Such counterparty risk is accentuated for contracts with longer maturities where events may intervene to prevent settlement, or where the Funds have concentrated its transactions with a single or small group of counterparties. Combined with stop losses, such hedges are intended to protect the portfolio in the event trades move meaningfully against the direction the Trend Capital anticipated when making the investment. Risks in investments in non-U.S. securities, futures, commodities and other financial instruments may also include reduced and less reliable information about issuers and markets, less stringent accounting standards, illiquidity of securities and markets, higher brokerage commissions and custody fees. In the case of expected credit improvement, the Funds may write credit default protection in which it receives spread income. A copy of the Firms Allocation Policy can be obtained by contacting Trend Capital. If your clients also receive account statements from you, your explanation must include a statement urging clients to compare the account statements they receive from the qualified custodian with those they receive from you. Derivatives that may be purchased or sold by the Funds may include securities and instruments not traded on an exchange. Ashwin Vasan Software Engineer at Amazon Web Services (AWS) Seattle, Washington, United States500+ connections Join to connect University of Colorado Boulder Activity I had a conversation with. The production and marketing of commodities may be affected by actions and changes in governments. Flexible Investment Approach. It is critical that investors refer to the relevant offering documents for a complete understanding of how Trend Capital is compensated for its advisory services. The Firm has adopted and implemented a compliance program to monitor its Funds and managed accounts and mitigate any potential conflicts of interest. Explain how a client may obtain a refund of a pre-paid fee if the advisory contract is terminated before the end of the billing period. Commodity-related instruments may also experience greater price fluctuations than the relevant commodity. Except to the extent that values are independently affected by currency exchange rate fluctuations, when interest rates decline, the value of fixedincome securities generally can be expected to rise. Trend Capital Management LP has been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since January 2, 2013; Trend Capital GP LLC has also been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since January 2, 2013; and Trend Capital Advisers LP has been registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator under the Commodity Exchange Act and has been a member of the National Futures Association since October 16, 2017. Get Directions. Ashwin Vasan (born November 15, 1980) is an American physician and epidemiologist serving as the 44th commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Trend Capital Management LP is a Delaware limited partnership that was formed in May 2011 to manage entities that capitalize on fundamental trends in currencies, interest rates, and credit and equity indices in both developed and emerging markets. Prospective investors must also execute a subscription agreement and, in the case of the Trend Capital sponsored Funds, limited partnership agreements (where applicable). The Funds expect to use and may use a high degree of, leverage as part of the Funds investment program. Such 3 investment objectives, fee arrangements and terms are individually negotiated and it should be noted that any such Managed Account relationships are generally subject to significant account minimums. The Funds are expected to invest a significant portion of their capital outside the United States in non-dollar denominated instruments, including in instruments issued by non-U.S. companies and the governments of non-U.S. countries and in non-U.S. currency. Therefore, increased participation by speculators in the futures market also may cause price distortions. Address 44151 Ashburn Shopping Plaza. The Funds may invest in credit default swaps. There can be no assurance that the Funds will be able to secure or maintain adequate financing. To the extent any Managed Account applies a more stringent standard, Trend Capital will comply with the applicable restrictions. 2022 Trend Capital Management LP, All Rights Reserved. Lenders providing financing to the Funds can apply essentially discretionary margin, haircut, and financing and collateral valuation policies. Trend Capital Management, LLC (TCM) is a Registered Investment Advisor in the states of Kansas and Missouri. First, particular investments may experience outright losses, as in the case of an interest-only instrument in an environment of faster actual or anticipated prepayments. While the Funds intend to invest a substantial portion of the portfolio in liquid securities, there can be no assurance that any of these securities will not become illiquid at some point in time. Further, Trend Capital charges the Funds fees based on a percentage of assets under management via the management fee and performance via the incentive allocation. These transactions are not