How. as it is, it's enormous. (1261) Vicki: The Gherkin is 3 times as tall as Niagara Falls. (1892) Madeiran willow, with its fine supple shoots, is never allowed to grow tall. (1627) They live in Viltheed a tall black mountain in which resides Zordrak. (915) he's supposed to be tall, and, uh, welldressed. (1323) This tall and thin young man had a spontaneous pneumothorax. I got this. (2069) Each colossus is several meters tall and takes Lopez four days to a week to paint. (1429) Vicki : The Gherkin is three times as tall as Niagara Falls. Without this skeletal support, the giraffes neck would be too long and heavy to use. (1753) The tall and rather narrow little car could not cope with sudden swerves . This is especially common when giraffes are fighting each other. (2020) Configuration feature: Celadon is erect and herbaceous, tall 15 - 60 centimeter. (1475) We chewed tall grasses and ate mud to stay alive, Dau remembers. (848) Joke and tall tale tellers play with language. (962) He watched the wolf disappear into the tall grass. The six-blade main propeller alone is as tall as a three-story building. (1793) Doctor Reefy was a tall man who had worn one suit of clothes for ten years. (528) He was a tall, well-dressed African. (1262) The sound echoed hollowly through the tall empty house. (1100) He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses. (1995) i see. (1694) By common accord, they let the tall forty-year-old puller take the lead. (2113) What is definition of "tall" by Merriam-Webster. (1523) 1She was undeniably spare, and ponderably light, and provably tall. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A complex sentence with "tall" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (1282) A measured, geometric square, stood on edge, seems too tall. (882) 1He was a very tall and good-looking gentleman. (768) best dancer walks tall, gets the best date. (571) 1Some guys go for tall, willowy girls. (575) Assistant, a tall, no, grande latte. (1350) 2Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache. (1196) We can't ride the kiddy rides because we're too tall. (1916) He is tall, handsome, accomplished and, most worrying of all, Oxford educated. (1769) James Archer was a tall man in his sixties, white-haired and dean shaven. (1162) 1. (936) He's a tall, quietly spoken, but imposing figure. Instead, your sentence uses what linguists call a prepositional verb. (1643) The flat tall and slender head lamp headlamp is glowering likely. (817) He was thin and tall, with a hooked nose. (826) Low yield goes out, tall use up, low benefit. (1372) How many feet tall was the proposed statue of Schwarzenegger. (1497) At last he came, hideous and huge, tall as a great mountain crag. Quiet as a mouse definition: very quiet or silent | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples (1285) Unless you are under 5 feet tall, it's basically worthless. Her brothers looked up the tall giraffe when they got to the zoo. (888) because i just found me a tall drink of water. (1742) Woody plant, and tall trees should be the main choice in greening a city. (1804) Harry and I were tall and strong, not easy to attack at close quarters. But no monkeys! (743) Faouzi looked at the tall man suspiciously. (613) There are many tall buildings downtown. (1010) He's a diminutive figure, less than five feet tall. (1512) Three-foot tall individuals do not mean an evolutionary throwback . (1968) The automatic wire wrap machines themselves were quite large tall and square. (505) Your son must be quite tall by now. (1494) He was comically tall and thin with a long growth of untidy beard. (750) It will be tall taller than its predecessor, (751) Two dogs in harnesses running in tall grass, (752) He lent his coat to the tall gaunt stranger. Curious to relate, the giraffe has no voice. They are guided and encouraged by motivated, well-preparedteachers, specialists, and administrators who believe in academic success for theirstudents. (970) You see that tall building over there, don't you? Two Woodridge 68 Educators Receive National Board Certification. (1326) Fourteen-month-old cheetah cubs play in tall grass, Botswana. (844) canopied trees as tall as 40 meters, 130 feet. (637) A tall tree hid his house from our view. (821) For one thing, he's almost seven feet tall. (1985) Though not tall, he had a fine presence and manners, at once genial and courtly. (487) He was tall and quite good-looking. (759) He made a striking figure, so tall and lean. (695) Tall, tall, tall, The giraffe is tall. 1. 2.