who was the shadow in mid south wrestling

Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs Gary Young & Brett Sawyer (Lots of run-ins and a brawl) Watts went against racial stereotypes and social mores in the business to champion the black athlete when it wasnt accepted or wanted, in some cases. Fantastics vs Sting & Eddie Gilbert (Sting & Gilbert win UWF tag titles) and Jake Roberts. Freebirds Cant Stop Rockin' video In 1986, Watts made a huge move to go national. Gordy. Issolboch, South Dakota If you build it, they will come "If I kill them, they will come, got it!" What?!? Fantastics vs Sting & Eddie Gilbert, Universal Wrestling Federation 10/11/86 Deadeye Dick[3] Buzz Sawyer & Rick Steiner vs Ron Ellis & Perry Jackson 1951 South Africa to England. -Shadow, a burly masked man, slaps Magnum right in the face. Steve Williams vs Taras Bulba Bill Watts announces a $1M contract for the Freebirds followed by the contract signing video Watts was also behind the moniker that George Gray would take to worldwide fame when Gray was working with Devastation Inc. and attacked a babyface and several other wrestlers during a match when he exclaimed, "Hes like a one man gang!!". Hacksaw Duggan vs Kamala, Houston (JIP Duggan slams Kamala) The Fantastics vs Gustavo Mendoza & Tarus Bulba Rob Ricksteiner & Mike Scott Tag Team Champions Ted Dibiase & Dr. Death vs. Dick Murdoch & Masked Superstar (A Second Masked Superstar debuts and attacks One Man Gang & Wild Bill Irwin vs Jeff Gaylord & Jeff Raitz One Man Gang vs Ted Dibiase, PPW, 11/22/86 (JIP Famous clean pinfall job by Dibiase) Dusty Rhodes not only rose to fame in the 1970s but even became a world champion. Interview w/Bill Watts Ted Dibiase challenging Michael Hayes, 5/24/86 (Clip) Begun in 1979, for nearly a decade, Mid-South, later becoming the UWF, was one of the best promotions for anyone loving classic wrestling. They were still doing okay in the ratings, but Watts realized he couldnt keep going, so in April 1987, he sold the UWF to Jim Crockett Promotions, aka WCW. Buzz Sawyer vs. Joe Malcolm Ted Dibiase/Michael Hayes Brawl (Hayes is doing color commentary when Dibiase comes out to challenge him; they brawl briefly, before Hayes flees and Dibiase takes over on color) Rick Steiner vs Ken Massey JYD wasnt the only huge star Mid-South had on its roster. distracting Tatum, leading to him getting pinned. Skandor Akbar & One Man Gang challenging Jim Duggan, Universal Wrestling Federation 9/20/86 Humperdink originally firing him a year ago) The WWE inducted him posthumously into their Hall of Fame in 2016. Colley wrestled his last match for IWA Mid-South in 1997. In the summer of 1990, Colley returned to WCW as Moondog Rex in singles competition. By Elisha Meyer Port Orchard Independent January 17, 2023 1:30 am. The 411 Rating. The Moondogs jumped to the World Wrestling Federation in the midst of its national expansion. ), Universal Wrestling Federation 11/22/86 However, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion would continue to defend the title on MSW shows, which helped hike up live event sales. -Originally aired January 12, 1985. Colley suffered his second defeat weeks later, falling to Jake Roberts on television. ~ Interview w/Oliver Humperdink, Taras Bulba & Eddie Gilbert (Gilbert has Bulba attack Humperdink. Wrestling II had become a shadow of his former self. His title run was good as Watts helped JYD to stardom and in return, the Dog became a reason fans got into Mid-South in the first place. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. Free shipping . Dick Slater vs. Jim Duggan (JIP from TV Title Tournament Semi Finals) Watts had all of these at his disposal. Ted Dibiase & Steve Williams video Living in America He took on the persona of The Junkyard Dog, complete with an entrance including him pushing a shopping cart to the ring filled with junk he aptly called his "junk wagon" before he started using his trademark collar and chain gimmick. John Tatum & Jack Victory vs. Iceman Parsons & Chavo Guerrero, Universal Wrestling Federation 12/13/86 8.6. Kind of a hilarious undersell of one of the most business-changing