With all of this background and knowing Julia's (17) Jun 17, 2022 Simultaneously, Smurf feels a personal as well as professional connection to him, thinking of him as just more than the adoptive son. My best theory is that since Julia was Pope's twin, Smurf feared Julia would take Pope out of Smurf's control and as this became the case, Smurf pushed drugs onto Julia. Janine didnt even have to pay her back, she said. College, Smurf determined, was a big waste of time. Smurf took Baz under her wing, and before long, he became involved in her criminal schemes and was second-in-command under the matriarch. No, that wouldnt work. Do you think Smurf would have the twins help her rob the store? As mentioned above, she's also Pope's twin. Sometimes, a modern "reality" show like Bravo's Below Deck needs to make up for the painful mistakes of "classic" shows like The Love Boat. Oh, you noticed that caveat I put in there? But before Billy left, he apologized for some of the s hed done to Andrew when he was a kid. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Animal Kingdom: Why Smurf Stole Julias Shirt in the Pilot, Animal Kingdoms Biggest Death Links Back to Season 2, Animal Kingdom Proves J Is Following in His Fathers Footsteps, Animal Kingdoms Most Twisted Relationship Is Ripped Straight From Psycho. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. In Season 1, Episode 3, Smurf talks to J about Baz after J asks her if she knew who his father was. Oh, J, I thought you were smart. However, while waiting for J to pack his bags, Smurf sneaks into Julia's bedroom. Written and directed by John Wells. After all, when Animal Kingdom fans are first introduced to the Codys, the boys are still working with and loyal to Smurf. At the pier, Deran waited until his and Adrians ride showed up to tell his boyfriend that he couldnt leave his family. Jake only hadn't done so years earlier because Smurf had told . The following contains minor spoilers for Animal Kingdom Season 6, Episode 5, "Covet," which aired Sunday on TNT. Why do we think Smurf changed so much? Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. From what Animal Kingdom has revealed so far, there were two major reasons for this fracture. }) They werent good people, but as characters on a TV show we rooted for them to come out ahead. Smurf stows it in her handbag for safekeeping. With nowhere else to go, J moved in with his crime boss grandmother and henchman uncles and quickly adapted to their way of life. ET on TNT. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! We're two episodes away from the end of the fourth season of TNT's Animal Kingdom and we still don't get a heist in this week's episode "Julia." But Smurf pushes Colin into pulling jobs with the old crew again, either as a way of getting money or a way of living vicariously through him. Despite Smurf teaching Julia what she did since small, Julia didn't just go with it like Pope did. He barely knew his uncles Pope, Craig and Deran, and adopted uncle Baz (Scott Speedman), who turned out to be Js father. A masked robber comes in and threatens her life! Fantastic. Smurf stows it in her handbag for safekeeping. Maybe if you weren't so threatening and creepy and liable to pillow smother anybody who finally tells you what they think of you, you'd get a little more "tough love" and sharing time from your friends and family. It's understandable how Julia ended up self-medicating with booze and drugs while under Smurf's roof. Not only did Julia have the boys attention, but she was smart enough to get high scores on the SATs so that she could go to college. Jake only hadnt done so years earlier because Smurf had told him if he went anywhere near his son, shed kill him. Smurf replies with a lie, claiming the shirt is hers and that Julia always liked it and must have bought one for herself. Yes, Craig is Smurfs real son through her relationship with Jake Dunmore. However, the teacher gets suspicious and runs behind them. The Animal Kingdom season 6 finale marked the end of the road for the Cody clan as the fate of brothers Pope (Shawn Hatosy), Craig (Ben Robson) and Deran (Jake Weary), along with Cody nephew J (Finn Cole), was revealed. Seeing how Smurf always has an agenda and with Baz ultimately becoming the business lieutenant, its possible that she adopted him with the intention of using him. What to Watch is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. You remember Pam, the waitress with whom Jake hooked up the one who had a kid and ripped off Manny & Co. window.adsContainer = 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Later, Billy hung around the bar shooting the breeze with Jake, whod shown up for Smurfs memorial and was contemplating telling Craig that he was his father. ga('ads.send', { Colin and his brother, Jed, grew up with an abusive father. His death is met by the grief of his family and apparently Lucy. Another time that Julia's strong moral compass is displayed is in Season 5 Episode 11 titled . Later, at the bowling alley, J revealed to Pope that the place was his. Smurfette (French: La Schtroumpfette) is one of the protagonists from the comic strip the Smurfs. Speaking of Pope, he and his serial killer instincts are paranoid, creepy, and alarming as everall at the same time! She also knows she's at a certain station in life, doesn't think she can do better and doesn't want anyone around her better than her. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Smurf is used to being number one and killed Baz (Scott. There's a reason why she is so believable in prison, and we do think that in the event she gets out, she's going to have a lot of questions to answer. However, she left everything to a woman named Pamela Johnson. And with that, the boys prepare to dig up the desert in pursuit of California gold and Smurf's last ride. From the latest shows being dropped to the classic reruns we simply adore! Her previous roles include those in the films Mortal Engines and The Kids, as well as the television film Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? Before Baz's big betrayal, he was Smurf's prized son and prodigy. Best part? Codys dont mean s anymore. So right on cue, the Codys came around the corner and opened a can of whupass on him and his cronies. Watch Behind-the-Scenes Reveal, The Resident Boss Reveals Who Almost Didn't Survive the Finale. Smurfs will, which she immediately read, then took to J at the bowling alley so that she could reveal that his grandmother had screwed over him and his uncles, and left everything to a Pamela Johnson. Lets break down the key moments from the Animal Kingdom series finale. Smurfs mom, Miriam, died while trying to rob a store. Meanwhile, Angela, fresh from being fired, was approached by her brother Mikes babymama. hitType: 'event', While Baz's story has yet to be confirmed as fact, one thing is for certain: Smurf and Julia did not get along. Julia was getting too much attention from Baz(who was Smurfs right hand until his death). Craig Cody (half-brother)Deran Cody (half-brother)Barry Blackwell (adoptive brother), Carlos (adoptive nephew)Nicholas Cody (nephew)Jed (uncle)Laney (aunt by marriage)Odin (cousin)Jeremy (cousin)David (cousin)Mike (cousin), Julia Cody is the eldest of Smurfs children and the mother of Joshua J Cody. Julia questioned Smurf decisions from like the age of 7-8. So, Smurf cut off what Julia was able to attain for herself. As such, Smurf's attempts to keep the two apart looked an awful lot like jealousy. What did Smurf do to Julia? Hatosy: Baz coming in and Smurf taking Baz under her wing and Baz being the apple of Smurf's eye and then Baz having a relationship with Julia and her being exiled because of Baz and Smurf and . The Smurf Girls are a group of Smurfs that are the female counterparts of the inhabitants of Smurf Village. While hes big and burly, his addiction to drugs and his fearless disposition means that he doesnt always think through the consequences of his actions. This is so at odds with the modern day Smurf disliking other females near her. Youre a leach, J. Anyway, the new mom was ready to take her up on her offer to work together. What did Smurf do to Julia? To clear any more doubts, yes, Julia and Baz (her adoptive brother) also have a son together, who you know as one of the shows main characters, J. RELATED:Animal Kingdoms Biggest Death Links Back to Season 2, Later in the episode, Smurf dons the shirt on the day of Julia's funeral. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibilities either, considering Smurf's influence in Oceanside and her ability to manipulate others into doing her bidding. It's not a pretty sight. She is the eldest child of her mother, Smurf, the older twin of Andrew and the older half-sister of Craig and Deran. But things turned out wrong. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. One can hope. They were damaged and often unable to make decisions for themselves. Where did J go at the end of Animal Kingdom? You will receive a verification email shortly. Until the finale, fans could only guess how the family had been torn apart, but with the full picture revealed, it shed valuable insight into Animal Kingdoms first episode and even more insight into why things ended up the way they did. (Gee, wonder who that couldve been.) She wanted to keep them completely dependent on her by acting as their employer, caretaker and even object of their sexual desire -- hence the too-long mouth kisses and abundant use of "baby." The plan is that Julia will distract everyone and from behind, Pope and their friend will steal the computers from the school's computer lab and sell them. Barry Blackwell, known as Baz, is Smurf's adopted son and leader in the Codys' robberies. eventAction: 'load' Ready? }); On the other hand, Smurf can only really relate to men so she had no use for Julia nor did she care to be close to her, from what I can figure. By "It's a gift." Afterwards, Janine took Pam Before that, information about Julia was garnered through other characters, making the truth difficult to decipher. Read on! Jeanette is also the author of two horror thrillers, Shattered and The Other Inside. Now that Baz is distracted, Smurf likely sees Julia more as problematic than anything else. Love school? With Paramount+'s series hitting screens by the end of the year, a recent production list has Frasier filming in Los Angeles next month. We are one of the worlds fastest growing She has no need for a replacement, and she seems just as wary of J as her kids when first bringing him into her home and empire. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Even though Julia is only given a true presence in 1 season out of 6she is key to the story of "Animal Kingdom". Despite this, Smurf continued paying Julia's rent, knowing any money her daughter made went to drugs. The Codys were putting the final touches on their plan to break Pope out of jail and flee the country, leaving their lives in Oceanside behind. Meanwhile, Craig and Deran went on kind of a goodbye tour of Oceanside, catching a few waves and getting into one last brawl on the beach. When Julia tries to save him from the janitor, the janitor touches Julia, Pope gets really angry and starts hitting him hard with his skateboard. Colin is the father of Smurf's two eldest children, Julia and Andrew Cody. Julia, along with her twin brother Pope, was born to Smurf and Colin, a Vietnam veteran with severe PTSD. She sporadically rambles about horror books and films on her website. She also has an older adoptive brother named Barry Blackwell. God, I hope not. Anyways, enjoy. "J" has to decide if he wants to stay out of it or join in on the family business. Are there any female Smurfs? Well until the car starts slowing down. In that regard, it's likely Smurf took the shirt as symbolism, wanting J to view her as his new mother figure. ga('ads.send', { You can already how much she hates seeing her brother get played. The Codys had their own rules and their own twisted brand of Robin Hood-style justice, so we wanted to see them get what they wanted instead of getting what they (arguably) deserved. It makes me sad to see early Janine so excited about having a daughter! ET on TNT. He is the third child among the Cody siblings. If you're wondering why I mentioned that, you should be super aware that there's hella spoilers in this article. There was a problem. In a surprising move, Joshua Malina took to Twitter to signal that details on a reboot of NBC's The West Wing would be coming soon. There, she rifles through some of her drawers before landing on a tan shirt. Baz first comes into the picture when Smurf asks his mother for information on Max who was threatening her kids. Ben Robson and Jake Weary in Animal Kingdom, Jasper Polish and Kevin Csolak in Animal Kingdom, The Best LGBTQ+ shows and movies to watch for free online, Winter Love Island 2023: start date, islanders and everything we know about the new series, Meet The Last of Us cast: who's who in the post-apocalyptic drama, Django release date, cast, plot, trailer, first looks, and all about this new adaptation of a classic Western, True Lies: release date, cast, trailer and everything we know about the TV show. Now in Season 5, Animal Kingdom has come a long way since its 2016 debut. Played by Houston Towe and Scarlett Abinante, little Pope and Julia will very likely be getting into some trouble as they learn from and potentially work for their mother, Smurf in Animal Kingdom Season 5. Deran was taking his boyfriend away that night, then hed be back in a couple of weeks. It is based on the 2010 Australian film of the same name directed by David Michd, who is executive producer for the series, alongside Liz Watts, who also produced the 2010 film. RELATED: Animal Kingdom: Ben Robson & Jake Weary Describe Season 6's Twists. Disclaimer: I do not own The Smurfs, they are owned by Peyo. On the other hand, Julia and their friend try to leave, but Julia doesn't want to leave without her brother, Pope. That being said, I don't think Smurf intentionally killed her (not that semantics matter). Little did fans realize that the show's creative team was going to drop is big bomb in the second-to-last episode, which (somewhat) shockingly killed off Ellen Barkin's matriarch Smurf Cody. RELATED: Animal Kingdom: Whats the Deal With Popes Lot (& Why Its Important)? Let's get to it! }); Papa Smurf (original French name Grand Schtroumpf) is one of the main characters of the Smurfs comic books, the 1980s Smurfs cartoon show, and the 2021 Smurfs cartoon show. He replies that he's working on the SATs and needed to do something. gads_event = event; Season 1 laid Animal Kingdom's foundation, picking up with J (Finn Cole) calling his estranged grandmother, Smurf (Ellen Barkin), after his mother's overdose. Uhh..I don't think Smurf had anything against females,remember her good friend and stick-up partner was female,a female that schooled hershe actually left her house to a her(Pamela JohnsonI don't know why she didI thought the writer s would explain that). While there are still a lot of unknowns about Julia, it doesn't change the fact that she died from a heroin overdose. }); Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Nope you're expelled. Jed and his wife Laney have three sons: Odin, Jeremy and David. if(document.querySelector("#google_image_div")){ Well yea, thats the whole point of the story. Julia was Joshua "J" Cody's mother, as well as being the twin sister to Andrew "Pope" Cody. And it begins the same way, with J (Finn Cole) linking up with his estranged family after his mother's deadly overdose. If you love me, come, Adrian pleaded. Smurf stows it in her handbag for safekeeping. Smurfette is a female Smurf who was created by Gargamel. TNT's Animal Kingdom is loosely based on the Australian crime film of the same name. When Angela returned to Casa Cody, she passed herself off as Julia to sign for FedExes for her late friend as well as Deran and Craig. As such, Smurf's attempts to keep the two apart looked an awful lot like jealousy. Smurfs terrible influence on her family can be seen at every level. Smurph liked women who were running at the same pace as her, ie, Pamela, however, smurph also didnt like to be alone, you see that so clearly when Pamela leaves her trailer after celebrating and we dont see Pamela again, smurph couldnt ever manage being alone so she created an army to always be with her through her children. Pamela Johnson? ga('ads.send', { Over the course of five seasons, we have seen how troubled Smurf's relationship was with Julia, the mother of J. The crazy thing is none of her brothers care. RuPaul's Drag Race Season 15 is here, it's on MTV, and its premiere is one extra-long, super-zesty episode. The