The protagonists of the story, the Ortiz family, for years maintained contact with mysterious characters with an accent gringo. [1][14] En el interior de la isla existira adems una mina de metales raros, cuya produccin permitira solventar los gastos de la comunidad religiosa. Octavio Ortiz was the first to tell how this mystery came to be part of. In total, three videos appeared to clearly show the aerial anomaly. The footage appeared to show a huge mothership-type vehicle with several lights on its underside. That these are in such a remote location and have been for thousands of years has led some researchers particularly those with an interest in the ancient astronaut theory that these slabs were once arranged in a much more purposeful manner. The Paihuano Incident UFO Crash And Retrieval In The Chilean Mountains? Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". Links To Secret German-American Cold War Projects? The Fraser Island Humanoid Encounter Contact On The Beach! For the younger crown, partying is synonymous with friendship and at least once a week, they get together to go out "carretear" (go club hopping). Among the many contacts with people from different parts of the island, these interlocutors appeared who claimed to belong to a religious congregation called Friendship, which was an island in the Guaitecas archipelago. I've been trying to contact him but I now live in the US. For some, it had been de la Fuente's ongoing experiences with the unexplained that seemed to diminish his credibility, although shortly after publication of my MUarticle, my colleague and fellow blogger Miguel Romero (also known as Red Pill Junkie) and I shared a brief exchange with de la Fuente's nephew, Francisco Ilabaca, who now resides in the United States. Were these German employers actually extraterrestrials? Beings that announced earthquakes, natural disasters, and the fall of the Challenger. Friends in Chile: Born to Party! Might they, for example, have been a platform of sorts, essentially, a spaceport in ancient times. Conversations became very common during the afternoons. Chile is sometimes called Alien Alley However unlikely it was, he pressed on under the assumption that both planes' radars had failed and contacted ground control at Cerro Moreno Airport in Antofagasta. friendship island chile. [6]. It is, by definition, an unidentified flying object. This time, the pilot found himself directly underneath a strange object which appeared to continue descending so much so, that they could no longer keep track of it. FRIENDSHIP is a mysterious island at the Archipilago de las Guitecas (Chile) which does not exist on the map. In it, Ziga notes thatthe incident became so sensational that, "the news department of Television Nacional de Chile, channel 7, used a special camera to record the object on videotape." Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. Preparando mis prximos post, en honor a la verdad y dedicados en especial a todos los enfermos con cncer que pusieron sus esperanzas en los supuestos Friendship chilenos, un tema ficticio que forma parte de estafas y fraude mal intencionado, donde las victimas la mayor parte suelen ser . He agreed, and they fitted several unknown devices and pieces of equipment to his boat. They continued to ascend until reaching an altitude of 50,000 feet the limit they could travel it. Smart Dating 2. Your email address will not be published. Faro Travel te ayuda a obtener lo mejor de los destinos al ofrecerte una gran variedad de tours y actividades locales. He has been writing and researching with over 20 years of experience. They further claimed that their great uncle had become inundated with phone calls wanting information and help, and consequently relocated to a small village somewhere in the north of the country. Some argue that it was all about a mental experiment;others say that the hands of the Nazis are behind the case and most believe that they are extraterrestrial beings who have chosen the southern end of our country as a base for their operations on Earth. By Lynn McElfresh, Grenell Island. