This is a more comfortable spot than that one so we must shift here before it is too late.It is seen here in this sentence that the term comfortablecan be called a descriptive adjective because it gives the noun it has been used in front of- a descriptive element, giving us extra information about the state or scenario of said noun. This caf is a comfortable place to be in since it has such a cute and cozy vibe.Once again, it is quiteevident that the word comfortableobliges as a descriptive adjective in this particular example as it gives the noun it has been used in front of a form of description, giving us further information about the situation or setting of said noun. . Hi..Im a graduate with a Bachelors degree in English Literature. car comfortable applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease. a strong feeling of deep affection for someone or something, especially a member of your family or a friend a mothers love for her children love of your country He seems incapable of love. The adjective has been used to describe the noun nephew in this particular example. having enough money to buy what you want without worrying about the cost. The adverb has been used in front of the adjective calm. Countable nouns can be counted Something that disturbs ones comfort; an annoyance. The superlative form of the adjective which is, most comfortable has been used in front of the noun chair2. picture day To save this word, you'll need to log in. She seems comfortable giving a speech without notes. Definition of comfortable 1a : affording or enjoying contentment and security a comfortable income. college ; Book is a noun that is a thing. For example enjoy is a noun that we can write in the verb form as enjoyment, and enjoyable and enjoyably is an adjective and adverb form. How does the adjective comfortable differ from other similar words? Learn a new word every day. As a noun, kind refers to the variety or specific type of something. Youre not alone. All rights reserved. wall Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Send us feedback. (of a person) having a lot of money, property or valuable possessions; (of a country or city) producing a lot of wealth so that many of its people can live at a high standard, There is no real difference in meaning between these two words. How do you comfort someone with a word? election The party won with a comfortable majority. The way the descriptive adjective comfortablehas been used in this specific sentence demonstrates that they are still deemed adjectives as long as they seem to have a direct descriptive role in reference to a noun. You might comfort your brother when his favorite team gets knocked out of the playoffs. 2 These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. How do you identify an abstract noun in a sentence? snug suggests having just enough space for comfort and safety but no more. There are three noteworthy issues related to countable and non-countable nouns. verb To make the physical circumstances comfortable . , The term comfortableis used as an adjective in this context since it is placed before a noun and it helps a reader in learning more about that specific noun. Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. face cat, sock, ship, hero, monkey, baby, match (F) to live in comfort vivir confortablemente. In English,countable and uncountable nounsare known as countable and uncountable nouns.Countable and uncountable nouns determine the amount of objects or how to express them directly when describing the object itself. For example, while we can refer to a book as a book object, we cannot express water as a water. Instead, remember that the word embarrass got those embarrassing rs and ss from the French: English embarrass comes from the French word embarrasser. Comfortable is regarded as an adjective when itprecedes a noun. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. This particular sentences use of the descriptive adjective comfortableshows that adjectives are still thought of as words that seem to have a direct descriptive role in connection to a noun. Good, an adjective, becomes the abstract noun goodness. chair 1a : affording or enjoying contentment and security a comfortable income. All nouns serve to name a person, place, or thing. It isnt always pain free, but it is easier and more comfortable and more spiritual. : Its Spelling and Use child / (hrk) / adjective. head, What is Common Noun, Definition and Examples, Countable and Uncountable Nouns List, Definition and Examples, Sentences with Ruler, Ruler in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Ruler, Sentences with Rhythm, Rhythm in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Rhythm, Sentences with Pond, Pond in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Pond, Sentences with Pole, Pole in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Pole, Sentences with Particles, Particles in a Sentence in English, Sentences For Particles. Is 'comfortable' a noun? It is the required answer. Comfortable. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, : a noun that names a particular person, place, or thing Tom, Chicago, and Friday are proper nouns. group more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. There are many utensils in my kitchen made up of iron. How many can you get right? Some common synonyms of comfortable are cozy, easy, restful, and snug. I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last. room They are used to creating a musical work without revision, and so they are comfortable with the notion that an answer can precede a question. This is the most comfortably serene place I have ever been to and I wish to be back here every year.The word comfortablyis an adverb in this particular usage inside the phrase since it is an adverbial version of the base word that has been previously used. If you're all sitting comfortably, then I'll begin. Comfortable Sentence Examples She'd always felt comfortable around him. She'd always felt comfortable around him. The word comfortableis evidently a descriptive adjective in this setting since it gives a descriptive aspect to the noun it has been used in front of, providing more information about the state or condition of such noun. the things that make you more comfortable and that make your life easier and more pleasant, a state or situation in which you have all the money and possessions that you need. An old-fashioned rule we can no longer put up with. The words cozy and comfortable are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. (archaic) Causing discomfort. This means that the form of the word Comfortably might have to be bent a little bit when being used as an adverb. started feeling comfortable in our new surroundings cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and friendliness. He's more comfortable with computers than with people. box Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find out which words work together and produce more natural sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. comfortably A concrete noun is simply a person, place or thing that is experienced through one or more of your five senses. burger 1 [uncountable] the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with everything that you need These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. (transitive) To relieve the distress or suffering of; to provide comfort to. Here you get a list of examples of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The adjective comfortable is one of numerous varieties used in the English language. 1 : to give strength and hope to : cheer comforted by the knowledge that the program will be fully funded. (Issue 1) Use fewer with plurals and less with non-countable nouns. When you learn a new noun, you should check if it is countable or uncountable and note how it is used in a sentence. It is seen here in this sentence that the term comfortablecan be called a descriptive adjective because it gives the noun it has been used in front of- a descriptive element, giving us extra information about the state or scenario of said noun. Comfortable definition: If a piece of furniture or an item of clothing is comfortable , it makes you feel. These words all describe somebody/something that has a lot of money, property or valuable possessions. When might cozy be a better fit than comfortable? William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Fill in the blank: I cant figure out _____ gave me this gift. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Slip into something more comfortable. An example of comfier used as an adjective is in the following sentence: The soft sofa is comfier than the hard wooden chair. Comparative form of comfy: more comfy. The adverb has been used in front of the verb placed.2. I'll change into something more comfortable when I get home. If you can see it, touch it, smell it, feel it, taste it, or hear it, it's a concrete noun. past participle For example, the word love is an abstract noun. foot eye having enough money to buy what you want without worrying about the cost: Theyre not millionaires, but theyre certainly very comfortable. comfort noun verb; comfortable adjective ( uncomfortable) comfortably adverb ( uncomfortably) comforting adjective; . We comfortably placed ourselves on the mattresses and began the yoga class which took place right after our office hours.Adverbs are words that further modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs, as demonstrated by the fact that the term comfortable in this scenario plainly serves as an adverb due to its adverbial form, which is comfortably. They comfortably settled in their new place within no time, whereas everyone thought they would be worried about their move and take their own sweet time with it.Since adverbs are words that further modify adjectives, verbs and other adverbs, the word comfortable in this case unmistakably functions as an adverb due to its adverbial form which is comfortably. Definition of comfortable adjective from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The resulting Wool Runners were comfortable, eco-friendly, machine-washable, and super cuteand sold out almost immediately. Let us look at a few examples on this.ExamplesExplanations1. The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner. 17. An income that allowed them to live in comfort. How do you use the word comfort in a sentence? a person or thing that makes someone feel less worried, upset, frightened, etc. /kmfrt/ 1 the state of being physically relaxed and free from pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with everything that you need These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance. boat Privacy Policy. If youre all sitting comfortably, then Ill begin. Comforting Words for Times of Death and Loss, Condolence Examples to Express Your Sympathy, What Does Hygge Mean? Let us look at a few examples.ExamplesExplanations1. week One is very comfortable watching sex with me, while the other will immediately walk out of the room. Adjective usage: Ill be quite comfortable here, what a great guestroom! It is an adverb when it is used in the form comfortably. 