Instead of delivering a monologue to introduce yourself, take a more engaging approach by using one of these, Funny Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself, It provides immediate bonding. This allows you to use statements within a specific topic.Next, students choose three statements that they would like to discuss. Icebreakers get everyone in the room in the mood to think critically, share their opinions, and think outside the box., Now that you have a long list of icebreaker questions, we thought it would be nice to close with some tips for using them effectively.. Their responses should list whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. Save them, steal them, share them, make them your own, and most importantly, try some of them out as soon as possible. It may seem like these people always have the right thing to say, but even they will admit thats not the case; theyll tell you they always have the right thing to say to. So, kicking off to a lighthearted start, these are our favourite fun and easy icebreaker questions for you and your team to try. Tell students to stand in the corner that best represents their judgment. You have a point there. Youve gotta admit, even these super-generic questions get conversations flowing far better than one-word greetings. The questions you choose to ask reveal a lot about your personality, and a lot about your promise as a job candidate. Website Accessibility Policy, Exciting Employee Engagement Ideas Introduce the topic. Props required: Youll need a photo, a blank meme, or an uncaptioned cartoon.. This Agree or Disagree Speaking Activity handoutalso includes a blank table to be used as a template. What is the greatest problem in the United States? Have another participant mention something about a colleague's results they agree or disagree with. For a party or family get-together, there is nothing quite as much fun as playing a game of "Would You Rather.". That's a good point. Additional instruction: Have people write down their answers. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Because magic happens when you engage people in discussions., Icebreaker-generated group discussions have the ability to. When the students have finished, each pair joins up with another pair. Privacy Policy Would you rather - I know what true love is. If there are a large number of students under one corner, break students into smaller groups under the opinion statement and have several notetakers. 3. People love receiving compliments and sharing knowledge about what theyre good at. Tell the students they will share their answer with some classmates. Lets chat! I totally agree! What measurements would you like to see included in future change surveys? Icebreakers can be about anything you want, as long as theyre interesting enough to get people talking., A: Good icebreaker questions are open-ended, prompting people to provide more than just a yes-or-no answer. Use these questions to make the most of the small-group setting and start some in-depth conversations. Was anything said that made them change their way of thinking toward sexual harassment? Clowns are scary. Learn the art of brilliant essay writing with help from our teachers. ESL Game Agree to Disagree is a simple no-prep activity to encourage students to speak and discuss a topic. Agreeing. I'm afraid I disagree. method: draw a line on the floor, real or virtual, and place the words agree at one end and disagree at the other end. You will now be able to see a web of how all their goals are connected. Main argument #1. Individuals are more to blame than social conditions for crime and lawlessness in this country. The images provide inspiration for those who cant usually come up with jokes on the spot. Have everyone walk around to as many people as possible and share what they hope to contribute to the meeting. Take a Stand Group Ice Breaker Steps Follow these steps to facilitate a take a stand group ice breaker. A: Icebreaker questions are useful for getting people talking, sharing information, and getting to know one another. Agree or disagree continuum. Designed to make it easier for your company to protect and manage its mobile fleet. We know youve heard this before, but that doesnt make it any less true. Most people will probably be surprised by their own answers during this, This hypothetical question gets people seriously thinking about a situation previous generations had to face., Unique Icebreaker Questions for Large Groups, This prompt produces honest, thoughtful answers, and it helps reluctant speakers avoid that awful feeling of being called out in front of a group., : Have people write down their answers. The emojis we favor convey as much insight about our personalities as much as the words we say., We usually ask people where they want to go, but finding out places people want to avoid helps us understand how our colleagues think in new ways.. Cats or dogs? Its fascinating to hear those differences spoken out loud., Everyones ears perk up when they hear about a new internet quiz., This icebreaker gives everyone a chance to vent and maybe even suggest solutions to help each other out.. Plus, its good to share both positives and negatives. This question lets people pinpoint a funny aspect of themselves they never would have considered otherwise. Give each student a copy of the handout with eight statements. Disagreeing I dont agree! They express their opinions by giving arguments for or against the statement. Fun Office Games & Activities for Employees The rest of the group has to guess which one is false. School Hacks. That's a good point. Its always entertaining to learn what other people find important., Thinking with the feelings of a refrigerator will surely lead to other out-of-the-box thoughts and ideas.. Most people light up when theyre asked to tell their personal stories. This Agree or Disagree Speaking Activity handout also includes a blank table to be used as a template. 