exchange-traded so that no clearinghouse or exchange stands ready to meet the obligations of the contract. All Rights Reserved. Discuss whether and under what conditions you aggregate the purchase or sale of securities for various client accounts. Moreover, the portfolio will always be exposed to certain risks that may not be hedged. IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE PETER EARLY, Plaintiff, v. TREND CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LP, a Delaware limited partnership, TREND CAPITAL GP LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, TREND CAPITAL LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, and ASHWIN VASAN, Defendants. ADV PART 2A OF FORM ADV FIRM BROCHURE Trend Capital Management LPTrend Capital Advisers LP1800 N. Military Trail, Suite 475Boca Raton, FL 33431Tel: 561-617-5086March 30, 2020 This Brochure provides information about the qualifications and business practices of TrendCapital Management LP and Trend Capital Advisers LP (collectively, "Trend Capital" orthe "Firm"). Explain the procedures you used during your last fiscal year to direct client transactions to a particular broker-dealer in return for client referrals. If the only thing you know about sports is who wins and who loses, you are missing the highest stakes action of all. Margin requirements. b. Price movements of derivative contracts are also influenced by, among other things, interest rates, changing supply and demand relationships, trade, fiscal, monetary and exchange control programs and policies of governments and national and international political and economic events and policies. Prior to Shumway, Mr. Vasan was a Partner and Portfolio Manager at Tudor Investment Corporation from 1999 to 2009. Find out more, Asset managers interested in licensing Citywire Fund Manager Ratings should contact For example, in a directed brokerage account, the client may pay higher brokerage commissions because you may not be able to aggregate orders to reduce transaction costs, or the client may receive less favorable prices. Trend Capital applies rigorous fundamental macroeconomic analysis and a disciplined portfolio construction framework to generate absolute returns with low correlation to the markets. The amount of borrowings and leverage which the Funds may have outstanding at any time may be substantial in relation to their capital. A self-regulatory organization (SRO) proceeding in which your firm or a management person. The limitation of potential (and actual) loss in any period of time is pivotal to the investment framework of the Trend Macro Fund or Enhanced Return. Prospective investors must recognize that in investing in the Funds, they are placing their capital indirectly under the full discretionary management of Trend Capital and authorizing Trend Capital indirectly to trade for the Funds. In general, Trend Capital seeks to achieve this investment objective by taking both long and short positions in a variety of fixed income instruments and derivatives, foreign currencies,foreign exchange forwards and foreign exchange derivatives, as well as in various derivative products linked to credit and equity indices. Changes in liquidity may result in significant, rapid and unpredictable changes in the prices for derivatives. If you charge advisory fees in addition to commissions or markups, disclose whether you reduce your advisory fees to offset the commissions or markups.Not applicable. Since many fixed rate obligations will be discount instruments when interest rates and/or spreads are high and will be premium instruments when interest rates and/or spreads are low, such debt instruments and asset-backed instruments may be adversely affected by changes in prepayments in any interest rate environment. The value of a derivative depends largely upon price movements in the underlying asset. However, ETF shareholders are generally subject to the same risk as holders of the underlying securities they are designed to track. Investing in these markets may involve heightened risks (some of which could be significant) and special considerations not typically associated with investing in other more established economies or securities markets. Trading in derivatives can result in large amounts of operational leverage. If you have been the subject of a bankruptcy petition at any time during the past ten years, disclose this fact, the date the petition was first brought and the current status. Incentive AllocationIn addition, the applicable Funds general partner (or other Trend Capital affiliate) may receive an incentive allocation if net profits allocated to the respective master funds capital account exceed net losses allocated to that account, subject to a loss carryforward provision. In addition, brokers may provide other services that are beneficial to Trend Capital, but not necessarily beneficial to the Funds, including, without limitation, capital introduction, marketing assistance, consulting with respect to technology, operations or equipment and other services or items. Clients or prospective clients may arrange a time to review Trend Capitals Code of Ethics at its offices in Boca Raton, Florida by contacting the Chief Compliance