compassion international lgbt

2011 6,343 (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. 2012 48,678 King was their man and nothing was allowed to get in their way.. They are closely monitored by governments, religious organizations, and by us pessimistic sponsors. 2007 100,000 2007 275,053 2002 17,500 2008 5,000 2002 50,000 2004 0 Compassion follows an in-depth process of investigation, analysis and research for God's direction to expand into new countries and communities. Packer, who is widely regarded as one of the leading theologians in North American Protestant conservative evangelicalism. While Chick-Fil-As funding of anti-LGBT organizations, at least through its Winshape Foundation, appears to have ceased following scrutiny and pressure from LGBT rights organizations, Chick-Fil-As Senior Vice President and CFO James B. Local churches are experts 2011 130,349 2013 613,815, The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty (EIN 52-1858532). 2010 7,400 2005 378,480 The WCF has played a significant role in encouraging anti-LGBT legislation in Russia and Eastern Europe. Schlossbergs ministry, the NCF-funded His Servants, sells a line of ex-gay reparative therapy books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese, and Hindi. Until recently, the Portland Fellowship had been judged to be one of the more moderate of the ex-gay ministries. We must never appear to be mean-spirited or bigoted. March 8, 2011. 2012 84,628 2006 6,400 2007 11,116 2002 0 Two weeks after Bahati tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill (activated it within the legislative process of Ugandas parliament), from October 31 to November 1, 2009 College of Prayer International President Fred Hartley III led the first COP teaching module in Uganda, for COP Ugandan Parliament members including David Bahati and Nsaba Buturo, Ugandas head of the Office Of Ethics and Integrity. The devastating reality of sin and evil, hunger, oppression, deprivation, disease, But the very existence of the movement serves to move the Overton Window, by making positions that might otherwise seem extreme look moderate by comparison. It seems that, historically, the Christian evangelical movement is one of the few that has allowed children to remain a second-rate mandatethe Great Omission in the Great Commission., Bushs book also states, Secular education does not enlighten; rather, it dims ones grasp of the real reality rooted in scripture Godless secular indoctrination is an age-old problem.. 2010 1,581 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) Alliance Defending Freedom lawyers have been the chief litigants for the Bronx Household of Faith in the case. Ugandan Stephen Langa, on of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill and a close ally of Livelys, is an elder at the Watoto Church. This seminar focuses on teaching useful tools for setting people free: the healing of past wounds in order to break strongholds; replacing lies with truth; and closing doors to spiritual opposition., The course description linked directly to the website of NAR leader Bill Johnsons NCF-funded Bethel Church (see Bethel Church section). 2011 1,300 Food For The Hungry As detailed in journalist Katherine Stewarts book The Good News Club: The Christian Rights Stealth Assault on Americas Children (2012, Public Affairs, a member of the Perseus Book Group), in its 2001 ruling in the case Good News Club v. Milford Central School, the United States Supreme Court that public schools could not exclude religious groups from establishing after-school activities in those schools because religion, the majority opinion argued, is essentially a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment. In the forward to the 2009 Luis Bush/Transform-World book The 4/14 Window: Raising Up A New Generation To Transform The World, which is published by Compassion International, Wess Stafford, longtime head of the Compassion International aid and development charity, describes the need to target children 4-14 years old for indoctrination as 20th Century political movements such as Nazism and communism have done. [26] Compassion refused to do so as it would be a misuse of funds entrusted to them by donors all around the world. In a 1982 fundraising letter he proclaimed, The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. Compass to Compassion will be held October 11-12 at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. 2005 67,000 ( 50K AFA Radio ) 2013 5,766,158, Citizens For Community Values (EIN 31-1075684). Writing for Freedom Writer, journalist Mike Shaver described (see: the presentation of Focus on the Family leader John Eldredge who outlined a stealth strategy in which national-level organizations such as Focus on The Family would operate through state and local proxy groups: John Eldridge, the first speaker, brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dr. There are already 4,400 Bible-believing congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area, The Church in the Bay Area is already strategically positioned to strike at the enemy. (pp. Preliminary independent, secular research in the Journal of Political Economy studied the organization, concluding that it had large and statistically significant impacts on participants' years of school completion, the probability of later employment, and the quality of that employment, in part as a consequence of improved self-esteem and expectations in participating children. 2012 0 In the Christian Reconstructionist vision, biblically mandated capital punishment via stoning, crucifixion, or burning at the stake (all forms of capital punishment mentioned in scripture) would be only rarely necessary exactly because of the severity of the punishment. Bethel Church If the dispute isnt resolved to Eschlimans satisfaction, he could sue in federal court to seek financial damages. Disclosure Statement. 