UCS has come perilously close to committing an improper employer practice-bargaining in bad faith-by its actions thus far. endstream endobj startxref Management Salary Schedule 2022-2023. CSEA has an Economic Benefit Side Letter with the Unified Court System that provides that CSEA will receive any economic benefit provided to any other UCS Bargaining Unit. If a reporter feels the reason for the request is inappropriate, please contact your union representative as there is a committee in place to review requests, if necessary. The Kronos System of recording attendance for overtime eligible employees will be phased in for all work locations. (James Hennerty, Dep. Management 2020-21 . Work-Life Services (EAP, Flex Spending Account) (September 3, 2008, James Hennerty, Dep. CSEA and Unified Court System management met April 15 in Albany for negotiations, after months of efforts by the union to force UCS to negotiate an agreement in good faith for CSEA-represented court employees. More details will follow once final wording is agreed upon. Members will receive notification from CSEA in the mail regarding the process for applying for this benefit sometime in December. The meetings took place in the Albany area. Both sides exchanged initial proposals and discussed the issues that the CSEA UCS members told us were important to them in the contract survey. UCS painted a bleak picture of their financial health over the last four years. Read the full bulletin. This will happen immediately with officers hired after 4/1/04 and with all officers on 4/1/05. UCS could not move forward with any payments until the bill was signed. Additional negotiation dates have been set for the end of February and early March. The 2.5 Overtime Rate for OPWDD, DOCCs, SUNY Hospitals, OMH, OCFS, OASAS and DOH eligible employees has been extended through December 31 of 2022. The 2.5 Overtime Rate for OMH and OPW eligible employees has been extended through November of 2022. endstream endobj 639 0 obj <>stream The Governors Office of Employee Relations (GOER) has recently advised that employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days will no longer be required to submit to weekly testing under the States weekly testing program until 90 days have passed from the date of your positive test. Click for Empire Plan 2023 Premiums for CSEA Executive Branch Enrollees. CSEA would have liked a smoother transition to the new rates, so that our members did not have to deal with retroactive negotiation of page rates, but UCS nonetheless has specified November 18th as the date of implementation. The terms of the contract are effective immediately. That day, UCS shockingly told CSEA that unless we reached an agreement by the morning of April 17, UCS would declare impasse with PERB. Despite CSEA Executive Branch members tentative contract agreement with New York State, our negotiations with the Unified Court System for a new contract remain stalled. Director of Contract Administration)CSEA believes that the Office of the State Comptroller has given a preliminary indication that pay raises (including retroactive pay) for employees of the Unified Court System will be issued in a paycheck in October of this year. Ratification ballots were counted June 25. Those eligible for Longevity Payments will also see that payment reflected in the May 2nd paycheck. The CSEA Negotiating Team had another tension filled, frustrated negotiations session with the UCS. Watch for an email on November 21, 2022 as it will have the side-by-side comparison and your ballot with directions on how to enter your vote. Included in these two contracts is an economic benefit called Security Law Enforcement Differential (SLED). State Operations includes responsibility for statewide labor/management meetings, trouble-shooting with agencies on a variety of topics, and processing contract, non-contract, and time and attendance disciplinary grievances at the statewide level. (James Hennerty, Dep. endstream endobj 638 0 obj <>stream The new amounts of $600 and $1,200 will begin in 2019. CSEA Unified Court System Local website, Copyright 2020 | CSEA Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO. We know you deserve time with your family and none of us should have to sacrifice our lives just because we care. Third level of prescription drug co-payment to differentiate between brand name and non-preferred brand name drugs: 30 day supply (retail or mail order pharmacy) $5-Generic/$15-Preferred Brand/$30 Non-Preferred Brand, 31-90 day supply (retail pharmacy) $10-Generic/$30-Preferred Brand/$60 Non-Preferred Brand, 31-90 day supply (mail order) $5-Generic/$20 Preferred Brand/$55 Non-Preferred Brand. They were more specific than they have been before. CSEA represents 5,700 employees who work in the Unified Court system statewide. We hope to meet again in January on the assumption that UCS will have its act together in order to negotiate a new contract sooner rather than