All you people are fing idiots, keep k-ingg each other its called natural selection for a reason. Chicago's Cold War 13y. For the most part, not by giving physical birth to Gs but because of mans craving for sex she gives birth of a Gs life by his desire for sex, because this entices young guys to become Gs for free and willing sex partners. All good brother. Folk has different sets, this is the order: Solomon created IGD after Davids death; it was created to have a set dedicated to extracting vengeance for Davids death and also to police the other sets. Gang, heraldic and symbols in Chi town. All 5s are treated as a slob and slobs are unworthy. He was a Latin King and flip to Spanish Lord about 1979. True that my guy. Latin Pachuchos: Fullerton to Belden, Laramie to Cicero. CALI RUNS YALL chickES, f two two boys f folks IM BDK SDK WE LATIN KING LATIN QUEEN NATION KING LOVE TRUMBULL N 30TH LIL VILLAGE, YO f THE OPZ THIS THAT SAVAGE ish OTF 3HUNNA, yall F guyz aint finna fin wit OTF GO BACK TO BEING HOLLYWOOD HOEZ 3HUNNA SQUAD ish. Another form of reputation for programming, Gives higher ranks something else to test with, GD Gangster Disciples = Growth and Development, BGD Black Gangster Disciples = Military, IGD Insane Gangster Disciples = Assassins, MLG Maniac Latin Disciples = Latin cousins, 2 bums from outside the southside, 1 from west and 1 from east Chicago. Anyone who says it wasnt like this dont know about that era of the drug trade. but just threaten people with "I'm a insane dragon"to sound intimidating however are about as threatening as a wet paper bag. and our Gangs in L.A. have been around since Billy the kid days thats also the 1800s so take your ish somewhere else, Fck ishcago f crackhead city Detroit f homeless city at Louis ishcago and Detroit are dead there aint ish in your hoods latin kings got raped over here in Cali when they got locked up so chill the f out with your jealous ish over here on the west coast we dont givvva I dont likek bout you chickes we feel sorry for you motherfers in your dead city Ive been to your hood and saw 5 or 6 Latin kings punk out on one guy who didnt even bang f ish town. Adobe d C The gate and the gatekeeper are to build an impression into the subconscious mind that there is something beyond death. Kid two: ok whatever you say gangster. I am claimed to be the leader of Ki26, The white Silver tip Angora Cat. Lamron ish man gdk ebk 300 600 free #9 and #22 be out soonf da opps dont get jojod OBlock Crazy Lzzzz..whatuupp too #150 RockBlock.this be BOSS T FRM DA LAM.. Otf guy gdk thats was up f jojo world!!! 031 Free All The Guys Northpole Sht live Lz live LKK live 6 OLBN Fck Yall Thought This Waz guy, I dont like THE (LATIN KINGS) EVERY chick I EVER RAN IN TO FROM THERE WAS A fartGET THEY WOULD OFFER TO SUCK MY d#$k FOR MONEY IN THE PIN, Them guys soft. <>endobj Reggie lived because I scared him. Shorty Mac created it in a simple form to give a G a way to sign his rank, now it has been modified to the extent of a very intricate form of communication for Gs. Because if you dont kill them they will kill you. Im not so sure about that!! F wut u ryde f00.. all yall k.. Insane Telle Tubby in dis B! LAs crime have dropped since 2011 but that doesnt mean LA isnt the gang capital anymore. [ ] chicago gang information website description: chicago gangs, chicago gang, gang tattoos, gangland, street gang keywords: chicago gangs, chicago, gangs, chi-town, tattoos, gang tats, graffiti, tags, capone, gangland, gang maps, handsigns, news, gang, street gang, almighty ambrose, almighty bishops, almighty black stones, almighty brazers, almighty harrison gents, almighty . He is a nice frog. Taylor Jousters: Fullerton to Grand, Central to Laramie. << /Type /Pages /Kids [ Funny that Hispanic gangs outnumber blood & crops put together. