Those most vulnerable in a patriarchal society children, women, and strangers are singled out in the Bible for special protection (Psalm 72:2, 4). Theodotion's Daniel is also the one embodied in the authorised edition of the Septuagint published by Sixtus V in 1587. [210], Many masterpieces of Western art were inspired by biblical themes: from Michelangelo's David and Piet sculptures, to Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper and Raphael's various Madonna paintings. Both Greek texts contain three additions to Daniel: The Prayer of Azariah and Song of the Three Holy Children; the story of Susannah and the Elders; and the story of Bel and the Dragon. In his days the righteous will flourish, and peace will abound.. Using a combined linguistic and historiographical approach, Hendel and Joosten date the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible (the Song of Deborah in Judges 5 and the Samson story of Judges 16 and 1 Samuel) to having been composed in the premonarchial early Iron Age (c.1200 BCE). WebThe Bible - Read and Study Free Online Bible Verse Of The Day 1 Peter 1:21 21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. [230] In their book A General Introduction to the Bible, Norman Geisler and William Nix write: "The process of inspiration is a mystery of the providence of God, but the result of this process is a verbal, plenary, inerrant, and authoritative record. In addition, some newer books such as the Books of the Maccabees and the Wisdom of Sirach were added. Lisa Loraine Baker [4], The Greek ta biblia ("the books") was "an expression Hellenistic Jews used to describe their sacred books". Christians called these new scriptures the "New Testament", and began referring to the Septuagint as the "Old Testament". [52] Since then, Catholic Christians have held ecumenical councils to standardize their biblical canon. [158] Accordingly, Sundberg asserts that in the first centuries, there was no criterion for inclusion in the "sacred writings" beyond inspiration, and that no one in the first century had the idea of a closed canon. They are a repository of writings, both shaping and shaped by the two religions"[238], As a result, there are teachings and creeds in Christianity and laws in Judaism that are seen by those religions as derived from the Bible which are not directly in the Bible. However, "the Ethiopian Jews, who are sometimes called Falashas, have an expanded canon, which includes some Apocryphal books". Bart Ehrman explains how these multiple texts later became grouped by scholars into categories: during the early centuries of the church, Christian texts were copied in whatever location they were written or taken to. WebRead Gods Word at anytime, anywhere using the YouVersion Bible App. It is a period which sees the rise and fall of the Assyrian empire (twelfth to seventh century) and of the Persian empire (sixth to fourth century), Alexander's campaigns (336326), the rise of Rome and its domination of the Mediterranean (fourth century to the founding of the Principate, 27BCE), the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple (70 CE), and the extension of Roman rule to parts of Scotland (84 CE). [97][98] Since the 17th century, scholars have viewed the original sources as being the product of multiple anonymous authors while also allowing the possibility that Moses first assembled the separate sources. Some have written that supersessionism begins in the book of Hebrews where others locate its beginnings in the culture of the fourth century Roman empire. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways [15] The exile to Babylon most likely prompted the shift to square script (Aramaic) in the fifth to third centuries BCE. [153] The second approach separates those various inspired writings based on a concept of "canon" which developed in the second century. [248] This translation was made possible by a common Mediterranean culture where Semitism had been foundational to Greek culture. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox versions of the Old Testament being slightly larger because of their acceptance of certain books and parts of books considered apocryphal by Protestants. [131], The Ethiopian Bible is not based on the Greek Bible, and the Ethiopian Church has a slightly different understanding of canon than other Christian traditions. WebBy submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. [12] No originals survive. [79] The writer makes no comment, and the reader is left to infer what they will. to confound the mighty". WebThe Bible (from Koine Greek , t bibla, 'the books') is a collection of religious texts or scriptures that are held to be sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other religions. [205]:10,38 Classicist Kyle Harper describes the change biblical teaching evoked as "a revolution in the rules of behavior, but also in the very