But it can be especially infuriating after youve spent hours fixing a machine, only for the error to reappear. Sometimes, even after descaling multiple times and getting rid of all lime, the Keurig may still fail to brew, with the 'descale' light still on. If your Keurig isn't powering on, try resetting the device. Keurig K-Supreme is automatically turning off and on. Turn off and unplug the coffee maker. Yeah. But its not easy. Plug the brewer back in, power on, and repeat the Step 3 Fresh Water Rinse cycle. It may seem like youre preparing a deadly cup of coffee. Descaling your Keurig is a process of removing mineral deposits that build up in the unit over time. We might not have flying cars or a space colony, but we can dim our bedroom lights with a single voice command. If this is the case, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. 1 Why wont my Keurig turn on after descaling? Find the 8-ounce and 10-ounce buttons, and press them both at the same time. There are steps you can take to try and fix the issue before contacting Keurigs customer service hotline. FamilyGuideCentral.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If this element is not working, the machine will not turn on. But after youve brewed enough cups of coffee, the waste builds up. This will reset the system, and should get it running again. Press the K button 4 to 5 times until the K-Supreme turns off. If you want to turn your Keurig back on, make sure that the timer is off when its done brewing. A single cup of coffee is made up of 98% water. But when using vinegar, the chemical reactions do all the work for you. How do I clear the descale message on my Keurig supreme? Nowadays, I like the convenience of pod coffee makers so I use Nespresso machines (both Original and Vertuo). Heres what you need to do to troubleshoot and fix your Keurig so you can start brewing your favorite beverages again. It can also void your warranty. The problem is that the machine was dropped. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? There may be plenty of Keurig descaling solutions available on the market. Press and hold the brew button and 12oz button for 5 seconds until water starts dispensing. Keep an eye out for any indicator light on your Keurig that shows it being on. Keep reading to see the steps you can take to figure out whether your Keurig wont power on because of a machine defect or a broader electrical issue in your kitchen. Make sure that the K-cup is inserted correctly and that there is no damage to the cup. If your Keurig coffee maker won't power on, make sure the power cord is plugged into the wall. Descaling is an important process that cleans the inside of your coffee maker. Can You Use Alexa to Work with Your Keurig Machine? Ensure you have appropriately placed the water canister. If there is Keurig Descaling Solution in the water reservoir, discard the contents, rinse the water reservoir thoroughly and refill with water. If this is your first time reading this, your unit has probably failed. You can also clean the K-cup holder to remove any built-up coffee grounds or residue. They should be able to tell you if theres another issue that needs to be addressed before your Keurig will work again. All we require of you is to read the guide weve created below. Run the cycle until its empty, then fill it up again with fresh water to rinse out the vinegar. If a switch fails to activate, its likely that the connection has failed or that the switch itself is faulty. In this case, you must press down the buttons for 5 seconds. Checkout ourprivacy policyfor how we protect and manage your submitted data. They should be able to provide assistance in troubleshooting the problem and may be able to provide you with a replacement part or even a new machine. Once this is done you can run the Descale process again, and surprisingly, it works as advertised. How do I reset my Keurig 2.0 after descaling? To check if the fuse is blown, remove the water reservoir and look for a small hole near the bottom of the reservoir. ), it's supposed to read "Add Water" in the display, procedure is supposed to be complete. An easy fix to this is to reset your Keurig machine. Fill your reservoir with water or a descaling solution, press the flashing brew button and repeat this step a second . To start off, make sure to try and press the power on button on your device to see if that does anything. On most days, your Keurig may be your best friend. How do I get the descale light to turn off? Home HOW TO GUIDES Is Keurig Not Turning ON After Descale? Coffee grounds that are stuck can cause the machine to stop working. The frequency with which you descale your brewer will vary based on the water type in your area, how often you use your brewer, and whether or not you have a water filtration system connected to your Brewer. If the power cord is not the problem, you may need to contact a Keurig repair technician. The water pump can be checked by taking out the removable water reservoir. Not every seed you sow will bear you a fruitful tree. If descaling a Keurig does not work to turn off the descale light, repeat the process with more solution, or descale with vinegar or citric acid and water & let sit for a few hours before rinsing. Another possibility is that the descaling process may have caused a malfunction in the device. I RECORDED A NEW VIDEO WITH SOMEONE ELSE HOLDING THE CAMERA. A broken thermostat can also cause your Keurig brewer to not turn on, even if the thermal fuses arent burned out. Pour the descale solution inside the machine to clean out any gunk. If they are in good working order, you can then move onto more intricate troubleshooting steps that can help narrow down the cause of the problem. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Coffee-Product. Youll need to contact Keurig for service if this is the case. Descaling is a process that removes built-up calcium and other minerals from the machine. If your Keurig isnt turning on after descaling, the first thing you should check is the power cord. You might need extra muscle work if you havent cleaned it in a few months. You can reach Keurig customer service by phone at 1-866-901-2739 or by email at customerservice@keurig.com. Its likely early when you are reading this. Make sure that its filled with fresh, cold water. Keurig Duo Descale Light Stays On Remember, if you clean your machine and the light stays on, all you have to do is hold down the 8oz and 10oz for 5 seconds and the light will turn off. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. If the other appliance also wont power on, then the issue is with your electricity not your Keurig. How to descale Keurig K-Slim Series Step 1: To start Descaling Mode, press and hold down the 8oz and 12oz buttons simultaneously for 3 seconds until the DESCALE indicator illuminates steadily. 7 worst reasons a fridge smells bad (even after cleaning it), Algae control in large farm ponds: How to treat & kill it, 6-step care sheet for a growing & full-grown dinosaur bichir (dinosaur eel), Is it hard to breathe in Colorado? If you bought your machine new from Keurig or one of its retail partners, it has a warranty. Its best to try troubleshooting the issue before contacting the manufacturer. Keurig supreme series and Keurig slim series are models which come with descale mode. Can You Make Keurig Hot Chocolate Without the Machine? Which is more bitter cappuccino or latte? Let it cool down for at least 30 minutes before plugging it back in and turning it on. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'familyguidecentral_com-leader-3','ezslot_11',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-familyguidecentral_com-leader-3-0');Regular descaling is just part of the joy of owning a coffee maker, and its necessary to remove limescale from kettles, boilers, and coffee makers as it can damage the machine and change the taste of coffee. If the outlet is receiving power, then you should next check the power cord, as this is a common issue with Keurigs. The machine will power up, and the brew button should start flashing. Causes of Keurig Not Turning On After Descaling. Contact the manufacturer as soon as possible they will be able to provide the necessary guidance in resolving the problem. ), Can a Glass Dining Table Cause a Fire? To use a descaling solution, simply follow the instructions on the package. Youll need to reference your Keurigs manual for the detailed steps. An old power cord might be the issue, so you can try replacing it with a new one. Another possibility is that the descaling process may have caused a malfunction in the device. No, Keurig does not have a lifetime warranty. If your Keurig wont turn on, there are a few possible explanations. Once it is out of water the physical thermal switch that powers the in-line heater "trips". Its always a good idea to check the pump for clogs before brewing any coffee, especially if youre experiencing problems with your machine. Attach the water reservoir back to your machine. To activate Descale Mode, begin with the brewer powered off, then press and hold the 8oz and 12oz buttons together for 3 seconds until the DESCALE light turns solid. Check the power cord itself. If your Keurig wont turn on, there are a few things that you can do to troubleshoot the issue. Lay out the different components on a flat surface and get to work. Sometimes, even after descaling multiple times and getting rid of all lime, the Keurig may still fail to brew, with the 'descale' light still on. Make sure the cord is plugged in securely at both ends and if its cracked or fraying, replace it with a new one. If your Keurig is still not working after replacing the water filter, there may be a problem with the water pump. But often, reading these technical manuals requires another manual. You may have accidentally switched off the power while cleaning or moving your machine. How do you reset a Keurig 2.0 after a power outage? Thanks for reading! If your descale light was flashing, it should turn solid. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'familyguidecentral_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-familyguidecentral_com-leader-2-0');Its possible that your Keurig stopped working after a power surge. We understand you have a lot on your plate without worrying about your Keurig going rogue. If none of these steps get the job done, contact the manufacturer for further help. mazzith 108 subscribers Subscribe 125 12K views 9 months ago I originally found out how to do this from another youtube video.. The label on the bottom says Hot Brewer Model K920. This helps to prolong the life of the machine and keep it running smoothly. Check to make sure it is properly plugged into the wall outlet and that the outlet is working by plugging a different device into it. My favorite types of coffee are cappuccinos, lattes and cold brew. If the power light is flashing, it means that there is a problem with the machine. A trained professional can help you diagnose the issue more accurately and provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix it. Go through the disassembly procedure below and reset the thermal switch. If any of these components are not securely connected, the Keurig will not turn on. If that doesnt work, you can try running a vinegar descale. mycoffeecity.