4 day backpacking loop smoky mountains

When we booked this hotel, we found the best deal on Booking.com. The Great Smoky Mountains Association is a nonprofit organization that supports educational and scientific programs in the park. When a rattler is buzzing its telling you that its threatened and is prepared to defend itself. Make sure you stop to enjoy the views at Lonesome Pine Overlook along the way. They really seem to have the best deals on hotels, B&Bs and rental properties. Using a 120 to 130 cm trekking pole is rather dicey. Peter, you will love that area of the country. You can only use dead and downed wood for fuel, mind you; dont burn food waste, trash, or anything other than firewood. GUIDEBOOK: Hiking Trails of the Smokies ($21, smokiesstore.org) details all 150 maintained trails within the park. We spent two days backpacking the Abrams Creek area of the Smoky Mountains. Any time of year is beautiful in the Smokies. Backpackers in the park need a permit, of which two kinds are issued. If you want to use one of my songs in a video, please see the information on my SoundCloud page about how to properly credit me in the video description. Im fn pissed!!! Because this trail is so long, we definitely recommend that you consider breaking this up into a two or three-day excursion. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. See Bees are definitely a pain in the ass and will follow you if they catch your scent. Manage Settings It is a DoubleTree hotel that has been newly renovated with large rooms that each have their own private balcony and gorgeous views of the Smokies. To tackle a burly 2.1-mile off-trail out-and back to Marks Knob, turn left at this 3-way intersection. Im thinking of doing a similar trip in November. Climb Sterlings 60-foot steel fire tower for panoramic views of Cataloochee Valley, the Black Mountains, and the Southern Appalachians. Our dinners will be a yummy mix of filling and tasty dehydrated meals with added fresh veggies and we try to have a different meal each night! Noland Divide Trail You can also call the Backcountry Office at 865-436-1297 for assistance with permits and reservations, and generally to find out more about backpacking in the Great Smokies; indeed, first-time backpackers in the parkare encouraged to chat with the Backcountry Office to get the lowdown. You are in my backyard, welcome. We also had a great time at Dollywood! Be sure to bring cash, because they do not accept credit here. Enjoy the shelter amenities, like cozy bunks and a fireplace inside. Parking lot: 35.456218, -83.526071 (Lakeview Drive), Day 1: 14 miles Great Smoky Mountains Backpacking - Appalachian Trail & Beyond 4.8 (96) Share this trip Trip Length 4 Days Group Size 4-6 Activity level 3-4 Starting from $1,299 for REI Members $1,399 for non-members Departures Mar 2023-Oct 2023 Select dates Live Chat 1 (800) 622-2236 Mon-Fri 7am-5pm PT Overview Itinerary Dates Gear List Reviews Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Spence Field Loop Wander from bubbling cascades to scenic balds to wide ridgelines to old-growth forest on this classic 12.5-mile, 2-day loop in the shadow of several 5,000-foot peaks. Again, touristy, but tons of things to keep you and the kids busy. Transportation Services, Tours & Trips, 12. Summer: https://lighterpack.com/r/quth Before planning your backcountry trip, please read through this important information about reservations and permits, regulations, bear safety, trail closures, and more. Smokies are amazing, actually a temperament rainforest (subtropical) we live in KY so we hike there every year If time allows late Friday or early Saturday morning, head south on the AT for 360-degree views at sunset or sunrise from the top of Shuckstack Fire Tower. Love your shows regardless of the haters and hackers. Awesome mountians though.steller!, I think I would nm of wore him down with your trecking pole (not kill) but if it is u or snake , umm , u know the answer ! Lets talk campfires! I wouldve tried to find a stick at least 8-10 feet and moved it. Pay careful attention to the weather forecast as your backpacking trip approaches, and carry a NOAA weather radio with you to stay on top of conditions. Take the photo from your car please. The fundamental premise of every best short hikes in mt rainier national park model is the same. Follow Redbeard & Plug-It-In, the current record holder for the fastest person to hike all miles of the Smoky Mountain NP in 43 days, as they set out on an 8. Its another 1.4 miles and more climbing to an elevation of 5,842 feet on Mt. Please stay in your car if you see a bear! Backpacking parties are generally capped at a maximum of eight in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Turn left @ 3-way junction to continue hiking the Balsam Mountain Trail along the ridgeline. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Heck, even us big kids enjoy it, especially when we find actual gems! Hike 2 miles down Clingmans Dome Road to the Noland Divide Trailhead to start your final 11.4-mile descent. ****MUSIC****Music by me, Evan Schaeffer. good questions about snakes I have woke up in tents and found snakes either in the tent or on my chest while sleeping I suppose you should use a stick to move it of protect your self using your backpack. Throwing things at or near has never worked for me, not has foot-stomping, but you lose nothing by trying them. Unto These Hills Outdoor Drama show is the story of the Cherokee Indians that takes place nightly from June through mid-August. From high peaks to low valleys, the Appalachian Trail (AT) brings promised adventure and amazing stories. I would get a big stick (like about 10ft!) Hike to Clingmans Dome for a 360 degree sunset or sunrise at the highest point in the Smokies. Stay at least 150 feet away, and do not try to approach a bear. Knife or gun? For such a high traffic park, Im surprised theres still so much wildlife, then again it might be all the goodies from so many people not respecting LNT that attracts them to the trail. That bee camp sounded especially messy from previous campers. The Great Smoky Mountains are wonderful enough taken infrom the pavement, but backpackers get to truly immerse themselves in this gorgeous, bio-diverse, and deliciously wild range. Campsite #113, at Birch Spring Gap, is less than 1 mile north of the trail junction. Backpacker Trips Long Trails Appalachian Trail Appalachian Trail Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Tricorner Loop A peakbagger's dream, this 31-mile Smokies backpack loops across forested ridgelines, offering the opportunity to tag eight 6,000-foot summits along the way. See how to get the best deal on flights. Thanks for the video! Arrive at the Laurel Gap shelter; after 2,600 feet of climbing you may be ready for a break. I do not mean that as a criticism, I promise. Begin planning your trip here, and check out my favorite travel resources. Each season has its own special atmosphere. Roll into Big Creek Friday night to enjoy campground amenities like restrooms, dinner at a picnic table, and campsites with fire rings. Sterling Loop, Great Smoky Mountains. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Albright Grove Loop is one of the easier Smoky Mountains National Park backpacking trails found on our list. Sign up for Outside+ today. Join me on a 4 day backpacking trip in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park which offers tons of trails, beautiful views, excellent wildlife, streams galore, and most importantly solitude. Its always good to have a can of bear spray with you while hiking in the Smokies. Turn left onto the Enloe Creek Trail at this 3-way intersection. Just be watchful and slowly back away. Wow. Cool to watch some of your older videos and you convey your desire to thru hike the AT and to know that you are actually doing it right now. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com. From the fire tower, it's a moderate descent 2.1 miles to the Low Gap Trail. Im bald and sweat like a river while hiking. All of my music for video can be found at SoundCloud (http://bit.ly/2lUMpge). The name Smoky comes from the natural fog hanging over the mountain range. We enjoy time and views at Clingmans Dome as we adjust to our packs and backcountry systems. At just over 12 miles, you can easily hike this trail in a long one-day trek, or you can stretch it out to a two or three-day adventure. Although I receive a small commission from my affiliates, there is no extra cost to you. Dont go fast or run down a trail. Backpacking Has Changed a Lot Over the Past 50 Years. From the fire tower, its a moderate descent 2.1 miles to the Low Gap Trail. Our start begins by climbing to 6643 of elevation, which is the highest point on the entire AT. Thanks as always for the blogs. Sending product samples for testing DOES NOT guarantee video spotlight or review. Now, the downhill endurance test begins, with a 4,000-foot elevation loss over 6 miles on the Baxter Creek Trail. you cant move suddenly or fast enough to get past a coiled rattlesnake ,if he strikes due to sudden movement you could die out there. 05. [Please inform your guide upon reservation of any dietary restrictions or needs.]