The stuff they wore were thrown together and cheap, a lot of pantsuits and double knits. And that's the hardest part. I mean, they were suckers. Karen: Im gonna go get the papers, get the papers. Jimmy Two-Times. I thought he was gonna shit! He was doing a year for contempt, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. I make you laugh? Goodfellas (1990) 3.8s -Henry says don't let the sauce stick. Jimmy Conway: A number of critics compared The Irishman to Goodfellas, but called it a more mature film. Henrys quote, juxtaposed with this tragic twist, shows definitively that in this life, trust and loyalty dont pay. Hes both a vicious killer and a caring, thoughtful son. Put Tabasco sauce in everything. Vinnie: It's gonna be a good summer. Henry Hill: Billy Batts: Karen: Jimmy Conway: Did I ever bust his balls? We're hugging and kissing over here. They talked about beating their kids with broom handles and leather belts, and that their kids still didn't pay any attention. Why do you always do this to me? Henry Hill: Today, everything is different. [the detectives bring in the utensils Henry used to make coke]. But, in terms of the characters, backgrounds, and personalities, its sure that Goodfellas is more relatable. [narrating] . Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. But, when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops. Every family has its own way of prepping garlic. Truck Driver: I said, no more shines. After watching Tommy DeVito (Pesci) and Jimmy Conway (De Niro) stab and shoot a bloodied Billy Batts (Frank Vincent) in his trunk, Henry (Liotta) slams it shut and doesnt even blink before being captured in a classic Scorsese freeze frame. As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster. Henry Hill. For a second, I thought I was dead, but when I heard all the noise, I knew they were cops. It was more like Henry was enterprising, and that he and the guys were making a few bucks hustling, while all the other guys were sitting on their asses, waiting for handouts. I didn't insult him. Hey! Three onions? It was among the Italians. One of pop cultures most memorable acts of provocation, the insult is pure hubrisBatts thinks hes untouchable, and believes he cant be seen to back down from a young hothead like Tommy, even when given the chance to do so and still save face. [ laughs ] Tommy DeVito : What do you mean, you mean the way I talk? Tommy DeVito: Tommy DeVito: Oh I like this one. Even through his pangs of conscience, Henry, pressing a fistful of aprons to a strangers gunshot wound, starts to see things Tuddys way: Human suffering is the fuel that powers the mobs machine, and it simply cant be helped, especially if it eats into their bottom line. I want to talk to you! See, your murderers come with smiles, they come as your friends, the people who've cared for you all of your life. Henry Hill: Youre really funny!, Tommy DeVito: What do you mean Im funny? Henry Hill: Nothing big. What's funny about it? It literally followed him most of the day, setting down only to refuel and to change pilots. It was like he had two families. You got a little bit out of order yourself. Check out our goodfellas quote selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Tommy DeVito: They had no balls. You know that you're only out early because I got you a job. That's when I knew that Jimmy was gonna whack Morrie. You're gonna do it. Henry Hill: I wonder about you sometimes, Henry. There must have been two dozen Peters and Pauls at the wedding. Give us a drink. Young Henry: The real Goodfella Henry Hill's sauces are quickly becoming some of the most popular pasta sauces on the market! (remove fat from pan). What? He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil. Get the fuck outta here! Whenever we needed money, we'd rob the airport. Business bad? It's a license to do anything. [after Tommy shoots Spider] See, your murderers come with smiles. Martin Scorsese didnt invent the mob movie. Henry Hill: If anyone complained twice they got hit so bad, believe me, they never complained again. Henry Hill. I know there are women, like my best friends, who would have gotten out of there the minute their boyfriend gave them a gun to hide. I'm an average nobody. What's the fuckin' matter with you? [narrating] I cant even get decent food. more on this quote . You fuckin' shoot the guy? But I'm worried, I mean, I'm hearin' all kinds a fuckin' bad things. Trouble with the cops, deliveries, Tommy, he can call Paulie. He's a big boy, he knows what he said. Get your own goddamn man! Quote Ambition is your source for quotes. What, were you guys grocery shopping? Chris Pratt. Jimmy Conway: [narrating, Henry has just been busted for dealing drugs] For a second I thought I was dead. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook." Henry Hill, 'Goodfellas'. Lets go. Tommy DeVito. Breaded eggplant with tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan. Hes one of us. You understand? Chances are, even if youve never seen the film, at least a few of the lines featured on the list below will be familiar to youGoodfellas is one of those classics that has permeated pop culture to such an extent that you can hardly help but know it, if only through osmosis. Gribbs got 20 years just for saying "hello" to some fuck who was sneaking behind his back selling junk. What the fuck is the matter with you? Keep that motherfucker here, keep him here! He seems entirely unaware of how lucky he is to be there, taking the fact hes alive at all for granted, and yearning for the perks and power of the life he used to lead. Morrie, stop breaking my balls, all right? Karen: Only cops talk that way. Karen: I dont know what the hells wrong with you. Total quotes: 34 GoodFellas The true story of Henry Hill, a half-Irish, half-Sicilian Brooklyn kid who is adopted by neighbourhood gangsters at an early age and climbs the ranks of a Mafia family under the guidance of Jimmy Conway. [narrating] We ran everything. 2.1s Hey, Dinah, stir the sauce. [narrating, referring to the other wives] He's gone, and we couldn't do nothing about it. Goodfellas (1990) clip with quote Don't forget to stir the sauce Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Frankie Valli or some kinda bigshot? One dog goes one way, the other dog goes the other way. Tommy DeVito. Oh, hey, Henry, Henry! After everything I told her? To me, it meant being somebody in a neighborhood full of nobodies. Henry Hill, 5. What it might be most of all, though, is a bounteous cornucopia of iconic quotes. When are you coming over? I'm gonna wind up a lammist, I gotta go on the fuckin' lam in order to get away from this guy? Tommy DeVito: Now the guy's got Paulie as a partner. I got to admit the truth. Nunzio, up in agh! [Tommy severs Morrie's brain stem from behind with an ice pick]. Listen, I ain't gonna get fucked like Gribbs, understand? Henry Hill: What did I tell you? Billy Batts: Tell me, tell me what's funny! Tommy DeVito: [to Henry] Nobody does that to me! Hes a goodfella. Frankie Carbone: Henry Hill: Fuck you, pay me. Tommy's a bad seed. She picks up the phone and calls from the house. Pass a can of whole tomatoes through a blender and pour it in. Not the first time I dug a hole. Jimmy Two Times. To us, it was better than Citibank. Jimmy Conway: Tommy DeVito: The Oklahoma Kid. Killing's got to be accepted. The scene shifts to Henry in jail being visited by Karen. Casually killing in cold blood is all in a days work for Tommy, and Pescis delivery gives deadpan a whole new meaning. Paul Cicero: In shepherding a young Henry into the life of a wiseguy, Tuddy Cicero (Frank DiLeo, who, fun fact, managed Michael Jackson in the 80s) has to tell the kid some harsh truths, namely that theres no room for compassion or altruism when youre in the business of being a modern-day outlaw. From the movie: Nixon. [sitting in car with Henry] Now go home and get your fuckin shinebox. Billy Batts. Paulie may have moved slow, but it was only because Paulie didn't have to move for anybody. Anthony Stabile: Henry Hill: [narrating] Fuck 'em in the ear! Where you going? To me, that was better than being president of the United States. Johnny Roastbeef: Trivia Hello. Free cars. What started as a trip to the store turns into a heart-pounding scene through the lens of Ray Liotta's coked-up paranoia as Henry Hill in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas. [narrating] That fat fuck! And there was nothing that we could do about it. Hey, Spider, that fuckin' bandage on your foot is bigger than your fuckin' head. Check out these Tommy Devito 'Goodfellas' quotes, shine box quote, and other sayings that will spark your interest. Jimmy Conway: When facing a difficult task, act as though it is impossible to fail. Its better than waiting in line. Henry Hill, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'quoteambition_com-box-4','ezslot_2',158,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-box-4-0');6. Tommy DeVito: When the meat is brown, take it out and put it on a plate. He can go to Paulie. Today everything is different; there's no action have to wait around like everyone else. Like youd say to somebody, Youre gonna like this guy; hes all right. Description: 6 seconds sound clip from the Goodfellas movie soundboard. Oh, you had a fire? Henry Hill: Voila! [referring to Henry and Karen] Don't buy ANYTHING! Look what this fucking mutt did to my shoes. Tommy DeVito: It's under my mother's name. Morrie: You understand? Stir in the sun dried tomato paste. This unexpected moment after the brutal beating of Billy Batts is the closest Tommy ever comes to showing genuine remorseeven Henry is taken aback by it, with Scorsese (and champion editor Thelma Schoonmaker) taking care to emphasize that reaction. 65. Only cops talk that way. Henry Hill: Tommy DeVito : What do you mean I'm funny? Some, proud of their knife skills, wouldn't be caught dead with a garlic press; others the specialists go for the high-end uni-taskers, swearing by the Zyliss Susi 2. I'm not talking about what you did inside, you did what you had to do, I'm talking about now, from now, here and now. They come as your friends, the people who have cared for you all of your life, and they always seem to come at a time when youre at your weakest and most in need of their help. Henry Hill, 20. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. But now the guys gotta come up with Paulies money every week, no matter what. Tommy DeVito: Jimmy Conway: [everyone laughs] Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. Beyond that, theres only one thing left for us to show you: Scott Russell is Pastes news editor and he thinks youre funny. Tommy DeVito: Batts was a made man, and Tommy wasnt. Today! How could you miss at this distance? Tommy DeVito: [to the other bar patrons] You may fold under questioning. They're making your mind into mush. We . She'll kill him but she won't divorce him. Fuck you, pay me. Twenty five fucking years, pal. My house was in my mother-in-law's name. Place got hit by lightning, huh? So what does she do after she hangs up with me? Who the Hell do you think you are? If youre curious about them, check out the list below! I swear to my fucking mother, if you touch her again, YOU'RE DEAD. 1. The paw. I wouldve been dead. Henry Hill. But there's something really unreasonable going on here. What? Martin Scorsese has explored a variety of genres in his career as a filmmaker, but he's still best known for his gangster films, which have some common themes such as redemption and the Italian-American identity. Let's get the fuck outta here. Jimmy Conway: "We called each other, 'Goodfellas'."-. Like you said to, uh, somebody, "You're gonna like this guy. But I didn't. Without these values, you will never survive in this world full of betrayal. Dr.Strangelove- I wasn't alive when this came out but I strongly suspect with it being so . While the film makes it seem that Janice (Hill's drug courier) ill-timed use of Hi. We were goodfellas, wiseguys.'" - Henry Hill 2. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a gangster. Of this films many montages, one of its most fun is when Henry walks us through the Instagram backdrop that is the Bamboo Lounge and introduces us to the Cicero crew, the most memorable member of whom is undoubtedly Jimmy Two-Times (Anthony Powers), who has a, uh, certain way of speaking. What about the security? In Goodfellas (1990), mobster Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) recalls his days in stir, where Paulie (Paul Sorvino) developed a method all his own: "He was in a year for . You know, we always called each other goodfellas. Billy Batts: Add mustard. [exasperated while interrupting] They even shot Tommy in the face so his mother couldn't give him an open coffin at the funeral. That's how fast it takes for a guy to get whacked. Place got hit by lightning, huh? Oklahoma Kid. Did I? Thirty-two hundred dollars for a lifetime. Hello? It has the virtue of turning salads into practical jokes. Yes, theyre both packed