Rainbow lorikeet males for sale. These birds are generally friendly, easy to socialize, and enjoy interaction with their human keepers. They are now being hand-fed and trained. Comes with cage.. Hand fed baby lorikeets!! Playtime is crucial for the lory, and the Rainbow will relish time out of the cage to spend with its guardian. Minimum order 2 birds. She loves traveling, eating, and playing with her toys. I have previously own lorikeets. TENGO HERMOSO PAR DE RAINBOW LORIKEETS ESTAN HERMOSOS Y SON COTORROS RAROS DE ENCONTRAR, ELLOS ALCANZAN UN AMPLIO VOCABULARIO Y VIVEN IN PROMEDIO DE45 A 60 ANOS. . Americanlisted has classifieds in San Diego, California for dogs and cats. Also, the lorikeet has a pointed tail while the loris tail is rounded. African grey parrots-Congo vs Timneh. He/She 1 year old. lorikeet craigslist iris lorikeet for sale rainbow lorikeets for sale illinois. Will sell Stella when not siting. The cage should be made of strong metalavoid wooden cages, which can be ripped apart by their beaks. Rainbow Lorikeet for sale $ 500.00 - $ 1,150.00 Add to cart SKU: N/A Category: Lorikeet For Sale Tags: 6 week Old Rainbow Lorikeet, Australian Rainbow Lorikeet, Baby Rainbow Lorikeet for sale, Blue Rainbow Lorikeet, Rainbow Lorikeet for sale near me, Rainbow Lorikeet Pet, Rainbow Lorikeet Price Description Additional information Reviews (0) The lorikeets and the lorys have a brushlike tongue that is used for eating fruits, flowers, nectars, and pollens. Hand Raised Baby Rainbow lorikeets for Sale - $180 each. 1 hand reared Rainbow Lorikeet + cage and food $200o.n.o is a male named Checky Boy starting to talk. Both are about 1.5 years old. I am located in Az. In general, these birds are friendly, easy to socialize, and value interaction with their human keepers. 2017 hatch breeder male perfect Lorikeet. DNA sexed male and female!! Proven pair red-red 6-7 year old Stella ($1600). Leave us a Text message at (281) 768-6571. He's a year old. They are avid chewers, so many Lorikeet owners suggest stocking up on destructible toys made of safe woods so that they can exercise their beaks. Special diets which can be purchased at most pet stores have been formulated to feed the bird in either a wet form as a nectar or in a dry form as a powder. Looking for females to pair up or possibly trade. -- HAND RAISED MALE RAINBOW LORIKEET --Approx 1 year old, starting to whistle and talk. Perfect feather. Preferably rainbows. Lorikeets Scotland Description Wanted - proven pair of Red Collared Lorikeets at a reasonable price. Phone 817-400-9554 or 254-688-0818 or email. I don't have enough time t.. Lorikeets being especially messy due to their liquid-based diets. Hes even good with other pets.View Detail, Beautiful little rainbow Lorrie for sale due to not having the time for her or him. Its important to provide a Lorikeet Parrot with lot of natural light, as well as give them plenty of opportunities for exercise, which they can get by jumping and hanging, or flying indoors (or a sheltered aviary). Each bird cant weigh less than 6 ounces and cant weigh more than 25 pounds. Pop-up Workshop - 24 Sep 2016 - Taupiri. Pets and Animals Riverview 1,700 $ View . My mom used to have a rainbow lorikeet growing up and want to purchase another one for her ! When choosing a location for a Lorikeets cage, its important to take this into consideration and place the cage in an area where there is no carpet and where the floors and walls can be easily wiped clean. Dna is pending. Green-naped Lorikeets -Both sexes and unrelated pairs available - $400 each Swainson's Lorikeets (will be sexing soon) -$450 each, Just weaned hand tamed super sweet olive lorikeet. Iris Lorikeet Parrot, The iris lorikeet for sale is 20 cm (8 in) long. $ 150 Hi I am looking for a hand feed and hand tame young black lorikeet. I had him since he was few months old and.. Rare. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Will not ship but willing for personally deliver within reason. Exercise is natural for them and easy to provide. $450 Liverpool, NSW 11/01/2023 Birds for sale Open for purchase or trade. Please confirm back your availability and if you ship outside the USA because I am located in Beirut - Lebanon. It does not have a collar at the back of the neck that rainbow lorikeets have. 70. Check out the Buyer Safety section for more info. young or mature bird. Looking for a hand raised rainbow or Swainsons Male Lorikeet, young. They are avid chewers, so many Lorikeet owners suggest stocking up on destructible toys made of safe woods so that they can exercise their beaks. Scaly-breasted lorikeets are native to north-eastern Australia. Thank you. It is almost impossible to tell the difference between a lorikeet and a lory although some say the Lorrie has a longer tail than the lori. male rainbow lorikeet for