royal stoke hospital ward phone numbers

The service alsoaims to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and provide abetter experience for you. The department can often be extremely busy so please be patient as we work to assess and treat everyone. We aim to keep to the above waiting times, however MAU is a busy area and these times may differ. Children are assessed, treated and discharged in the majority of situations, however a few will require a further period of assessment or treatment in the Children's Assessment Unit which is linked directly or as an inpatient on one of the children's wards which are just above us. We see people in order of urgency and people who are seriously ill or injured, maybe taken directly to resuscitation or our majors department before you are seen. This area is called the Clinical Decisions Unit (CDU). Then search by city (Atlanta, GA) or area code (678) to select a specific local number. Stay alert and stay safe. The paediatric care team deliver a high standard of holistic care providing assessment and diagnosis followed by referral or treatments to all patients and their families attending with ailments and injuries. Our nursing team comprises childrens's nurses, nurses, midwives, advanced neonatal nurse practitioners, a breastfeeding and research midwife and health care support workers. Please ask staff for the location of these places and they will happily direct you. Women who give birth at University Hospitalsof North Midlandsare given the safest care in the country, according to an accreditation scheme. Royal Stoke University Hospital 2023 Copyright Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust To book phlebotomy appointments in the community please phone 01782 674242 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) or book online via, Phlebotomy Manager RSUH/CH 01782 (6)74261, Department Point of Care Testing, Patients who attend the early pregnancy unit will have experienced mild to moderate problems, such as bleeding or pain in early stages of pregnancy. Your urine willalsobe tested and depending on the stage of your pregnancy, your baby's heart ratelistened to. For non-emergencies, there are a variety of appropriate and timely services for patients who require urgent and emergency care which is not life threatening and will be able to help resolve your issue much quicker than ED which can be busy and subject to long waits. Visiting is not allowed on the delivery suite, except for when a lady isstayingin a high dependency room for a number of days. In all these areas you may be seen and treated by a doctor, an Emergency Nurse Practitioner or an Advanced Nurse Practitioner. You can find our latest ward numbers below. Please note that self-referrals are not accepted. It overlays with area codes 470 and 943 to cover this large metro area. What do I do if I feel unwell once I have returned home?. General Contact If you can't see the number you're looking for here, then you can call our call centre on 0151 706 2000 for help. Website Design Quiet Storm Solutions Ltd. Please see opening hours and contact details for the various UHNM Pathology disciplines below. A printed scan photograph can be provided at your request at a cost of 4 each. 64-bed ward. OpenPhone lets you get a new business phone number in area code 678. There is an 'early-births'room for parents whose babies are anticipated to require neonatal intensive care. This means the ambulance service can hand over your care to staff in the Emergency Department so they can respond quickly to further urgent 999 calls in the community. Thats on the rise and has been for over a decade. Make and receive calls from across the state or around the world. There are so many creative ways to use automatic messaging. Royal Stoke University Hospital, If your midwife has recommended that you are referred to the hospital for an antenatal appointment it is generally due to something in either you or your family history that requires more monitoring than can be provided in the community. When you are admitted to hospital it is important that you bring with you any tablets or medicines you have been taking. Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle RoadStoke-on-TrentST4 6QG, County Hospital, Weston RoadStaffordST16 3SA. This could be Royal Stoke Delivery Suite on 01782 672333, Royal Stoke Midwife Birth Centre on 01782 672200, Royal Stoke Maternity Assessment Unit on01782 672300 or the Freestanding Birthing Unit County Hospitalon 01785 230059 for advice. We are here for people in need of highly-specialised emergency care when time matters and lives are saved thanks to the skill, experience and commitment of our teams. . The Trust has around 1,450 inpatient beds across two sites in Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford. There is also a music sound system for use if desired. Please be aware that once the scan begins there is no swapping allowed: this is to allow the sonographer to give their full attention to your babys scan. The resuscitation area is used for the treatment of trauma victims, those requiring treatment for life threatening illness or injury and those who require direct monitoring and immediate life/limb saving interventions. New recruits are required to pay for their Disclosure and Barring Service check (and admin fee) prior to starting if the role requires a DBS check. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. At your first appointment, the community midwife, who will likely be your named midwife, will explain to you your choice of birthplace. Our maternity centre has been accredited as 'UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) Baby Friendly' because of our best practice standards in breastfeeding. 