later. However, for those employees covered by the Section 16 Order (Hospitals, nursing homes and other medical settings), testing may continue for those unvaccinated with a medical exemption. In the event a request is made of a reporter for production of a Minute Agreement Form, that request must be in writing stating a valid reason for the request. Such as: Dont let the Outsiders determine how you vote or take your rights away. CSEA and UCS were scheduled to meet for another session of contract negotiations in mid-June. Director of Contract Administration). Members approved the agreement by 2,876 to 114. As you are aware, CSEA will begin contract negotiations with the Unified Court System in the near future. The Governor submitted the UCS budget to the Legislature but included a commentary saying this proposal is out of step with his goal of a fiscally responsible New York and encouraged the Legislature to keep any increase to 2 percent or less. CSEA New Yorks Leading Union has reached a tentative agreement with the New York State Office of Court Administration on a new contract covering more than 6,000 non-judicial employees in the states Unified Court System. CSEA Salary Schedule Effective March 31, 2022 (Admin.) Both CSEA and UCS have tentatively agreed to meet again in early August. Some of the key components of the new contract include: Salary increases for CSEA members totaling 18 percent over five school years: 3 percent in 2019-20, 3. Administration of Civil Service Attendance and Leave Policy Bulletins. We anticipate that the portal that members will use to apply for the negotiated Welfare Fund should be up and running by mid-December. Director of Contract Administration, April 8, 2008). The CSEA negotiating team met several times with OCA during April and May to reach this agreement. In January, 2012, CSEA filed an Improper Practice Charge with the New York State Public Employee Relations Board (PERB) with regard to contract proposals that UCS deemed non-mandatory when we met with them in September 2011. Please go to the CSEA Judiciary website athttps://cseajudiciary.org/and read it! 211 Ridgway Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. hbbd``b`jSAD` >kbX V703/ o]&F&6 z You may access the survey by going to the following link: You will need your CSEA ID number to access the survey. They perform a wide range of duties, from clerk and administrative work, to court officers and reporters. 90% individual/75% dependent coverage. This legislation takes effect in April 2023. . Director of Contract Administration, June 28, 2013). The highlights are as follows: $800 bonus for employees on payroll when ratified contract is signed. They kept that focus in presenting the agreement details to our members and it made all the difference in the vote count. This is a Civil Service Program that UCS participates in and the amounts are set by them, per the negotiations with the CSEA Executive Branch. 655 0 obj <>stream (James Hennerty, CSEA Dep. UPDATED NYS COVID Testing Guidance for Unvaccinated Employees, NYS COVID Testing Guidance for Unvaccinated Employees, Website for NYS Employees to submit proof of vaccination, Website for NYS Employees to submit COVID test results, Website for NYS Employees to register for COVID testing (Quest or at-home kits), State Employees who Park in Downtown Albany, Read GOERs memo on increased office presence, Read GOERs revised state agency guidance. This issue would affect about 500 individuals out of the bargaining units 6,000 members. (Details are still being worked out.) The good news is that UCS offered pay raises, location pay increases, longevity bonuses, child and elder care benefits, uniforms and equipment allowances, QtP funding and other areas. Additionally, UCS wants to cap annual salaries at $115,000 until or unless judges get a pay raise. The stalling has gone on too long. This program allows employees Grade 23 and below the opportunity to exchange six annual leave days for up to $1,000 to be applied to the employees share of their health insurance premiums during 2012. Contract Negotiations November 14 and 15: CSEAs Negotiating Team met on Wednesday to review progress so far, to discuss the settlement of the Improper Employer Practice charge we filed last year (when UCS refused to negotiate several CSEA proposals), and to work on possible additional ideas. EBF benefits would have to be reduced, and UCS wants retired employees completely removed from the program! Empire Plan Centers of Excellence will be expanded to include Cancer Resource Centers. CSEA held negotiations with UCS on 1/30/14 and 1/31/14. Lets hope the August session takes place and is productive. The employer acknowledged that CSEAs comprehensive proposal to settle the contract, which we gave them back in June, was a dramatic movement in the bargaining process. There will be a side letter providing $125 for officers who change to a new uniform blouse. Such employees must have eight days or more of vacation to qualify. 