Codys, of course, are no ordinary American family but career criminals headed by their ruthless matriarch -- and J's grandmother -- Smurf (Ellen Barkin). There were talks of fights between the mother and daughter, and Baz (Scott Speedman) even claimed that Smurf allowed one of her marks to rape an unconscious Julia by the pool. We know Smurfs mom-mobile is a 1980s station wagon and that theyll be spending some time in a convenience store that was decked out with snacks and candy from the 80s. pg.acq.push(function() { WHO THE HELL ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE? | That afternoon, Smurfs memorial service at the house filled up with strangers, cops and guys with fond memories of banging the deceased. But here is J now making a move for the throne to either sit in it or tear it all down. Knowing smurfs character to this point, I think she probably is upset that Julia doesnt see the big picture. There was a dark shadow hanging over the series finale thanks to the penultimate episode, "Exodus." Oh, and he finally spells it all out for Adrian: they've not gotten caught because Smurf takes care of all potential threats preemptively. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ Love your shitty paying job? Here is my prediction on the technical Julia downfall. Diagnosed with terminal cancer and slowly fading, Smurf's grandson J shoots her in an act of mercy (which she kind of forces. I think Craig and Deran were too young to full grasp the whole dynamic, and dont really realize how Smurf messed with Julia. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Animal Kingdom Theory: Julia's Death Wasn't an Accident - It Was Murder, Animal Kingdom: Popes Downfall May Be an Old Face From Season 2 (& Its Not Lena), Animal Kingdom: Ben Robson & Jake Weary Describe Season 6's Twists. Throughout the series, older Pope has shared memories and hints of what his childhood was like with Smurf and Julia, and were hoping to see some of those situations realized in the upcoming episodes. 'SEAL Team' Renewed For Season 7 By Paramount+; What About The, Messi vs. Ronaldo Offers a Window Into the Saudi-QatarRivalry, IndieWire Studio Makes In-Person Return for Sundance 2023, Antoine Fuqua to Direct Michael Jackson Biopic for Lionsgate, Bulk up and Stay Plant-Based With These Vegan Protein Powders, TVLine is a part of Penske Media Corporation. RELATED:Animal Kingdom Proves J Is Following in His Fathers Footsteps. Yeah that makes sense but her distaste if Julia didnt seem to come from that moment in the pool. When this was discovered, Papa Smurf succeeded in turning her into a real Smurf, altering her appearance at the same time. I get it. J then presented his uncle with Smurfs will and suggested that they could either just hand over everything theyd worked for to this Pamela Johnsonor they could get a lawyer to write up a new will, backdate it and play dumb when she showed up. As such, she encourages a bond, making J more likely to do her bidding without question and less likely to betray the Codys, which is always Smurf's primary concern. Love school? window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) { After Laney risked retaliation from Jed to help save Janine from becoming his prisoner, she made a beeline forPam! Get the Pop Corn! If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our email news alerts! What will she do? 1984 For much of Julia's early childhood, Smurf and the twins would live on the move and engage in petty theft and other crime. What are you excited to see in the flashback scenes throughout Animal Kingdom Season 5? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It was a nice, sunny, and smurfy day in Smurf Village, and all the smurfs were going about their smurfy day. However, Smurf stealing Julia's shirt still causes some fans to pause. Smurf did not approve of Julia and Baz's relationship and (as revealed in Season 6) discouraged them from acting like anything but brother and sister, despite Baz being adopted. As they were returning to their car, the teacher and the school's janitor sees them, but they are unable to catch them. And back in 1984, an increasingly volatile 29-year-old Smurf is forging her own path raising Pope and Julia and leading the charge on dangerous jobs with new and old friends.. Where was Animal Kingdom filmed in Australia? So, for Smurf to have killed Julia, she would have had to give Julia bad drugs. I agree, she was never mind to females. Craig and Renn are finally back at home enjoying life with the world's cutest little baby burrito, and I am so here for it. I know were all in mourning over Smurf, but you have to admit, that was a freakin great finale, no? How awful! However, upon learning all of that, he respects her more for finally being honest with him, something which basically nobody in his life does. Deran knew that the cops would make his life behind bars extra hellish to get him to flip. However, while waiting for J to pack his bags, Smurf sneaks into Julia's bedroom. I have so many questions about Julia that I hope will one day be answered. Well, Mike had better steer clear, Angela retorted, because she was with Andrew Cody now. Leave it to Janine Smurf Cody to find a way to hiss Screw you! to her boys from beyond the grave. Jeanette is also the author of two horror thrillers, Shattered and The Other Inside. If not for Smurf's decision to wear the shirt and establish their grandmother/grandson bond, J's outcome in Pope's test may have looked a lot different. 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what did smurf do to julia