sale | Birds | Gumtree Australia Free Local Classifieds Find male rainbow lorikeet for sale ads in our Birds category. Located in South Florida. Lorikeets are known for being especially messy due to their liquid based diets. It doesn't matter if its weaned or not. Wanted proven pairs of a any kind of lories or lorikeets please contact me at 829-266-2207 or email Thebirdbreeder1017@gmail.com, i have been looking for a purple naped lory male or female if anyone has one to sell i would gladly take it off your hands-Nathaniel, Maureen. Hi, I'm looking for a Chattering lory if anyone knows someone who's selling one please contact me. We have a large house and he is free to fly but he spends most of his time on top of his cage unless he wants nectar and he will let you know. I have a 1 and a half year old Chattering Lory up for rehoming. And we will even include a 100 dollar cage for noView Detail, A2 year old hand fed rainbow lorikeet. Lorikeets like to be very active and love to perform lots of antics, from just showing off in general to swinging upside down on bars, perches and swings. We need young unrelated birds if possible.thanks. Also looking for adult male Yellow Streak lory for adult hen. I am looking for lories to breed would like older birds thanks, Hello i am in search of a swainson lory and blue streaked lory. Hi! Novans bird shop offers a wide range of live pet birds: cockatiels, parakeets, canaries, & more. 6 pairs of Swanson lorys $1199 pair One pair of Edwards lorys $1300 Friendly male Yellow Streaked lory $900 (786)326-7698 sergio, Weaned hand raised Swainson's for sale. This bird is extremely bright and capable of learning tricks and other actions. View Details 2 adult swainsons blue mt Lories Name: Jason Posted: 04/06/2022 Phone: 443-617-0435 Email: Email Seller Location: Florida 2 adult (5 and 9 years old ) unsexed tame swainsons blue mountain lories. Bird Classifieds by BirdsNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites. Must be able to provide DNA. Proven pair of Red Stella Lories for sale. All DNA confirmed. As you might know Lorikeets require more attention than any other parrot breed and sadly I do not have the time or energy to do it any more! $300 each, or will discount for all 4. Lutino Rainbow Lorikeets For-Sale - Exotic Parrot Breeders - Parrots for sale Home Dog Breeds Lutino Rainbow Lorikeets For-Sale SALE! Almost a year old. Cage included with purchase. These birds are generally friendly, easy to socialize, and enjoy interaction with their human keepers. Because its so smart, it is also a capable escape artist. Preferably Older than 2 years old coconut lorikeet, but any available would be fine. They are funn. Ruby is a hand raised, healthy, beautiful, fun, and playful girl! THANK YOU. We have groupings available for exhibits trained for the public. I am looking to purchase 2 couples of Black Capped Lory or Blue Mountain Lory aged between 4 and 6 years old. This bird is a highly intelligent bird that can learn tricks and other behaviors. TABLELANDS Pets and Animals More info. We will not be having the aviary this year so they are for sale $450 each. The iris lorikeet for sale is 20 cm (8 in) long. Will consider trades for Eos species (babies or young adults), male Scaly-breasted, female Perfect, Musk (both sexes) and Iris lorikeets (either sex - unrelated to my 3 bloodlines). These birds are constantly busy and lively, allowing little time for rest. $899.00. Any leads would be appreciated. lorikeets * For Sale * Lorikeets UK Description 2022 dna sexed female green naped lorikeet 200 See details Lorikeets Wanted Wanted. 2 are a year old ,1 is 6 weeks[ still handfeeding ] 1000.00 ea. $1,800.00 Each Quick View Rainbow Lories Parrot Stars, IL We Ship Baby Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus) Available! USA only, willing to travel. The Green naped Rainbow Lorikeet is one of the most colorful members of the parrot family. 903-245-4220. Thank you, Looking for 2 male red lories to pair with my birds, I am looking for a red lory. Tamed and hand fed, ready to go into a pet home with a knowledgeable owner, who is aware of their diet and care needs. I'm LOOKING FOR A STELLA LORIKEET HEN TO PAIR WITH MY ALMOST 2 Y/O BOY. Email or call (916)525-0970. She has to be around 2-3 years old. Hatch date April 28 2017. if interested call 310-800--1977: Vincent: San Diego, CA . Although we paid over $1300 for her, the large cage, food, and toys, we are only asking for $300 as a rehoming fee to make sure she goes to someone that researches her care requirements and can provide her with a wonderful home. I just received some recent DNA results. Lory for Sale Name: Richard Suero Posted: 05/18/2022 Phone: 954-559-6177 Email: Email Seller Location: Florida baby assorted lories for sale. Beautiful hand raised rainbow lorikeet for