wang uc davis rate my professor

I liked the content of her class, but as a professor I didn't like her that much. This was a great RE to take as an FST major. Go to office hours before tests and the paper. Hes nice enough, and very accessible, but somehow not very helpful. i never took ap chem in high school so this class was pretty challenging for me but LPW made it such a lovely experience. It's considered the friendly UC and truly lives up to its reputation. She was very accessible outside of class and very helpful when I asked her for advice about Asian American Studies and my interest in it. Bini Wang. M Guo, T Jin, CH Wang, Luxin, Scullen, O. Joseph, and Sommers. He is very caring and flexible when it comes to assignments and quizzes. Wang Liao. Im a very mentally strong person but Davis showed the ways to the counseling services. Professor William Wang has taught courses in Corporations and Corporate Finance. Luxin Wang is a professor in the Food Science amp Technology department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Science - August 5, 2022 USA - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. She is an amazing teacher, I learned so much about the U.S. that I had never known before. For Credit: Yes. Midterm is straight from the study guide, so as long as you put in the effort there's no surprises, Class is very heavily based in discussion of the materials read. Lee-Ping Wang is a professor in the Chemistry department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. 27%. Campus is pretty safe, but directly off campus is kind of sketchy. Research Interests: Microbiota-gut-brain axis. DONT TAKE THIS CLASS. Associate Professor; Genome Center; Department of Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine; Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute While he did appear to be passionate about the material that he was teaching, his style, as well as the way that he covered the material, was terrible!! I'm looking forward to meeting you again in a future class! Ting Guo was placed on leave in 2021 after . Davis students. that said, the topics are extremely difficult, so don't take honors if you're not here to learn. 2.6. Congrats, Leora! to go on a smear campaign against a professor, thus making the rating system Opportunities never end, extremely good academic support, amazing campus; always felt safe. She sets a precedent for laziness and truly lacks accountability. Each year, the UC Davis College of Engineering recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, research and community. As rightly mentioned in this two extremes on the satisfaction spectrum. For this master level statistics class, she does not do an example in class. His ability to manage class and discussion is incredible. BME professor finds innovative ways to re-engage students. incidentally prevent a student from posting multiple reviews for a same UC Davis Davis, CA 95616. email Phone: 530-752-0703 Fax: 530-752-8964 . But be ready to read a lot. personally count the completion of class evaluations for all the classes that I We would like to use third party cookies and scripts to improve the functionality of this website. understandable) reason was that students wrote their comments under the Personally, the worst part about UC is the internet in all honesty. I've had Professor Liao for two classes now, CMN 102 & 130. Spent a lot of time on this class. The common intuition that people have (with which I dont necessarily disagree) All her midterm, quizzes, are homework based. UC Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 Ph: (530) 752-1500 Fax: (530) 752-4717 More contact info He is an accessible teacher and not tough at all! Level of Difficulty. One thing to keep in mind is that it is highly ranked in the transportation. Only a small fraction of students actually leave reviews on RateMyProfessors, Professor Hao-chuan Wang at University of California, Davis - Rate My Courses. If youre in this university theres no chance youre graduating without seeing the therapist. There's plenty to do around campus and its not hard to meet people! Associate Professor | VET MED: Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology. Faculty members are nominated by their respective departments and are selected by the college's faculty awards committee. Communal risk information sharing: motivations behind voluntary information sharing for reducing interdependent risks in a community. Liked by Yifan Wang Submit a . Really great opportunities with co-ops, after college career opportunities, research, etc. That its very good as far as location its almost in the middle of everything in Cincinnati. He has written two award-winning monographs on China, forming a duology of queer Asian Pacific history through the lens of knowledge production. Love that I learned a lot even though her assignments weren't stressful. If you can memorize homework problems, you will pass this class. About; Research Focus; Selected Publications; Teaching; Education. professor with a similar amount of reviews and an average of 1.2/5! It appears that this lack of reliability is less a bug than a feature, since The department can do a better job at educating CS majors about new grad hiring cycles in the industry. 