with action and violence. New York State. Thats Henrys reaction upon being held at gunpoint by the narc (Bo Dietl) whos arresting himafter a long day of cocaine, errands, cocaine, paranoia, cocaine, meal preparation and cocaine, our strung-out protagonist is just thankful he wasnt whacked by his own wiseguy allies. See you in Attica, dick. It's okay. You took your first pinch like a man and you learn two great things in your life. It didn't even matter that my mother was Sicilian. Shes attracted to his power and thereby as complicit in his act of violence as if shed bloodied the gun herself. Place got hit by lightning, huh? You're gonna dig the hole. I mean, they were suckers. I didn't say a thing. The scene shows us what Henry told us via voiceover a bit earlier in the film: murder can, and does, happen all too easily in the mob. Hello? [on Morrie's wig commercial] How many cans of tomatoes you put in there? Tommy DeVito: Billy Batts: You could fucking come early and then still go. Henry Hill: You got some nerve standing me up like that last night! Just stay away from the garbage, you know what I mean. Jimmy Conway: [crying] He didn't mean anything by it; it was just the way he was. [narrating] He made 'em partners. Didn't you hear what I said? - Listen, tell Michael not to let the sauce stick. [narrating] I didn't think there was anything strange in any of this. We were goodfellas, wiseguys. Henry Hill. I don't want any more of that shit. I don't shine shoes anymore. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en consultant vos paramtres de vie prive. We hope they amuse you! Tommy DeVito: Tommy and Carbone were going to grab the outside guard and make him get us in the front door, Frenchy and Joe Buddha had to round up the workers, Johnny Roastbeef had to keep them all tied up and away from the alarm, even Stacks Edwards got in on it, all he was supposed to do was steal the panel truck and afterwards compact it with a friend of ours in New Jersey. Youre only a goodfella until youre a target. Funny how? You gotta watch out for kids like this. Henry Hill: It was outta respect. and you happen to end up with a big fucking score, motherfucker. I don't need that. Vinnie, don't put too many onions in the sauce. To be a gangster was to own the world. Henry Hill, 4. Henry Hill: Bye bye, dickhead. [after being whipped by father, for missing months of school to work at cab stand] This is so different from what we usually know of the mafia, especially when we compare it to The Godfather. We're still stirring the gravy and breaking balls with these lines 30 years later. One day some of the kids from the neighborhood carried my mother's groceries all the way home. Wiseguys. Everything was for the taking. Trouble with a bill, he can go to Paulie. Chop bacon into little pieces the size of croutons and fry in a little oil in a small frying pan until cooked. What am I supposed to do? Jimmy Conway: Yeah, I know what they are, I only use them for certain things, believe me, you don't have to worry. What fucking warm enough? But now the guy's gotta come up with Paulie's money every week, no matter what. Billy Batts: Batts was a made man, and Tommy wasn't. He's got a lot of fucking balls. Karen: But now, the guys gotta come up with Paulies money every week, no matter what. I could see for the first time that Jimmy was a nervous wreck. Trouble with a bill, he can go to Paulie. F*ck you, pay me. The scene draws on a similar incident from Pescis actual youth, with the actor improvising most of his dialogue in rehearsal. It turned me on. Karen Hill, 15. Everybody's watching us and you get a fuckin' car! [as Paulie is being arrested] There's only one Irishman in here. Jimmy Conway: [narrating] Don't give 'em the satisfaction, the fucks. I had no idea about that scene! It's defined who I am, in a sense. Kevin. Everybody else in the joint was doing real-time, mixed together living like pigs. -l'm stirring it. It's all right. Add a basil leaf. It's funny, you know. You bought your fucking button! Frankie Carbone: Janice Rossi, do you hear me? He introduced me to everybody. 