5. The vessels broke large ice floes apart into smaller pieces, so that the ship could pass through. A Four Corners debate requires students to show their position on a specific statement (strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree) by standing in a Use the expressions that you learned . Before big stand-up comedy shows, someone will come on before the headliner to get the crowd in the mood to laugh. If you want to get in touch you can reach me at, quick lessons, speaking games, Teaching games, TEFL. Chinese traditional medicine over Western medicine in the treatment of pain and chronic illness. Ask them to arrange themselves in a line from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. The worksheet contains language to help them achieve this. The new kid who just moved from out of town, awkwardly passing by. Outrageous questions expand our creative thinking capacity, and thats perfect for productive meetings., It will demonstrate the impressive capacity we humans have for forgetfulness., The best meetings happen when participants can think up an answer to anything on the spot., It introduces an opportunity for some light humor, but its also a reminder to reflect on the goal of the meeting youre about to start.. Whats the simplest thing somebody can do to cheer you up at work when youre feeling down? Think about the best conversationalists you know. Funny Icebreaker Questions for Interviews, Your interviewer is free to take this question seriously or as a joke. State your position ( essay outline) Body paragraph #1. by if life gives you melons you might be dyslexic 49 FREE Zip A fun Powerpoint conversation presentation with 2 debate sheet handouts including:- rules of arguments and - arguing phrases, from a mild agreement to a strong disagreement. You could then put students into small groups to discuss what theyve written. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. The Icebreaker provided me with helpful information. For example, label them as Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Agree or disagree? This is an important step, as it gives students a licence to repeat and recycle ideas that arent their own and to build a wider knowledge of each topic.Once students have spoken to five or six different partners ask them to return to their seats. Give each student a copy of the handout with eight statements. Terms and Conditions This'll all depend on what topic you wind up choosing in the end. Included are 25 opinion based statements which participants will agree, disagree, or remain neutral about. Support with explanation Interactive with fun images! Webstatements they disagree with. It takes us to the fascinating world of the subconscious., Spreading good advice is always a good idea., This go-to question will be appropriate in any time and any place.. WebThe class comes up with a statement and asked whether they Agree or Disagree with it human. Use them when youre starting a meeting, introducing yourself, introducing others, and any other time you want to warm up a crowd. They read them and write A for agree or D for disagree under each In the right circumstances, icebreaker questions enhance group bonding, empathy, and even learning. 3. This quirky question lightens anyones mood instantly. 2023 Cambridge University Press & Assessment. I totally disagree! FAQ Scaffolding discussions for quiet students. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. No matter who you are, what you do, or where you come from, youll feel proud to work here. WebIcebreaker Activities Speaking Activities English Activities English Fun Students work in pairs, take turns and debate on the given statements. There are also a number of other ways to transition from this exercise to a writing task. When everyones finished, post the answers on the board., Props required: Youll need pens, pencils, and index cards.. Shibabrata Pattanayak. Enter your email address and I'll let you know when there's something new on the site, Create a website or blog at, Micro Role Play 2 challenging and creative, Micro role play future conditionals and time expressions, handout (and are included in the same file), Housemates discussion and decision making activity,, Micro Role Play 2 challenging andcreative. Mcdonald's is the best fast food restaurant. This article provides lists of "Would You Rather" questions for many occasions and different group compositions. Weird Icebreaker Questions for Large Groups, This question gets people thinking out of the box, or really, off the butt., Collective embarrassment brings people together. If you have a significant number of students who lack confidence when speaking, or are especially shy, give everyone a few minutes to make some notes on their chosen statements. Before participants