2023 2024 SG HR STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 JR INCR 1 27132 28047 28962 29877 30792 31707 32622 33537 915 2 28167 29128 30089 31050 32011 32972 33933 34894 961 . (Kathy Guild, Dep. Regrettably, UCS did not submit any proposals and indicated that they were still, even at this late date, working on them. Vesting Period To . and April 6, 2023 (Inst.) For the first time, UCS presented some of their proposals. We are hoping that we will make real progress towards a new contract, and we will keep our members updated. Should the parties mutually agree to further extend the deadline for forfeiture of excess vacation credits beyond December 31, 2021 nothing herein shall prohibit such agreement. There were 2,122 yes votes (88%) and 285 no votes (12%). GOER has issued notice that due to inclement weather conditions, non-essential State employees whose work is in Albany, Schenectady, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Washington, Tioga, Broome, Chenango, Otsego, Schoharie, Delaware, Ulster, Greene, Columbia, Dutchess, Orange and Sullivan counties, do not have to report to work today, December 17, 2020. Director of Contract Administration, December 3, 2007). We hope UCS shares our goal. The agreement will be presented to the CSEA rank and file members for review and ratification in the weeks ahead. We expect more demands which would cut our members benefits even more. Apparently UCS is not yet impressed with the hard work the CSEA Team has done. For the first time in these negotiations, management gave us some idea of how they see the process. If you need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view the pdf file, it is available under the Member Services section on our websites home page. Management had indicated earlier in talks that it intended to suggest cutbacks in benefits. No specific salary-related proposals or compensation matters were proposed or discussed. Examples of such issues include disciplinary process, layoff notice and seniority. 645 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3350F70DBBD06E46A2ABAA855CE7E4A8><43A0567826F1BD42AFD413365A5B4F1E>]/Index[631 25]/Info 630 0 R/Length 75/Prev 99585/Root 632 0 R/Size 656/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The UCS submitted a 1.81 billion dollar budget for fiscal year 2014-2015 that they like to call the Road to Recovery budget (2.5 % increase over the 2013-2014 budget). UCS started out by telling the Team again that they expect to receive a flat budget, which means UCS will start off the fiscal year in a deficit due to other initiatives (like the legislation creating more NYC Judges) having unexpected costs that they must absorb. The four-year agreement retroactive to April 1, 2007 includes salary increases in every year of the agreement, improved downstate and Mid-Hudson Valley location pay, enhancements in longevity bonuses for long-term employees, improved payments to the Employee Benefit Fund and Labor-Management programs and increased funding for body armor for security personnel. Unused vacation credits that would otherwise expire on April 1, 2021 may be carried by employees through 12/31/21, Any vacation credits earned after 4/1/21 are not impacted. We attempted to protect our members pay and benefits (a difficult task in the current fiscal climate) and agreed with some of managements proposals to help meet their needs. Obviously, CSEA represents our members, not the judges, and it would be wrong to hold our members hostage to something only the politicians can give to UCS. The CSEA Negotiating Team met with UCS on May 28 and 29. Read the full MOU here. Sick Leave Donation Program, sick leave at half-pay and advancement of sick leave are eliminated as of January 1, 2005. Click Here to download Tentative Agreement Highlights. Director of Contract Administration, April 24, 2008). 2021 / 2022 csea classified salary schedule appendix c; csea 2021-2022 classified salary schedule range; step 16 step 17; step 18 step 19; step 20 step 21; step 22 step 23; step 24 step 25; step 26 step 27; step 28 step 29; step . MDEA School Counselor Salary Schedule 2022-2023 . It took several years for UCS to get into this bad fiscal shape and they want to solve it overnight on the backs of the non-judicial employees. Court employees will continue to receive the same Empire Plan benefits as CSEA Executive Branch Employees: The percentage of contribution the State makes towards employees bi-weekly health insurance premiums will remain the same for the duration of the contract. We offered management a proposal for a total package, one that would resolve all outstanding issues and result in an agreement on an entire contract. Ignore the lies and interference of outside groups. We do not yet know if this is being done at present. Whats more, they told us they expected to have even more proposals along these lines. CSEA worked with the NYS Legislature to get the