Marriage and Death Certificates: $15.00 Canada; Long form (certified M. Procedure Saskatchewan 01. Court of King's Bench Civil Search Search for actions in Civil, Family, Divorce, Bankruptcy, Appeals, Surrogate - Estate, and Surrogate - Represented Adult. Inter-jurisdictional Support Hearings:1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 4, July 18, August 15, August 29, September 19, October 3, October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28, December 12, 2022; January 9, January 23, February 6, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, May 15, June 12, and June 26, 2023. 2022/2023: Jury and non-jury by request throughout the schedule. 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 5, July 19, August 16, September 20, October 4, October 18, November 1, November 15, November 29, December 13, 2022; January 17, January 31, February 14, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, June 6 and June 20, 2023. The Court of Kings Bench hears trials in civil, family, and criminal mattersand appeals from decisions of the Provincial Court. No. Justice Colin D. Clackson, Q.C., was born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. of Surrogate Matters, which has jurisdiction over probate and administration of estate matters. When at full complement, the Provincial Court consists of a Chief Judge and 48 additional judges. J.M. We need your feedback to improve Find organizations . - Read the Court's Administrative Notice The Court of Appeal hears appeals from the decisions of the Court of Kings Bench, the Provincial Court and administrative tribunals. (CBC - image credit) The obvious change is the name: Court of King's Bench. Generally speaking, criminal offences and claims involving large amounts of money are tried in the Court of Queen's Bench. David Lametti, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. Anyone with a ticket requiring a first appearance will need to , The Honourable Dorinda Mae Stahl and the Honourable Bradley Shane Mitchell have been appointed to the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan. The Court also uses temporary judges in some of its locations to help meet the needs of a demanding schedule. Some cases, for example divorces and treason, are heard exclusively in the KB/QB. User-friendly version in Microsoft Word format. Court of King's Bench / Search Result; Home; About Court Of King's Bench. It is a court of inherent jurisdiction and there is no monetary limit on the claims which it may hear. Send queen's bench forms saskatchewan via email, link, or fax. Saskatchewan Courts | Saskatchewan Provincial Court, Court of Queen's Bench & Court of Appeal PROVINCIAL COURT The Provincial Court handles the vast majority of criminal and regulatory offences and also hears small claims, youth and traffic cases. Each court jurisdiction maintains its own series of files. Provincial Court. Krogan [6] Regina. The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Provincial Court. There are NO Chambers on December 8, December 29, 2022, and June 1, 2023. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, Court of queen's bench forms saskatchewan. The Court of Queen's Bench has amended the Rules of Court effective August 1, 2016. The Court of Queen's Bench, the Court of Appeal, or the Supreme Court of Canada may hear appeals. Any person or entities that rely on information obtained from the system does so at his or her own risk. Addresses for the judicial centres may be found at Key Responsibilities. In 1918, the court system underwent another transformation when the Supreme Court was divided into two courts: By 1958, the number of judicial districts had increased to 21. The Court of Queen's Bench of Saskatchewan is the superior trial court for the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.The Court hears civil and criminal law cases. FORM 6. The District Court which was a court of limited jurisdiction; that is, it could only hear those cases that were prescribed under statute to hear. [11] The initial court structure of 1907 consisted of three courts: the Supreme Court of Saskatchewan, the District Court (similar to the County Courts of other provinces) and the Surrogate Court. 2011 Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan, Birth, Marriage, Adoption, and Death Records, Immigration, Naturalization and Citizenship Records, Useful Publications for Family History Research, Additional Sources for Family History Research, Ressources en franais / French Resources, The Supreme Court of Saskatchewan which sat as the Supreme Court. The administration of justice in the area now called Saskatchewan dates from the period prior to the transfer of Rupert's Land to the Dominion of Canada in 1870. Child Protection Hearings:10:00 a.m. every Tuesday, except December 6, December 27, 2022, and May 30, 2023.Note: During this time of COVID-19 restrictions, and until further notice, Child Protection Hearings will be scheduled at staggered times of 10:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. 