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. Time Spent Working On Strange Machinery That Could Not Be Described! According to an interview the witness, Hector Acevedo gave to Erick Bellido, he was driving his truck early one morning, dropping off milk products throughout the countrys Ninth Region as he did most days. 26.24 - MU Plus+ Podcast - The Demigods of Brahma, 26.23 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Safe and Radioactive, Couple Reports Men in Black Encounter After UFO Sighting in Boston, Tulpas: Creating Dangerous Creatures That Are Born Out of Our Minds, More on the Matter of Bob Lazar, "Containers" and Stolen Souls: A Sinister Saga of UFOs and Demons, Researchers Test Soil and Rocks from Mount Ararat for Minute Chemical Signs of Noah's Ark. He would elaborate that although reports are not dismissed by superiors, they are simply logged and then forgotten about. That the object captured on that footage matching a geoglyph that is thousands of years old can surely not be put down to coincidence. While many put de la Fuente to be nothing more than a charlatan, at best not least due to his ongoing paranormal experiences according to an article in Mysterious Universe by Micah Hanks, his great-nephew had spoken to them and confirmed the cancer story to be true. Chile has more UFO sightings than you might think. Friendship Island (Now Closed) Surf Spot Downtown Boulder, Boulder Save Share Tips See what your friends are saying about Friendship Island. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Search within r/Paranormal r/Paranormal Log InSign Up User account menu Micah Hanks is a writer, podcaster, and researcher whose interests cover a variety of subjects. High quality Friendship Island inspired Mugs by independent artists and designers from around the world. Si no recibes el llamado, no puedes llegar a la isla Friendship Sueos Viajeros. Whoever owned the boat, they were, as far as Chilean authorities would be concerned, operating illegally. Apart from all the speculation, it is hard to know what to make of the Friendship Island stories. As far back as 1997, Ground Zero has investigated the Friendship Island claims about tall white Nordic aliens that allegedly live on one of the many islands of the Chonos Archipelago near Chile. 4. Mythology fans visiting Chile should make a point to visit the legend-strewn islands of Chilo, a haven for fresh seafood, gorgeous wooden churches, rolling hills dotted with sheepand timeless legends of trolls, mermaids, and ghost ships.. Chilo: Land of Myths and Sea. [2][4] Sus habitantes seran personas de rasgos caucsicos, y muy altos. In the same show, Rojas detailed the sighting of another pilot near Calama around the same time. As part of the television show, the crew obtains the services of several members of the Chilean Navy and a patrol boat to travel to Friendship Island to see if they could uncover any more. His work consisted of welcoming families and people who were invited to the island. We should perhaps turn our attention to the location itself, as well as the many legends that hail from this part of the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He estimated the object remained in sight for around 10 minutes, elaborating that he could clearly see a reddish-violet hue around it a light that didnt cast a glow as the beam did. And while most people accepted this explanation, there were many who refused to do so. [1][14]Osvaldo Murray ha alegado que en realidad correspondera a una comunidad de ex jerarcas nazis, similar al caso de Colonia Dignidad. A business agent who operated a small 27-megacycle CB station in his pastime, Ortiz, who went by the ham operators handle Lucero or bright star, was mystified by what he was hearing, as it seemed to have to do with a bright celestial object of an entirely different kind. Search. Your email address will not be published. [11][7][2], La Asociacin Escptica de Chile niega la existencia de la isla, calificndola de bulo y rechazando que corresponda a la Isla Kent. As he paid for the service and loaded his appliance into his vehicle, the repairman began telling him of strange lights that had been seen flying in the region. Even they invited us, several times, I was afraid. Below are sample journeys and activities that are representative of a typical Friendship Force journey. Note the UFO at the bottom-middle of the picture. And not just contact he claimed on national television that they had cured him of cancer. Cabin 1. Friendship Island, Chile. For example, Taylor noticed that the object was hot, and then instantly, its cold, elaborating that there was a different temperature bubble around the vehicle which suggests some type of field. Then, he blacked out. Is There A Secret Time Travel Program Of The CIA? After all, this is an official navy video release. Payment is due upon arrival. Alberto had been introduced to these "gringos", he said, by a man named Ernesto de la Fuente, a central character within the broader "Friendship" narrative, as he had not only claimed to have met the Friendship on many occasions, but had also been taken to their island and, incredibly, cured of cancer by the technologies they possessed. [15] Ninguna de ellas logr ubicar a grupos como los descritos. The population was 1,142 at the 2020 census. UFO sightings have continued to be reported over Chile as the twenty-first century has unfolded. Rubio would continue that for the rest of his life, her father said there was something not right about the island he had worked, Even stranger, there were long periods of time for which he had no memories. 