13 Copy quote. She'll never divorce him. You don't want to talk to me, you're gonna have a fucking problem all night 'cause I'll be on you like shit. [She feels the softness of his hands] Ray Liotta (Henry Hill): For twenty years now, there's not a day that goes by that I don't hear somebody mention GoodFellas. Uh Jimmy Conway: I mean, he's in the joint 24 hours a day. His family's all rats. I'll dig the fuckin' hole. Yet its impossible to say whether his words are an expression of his guilt and shame over having killed Batts in cold blood, or if he just genuinely feels bad for making a mess in his friends establishment. Make that coffee to go. Its a high-octane tale of greed, violence, betrayal and the American dream, told with all the trademark stylistic vervethose freeze frames! And now it's all over. Hey Frank, let's chop him up. It doesnt happen that way. As Goodfellas celebrates 30 years of blowing our minds, we thought we'd stir the sauce and break some balls with some quotes we keep going back to time and time again. Because you're gonna get us all fucking pinched, that's why! By the way, I took care of that thing for ya. "If we wanted something, we just took it. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish. The only really good vegetable is Tabasco sauce. [stunned silence] Like youd say to somebody: Youre gonna like this guy, hes all right. Are you gonna argue with Jimmy Conway? [after kicking Batts to near death] Though it was hard to narrow it down, here are the 10 best quotes from Ray Liotta as mobster Henry Hill in Goodfellas. We hit the deer and his paw What do you call it? Any problems, he goes to Paulie. | 11. The mercenary Fuck you, pay me may be the films single most widely quoted line. Shoot him? I make you laugh? That's what it's all about. [narrating] Oh, you had a fire? goodfellas stir the sauce quote. I amuse you? Henry Hill: Tommy DeVito: What's right is right. Billy Batts: You got out of line, you got whacked. [Jimmy gives him a pack of matches with a number]. I got to admit the truth. You insulted him a little bit. He's one of us." What am I getting excited for, Jimmy? Tommy DeVito: If you're part of a crew, nobody ever tells you that they're going to kill you, doesn't happen that way. If we wanted something, we just took it. In a large non-reactive (stainless steel, enameled cast iron) pot, heat vegetable oil over medium-high heat until shimmering. matt busbice wife martin matte conjointe vicky to the yankee poem meaning 23u fastpitch softball teams near me. Tommy DeVito: I didn't even ask you anything, at least hear what I have to say. Can't even get decent food - right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce, and I got egg noodles and ketchup. This gives the viewer a window into why a life in the mob appeals to Henry in the first place. Wag the Dog - it should have been obvious but I think most lost the fact that the movie was really about Bill Clinton and the bombing of Bosnia. I could never hit that number. [repeated line to each member of his crew after the Lufthansa heist, telling them what not to do] You don't wanna say a fucking word to me, you don't have to. She's prejudiced against Italians. I didn't put too much onions, uh, Paul. Only Morrie was driving us nuts - just because he set this up, he felt he could bust Jimmy's balls for an advance on the money we were going to steal. Can't believe what I just heard. Henry Hill: It was unbelievable. Today! The way I saw it, everybody takes a beating sometime. You hear me? I mean, funny like Im a clown? [narrating] Hey Spider, here. In prison, dinner was always a big thing. Im an average nobody. Hey, your pals are here. What the fuck is wrong with that? What the fuck is the world coming to? Henry Hill: Tommy DeVito: I'm dripping sauce. goodfellas paulie quotes goodfellas funny how goodfellas intro as far as i can remember i always wanted to be a gangster good fellas fuck you pay me how long is goodfellas what year did goodfellas come out always wanted to be a gangster henry hill wiki goodfella end of goodfellas goodfellas running time the good fellas joe pesci goodfellas Two niggers just stole my truck. You wasted eight f*ckin aprons on this guy. -I'm stirring it. Goodfellas (1990) clip with quote -Henry says don't let the sauce stick. Has Tommy ever told you about my painting? He's a good fella. No, what, Henry? Order yourself I saw it, everybody takes a beating sometime out I. Years later whole new meaning Henry used to make coke ] of whole through... 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goodfellas stir the sauce quote