arrive, the group facilitator should turn the conference room into a continuum. Designate This question captures how people see themselves and also reveals what they think needs to be done in the world., . My intermediate classes found this extremely useful and were more engaged than in any previous speaking activity. With each new partner they should swap ideas with each of the topics that they selected for discussion. In addition, it helps students to build from a single opinion on a topic, to a more complex discussion, and can be used as a lead in for practising essay structures. June 1, 2013 Sheila Want an ice breaker for your training or your meeting? Draw a line on the floor, real or imaginary, and place the words Agree and Disagree at the opposite ends. Go around the circle and have each student read a statement aloud. We love it all, and this icebreaker produces it all., Weird Icebreaker Questions for Small Groups. WebSearch this site. Many people have probably considered this at least once. Icebreakers arent just for strangers; these conversational warm-ups can also enhance your interactions with people you know well. Try to continue each discussion for at least five minutes. To become better at reacting to these statements, you need to learn how to properly voice your disagreement.. Knowing how to say I disagree in a polite manner gives you the room to take the lead position in the conversation and gain the respect of others. Describe a time you laughed so hard you thought you would cry, or when you did cry. You will need to use these expressions in a discussion activity. If used as an icebreaker, the statements can be adapted to encourage interaction and sharing. (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. Say something lovely with another team member, and it could be anything you want as long as its respectful and in good judgment. I was just going to say that. Silent Name Game: Ask all the youth to go around and say their names aloud. This introspective question might just motivate people to put 100% into more things. Depending on your training or meeting ask one or more of the following questions and then have a discussion once the choices are made: Good leaders are made. WebExamples of such statements are listed below by discipline: I hope you have four groups gathered in different corners of the class. Choose the categories that you want to bring into your world and see relevant content on your homepage. There is currently a contentious argument over whether parents or teachers are good educators for children. A: Icebreaker questions are useful for getting people talking, sharing information, and getting to know one another. Alternatively, students could write them on pieces of paper and swap them with each other, keeping their discussions in pairs. This can be a tag-team exercise. We use cookies to create the best site experience. After theyve each spoken to two or three people ask them to add opinions theyve heard from other people: I think children should be given pocket money because but James thinks they shouldnt be given pocket money because. Interesting Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself. Protein Modeling Software, Depending on whether they agree or disagree with this statement, students move to one side of the room or the other. 0:15. That students who uses is code of reference handling turbulent feelings do. Who are better teachers? Discuss the role of assumptions and stereotyping in the exercise. Its always delightful to see who has a secret talent for voice acting. I totally agree! Pro-Tip: We recommend trying QuizBreaker as an easy option to start your online trivia contest in winning fashion! Choose one stud. After a specified time period, find out who has the most initialed cells. Introducing Risk Risk statements-YES/NO. Tell them that you will read statements, and after each they should move to the side that best expresses their opinion: I enjoy Summer more than Winter, I think dogs make better pets than cats, and I like . Oreos wants to make a new grossest flavor cookie. In this example the statements are all in the passive to revise the grammar from the previous lesson. Use these questions to make the most of the small-group setting and start some in-depth conversations. This icebreaker fills the room with feel-good vibes. Preference No doubt about it. *. Kids should be able to spend their allowance any way they want to. Have ready a bank of statements that are read out to the class and ask the students to position themselves on the line as to whether they agree or disagree with the statement. Is social media just making it easier for people to stalk others? (LogOut/ work in groups to record information in support of their position. Too much to watch; so little time., The follow-up question possibilities are endless., using an object to launch conversations that dont seem nosey or self-centered., Unique Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself, The time-bending state of flow is a magical experience. This free agreeing and disagreeing activity helps to teach students how to agree and disagree with positive and negative statements. No doubt about it. Use this statement to conduct an agree/disagree game Government of West Bengal. Difficult vocabulary may include pocket money, banned and punished.. Participants are presented with a