Officer, Brian Barry, at 561-617-5086. Purchasing financial instruments to cover the exercise of an uncovered call option can cause the price of the financial instruments to increase, thereby exacerbating the loss. . Describe whether (and, if so, how) your clients can direct your vote in a particular solicitation. Describe the factors that you consider in selecting or recommending brokerdealers for client transactions and determining the reasonableness of their compensation (e.g., commissions). As explained in Item 10.C above, Trend Capital currently acts as the investment manager for each of the Funds and investment adviser or designated portfolio manager to three (3) Managed Accounts. Describe the content and indicate the frequency of regular reports you provide to clients regarding their accounts. If you participate in wrap fee programs by providing portfolio management services, (1) describe the differences, if any, between how you manage wrap fee accounts and how you manage other accounts, and (2) explain that you receive a portion of the wrap fee for your services. Derivatives typically allow an investor to hedge or speculate upon the price movements of a particular security, financial benchmark or index at a fraction of the cost of acquiring, borrowing or selling short the underlying asset. If you do, describe the frequency and nature of the review and the titles of the supervised persons who conduct the review. The Funds are not required to hedge any particular risk in connection with a particular transaction or its portfolio generally and may elect to not hedge its risks at all. Identify the related person and if the relationship or arrangement creates a material conflict of interest with clients, describe the nature of the conflict and how you address it. However, there is no guarantee that any such borrowing arrangements or other arrangements for obtaining leverage will be available, or, if available, will be available on terms and conditions acceptable to the Funds. The Funds may invest a portion of their assets in financial instruments of issuers domiciled or operating in emerging and developing markets. If you routinely recommend, request or require that a client direct you to execute transactions through a specified broker-dealer, describe your practice or policy. No credit card required. Trend Capital has broad latitude with respect to the management of the Funds risk parameters. Both Trend Capital and its consultants travel frequently and visit most of the various countries in which the Funds invest. Each such document constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the investor, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. ault Swaps; Other Derivatives. Managed account trade error policies are the subject of negotiated agreements and may vary. Although the ERISA Funds are in scope of the services agreement between Trend Capital and MLPF&S, the ERISA Funds have not been onboarded to the MLPF&S platform. Ashwin has 1 job listed on their profile. Each Funds offering documents contain a detailed description of the applicable Funds fee schedule.Management Fee. He received his BA in Economics from the University of Nebraska, his MA in Economics from San Diego State University and completed three years of PhD work at New York University. If you or any of your supervised persons accepts compensation for the sale of securities or other investment products, including asset-based sales charges or service fees from the sale of mutual funds, disclose this fact and respond to Items 5.E.1, 5.E.2, 5.E.3 and 5.E.4. ashwin vasan Founder and cio at Trend Capital Management LP . Describe the methods of analysis and investment strategies you use in formulating investment advice or managing assets. If you or a related person recommends securities to clients, or buys or sells securities for client accounts, at or about the same time that you or a related person buys or sells the same securities for your own (or the related persons own) account, describe your practice and discuss the conflicts of interest it presents. The management fee for Class C and Class D Interests/Shares is at the annual rate of 1.5%, provided the aggregate subscription amount (less any withdrawals/redemptions other than withdrawals/redemptions of aggregate net profits, which, for this purpose, any amounts withdrawn or redeemed will be first applied against aggregate net profits, if any) meets or exceeds a threshold amount set forth in the applicable offering documents. Hedging Transactions. In order to manage this conflict of interest, Trend Capitals Code of Ethics requires related persons of Trend Capital to obtain prior written approval from the Compliance Department before engaging in securities transactions in their personal accounts. Trend Capital may invest in zero coupon bonds and deferred interest bonds, which are debt obligations issued at a significant discount from face value. It typically will not concentrate the portfolio in individual positions or groups of correlated positions to the extent that losses from such areas of concentration would be so extreme that the portfolio could not possibly generate returns from other positions mitigating