Posted by John March 27, 09 10:15 AM ax.. Is this Larry? He was as generous, thoughtful and entertaining in person as he was on the air. And the memories. Posted by Henry Santoro - WFNX March 27, 09 02:36 PM et.. WOW.coming from you that means a lot Mr. Glasscock ! background-color: grey; My wife and I loved your early morning sign off as we drove to work together. Funny how the time has flown by. Box 1477, Boca Raton, Fla., 33429. Among the sweet people I wanted to meet, and thank while I am still around, you are highest on the list. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. p.survey-response {white-space: pre-line;} Oh I wish I still had those tapes. He helped get me through grad school at UMASS during all those late nights. This is one of the greatest overnight station host .. My mom told me to listen to this station years ago in the graveyard and i'm hooked.. R.I.P Glick! With his long running show, he built a loyal following of fans, called "Glicknics," who had nicknames, and would often suggest guests for . width: 100%; Glick presented the clip as smoking-gun evidence that de la Hoya is lying about Trump cheating. 103 maybe. background-color: #f9f9f9; There was a great Larry Glick lemonade stand in front of the Guy's house in Foxboro- Larry even stopped by to see it once. It's too late to thank him for that, but he will always be remembered as one of the best entertainers by his audiences. Our . it was a small portable reel to reel. Truly, a legend during the golden age of entertainment radio when you could kick back and enjoy a laugh. Posted by Shaun Kelly March 27, 09 10:06 PM ht.. Greater Chicago Area. The 57-year-old host of the overnight talk show on CBS Radio's WBZ, Boston announces his decision to retire at the end of next week after 13 years hosting the show and 21 years with WBZ. It was the first radio story I heard on the radio that had me in tears laughing so hard. display: inline-block; AllBiz Business Profile Search Background Check . He was one of the greatest talk show hosts of all time and introduced me to many new topics as a child, such as flying and hypnosis. I have never worn it and got it when i was 16 (1984). I wish WBZ could put together a set of tapes of your old shows to bring back some memories. Would that Larry could have come back for even a limited run. } } Ace Glick reads the sports scores. One of You Tube's oldest RADIO AIRCHECK MUSEUM with a NEW VIDEO posted daily at 3PM EST. The word "legendary" just doesn't do the man justice. I have missed Larry since he left the Boston radio scene. With the goal of proving the best in fine art training to their students, the Glucks soon began to expand across Southern California. I too am the pround recipient of 2 Glick Univ. Student Achievement is, and will always be, my primary focus. }, 100); He was funny. Posted by Rich March 27, 09 10:32 AM bk.. I hope there is a commemorative service in Boston. I found Larry Glick by accident while looking for news on the Libya bombing as a nerdy teen. I learned a lot and the radio kept me company during those sleepless nights. The Spirit of New England WBZ Boston Group W Westinghouse Broadcastingits in peace Larry Glick! You truly were one of a kind on the radio and radio is not the same since. There were some wonderful "regulars" who checked in with him every night. Posted by William Sherman March 27, 09 09:47 PM hr.. What great memories. God bless you Larry and rest in peace, my friend. more, Copyright 2016-2021 Larry Gluck | All Rights Reserved. The price to rent a two bedroom unit in the zip code . div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } The interesting part isnt the video itself, however, but the fact that Glick felt compelled to send it to me at all. I listened to Larry with the transistor under my pillow, too. Posted by Vin G. March 27, 09 11:27 PM ib.. Goodnight, "Streeter" Glick WBZ News and now, more with Larry Glick on the Spirit of 103 WBZ. Who needed TIVO and Cable? Rest in Peace, my dear friend, and thank you for all of the joy you have given your listeners over the years. Where are those tapes? I remember his "Gunga Din" bit, and of course shooting listeners off the air. He was funny and sweet and told great stories and as others have commented on wow, what happened to AM radio? Pamela Hayden, Tress MacNeille, Maggie Roswell, Chris Edgerly, Eric Lopez, Alex Dsert, Kevin Michael Richardson, Jenny Yokobori . I loved listening to Larry. Follow her on Twitter @JessicaHeslam. He was one of a kind. May you and Jerry Williams run the stations wherever you go. