Hi my names Gagan from Cragieburn and it was a big pleasure to see you guys very professional helping us to start investing in properties and stuff and I already feel confident that we are as a first home buyer and stuff you know we have not much knowledge but after attending two days session I feel more confident and I know Im around good people and a good team. Konrads formal education consists of a Bachelor of Business Management (B.Bus.Mgt), at Monash University, specialising in Organizational Change, later undertaking further studies in Financial Planning, Mortgage Broking and his ultimate passion, Real Estate. You will learn and understand the importance of balancing your property portfolio between Cash-Flow Positive properties and Negatively-Geared growth properties. This is unique as just about no other company does this. One of the most important aspects of building and structuring a large residential property portfolio is toStart with the end in mind. Inflation + interest rate rises, Property Tax Specialists: Trusts, Co and SMSF our specialty, Tweets from https://twitter.com/PropertyChatAU/lists/business-members. I found these guys not too long ago on YouTube and was really impressed with the content. Combining this knowledge with hisIT & Business Analyst, plus Project Manager careers at leading global corporates such as Qantas, Rothschild, and Allianz has enabled him communicate complex and detailed concepts in a very logical, methodical, and engaging way. And have secured between 1 and 5 investment properties, but have hit a financial brick wall and are maxed out, or just unsure of how to go to the next level of sophistication. Teach you how to correctly build and structure a multi-million dollar property portfolio that will potentially enable you to create financial independence. In other words, its not what you do,its the way that you do it, and thats what gets results. What does happen to the mum and dad investors when the property market goes down, as is the case in Australia right now? www.KonradBobilak.com.au 11 KONRAD BOBILAK Scenario 2: Loans are structured by two different banks, Bank A and Bank XYZ. Witnessing this consistent economic growth, Australian land is a top priority for investors to put their money in. He has done Bachelors in Business Management followed by further studies in the field of financial planning, mortgage broking and real estate, which make him qualified enough to provide justifiable advice. The 5 Ways that You Can Buy Property with NO MONEY DOWN include: 10% Deposit rebate from the developer at the settlement of the property. The other one was structuring your trusts to minimize your risk and the amount of tax you pay and the final one was actually how to buy property without spending any money, it was brilliant. Interestingly enough, during the supposed Blood-Bath Armageddon,Melbournes bayside suburbs boomed! Providing tailored solutions to the investors and offering top of the line services using the experienced specialists hired by Investors Prime Real Estate, this company stands to be one of the best in Australia in guiding one regarding residential property investment. We all know that, and as investors, its the risk we take. Get all your education and practical experience done in one 2-day intensive weekend! Gainsborough HouseLevel 1 / 8-12 Alma Rd,St Kilda VIC 3182, Dates: 4th & 5th FebSat Registration: 8.30 amSat & Sun Start: 9.00 amSat & Sun End: 6.30 pm. Your personal individual financial circumstances must be taken into account before you make any investment decision. DISCLAIMER: Konrad Bobilak Pty Ltd and/or Speaker offer no guarantee of results, which will be dependent upon individual effort and application. In the real world and in the online world, I dont believe that anyone finds instant success. The Australian premier of "The Money Game" only offered more proof that Cameron Fisher is by far one of Australias elite entrepreneurs. I know that you may be skeptical about this claim, and if youre anything like me 20 years ago, chances are youre the person who scratches their head in frustration and wonders how other people seem to make a fortune in the property market, when youre left out in no mans land flounderingand thats why this will be the most important letter youll ever read, that will enable you to take advantage of a very unique educational opportunity! Konrad Hurrell will delay his journey to the World Club Challenge (Martin Rickett/PA) . As can be seen by the map below, based on the sales history of Melbourne suburbs sourced from the Valuers General Office, not all suburbs in Melbourne (within the 10km or 20km) performed equally between the period of 1986 to 2006. You will learn the 12 Most Common And Deadly Property Finance Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them. My name is Julie, Im an accountant, and Im from Keysborough, South East Melbourne. This is where Konrad Bobilaks Investors Prime Real Estate comes into the picture. Cameron Fisher, Officer in Effective Control of Investors Prime Real Estate, is a definite power player within the industry. Point Cook, Truganina, Tairneit, Melton, Berwick, Pakenham, etc. Because you really get a feel for their reputation and legitimacy as experienced investors themselves. 95% of properties are rejected as they do not promise a high rate of return on investment. ( This will cut years off your home loan and save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest payments over the life of the loan. Take the BAND-AID approach and rip it off quickly in one go! Personally, I advise you to pause and be wary of the hysteria it has been the source of regret for so many Australians, who, after realising their lost opportunities, have now been forced to swap their old mantra for a disheartening new one; If only. There are literally thousands ofacademicsandtheoristsout there who possess the basic knowledge of the how to structure and executethe deal, but very few who actually implement the strategies. Thanks Anki, 15th Oct, 2016 #1 Rubal Sharma likes this. Brisbane also doubled four times, from $34,500 to $530,000. . OpenCorp Property Investment Review Are Allister Lewison and Cam McLellan Real Specialists? SoIn the final segment youll learn a step-by-step and exact methodology that is currently being used by successful property investors in order to scrutinise various property opportunities. I find when somebody knows that x is the right thing to do but requires them doing something out of the ordinary, they play a game with themselves. I really really enjoyed the presentation by Steve McClatchie on finance, very very good and