. One of the fun and unique features found at the top of Mount LeConte is that there is a mini hotel of sorts, as well as a place where you can pick up a picnic-style lunch to celebrate your accomplishment. Sterling. Refuel at Fontana Village, just over 6 miles down Highway 28, before heading home. It is also one of the most scenic. My experience is in ecology, so its simply a different perspective. Lastly Hugely Important Info! ADDRESS: 1 Davidson River Circle, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. Shield yourself with your pack left hand with both sticks when he lunges you have a block and whack the shit outta the little devil because he should know better the trail is frequented with hikers so he has an unknown problem. Mount Chapman: Another 6,000-foot off-trail summit. There is a place called Caffe Rel that is attached to a gas station at 459 E. Main Street. Please remember to disable your ad blocker to view the ad content from our sponsors. Good to see a video where the hiker takes some time to soak in the beauty of the surroundings. However, if youre planning on spending more time in North Carolina, the closest airport is Asheville Regional Airport (AVL), which is about 60 miles east of Cherokee. It's 19 miles and the loop route is Forney Ridge Trail/Forney Creek Trail/Jonas Creek Trail/Welch Ridge Trail/AT. You can both use them for free AND monetize your videos for your own profit. We will arrive at shelter 2 and enjoy a meal before star gazing in some of the darkest sky in the South East. I just found your channel! Currently live in East Tennessee and we are willing to drive a few hours in any direction. We pick high quality meals and fruits and veggies for us and our guests so we are all fully energized and feel great for our adventures! Push the snake down the hill. We begin a leisurely hike into our first shelter camp for the night and get comfortable with our sleeping systems in a communal shelter. Evernew Water Bag: https://amzn.to/2Lyqf1e, Gear Lists: 28 11 11 comments Best Add a Comment Natural_Law 6 yr. ago Looking to do a 4-5 day loop of moderate difficulty around 25-30 miles with some friends in the Smoky Mountains for a spring break trip (mid March). If you see a bear in the distance and it notices you but does not begin to approach, it is probably just going on about its day and continuing its natural behavior. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. ), Total distance on trail approximately = 23.8 milesTotal Elevation gain (loss) = 1,040ft (-5,610ft)Max elevation = 6,643ftMin elevation = 2077ft, Highest Point on The Appalachian TrailHigh Elevation CampingStarsFun. Have you ever had a gourmet meal at a gas station??? Their gorgonzola salad is famous here in Florida, as well as in Maggie Valley its heaven on earth! PHONE: 1-828-577-4558. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Plus have my pack at my feet. 113, at Birch Creek Gap. If youve ever been here, youve seen it the mountains look like theyre covered in smoke. Not hard enough to hurt it but you cant be too careful in that situation. One of the closest hiking parks near Charlotte, the 1,705-foot Kings Pinnacle is a quick drive and, at 2 miles each way, a reasonable hike. Reserve a spot in the Mount LeConte Backcountry Shelter, and you can enjoy the knockout sunrises and sunsets this impressive summits known for. A permit is required for camping in the backcountry. MAP >> Trails llustrated Clingmans Dome/Cataloochee/Great Smoky Mountains NP ($10, natgeomaps.com) >> View a map of the park at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park website. In the present day, many best short hikes in mt rainier national park products are available to both sexes. The video was shot at 30 fps. Thanks! Backcountry for backpackers, campgrounds with restrooms and running water, and even horse camps. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Smoky Mountains: Little Bottoms Loop 37. Thank you! Just thought Id give a warning. Respect the determination. PLEASE CLICK ME!!! Its a very popular spot for motorcycle and sports car enthusiasts for one reason the 11-mile, 318 curved road called Tail of the Dragon. PARKINFO: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, (865) 436-1200; nps.gov/grsm, SMOKIES TRIP PLANNER: nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/trip-planner.htm, GAS Shell Super Mart 376 Parkway Gatlinburg, TN 37738 (865) 430-2161, Texaco 799 Tsali Blvd. I use to catch rattlers in AZ along with a herpetologist who taught me how to best catch them with a "snake pole" with a loop, the pole being twice the length of a trekking pole. Our favorite resources when making reservations for lodging areBooking.com, VRBO, and Agoda. You can use tents or hammocks at backcountry campsites, butif youre holding a General Backcountry Permitnot at backcountry shelters. If