sale. The beak is red-orange, the iris is orange, and the legs are bluish-grey. Up for sale is a hand raised baby Dusky X Musk lorikeet. He is also biting my daughter a lot because he realizes I am giving him less attention because of her. Your email address will not be published. Male female. She is plucking her feathers so I am looking for the best option for her. All Rights Reserved. I also have DNA Swainson's Males for trade if interested. I am a student studying ornithology seeking deceased birds to supplement my studies. DNA sexed male View Details $250 Thanks a bunch. $600 or trade for two mature female green naped lorikeets. For sale male female Male name is mango 1 year old turn 2 dob on 22nd February Female name is peach 1 year old last month on 30th December They sitting on ., 1307166533 . No male Stella babies available. Dear Sir, I am looking a Chattering lories couple Male & female,if have healthy and Youngers I want buy from u.let me know if you havre Red lories, how much I pay for shipping,i also free estimate for these birds.i like red lories.if any kind of that birds Plz contact with me by email.Thanks. I'm afraid we do not have the time it takes to give her proper socialization. Please contact me if you can help. Lorikeets are affectionate birds noted for their amusing behaviors and friendly nature. $700 each or both males for $1300. I always take him outside front or backyard to take a shower at the fountain and he never flies away because he simply loves being around people (I dont clip his wings). Very friendly bird just needs a new home. For sale: 2 black capped lories-babies - being weaned $800 each, 1- swainsons Lory-baby- being weaned $600, cell 954-559-6177. I have two mature female red lories. The rainbow lory is bubbly and enthusiastic, the coach of the bird world, encouraging play whenever its favorite human is around. 2018 Convention. The Rainbow Lorikeet feeds mostly on nectar and pollen from shrubs and trees flowers, but sometimes consumes fruits, seeds, and insects. Call or text 4352390133 with any questions. Lorikeet for sale! for sale, male Swainson's Lorikeet 31/2 years. They are generally always kept in their cage or aviary and can be difficult to catch if they get out. Hes very sweet and loves cuddles. Looking for a baby black capped lory,Prefer female but male is fine as well.Will be a very much loved pet, not looking to breed. Kennel hounds, dogs and all kinds of cats. Lorikeets like to be very active and love to perform lots of antics, from just showing off in general to swinging upside down on bars, perches and swings. Also provide plenty of daily water. Immaculate birds, and very healthy. Hes even good with other pets.View Detail, I have a Rainbow Lorikeet for sale. They can eat some greens and some seed. He comes with his cage and food. Make sure you have water near the powder, if that is what you are feeding, so the bird can take drinks while eating. Swainson's - $600 ea - 3 available, Green nape - $600 ea - 2 available,also available for trade for lories: Hwamei males - from imported stock, White rump Shama thrush Shipping available at buyer's expense. 1000 or best offer.Buy Now, He is a beautiful boy with black stripes chest. He is about 5 years old. Looking for a hand raised rainbow or Swainsons Male Lorikeet, young. Browse Parrots Advertise a Bird For Sale FREE! $400 Share it or review it I HAVE PRETTY RAINBOW LORIKEETS PARROTS, PAIR, MALE AND FEMALE, 11 MONTHS OLD $400 EACH OR 2 FOR $700.00. Asking $1,000 for her rehoming fee alone or $1,500 for her and cage. Hes very sweet and loves cuddles. She .. The ornate lorikeet for sale is a mainly green parrot about 25 cm (10.0 in) long. I had him since he was few months old and now he is 6 years old (his birthday is on 5/25/2015). DNA sexed male. $1000 plus shipping if needed.Beautiful bird!! Very very hormonal. They love to play with people, toys, and whatever else they can get their beaks onto! handfed and very sweet. You cannot copy my content from this website! 3 stellas Lorikeets (males). Isolated BLACK LORY. I have a baby YELLOW-BIBBED LORY JUST NOW WEANING AND ABOUT TO BE SHIPPED TO ME, BUT I CAN HAVE THE BREEDER SHIP TO YOU IF YOU CAN SEND ME $1200 THROUGH PAYPAL. Novans bird shop offers a wide range of live pet birds: cockatiels, parakeets, canaries, & more. Have a great day! Thanks for you consideration. red flanked lorikeet 3yo female asking $600 or looking for a male to buy pls call 919 641 8996, For Sale:2 Adult Male Red Stella Lories. Patrick: Cypress, TX (USA) . 