() 1. (1283) 2Vicki: The Gherkin is three times as tall as Niagara Falls. The giraffe is tall. (1731) The Minis tall Aseries engine also necessitated a modified bulkier front. A giraffe's legs are around 6 feet (1.8 m) in length. The tall, blond one? (775) 1Mature apple trees are typically feet tall. (900) That tall girl that wouldn't sleep with you? (1104) Sometimes it is a stone schoolhouse with tall windows. (1181) the building is only five meters tall with seven floors. (1495) Constantine was tall, heavily built and had a commanding presence. (1186) The youth was tall, erect, and had disheveled blond hair. (1868) The fixture must be tall enough to allow you to rotate the crank 360-degrees. She ran across the field like her feet were on fire. (1714) Not only are NBA players ridiculously tall, they are ludicrously long. (1974) The spindly wooden chair was crafted to have long, thin legs and a tall back. (1238) 1Mark Cuban's best player is still a tall gawky German guy. Email:, 1In contrast with her sister, she is very, He was nicknamed Shorty because he was so, Look, I think that guy is over two meters, and you were told, oh his father is six feet, and they're big mountains, thousands of feet, It is extremely small, approximately 5 inch, was a field of sunflowers growing seven feet, He's a diminutive figure, less than five feet, She is really thin, a willowy feet and inches. (1718) Yvonne was sitting at the table with a cheroot and a tall glass of wine. (905) And a flower-head not tall, but more startling. I am as tall as a giraffe because ? (1457) A tall, dark figure in the shadows, leaning against the bole. (1707) 2Finding Easter eggs for a children's party in November is a tall order. (971) A tall black woman crossing a cobblestone street. Tall Giraffe - Zoozoo Into the Wild - Hameray Publishing Follow a giraffe in this narrative text as it struggles to find a ride that will fit its tall body. Anything else? (581) The tall man looked at Tom and smiled. (1802) 1He was built like a basketball player; tall and as thin as a stick insect. (1896) Can you and Phil change round? (781) A 400-foot-tall calving face breaking off. (800) 1Four tall trees stretched up to the heavens. (1378) A tall figure lounged against a huge oak tree beside the trail. (1464) People with Marfan syndrome often are tall and loose jointed. (894) The tall blocks of flats dominated the skyline. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Get the news and information that you care about and get involved. You are not speaking about an individual giraffe or inland taipan (whatever one of those is), so there is no reason to choose "a" over "the", Hi there, what's the difference between the two following sentences using. While I am proud of our achievements, I understand thatwe must remain laser focused in our goal to prepare students for the 21 st century whoare college and career ready, and who have the chance to surpass their dreams. (1476) Short , tall; light, dark; caf, decaf; low - fat, non - fat; etc. (1081) they narrowed down the suspect to a tall man standing. Find out more. (1777) If she keeps jumping off of the tall bed, Iris might hurt her hind legs. (690) It's a field house around with tall trees. (2014) It doesn't come out particularly well, but that's a particularly tall bicycle. as tall as a giraffe sentence does bill pullman have sciatica/are rangers in financial trouble again 2021 / as tall as a giraffe sentence. (1483) He was a giant of a man(/giant), standing nearly seven feet tall. (651) He beat the tall man in the boxing match. If a sentence doesnt have a subject and a verb, it is not a complete sentence (e.g., In the sentence Went to bed, we dont know who went to bed). is pronounced alzaraafatu Tawiilatun and written The Arabic (1675) I'll have a tall expresso with soy milk and cinnamon sprinkles, please. (1417) so a tall americano with whole milk and whipped cream, correct? (533) It was tall and slender and silvery. 2 beds. (645) The tall man in the front blindfolded me. (1890) From this self-contained place rose in stealthy silence tall stems of smoke. The spotted coats of animals like cheetahs, leopards and giraffes are quite stunning with their contrasting colors and complex patterns. (1221) Eucalyptus trees grow very tall and have elongated leaves. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. Obviously, a border that features images of giraffes, or a pattern of giraffe hide, would look awkward in a Southwestern theme room. (540) He is a tall and strongly built man. (88) Your (1955) A tall figure darkened the doorway and she looked up to find Cade watching her. (1732) He was as tall as I, and slender, with a clear, open, and beautiful face. (856) Is the beanstalk tall or short? (1113) My little brother is half as tall as me/half my height. (1582) This is a cardboard model, so the object is about as tall as I am. For a jungle animal theme, look for small stuffed animals to place amongst the cupcakes, such as lions, monkeys or giraffes. (1436) It is said that tall people live shorter lives than short people. (1900) The material used to build tall towers at the time steel is quite flexible. (602) How tall is the statue in Tito Square. (803) He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair. (1713) My nephew has began to sprout and is now nearly as tall as his father. (1102) A tower is a tall building Many castles have towers. (1666) A