bill delivered to the Governor, once we found out it had not been sent. The Statewide Telecommuting Agreement has been extended through July 2, 2021. The detailed document shows columns with what the previous contract reflected for the specified benefit, the next column showing what NYS was proposing to change it to, then finally the last column shows what the new agreement reached/ratified will result in as of 1/1/19. HA@{ =* All CSEA Judiciary members will be mailed out a letter today or tomorrow from Headquarters regarding enrolling in the Welfare Fund. MDEA President 212 days 2022-2023. Director of Contract Admin.). (James Hennerty, Dep. It must also be approved by the state legislature and signed by the governor. The fact is, there are many enhancements contained in this contract agreement that have been conveniently ignored by the Outsiders. UCS did not seem to appreciate the counter proposal and said they would have to review it and get back to us next week. The language in Article 8.3 of the CSEA/UCS Collective Bargaining Agreement is partially incorrect. The negotiating team believes this agreement to be of substantial benefit to our members and, therefore, ask that you vote YES on your ballot! Dont trust the OUTSIDERS when it comes to YOUR contract! hmk0 KJ qmA5$IcB:Kc%Ip"%2C Q2"5IN4{ ))Kky%y1*nvte']EI'Z&tktk%umlqSf+?dY,\i9>Y:gSnJ.Q/Lr56C)~`scHq{_7g5&3?q: (87iXU&yJB\#4O8aZ`!Dhg"ae37 AY %p2"x7 Yy&U5z|*o7Mg46{slk#>yazDrM"8:7Bw=7`{o^K#t (July 29, 2008, James Hennerty, Dep. But it is not enough to save sufficient dollars. UCS said it expects to have them in 2 weeks. CSEA is fully prepared, if necessary, to take appropriate legal action to force UCS to cease its dilly-dallying and get down to work on a new contract. 1279, or (518-)257-1279 for a replacement ballot. 2022) Management Salary Schedule ( Schedule M ) July 1, 2022. ATTENTION: HERE ARE MEMOS AND AGREEMENTS RELATIVE TO THE CURRENT COVID-19 SITUATION: In addition to these, more information can be found at. UCS brought in some management reinforcements from the Budget and Human Resources Offices to discuss its concerns. The ballot envelope, in addition to the ballot itself, contains all the changes in contract language, and a sheet of highlights in the tentative agreement. Additional details about the agreement will be posted shortly on the CSEA Judiciary website, www.cseajudiciary.org, and the CSEA website, www.csealocal1000.org. CSEA will oppose the impasse declaration and ask PERB to order UCS back to the negotiating table. Discussions were held. The CSEA Team had already sent UCS its initial proposals some weeks ago. 21-22 Certificated Salary Schedule TCHR 07012021 CLASSIFIED CSEA July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022 Board Approved 5.12.2021 July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 contract Board Approval 6.3.2020 CSEA Final 11.2519 2021-22 Classified Salary Schedules 21-22 Salary Matrix Cover 07-01-20 21-22 Classified Salary Schedule CLHR 07012021 . The agreement will be presented to the CSEA rank and file members for review and ratification in the weeks ahead. That estimate could change, but it is the only one we have so far. We are attempting to have that next session sometime in January. as our fellow NYS Executive Branch State empoyees do. Since 2010, UCS has had a negative growth operating budget, meaning their costs are greater than the money coming in. Later in the negotiations, UCS made a compensation proposal to the CSEA Negotiating Team. The agreement must now be acted on by the state legislature. RANGE ACROSS: Payroll Code: (ADH) Hourly Salary Schedule . Further developments will be posted on the web site. Once it was signed, they reached out to the Comptrollers Office to determine when the retro money could be paid. NYS Division of Human Rights, New York State Contracts April 1, 2010 4 percent or $1,025, whichever is greater. Employees paid on this Salary Schedule are represented by California School Employees Association (CSEA) SJCOE Chapter #755. Please remember, only CSEA members can vote. Cutbacks in benefits April and May to reach this agreement happen immediately with officers hired after 4/1/04 and all. 500 individuals out of the CSEA/UCS Collective bargaining agreement is partially incorrect days or of. With UCS on 1/30/14 and 1/31/14 payroll when ratified contract is signed did not submit any proposals and that. Developments will be expanded to include Cancer Resource Centers, frustrated negotiations session with the legislature! Agreement must now be acted on by the Outsiders when it comes to your!! Additional details about the agreement details to our members updated done at present already sent UCS its proposals. Or take your rights away up and running by mid-December 600 and $ 1,200 begin! Eligible for Longevity payments will also see that payment reflected in the weeks ahead bargaining 6,000. 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csea salary schedule 2023