matches in history, given hindsight. Then a whole bunch of other guys come out and we get a big As a consolation to being dropped from Demolition, Colley was repackaged again as part of the masked wrestling team The Shadows with partner Jose Luis Rivera. ~ Announcement of Slater as N.A. 10 Things Fans Should Know About The Mid-South Wrestling Association, 10 Short-Lived Wrestling Promotions You Should Learn About, 10 Wrestling Bookers And The Most Famous Idea They Came Up With. Gary Young vs Art Crews Terry Gordy vs Steve Williams (Doc comes back out and wrestles one-armed until Gordy pulls out some brass knux and KOs him.) Mike George w/Jack Victory vs Brickhouse Brown But, just as wrestling was about to enter its most significant boom period, things crumbled. Tommy Gilbert talks about his sons actions. Freebirds & Sting attacking Bill Watts, 6/28/86 Chavo Guerrero vs John Tatum Mantell comes out and kicks them both out of the building.) comes to the ring with no one. Our wrestling history is gold! Colley left Mid-South following a loss to Al Perez on January 24, 1986 in Houston, Texas. OMAHA One final swing in a back-and-forth affair was enough for the state's top team Tuesday night. Chavo Guerrero vs Art Crews It nearly happened as Watts had heard of how Vince McMahons attempts to take over TBSs showing of Georgia Championship Wrestling had flopped. be. Ernie Ladd is a member of every significant Hall of Fame in wrestling, including WCW (1994), WWF/E (1995), Wrestling Observer (1996), Cauliflower Alley Club (2005), and the NWA (2013). July 17, 1976 - Superdome Extravaganza in New Orleans, LA at The Superdome: Pat Barrett b Tom Jones, Ted DiBiase and Jay Clayton b Randy Tyler and Bobby Jaggers, Nelson Royal b Ron Starr, Grizzly Smith b Sigfried Stanke, Bobo Johnson and Farmer Pete b Little Tokyo and Billy the Red, Dick the Bruiser vs Abdullah the . Their run in the company ended that year with a match at the USWA's Mid South Memphis Memories II card, where they were defeated by The Fabulous Ones.[20]. Wrestling as The Nightmare, he was teamed with Eddie Gilbert and defeated Steve Brinson and Terry Daniels. injure his left arm. This would continue until April 1985, at which point Colley left the WWF for Bill Watts' Mid South Wrestling Federation. $14.90 . $39.95 $5.00 shipping BILL WATT'S MID SOUTH WRESTLING 1984 85 5 DVD SET mid south nwa mid atlantic $30.00 Free shipping 14 watching [5] For the remainder of the 1970s he moved around various National Wrestling Alliance territories.[5]. Sheepherders vs. Ricky Gibson & Al Perez [18] After leaving WCW, Colley would take a hiatus form wrestling for a couple of years. $59.99 . This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Jim Ross: WELCOME EVERYONE TO MID SOUTH WRESTLING! Watts, however, doesnt come out) Randy the Mountaineer[3] UWF Top 10 Rankings Savannah Jack vs Buddy Roberts, 11/15/86 Video Feature: UWFs first Dallas show, 7/27/86 The Dalton Brothers would remain a tag team throughout 1970 and 1971, facing various opponents such as The Welch Brothers and The Australians. Houston. There are quite a few similar lists out there, but not a single one 22. One Man Gan, Leroy Brown & Bill Irwin vs Hacksaw Duggan, Chris Adams & Missing Link (Link is missing because of the attack on Dark Terry Taylor challenges both men in hopes for a N.A. Gustavo Mendoza vs Brett Wayne Bill Watts when it comes to booking heels. We share awesome content covering all interesting parts of the Pre-Golden Era, Golden Era, New Generation Era, Attitude Era & the early Ruthless Aggression Era. Originally called Tri-State Wrestling, the territory extended across Oklahoma, Louisiana and Tennessee with an alliance with Paul Boeschs Houston territory. resignation. One Man Gang vs Bobby Perez His ways may have been disliked by some and held in high regard by others, but one thing you can say for sure is that they got a reaction from his workers and peers. Fabulous Ones vs. Brett Wayne Sawyer & Ricky Gibson Jack Victory & Lady Maxine vs Dark Journey & (Maxine & Victory challenged Dark Journey to get a partner for a mixed match so she Watts was poised to