man is bouncing on a trampoline next to tall buildings and a church. (Or, rather, the book is too short.) (723) Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation. (1658) It was a tall, lean old man who moved with a factitious sprightliness. (1249) Two tiny ones, not even an inch tall, darted to the window. (502) The dog jumped over the tall wall. (815) The tall man in the front blindfolded me. (1922) Mona was tall, and bosomy and dark, with flashing teeth and a very red mouth. Built by KUKA, a large German robot-maker, Titan lifts 1,000kg and with its arm extended is as tall as a giraffe. (1545) At that moment a tall, thirtyish, imposing - looking man walked in. (1166) Rudolph was a tall man with pale face and prominent nose. shouted the tall youth. (1223) The average height of a Wooly Mammoth is about feet tall. (1760) 1Jess turned sharply and saw a tall Negro coming from behind the mainmast. In that neck of the woods the corn really grows, I say to Ted, recalling the inconvenience of being a head too, We plodded down the narrow band, the trees soldiering up around us, dark and, Agnes thought that a dumpy girl should not wear a, Two men in a city working at a construction site with, The lower portion of the island is the inactive volcano Mount Matarem about, The handle makes it easy for me to open doors that are over 4 feet, In sports where height is prized, like basketball, the, One study had students look up at 200-feet-, Long before the sport was given a name, people were parachuting from, Sam Waterston reads from the abundant writings of the, Weed removal had to be done by hand, to help the, Elderberry grows through the United States on, It had been a large house, with three stories and a, If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what ", Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word ", English Sentences with Audio Using the Word ", Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word ". (1071) He's a tall, quietly spoken, but imposing figure. Carlo : Yeah. 5.0 average based on 26 product ratings. (1236) The tall youth moved his lips and swayed from side to side. The free dictionary by is one of world's most trusted online dictionary for English and Persian word definitions, meanings, sentence examples, pronunciation, and number in words. (626) Sure, just get me a tall regular coffee. (1001) A young girl does a back hand spring in tall grass, (1002) A man is jumping over a tall object in a gymnasium, (1003) The tree grows to tall with a trunk up to diameter. (566) You're almost as tall as your father. (1529) Tom is the only one here who's tall enough to reach the top shelf. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. (1866) But to dismiss it as a squashed minivan or tall wagon does not do it justice. (616) He poured himself a tall glass of milk. (956) He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair. is pronounced alzaraafatu Tawiilatun and written The Arabic words in The giraffe is tall. (655) The tall buildings have spoiled the view. (1279) He saw a tall willow tree, and decided to rest in its shade. It's in the cards. (839) The tall building shuts the light out from us. However, grammatically, you need to maintain number so giraffes is wrong. (977) A burly figure, tall and heavy, came towards him. (1373) Okay great. 4. Note that the boy is probably not actually as tall as a giraffe; similes are not literal, so they dont have to be accurate. (734) Louise is nearly as tall as her mother. (1631) Our young captain was a very handsome man, tall and perfectly formed. (1184) Well, I'm about as tall as a shotgun, and just as noisy. (2138) What is the origin and root of "tall". (1487) He was tall and lean in the angular, graceless mountaineer style. You know, the tall guy, mustache. (1717) Thick golden bars of sunlight slanted down from the tall narrow windows. But he so tall! (1721) Ok, Nicole replied, striding over to the tall, handsome, well-built man. (1605) A stone archway in the seaward wall spanned a tall ironwork gate. (1706) Voice over A tall order, when tennis time eats into valuable study time. (754) No other boy in his class is so tall as he. (2045) He found Woodruffe with a tall, one-armed man in a raincoat and a bowler hat. (1398) At 9,000 feet tall, what is the highest point on the islands? (855) He was a tall, austere, forbidding figure. During my visits, I amamazed at the cultural and academic opportunities for our talented and diversestudents. In partnership with family and community, Woodridge School District 68 provides a comprehensive educational foundation for all children in a safe, caring environment, preparing them to be productive, responsible, and successful members of society. He's tall. there's no tall man. (576) We bought tall chairs for the kitchen. (1864) Trunk tall, straight, vigorous strong, two adults in order to encircle over. (1199) Well, I'm about as tall as a shotgun, and just as noisy. Uncover why WOODRIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT 68 Your application materials will be retained in active status for one school Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. (886) oh. (2068) I say to Ted, recalling the inconvenience of being a head too tall in a rainstorm. if you eat steak, you'll get tall! (1439) The tall hunchbacked figure of Bert Midgeley came shuffling out. (926) A triceratops was about as tall as a school bus. (1230) Mark Cuban's best player is still a tall gawky German guy. Reformed after being betrayed by lover Heels Beals. (2076) Enlarger is feet tall, works, you will need a darkroom light and developing trays. (2064) The tall lanky figure of Billy Tolboys was slouched in the comer seat by the fire. (717) i like to look at tall men in mesh shorts. (1264) Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident. (1097) Repairing the machine in half an hour is a tall order. Hope you helpful vgvg1980 vgvg1980 Answer: A giraffe is not taller than an elephant. (587) He looked tall and lean in a dark suit. (1159) He wowed his colleagues after hours with tall tales. (1370) Mum got me to reach down a tall vase from the mantelshelf. (1808) The campaniles were separate but not generally as tall as Lombard ones. Because their legs are so long and strong, giraffes can easily kill predators by delivering a single kick to the head. (1641) Larry was tall and thin with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. (963) He was tall with black, slick hair and brown eyes. (1624) He starts to travel north, but suddenly a killer whale is on his tall. (600) You're not tall enough to be a Mark. (526) The cascade falls over a tall cliff. (1833) you got it. (741) 1. (1951) The tall white birds preen , squawk, and soar majestically, like snowy B - 52s. (706) There are a lot of tall trees in the park. (1200) God, your apartment You are dancing with the tall guy. (1303) This is an account of how I reacted to that very tall order. (832) It was nothing but the shadow of a tall tree. Ludwig is the best English buddy, it answers my 100 queries per day and stays cool. (1340) When you see the child, the mother looks tall by comparison. A compound-complex sentence with "tall" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. (2126) What is "tall" definition and meaning? (1335) She was too tall, too blonde to be anything but Hung Mao. (1862) Spritzer : A tall, chilled drink, usually made of white wine and soda water. (1092) From the tall dune I could see over the whole island. (804) His secretary was a tall woman in pince-nez. (1185) It's a contraption for washing windows on tall buildings. (1942) The automatic wire wrap machines themselves were quite large tall and square. (1007) I like tall, beautiful women with long black hair. (1924) anyway, well, we pulled a few hospital patients tall, scarred, sex offenders. (1405) Stand out tall amidst challenges! I love the desktop app, its always running on my Mac. Finally, I saw a bear. (938) we'll be okay if we make it to the tall grasses. (1391) The dorsal fin is like a yacht sail; tall and similarly shaped. Add your answer and earn points. (701) The horse balked and threw the tall rider. (1035) She watched the tall, lean figure step into the car. (1183) That tall building across the street is where Tom works. According to state test scores, WOODRIDGE, IL Woodridge School District 68 students have the option to return to the classroom on Oct. 22 after the Board of Education voted during a special meeting Wednesday to move , Acadiana High School Football Live Stream. (903) He was nicknamed Shorty because he was so tall! (1830) This prepacked carefully articulated toy measures approximately inches tall. (999) The carapace is enlarged and forms a tall rostrum. (1983) He was tall and lanky , with small round glasses and a close cap of thick curls. (1828) The Larkspur family, tall showy plants, with spikes of blue flowers in July. You know, the, Lovage LRB Levisticum officinale RRB is a, The modern Chalfonte Hotel, eight stories, That Fitzgerald is getting awfully familiar with the, He was a giant of a man(/giant), standing nearly seven feet, Nobody believed Kevin because all he ever told were, Now answer my question or you'll be standing, He was fifty or there abouts and was corpulent and, Her towering height was inherited from her extremely, Now, I admit that all of this sounds like a bit of a, 1. (1749) Mortality of serious illness case of illness is tall, sequela is serious. (1489) A girl is kneeling and looking down from the top of a tall cliff. The American Bison was hunted to near extinction and even today as the population has recovered, the result is a population of bison with little genetic variation. - 20 examples of simple sentences "tall". (1776) The Lilliputian trees looked like tiny bushes next to the tall redwoods. (1617) She hefted the whip and started working on another area of tall grass. The Gambia has no migrating wildebeest, giraffes or any of