image of the human being". WebBible, the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. New Testament books already had considerable authority in the late first and early second centuries. Apocrypha includes all the writings claiming to be sacred that are outside the canon because they are not accepted as authentically being what they claim to be. Some denominations today support the use of the Bible as the only infallible source of Christian teaching. [af][ag], In the twenty-first century, attitudes towards the significance of the Bible continue to differ. Matthew's Bible (1537), the Great Bible (1539), the Geneva Bible (1560), the Bishop's Bible (1568), and the King James Bible (1611) contained the Apocrypha. The Masoretic Text is the medieval version of the Tanakh, in Hebrew and Aramaic, that is considered the authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible by modern Rabbinic Judaism. 2) MORE THAN A BIBLE APP The Nevi'im tell a story of the rise of the Hebrew monarchy and its division into two kingdoms, the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, focusing on conflicts between the Israelites and other nations, and conflicts among Israelites, specifically, struggles between believers in "the LORD God"[106] (Yahweh) and believers in foreign gods,[c][d] and the criticism of unethical and unjust behaviour of Israelite elites and rulers;[e][f][g] in which prophets played a crucial and leading role. the sacred scriptures of some other religion (such as Judaism). "Explaining the Christianization of the Roman Empire. WebBible by Olive Tree equips you with easy-to-use Bible study tools so you can read and study the Bible for yourself. [29][30][31] In the sixth and seventh centuries, three Jewish communities contributed systems for writing the precise letter-text, with its vocalization and accentuation known as the mas'sora (from which we derive the term "masoretic"). [2] Banbaji, Amir. [135] The Early Church primarily used the Septuagint, as it was written in Greek, the common tongue of the day, or they used the Targums among Aramaic speakers. 978-1324005032. For Christianity, holiness did not reside in the written text, or in any particular language, it resided in the Christ the text witnessed to. Those kings who shun idolatry and enact religious reforms are singled out for praise, and those who encourage pagan practices are denounced. [9] The Bible was written and compiled by many people, most of whom are unknown, from a variety of disparate cultures. Jesus has the power, the authority, and the desire to bring unity and peace to all mankind. The Bible used by Abraham Lincoln for his oath of office during his first inauguration in 1861, Shelves of the Bizzell Bible Collection at Bizzell Memorial Library. The Apocrypha are included under a separate heading in the King James Version of the Bible, the basis for the Revised Standard Version. Imperial Bible, or Vienna Coronation Gospels from Wien (Austria), c 1500. [146], The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches use most of the books of the Septuagint, while Protestant churches usually do not. [222] Christianity interprets the Bible differently than Judaism does with Islam providing yet another view. The Aleppo Codex is no longer the oldest complete manuscript because, during riots in 1947, the Aleppo Codex was removed from its location, and about 40% of it was subsequently lost. [198] The biblical practices of feeding and clothing the poor, visiting prisoners, supporting widows and orphan children have had sweeping impact. Two of them (Daniel and Ezra) are the only books in the Tanakh with significant portions in, the view of the Bible as the inspired word of God: the belief that God, through the, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 20:11. [19] Scribes preserved and changed the texts by changing the script and updating archaic forms while also making corrections. All the nations will serve him.. Originally, Ezra and Nehemiah were one book, which were divided in later traditions. [155] According to Barton, these differences are only differences in terminology; the ideas are reconciled if they are seen as three stages in the formation of the New Testament.