take over the two-hour slot occupied by the WWF when Jim Crockett and his Mid-Atlantic promotion swooped in and backdoored Watts out of the deal. He was best known for his appearances in the World Wrestling Federation as a part of The Moondogs, and as the original Smash of Demolition. ~ Terry Taylor music video (When the going gets tough), Mid-South Wrestling 2/23/86 Jack Victory Introducing Lady Maxine His matches against the likes of Butch Reed, Nikolai Volkoff, Krusher Khrushchev, and others . Bobby Eaton had been a journeyman wrestler in 1984 when Jim Cornette came to Mid-South from Memphis. Blade Runners vs. David Peterson & Perry Jackson In September 1984 they were programmed into a house show series against the newly arrived Fabulous Freebirds. David Peterson & Chavo Gurrerro vs Buzz Sawyer & Rick Steiner Following an April tour of All Japan Pro Wrestling that saw him team with Andre the Giant and Dick Murdoch he returned to full time action in the World Wrestling Federation. Jim Ross & Michael Hayes on Savannah Jack vs Buddy Roberts (Michael Hayes comes down to ringside with a jar of hair removal cream but is then too scared to get into fighting with each other; it gets broken up, then Hayes & Roberts come back out and another brawl ensues. One Man Gang vs Ken Massey Ray Traylor continued to work in both the WWF and WCW during his career and stints in Japan. So, if you can, load up the WWE Network, find the incorrectly labelled January 6th . Quite possibly the best single episode of pro wrestling ever taped for TV. The legacy that Bill Watts left behind rises above any controversial statements he may have made or the wrestling career he had. Al Perez & Brett Wayne Sawyer vs. Gustavo Mendoza & Joe Malcolm It wasnt until he came to the office of Bill Watts in Shreveport, Louisiana, that his professional wrestling career transcended to another level. Mid-South Wrestling-Giants Midgets Heroes & Villia DVD 2007 . Savannah Jack vs The Libyan (Before the match, Buddy Landel comes out and challenges Savannah Jack and eats a superkick for his trouble) And it turns out Shadow has. BOTH guys come out and start brawling with OMG. The Glassman vs The Libyan Colley lost singles matches to Bret Hart, Barry Windham, Jimmy Snuka, Jerry Brisco, and Tony Atlas to start the year, before going on a winning streak that saw him defeat Bobby Colt, and Rick McGraw on the house show circuit. When they Dick Slater vs. Dr. Death (TV Title Tournament Quarter Finals) Jim Duggan made a name for himself during the transition from Mid-South to the UWF. ), Universal Wrestling Federation 10/25/86 Michael Hayes vs Ted Dibiase (The crowd is hot for this impromptu match; TV time runs out), Universal Wrestling Federation 5/31/86 Pro Wrestling Moments. His first match was at a July 6 house show in Norfolk, Virginia, against El Gigante. Fantastics vs John Tatum & Jack Victory (Missy Hyatt rakes Tommy Rogers eyes, then slaps him,then Dark Journey slaps Missy) Hacksaw Duggan vs Rick Steiner (No match Dick Slater comes in and challenges Duggan, so they brawl & then you get lots of run-ins) Though he will never put himself above his commentating idol, Gordon Solie, JR is considered by most to be the greatest play-by-play guy the wrestling business has ever produced. Mid-South Wrestling 1980-1985 Seasons on USB Flash Drive UWF NWA WCW WCCW AWA . who was the shadow in mid south wrestling. Buzz Sawyer vs. Perry Jackson Leroy Brown vs Jeff Gaylord Bill Watts brawling with Eddie Gilbert, the Blade Runners & Kortsia Korchenko, 5/17/86 (JIP) They included Steve Dr. A video Christmas Carol, Universal Wrestling Federation 12/27/86 While the Desperadoes angle continued and the trio was shown as late as the June 29th WCW Power Hour program still looking for Stan Hansen, the former AWA champion reportedly wanted no part of the storyline and left for Japan, never to return to wrestle in North America. December 19, 1981 Episode 51 - 42 mins [9], On October 11, 1985 Colley teamed with Eddie Gilbert to capture the Mid-South Tag Team Championship, defeating Al Perez and Wendell Coley. Re-Cap of UWF title double pin situation (title returned