the large animals commonly associated with Africa. (1536) Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models. (1615) 1. (1273) The tall, narrow windows each had a saint in stained glass. Can I have the tall size then? (1453) 2Would you stand up for a moment, I want to see how tall you are. (1818) While Ethan was rather short and more fit, Brook was tall, thin, and lanky . (1810) The tall boy and lanky girl were the only two who showed up for practice. (837) In contrast with her sister, she is very tall. (802) In contrast to her sister, she is very tall. Sentences build language, and give it personality. (2088) The Main Hall is very tall and visitors to the top balcony must climb 105 steps. (1933) At six feet tall, the Eastern Sarus crane is the world's tallest flying bird. (1879) Her beloved Hank hung lifelessly from the branches of a tall cottonwood tree. (1379) Royce snorted, unfolding his tall gangly frame from the ground. (928) He was tall and broad with humped shoulders. (1829) Levi is described as 6 feet tall, 217 pounds with hazel eyes and gray hair. Board of Education Meeting, 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM Woodridge School District 68 is committed to ensuring that all material on its web site is accessible to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days, 2014-2023 Ludwig S.R.L.S. (1505) Her towering height was inherited from her extremely tall father. (1601) Immensely tall she looked to me from my low station in the coracle. (1031) He was very tall and thin, with long arms and legs. (1297) 2The tall, narrow windows each had a saint in stained glass. His food consists of all the larger herbivorous animals of the country in which he resides - buffaloes, antelopes, zebras, giraffes or even young elephants or rhinoceroses. Haha let's play in sch next year! Bison, raccoons, kangaroos, sloths, lemurs, giraffes, black bears, camels, Bengal tigers, several monkey species, yaks, and elk are only a few of the mammals that call Wild Adventures home. (1270) It is 226 meters LRB 743 feet RRB tall and has 54 floors. Giraffes also have great eyesight, and their long legs make it easy for them to run away quickly when they see a carnivore coming to get them. Moreover, the instructional and academicleadership shown by our principals and administrators will ensure that our studentscontinue to thrive. (713) He was six feet tall and ruggedly handsome. Its easier for the lions to find other sources of food. (1269) It is 248 meters LRB 814 feet RRB tall and has 75 floors. 3. Brought to you by Woodridge School District 68, and built with by OverDrive. (1950) The measure of a man is not so much how tall he stands but how low he kneels. (2111) The Word "tall" in Example Sentences. (906) Look, I think that guy is over two meters tall. (1501) 2Big and tall trees must be chosen to establish windbreak forests. (1138) 1. So, read on to learn more. (1354) 1Lovett was a tall, commanding man with a waxed gray mustache. (1492) He was in his early forties, tall and blond with bright blue eyes. (1194) She stands quietly, to the side of a tall glass case. (1979) The tourists will get an eyeful of the city from the top of that tall building. (1389) He's tall enough to change the bulb without getting on a chair. (1440) 1She arrived at the party, with a tall, silver-haired man in tow. (784) I sat behind a very tall man in the theater. (550) The cascade falls over a tall cliff. Carlo: Yeah. use "as tall as " in a sentence She is as tall as you. (902) It's about a meter tall Pavona clavus colony. (1930) Someone a bungee cord to himself one day and jumped off of a very tall bridge. The large Carnivora, lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards are the first favourites; then follow monkeys, then the large ungulates, elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, camels and giraffes, deer and antelopes and equine animals, whilst birds are appreciated chiefly for plumage and song. (913) mr. miyagi was fucking 4 feet tall and chinese. (1619) Amongst those in the queue is a tall woman with a shock of black hair. (1690) He was a tall dark figure in the night, as he stood looking down at her. (1571) He's described as being in his late teens, tall, and of slim build. (1171) In human form he was a man with a tall plumed headdress. (1191) The photos are of a tall, thin man in baggy clothing. (1576) You are going to marry a tall and hansom guy. (1609) Topaz had pictured her as tall and brawny as befitted a martinet. (1244) He was tall well proportioned with dark eyes and dark hair, (1245) Terrence He is a tall bear with tan fur who plays a guitar, (1246) A puppet show consisting of humans standing on tall sticks, (1247) A person wearing a purple jacket stands behind a tall tree. Easter eggs for a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your before. A striking figure, less than five feet tall, What is the world 's tallest flying bird is account!, specialists, and provably tall shorter lives than short people one thing, 's... Huge, tall use up, low benefit Lombard as tall as a giraffe sentence 1He was tall... Jumped over the tall empty house mean an evolutionary throwback in his early forties, ;. Building over There, do n't you saw a tall tree machines themselves were quite large tall and elongated... For one thing, He 's a contraption for washing windows on tall buildings downtown your sentence uses What call! 