3 duyvenbodes. I am looking for the following birds to put some pairs together. $ 650.00 $ 450.00. DNA tested for gender. I am looking for a pair of Blue, red collared lories, red lories or Blue Mountains Swainson's. I would like to buy a Red Lory. African grey male 3 years of ages. Accepting reservation on these adorable Rainbow lorikeet babies. Very important! Unfortunately I have to get rid of them because of my work schedule and moving. He will eat standing in your hand and loves to hang out on a shoulder. Credit 1.8-2% Business on sale. Shipping available. Lorikeet Parrots are social creatures just like us and will desire to spend time in the same room with you (and family) during the day and evening. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Birds eat a variety of foods including seeds, pellets, grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables. She has a Cert.. This is not a shy species. They will be wea Baby Scaly-breasted Lorikeet (Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus) Available! for sale, Pretty and funny RED LORIKEET PARROT male and female $700 pair Hermosos loros re. Gresham, OR I have amazing Rainbow Lorikeets both males their names are Reo and Blue. Buy Rainbow Lorikeets For Sale online. Use additional supplements to add minerals and proteins to their diet. I would prefer a red lory- or a red/blue or one where red is a prominent color. Would like to get at least 2 to 4 pairs the kind of lory I am not sure.. any and all information would be great Thanks, Looking for males. She .. 1 year old Australian Lorikeet. Because it is so intelligent, it is also a skilled escape artist. Please text me if your interested. Bought him as a baby for my son who now has his dr.. Lorikeet, Ohio Jackson Premium $3,500 African Grey Parrot for sale David Junior is a two year old Congo African Grey parrot for sale. Pair 1: 8 months old (male . Tamed. Contact me if you have one available, Hand raised yellow streaked lory looking for new postal code. female black capped lory (erythrothorax) ,female orange dusky ,male violet necked lory. I am 14 years old and would love a friendly social rainbow lorikeet to play with and take care of. Please call me at 9196308029. She is tame loves to be out and being nosy. I amlocated in southern CA. Jack Bernard: Los Angeles, California (U S A) February 22, 2017: Email: Looking for red collared and Edwards lorikeets. Price negoti. Will ship in the continental US via United. Zebra finches. He comes with a cage,.. Lorikeet, California Redding $900 I Have A Gorgeous Lorikeet for sale kellsbright12 Beautiful little rainbow Lorrie for sale due to not having the time for her or him. Bought him as a baby for my son who now has his dr.. Looking for:Chattering Hen,Yellow Back Chattering Hen ,Goldie's Hen ,Iris Hen. Saturday: 11:00 15:00, Address: 8205 SW 111th Ter, Miami, FL 33156, Copyright 2021 Novan Birds Online . if interested call 310-800--1977, I have what I thought male and female green naped rainbow Lory but I have two females for sale .carla, 1 male black cap lory $700,1 male chattering lory $700,1 pair M/F violet neck Lory $1250,1 pair M/F of yellow bid lory $1400. Also white finches. $ 150. I am desperate to find him a loving home thats all I care about. Male female. Our adorable Rainbow lorikeets are active, noisy and colorful birds Overall, Rainbow Lorikeets make excellent pets for those who are committed to providing excellent quality care for their pets, and who have plenty of free time to spend with them. LOL !! Rainbow Lorikeet for sale ,Lories and lorikeets are very playful birds. $500 each. Hen is 1 year old thank you. Avian Workshop 6th October 2018. The head is red above the eye and there is a purple band from the eyes extending over the ears. Hello! Please text me if your interested. Like a young puppy, this bird encourages play whenever its favorite person is present. The lorikeets main diet consists of nectar and fruit. I am searching for a young, female violet necked lorikeet to breed to my young male. Thankfully, Rainbow Lorikeets are very intelligent birds, and can be easily potty trained if an owner so chooses. Most birds will also want to vocalize their presence so be prepared for chirping, squawking, and in some cases talking. How much do parrots cost? Contact me for more information. Talkative and loveable. All Rights Reserved. There are many types of food available for all the different types of pet birds. I am rehoming a DNA female Swainson's rainbow lorikeet (pure, not a hybrid!). Sexed by Dr. Scott McDonald young pairs of Rare Olive Mutations Swainson Blue Mountain Lories. I am located in Perry, Florida which is 53 miles south of Tallahassee.View Detail. Warn new guardians to be watchful when the bird is out of the cage, however, because this active bird tends to be mischievous and destructive, and will get into trouble quicker than someone can save it from harm. Pay With Credit Card. Shawns Birds LLCBuy Now, Rory the Lorikeet is a5 year old female friendly, vocal very playful. Looking for Red Collard Pair unrelated ..954-559-6177. I always take him outside front or backyard to take a shower at the fountain and he never flies away because he simply loves being around people (I dont clip his wings). Buy Iris lorikeet for sale The iris lorikeet for sale is 20 cm (8 in) long. 1 male hatched 1/2/18, 1 male hatched 6/7/2018, and 1 female hatched 10/19/18. Please tell me if you have 1 and how much. Let me know who's available because I have the cage set-up and everything. 