to Gordy) Moondog Rex[3] Hacksaw Duggan vs The Libyan One Man Gang vs Hacksaw Duggan (Cage TV time runs out after Duggan gets jumped before the match. Colley as Detroit Demolition was managed by Downtown Bruno and teamed with Lord Humungous[16] until Humungous turned fan favorite and allied with (kayfabe) childhood friend Shane Douglas against Bruno and his men. This is the official masked wrestlers list The earliest known masked wrestler in the United States was The Masked Marvel who famously "crashed" the international tournament, which featured many of the top stars of the "Farmer" Burns-Frank Gotch era, held at the Manhattan Opera House in 1915. Its amazing to see the scores of future famous faces who cut their teeth in the territory. Clip of Freebirds piledriving Steve Williams, 6/29/86 Fabulous Ones vs. Ricky Gibson & Steve Doll Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts vs David Peterson & (Finish Only) Community Grade. Moondog Hawkins [3] Jake Roberts vs. Dick Slater (TV title Tournament final, 1/1/86) by AmericanArtist667 $12 $9.00 . Steve Williams & Bill Watts visiting the University of Oklahoma Cornette paired him and Dennis Condrey into the Midnight Express, who soon became one of the hottest teams around. In a strange twist of fate, Ted Turner bought out Crockett promotions to form WCW later and presented Watts with the opportunity to run the show as the lead booker. Watts approached the deal under the idea that the UWF would still keep going as a separate promotion, which it did for a while. for the 1-2-3 and then get their heat back in an intelligent way so everybody ends up looking good. JYD returned to his unmasked self and regained the North American Heavyweight Championship. Video feature on Devistation Inc. Unlike Demolition, The Shadows were used as enhancement talent and embarked on a lengthy losing streak to The Young Stallions on the house show circuit that spring. Community Grade. what are the basic elements of the interactionist perspective. Terry Gordy won a tournament to become the first UWF champion, with the title later going to the One Man Gang, Big Bubba Rogers and Steve Williams. Jack Victory w/Lady Maxine vs. Steve Williams Gary Young & Ken Massey vs Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts w/Sunshine (Fantastics do a run in and piledrive Buddy Jack) Universal Wrestling Federation 3/22/86 FIRST UWF SHOW UWF Champion Steve Williams and Tag Team Champs the Sheepherders (later the Bushwhackers) saw their belts simply die out. [13][unreliable source] Following a third appearance, this time at a Wrestling Challenge taping, he was replaced by Barry Darsow. The Fantastics & Terry Taylor, Universal Wrestling Federation 4/26/86 They would lose the titles later that year, but regained them on October 24, 1994 against The Phantoms (Phantom Sorrow and Phantom Tragedy) at the Mid South Coliseum. Plus, Jake Roberts is in action, a look at the battle between Billy Jack Haynes and Kamala, and much more! The Bushwhackers How They Survived Their Wild Early Career. Michael Hayes w/Sunshine vs. Gary Young While appearing in MACW he would compete against opponents such as Steve Strong, Two Ton Harris, and Larry Sharpe. One of the biggest and best was Bill Watts Mid-South Wrestling Association. Terry Taylor vs. However, by the fall, Crockett was taking over and decided the UWF simply wasnt important. their upcoming title match. The territory had some terrific storylines with Watts ahead of his time with episodic wrestling tales. Gordy & Hayes use that opportunity to jump on Williams and Blade Runners video Tracy Smothers vs Buzz Sawyer w/Rick Steiner Eddie Gilbert vs John Tatum (Dark Journey comes out & attacks Missy Hyatt; Eddie makes the save then KOs Dark Journey with Missys Ever taped for TV Jim Cornette came to Mid-South from Memphis news on all your celebs... The Wrestling career he had Humperdink, Taras Bulba & Eddie Gilbert and defeated Steve and! 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who was the shadow in mid south wrestling

who was the shadow in mid south wrestling

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