I recommend anyone to come to this presentation for a weekend because youll thoroughly enjoy it, especially if you are interested in real estate. The size of the property, number of bedrooms and demand for that type of property in the area. The volume of stock coming onto the market in the area. How to build, structure and automate a multi-million dollar property portfolio from scratch By Konrad Bobilak. How to research the property market and understand the fundamentals of suburbs like a professional property investor. After 11+ years of blogging, Ive learned that online success doesnt come cheaply, easily or fast. Join Australia's most dynamic and respected property investment community. The property won the 2014 Queensland Architecture Award. I would absolutely recommend this program to everyone out there, absolutely. This section in itself is literally invaluable, as you will learn how to discern between good and bad investment opportunities like a seasoned pro, its actually worth coming to this live event just for this section alone. Smart savvy investors dont play that game. Stoic Quotes on Love, Hardship and Happiness. Investors Prime have very much distinguished themselves in the market based on content. Konrad has also been a regular contributor of articles to some of Australias leading published real estate investing media. In addition, he has extensive experience in Managed Funds, Risk Insurance, Real Estate Sales, Commercial Lending, Residential Lending, and Asset Finance, as well as being a Financier for one of the four major banks. It is his experience and insight that renders him a most astute investor himself, having personally built a multi-million dollar property portfolio in Melbourne and Queensland over the last decade; he truly practices what he preaches. Having taught tens of thousands of people in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, Konrad has had the unique opportunity of sharing the stage with the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Tim Ferris, and Randi Zuckerberg in audiences of up to five thousand people. As stated by law, I can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, recommended programs or strategies. Hi my name is Tamara, Im from Ivanhoe, Melbourne, Victoria and I attended the event and I found it really helpful. Company Description: KONRAD BOBILAK PTY LTD is located in ST KILDA, VICTORIA, Australia and is part of the Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services Industry. Let's start rolling. Not only has he taught tens of thousands of people about residential real estate, but he has also published a book and maintains a constant digital media presence signifying his knowledge in the field. You will also learn how to build equity in your property faster than you thought possible, and how to best structure your first investment property purchase correctly. International author, speaker, entrepreneur and property expert Konrad Bobilak reveals all in this insightful and valuable book. Im a beginner level investor in property and I think that this 2 days weekend is very worth the time investing and has changed my perspective in investing in properties and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in property investing. 9 Reasons to use a Professional Finance Strategist instead of going to a bank. Follow Konrad Bobilak and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Konrad Bobilak Author Page. You will learn 18 Powerful Ways to Super-Charge your borrowing capacity that will enable you to buy more property than you ever thought possible. Konrad Bobilak has been a part of many news articles and is well recognized in the media with nothing but praises on his part. The clients can use the due diligence pack themselves as well, but Investors Prime Real Estate has the finest team who is experienced and can give the client complete assurance without the client having to undergo any sort of hassle. I guess for me it was from my background from my parents I was always told to get the 30 year mortgage and now Im realising that there are other avenues that can open up the market and accelerate your growth and expansion, very interesting stuff. He has taught groups as large as 4400 throughout Australia, NZ, USA, SE Asia, China & India about Australian and NZ property. Konrad has also been a regular contributor of articles to some of Australias leading published real estate investing media. The criteria for any property to get registered at Investors Prime Real Estate is tough, and so around 95% of properties are rejected according to them. Konrad gave us his free book, Im going to go over all my notes then meet up with the team and start getting to get my own A team and the A team will all be all Konrads team. Please try your request again later. You will learn the 12 Most Common And Deadly Property Finance Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them. This unique segment of the workshop is designed to create an open learning environment where youll walk away with specific knowledge of knowing exactly which type of property is best for you. We provide the research to ensure your selections achieve the goals. Thats why so many people suffer years of grief and regret from missing out on property booms They let fear be the dominant driver. So let me ask you a question, do you have the skills and knowledge to correctly identify the very best long term capital growth areas in Melbourne right now? I am not going to insult your intelligence or make unrealistic claims. If you require advice in any of these fields we urge you to contact a suitably qualified professional to assist and advise you. It seems that the feeling most people get when setting out to buy investment real estate is of disorientation; they feel lost, overwhelmed, apprehensive and scared about throwing their life savings into a large purchase that they have no real idea about (as to whether it is good or bad). Should You Buy a House That Was Sold Often? Digital assets far outweigh the yields of physical assets in my experience. 42 Point Property due-diligence and research criteria. My names Ian, I live in East Hawthorn, Ive spent the weekend here at this seminar and I thought it was fantastic. Nothing is a promise of potential earnings. Its merely consistent work, day in and day out, yet the rewards are certainly worth the constant grind. In this segment of the event, you will gain a clear understanding of the importance of developing a personalised investment plan, based on your unique set of circumstances, and available resources.
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