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Ha Ha Ha, your ALL a bunch of Mongloids who steal our air with every intake. Brother my pops coming home in 6yrs from now and all bullish aside, my pop will have Illinois tvl world. going to the windy city for the first time today!!! YO WADUP THIS BE C K1LLA EXREME RILLA. The colors range from a soft purple at the bottom of the tail to flaming orange horns at the top. Gang Violence. But Chicago is just a bunch of young guys, NLMB 150 ROC BLOCK ish MAN RIP KOBE & FAZO f JOJO ON GOD GDK, GANG GANG GANG NLMB 150 ROC BLOCK RIP KOBE RIP LA FREE RONDO FREE ALL DA GUYS ON FOE. chi-town gangs are better than where ever you came from So with being said remember this as every second of life pblankes GOD still leaves you with enuff time to praise him n as him forgiveness for the things YOU better not ever ever ever ever share with this world you share with him only n only n imean with no living creature u ever share those forgiveness with OK? But yea I heard chicago is crazy blank f rite now. The code is different than all others of the 6, Life, Love, Loyalty, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, We are the Assassins of the Nation; our concept is 360, We acknowledge 720 but we live 360; Life, Love & Loyalty forever Insane, We look learn and listen because we are IGD; Mind, Body & Soul, Insane to the membrane 6 poppin 5 droppin all day every day forever for always for life. Missions are to form a person into a job description, i.e., thief, drug dealer, bookie, pimp, extortionist, black mailer, loan shark, fence, gun runner, horse, con, killer. stream HLK0DbN`Z'&.#Q(dcZS 6 IGD controls and performs all controlled or sanctioned hits. No one blankked with me. endobj Ive seen dudes that are from L.A get locked up here. Please, all i see iz dumb guyz arguin ova internet but tha thing iz i cant understand why o why USA iz the biggest country in tha world n we still got youngstaz get gunz n shootin at otha youngstaz fo colorz or hoodz. %PDF-1.6 % Whether you're looking for a good male or female dragon name for your cool fantasy characters or just need some inspiration, we have a great list. So all yall think about who u really working for before u open ur mouth. Truth is L.A does have as many gangs as Chicago but Im from ny and yea the largest Latino gang here is Latin Kings and trinitarios but here Mexican gangs aint ish Mexican Mafia here is non existent. It has been heavily stulived and widely accepted that almost all gang members are closet homosexuals and transsexuals. My pop T-Fly comes home ish is going to change ugly. Any goofball trying to lable another citys gang as harder than another citys is ignorant, worried about the wrong thing and destned to become a statistic. Are you fing smart guyed? You wanna help? MKN left a few years later after complaining of being taxed too much. Thank you my guy!!!!!!! Chicago had gangs before Los Angeles, Chicago been banging since the 1830s, hit the local library and stop worshipping 2pac who is really a east coast dude. Its amazing how cool they all seem !!! We Chicago dudeh$ are like NY .you know kinda like And some gangs in that list never heard of them in Chicago. <> Im from jersey and looking to get under a crip hood.. anyone know the best one? They never held a hood or tried to. The Gangology Specialist Certification focuses on developing the students level of knowledge pertaining to street gang evolution, gang crime law, gang identification, communications, typology, personal safety, and the psychological and sociological impact street gangs have on society, as well as officer and public safety. Flip city kings?! BOTH SIDES HAD EQUAL HEADS TOO SMH. Bdk its all bout jojo gang bro ???? This set is currently out of commission and were pushed back to 83rd by the LKs and CVLs 8 10 10 comments Best Add a Comment CripNationJose 2 mo. Bloods and Vice Lords, and Latin Kings follow the left so we follow the right. He is always polite. Skulls tattooed on left arm means he has killed for rank or 1 headed cobra or dragon with skulls in it tells how many Blood or Vice Lord was killed for rank. Trust when I say you WONT be missed at all. Grow up. There use to be a code where it stated that; Snitches live, Rapist live, Child Molesters get something worst than death, AND NEVER PUT A KID IN A COFFIN. INSANE GANGSTER DISCIPLES (IGD) IGD David Prayer As I lay down to rest Please realize Kind David I did my best On the six points I do swear Forever for life I do bare The pledge of honor to you from me The beloved King of all the Gs Your blood was spilled and tears were shed I remember this and what you said A G is a G and always a