youd rather bike or hike Cades Cove Loop Road, visit on a Wednesday or Saturday from May to late September in the morning before 10am. Because the elevation is not too steep, this is good if you are just getting started with backpacking or you are looking for a challenging day hike. I have yet to encounter a rattler on a hikeBeautiful snakes though, my adrenaline would have been pulsing as well! Great Smoky Mountains National Park may be the most popular national park in the country, but for those willing to venture into the extensive backcountry of this Southern Appalachian sanctuary, ample opportunities for solitude are one of many rewards. Theyre there to protect the natural resources of this special place, enjoyed by millions every year and thus vulnerable to overuse; they also help ensure a positive experience for backcountry users. The valley is a welcomed environment with pristine rivers and vegetation. I would advise you to buy a pair of snake water resistant boots. Also, make sure to use the restroom before visiting the restroom here is not the cleanest. Approx 10 miles a day. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The second handful of sand prompted it to slither away. Great videos what kind of video camera do you use.? You might be interested in the book Bear in the Back Seat II (2 is better than volume 1) by Kim DeLozier. Top 10 Best Hiking Watch | Best GPS Watch for Hiking, Doctor Explains First Aid Kits for Camping, Travel, & Hiking, outdoor adventures membership cancellation policy, Kids dive for cover as gunman opens fire on Bronx sidewalk. The same goes for bringing too little! However, they have a wide range of audiences. Tackle a 21.5-mile loop over big peaks or lower your mileage and elevation with a night at one of the sweetest creekside campsites in the park. Its not literature, just fun tales with a lot of info on the wildlife. Keep the great videos coming! Find more information here. Stayed at 69, Day 2: 20 miles The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. Best, Johnny, Thank you for the detailed mapping and trail list I feel like that is the hardest part of planning my hike is trying to pick the trails I wanna take, Youre living the life man ! You want to find the right place for the best price. The drop off on your left was not a good escape path either. Turn left off the AT for a short walk to the Tricorner Knob Shelter. **** MY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT: MY DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS (SOME FROM THE TRAIL) ****https://www.instagram.com/evan.schaeffer**** SEND ME EMAIL ****email: Evan.Schaeffer@gmail.com Another awesome adventure man, I love the smokies and cant wait too get out there very soon! Those looking for more excitement can always do a little gambling at Harrahs Cherokee Casino Resort. Wow, what a ride!!!! Approximately 6-10 milesToday we descend the ridges and find our self, entering a fertile valley once utilized for farming and settled with multiple families. Remember, anything you bring into the park, you are also responsible for removing. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. (Besides being considerate of the Smokies wilderness and your fellow park visitors, youve got another reason to follow the backcountry rules: Violations may result in a fine as steep as $5,000 and/or six months in jail.). Not only will this help make sure that you are well-rested to finish the hike, it will also give you enough time to enjoy all the scenic beauty found along the trail. You can reach the celebrated Gregory Bald along the Smoky Mountain crest by a few routes, but one of the best for a backpacking overnighter is the Gregory Ridge Trail. Dont forget to check out the list of all of ourSmoky Mountains hiking trails to discover more fun and unique outdoor adventures! I was wondering what you had there. But before you tag em youll have to earn them; the first 3.3 miles of this trip gain over 2,500 feet of elevation to the Laurel Gap shelter. If youre really, really enjoying those windy roads, head over to Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap!! Four spaces at the shelters lying along the A.T. in the park are set aside for thru-hikers between March 15th and June 15th each year. I agree that going around it (and I always try to do so on the uphill side) is option 1, by far. Enjoy the streams and waterfalls of the Deep Creek area in the south-central region of the Smokies on this 28.2-mile loop. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This easy hiking trail is a perfect outing for an afternoon with the family. Make sure you break in your hiking boots BEFORE beginning the trail. Each one of these hike videos is better than the last so I cant wait for the SHT, will probably sit down to watch that one tonight. Sterling to the south. Where to Stay in the Smoky Mountains. I wouldnt recommend doing it in a large vehicle or RV, though in fact, I believe that trucks longer than 30 feet are not prohibited, so this should give you an idea as to whether you want to take your RV on this road!!! You can obtain permits and make reservations (up to 30 days in advancethe earlier, the better) online at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park website, or in person at the parks Backcountry Office at the Sugarlands Visitor Center. -Mapped by Scott Sanders, GroundedGraphics.com. How do you achieve such an ultralight base weight while taking a heavy sleep system? Get your shopping done along Main Street, attend a folk festival, and have an awesome meal at Sweet Onion! Backpacking is physically challenging, so please be aware of your physical condition before starting the hike. Youll be up early on Saturday to climb the Chestnut Branch Trail 2 miles to the Appalachian Trail. ), All meals are prepared by your guide! Turn left @ 3-way junction onto the Balsam Mountain Trail; the route continues a stiff climb toward Laurel Gap. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The office is open daily from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Sterling Ridge Trail. Crowders Mountain State Park. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I will not lower my credibility for paid sponsorship.*. You may also call the Backcountry Information Office at (865) 436-1297 for information to plan your hiking or backpacking trip. In your backpack, we recommend you not only pack plenty of water, but you also consider packing a few water-purifying tablets to make sure that you have enough fluids to stay hydrated. Cammerer fire tower spur trail. Well, in the town of Franklin you can! Smoky Mountains: Injun Creek 36. However, I must admit that the main reason I visited Maggie Valley was to get a great steak and a gorgonzola salad at J. They were having a great time and so were we!! The Great Smoky Mountains 127-mile loop is a challenging route in the popular Great Smoky Mountains National Park that can be completed in 8-10 days. With plenty of backcountry campsites spread out all over the park, its no wonder why this is one of the most visited parks in the country. Go to 24:40 and see what you said about walking on the AT a couple years ago, and how one day. Cammerer fire tower spur trail. Park and take the short, steep paved trail to the observation tower. The road has 318 curves in 11 miles, and those turns are tight!!!! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. We've got you covered with the top trails, trips, hiking, backpacking, camping and more around Great Smoky Mountains. The town of Waynesville is just about 30 miles southwest of Asheville in between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains. You can check out these great places to stay in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Always make sure someone knows where and when you will be hiking. Not to mention, you will want to pack your camera because there are several panoramic views points that you will want to capture. We definitely recommend that you pack plenty of water and snacks in your backpack to stay hydrated and fueled during your hike. On a similar encounter I experienced in the Arizona desert our escape routes were limited due to barrel cacti on both sides of the path. Along this hike, you will experience many obstacles and challenges that make this hike worthwhile. Its right at the southern entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and a great place to learn about the Cherokee tribes. Day 1: Cades Cove Loop; Day 2: Rich Mountain Road; Day 3: Cataloochee Valley; Day 4: Newfound Gap Road; Day 5: Roaring Fork Motor Trail; Day 6: Little River Road; Day6: Foothills Parkway He was a ranger in the Smokies for 30 years. Turn left off trail to head uphill for the Big Catahoochee summit. and scared it away. We love to go horseback riding, river rafting, fishing, and kayaking here. I could have shot it with my 9mil but the snake was only doing what it does naturally, warming itself in the morning sun. 14 miles in, the route syncs with the Appalachian Trail (along the North Carolina/Tennessee border). Hey Frozen. )On the water subject, be careful at stream crossings in the Great Smokies; during periods of high flow, as after heavy rainfall, for example, these can be tricky.Use the parks trail map, your topo(s), GPS unit, and trail markers to stay on track out there. Things to Do in Smoky Mountains National Park, Top Tours for Smoky Mountains National Park, train schedule here and check out all of the different events, mile-by-mile guide for highlights on the Blue Ridge Parkway, Tips for Visiting Charming Chipping Campden (UK), How to Visit Churchill Downs & Kentucky Derby Museum, Itinerary for Italy [One Week, Two Weeks or a Month], 17 Fun Things to Do with a Weekend in Tampa [Florida]. To date, my music has appeared in more than 1,200 other videos with a combined millions of views. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Strenuous. Jennifer and I parked at the Sinks in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to begin our 6-day, 77-mile (122 km) trip. Is there a way I can contact you in a more private fashion so we can discuss this such as an email. From the rocky terrain to steep ridgetop turns, this almost 13-mile hike is perfect for any adventure seeker. Wow that was crazy! time well spent. Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more. You'll also want to spend a little time in the quaint towns of the Smokies. Cherokee, NC 28719 (828) 497-9132, RESTAURANTS Smoky Mountain Brewery 1004 Parkway # 501 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 coppercellar.com/Restaurant-SmokyMountainBrewery.html, Best Italian Cafe & Pizzeria 968 Parkway # 9 Gatlinburg, TN 37738 (865) 430-4090 bestitalian.com, Grannys Kitchen 1098 Paint Town Rd. We are shuttled to the highest point we can access by road in the GSMNP before setting foot on the renowned AT. And of course there has to be a desert! Always bring a hiking map or guide with you when backpacking. The third-highest peak in the Great Smokies, Mount LeConte, is one of the finesthiking destinations in the park, with multiple super-scenic trailsincluding the Alum Cave, Rainbow Falls, and Bull Head routesreaching its crown. Please direct questions concerning backpacking trip planning to the Backcountry Information Office at (865) 436-1297. That is quite a climb. Climbing up the hill to get around it might have been an option but you could slip, fall and roll right into it. If you dont have one either and you want to hit the Tail on a bike, you can rent one with bikesbooking.com. A few other backcountry shelters, though, lie off the A.T.: the Kephart, Mount LeConte, and Laurel Gap shelters. All of this to say, we want you to have a wonderful time with us and part of our job to accomplish that is to determine who is and who is not suited properly for each adventure. This is one of the most popular spots in the Smokies, so do be aware that youll need to bring some patience with you. Every hiker should experience the Great Smoky Mountains where old-growth forests, diverse flora and fauna, and breathtaking scenery combine for the quintessential outdoor adventure. Theres a lot to do here, including the usual mountain adventure of ziplining, hiking and rafting. If you're confused, send me an email!I publish new songs at SoundCloud from time to time, so check back at my Soundcloud page or my YouTube channel. At least 150 feet away, and campsites with fire rings entrance to the backcountry Office. Commission from my affiliates, there is a nonprofit organization that supports educational and scientific programs in town. Into the park, and check out these Great places to stay hydrated fueled! Point in the Smokies on this 28.2-mile loop being processed may be ready for a break!! 3-Way junction onto the Enloe Creek Trail at this 3-way intersection to function properly when we booked this,. Little time in the park of info on the wildlife spray with you when.... 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Start your final 11.4-mile descent elevation, which is the highest point on the wildlife videos. Are definitely a pain in the Mount LeConte backcountry shelter, and the loop route is Forney Ridge Creek... Soundcloud ( http: //bit.ly/2lUMpge ), this almost 13-mile hike is perfect for 4 day backpacking loop smoky mountains adventure seeker deal. Mountains look like theyre covered in smoke done along Main Street ), all meals are by! Especially when we find actual gems has to be a unique identifier stored in a private... Within the park need a permit, of which two kinds are issued those turns are tight!!!! Our start begins by climbing to 6643 of elevation, which is the.... A different perspective ass and will follow you if they catch your scent you break in your hiking or trip... Head uphill for the best price from June through mid-August Ridge Mountains find a stick at 8-10...

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4 day backpacking loop smoky mountains

4 day backpacking loop smoky mountains

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