2019 12; 13 (6):1736-1746. A 'big-picture' approach to teaching. Jane is unclear and is everywhere with her topics. Very interesting class. Wang Research Lab: Ten mins away. The class is very easy BUT if you want to learn HCI, go to class and put in the effort. for sharing relevant results of these class evaluations with the rest of the They keep admitting too many freshmen, causing a consistent pattern of housing crises and stressful living situations. He always posts the lecture notes on Canvas in a timely manner and includes many visuals in his slides. Degrees: B.S. Improving lives and transforming health care; the food is bad and the wifi sucks. meaningful impact as they become part of merit and promotion dossiers for students, but its possible to get truly representative data. He is also a very nice guy and super understanding. I highly recommend folks to take Liao's CMN102. New Media & Society. She clearly was excited about sharing knowledge with students. Eadie accepted the award with the humility most people on campus . LPW is a legend. Wang recently presented at 2022 Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting in San Antonio and . His passion about what he is teaching is so obvious. Whether UC Davis is predicting the next global virus before it happens or developing more nutritious wheat for a hungry world, our research is making the world a better place to live. UC Davis is a really great school and famous for agriculture majors, especially animal science. Averages for every quiz and assignment is a FAIL. 2000-2023 5/27/21 -- Our lab is awarded a Science Translation & Innovative Research (STAIR) grant and is matched with funding from UCDSOM Dean Allison Brashear! Was mostly discussion based. Reading books, literature and travel. The lack of structure and lack of consistency is enough to drive anyone crazy. Overall, he created a great sense of community within CHE2AH, and the extra credit really helped. Dr. Wang is super nice, passionate about the content she teaches, and genuinely wants everyone in her class to succeed. However, the class itself did not really teach much and overall her grading style was mostly just giving like an A- or a B+ on the assignment without giving much reason why. These four professors will receive awards honoring their exceptional accomplishments during the virtual Celebration of Faculty . The immediate (and He's very helpful in his lectures, and he writes them all out which makes it convenient for asking questions and getting help. Caron is the best teacher I have ever seen in UC Davis." "She is an amazing professor. Her lectures are clear and she posts lecture notes that cover all the material, so you don't really need to take notes. What you put in is really what you get out of this class, as it's easy to just skip lecture and half-ass your project but you won't learn anything. Really helpful and friendly. Don't listen when people talk about how good on the green is. A lot safer than I previously perceived it to be. average. Do all the extra credit you can, and especially with the course being out of 100 points, thats the only way I did so well. Really nice professor! I enjoyed the environment. | Faculty Page. Cool prof, lectures don't always include everything you need to know, textbook lacks depth of information needed to do well on tests, very few practice problems given. Great person to get to know outside of class. Human-computer interaction, CSCW and social computing, society and technology, data science Wang is interested in human-computer interaction research with a focus on supporting all different types of social interactions, collaborations and communications in various theoretical and application contexts. Lots of reading + discussion posts, a mid-quarter paper, and final project. doi:10.1177/0093650215626974, Liao, W., Yuan, Y. C., & McComas, K. A. Human Communication Research, 43, 256275. The department can do a better job at educating CS majors about new grad hiring cycles in the industry. Homeworks is long and heavy. C. Titus Brown. Ting Guo, a 58-year-old chemistry professor and a former department chair at the school, was placed on paid leave in January 2021 after UC Davis' Title IX office learned of a civil lawsuit filed against Guo and UC . "When ice melts, it's not reusable," said Gang Sun, a . Dr. Wang obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and Scientific Computing from University of Michigan. to individual students. About. Zhong, Q., Mueller, J. and Wang, J.-L. (2022). Kind of bummin that I ended up with an A-. The analysis of the regression-discontinuity design in R. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 42, 341-360. doi:10. Distinguished Professor; Statistics; Research Interests: Deep Learning, Dimension Reduction, Functional and Longitudinal Data Analysis, Survival Analysis, Applications to Science . I attended mostly all of his office hours. During his Ph.D., he was a visiting graduate student at the BioCircuits Institute (BCI) and the Rady School of Management, at University of California San Diego (UCSD). I LOVE UC Davis. The most confusing formatted quizzes of any professor at UCD. Photos of active graduate students in the Department of Mathematics at UC Davis. Don't even need to show up to class, just skim through the lecture slides. More fundamentally, is communication a causal agent in the social structures and dynamics revolving around our daily life? Neural and computational mechanism for temporal processing in the brain; University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011 . The school has no sympathy for students and continues to fail me. Mlanie Gareau, Ph.D. My current interests lay on two broad issues: solidarity and hierarchy in interpersonal and group processes. Chris Pivetti, M.S. Semiparametric efficient estimation for shared-frailty model with doubly-censored clustered data. Visiting Ph.D. Student . 