or exceeding such losses. The minimum and additional subscription amounts are reduced for each investor introduced to one of the Trend Macro Funds by Merrill Lynch. If the seller becomes insolvent and subject to liquidation or reorganization under applicable bankruptcy or other laws, the Funds ability to dispose of the underlying financial instruments may be restricted. Forgot your password? When deemed appropriate for a large or strategic investor, Trend Capital has established, and may again in the future establish, a Managed Account that will tailor its investment objectives to those of the specific investor (including restrictions on investing in certain types of securities) and/or be subject to different terms and/or fees than those of the Funds. As of December 31, 2019, Trend Capital and its affiliates have $1,690,535,398 of regulatory assets under management and $1,348,292,058 of net assets under management, which are managed on a discretionary basis. The original discount approximates the total amount of interest the bonds will accrue and compound over the period until maturity or the first interest accrual date at a rate of interest reflecting the market rate of the security at the time of issuance. The purpose of these visits is to ascertain the views of domestic policymakers, both private and public, assess the state of domestic businesses and business conditions, understand domestic politics and understand local investor sentiment as well as supply/demand conditions, so that these qualitative factors may be incorporated into Trend Capitals portfolio decisions. The Funds may incur risks associated with the sale and purchase of call options. Conversely, a decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar will have the opposite effect of magnifying the effect of increases and reducing the effect of decreases in the prices of the Funds non-U.S. dollar financial instruments. View company leaders and background information for Trend Capital Management Lp. Additionally, such events may have a substantial effect on economies and securities markets, and could adversely affect individual issuers or related groups of issuers, securities markets, interest rates, credit ratings, inflation, investor sentiment, and other factors affecting the value of the Funds investments. Live from New York and Hong Kong, bringing you the essential stories from the close of the U.S. markets to the open of trading across Asia. Such intervention often is intended directly to influence prices and may, together with other factors, cause all of such markets to move rapidly in the same direction because of, among other things, interest rate fluctuations. financial markets are not as developed or as efficient as those in the U.S. and as a result, price volatility may be higher for the Funds investments. 2. Trend Capital Advisers LP is a Delaware limited partnership that was formed in February 2017 to advise certain managed accounts, the Opportunities Funds and their SPs. Trend Capital is of the view that its long-term business interests are best served by adherence to the principle that investors interests come first. Indicate whether you periodically review client accounts or financial plans. These transactions are not subject to exchange rules. If the method of analysis or strategy involves significant or unusual risks, discuss these risks in detail. During a single trading day, no trades may be executed at prices beyond the daily limit. Volatility may also be caused by government intervention, direct and by regulation, in certain markets, particularly those in currencies, financial instruments, futures and options. For purposes of this Brochure, each such account is referred to as a Managed Account and together with the Funds, the Advisory Clients. Ashwin Vasan, Trend Capitals Chief Investment Officer, reviews the Advisory Clients trading accounts on a daily basis. Restricted financial instruments may involve a high degree of business and financial risk which may result in substantial losses. for with commission dollaAny use of commissions or soft dollars generated by the Advisory Clients to pay for brokerage and research products or services will fall within the safe harbor created by Section 28(e) of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Generally speaking, the minimum initial investment for each investor in the Funds (with the exception of the Opportunities Funds) is $1,000,000 or $25,000,000 (depending on the Fund and Class of Interests/Shares in which an investor subscribes) and the minimum investment for additional subscriptions is $500,000, subject, in each case, to waiver, reduction or change at the discretion of Trend Capital, the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board, as applicable. Conversely, when interest rates rise, the value of fixed-income instruments generally can be expected to decline. Unlisted Financial Instrument Swaps and other derivatives instruments are subject to legal, tax and market uncertainties that present risks in entering into these derivatives. At times, certain market makers have refused to quote prices for forward contracts, or have quoted prices with an unusually wide spread between the