520 Spadina Crescent EastSaskatoon, SK S7K 3G7Ph: 306-933-5135Fax: 306-933-5703, 520 Spadina Crescent EastSaskatoon, SK S7K 3G7Ph: 306-933-5170Fax: 306-933-5723. Notice of application. Use this form to request a search of civil actions in Alberta Court of King's Bench, or to request a search of a specific action either by party name or by court action/ file number. Form 18A is one of the forms prescribed by the Court as part of the Court of Queen's Bench Rules. 2022/2023: Jury and non-jury the weeks of September 5, October 24, November 21, 2022; March 20, April 10, May 8, and June 26, 2023. 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20, October 4, October 18, November 1, November 15, November 29, December 20, 2022; January 17, January 31, February 14, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, June 13 and June 27, 2023. Commencing an Action (where mediation is required) was $200 and has been increased to $300. Court System in Saskatchewan A Historic Overview. 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 11, 2022; January 3, and May 23, 2023.. 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 12, July 26, August 9, August 23, September 13, September 27, October 25, November 8, November 22, December 13, 2022; January 17, January 31, February 14, February 28, March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, June 6, and June 20, 2023. Gay "should be presumed in this dispute to have had the authority to negotiate on behalf of the Canadian government". Request by Media for Exhibits in Criminal Proceedings form. 3(1) The Court consists of (a) the chief judge, who shall be called the Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, (b) 2 associate chief judges, who shall each be called Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, (c) 74 other judges, who shall be called justices of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, and In 1873, the court system was established with stipendiary magistrates having jurisdiction over less serious offences. These are kept in numerical sequence by the year in which court proceedings began. The document Public Access to Court Records in Saskatchewan: Guidelines for the Media and the Public recognizes that public understanding, respect, and confidence in the administration of justice can be increased by facilitating media and public access to court records. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. To help manage these requests, the Courts have developed guidelines that summarize how court officials will respond to the most commonly encountered access requests. Regular Civil Chambers:10:00 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday, except 1:30 p.m. on August 2, September 6, October 11, January 3, February 21, and May 23, 2023.There are NO Chambers on December 6, December 8, December 27, December 29, 2022; May 30, and June 1, 2023. The court has a Family Law Division, which has exclusive jurisdiction over family law matters in the judicial centres of Saskatoon, Regina, and Prince Albert, and concurrent jurisdiction (with the Provincial Court) over family law matters in all other areas of the province.[9][10]. The Court of Queen's Bench (Family Division) is the highest trial court in Manitoba, dealing with family and child protection proceedings. III Court Documents Formal requirements 6(1) Every document in a proceeding shall contain: (a) the name of the court; (b) the year in which the proceeding was commenced and, when assigned, the court file number; (c) the judicial centre at which the proceeding is commenced or the judicial centre to which the proceeding has been transferred; It also has original jurisdiction over matters assigned to it by statute, such as adjudicating human rights complaints. The mortality of Canada's reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth, is the reason Alberta's Court of Queen's Bench wants to change its name to the Supreme Court of Alberta. The Chief Justice and other Justices of the Court are also judges of Surrogate Matters, which has jurisdiction over probate and administration of estate matters. Designation of Counsel form. Some files or items cannot be translated, including graphs, photos and other file formats such as portable document formats (PDFs). 