2018. Rate Professor Wang. Wi-Fi however is AWFUL. However, he makes it ridiculously confusing by using abstract examples that leave you more confused. There are always patrol going around, and I have yet to feel the slightest bit unsafe while on campus. Wang also co-directs the China-U.S. Professor Liao is one of the worst professor's I've ever had. He's a gentle and kind person and I would take his class again for sure. Obviously, the course material is tough, but going to his lectures and office hours really helped. "Jerry" Murphy, Dr. Jieyu (Jade) Featherstone (PhD, 2021), Big Data Requires Big Visions for Big Change, Mankind From Space is an Epic Journey of Discovery, The Theory, Practice and Limits of Big Data for the Social Sciences. Liao, W., Bazarova, N. N., & Yuan, Y. C. (2018). Final was an essay. Quantum is a very difficult topic to learn, so I don't blame him for the difficult exams. (i.e., less than 3%). . Wow, he's an amazing professor! He IS the worst professor at UC Davis. Going to college for me was an experience that I could be outside of my environment that I grew up in. TAKE GOOD NOTES because that is what you will use to write up your midterms. Nice curve at end. BME Professor Aijun Wang Wins $3.1M CIRM Grant June 17, 2022. I understand frustrations and bad ratings from other students, but I disagree with his intentional "failing students". Department of Physics and Astronomy. I teach CMN130 (Group Communication) and CMN244 (Organizational Communication) in the 2018-2019 academic year. They repay study. I'm convinced that this class is hard because he wants the students to fail. However, my belief is that we could implement a system specifically designed 67%. (The election was delayed for two years due to the Covid 19 pandemic, so it was in fact the 33rd Academicians election.) FASEB Journal Spotlights UC Davis Researchers' Work on Stem Cell-Based Neurological Therapies Wang Liao. In close collaboration with clinicians, Dr. Wang's research group translates quantitative imaging techniques to improve clinical diagnosis, prognosis and therapy response assessment in various diseases. Overall, I felt like I really learned a lot in his class. Y. Su and J.-L. Wang (2016). Debbie Duckett Education Program Coordinator Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulatory Care Center 4860 Y Street, Suite 3850 Sacramento, CA 95817 Phone: 916-734-5292 Email: instructors for a certain course, its understandable that they would choose a I was sent to the ER and refused proper care at the health center. The more she knows you the better you'll do. Jane-Ling Wang is a professor in the Statistics department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. He is too caught up with maintaining a low average for his class. Welcome Mary, Abdul, and Nataliya! Ph.D., Communication, Cornell University, 2018, M.S., Communication, Cornell University, 2015, M.A., New Media Studies, Tsinghua University, China, 2012, B.A., Advertising, Xiamen University, China, 2009, These Undergrads Explain What They Gained, Undergraduate Preparation for Grad School, Internship Assignment Descriptions and Requirements, General Education Requirements Filled By Communication, Information and Communication Technologies, Graduate Program Frequently Asked Questions, In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Chuck Berger, In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus James J. This area is very safe too! Theres literally not words to describe how bad it is the food makes me feel sick every time I eat, but other than that I love UC, UC is a fine school but I didnt have a great first year experience. Does individuals emotion expression self-organize in ways that facilitate or impede group processes and functioning? I'm Professor Wang. I absolutely loved the Spanish program at UC Davis, the professors all cared about their work and the students. He provides lots of useful examples. Homeworks mainly out of the book. UC has amazing opportunities and programs, and the architecture and facilities are beautiful! teach as participation extra credit (just a tiny fraction of a percentage Chill school, the classes are alright and you can get good professors if you're lucky. relevant. No idea what he is doing or how he is teaching. State Stem Cell Agency Funds Clinical Trial for Spina Bifida Treatment November 12, 2020. I was confused by what she would try to say. 7/1/21 -- Congratulations to Dr. Aijun Wang for his promotion to full Professor! Would take again. Also during lectures, he gives iClicker Reef questions as extra credit participation points, which do not have to be answered correctly to get the points. Level of Difficulty. I love Prof. Wang. How can dynamics of interpersonal communication bridge our innate tendency for ranking ordering (e.g., dominance-submission, lead- follow) with the establishment of social hierarchy? 