G The Campbell Boys Nation split up, half turned Maniac Campbell Boys and half turned Insane Campbell Boys. endstream endobj startxref , BGD f GDK f a dred this ruger hold 20 I got cha ! First things first, we all have history, grew up from harsh neighborhood, and we all survived. It was a symbiotic relationship with some GDs that was strictly financial. IF U AINT A DEUCE THEN YO BOOTY HOLE LOSE = If you arent going to f me Im going to f me. N WE ALL FAMILY N FAMILIES SUPPOSE TO HAV DISAGREEMENTS ITS JUS HOW U SETTLE THEM N HOPEFULLY WE DO IT WITH LOVE! His reason was, We have to keep a four directional war from taking place. But Solomon convinced him, Shorty Mac, and Dundee that he could create a set that would be entirely secret and could strike fear into all the enemies of the Nation. Example: I turned SD. A G with a six point star honors David. hb```b`0f`a`qab@ !rr &:6$ YR~ As a Female I dont understand it!!! This conflict was made famous on the History Channel's tv show Gangland, describing the Maniac Latin Disciple civil war that resulted in the murder their leader, Enrique Prince Rick Dog Garcia, who was sitting in his car when he was ambushed and shot to death. Read a book educate your children and do something positive. Right here is a prime example of another homosexual threat towards others. endstream endobj 109 0 obj <>stream I get #LOUD & all my #LOUDmen are gang affiliates!!! Every scale on his body was inked singly to create this cool 3-D effect. U fools sound smart competing on wich city is craziest. She doesnt like airplanes. Six point star on right breast of female means she was brought in as an individual queen and she could be given to another G as a gift. my daddy took them chickes. They were constantly harassed and attacked by resident street gangs, such as the Simon City Royals, Gaylords and Harrison Gents. Where all the locs & Gs at?????? Before long the two gangs are street-jousting for romping rights of the area. TIL that when Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation, journalist Giovanna Chirri was the first to break the news as she was the only one to understand Latin. Ya and their a fake blank crewthat aiaint plugged from nowhere. Queens come in as a factor to help control Gs and also to give incentive for young guys to want to join. No Homosexual activities. One of LAs biggest and most dangerous black gangs is from Chicago the Black P Stones and Latin Kings started in Chicago and are worldwide and had new york in check in the 90s. 121 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3E3351DBB5D3E246B19B46341E261A7D><65BF68E9220CFD4FBD0714F9AD464EC5>]/Index[105 46]/Info 104 0 R/Length 90/Prev 223924/Root 106 0 R/Size 151/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream They went to where the doughnut shop was located and found David on the sidewalk with 5 bullets in him so Hoover pulled out his gun and shot David in the left leg so he wouldnt be marked with the five but would be marked with the 6. How you gonna shout out LEP Bogus Boys and say LED Bogus Boys? White Mobs Mixed Mobs Harrison Gents Black and purple 240+ Set informations Ambrose. Solomon formed IGD (The Cobra) after King Davids death. PEACE YALL N LIVE TODAY NOT TOMORROW. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I want to personally ask for forgives for not being that older brother may i add whom knew better because thru the 70s n 80s we were taught and we was taught well if you dont believe me ask your parents or indivudual that really means somthing to your heart ask them is im lying rather good or bad yung gents and women lyour grandparents loved us thru the hardest times of life especially going against yall know who(devil) n we dont hav to go deep 2 kno who im speaking about! F wut u ryde f00.. all yall think about who u really working for u! Constantly harassed and attacked by resident street insane latin dragons, such as the Simon city,... We chicago dudeh $ are like know kinda like and some gangs in list. First, we have to keep a four directional War from taking place a prime of! Functionality of our platform have Illinois tvl world all 5s are treated as a factor to help Gs. 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insane latin dragons