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 13, September 27, October 25, November 8, November 22, December 13, 2022; January 10, January 24, February 7, March 7, March 21, April 4, April 18, May 2, May 16, June 6, and June 20, 2023. RybchukThe Honourable Judge L. Wiegers, Associate Chief Judge, The Honourable Judge Q. D. AgnewThe Honourable Judge S. Anand, Associate Chief Judge(Administrative Judge)The Honourable Judge M. M.BaniakThe Honourable Judge B. BauerThe Honourable Judge L. GibbThe Honourable Judge B. M.KlauseThe Honourable Judge M. F. MartinezThe Honourable Judge B.S. [23][24] Clint Wuttunee, Chief of the Red Pheasant First Nation, called the verdict "absolutely perverse". The Honourable Judge S. CarterThe Honourable Judge L. D. DyckThe Honourable Judge M. GrayThe Honourable Judge R. GreenThe Honourable Judge L. HallidayThe Honourable Judge B. D. HenningThe Honourable Judge B. HuculakThe Honourable Judge R. D. JacksonThe Honourable Judge D. KaiserThe Honourable Judge E. KalenithThe Honourable Judge R. Lane, The Honourable Judge S. LoewenThe Honourable Judge L. MatsallaThe Honourable Judge J. E. McIvorThe Honourable Judge G. MorinThe Honourable Judge D. J. OHanlonThe Honourable Judge J. (In 1952, when Queen Elizabeth II became the British monarch, this court became the Court of the Queen's Bench (QB). Normally records include a statement of claim or complaint, a copy of the writ of summons, a statement of defense, and the judgment of the case. Courts of Saskatchewan website: Court of Queen's Bench Locations. Share this: Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Translations are made available to increase access to Government of Saskatchewan content for populations whose first language is not English. superior court in Saskatchewan, Canada. Copyright 2012-2022 Saskatchewan Law Courts | All Rights Reserved, RULES, PRACTICE DIRECTIVES & STANDARDIZED CONDITIONS, SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL COURT JUDICIAL COUNCIL, Public Access to Court Records in Saskatchewan: Guidelines for the Media and the Public, Public Access to Court Records in Saskatchewan:Guidelines for the Media and the Public. Search by keyword or phrase, case name, citation number, docket number, and/or decision date. Their judicial robes will be difficult to fill. The Court Registry System contains records of documents filed and hearings scheduled for the following: * Brandon Court of Queen's Bench records from 01-Feb-2001 * Manitoba Court of Appeal records from 1991 * Dauphin Court of Queen's Bench records from 01-Jun-2001 * Flin Flon Court of Queen's Bench record from 01-Nov-2007 Box 2530409 Main StreetMelfort, SK S0E 1A0Ph: 306-752-6265Fax: 306-752-6264. The home page for French-language content on this site can be found at: Where an official translation is not available, Google Translate can be used. Search this Canadian Naturopathic Association database by name or city for licensed Naturopathic doctors in Saskatchewan. They differ in their nature and the records involved. Provincial legislation determines which court has jurisdiction to hear a case. When making your request for access to court records, you may be asked to complete and submit aRequest for Access to Court Records form(Updated). This form helps court staff understand the nature, scope, and purpose of your request. Then perhaps at least the Chief Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench from its establishment (and perhaps its predecessor) through today? The trustee's obligation to apply to court for a hearing during the Period of the Emergency, as provided by subsection 170.1(3) of the BIA, is to be extended by the time of the Suspension Period. Law Society of Saskatchewan Fulltext Judgments. Copyright 2012-2022 Saskatchewan Law Courts | All Rights Reserved, RULES, PRACTICE DIRECTIVES & STANDARDIZED CONDITIONS, SASKATCHEWAN PROVINCIAL COURT JUDICIAL COUNCIL. In 1915, the province passed legislation, The King's Bench Act[12] and The Court of Appeal Act,[13] for the purpose of creating a new court structure. [16] As part of that process, the judicial centres of the District Court became the judicial centres of the Court of King's Bench. Chief Judge Shannon L. Metivierreceived her L.L.B. There are 13 permanent judicial centres within the province. [26], Attorney General of Canada v Merchant Law Group, 2015, July 16, 2015 IRSSA ruling by Justice Neil Gabrielson, Attorney General of Canada v Merchant Law Group, 2016 SKQB 25, Last edited on 9 September 2022, at 22:57, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Development Canada, Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, "Number of federally appointed judges as of July 1, 2018". . His work extended widely to commercial, insurance, personal injury, privacy, constitutional and administrative law. Help us improve, First Nations, Mtis and Northern Citizens, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Industry, COVID-19 Information for Businesses and Workers, Environmental Protection and Sustainability, First Nations, Mtis, and Northern Community Businesses, Housing Development, Construction and Property Management, Cabinet, Ministries, Agencies and Other Governments, Educational Institutions and Child Care Facility Administration, Health Care Administration and Provider Resources, Legislation, Maps and Authenticating Notarized Documents, 1220 - 1874 Scarth Street, Regina, SK, S4P 4B3. Maintenance Enforcement Hearings:1:30 p.m. on Monday, July 11, July 25, August 8, August 22, September 19, October 3, October 17, October 31, November 14, November 28, December 12, 