2. Questions or . Although full class evaluations cannot be published for confidentiality reasons, UC Davis veterinarians and researchers have developed a technique to predict leptospirosis in dogs through artificial intelligence. I was dropped from classes due to an error on the school's end and told to figure it out. If this class isn't required for the communications major, no one would be taking it. His TAs are just as bad in explaining assignments and discussion sessions are just torturous and a waste of time. Professor in the Statistics department at University of California Davis. Prof Wang is really nice and gives super interesting lectures! . Currently, I am working on the following projects: I am also interested in broader questions such as: Do social exchange patterns among community members affects the cooperation for greater goods within and beyond communities? He doesn't seem to care about his students and is so arrogant, establishing a clear boundary between him and his students. ( Christopher Pivetti is a scientist for the Department of Surgery, University of California, Davis Health in Sacramento, CA. A native of Shenzhen, China and a graduate of UC Davis This semester, Berkeley Public Health welcomes new professor of biostatistics Xiongtao Dai! On average the LOWEST grade she gives is like 88. Not as bad as people make it seem. Exams were difficult, mainly to poor wording. 3 OK Class. Worst class ever. What inspires you? class evaluations on this website, but my request was denied. This is a relatively new course but it was still very insightful and opens the space for some great projects. The Internet could use an upgrade. Must take cs elective for gpa. Horrible location and horrible weather and parties. TAs were super helpful too, everyone cared about your success in the class. "In elementary school, I was already teaching," he recalls. class. Would take again. Get ready to read a lot for this class and attend lectures in order to be ready for the tests. I took his CMN 130 Group Communication course. / 5. He also seems to care a lot about his students' success and is always happy to answer questions. 3.6. Grace Wang is Associate Professor of American Studies at UC Davis. students might actually think about a certain professor. Difficult but worth it! She is so enthusiastic about what she teaches. The rec center is always horribly overcrowded and food is bad. especially here at UC Davis, where core CS classes are very large. The location around campus is sketchy but if you're street-smart you should be okay. He received both his bachelor's degree (2001) and his master's degree (2004) in general biology from the University of California, San Diego. UC Davis is a great institution to attend for your undergraduate degree. 3. Submit a Correction. No final! 4 Good Prof. Prof: Hao-chuan Wang / Winter 2022. The fellowships come with cash awards $25,000 this year for research or other scholarly work. The community is very diverse, and everyone seems motivated. She is the author of Soundtracks of Asian America (Duke UP, 2015). Dining halls and campus housing could be improved. A lot of other REs are really difficult, but this class was a great balance. Yunshi Wang is the director of the China Center for Energy and Transportation (C-CET). His classes is not fit for undergraduate students and he needs to teach a PhD student. Understanding and funny." 3. I took Dr. Wang for FST 109. I was in honors AMS10 so the class may have been a bit different. Good school for engineering with a great co-op program. Wang is a lead trainer for the "Preventive Controls for Human Food" program and the "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" program. He is eager and willing to help students. I love professor Wang as a person and a teacher, but this class was too hard especially for the first quarter of college. You can get your degree in four years or less due to less impacted classes and quarter system. I'm Professor Wang. He is also absolutely brilliant - he can do chemistry and coding at the same time while also teaching! This class teaches simple topics, it's just the vocab and basics of conducting a study. (He goes over concepts/problems slower and in more detail.) His lectures are very organized and well-prepared. Today is week 3but we have ready need to finsih 9 assignmentsReally dont know how he thinking who is so arrogancy. I'd recommend! The dining hall food could be better but is pretty good for college campus. UC sucks. A very decent professor. 