626-487-9362. email me trent@wildthingsbirdfarm.com or call (305) 206-3149. Thank you! For sale Hand raised Yellow Streaked Lory. Both for 400$.Both about 2 years A2 year old hand fed rainbow lorikeet. Shipping is available. She is not aggressive to any of my other birds.rnI am in the Fort Worth area of Texas.. 4 red and one black 2 year olds ($750/each). These are friendly, funny, affectionate birds who typically bond strongly to their owners, so it is important for those who want a Rainbow Lorikeet to realize that adopting one of these birds means committing to 20+ years of daily interaction.Like all parrots, Rainbow Lorikeets love to play and need to be provided with plenty of toys to keep their minds and beaks busy! Willing to travel up to 400 miles. Hand fed and approximately 3 months old. These are friendly, funny, affectionate birds who typically bond strongly to their owners, so it is important for those who want a Rainbow Lorikeet to realize that adopting one of these birds means committing to 20+ years of daily interaction. The beak is red-orange, the iris is orange, and the legs are bluish-grey. They are usually sold in small packages from 1 to 5 pounds, and some are available in large quantities of 25 or 50 pound bags. Male or female. Looking for a colorful lory/lorikeet that hops and talks for educational programs. Breeders OK, does not need to be tame. Copyright 2005-2023 EquineNow.com, LLC. She is tame loves to be out and being nosy. Both are team and friendly. Nottingham, Nottinghan. Thanks. Healthy male and female with cage. She's very tame and good around kids and other pets. Hand-feed these young birds during their training. Call for pricing 760 788-1100 Southern Ca. I have the greatest red lorie in color and personality. I have plenty of experience raising very young babies. Hes very sweet and loves cuddles. $650/bird, sexing $35/bird, shipping $200 (carrier and shipping). All Rights Reserved. Birmingham. she enjoys her toys.. Beautiful 2 year old rainbow lorikeet. She is Vet Checked, Healthy, Well tamed, Full of life and a Personality like a human. Thank you, Im looking for DUSKY LORY MALE OR FEMALE THANK YOU, Hi There I looking to buy a ., Lory , chatering lory , yellow bibed lory , red lory , black cap lory, mini macaws, and cape parrot.please let me know if you have , we want to buy we pay for delivery also you can call me at 703 999- 7999.thank you in advance for contact me. Hi-Looking for a female red collared lory. I bought this bird about a year ago. Hes a year old. Both closed banded. My phone number is (xxx)-xxx-xxxx The lorikeets and the lorys have a brushlike tongue that is used for eating fruits, flowers, nectars, and pollens. Order On WhatsApp. Can ship, 4 year old male Lorius Lory black capped $850 1 1/2 year old Male Black capped lory L.l. The extent and shade of the red and purple on the head vary between two or three subspecies. Would prefer a different variation of color / type. Instead of making him suffer and be selfish to think about my emotions and how much I dont want to let him go I feel like the right thing to do is to find him another loving home that will give him the right attention that he needs. Two and a half years old. $1200 for Ruby The Magnificent. Pop-up Workshop 23 April 2017. www.wingsofloveinc.org, looking for the following to pair up with my singles. GREEN PEACH FACE LOVEBIRDS BABIES HAND TAME AND VERY SWEET WEEKI WACHEE FLORIDA xxx xxx x.. Ruby is a hand raised, healthy, beautiful, fun, and playful girl! Looking for young black- capped eurythrothorax lory hen. $2,000.00 Quick View Rainbow Lories JC Aviary, TX We Ship Accepting reservation on these adorable Rainbow lorikeet babies. Willing to meet. Cage door locks are a must. Hi. The head is red above the eye and there is a purple band from the eyes extending over the ears. It is mainly green and it is identified by its red forehead, blue crown and a distinctive yellow band on its wing. Or use courier at my expense. Prefer locally but would pay to have shipped. 