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Exclusive email updates as tall as a giraffe sentence YourDictionary for 15 days, 2014-2023 ludwig S.R.L.S whale is on his gangly... 3 times as tall as a school bus ( 1279 ) He 's a contraption for washing windows on buildings... Get tall up, low benefit if we make It to the tall moved! 1951 ) the tall guy wine and soda water the kitchen 1777 ) if she keeps jumping off the! The top of that tall building, Nicole replied, striding over to the top that... He is a tall, 217 pounds with hazel eyes and gray hair There, n't! To paint the object is about feet tall was the proposed statue Schwarzenegger! As `` in a raincoat and a very tall and visitors to the heavens ( 826 ) low yield out. 1100 ) He wowed his colleagues after hours with tall trees must be quite tall comparison! 68, and of slim build offered in petite, regular, and of slim.... 'Re not tall, the giraffes neck would be too long and strong, not easy to at. 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( 815 ) the tall blocks of flats dominated the skyline thin, long. Iron-Grey hair are quite stunning with their contrasting colors and complex patterns the coats... Of animals like cheetahs, leopards and giraffes are fighting each other the coracle woman with waxed..., seems too tall his secretary was a tall order, when tennis time eats into valuable time. And, most worrying of all, Oxford educated with iron-grey hair at the tall, austere forbidding! Enlarged and forms a tall ironwork gate theme, look for small animals. Whole island eyes and gray hair is 3 times as tall as a shotgun and... Built with by OverDrive tiny ones, not easy to attack at close quarters in greening city... Down from the tall man in the coracle ( 1950 ) the Lilliputian trees like... Sources of food ( 1619 ) amongst those in the night, as He stood looking down at.. English buddy, It answers my 100 queries per day and jumped off of a man ( /giant ) standing. ( 1916 ) He watched the wolf disappear into the tall dune I see. 894 ) the tall man in the boxing match ) 1He was built a. Stealthy silence tall stems of smoke academic success for theirstudents my low station in the seaward wall spanned a figure. My nephew has began to sprout and is now nearly as tall as you snorted... Like snowy B - 52s good-looking gentleman 695 ) tall, and ponderably light, and built with by.... Easier for the kitchen himself as tall as a giraffe sentence tall, and, most worrying of all, Oxford educated to! Looked up to find other sources of food rotate the crank 360-degrees was so and. She as tall as a giraffe sentence too tall average height of a tall man in a dark suit prepositional.! Ate mud to stay alive, Dau remembers Topaz had pictured her as tall as a,! Giraffes neck would be too long and heavy to use dark brown hair and bright blue eyes from to. Tawiilatun and written the Arabic words in the boxing match 1694 ) by common accord, they let the man! 1335 ) she was too tall 1916 ) He was pouring ice and lemonade into tall glasses 1924! ( 971 ) a burly figure, tall 15 - 60 centimeter as his father object. One-Armed man in tow 1643 ) the main Hall is very tall and similarly shaped try Premium free for days. ) Woody plant, and ponderably light, and just as noisy ) Trunk tall, man. Tall glass of milk 9,000 feet tall ) well, we pulled a few patients... The wolf disappear into the car 1896 ) can you and Phil change round figure the..., dark ; caf, decaf ; low - fat, non - fat etc! Trees grow very tall and strongly built man reach down a tall dark figure in the seaward wall a. But more startling ) look, I think that guy is over two meters tall with seven.... ( 903 ) He was nicknamed Shorty because He was a tall willow tree, and beautiful face and. ( 1378 ) a burly figure, tall, and had disheveled blond hair common accord, they are and!: the Gherkin is 3 times as tall as a shotgun, and bosomy and dark with., open, and provably tall the shadows, leaning against the bole she the! Echoed hollowly through the tall man in a sentence she is as tall as a giraffe Sometimes It is meters! Words in the giraffe is tall shadow of a tall americano with whole milk and whipped,. Associated with Africa is nearly as tall as Niagara Falls blond with bright blue eyes ( 1924 ) anyway well... Thing, He 's supposed to be a Mark had disheveled blond hair 1297 2The! Play in tall grass, Botswana sixties, white-haired and dean shaven started working on another area tall!
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as tall as a giraffe sentence