2019 Cohort. Campus and close to campus feel mostly safe, but there are definitely some areas to be avoided. She acts very chill and just shrugs her shoulders and says "I understand" if you forgetdidn't do an assignment. Jane-Ling Wang, Ph.D. Go to every lecture, read through the slides, and you will be good on the midterms. Diana Farmer, the world's first woman fetal surgeon and chair of surgery at UC Davis Health, is the principal investigator in the CuRe Trial, or Cellular Therapy for In Utero Repair of . She is the best professor in Food science and technology department. She is an easy grader though. He does say "um" a lot but it's not that bad and he's pretty much perfect otherwise. Here at UC Davis, students are invited at the end of every quarter to complete The professor is nice, but the TAs can make or break the class. He has a bad wrap, but I think he's a nice and fair instructor. Most of the learning is done through lectures and HCI paper readings. Professor Rating. Would take again. Daily routines of "social media crowds" (e.g., football fans' tweeting behaviors), particularly the effects of intergroup competition and the social sharing of emotion on the building of solidarity through "interaction rituals.". (415) 565-4666. Continue reading Hes a nice guy (I suppose) but teaches an AWFUL class. LPW is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Great professor. Take him. in Psychology from UC Davis 2016; MPH with a concentration in community assessment, program design, implementation and evaluation, Boston University 2019 Professional Interests: Trauma Informed Care, Resiliency, Reproductive Justice and Firearm violence Major Professor: Dr. Jeffrey Hoch Entry Year: 2019 Background/Interest: Shannon recently graduated . Would Take Again: Yes. Grace Wang is a professor in the American Studies department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. Also, he expects undergrads with zero experience in research to carry out a perfect research project with everything done right. , no one would be taking it is too caught up with an A- dossiers for,! Needs to teach a PhD student Hao-chuan Wang / Winter 2022 transforming care. ; teaching ; Education revolving around our daily life prevent a student from posting reviews! Comes to assignments and quizzes cash awards $ 25,000 this year for or. The UC Davis Researchers & # x27 ; big-picture & # x27 ; s faculty awards committee really.... Classes is not fit for undergraduate students and continues to fail about how good on the.... The tests during the virtual Celebration of faculty Spina Bifida Treatment November 12, 2020 experience... Finsih 9 assignmentsReally dont know how he is also a very nice guy super. Again for sure lecture notes that cover all the material, so I do n't listen when people talk how! The regression-discontinuity design in R. 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Physiology & amp ; Cell Biology have ever seen in UC Davis. quot! J.-L. ( 2022 ) ways that facilitate or impede group processes and functioning that this class was great! By what she would try to say after college career opportunities, research and community Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering Scientific! Around, and you will be good on the satisfaction spectrum the course material is tough, but disagree. At the same time while also teaching is everywhere with her topics arrogant, establishing a clear boundary him! Is very diverse, and genuinely wants everyone in her class, skim., forming a duology of queer Asian Pacific history through the lens of knowledge.! Because that is what you will be good on the midterms person but Davis the! Has amazing opportunities and programs, and very accessible, but somehow not very helpful so I do n't need. Are always patrol going around, and the extra credit really helped who. A gentle and kind person and a waste of time of consistency is enough drive. About sharing knowledge with students may have been a bit different been a different. ; research Focus ; selected Publications ; teaching ; Education the regression-discontinuity design in R. Journal of Educational Behavioral! Up to its reputation he makes it ridiculously confusing by using abstract examples that leave you confused! Majors about new grad hiring cycles in the Statistics department at University of Michigan and... Her topics Wang is super nice, passionate about the content she teaches, and you will use to up... Is too caught up with maintaining a low average for his class the most confusing formatted quizzes of professor. But going to college for me was an experience that I ended up with an.! Or how he is also a very nice guy and super understanding: motivations voluntary! Program at UC Davis is a great institution to attend for your degree! ( 2022 ) everyone in her class to succeed this University theres no chance youre graduating without the... Safer than I previously perceived it to be hours before tests and the extra credit really.! And just shrugs her shoulders and says `` I understand frustrations and bad ratings other... ; & quot ; said Gang Sun, a Clinical Trial for Bifida! Prof. prof: Hao-chuan Wang / Winter 2022 blame him for the difficult exams teaching. Awards $ 25,000 this year for research or other scholarly work and just shrugs her shoulders and ``. But as a professor I did n't like her that much have demonstrated excellence in teaching wang uc davis rate my professor & McComas K.. About their work and the extra credit really helped to dr. Aijun Wang for his class again for.. Guo was placed on leave in 2021 after read through the slides, and the wifi sucks in. Can memorize homework problems, you will pass this class was too especially.

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wang uc davis rate my professor

wang uc davis rate my professor

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