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases by linking to Amazon.com and other affiliated sites. Cookie Notice If that is the case, you can use the reset button, send it off to be worked on, or you can take the time to fully clean your machine and see if there is any other issue that might be present. We hope this information helps you get your Keurig up and running again! Given that water naturally contains minerals, these minerals build up inside the machine over time, and Keurig recommends that users flush out these mineral deposits via a descaling process roughly every three months or 250 uses, the case says. Unplug the coffee maker and remove the water reservoir. This will help reset any issue that may be preventing the machine from working properly. Plugin your Keurig into an outlet using the power cord that comes with it. and our If it doesnt work, smacking the machine might be the quickest and easiest way to unclog it! If the power button icon doesnt show up on your touch screen, your touch screen may not be working. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your Keurig is overfilled. If neither of these steps resolves the issue, you may need to consult the Keurig manual or contact their customer service team. Keurig Descaling Solution is the only Keurig recommended cleaning solution to be used with all Keurig coffee makers. So we had to introduce a method of communication that was simple to understand yet effective enough to convey the urgency of the matter. Over time, calcium deposits called scale can build up inside your coffee maker. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This seems like an obvious one, but its worth checking first. How To Fix Keurig Leaking Water or Coffee From Top or Bottom, A Guide To Descaling Nespresso U Machine The Right Way, A Simple Guide To Nespresso Expert Descaling, How To Descale Keurig Slim And Turn Off The Light, Are Nespresso Machine Parts, Frother or Glasses Dishwasher Safe, Nespresso Not Hot Enough? (EVERY Reason and Fix!). Some clever owners figured out this issue, which seems to be common with the new K-Supreme models. Purchased 6 months ago. Turn off your brewer, then unplug it for a few minutes. Deceptiveideas 1 yr. ago. With a bit of luck, youll find the source quickly and be able to enjoy your coffee as soon as possible. Therefore, its better to save time and money by investing in a method thats tried and tested by multiple people around the globe. I've unplugged, held down the button, everything. If the cord is damaged, it should be replaced with a new one to ensure that the Keurig can turn on. What You Need to Know. If that doesnt work, its time to troubleshoot further. With proper care and maintenance, a Keurig should last for several years. Machinery may be far more advanced than humans, but their way of communicating a fault is often primitive. If your Keurig wont turn on after a descaling, your first step should be to try resetting your Keurig. Wash the water reservoir and K-Cup holder with warm, soapy water. 1. rigasminho 1 yr. ago. If the fuse is blown, the Keurig will not turn on. But even if youve missed a couple of turns, its never too late to rectify your mistake. Continue with Recommended Cookies. If youve checked the power cord and outlet and still cant get your Keurig to turn on, then its time to contact the manufacturer for assistance. - Answered by a verified Small Appliance Technician Once you find a working outlet, plug back in your Keurig and see if it works again. The best way to troubleshoot your brewer is to go through all of the possible solutions step-by-step to see which one fixes the problem! To fix the issue that your Keurig K-Supreme coffee maker won't turn on, you can: First to make sure that the coffee maker is plugged into a power outlet. If youve tried all of the above and your Keurig still wont turn on, you might need to reset the machine. This is a common problem that many people experience with their Keurigs. A qualified technician can inspect the machine and determine what may be causing it to malfunction. Call Keurig to get a replacement or get a refund. However, its only seen as a threat when the warning light turns on. Run the machine through a large cup brewing cycle, but do so without placing a K-cup in the unit. This issue is most common with K-Supreme, K- Supreme Plus, K-slim, K-Express, and Mini Plus series models. The second thing to check is the power cord. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Disassembly procedure below and reset the thermal switch check the pump for clogs before any... Through all of the reservoir deposits called scale can build up in water! On your Keurig back on, try resetting your Keurig wont turn on arent burned out steps... Name, email, and surprisingly, it works as advertised timer is off its... Works as advertised slim series are models which come with descale mode on... Starts dispensing we understand you have a lifetime warranty theres another issue that needs to be addressed before Keurig... 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keurig won't turn on after descaling