4. Stop typing the same responses over and over again, and give your customers reliable answers faster. The dedicated Perineal Care Clinic was set up atUniversityHospitalin March 2003. Your NHS is providing a new and more convenient way for you to access urgent care at Royal Stoke Unviersity Hospital and County Hospital, Stafford. Create your account and apply for your new job! On the ward the midwives will continue to help to plan your care and that of your baby. The Antenatal Clinic is open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm. Specialities including ENT, plastic, maxilo facial, ophthalmology, breast and general surgical patients. One person (partner/relative) can come into the scan room with you. Grandparentscan visit the unit daily between13:00-15:00, as long as they are accompanied by the parents. You will be able to return home;if further treatment is required you will be asked to return to the unit to receive this. Main Building Floor 2, Approximately 1,500 babies are born here each year. There are no waiting periods, no trips to the store, and no contracts to sign. With 13 Maps and 12 Plans. Please discuss your plan for goinghome with the midwife on the ward. All services including electricity, medicalgases and fire alarm cabling had to be installedfrom scratch on the site and connected intoan existing infrastructure. Also call 999 if you think someone has had a major trauma, such as after a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from height, or a serioushead injury. Location and name of 1950s maternity unit. We aim to ensure that any visits to MAU are timely and as stress free as possible. The data controller for this information is University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust. The department first achieved 'baby-friendly' accreditation in 2002 and has successfully maintained the standards and practices necessary to continue to receive the accreditation since then. Acute Medical Unit (AMU) 0161 656 1415. Department/Ward. Start by easily adding a phone menu, caller ID, and away voicemail greeting. View Yolanda Ward results in Atlanta, GA including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. The paediatric department is directly linked to x-ray for those children who require imaging. | Then everyone can collaborate on any external communication through internal threads. Help and support will be available to give you confidence in caring for your baby. Royal Stoke University Hospital, Newcastle RoadStoke-on-TrentST4 6QG, County Hospital, Weston RoadStaffordST16 3SA, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust MOBILE, Broken bones or fractures, sprains and strains, Call 999 immediately if you or someone else is having a, Patients with medical conditions needing emergency care who are referred by their GP, Patients redirected from our emergency department, Patients who have been in hospital inacute medical wards, 'stepped -down' to support early discharge, Patients discharged from acute medical wards with outpatient investigations requiring review and possible further intervention. You must sign in to a Trac account before you can apply for this job. very room has a flat screen TV and dimmer switch lighting for an ambience of calm. Cookies help us deliver our services. Majors - all patients attending with moderate to serious health complaints will be assessed and diagnosed in majors followed by referral or treatment. Follow University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust on Twitter. 44m UHNS Lyme Building. An appointment for this will be given to you before you leave. We have 11 consultant obstetricians who each run clinics and have specialist areas of expertise. All other times CLOSED. List of Wards Below are lists of ward contact details for the Royal, Broadgreen and Dental Hospitals. Will I need to return to the hospital once I am sent home? It is where we provide antenatal care for women who are under the care of one of our consultants rather than those who intend to give birth at home or in our Midwife Birth Centre. If you havesymptoms ofCOVID-19(a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; orloss or change to your sense of smell or taste),please do not attend the Emergency Department or any of these other services. We work with to support out recruitment process. Monday-Friday: each evening from 17:30until 09:00 the following morning. If you have the qualities to join this team and feel you can face the challenge of our unique clinical area offering both emergency assessment and inpatient care for a wide range of specialities, then we would welcome your application. Ward Specialty Phone number Location; Chartwell Centre: Cancer and specialist blood services: 01689 863170 01689 863172: level 0 . That includes some notable counties such as Fulton, GA, Gwinnett, GA, DeKalb, GA, Cobb, GA, Clayton, GA, Cherokee, GA, Henry, GA, Hall, GA, Forsyth, GA, and Paulding, GA. Close to Atlanta, you can find nearby area codes like 256/938 (Huntsville, AL), 334 (Montgomery, AL), 404 (Atlanta, GA), 478 (Macon, GA), 706/762 (Augusta, GA), and 770 (Roswell, GA). When you submit your application, the following privacy notice applies: Your data is being collected by University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, whose privacy notice can be found here. . The Antenatal Clinic is an outpatient clinic, situated on the Ground Floor of the Maternity Centre. References - please ensure you provide email addresses for all referees for the last three years of employment. These examinations give an indication of your baby's growth, development and wellbeing. These may be with the community midwife or at the hospital with an obstetrician or a combination of both. Taking your own pictures of the ultrasound screen or recording your scan is not permitted at any time. Please note the reason for the scan is to check that everything is okay with your baby. Share the main business number with your entire team or share it with your assistant so after-hours calls get answered. There are also breastfeeding co-ordinators available to offer support to women on the wards. Wards205 and 206 are inside the Maternity Centre. If you or someone you know is experiencing a medical emergency you/they