[156]. Gods Redemptive Plan for His People. Wall Street veteran whose fund returned 160% in 2022s bear market shares his trading bible. [114], The Ketuvim is the last of the three portions of the Tanakh to have been accepted as canonical. [37], In the seventh century, the first codex form of the Hebrew Bible was produced. [33], There were different ancient versions of the Tanakh in Hebrew. This reflects the threefold division of the Hebrew scriptures, Torah ("Teaching"), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings") by using the first letters of each word. ", "they [from the Children of Israel] pervert words from their meanings, and have forgotten a part of what they were reminded ", Carr, David M. The formation of the Hebrew Bible: A new reconstruction. WebThe New International Version (NIV) is a completely original translation of the Bible developed by more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Pages. Both Catholics and Protestants (as well as Greek Orthodox) currently have the same 27-book New Testament Canon. The inclusion of these texts, and the claim of some mistranslations, contributed to the Septuagint being seen as a "careless" translation and its eventual rejection as a valid Jewish scriptural text. [129], Apocryphal and pseudepigraphic works are not the same. Heres 5 ways we help you study Gods Word: 1) NO WIFI You dont need WiFi to access your Bible, audio Bible, or any other Bible study tools. Theodotion's Daniel is closer to the surviving Hebrew Masoretic Text version, the text which is the basis for most modern translations. [274] In 1993, at Tel Dan, archaeologist Avraham Biran unearthed a fragmentary Aramaic inscription, the Tel Dan stele, dated to the late ninth or early eighth century that mentions a "king of Israel" as well as a "house of David" (bet David). [13] The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in the caves of Qumran in 1947, are copies that can be dated to between 250 BCE and 100 CE. All the nations will serve him.. ", "historically Anglicans have adopted what could be called a prima Scriptura position. The initial vision for the project was provided by a single individual an engineer working with General Electric in Seattle by the name of Howard WebRead Gods Word at anytime, anywhere using the YouVersion Bible App. [99][100] There are a variety of hypotheses regarding when and how the Torah was composed,[101] but there is a general consensus that it took its final form during the reign of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (probably 450350 BCE),[102][103] or perhaps in the early Hellenistic period (333164 BCE).[104]. says Phillips. [277] Author Thomas E. Phillips writes that "In this two-century-long debate over the historicity of Acts and its underlying traditions, only one assumption seemed to be shared by all: Acts was intended to be read as history". At the end of the second century, it is widely recognized that a Christian canon similar to its modern version was asserted by the church fathers in response to the plethora of writings claiming inspiration that contradicted orthodoxy: (heresy). The truths of Scripture do not need to be authenticated by tradition, human experience, or reason. This is comparable to the authority claimed for the original Arabic Koran according to Islamic teaching. [191] Judges are told not to accept bribes (Deuteronomy 16:19), are required to be impartial to native and stranger alike (Leviticus 24:22; Deuteronomy 27:19), to the needy and the powerful alike (Leviticus 19:15), and to rich and poor alike (Deuteronomy 1:16, 17; Exodus 23:26). [276], In the nineteenth and early twentieth century, surveys demonstrated that Acts of the Apostles (Acts) scholarship was divided into two traditions, "a conservative (largely British) tradition which had great confidence in the historicity of Acts and a less conservative (largely German) tradition which had very little confidence in the historicity of Acts". It tells of how God commanded Abraham to leave his family and home in the city of Ur, eventually to settle in the land of Canaan, and how the Children of Israel later moved to Egypt. 11:6 and Deut. The religious texts were compiled by different religious communities into various official collections. 240. Heres 5 ways we help you study Gods Word: 1) NO WIFI You dont need WiFi to access your Bible, audio Bible, or any other Bible study tools. WebBible, the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. A Powerful Prayer for Ukraine Jason Soroski What Is the Feast of Pentecost in the Bible? WebThe Bible - Read and Study Free Online Bible Verse Of The Day 1 Peter 1:21 21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. 12 May 2020. [95], The Torah () is also known as the "Five Books of Moses" or the Pentateuch, meaning "five scroll-cases". This distrust was accentuated by the fact that it had been adopted as Sacred Scripture by the new faith [Christianity] [] In course of time it came to be the canonical Greek Bible [] It became part of the Bible of the Christian Church.". Masoretic scholars in Tiberias in ancient Palestine copied the ancient texts in Tiberian Hebrew. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and more. [170] In addition to the books found in the Septuagint accepted by other Orthodox Christians, the Ethiopian Old Testament Canon uses Enoch and Jubilees (ancient Jewish books that only survived in Ge'ez, but are quoted in the New Testament),[141] Greek Ezra and the Apocalypse of Ezra, 3 books of Meqabyan, and Psalm 151 at the end of the Psalter. [170], With a literary tradition spanning two millennia, the Bible is one of the most influential works ever written. It is not the same as criticism of the Bible, which is an assertion against the Bible being a source of information or ethical guidance, nor is it criticism of possible translation errors. They regarded the "holy writings" of the Israelites as necessary and instructive for the Christian, as seen from Paul's words to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:15), as pointing to the Messiah, and as having reached a climactic fulfillment in Jesus generating the "new covenant" prophesied by Jeremiah.[138]. 11:6 and Deut. [179] John J. Collins writes that people throughout history have used these biblical texts to justify violence against their enemies. "When Doing Good is Not Good Enough: Justice and Advocacy." [284] Still others believed that biblical criticism, "shorn of its unwarranted arrogance," could be a reliable source of interpretation. WebOn over 400 million devices around the world, people are reading, listening to, watching, and sharing the free YouVersion Bible App. [272], The Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, ancient nonbiblical texts, and archaeology support the Babylonian captivity beginning around 586 BCE. A One-of-a-Kind Study Bible . WebTens of millions of people are using the Bible App to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. [32] These differences were resolved into a standard text called the Masoretic text in the ninth century. The fragment of Enoch found among the Qumran scrolls attest to it being an ancient work. Publication date. It is in an appendix to the Greek Orthodox Bible, and it is therefore sometimes included in collections of the Apocrypha.[143]. W. W. Norton & Company. These schools eventually led to the West's first universities (created by the church) in the Middle Ages which have spread around the world in the modern day. David M. Carr writes that early Christianity had a 'flexible' view of the written Hebrew tradition and even its own texts. The original text of the Bible was communicated in just three languages: Hebrew, koine or common Greek, and Aramaic. [166], The Peshitta (Classical Syriac: or pt) is the standard version of the Bible for churches in the Syriac tradition. Subsequent surveys show that little has changed. This translation became known as the Latin Vulgate Bible, in the 4th century CE (although Jerome expressed in his prologues to most deuterocanonical books that they were non-canonical). The Talmudic tradition ascribes late authorship to all of them. WebReading daily kjv bible verses never was so exciting! 1250), Coloured version of the Whore of Babylon illustration from Martin Luther's 1534 translation of the Bible, An Armenian Bible, 17th century, illuminated by Malnazar, Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah, Foster Bible, 19th century, Jonah being swallowed by the fish, Kennicott Bible, 1476. [108] Collectively, these three books are known as Sifrei Emet (an acronym of the titles in Hebrew, , , yields Emet ", which is also the Hebrew for "truth"). [96] Traditionally these books were considered to have been dictated to Moses by God himself. There are 81 books in the Ethiopian Orthodox Bible. Jaarboek voor Godsdienstgeschiedenis. [86] Natural law is in the Wisdom literature, the Prophets, Romans 1, Acts 17, and the book of Amos (Amos 1:32:5), where nations other than Israel are held accountable for their ethical decisions even though they don't know the Hebrew god. Various texts of the Bible mention divine agency in relation to its writings. [177]:1 The Bible has been used to support the death penalty, patriarchy, sexual intolerance, the violence of total war, and colonialism. In the eyes of most scholars, it is history but not the kind of history that precludes fiction." The Old Testament pseudepigraphal works include the following:[130], Notable pseudepigraphal works include the Books of Enoch such as 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, which survives only in Old Slavonic, and 3 Enoch, surviving in Hebrew of the c.fifth century c.sixth century CE. "[301] In the case of manuscripts that were sold commercially, the writing would "undoubtedly have been discussed initially between the patron and the scribe (or the scribe's agent,) but by the time that the written gathering were sent off to the illuminator there was no longer any scope for innovation. [119] The Targum Onkelos is the Aramaic translation of the Hebrew Bible believed to have been written in the second century CE. WebOn over 400 million devices around the world, people are reading, listening to, watching, and sharing the free YouVersion Bible App. They are the oldest existing copies of the books of the Hebrew Bible of any length that are not fragments. Christian biblical canons range from the 73 books of the Catholic Church canon, and the 66-book canon of most Protestant denominations, to the 81 books of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church canon, among others. [110], The books of Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah[h] and Chronicles share a distinctive style that no other Hebrew literary text, biblical or extra-biblical, shares. In the Christian Bible, the violence of war is addressed four ways: pacifism, non-resistance; just war, and preventive war which is sometimes called crusade. WebTens of millions of people are using the Bible App to make God's Word a part of their daily lives. It has, that is to say, been the source of great truth, goodness, and beauty at the same time as it has inspired lies, wickedness, and ugliness. 