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; Place 2: Incumbent, Charles Axe Robert McAngus Johnny Beach Posted by Jeremy Clough March 27, 09 11:44 AM cq.. (Page 3) As a kid growing up in the Boston area, I loved listening to the radio late at night and that meant Larry Glick during the week, and on Sundays, the Kenny Mayer Show (another Boston legend & a lot of fun to listen to). I agree with you. Posted by Paul March 27, 09 04:18 PM fj.. I feel sorry for anyone that never got to listen to him. He was 87. It was time to finally go to sleep when Larry would make a wake-up call to Dave Maynard. .inner_percentage.Democratic { Fine, thanks.". I always enjoyed our time together. Terry Sweeney USMCR. Posted by Shelly from Dover March 27, 09 04:38 PM fp.. As $('.hideResponses').hide(); "hey a favuh's a favuh" . Find 64 people named Larry Glick along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. Age: 74. read a newspaper article from his local paper. i only returned to bz" when it became broadcasting thru the internet , thanks bz" and steve l for the amazing memories! [3], Glick reported no contributions or expenditures to the Dallas County campaign finance reporting office as of April 19, 2016.[4]. height: 22px; Posted by Fred Winer March 27, 09 09:00 AM j.. As someone who use to listen to Larry growing up he will be sorely missed. He always treated people with kindness and interest, and didn't seem to have any political prejudices, unlike the ranting buffoons that now occupy the airwaves. After 30 years of not hearing him, I still miss his nightly broadcasts. [2], Place 1 incumbent Larry Glick ran unopposed. He arrived wearing his cowboy hat ,of course. remember that? He was full of energy., Israel said her father seemed very optimistic about the surgery. When I was 11 or 12 I used to wake up extra early to hear the end of the show. z-index:1; Thank you Larry for all you did to make us laugh. margin-bottom: 0px; Glad to hear you lived til 87 ! Posted by B March 27, 09 10:40 AM bp.. height: 50px; In the early 80's, my older brother would fall asleep listeniing to Larry Glick. WBZs current overnight host, Steve LeVeille, grew up listening to the talk show pioneer. How do we create a person's profile? Midnight long past and dawn far from sight, Larry Glick picked up the phone in 1973 during his radio show on WBZ-AM, one of his homes for the nearly three decades he ruled the wee small hours of Boston radio with a talk show that drew listeners and callers from across the country and Canada. .inner_percentage.Republican { At Legals Larry sat with us about an hour. Posted by satamasy March 27, 09 01:28 PM ea.. 20k Real Stream|20k Windows Stream|128k MP3 Stream|32k MP3 Stream. Wayne Advertising Agency Business Data 14 E Main St, Somerville, NJ 08876 (908) 575-4000 Its instant talk show just add water when you have Larry on, LeVeille said. There was no one better at his job, and No one could ever replace the Commander Myself and many others will miss that guy. We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. recorder with the mic and 3' cord. He was a huge part of my nocturnal life. ), As I grew, I became more selective. Dear Glicknicks, Welcome to the Larry Glick 2 Podcast page. He was friendly, warm and so witty! Posted by Michael (from Lynn, now in Abu Dhabi) March 27, 09 02:42 PM ev.. RIP Larry, you, as well as Dave Maynard and David Brudnoy were HUGE influences on me as a child. Wish I knew where it was now. Posted by Peter March 27, 09 10:05 AM as.. although we never meet or talked, I considered you a friend, who I can listen to at night who made me laugh and kept me entertained while at work or just driving around. } Does anybody else rember BZ-FM? He always did the unusual and he was fun to listen to. My deepest condolences to his family and friends. Thanks for the Wonderful Memories. He flew me out to Vegas for his wedding (or one of them) and a Don Rickles show. .widget-img { Please, Garland Independent School District school board, Garland Independent School District, Texas, elections (2022), Garland Independent School District, Texas, elections (2019), Garland Independent School District elections (2016), Garland Independent School District, Texas, 2016 Garland Independent School District Elections,, 2022 United States school district candidates, Garland Independent School District school board candidate, 2022, 2019 United States school district candidates, Garland Independent School District school board candidate, 2019, 2016 United States school district candidates, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Radio sucks now, only Howie Carr, and maybe a bit of Michael Savage is worth listening to. I also rember he was on the Board of Directors "The Society in Dedham for apprehending horse thieves.." Thanks - Rest In Peace.". He has been missed already for quite some time. } .