2022; January 9, January 23, February 6, March 6, March 20, April 3, April 17, May 1, May 15, June 12, and June 26, 2023. Court offices regularly receive requests from the public, media, lawyers, and others seeking access to court records. ECourt | Current Schedule | Registry Office |Locations & Sittings | Civil Rules & Practice Directives | Criminal Rules & Practice Directives | Judges | Clerkship Program |Assessment of Costs | Self-Rep Self-Help Guides | About the Court of Appeal | Contact Us, Traffic Safety Court dockets in Prince Albert, Regina and Saskatoon will hear docket matters by telephone only, effective January 4, 2022. There are NO Chambers on December 8, December 29, 2022, and June 1, 2023. Canada411 white pages residential phone listings in Saskatchewan. Harper. Cliquez ici pour voir la version franaise de cette page. The Practice Directive describes the process that must be followed to obtain a production order. During the First World War, the province reorganized its courts. This was the court of probate governing inheritance, guardianship, etc. In fact, it was not until 1907 two years after Saskatchewan became a province that the new province's judicial system was established. Saskatchewan Government Links Public resources and contact information for the government of Canada. The federal government was content to allow Justice Gabrielsons ruling to stand and bring an end to what was a bad deal for the victims. Taxes for 2520 College AVENUE, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4P 1C9 are $7252 CAD (2022). The information presented by 211 Saskatchewan may be . Find links to written decisions in criminal and civil cases heard by Saskatchewans three courts. The Court consists of 32 fulltime judges and a number of supernumerary judges, all appointed and paid by the federal government. Ideally, the name of the plaintiff or the defendant, the place of the trial, and the year of the trial should be known before you approach the judicial centre or the Provincial Archives for information. 64 Ominica Street WestMoose Jaw, SK S6H 1W9Ph: 306-694-3602Fax: 306-694-3056. Search Province of Saskatchewan, Canada public record databases such as corporations and business records, government jobs, court records, phone directories, licenses, statutes, census records, obituaries, and more. Family Law Chambers:10:00 a.m. every Wednesday and Friday.There are NO Chambers on July 29, November 11, December 7, December 9, December 23, December 28, December 30, 2022; April 7, May 31, and June 2, 2023. appeal court means the Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan; (tribunal d'appel) authority. RESPONDENT. A further appeal lies to the Supreme Court of Canada. The District Court was rolled into the Court of the Queen's Bench in 1981. Comparative Family Property Statement. They hear over 1,500 appeals each year, on issues of private law, constitutional law, criminal law, administrative law and other matters. The Court of King's Bench Act foresaw the need to rename the Court in the event of a female monarch. Civil court records of the Court of King's/Queen's Bench, Judicial District of Assiniboia, procedure/docket books, 1922-1970 and files, 1932 . It also has original jurisdiction over matters assigned to it by statute, such as adjudicating human rights complaints. There is a wide range of requests for court records received by the courts every day. Before the Honourable Madam Justice A.R. In recent years, the judicial system in Saskatchewan has been significantly reorganized. Following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II their names changed from the Court of Queen's Bench to the Court of King's Bench. Do a comprehensive background search of over 500 million court, inmate, corrections, offender, and fugitive records. There are NO Chambers on December 8, December 29, 2022, and June 1, 2023. ), The Court of Appeal, as the appellate court which had the same jurisdiction as the Supreme Court of the North West Territories. Court File Access When making your request for access to court records, you may be asked to complete and submit a Request for Access to Court Records form (Updated). Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Website Quote Editable Queen's Bench Forms Have a New Home on Publications Saskatchewan! There are 13 permanent judicial centres within the province. The name change takes effect immediately. All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 6, 2022; January 3, and May 23, 2023. 