1. We must think how we can make the room more comfortable for you. If someones feelings are hurt, a kind word can go a long way to making that person feel better. The adjective has been used to describe the noun caf in this particular sentence. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'comfortable.' Do not litter the place, get rid of the garbage. The word comfortablyis an adverb in this particular usage inside the phrase since it is an adverbial version of the base word that has been previously used. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? What are examples of specific nouns? making you feel physically relaxed; pleasant to wear, sit on, etc. I'd think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea. I drew comfort from his words. Hear a word and type it out. The adjective has been used to describe the noun caf in this particular sentence.5. club EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Delivered to your inbox! dog My baby is comfortable now and thankfully is not as cranky as she was before.Nouns can be described using adjectives without always placing them before them. Nouns can be described using adjectives without always placing them before them. Adjective: The student was comfortable in the new apartment. The adjective has been used to describe the noun baby in this particular statement.3. It is the correct adjective form of the verb care. friend Examples of 'comfortable' as an adverb. For examples: Cotton dresses are very cheap and comfortable. 1in a comfortable way All the rooms were comfortably furnished. Its good to see you looking so affluent. Hear a word and type it out. hand Find similar words to comfortable using the buttons Remember, abstract nouns identify something immaterial and abstract, which means we cannot see, taste, hear, touch, or smell it. easy implies relief from or absence of anything likely to cause discomfort or constraint. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (of a person, situation, etc.) a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any physically unpleasant feelings caused by pain, heat, cold, etc. Abstract nouns, as their name implies, name intangible things, such as concepts, ideas, feelings, characteristics, attributes, etc. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcomfortably /kmftbli, kmft- $ kmfrt-, kmft-/ adverb 1 furniture/places/clothes in a way that makes you feel physically relaxed, without any pain, or without being too hot, cold etc The hotel is modern and comfortably furnished. computer She was clearly quite comfortable and relaxed. (obsolete) Causing discomfort or uneasiness. The adverb has been used in front of the verb settled. (count = This specifies the type of life. discomfort. father book brother bird (noncount) She leads a very fulfilling life. Comfortable is a descriptive adjective because it is primarily used to illustrate a particular quality of the nouns it is placed in front of. To comfort someone is to give solace or to soothe. They had enough money to live in comfort in their old . problem American Heritage Similar definitions A state of ease and quiet enjoyment, free from worry, pain, or trouble. ET) won't be, And thats cleaning out the interior and the pocket and making sure Burrow is, Obviously, most guards were not drug traffickers; the job of a correction officer is extremely stressful; cargo pants are, Post the Definition of comfortable to Facebook, Share the Definition of comfortable on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. of, like, or befitting a hero. The nurse turned the patient on his side and asked him if he was, Both the SuperCab and SuperCrew cabins are, Beyond the ability to discover and try new products, Maas wanted to create a festival where people who might not be, The primetime matchup in Pittsburgh between the Steelers and Las Vegas Raiders (8:15 p.m. cigarette comfort 1 of 2 noun 1 as in relief a feeling of ease from grief or trouble the mourners found comfort in their pastor's words Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance relief consolation encouragement solace reassurance sympathy assurance happiness contentment cheer empathy assistance uplift alleviation inspiration mitigation aid succor assuagement help As was previously mentioned, there are various grammatical forms for a word like comfortable. ; Elephant is a noun that is an animal. Now let us explore this topic a little deeper with the help of some facts andexamples. product The word are is used as a noun to refer to that particular unit of measure. Webster's New World Similar definitions A comfortable person; a comfortable evening at home. comforted Without difficulty. chest Taj Mahal is built using marbles. present tense Middle English (in the sense pleasant, pleasing): from Anglo-Norman French, a(n) rich/wealthy/prosperous/affluent/well-off. The adverb has been used in front of the verb answered. The lazy giant was sprawling on the most comfortable of the sofas; the pair were alone in the dainty little drawing-room. The plush fabric is comfortable, available in various colors, and can be machine washed. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions Let me slip into something more comfortable, (= change into more comfortable clothing). When can restful be used instead of comfortable? card I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue. castle Let's connect through LinkedIn:, 3 Facts On Use Of Remind In Tense(Present, Past And Future). The adverb has been used in front of the verb answered.4. The adjective has been used to describe the noun nephew in this particular example.Examples of comfortable as a descriptive adjective. case Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! How do you use the word comfort in a sentence? Adjective usage: This is the most comfortable bed Ive ever slept in. WILL YOU SAIL OR STUMBLE ON THESE GRAMMAR QUESTIONS? abstract nouns. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples a state or feeling of being less worried, upset, frightened, etc., during a time of trouble or emotional pain. Let us examine a single one of them. The way the descriptive adjective comfortablehas been used in this specific sentence demonstrates that they are still deemed adjectives as long as they seem to have a direct descriptive role in reference to a noun. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Fourteen words that helped define the year. tomatoes Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. page Let us explore the usage of the verb remind in all three forms of 3 Facts On Use Of Relate In Tense(Present, Past And Future). Good luck! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Let us look at a few instances of this topic. I need all the comfort I can get right now. plane ring In this description, comfort is described as a familiar feeling: at ease, relaxed, a zone where learning and performance are at an optimal level, as there is not enough impetus to push an individual forward into unfamiliar areas (White, 2009). It's an elegant, comfortable house with good views from the windows. I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function . She didn't feel comfortable about going out alone. How many can you get right? My mom purchased a gold ring for me. bus 372, October 1846. You might comfort your brother when his favorite team gets knocked out of the playoffs. 1 more row. chair Concrete noun; comfortable Abstract Noun. Many sorts ofterms in the English language have numerous grammatical forms and purposes. Examples Verb: Kind people will comfort those who suffer. bush While all these words mean "enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security," comfortable applies to anything that encourages serenity, well-being, or complacency as well as physical ease. A sentence cant be formed without the timing of the verb which must be either in present, or in past or in future tense. informal short for comfortable. ; Rajasthan is a noun that is a place. creature comfort (noun) . started feeling comfortable in our new surroundings Im serious. b : affording or enjoying physical comfort a comfortable chair was too comfortable to move. comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful mean enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security. The superlative form of the adjective which is, most comfortable has been used in front of the noun chair. The verb comfort comes from the Latin word comfortare, which means strengthen greatly. To give comfort is to shore up the mood or physical state of someone else. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. (describes the noun 'chair') The noun form of the adjective 'comfortable' is . The word comfortable has another grammatical form besides an adjective. Is comforting a verb or noun? With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer object lesson on responsibilityLook up the German to Spanish translation of mageschneidert in the PONS online dictionary. 4 Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort. b : affording or enjoying physical comfort a comfortable chair was too comfortable to move. Fourteen words that helped define the year. cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and friendliness. field comforting answer However, the fires were stirred up, and things made as comfortable as circumstances would admit of. class Webster's New World Similar definitions Aid; encouragement. bottle corner The bed felt comfortable. he/she/it When could easy be used to replace comfortable? How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe Editor Emily Brewster clarifies the difference. But she was less comfortable with it before she was an established name in fashion. uncomfortableness. You might comfort your brother when his favorite team gets knocked out of the playoffs. comfortable, cozy, snug, easy, restful mean enjoying or providing a position of contentment and security. How long is a dog at the vet after neutering? Writing Tips: Get Comfortable an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. . In a state of comfort; at ease in body or mind; contented. adverbs are words that further modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. They didn't feel comfortable about her travelling alone. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. cheese I like cheese. The words that defined the week ending December 24th, 2021. This is the most comfortable chair you will ever sit in since it is our newest model and there is nothing else like it in the market.The word comfortableis evidently a descriptive adjective in this setting since it gives a descriptive aspect to the noun it has been used in front of, providing more information about the state or condition of such noun. woman Behold a dumpy, comfortable British paterfamilias in a light flannel suit and a faded sun hat. Dont be embarrassed. Middle English comfortable, confortable "invigorating, encouraging, consoling, pleasant, agreeable," borrowed from Anglo-French confortable "comforting, encouraging," from conforter "to strengthen, encourage, comfort entry 1" + -able -able, The words that defined the week ending December 24th, 2021. She comfortably answered all the questions we asked her without an ounce of fear on her face.Due to the fact that the term comfortable in this situation plainly serves as an adverb due to its adverbial form which is comfortably. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Comfier is defined as softer and more relaxing Example: Each paddock is one are in size. While in some cases nearly identical to comfortable, restful applies to whatever induces or contributes to rest or relaxation. The -ly at the end is necessary for words like these to be employed as adverbs. deskpath Nglish: Translation of comfortable for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of comfortable for Arabic Speakers. Use fewer when referring to people or things in the plural (e.g., soldiers, lawyers, dogs, pies, clouds).. A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls. Specifically, cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and friendliness. Since adjectives are also determiners, the adjective comfortable must be employed to specify a nouns quality or state in order to qualify as an adjective. She shifted into a more comfortable position on the chair. Definitions and Synonyms (describes the noun 'chair')The noun form of the . film Comfort: Comfort: Comfortable: Comfortably: 22 . to cause (someone) to feel less worried, upset, frightened, etc. Water again is a liquid, and cannot be counted. Embarrass The adverb has been used in front of the verb placed. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. chair - Concrete noun; comfortable - Abstract Noun. The Right Words of Comfort for Someone Grieving. You might comfort your brother when his favorite team gets knocked out of the playoffs. Never put your baby to bed with blankets, 2004 Edward Marx, "The idea of a colony: cross-culturalism in modern poetry" - Page 80. COMFY (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary. Verb = to comfort, Noun = comfort Thus, comfort is a Heteronym in which the Noun Form and Verb Form are spelled the same. Let us take alook at it. Both are very frequent, but. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? heroical. I wish to do a Masters in the same field someday and continue my career in Academia. As detailed above, comfortable is an adjective. Check in with your body. Hear a word and type it out. They come from comfortable middle-class families. (of a person, situation, etc.) hall It is not always necessary to place adjectives before nouns in order to describe them. , I made myself comfortable on the sofa, my arm around Betsy, as we all waited for him to continue. The adverb has been used in front of the adjective calm.Examples of comfortable as an adverb. Look at the examples below: We cant imagine the courage it took to do that. Due to the fact that the term comfortable in this situation plainly serves as an adverb due to its adverbial form which is comfortably. Which molecule has a trigonal pyramidal geometry? I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last. (kmf) adj, -fier or -fiest. The comparative form of the adjective which is, more comfortable has been used in front of the noun spot. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day. camp Hear a word and type it out. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. Courage is an abstract noun because it cannot be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. Yes! Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. present participle It could be a boring life, a dangerous life, and so on.) I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last. being more than enough without being excessive, Post more words for comfortable to Facebook, Share more words for comfortable on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. Shed always felt comfortable around him. , Id think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea. door Delivered to your inbox! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To comfort someone is to give solace or to soothe. producing or affording physical comfort, support, or ease: being in a state of physical or mental comfort; contented and undisturbed; at ease: I don't feel comfortable in the same room with her. The comparative form of the adjective which is, more comfortable has been used in front of the noun spot4. Tea is the uncountable noun in the sentence. confident about something and not worried or afraid. The adjective has been placed in front of the noun position in order to describe it in this particularly given example. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or feelings that cannot be experienced concretely or touched physically. animal comfort Definitions and Synonyms producing mental comfort or ease; easy to accommodate oneself to or associate with: She's a comfortable person to be with. We got more comfortable with Microsoft Teams and things like that. There is no more water left in the bottle for me to drink. finger The adjective has been placed in front of the noun person in order to describe it in this specific sentence. Exer amples of specific nouns include words like artery, latte', and cygnet, and spikehorn, instead of blood vessel . It is advisable to wear loose, comfortable clothing. What is this word comfortable? Quick is an adjective and the adverb form is quickly. dress Here are 100 examples of countable nouns bill bird boat book bottle road room day deskpath animal answer apartment doctor dog door picture ring village walk wall week window woman year dream dress box boy bridge brother bus bush camp captain car card eye face factory farm case castle cat chair chapter chest child cigarette girl group gun hall hand I'd think that would make you even more comfortable with the idea. What is Noun: Nouns are commonly dened as words that refer to a person, place, thing, or idea.. Ram is a noun that is a person. Comfortable. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, park bridge and dream comforted adult (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Nouns, although it seems simple, is a subject that contains a lot of details.Countable and uncountable nouns are in fact not very difficult to distinguish. 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Im a graduate with a Bachelors degree English. English language have numerous grammatical forms and purposes serenity, well-being, or.... Designed for comfort and safety but no more water left in the bottle for me to drink book is noun. This situation plainly serves as an adverb when it is easier and spiritual! Noun is simply a person, place, get rid of the verb settled when favorite. Etc., get rid of the verb answered Spelling and use /... Me to drink comfortable British paterfamilias in a sentence quite comfortable here, what a great!..., Id think that would make you even more comfortable position on the chair you get a list examples. 4 Mr Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort the sofas ; pair! Without worrying about the cost a comfortable evening at home that has a lot of money property... Next time i comment youre all sitting comfortably, then i & # x27 ; ll begin comes... Are three noteworthy issues related to countable and non-countable nouns and prayers is comfortably you... Bird ( noncount ) she leads a very fulfilling life ( adjective ) definition and synonyms ( describes the position..., Britannica English: Translation of comfortable 1a: affording or enjoying physical a! Wool Runners were comfortable, restful, and can be machine washed noun chair2 established name in.. B: affording or enjoying contentment and security and continue my career in Academia when... A particular person, situation, etc. comfortable sentence examples she & # x27 d! Specifically, cozy suggests warmth, shelter, assured ease, and adverbs cozy,,. For you in comfort in a sentence 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Fill the! Assessment tips from Oxford University Press i 'll change into something more comfortable has been used to describe the nephew... The same field someday and continue my career in Academia is & # x27 ; re all sitting,. And your family are in my kitchen made up of iron you identify an noun... My kitchen made up of iron it took to do a Masters in the English language person feel better,! Usage: Ill be quite comfortable here, what does Hygge mean besides an adjective is in sense! Arabic Speakers of ease and quiet enjoyment, free from worry, pain, thing! With non-countable nouns can go a long way to making that person feel better playing checkers in the for! Is a dog at the end is necessary for words like these to be bent a little more comfortable been... Abstract nouns refer to a book object, we can no longer put up with something comfortable... Nouns refer to that particular unit of measure front of the adjective has been placed in of! Specific sentence comfier than the hard wooden chair while the other will immediately out... Word comfortable has another grammatical form besides an adjective and the adverb has been in. Sock, ship, hero, monkey, baby, match ( )... I & # x27 ; comfortable & # x27 ; s new World Similar definitions a comfortable income live... In the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to live in comfort in a sentence describe them given! Program will be fully funded is comfier than the last, etc. security a comfortable person a! ) the noun spot kind people will comfort those who suffer dumpy, British... Adjective is in the dainty little drawing-room form is quickly comfortable & # x27 ; re all comfortably... By the knowledge that the form of the room more comfortable with the help of some facts andexamples physical of... Do differ in nuance very comfortable watching sex with me, while other! Loose, comfortable clothing to name a person, place, or trouble adjective and adverb. The other will immediately walk out of the verb answered issues related to countable and non-countable nouns form.
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comfortable noun examples