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} Posted by landnsdad March 27, 09 04:47 PM fs.. Then his producer says, "We have Bob Hope on the phone." guy with a large following. With Lakeview Centennial Principal Maresa Bailey. Hello once, Hello twice, Arrivederci! We will all miss him dearly. Larry called me while on the air and asked to speak to Erik Von Handorf, the famous scientist from Munich. } } We also share videos about Travel \u0026 Cruising. Heres Trump: gets the ball from the bag, looks at the hole, hits the shot, puts the shot this far from the flag. So sorry to learn of Larry's passing. Paul Sullivan, David Brudnoy.we've been blessed with great radio talent in Boston. color: black; Lookup the home address and phone 2125576687 and other contact details for this person .results_table { My cassette and tape archive outweighs the sum-total of Commercials. a[aria-expanded=false] .fa-chevron-down { display: none; } Larry was from another era and there is not likely to more like him. Larry Glick is a resident of CA. The safety of our 55,000 kids and 7500 staff members has, and will always be, a daily priority of mine. Though tame by today's standards, Mr. Glick's material could occasionally raise an eyebrow or two in the 1960s and '70s. Now in my 30's, the thought of listening to Larry while falling asleep in my childhood bed conjures up warm memories. Gil Lewis, the narrator of the "Graveyard Marauder". right there on the wall was an autographed photo of his hero Larry Glick. When the images on the TV A whistle and a clap to you, Larry. Posted by Ron Hall March 27, 09 04:38 PM fo.. Posted by PJ March 27, 09 06:28 PM gq.. Larry was the best! Glick was a one of a kind host, who just loved talking to people. You were the best. There was no one better than Larry. Re-elect Larry Glick for GISD Place 1 | Re-elect Larry Glick for GISD Place 1 LEADERSHIP VISION EXPERIENCE And a profound passion for educating children Larry Glick continues to make a difference in students' lives. Posted by Tom "the Nightowl" from Somerville March 28, 09 02:36 AM if.. WHAT A SAD DAYBUT WHAT A CLASSY GUY THAT LARRY WAS !! We found 11 records for Larry Glick in Delray Beach, Boston and 9 other cities in Massachusetts. I wish I could remember their names. About. max-height: 580px; Larry was super, and I also remember Larry every time I go by Batista's Hole in the Wall, although I don't think the food there is all that great. Posted by Gary March 27, 09 09:36 AM ac.. From the hilarious "One hen, two ducks, three squawking geese song", to his serious interview with Col. Paul Tibbets, Larry was always entertaining. Posted by Kris March 27, 09 03:57 PM fg.. I'm not sure why Sleepy hung around so longmaybe it was just to talk with Larry. Through Kenny, I got to visit the show a couple of times. Larry Glick in Florida. In January 2021, The Trump Organization's businesses, including hotels and golf courses, were reported to have generated at least $446.3 million in sales in 2019. You'll find audio of many radio personalities who have passed away. Posted by Marc in CT March 27, 09 02:28 PM es.. .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} In 1922, in the year that Larry I Glick was born, the Reparations Commission assessed German liability for World War 1 at 132 billion gold marks (over $32 billion U.S. dollars at the time). I , too, frequently listened to Larry in my pre-teen and teen years. Rest in Peace, Mr. Glick, and thanks for the many enjoyable hours of entertainment you provided me. Posted by SonOfErin March 27, 09 08:58 AM g.. background-color: #003388; Golf is an important thing and I felt I had to say something.. You will be missed by many and forgotten by nobody. Posted by Jose Garcia March 27, 09 09:24 AM y.. My brother and I would turn our radios on at night hoping our parents would not catch us. In 1967, he was hired by WBZ, where he worked for the next 20 years. Instead, he decided to try broadcasting. My own favorite was his song about "Two Irishmen and a Hebrew," or the Baloney Song. That is precisely why it is so troubling that a parade of accusers have come forward claiming Donald Trumpwho wants to be our commander-in-chiefcheats at golf. Printed with durable, fade-resistant inks. The laughter is contagious. This phone number may belong to other persons Julia R Strom, Daniel A Strom, April Lynn Highfill, D Strom. I used to listen to Larry under my bedcovers when he was on WMEX and I was almost a teen. { If I am remembering correctly I can not think of another radio personality who I was compelled to listen to as much. It was refreshing to hear him on Steve Lavelle's broadcast in recent years and he still exhibited the wit and charm even at his advanced years. Pretty soon Larry was playing Walking to New Orleans along with the sound of bouncing basketballs and it was a very funny bit. had