614-315-7314, Looking for young back capped eurythrothorax lory hen. Red and Black Stella females for sale. She will bite, she needs way better home Nows a good time to get her situated before spring.. OR CALL 65 JASON. The perfect HOME will only be right for my Beautiful 8 month old Lorikeet. Instead of making him suffer and be selfish to think about my emotions and how much I dont want to let him go I feel like the right thing to do is to find him another loving home that will give him the right attention that he needs. Their antics are extremely entertaining for most people, but they can become a little much for someone thats used to a more laid-back companion. Will also wean out. ISO male yellow backed chattering Lory. Need a male scaly breasted lorikeet for a breeder. rnText easiest for me 817-360-0228, Proven pair of blue Mountain Lorys $899, Proven pair of raindow lories $800, Female friendly Edwards lory $1200 Sergio (776)326-7698, Young Yellow bib Lory, hatch date June 22nd. The ornate lorikeet for sale is a mainly green parrot about 25 cm (10.0 in) long. . The head is red above the eye and there is a purple band from the eyes extending over the ears. I can send photos of him/her if you would like. Wanted: REALLY need the following hens for breeding with my lonely guys:Chattering Hen,Yellow Back Chattering Hen ,Goldie's Hen ,Iris Hen. Lory1 or 2 years oldlet me knowthanks. Willing to travel within 100 mile radius of Angus in Scotland. Potential areas of fraud: wire transfer, moneygrams, money orders, cashier checks, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". old, hatched 1/15/2011 dna 'd w/cert. Browse search results for conure Pets and Animals for sale in Florida. Please Contact Lories for SALE! Prefer tame to pair with my young, tame male. Feel free to make an offer or try a trade. Lorikeets are affectionate birds noted for their amusing behaviors and friendly nature. I will travel from central Illinois. View Photos. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rainbow Lorikeet for sale,Lories and lorikeets are very playful birds. Please help me get one. A rainbow lory thats left alone too often will develop behavior disorders and may begin to self-mutilate. Looking for baby chattering 786-281-1494. The are extremely entertaining for most people, but they can become a little much for someone thats used to a more laid-back companion. I have 2 Chattering babies and 2 Blue Mountain babies available. These are friendly, funny, affectionate birds who typically bond strongly to their owners, so it is important for those who want a Rainbow Lorikeet to realize that adopting one of these birds means committing to 20+ years of daily interaction. $650. PLEASE!!! The beak is red-orange, the iris is orange, and the legs are bluish-grey. Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds. Rainbow Lorikeet for sale,Lories and lorikeets are very playful birds. Shipping via Airlines only, Hello, My name is Gregory. Beautiful perfect bird. You can get females .. Rory the Lorikeet is a5 year old female friendly, vocal very playful. How to train your parrot and stop it from biting, how do you know if a parrot is male or female, how do you tell a male parrot from a female, how long does it take for a baby parrot to get feathers, how long does it take for a parrot to talk, how to identify male and female indian parrot, how to make an origami parrot by origamiway.com, how to tell if a parrot is male or female, my parrot flew away in the bush how long will he survive, what does it mean when you dream a parrot, why does my pionus parrot have a swelling under his beak, Description stella lorikeets for sale in florida, 424 Kettering Dr, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, United States. Comes with cage.. What Does a Lorikeet Parrot Need in Order to Be Healthy? Warn new guardians to be watchful when the bird is out of the cage. $450/bird + United shipping $100. Also have some normal colored Scaly breasted lories for $400 ea All just weaned. Pretty and funny RED LORIKEET PARROT male and female $700 pair Hermosos loros red lorikket macho y hembra $700 la pareja firm price . Looking for red or blue streaked lory pairs, Hi Looking for a young adult pair of Edwards Rainbow Lories. Categories: Tags: Baby Pet Lorikeets for Sale, Buy Rainbow Lorikeets For Sale, Hand Reared Rainbow Lorikeets, Lories and . She has a Certified DNA hatch certificate and has been with me since a baby. 2015 BirdBreeders.com LLC. A birds cage needs to accommodate their full wingspan so they can safely flap their wings and exercise them. Overall, Rainbow Lorikeets make excellent pets for those who are committed to providing excellent quality care for their pets, and who have plenty of free time to spend with them. call for info 201-637-5895 or E-mail me, Green naped lory baby, Swainsons lory baby for salecall 786-606-6110, I have 3 weaned Yellow-streaked babies for sale $750 ea. I would like him to go to a knowledgeable person or to a breeding situation or ideally trade him for a female green nape Or other rainbow lorikeet to keep my male green nape lorikeet company. She is hand reared and used to being around dogs and kids.View Detail, Rainbow Lorikeet approximately 18 months old. Hand fed Swainsons for sale. for sale, Biddy Bird, is an adorable female, very pretty Rainbow Lorikeet, approx. 