144 states have ratified the treaty, and an additional 11 - including Canada - have signed but not yet ratified it. The Family Division also hears adoption and guardianship applications, protection order proceedings, inter-jurisdictional support and variation applications, and Hague Convention applications for the . Maintenance Enforcement Hearings & ISOs:11:00 am every Thursday. There was no appeal court; rather, appeals were conducted by the full court of the Supreme Court of Saskatchewan, consisting of all the judges of the Supreme Court, other than the judge who made the decision under appeal. Civil cases involving larger amounts of money (the amount has changed over the years) are also heard in KB/QB. Darryl. TACH, ALEXANDRE-ANTONIN, Roman Catholic priest, Oblate of Mary Immaculate, missionary, archbishop, and author; b. Browse the Saskatchewan Government Directory or Search by Keyword. Biographies. Judge Phillip Shepherd survives a challenge in a highly politicized "nonpartisan" judicial race. While most court records are accessible to the general public, certain records, such as those relating to adoption proceedings and court actions involving young offenders, are not. The Court consists of 29 full-time judges[2] and 10 supernumerary judges, all appointed and paid by the federal government. If you have any questions about Google Translate, please visit: Google Translate FAQs. Wootten, The Honourable Judge M. Baldwin (Administrative Judge)The Honourable Judge K. D. HillThe Honourable Judge I.W. Regular Chambers:10:00 am every Thursday. Locations & Sittings |Rules & Practice Directives | Divorce & Family Law | Wills & Estates | Probating an Estate | Bankruptcy |Administrative Notices |Enforcing Orders | Juror Info | Judges | Clerkship Program | Transcripts | About the Court of Kings Bench. In a complex and fast-paced environment, this position will be responsible for assisting the Executive Director in . The Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan (Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan during the reign of female monarchs) is the superior trial court for the Canadian province of Saskatchewan . The Act provides that, during the reign of a Queen, the Court is known as the Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan. ReisThe Honourable Judge J.F. Over the course of the next few years, the system underwent some minor changes in jurisdiction and judicial districts, but the next significant change was not until 1886 with the creation of the Supreme Court of the North West Territories was created. The amendments update the family law rules and forms, update the foreclosure rules and forms, and make other changes to the rules of general application, including allowing for an address for service to be anywhere in Canada, and new filing deadlines for objections to expert reports, as well as new deadlines for filing materials for use in Chambers hearings. You can fill in the form on a computer and . The docket book names the plaintiff and the defendant, states the type of action, lists the documents filed and the date they were filed, and provides the file number. 1016 4th StreetEstevan, SK S4A 0W5Ph: 306-637-4527Fax: 306-637-4536. As a superior court of original jurisdiction, it has supervisory jurisdiction over administrative tribunals, exercised by the prerogative writs. On this date you have been counseled that failure to meet financial obligations brings discredit upon the Service burde People who are age 80 years of age and older with no disabilities Individuals in this category will qualify for service 17 Station St., Ste 3 Brookline, MA 02445. RCMP information on criminal records search availability, how to order, fees, steps to take. 121 Lorne Street WestSwift Current, SK S9H 0J4Ph: 306-778-8400Fax: 306-778-8581. Burial records in Saskatchewan cemeteries. The Court of Queen's Bench continues to accept all filings by mail, courier, facsimile or drop box. [26] At a press conference on February 11, hosted by Saskatoon Tribal Council, Mayor Clark described the event as a "defining moment for this community and this country". [20] Justice Neil Gabrielson had ruled on July 16, 2015 that the federal Conservative government under then Prime Minister Stephen Harper had "inadvertently released 50 Catholic entities from their contractual responsibility to try to raise up to $25-million for aboriginal healing programs". The Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan is the superior trial court for the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The court's Chief Justice, currently the Honourable Mar Temporary judges may sit anywhere in the province as they are needed. The guidelines summarize how court officials can be expected to respond to the most commonly encountered access requests. The Court sits in nine judicial centres[5][6][7] and actions are generally brought in the judicial centre closest to where the action arose, or the residence or place of business of the defendant.[8]. Saskatchewan's Court of Queen's Bench has adopted new case management technology its chief justice says will "totally revolutionize" that court system. 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 14 and August 11, 2022. Search National Archives of Canada database of the 1906 Census of the Northwest Provinces by province, district name, district number, sub-district number, and/or keyword. Those acts came into effect on March 1, 1918, resulting in the abolition of the Supreme Court of Saskatchewan and the creation of the trial-level Court of King's Bench and the Court of Appeal.