price at which they are prepared to buy and sell. As a result, the Funds may suffer losses if it invests in equity instruments of issuers whose performance diverges from Trend Capitals expectations or if equity markets generally move in a single direction and the Funds has not hedged against such a general move. Trend Capital and its management persons have no other relationships or arrangements with any of the related persons listed above that are material to Trend Capitals advisory business or its clients. Companies whose securities are not publicly traded may not be subject to public disclosure and other investor protection requirements applicable to publicly traded securities. Provide your fee schedule. As of March 30, 2020, Trend Capital is submitting its annual amendment to the Brochure. View ashwin vasan's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Before joining Tudor, he was a Portfolio Manager at Oppenheimer Funds with oversight of the international fixed income business. The seller of an uncovered call option assumes the risk of a Theoretically unlimited increase in the market price of the underlying financial instrument above the exercise price of the option. Founder and cio at Trend Capital Management LP Delray Beach . Managed Accounts:As described in Item 4.A above, Trend Capital also provides advisory servicesto Managed Accounts, the fees for which are separately negotiated with theadvisory client. Commodity-Related Instruments. All such referral activities will be conducted in accordance with SEC Rule 206(4)-3 under the Advisers Act as well as relevant SEC guidance. Because of the absence of any trading market for unlisted securities, it may take longer to liquidate, or it may not be possible to liquidate, positions in unlisted securities than would be the case for publicly traded securities. Thus, the Funds face the risk that their counterparties may not perform their obligations. This Foreign Limited Liability company is located at 1800 N. MILITARY TRAIL, SUITE 475, BOCA RATON, FL, 33431, US and has been running for seven years. Portfolio Manager at Shumway Capital . Trend Capital neither tailors its advisory services to the individual needs of investors nor accepts investor-imposed investment restrictions with respect to the Funds. Show parenthetically the market or fair value of securities included at cost. If someone who is not a client provides an economic benefit to you for providing investment advice or other advisory services to your clients, generally describe the arrangement, explain the conflicts of interest and describe how you address the conflicts of interest. Explain that directing brokerage may cost clients more money. Relatively small futures positions have the potential to significantly erode or erase the Funds gains in other investments. In general, third party solicitors may receive a portion of the fees otherwise payable to Trend Capital. Trend Capital takes a balanced approach to investing the Trend Macro Funds or Enhanced Returns assets. Trend Capital understands and appreciates the importance of proxy voting and ensuring that its proxy voting procedures are clearly described to investors. The portfolio turnover rate of those investments may be significant and could involve substantial brokerage commissions and other transaction costs. a. Trend Capital does not manage any Advisory Client assets on a non-discretionary basis. Trend Capital will always select brokers on the basis of seeking best execution and may consider capital introduction services as one among many relevant factors. 44. Generally, there is no public or over-the-counter trading market for these financial instruments and the Funds might only be able to liquidate these positions at highly disadvantageous prices, if at all. The Funds will usually enter into swaps on a net basis (i.e., the two payment streams are netted out in a cash settlement on the payment date or dates specified in the agreement). A short sale creates the risk of a theoretically unlimited loss, in that the price of the underlying financial instrument could theoretically increase without limit, thus increasing the cost to the Funds of buying those financial instruments to cover the short position. Trend Capital may retain an independent third party to vote proxies in certain situations (including situations where a material conflict of interest is identified). Advertisements. Disclose whether the fees are negotiable.The Funds offer interests or shares, as applicable, only to certain qualified investors and admission in the Funds is not open to the general public. If you are an SEC-registered adviser, briefly describe your code of ethics adopted pursuant to SEC rule 204A-1 or similar state rules. The investment manager may also invest up to 10% of the applicable master funds net asset value (determined as of the date of the last purchase) in single-name corporate CDS and other credit securities. C. A. The respective general partner (or other Trend Capital affiliate) may, in its sole discretion, waive, reduce or calculate differently the incentive allocation with respect to certain investors. 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ashwin vasan trend capital