14:7), so its too difficult to connect rabbit to the Christian faith without stretching it. Most notably the Synod of Hippo in 393 CE and that of c. 400. The Bible neither calls for nor condemns slavery outright, but there are verses that address dealing with it, and these verses have been used to support it. The first stage was completed remarkably early if one accepts Albert C. Sundberg[de]'s view that "canon" and "scripture" are separate things, with "scripture" having been recognized by ancient Christians long before "canon" was. [36] They do not recognize divine authorship or inspiration in any other book in the Jewish Tanakh. 2) MORE THAN A BIBLE APP [39] The New Testament has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work. Hebrew cantillation is the manner of chanting ritual readings as they are written and notated in the Masoretic Text of the Bible. ", "This is the language of the New Testament. Available for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and more. ", "Art: Representation of Biblical Women | Jewish Women's Archive", "A hose: the strange device next to every Finnish toilet", "Basis for belief of Inspiration Biblegateway", "The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy", "Ruckman's belief in advanced revelations in the KJV", "The Study of Religion and the Study of the Bible", "Methodist Beliefs: In what ways are Lutherans different from United Methodists? Publication date. [118][119][i], The apocrypha are Jewish literature, mostly of the Second Temple period (c. 550 BCE 70 CE); they originated in Israel, Syria, Egypt or Persia; were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, and attempt to tell of biblical characters and themes. These are among the "apocryphal" books, (books whose authenticity is doubted). [1] [2] [3] It was her 13th novel. WebBible by Olive Tree equips you with easy-to-use Bible study tools so you can read and study the Bible for yourself. This process effectively set the New Testament canon. God's Word Alone The Authority of Scripture: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters. [40][41] Most early Christian copyists were not trained scribes. [182] However, the "applicability of the term [genocide] to earlier periods of history" is questioned by sociologists Frank Robert Chalk and Kurt Jonassohn. ISBN. "Israel In Canaan". Current indications are that the ancient writingreading process was supplemented by memorization and oral performance in community. Those living in the Jewish community of Tiberias in ancient Galilee (c.750950), made scribal copies of the Hebrew Bible texts without a standard text, such as the Babylonian tradition had, to work from. Heres 5 ways we help you study Gods Word: 1) NO WIFI You dont need WiFi to access your Bible, audio Bible, or any other Bible study tools. Instead of showing us a way through the elegant mansions of the mind, the prophets take us to the slums. It has inspired revolution and "a reversal of power" because God is so often portrayed as choosing what is "weak and humble (the stammering Moses, the infant Samuel, Saul from an insignificant family, David confronting Goliath, etc.) The grandest medieval Bibles were illuminated manuscripts in which the text is supplemented by the addition of decoration, such as decorated initials, borders (marginalia) and miniature illustrations. [150][z][aa][ab] The term "New Testament" came into use in the second century during a controversy over whether the Hebrew Bible should be included with the Christian writings as sacred scripture. Others, though, advance the concept of prima scriptura in contrast, meaning scripture primarily or scripture mainly. [110], Evidence suggests, however, that the people of Israel were adding what would become the Ketuvim to their holy literature shortly after the canonization of the prophets. [187][188] Biblical texts have been the catalyst for political concepts like democracy, religious toleration and religious freedom. Download the free app and access your bookmarks, notes, and reading plans from anywhere. [34], The Samaritan Pentateuch is a version of the Torah maintained by the Samaritan community since antiquity, which was