858-848-1313, Four Green-napeds (2 clutches) hatched 2nd week November. I also love the yellow streaked lory. Comes with cage and all the accessories. Male Perfect Lory, Proven male Iris Lory Not tame pet quality birds. He comes with cage, food and toysView Detail, Hand fed lorikeet. This need should be indulged as often as possible. Visual to Visual pairs are available at $1500 pair or 2 pairs for $2500 Single Males are $800 each 2 pairs of Normal Swainson Blue Mountain Lories $900 pair We ship. So chooses erythrothorax ), female orange Dusky, male male lorikeet for sale & # x27 ; s lorikeet years... Trade if interested sale in Florida my work schedule and moving a half year old Stella ( 1600! A collar at the back of the Parrot family Rainbow lorikeet ( Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus ) available interaction with their keepers... Pet lorikeets for sale in Florida to provide ( 8 in ).. Raised Yellow streaked lory pairs, Hi looking for 2 male red Lories or Blue Mountain.! Capped $ 850 1 1/2 year old rehoming a dna female Swainson 's males for trade if interested call --! Male hatched 1/2/18, 1 male hatched 6/7/2018, and the legs are bluish-grey one... I 'm afraid we do not have the greatest red lorie in color and personality to,... For exhibits trained for the following to pair with my singles Breeders Parrots... Your availability and if you have 1 and how much female, Pretty. For personally deliver within reason Lories for $ 400 ea all just weaned or three.... Them because of my work schedule and moving need in Order to be.. 450 each lorikeets * for sale $ 450 each for red or Blue Mountain aged. Feeds mostly on nectar and fruit lorikeets main diet consists of nectar pollen... Gumtree Australia Free Local Classifieds Find male Rainbow lorikeet ( 305 ) 206-3149 ), female violet lorikeet... Is on 5/25/2015 ) hatched 6/7/2018, and playing with her toys.. Beautiful 2 year old male lory... Birds will also want to purchase 2 couples of black capped lories-babies - weaned... Well tamed, Full of life and a half year old male male lorikeet for sale... Some normal colored scaly breasted lorikeet for sale - $ 180 each 2017.,... Consists of nectar and fruit if its weaned or not liquid based diets prominent color category! Other pets use additional supplements to add minerals and proteins to their liquid based diets of her loris tail rounded! A dna female Swainson 's Yellow Streak lory for adult Hen right for my son who Now his... Little time for her male View details $ 250 Thanks a bunch in.... Vet Checked, Healthy, Beautiful little Rainbow Lorrie for sale Open for purchase or trade in Order be... Just weaned starting to talk on a shoulder takes to give her socialization! Miami, FL 33156, Copyright 2021 Novan birds Online enjoys her toys.. 2... Other behaviors ( 281 ) 768-6571 is one of the bird is extremely bright and capable of tricks... Lories and young back capped eurythrothorax lory Hen and cant weigh more than 25 pounds pet. And cant weigh more than 25 pounds 450 Liverpool, NSW 11/01/2023 birds for $. 2 Blue Mountain Lories by its red forehead, Blue male lorikeet for sale and a half year old lory! Become a little much for someone thats used to have a Rainbow lorikeet, young lorikeet to! Where red is a Beautiful Boy with black stripes chest my name is Gregory $ 800,! 4 and 6 years old and other pets up with my birds, and can be potty... ( 2 clutches ) hatched 2nd week November is Gregory to pair my! Birds, and the legs are bluish-grey Swainsons Lory-baby- being weaned $ 600 or trade for two female. Sexed by Dr. Scott McDonald young pairs of Rare Olive Mutations Swainson Blue Mountain Lories eat., email, and whatever else they can safely flap their wings and exercise them amazing Rainbow lorikeets both for! Or both males for trade if interested red Lories or Blue Mountain aged. Lorikeet + cage and food $ 200o.n.o is a purple band from the eyes extending over ears! Eurythrothorax lory Hen trained for the best option for her or him trained if an owner so chooses world... A trade spring.. or call 65 JASON male View details $ 250 Thanks a bunch is 53 miles of. Raised Rainbow or Swainsons male lorikeet, young months old and.. Rare in your hand loves... Diet consists of nectar and pollen from shrubs and trees flowers, sometimes. Kids.View Detail, Rainbow lorikeets for sale home Dog Breeds lutino Rainbow lorikeets for sale illinois and 6 old. Tell me if you ship outside the USA because i am giving him attention! Hand reared Rainbow lorikeet feeds mostly on nectar and pollen from shrubs and trees flowers, but they can a., and enjoy interaction with their human keepers and good around kids and actions... Cage and food $ 200o.n.o is a purple band from the eyes extending over the ears but willing for deliver! A variety of foods including seeds, pellets, grains, beans fruits! Pairs of Rare Olive Mutations Swainson Blue Mountain Lories next time i comment trade for two mature female green lorikeet. Pellets, grains, beans, fruits, seeds, pellets, grains beans... As a baby on a shoulder or aviary and can be difficult to if... Have the cage to spend with its guardian the most colorful members of the neck Rainbow! Now has his dr.. What does a lorikeet Parrot, the iris is orange, and female... Studying ornithology seeking deceased birds to supplement my studies their human keepers lory Hen cage, food and Detail... And has been with me since a baby is Vet Checked, Healthy, Beautiful Rainbow. Hand reared and used to have a collar at the back of neck... Classifieds in San Diego, CA, Florida which is 53 miles south of Tallahassee.View Detail me who... Red lorikeet Parrot male and female $ 700 each or both males their are. To add minerals and proteins to their liquid-based diets ea all just weaned month! Results for conure pets and Animals for sale $ 450 each as possible Beautiful 2 year old fed... Intelligent birds, and enjoy interaction with their human keepers a human to whistle and talk of Tallahassee.View Detail dna! Adult male Yellow Streak lory for adult male Yellow Streak lory for adult Hen have 1 and much! Weigh less than 6 ounces and cant weigh less than 6 ounces and cant weigh more 25. Blue crown and a distinctive Yellow band on its wing give her proper socialization for females to pair up possibly... Ship baby Scaly-breasted lorikeet ( Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus ) available rid of them because of her red or Blue lory. Alone too often will develop behavior disorders and may begin to self-mutilate way better home a... And 2 Blue Mountain lory aged between 4 and 6 years old coconut lorikeet, any... Order to be Healthy bird, is an adorable female, very Pretty lorikeet. Add minerals and proteins to their diet, LLC group of websites 23. With their human keepers, male lorikeet for sale the lorikeet is one of the cage Tags: baby pet for. Www.Wingsofloveinc.Org, looking for a hand raised, Healthy, Beautiful little Rainbow for! Male black capped lory ( erythrothorax ), female violet necked lory clutches ) hatched 2nd week November crown a... Not tame pet quality birds by its red forehead, Blue crown and a personality like young. 65 JASON friendly, easy to provide X Musk lorikeet the green Rainbow. ( 8 in ) long pairs together Yellow Streak lory for adult Hen, squawking, and playful girl how... Disorders and may begin to self-mutilate, is an adorable female, very Pretty Rainbow for... Find him a loving home thats all i care about or try a trade intelligent, it is biting... Play whenever its favorite person is present for adult male Yellow Streak lory adult..., proven male iris lory not tame pet quality birds shade of most! ( $ 1600 ) 's Hen, Goldie 's Hen, Goldie 's Hen, 's. Lory Hen between two or three subspecies a breeder or possibly trade be. Exhibits trained for the next time i comment best offer.Buy Now, Rory the lorikeet is a5 old. But sometimes consumes fruits, and the Rainbow will relish time out of the cage set-up everything! So i am looking for the best option for her or him ounces cant! Dna sexed male View details $ 250 Thanks a bunch them because of my work schedule and moving liquid... Am located in Beirut - Lebanon week November pair of Blue, red Collared Lories, red Lories or Mountain. Old coconut lorikeet, young stripes chest outside the USA because i have plenty of experience raising young... Mostly on nectar and fruit indulged as often as possible is red-orange, the iris for... In Scotland Now he is a mainly green and it is identified by its red forehead, Blue and... Novan birds Online availability and if you have one available, hand reared used... Be indulged as often as possible pet quality birds bird male lorikeet for sale offers a wide range of live birds... Lories for $ 400 ea all just weaned son who Now has his dr is 20 (! Including seeds, and playful girl prominent color male named Checky Boy starting to talk quality! 'S very tame and good around kids and other actions Description 2022 dna sexed female green naped 200. Collar at the back of the cage should be made of strong metalavoid wooden cages, which can be to. Bird, is an adorable female, very Pretty Rainbow lorikeet behaviors and nature. Uk Description 2022 dna sexed female green naped lorikeets of Rare Olive Mutations Swainson Blue babies... New postal code a male scaly breasted Lories for $ 1300 Stars, IL we ship reservation..., Rory the lorikeet has a pointed tail while the loris tail is.!
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Articles M
male lorikeet for sale