1.1M views 4 years ago El caso de la isla Friendship, se ha transformado en una leyenda contempornea para curar enfermedades. And were they purposely destroyed by those using it, or have simply become victims to the passage of time? He would describe it as a laying on of hands ceremony that lasted three days. One particularly bizarre encounter, however, saw him taken to a strange place where a strange ceremony of sorts was performed. However, the longer they looked at it, they realized it was not actually in the water, but floating several feet above it. [1][9], El impacto meditico sobre la existencia de la isla, que alcanz los principales medios de Chile (incluyendo a TVN),[3] motiv dos expediciones de bsqueda; una con el apoyo y personal de la Armada de Chile[10] y otra privada. Was this ancient geoglyph intended to be seen by aerial visitors in ancient times? Whats more, it now acted in an identical way to Area 51 in America. He claimed that in 1998 he witnessed a television program looking at the island in the south of the country in which the television crew undertook their own investigation. Whats more, when the footage was examined by experts, it appeared to be genuine and not some kind of anomaly. Once more, they found themselves directly underneath a triangular-shaped object. We played many songs and it never occurred to us to link them with extraterrestrial beings. 1,6kg. Perhaps of even more concern, the object appeared to be clearly under the control of intelligence given how it zoomed toward the jets before changing direction with utter precision. 608-339-6725. The Mitilius II was tasked under the Department of Oceanography for the nearby University of Chile, and had been in an approach for the Mitague lighthouse when a strange, bright object had appeared in the sky, then slowly began to descend. I do not remember seeing a clinic or hospital, he told de La Fuente. Perhaps of most intrigue and an incident that would truly appear to connect the past to the modern UFO era is a sighting of a UFO on 11th November 2014. And these encounters are not merely ones from yesteryear but continue to happen today in the twenty-first century. Fun, cooperative game teaches friendship skills. Last Updated: 12/08/2022. The game is designed so that players cooperate and help each other as well as answer questions about friendship to win points for themselves. The beings claimed to have an island in the southern south of Chile: Their only contact was a yacht in which they transported machinery and the people who visited them. Incluso, afirm que la comunidad lo cur de cncer al pulmn y hasta la actualidad es uno de los relatos ms polmicos y enigmticos sobre el tema. The Wedge of Aiud: An alien landing gear forgotten in Time? When they drew comparisons to how similar looking the object was to the geoglyph, they felt certain that there was something to the ancient astronaut theory. Friendship. que cuestiona y repasa la leyenda urbana de la isla Friendship desde la mirada de los habitantes de la zona. You may republish short quotes from this articlewith a reference back to the original UFO Insight article here as the source. I thought they were glitches in the images at first, but I was less . His sighting, however, is far from the only one. The Bridge Between Worlds 3. In those years, De la Fuente acquired an 11-meter radio station with which he tried to get out of the isolation he was in. I believe that we are not alone and have never been alone. Learn how to make new friends, resolve differences with peers, treat friends with respect, responsibilities of friendship and more. Sign up with Facebook or Sign up with email No tips and reviews This, he would offer is why there was so much UFO activity in the region, and that stories of extraterrestrials had been allowed to build up so as to easily dismiss anything that might be seen there as nonsense. Then do the same for another household. Needless to say, many who saw the light display for themselves found such an explanation hard to contemplate. [3] The incident occurred during the changing of the Air Force Command, meaning that many of the bases personnel were present, many of whom used their phones to capture video footage and pictures. Two security guards on duty at the facility were also present. Even stranger, no matter how much he pressed down on the accelerator, the car simply slowed down. Not according to Bellcanto. Ultimately, the sighting remains unexplained. She recalled that the object was like looking at a star, to begin with. However unlikely it was, he pressed on under the assumption that both planes radars had failed and contacted ground control at Cerro Moreno Airport in Antofagasta. Before they could reach the strange craft, however, it suddenly headed off to the distance, disappearing within seconds in the direction of Easter Island. In May 1985, Alberto and Octavio set out to meet one of these Friendship Island natives. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); we all have heard or seen about time travel in movies.The following article features all the info regarding the secret time travel program of CIA, Those who say that UFO photos are always blurred and too far away to be able to identify, According to the words stated by Dr. Shirley Wright, assistant to Albert Einstein, both of them were taken. The game also helps shy and socially delayed students explore friendship issues. Sign up with Facebook or Sign up with email Log in to leave a tip here. The two F-5 planes came toward the object from an attacking position, although neither plane was armed with any missiles or guns, and did, in fact, carry nothing but mounted cameras. 1 2 3 4 no se ha encontrado ninguna prueba de su existencia. Quitters Despite the barriers, the heartbreak, the sorrow, the love, the loss, the overwhelming waves of emotion washing over you as you strive for happiness and the delicacy of a genuine connection in a world of vast isolation, you are never alone . Lynn McElfresh has written 116 articles for TI Life. These men, Alberto claimed, hadtakenhim to a strange island where an underground facility existed, and after fitting his ship with various odd electronic equipment, tasked him with various jobs for them. Her father was eventually discovered walking along the beach, confused and disheveled. They would conclude that Friendship Island had been discreetly sold to the United States in the last days of President Allende. La famosa isla estara habitada por hombres, mujeres e incluso nios de diferentes etnias, que han sido invitados por poseer un cdigo gentico especial. The highest point on Wellington Island, which has not been named, has an elevation of 1,463 m above sea level. La historia de la Isla Friendship Friendship Tea 1,6kg -loose leaf tea. On the day in question, the Chilian Navy was running training exercises with a Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) camera from a helicopter at an altitude of around 4,500 feet. The Chilean government released the footage in 2017 and many UFO researchers almost immediately drew a comparison with a strange geoglyph in the Atacama Desert that appeared almost identical, right down to the vapor trail. They would note that this same quality existed in the vapor trail, which was even more bizarre. Product Number : W-668. Se dice que hablan en castellano, pero con un tono ingls y se hacen llamar como los ngeles, Miguel, Rafael, Ariel, etc. So much so that they wished to take Octavio to their base and correct an illness he was suffering from an invitation he politely declined. Indeed, the majority of the sources of information available on the web that discuss thesordid details of the Friendship Island affair stillattribute the entire thingsto "alien beings" who, rather strangely, were saidto resemble humans of Nordic appearance. Reserva aqu los tours y actividades para tu prximo viaje. Perhaps one of the most intriguing accounts of strange activity near Friendship Island came from Maria del Carmen Robles. Furthermore, he had vague, broken memories of what he thought were doctors who he described as angel-like entities. There was little detail about the crew or owner of the boat, other than they appeared foreign. [10][11] En los medios de prensa chilena es considerada como una isla fantasma. Friendship Island Nearby: Get inspired: Top Picks Trending Friendship Island Resort Save Share Tips See what your friends are saying about Friendship Island. The author does not own the rights to this content. friendship island chile . Scarbrough (21) dunks on a fast break against Apex Friendship at Sandhills Community College Monday. Friendship Island is an educational game specifically designed to teach these skills to students. Default title: 1,6kg. Researchers Scott Corrales of the Hispanic Institute for Ufology, as well as researcher Raul Nunez, have continued to collect reports that appear to be somewhat related to the case (a number of these can be read here, and admittedly, some of the stories are quite fascinating). Located west of Chile's Brunswick Peninsula, Riesco Island is the country's fourth largest island, covering an area of 5,110 km 2. The country has 43,471 islands, according to the Chilean Ministry of National Assets and the Chilean Military Geographical Institute, in the last update at 2019.. r/Paranormal provides a platform to discuss and share true first-hand paranormal experiences, evidence Press J to jump to the feed. 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friendship island chile