rediscovered by European scholars in the 17th century; its oldest existing copies date to c. 1100 CE. ", "The fight against Baal was initiated by the prophets", "The immediate occasion of the rise of the new prophecy was the political and social ruin caused by the wars with Israel's northerly neighbor, Aram, which continued for more than a century. [127] The scrolls have confirmed much of the Masoretic text, but they have also differed from it, and many of those differences agree with the Septuagint, the Samaritan Pentateuch or the Greek Old Testament instead. While some scholars assert that Aramaic was the original language of the New Testament,[150] the majority view says it was written in the vernacular form of Koine Greek. [b] A Samaritan Book of Joshua partly based upon the Tanakh's Book of Joshua exists, but Samaritans regard it as a non-canonical secular historical chronicle. Various audios From practices of personal hygiene to philosophy and ethics, the Bible has directly and indirectly influenced politics and law, war and peace, sexual morals, marriage and family life, letters and learning, the arts, economics, social justice, medical care and more. Scripture is self authenticating and is true in and of itself. Complete Audios, you can listen to them whenever you want. Still, there is reason to assert that it is a heavily Semitized Greek: its syntax is like conversational Greek, but its style is largely Semitic. [262] "The translated scripture has become the benchmark of awakening and renewal". However, the Roman Catholic Church recognizes 46 books as its Old Testament (45 if Jeremiah and Lamentations are counted as one),[139] and the Eastern Orthodox Churches recognize 6 additional books. A Children's Bible is a climate fiction novel by Lydia Millet that documents the experience of a group of children in the face of climate change as their parents fail to respond to a climate-charged hurricane. The original text of the Bible was communicated in just three languages: Hebrew, koine or common Greek, and Aramaic. [75] According to Mittleman, the Bible provides patterns of moral reasoning that focus on conduct and character. WebThe Beginning 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. [88] Key elements in biblical criminal justice begin with the belief in God as the source of justice and the judge of all, including those administering justice on earth. With estimated total sales of over five billion copies, the Bible is the best-selling publication of all time. The fact that from the first all the New Testament writings were written in Greek is conclusively demonstrated by their citations from the Old Testament ", "How came the twenty-seven books of the New Testament to be gathered together and made authoritative Christian scripture? It is a complete example of the Masoretic Text, and its published edition is used by the majority of scholars. [16] From the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Hebrew Bible was written with spaces between words to aid in reading. [282] Or as Rogerson says: biblical criticism has been liberating for those who want their faith "intelligently grounded and intellectually honest".[285]. iPhone/iPad; Android; Kindle Fire 2,000+ Bible versions, in 1,300+ languages. This table reflects the canon of the Old Testament as used currently in Orthodoxy. The monastic health care system was innovative in its methods, allowing the sick to remain within the monastery as a special class afforded special benefits; it destigmatized illness, legitimized the deviance from the norm that sickness includes, and formed the basis for future modern concepts of public health care. [1] [2] [3] It was her 13th novel. [282] Michael Fishbane writes, "There are those who regard the desacralization of the Bible as the fortunate condition for" the development of the modern world. [203], Biblical archaeology is a subsection of archaeology that relates to and sheds light upon the Hebrew scriptures and the New Testament. [10], British biblical scholar John K. Riches wrote:[11]. The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximately 1,500 years. [147], The New Testament is the name given to the second portion of the Christian Bible. Believers in the Bible generally consider it to be a product of divine inspiration, but the way they understand what that means and interpret the text can vary. [236][237]:145, The Bible is centrally important to both Judaism and Christianity, but not as a holy text out of which entire religious systems can somehow be read. Detail of Leonardo da Vinci's Annunciation (c.14721475) shows the Virgin Mary reading the Bible. The Hebrew names of the books are derived from the first words in the respective texts. WebReading daily kjv bible verses never was so exciting! Tradition states that there are 613 commandments (taryag mitzvot).
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