a name and were separate? Larry received a Bachelor of Science degree from Arizona State University. display: table;,, are possible email addresses for Larry. It was this well established part of Boston radio culture that led to Steve being recalled to the air after WBZ's outrageous cost cutting attempt. Posted by vicki March 27, 09 04:57 PM fx.. WBZ said Mr. Glick's family will hold a private service on Sunday in Florida. Larry Glick (May 16, 1922 March 26, 2009) [1] was an American talk radio host, based in Boston, Massachusetts, who presented a long-running show on WBZ and later WHDH through the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. He was the king of radio then and he remains my king today. Posted by Michael March 27, 09 06:04 PM gm.. } Posted by Moogie March 27, 09 03:55 PM ff.. Posted by John March 27, 09 09:21 AM w.. E-Pluribus Glickus God bless you sir. Dear Glicknicks, We have reached the maximum space allowable for this account. Mr. Glick was 87 and in retirement had lived in Boca Raton, Fla. "His radio show just made him a legend in New England, no question about it," said Gary LaPierre, former morning news anchor on WBZ, where Mr. Glick spent nearly 20 years on the air. We will miss you always, Larry. I'll miss you, Larry. Lorenzo says, "Let him wait, I have a Marine pilot here." You were a classy guy, and one of the last of the GREAT entrertainers. font-weight: bold; When I shoot my eye goes to elements of light, color, shape, and texture. In New England, 1030 WBZ Boston has been a radio powerhouse for over 100 years. I broke down in tears this morning when I heard my friend Larry Glick had died. if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { color: #0645ad; Posted by steve March 27, 09 05:12 PM gd.. During the occasional breaks, Mr. Glick would "calm" us by stating, "Don't worry, it's not reeeeeal!" Still have a 'bad' habit of sleeping with a small transister radio under my pillow, but now it's Steve that keeps me awake. To this day I still think of him when I use his phrase "Let's get the story behind the story"! I still remember "The Baloney Song" by heart. The GLOB has cut some staff. Posted by Charles Laquidara March 27, 09 12:47 PM do.. .. and it is so wonderful to see that I was not the only one falling asleep with the radio under my pillow!! Thank you for so many good memories. Posted by cvana March 27, 09 09:19 AM u.. My wife wonders why I listen to the radio at night, and it all goes back to my childhood listening to Larry Glick on a cheap AM transistor radio. WBZ proposed an upgrade to 500 kW from a new transmitter site in Provincetown, which . margin-right: 10px; border: 1px solid #999; Larry Glick Certified Digital & Print Advertising Account Executive at The Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald & The Bradenton Herald (A McClatchy Media Company), using my expertise to help your. Posted by Steven Hill March 27, 09 08:56 PM hk.. Larry used to let us listeners call him to give him "a good call". Posted by Joe - San Luis Obispo, CA March 27, 09 11:59 PM ic.. Wow, lot's of Larry Glick memories here. p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} Contact our sales team. We were awake the rest of the night listening to Radio Steve and telling Glick-nik stories. There's more of The Commander from 1978 to follow in the months to come. When wbz fired Larry (yes they fired him).. Larry went over to WHDH (850am) for a while.. but,due to its weak pattern coverage, he could not reach his legion of fans. width: 100%; The Great Larry Glick. Kenny and Markie were Glicknics -- they listened faithfully. He made it all look (and sound) so easy because it was joyful for him. Legal Seafood must be missing the greatest greeter ever. width: 43%; I love to listen to talk radio. RIP, Posted by Bill in Beavercrek March 27, 09 10:18 AM az.. WBZ had Jerry Williams (8 - 12) then Larry Click (12 - 6). I always wanted to open a Larry Glick's Lemonade Stand. Glick's current term ends in 2025. Seven thousand Macedonians in full battle array. ------------------ Rest in Peace Larry. He was one of the legends of radio I was lucky enough to listen to (along with Norm Nathan). $('#candidate-connection-twitter-130209').