2008 167,200 2008 100 While The Voice of the Martyrs was founded, in 1967, to aid persecuted Christians worldwide, it has also collaborated with virulently anti-gay Christian Reconstructionist ministries, such as in its co-sponsorshp, along with the (NCF-funded) Chalcedon Foundation and the (NCF-funded) Vision Forum, of the annual Providential History Festival (see: 2009 0 Our work with Children supports kids under age six so that they reach appropriate health and developmental milestones. EPMs website features a major resource section on homosexuality ( and in that section, in a March 29, 2010 op-ed titled Is The Homosexual Lifestyle Worthy Of Minority Status?, Alcorn writes. Concerned Women For America has been one of the active U.S. participants in the World Congress of Families, and along with two other NCF-funded World Congress of Families participants, Focus on the Family and Family Research Council, has led the American Christian rights establishment as a presence at the United Nations. Sponsor a child today through Compassion's Christian child sponsorship ministry. 2004 4,500 Knight, who co-authored the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), has also endorsed Peter Hammonds 2001 anti-gay book The Pink Agenda. An Ounce of Prevention was the first in a series of books and resources, on how to prevent homosexuality, produced and sold by Schmierers [NCF-funded] His Servants ministry, which has had offerings from the book, video, and curriculum line translated into multiple languages including Russian, Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, and Portuguese. 2013 89,500, Florida Family Policy Council (EIN 53-2436800). In a complaint filed in federal court on Dec. 27, Adam McDorman claimed that administrators at Chandler's Valley Christian School dismissed him for defending a female student. 2005 138,653 Focus on the Family 2005 174,000 2011 146,100 Top Christian Reconstructionists such as R.J. Rushdoony (widely considered the movements founder) have advocated imposing capital punishment (via such biblical methods of execution as stoning, crucifixion or burning at the stake) for violations of mosaic law such as adultery, homosexuality, female un-chastity (sex before marriage), witchcraft, idolatry, and blasphemy. Most of the high-level Ugandan Christian leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT rights crusade have ties to the NAR (Henry Luke Orombi) or have served directly in its America-based apostolic and prophetic networks (Julius Oyet, Alex Mitala, Joshua Lwere, John Mulinde). 2010 31,250 On page 171 Reese writes, Most of the time when we know we have dealt with lies and are ready to cast out, we simply call the demon by the name of its apparent function within the person and command it to leave, all without incident of resistance. Palau and his two sons have made an especial effort to evangelize in the liberal/progressive city of Portland, Oregon. 2003 1,600 The Greens are frequent attendees of The Gathering. Their blood shall be upon them. 2010 1,080,234 But our relativistic everything-goes age does have one iron-clad rule: DO NOT apply biblical morality to social issues. Hurricanes Wilma and Rita also each brought judgment on cities that were about to host major gay eventsKey West and Cancunthus seriously curtailing the celebration of gay acceptance. Over the years we have counseled thousands of men and women and continue to provide on-going services to over 100 people monthly. (TVCs Web site includes a section titled Causes and Cures Of Homosexuality And Gender Identity Disorders.) In 1995, he even persuaded conservative members of the House of Representatives to hold hearings on the alleged gay infiltration of public schools. 2013 33,125. It explodes the myths that homosexuals are born that way and cannot change. We believe that the relationship that develops between sponsors and children is instrumental in a child's growth and development. Founder of ex-gay Regeneration Ministries was Alan Medinger, was the original executive director of Exodus International. 2002 657,165 2009 7,050 Traditional Values Coalition 2008 293,300 Massachusetts Family Institute fundraising banquet in October 2014. He has been relentless in encouraging his followers to political action: As the vice-regents of God, we are to bring His truth and His will to bear on every sphere of our world and our society. Proclaim Jesus Christ as the Ruler over the kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5) , (see: 2012 0. 2013 5,000, Rutherford Institute lawyers successfully argued, before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the (NCF-funded) Good News Club ministry which specifically targets young children in its evangelism efforts and promotes religious supremacist and eliminationist ideology the Good News Club v. Milford Central School (2001) Supreme Court case. 2008 277,750 confronting those internal causes that are rooted in patterns of belief and behavior Frontline Fellowship (also see entry on sister ministry In Touch Missions International) is a ministry of Peter Hammond, listed as a current Coalition on Revival Steering Committee member. 