can still attend our ED or alternatively please dial 999. Your named midwife will be responsible for discussing and helping you to plan your ongoing care. If you need a new number, it takes just seconds to activate and assign unique numbers to someone on your team. Everyone is assessed on clinical need so people will not always been seen in the order that they arrive. The main aim of the clinic is to provide care for women who suffer from perineal problems including bowel, bladder or sexual dysfunction following childbirth. All patients and visitors can access our free NHS Wi-Fi and patient entertainment service, Princess Royal University Hospital campus map, Step-down ward from Hyperacute Stroke Unit (HASU). OpenPhones flexible suite of features means youre open for business from any device, anywhere. As a nursing assistant within this area, you will be trained to have extensive skills to support a highly motivated and established working team. . University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust. Mobile telephones are permitted on the wards and there is a payphone available in the day room.. One of those on the picket line outside Bradwell Hospital today (January 18) was Charlotte Harrison, 33, a senior staff nurse who has worked for the NHS since 2006. For further details please see attached job description and personal specification for more detail or contact. The multi-disciplinary team meets monthly to discuss and plan appropriate care for women with complex problems. NHS services Royal Stoke University Hospital 01782 715444Newcastle Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 6QG Overview Departments and services Facilities Contact details Reviews and ratings Leave review Our departments and services Intensive Care Intensive Care ST4 6QG. Parents and siblingsmay visit or make enquiries by telephoneatany time. During your pregnancy your midwife will discuss the signs of labour with you and give you instructions on when to contact the hospital. In most situations children will be assessed, treated and discharged in Children's A&E. Our Ambulatory Emergency Care Centre offers easy access to diagnostic tests and review by hospital consultants in one place. Your community midwife will book the most appropriate venue for you. At this point you may be discharged with advice and/or medication and treatment if required. Please note however that if children become disruptive the scan may have to be stopped and rebooked. Once triaged you may be asked to sit in the waiting area until further assessments can be completed. Our goal is to be a world-class centre of achievement, where patients receive the highest standards of care and the best people come to learn, work and research. Newcastle Road, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. After answering a series of questions, you may be redirected to alternative care. Please speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns, Antenatal Clinic 672112, Delivery Suite 672333, Ward 205 672205, Ward 206 672206. Your community midwife will book the most appropriate venue for you. Freedom of Information Our services include care for mum and baby through all stages of pregnancy. Stoke on Trent Babies are admitted for a variety of reasons. Use your number on any cell phone, tablet, or computer using OpenPhone, the #1 rated business phone platform on G2. Get a 678 phone number using OpenPhone, and you can use your new number from anywhere via WiFi. Your private number stays private and when youre off the clock, you can mute notifications for business calls. Newcastle Road, Orthopaedics. Our latest information and guidance on coronavirus. You are likely to need less pain relief and infection after birth is less likely. An experienced nurse or doctor will see you and assess your condition before directing you to the appropriate area of the department. There are eleven rooms, each of whichhas an en-suite bathroom with a large bath that can be used for hydrotherapy in labour. The role of the clinic has also been extended to care for women with other neurological problems. You will either be discharged from the department or admitted to the hospital. Accessibility Once in the Emergency Department, patients are seen in order of priority not time of arrival. Other services that can help your family may also be contacted. Further tests such as blood tests andultrasound scans may be offered. The unit is a level 3 intensive care unit, which provides the highest level of intensive care for vulnerable babiesfrom the local area and across the West Midlands network. Please inform staff if you have been self-isolating so that you can receive care in the most appropriate area. We will communicate with you regarding your job application via email. Relatives have the use of a comfortable waiting area whererefreshments can be provided. You can find an extensive list of contact numbers for the Weston Park Hospital here, Royal Hallamshire Hospital and Central Campus, Mother of twins eternally grateful for Sheffield maternity unit, Weston Park Admissions Unit (Phone Advice). You can select your preferences upon application. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is based within the Maternity Centreand offers care for up to 26babies and their families. You will be asked various questions about your pregnancy and symptoms to enable us to establish the best place to assess and treat you. That way, no important calls go unanswered and your team stays on the same page. 2. After about 30 weeks of your pregnancy you will be able to detect a clear pattern of movements. We provide mats and birthing balls for you to use. Please ensure you check your emails regularly. Or if you are not sure, contactNHS 111, Help keep our A&E for the real emergencies. Department of Microbiology Ward 111 is a highly specialised, multi skilled surgical ward. Use the OpenPhone browser app or download the desktop apps or mobile apps. I know it was one or two wooden buildings not located in the body of the hospital. New cANCA, MPO, PR3 and anti-GBM results will be phoned, and we will endeavour to phone any other results that appear to require particular attention. Once your symptoms have been assessed you will be allocated a waiting time. Choices of pain relief include massage, mobility, hydrotherapy, Entonox (gas and air) and pethidine. Ward 206 (Postnatal and Antenatal) 01782 672206 . If you would prefer to speak with someone outside of the department you are concerned with or provide feedback you can contact the Patient Services Team on 0114 271 2400 or email The midwives on ward 205 will provide any care required for the mother. We have an exciting opportunity for a Band 2 Nursing Assistant to join Ward 111. Address. Staff on the Delivery Suite includemidwives, doctors, nurses, clinical support workers, and hotel support service staff, all of whom work with women to provide a full range of care suited to their needs. During your visit we will ask you to fill in a short questionnaire to tell us about your experience of this service. Our 11,000 strong workforce provide emergency treatment, planned operations and medical care from Royal Stoke University Hospital and County Hospital in Stafford. Use our Princess Royal University Hospital campus map(pdf) to find your way around. You will be able to purchase a photograph of the scan. You can build a presence in Atlanta, appear local to customers, and set up a suite of simple business customizations like multiple voice messages, text snippets, call forwarding, texting, and inviting teams to your number. When you think you are in labour, you should contact the department you are booked to have your baby. If you have a minor injury or illness, you will be redirected to Haywood Hospital from the Royal Stoke University Hospital. An OpenPhone business number travels with you wherever you have an internet connection. The helipad is situated immediately outside the doors of the Resus area. The laboratory is open Monday-Friday 09.00-17.30. Details of you and your family's health history will be discussed, a sample of your urine will be tested (please make sure you have a sample ready in a clean container), your blood pressure checked and your weight and height recorded. Heres how it works: using our service, you can easily set up your local phone number without the need to install any additional hardware. University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust The centre is focused on providing the right care for patientsin the right place. Calls to other countries are just a fraction of what youd pay with a traditional carrier. For Royal Stoke Hospital Labour Ward: 01782 672333. Stoke on Trent You can even automatically send out a text message to missed or after-hours calls. University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust (UHNM) has been awarded the Gold Award for proudly supporting those who serve. It meets all permanent building standards and complies with all NHS regulations, which means it will serve us well for as long as we need it. Normal birth is promoted. Less than 4 months. You will be referred to a relevant specialist team who will take over your care. Plans start at just $13 per user per month. The unit has the facilities to provide cooling to poorlybabiesand is anationally recognised as a centre of excellence. Royal Stoke University Hospital Newcastle Road Stoke-on-Trent ST4 6QG Web: Other services that can help your family may also be contacted. 11 months ago, by linda george This includes: The first appointment will normally take place at your GP surgery, children's centre, hospital and, on occasion, your home. Below are lists of ward contact details for the Royal, Broadgreen and Dental Hospitals. Main Building Maternity services are available over both sites. 2023 OpenPhone Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Registered company number 685303. Thisis offered fivedays-a-week and also to conduct emergency cases 24hours-a-day. Check what to do here. This is a ten-bedded area located on ward 205 that cares for babies who require additional monitoring but do not need the level of care required from a neonatal unit. Most importantly, your team can quickly catch up on any conversation. 3. The midwife will explain to you all the routine tests offered during your pregnancy, including blood and ultra sound scans. 53.00196,-2.21341, by Anonymous There is no on-call service available for the Histology service. We combine a number of specific medical disorders with obstetric clinics so women should always have the opportunity to be cared for by the specialist consultant. Click hereto find out more about what screeningis offered for you and your baby during and after pregnancy. We have 16 delivery rooms, all with en-suite facilities. Having a baby on the Neonatal Unit can be a very difficult time for parents and families. Please tell staff if you or any of your household have any symptoms of Covid 19. Do you have an interest in delivering high quality care in a dynamic and forward thinking busy ward? Contact a ward Contact us Information leaflets Adult leaflets Children's leaflets Advice and support Smoking in our hospitals and support to quit Bereavement services Complaints Derbyshire Home from Hospital support service Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Patient Support Groups View all in this section Get involved and become a member , Newcastle RoadStoke-on-TrentST4 6QG, County Hospital in Stafford ward 205 will provide any care required the... From 17:30until 09:00 the following morning OpenPhone lets you get a new number from anywhere via.! Indication of your baby after pregnancy Maternity services are available over both.. Your ongoing care on providing the right place Royal University Hospital campus map ( pdf ) select! 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royal stoke hospital ward phone numbers

royal stoke hospital ward phone numbers

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