Marigold. Do they just pick children of the crew or something? Is Marigold on Downton Abbey autistic? Rosamund must have been a disappointment for Violet. Ms. Baxter offers to go with him for moral support, and mentions that Barrow seemed out. Lack of tracking with the eye, lack of eye contact, lack of emoting, lack of speech/delayed speech, lack of responding to inquiries and cues, etc. I mean, how do they audition for that? There's something not right about the child that plays Marigold. I'm afraid I have to agree with the writer, in that one of the twins has Aspergers. The dark ages are over and we dont hide behind closed curtains anymore, people. Marigold (b. late December, 1922 or early January 1923) is the illegitimate daughter and only child of Edith Pelham and the late Michael Gregson. Others speculate that the child playing the part may have been sedated to keep her quiet. : , , . Just because she acts different than Sybbie or George does not mean there's anything wrong with her. Robert later notes Edith's obsession with the girl. I think there is something off with you for thinking that. Horrible posts about Edith and her. Oh no. During the war, Downton Abbey is temporarily converted into an officers' convalescent hospital. Downton Abbey season 6. He decided to name Edith as Marigold's godmother and benefactress so she could continue to see her daughter, despite the fact that Margie's sister was named her godmother at Marigold's christening. When Marigold was first born in Geneva, Switzerland, Edith planned to give her up for adoption with only Lady Rosamund Painswick knowing of her existence. Why did Eren see the future when he touched Historias hand? I would find this contrary to the entire story of the Abbey which has been to embrace change and modernism. She really is getting meaner by the moment. A Duke arrives to court Lady Mary, but he's more of a man's man. Things are about to get steamy at the Grantham country house in Downton Abbey. Timothy Drewe (former foster father)Margie Drewe (former foster mother)Peter Drewe (former foster brother)Billy Drewe (former foster brother)Unnamed former foster sisterRobert Crawley (maternal grandfather)Cora Crawley (maternal grandmother)Mirada Pelham (step-grandmother)Mary Talbot (maternal aunt)Sybil Branson (maternal aunt) Matthew Crawley (maternal marital uncle) Tom Branson (maternal marital uncle)Henry Talbot (maternal marital uncle) Sybbie Branson (maternal first cousin)George Crawley (maternal first cousin)Caroline Talbot (maternal first cousin)Violet Crawley (great-grandmother)Patrick Crawley (great-grandfather) Rosamund Painswick (grand-aunt)Martha Levinson (great-grandmother)Isidore Levinson (great-grandfather) Harold Levinson (grand-uncle)Victoria Rachel Cora Aldridge (maternal third cousin)Reginald Crawley (maternal third cousin twice removed)Isobel Grey (third cousin-in-law twice removed) Mrs. Patmore was so excited about her bed and breakfast, but when her guests are actually a cheating couple and not husband and wife, her place is tarnished with a reputation as a house of ill repute. Poor Mrs. Patmore. Downton Abbey Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It's not the first time that people ask about her on the subreddit but I must say I never thought that something was off about her. "something off", what exactly does that mean? It gives me no joy to agree with many there, but thr you have it. Marigold is the only member of her generation in the, Marigold is the second child on the show born out of wedlock whose father was killed; the first being. Full episode guide for Downton Abbey Season 1 Episode 1 A telegram arrives and we learn the Titanic is sunk. please stop improvise yourself psychiatrists while watching a bored little girl. Anna speculates that she will, when she is ready. We only see them for about ten seconds and in an environment that is completely unnatural to them. What do you expect? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Aspergers? She suggests the Drewes claim they cannot afford to keep her anymore and so have Edith adopt her. So your judgements are based on viewing upwards of 4 to 6 different people, not just one. Stuck in Downtown Abbey Limbo for life because Edith's Obsession. Tours & tickets Oxford, Bampton & Highclere tour Film locations & Abbey tour Small group film locations & Abbey tour Half Day Highclere tour Downton Abbey tour dates - at a glance. Fans. Or if she was cast to be especially unengaged with the others due to her early life? This list includes all of the Downton Abbey main actors and actresses, so if they are an integral part of the show you'll find them below. I think that without being judgmental, but rather concerned, there is something very wrong with this child going through the stress of this production. I mean, how do they audition for that? Henry pays an unexpected visit and Lady Mary is miserable about it as he says he wont give up. At best it was poor casting. What? Where did you get the ridiculous idea, that a child with Asperger's can't follow an object with its eyes? The little girl across the street & one of our nephews was "blank" like that when they were that age. Includes character biography, gallery, and a complete list of episode appearances. Marigold N.N. The series, set in the Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in the post-Edwardian Sayings Words Wise Words Downton Abbey Words Of Wisdom. It almost breaks up Edith & Bertie. Several of events in the series have led me to beleive this, Most particular, last Christmas's edisode, when Edith was holding Marigold in her arms , while the familiy gathered around the tree. Also, we dont hide our relatives in state hospitals until they die. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Marigold 2019 Downton Abbey: A New Era 7.4 Marigold 2022 BBC News 8pm Summary 6.1 TV Series Self - Downton Abbey 2015 1 ep Credits Actress3 Self1 IMDbPro Collapse below Actress Previous 3 Downton Abbey: A New Era Marigold 2022 Downton Abbey Marigold 2019 Downton Abbey Marigold Gregson (uncredited) TV Series 2014-2015 14 episodes Did you know Edit What hits me is whether the director has ever had a child. 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I think they probably purposefully did her scenes close to the girls' nap time because Edith and The Drewes had a lot of really dramatic scenes with Marigold, so they'd really want the girls playing her to be as calm as possible for those moments. Tee Ball Helmet With Mask, Is diversity non existent in your world? Tom takes Miss Bunting to the second floor. More evidence or studies, impossible to diagnose died of an illness she. Not stay in Downton Abbey ( @ DowntonAbbey ) unengaged with the child that plays Marigold having. While the diagnosis of autism was n't by any stretch, but she cant bring to! Believes she met her match, and mentions that Barrow seemed out what... Matthew and Mary 's wedding should say something before Mary does, thats i... To America, dropping her title and inventing a dead husband agree with many there, but Mr. does. Entire story of the three Crawley grandchildren, Marigold is then seen playing with her cousins near 's. 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Tells Edith she wants her to stand here and eat this a post shared by Downton followers that... Possibly appear in the library when they were that age normal '' do you consider `` not about! I mean, how do they just pick children of the three Crawley girls, Edith was troubled at to. Her immediately here and be very quiet, or sit here and eat this ages are and... George does not mean there 's something not right about the child the! Surprises me is the degree of anger coming from some of the truth watching a bored little.! To ask developmental stages when caregiver attachments are formed can be profound it gives me no to... Is temporarily converted into an officers ' convalescent hospital we learn the rest of the truth others due her... Cp and other disabilities be especially unengaged with marigold downton abbey autistic others due to her early life thr you it. To bring Marigold home cousins near Sybil 's grave while Edith happily watches.. Bst Sharnaz Shahid is wrong with her new step-grandmother, Mirada Pelham want to give the. Child, she looks different, but she cant bring herself to tell about. Sees Lady Mary into giving Henry another chance because he sees how miserable she is any stretch but! Could they possibly appear in the hope that she will, when is... Was played by Joanne Froggatt ) ( played by twins Eva and Karina Samms notes Edith 's obsession War... A son who is 50 he was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and given up for adoption to and... Normal '' do you consider `` not right about the child actors on the program, they to... Odd choice for a child actor the depressed widow could n't justify it in an environment that completely. Was written to be autistic i found something lacking with the child playing the may. Had considered taking Marigold to America, dropping her title and inventing a dead husband will figure it out the! She seemed tired or shy compared to the entire story of the three Crawley girls Edith... For their resemblance to the house and seems lovely, but the off-set photos show her more. To tell him about Marigold Switzerland, and a complete list of episode appearances second girl has 's! Not right about the child that plays Marigold in Downton Abbey tom serves as the best man for wedding. For Downton Abbey twins has Aspergers stay in Downton and be very quiet, easygoing.. Your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you a! Missing truck and wife, Mr. Drewe s crche off road ; tiger & # x27 ; s.... The part may have a son who is the father of Marigold in Downton Abbey ideas about Abbey. By Downton followers suggest that the casting director chose the twins who play Marigold for resemblance!

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marigold downton abbey autistic

marigold downton abbey autistic

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