2012 230,615, Officers Christian Fellowship (EIN 38-1415401), ( see: ), 2001 3,000 2010 9,357,128 Declared Advocates Guyana, While we defend the human rights of every individual, including homosexuals, we condemn the practice of homosexuality and its promotion through legislative amendments (see: 2011 -7,387, The Jesus Film Project (Campus Crusade For Christ International) EIN 95-6006173 2002 21,500 In 2008, the year of heaviest NCF funding for TheCall, Engles organization played a substantial role in lobbying for the passage of Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2011 142,500 We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. Do we think we can escape such persecution if we refuse to fight for what is right?, 2001 13,000 2010 3,640 2008 80,510 Noebels anti-gay writing includes his 1977 book The Homosexual Revolution: End Time Abomination (dedicated to Anita Bryant) which characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish that sought to change the natural order created by God himself and the 1996 book AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (co-authored with Wayne C. Lutton and Paul Cameron). In 2009, an anti-gay rights conference held in Kampala, Uganda came to the widespread attention of American liberal media and LGBT rights groups, which subsequently highlighted the participation of anti-LGBT rights agitator Scott Lively. 2008 2,780 2006 212,821 In early 2015, leading up the oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, the Liberty Counsel organized a Defend Marriage Pledge, who signatories wanted to warn the Court not to cross the redline of natural marriage (see: ), 2004 15,000 Im not suggesting that you ask for your role back, Im urging you to take it back. (see: The umbrella coalition known as the ADF plays a preeminent coordinating and funding role for legal organizations of the Christian and religious right. 2011 8,660 2013 2,600, Indiana Family Institute (EIN 35-1790240). Phillips referred to R.J. Rushdoony as his spiritual mentor. 2009 13,300 2011 1,000 2003 500 2008 237,250 2010 3,600 The International Association of Healing Rooms miracle healing franchise is run by one one of the apostles in the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (formerly the International Coalition of Apostles, led for the decade of the 2000s by church growth guru C. Peter Wagner). 2002 0 The mission is to redefine the family, to replace the Biblical meaning of manhood, and to remove all vestiges of Biblical patriarchy from society. Testimonies on the IHR website claim miracle healings of brain, bone, and lung cancer and also deliverance from the homosexual lifestyle. 2007 1,390,833 2009 16,850 Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony declared Schlossbergs book Idols For Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture to be one of the most important books of the 20th Century. As chronicled by GLAAD (see:, President of the Indiana Family Institute Curt Smith, 2005 267,850 As a January 2013 report ( ) from the Southern Education Foundation Georgias Tax Dollars Help Finance Private Schools with Severe Anti-Gay Policies, Practices, & Teachings describes, The Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) accredited 94 private schools in Georgia at the beginning of 2012, 76 of which were eligible to receive tax-funded scholarships. 2013 245,000, Head of Hope For The Heart is June Hunt, heiress to the Hunt oil fortune. 2013 142,794, Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom (EIN 54-166459). 2009 175,300 ( 50K to AFA radio ) 2008 2,000 During a 2006 three and a half hour presentation at The Gathering, Alliance Defense Fund leaders recalled how Bright co-led, along with the late D. James Kennedy, the initial conference call, of several dozen evangelical organizational leaders, that led to the formation of the ADF. encourage them through prayer, letter writing and financial support. 2013 13,000. 2010 $6,735,669 (ORU Alumni Foundation $25,000) In 2006, Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni herself traveled, with an entourage that included her daughter Patience and top Ugandan government leaders and religious leaders including Ugandan evangelist and head of Ugandas National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches Alex Mitala, to Silvosos yearly Argentina conference. The Villars Consultation was in fact a sub-project in a much wider and more ambitious Ahmanson/Fieldstead project that ran from the 1980s into the early 1990s: the sponsorship of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series, a whole line of books (over a dozen) which analyzed and critiqued various contemporary policy issues through a Christian Reconstructionism-informed analytic lens. His most recent book is Sweet Heaven When I Die. The agenda must: Change public perception about gay rights Your support gives a child life-changing 2012 2,800 2006 6,500 2010 0 ( see: ), 2001 0 2007 66,500 [19][20] The research, by Bruce Wydick, Paul Glewwe, and Laine Rutledge, evaluated Compassion efforts in six countries, with 10,144 children studied, reporting "large, statistically significant impacts on years of schooling; primary, secondary, and tertiary school completion; and the probability and quality of employment." 2013 166,550, Chalcedon is the preeminent think tank of the Christian Reconstructionism movement (see:, founded by the late Rousas J. Rushdoony. During the presentation, one ADF speaker declared that (the principle of) separation of church and state was not in the Constitution. 2007 36,000 2012 100,893, Minneosta Teen Challenge (EIN 41-1517351), Teen Challenge is a an international network of addiction recovery centers run by the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God. The need to reaffirm the Biblical support for the family as the basic social and economic unit and its right to own and control property, and to stand against any ideology that would diminish the familys proper role in any of these areas. Leading those drives towards schism have been the so-called Renewal groups within the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, and other traditionally centrist or liberal Protestant denominations. Counseled thousands of men and women and continue to provide on-going services to over 100 people monthly letter and. Are compassion international lgbt 2011 130,349 2013 613,815, the Portland Fellowship had been judged to one! 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