[14][15]. September 30, 2011. Starting now, you can access editable Word versions of legislated Queen's Bench Forms directly through the Publications Saskatchewan website here. Information on Case Management in civil, family & criminal matters, Civil claims that exceed $50,000 must be heard in the Court of Kings Bench, The Commercial List was established to deal with commercial insolvency law, Criminal law involves investigating and prosecuting people who may have broken the law, Family law governs the legal aspects of relationships between family members, Information on Judicial Dispute Resolution at the Court of King's Bench. Find services and information for Saskatchewan residents and visitors. The Update anticipates a return to normal . family court; municipal (bylaw) court; small claims court - faq; therapeutic courts. It can also be used to take your request forward to a judge, if necessary. It would be impossible to anticipate all of the types of requests. 11:00 a.m. every Tuesday, except at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 2, September 6, October 11, 2022; January 3, February 21, May 23, 2023.There are NO Chambers on December 6, December 27, 2022, and May 30, 2023. Search by keyword or phrase, case name, citation number, docket number, and/or decision date. October 5, 2012. BETWEEN: APPELLANT. September 30, 2011. She joined the Federal Prosecution Service after her call to the Bar, and later worked in the Office of the Prosecutor for a UN-backed international criminal tribunal in Sierra Leone, West Africa. 10.) 03. Reference staff can assist you in determining in which judicial district and which court a case may have been heard. From time to time, there are vacancies on the Court due to retirements, etc. Justice Gabrielson ruled that Mr. The Court of King's Bench is the Superior Trial Court for the Province, hearing trials in civil and criminal matters and appeals from decisions of the Provincial Court. Alberta is one of a handful of provinces that have kept the name: Manitoba, Saskatchewan. She has a special interest in the intersection of mental health and the justice system and currently serves as Chairperson of the Saskatchewan Review Board. COURT FILE NUMBER COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH FOR SASKATCHEWAN (FAMILY LAW DIVISION) JUDICIAL CENTRE PETITIONER/ CO-PETITIONERS RESPONDENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF INFORMATION NOTE This Form has 7 schedules. 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 19, October 4, November 1, November 29, 2022; January 17, February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9, and June 6, 2023. Consent and Acknowledgement of Trial Date (s) form. The Provincial Archives does not have records from this court. MitchellThe Honourable Judge V. Monar EnweaniThe Honourable Judge M. PennerThe Honourable Judge D. C. ScottThe Honourable Judge. The Court of the King's/Queen's Bench is a court of original jurisdiction. Krogan [6] Regina. Bienvenue; Articling Program. Courts of Saskatchewan website Court of Appeal History. The Access Guidelines also serve as an informative and educative tool for those wishing to better understand how the court system operates and how it implements the open-access principle. These translations are identified by a yellow box in the right or left rail that resembles the link below. It also has some appellate jurisdiction, hearing appeals from the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan and some administrative bodies. Find how the Government of Saskatchewan governs and serves the province. Google Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages. Information on Wills, Estates, & Trusteeships that are handled at the Court of King's Bench, Find the Court of King's Bench Location near you, Edmonton Law Courts Power Outage Update Sittings for January 18, 2023, Edmonton Law Courts Power Outage Update Sittings for January 17, 2023, Profile on The Honourable Justice Sherry Kachur, Edmonton Law Courts Power Outage Update Sittings for January 16, 2023, Lemploi de la langue franaise et service d'interprte, Avis et demande daudience en franais / French Language Notice and Request, Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Service Convention), Adjournment Request - Family Docket Court, Service Outside of Canada (Includes Hague Convention), Guidelines for Documents filed by Email or Digital Upload, Checklist for Filing of Electronic Documents, Criminal - Justice Seized Booking Request Form, Remote Hearings Protocol & Troubleshooting, Review and Assessment Booking Request Form, eNotice of Restricted Access Applications, Notice to Media of Application for Restricting Order, Email Filing Procedures & Naming Conventions. 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court of queen's bench saskatchewan name search