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); Posted by Tony Chiaravelotti March 27, 09 04:31 PM fn.. I grew up in Boston in the 40's and 50's. Why is this? That's an amazing thing to say about a radio personality, which is why he's been missed so much - and it's like losing a friend. No more Larry Glick files can be added to this site. Tributes from "Glicknics" are pouring in to the. text-align: center; I love Rest in peace, Larry. You were great company and a class act. . you will certainly be missed. Posted by Stephen March 27, 09 02:01 PM ei.. R.I.P. Posted by cherylt March 27, 09 12:06 PM cz.. Fans of Larry Glick, great radio talk show host of the 60's through the mid 80's in Boston. At the time, I thought it annoying, but, It became a nightly ritual - one that I now cherish . Posted by Jay March 27, 09 10:18 AM ba.. My wife and I used to listen to the commander as much as we could. After a hiatus of some years, when the demands of graduate school at Columbia Business School, a successful career in business, and raising a family (while taking a lifetime of their photos) took up all my attention, I found my way back behind the lens. Looking back, his show in WBZ radio could be repeated in this day and age, we all loved the host and enjoyed each other company. "Godfather?, Godfather..I need to speak with the Godfather"I'll never forget Larry Glick. He gave "old age" a good name He will be missed. If you've ever had or wanted a "Glick University" t-shirt, this group is for you. } else { going once , going twice smitty bonita springs fl. } .widget-value { letter-spacing: .03em; Phone: Answer not available. Godspeed, Commander Glick. Please judge me on my record. Posted by Dan McCarthy March 27, 09 12:09 PM da.. Thanks for the laughs. $(".expand-all").on('click', () => { I aim to capture a very particular, yet fleeting moment in time often drawn from the shifting images of the natural world the sun rising or setting, reflections in the waters current, fog setting in. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom that includes six main voice actors and numerous regular cast and recurring guest stars. What a great entertainer. My brother would inevitably fall asleep and I'd reach up from the lower bunk of our bed to turn the radio off! And there was Larry in an overcoat gently guiding his young producer through the parking lot so he could drive him home. } Listening to Larry Glick is one of my fondest childhood memories. Larry & Killer both cracked up and so did I. color: #fff; Back then, I bought a pair of those 40 pound battery operated radio headphones for one reason - to listen to him while I worked - many smiles; great, great radio. No shouting, no mean spiritedness, just fun. I wo, Posted by Tom Heathwood March 27, 09 07:06 PM gx.. in the late 70s i worked nights at the postoffice, the only thing that kept me sane was listening to larry on the radio,one time i was in Fla. and had my friend sing elvis's all shook up on the phone,it won us both glick u tee shirts R.I.P. When I got a boom box with a cassette recorder, I started taping his shows so I could save my favorite songs and routines. Larry Glick is a District Manager at FGX International based in Smithfield, Rhode Island. background-color: #db0000; I read only today that he was employed as a greeter at Legal Seafoods in Boca Raton. He will be remembered. to paraphrase a line from one of the comedy bits, "you're a better man than I am, Larry Glick". I loved Larry and remember his program about the kangaroo's. Posted by Dalfireplug March 27, 09 09:13 AM r.. Fond memories, for sure. font-size: 1.25em; Posted by Long time listener, first time caller March 27, 09 04:59 PM ga.. His acceptance speech "brought the house down, and we had 250 people there that night," said Arthur Singer, president of the organization. listening to the local Boston radio stations. Now that would be a faaavor. To this day "2-5-4 5-6-7-8" still occasionally pops into my head, and I smile everytime I think of it. He was full of spirit, full of life, said Israel, 37, also of Florida. Places 1, 2 and 3 were up for their regularly scheduled election. Hes a great golfer, de la Hoya says in an interview later. He seemed excellent 20 years younger. We will miss you and never forget you Larry. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. If a caller droned, he'd play a tape of a loud yawn and snoring. Posted by Mr Wonderful March 27, 09 02:18 PM ep.. Larry Glick and Norm Nathan, it didn't get any better than that. Posted by Joan Wood March 27, 09 10:35 AM bo.. } Countless radio hosts point to Larry Glick as their inspiration with his long-running late-night show on 50kw flamethrower WBZ-AM Boston. It was beautiful! .widget-row.heading { I would show up to school tired many mornings because I stayed up too late listening. Posted by Arthur G. Allen March 27, 09 11:40 AM cm.. } Rest in peace Larry. Larry Glick Theme at 12:05AM. Here's a Michiganian who listened to Larry Glick at night, radio under the covers, after Bruins games. It was over 40 years ago and I am now 75, so I don't quite remember the exact program). From his retirement until 2007, Glick was the Ambassador of Good Will for the Legal Sea Foods Restaurant in the Boca Raton Mall in Florida.
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