statement and asked whether they agree or disagree with it. A: You should use icebreaker questions when you want to build rapport. Why do you even want to use icebreakers to get people talking? In the right circumstances, icebreaker questions enhance group bonding, empathy, and even learning. Pro-Tip: Have questions about how to get your event started? When each pair is done, have them join with another pair and rank the topics again so that . What they think you should ask reflects where they think your priorities should be., It helps you gauge the interviewers outlook on the company., The answer provides an interesting way of evaluating the overall personality of a company., With the right audience, this question could lead to a nice session of show-and-tell.. WebPresent the group with a value statement related to the theme of the event. One way to have fun with this is to make up a bunch of cards that say agree or disagree. (strong) No way. (agree with negative statement) Me neither. Companies should have quotas on their executive boards to make them 50% female. Weird Icebreaker Questions for Introducing Yourself. The person left without a spot must stay in the middle and ask a new question. The lists of Agree or Disagree TOEFL Independent Writing topics below will help you prepare for this type of question on your exam. Meetings and possibly even use some of the ideas to develop your own ice breakers. Then start telling jokes and see who cracks first. Read More Have you ever had an older friend that you looked up to? The start of the school year is a terrific time to get to know your students and encourage them time to get to know one another. POINTS Student presents information in a clear, confident voice. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world. They should pick statements where they have strong opinions or a lot to say about the topic.Ask students to compare their choices in pairs. This icebreaker is an agree disagree why not agree disagree statements icebreaker. I was just going to say that. Agree or Disagree. This is a sure-fire way to grab the attention of the audience. The employee care experts at Caroo have curated the Icebreaker Box dedicated to breaking the ice, bonding with your team or celebrating big milestones the right way! Pro-Tip: Get more icebreaker ideas like this one by signing up for The Assist a free weekly email for professionals full of actionable workplace culture, productivity, and leadership inspo. Linear Attenuation Coefficient Of Aluminum, Women are better at teaching children than men are. Keywords The point of the activity is to get students discussing, ideally using academic language. Interesting Icebreaker Questions for Interviews, It showcases your ambitions and tells you if the company supports passions., The answer might be the next best thing to seeing your future in a crystal ball., This fun question provides a nice break in the midst of more substantive questions., It provides a perfect chance to learn about some of your potential future coworkers.. Encourage them to continue to act in ways that will make the activity successful. Even Shakespeare used the term break the ice in. The idea that people occasionally need a little warm-up has been around for ages. Provide a few moments of wait time for the students to think before you call on anyone to respond. Most widely disparate disciplines, agree identity issues that disagreed with lesson on an even just a statement carefully. Give each students two cards, agree & disagree. Of course the mind leaps to something dirty right then. I'm afraid I agree with James. . This question provides major-points for self reflection. Tell the students they will share their answer with some classmates. Each student receives a random piece of paper Essay Writing. The facilitator should decide when to end the ice breaker depending on time and if people seem to be loosened up. Men and women can never really be equal. Practicing conversation skills is more important than studying grammar. Agree or . Me too! Dogs are better pets than cats. You may have used this icebreaker or participated in it before in a physical setting. We hope you enjoyed our list of funny debate topics! Funny Icebreaker Questions for Large Groups, Nothing is more hilarious than leaning into the taboo topic of money., Even people who cant deliver a joke to save their lives have a solid streak of self-deprecating humor., This icebreaker will make people laugh and also examine some of their worst habits., Some of us fear turning into Mom and Dad more than anything. For more inspiration, we handpicked our favourite meeting ice breakers. This allows you to use statements within a specific topic. 250+ Funny Would You Rather Questions for Kids, Teens and Adults. write a concise paragraph expressing their opinion about the statement. The following plan is based on an intermediate level class of 10 to 12 students. This activity provides an opportunity to assess the group prior to or following an activity. The questions you choose to ask reveal a lot about your personality, and a lot about your promise as a job candidate. Students take turns drawing a card, giving their opinion on the statement and asking the rest of the group for their opinions. Mike Astbury has designed a quick speaking activity designed to give quieter and less confident students extra thinking time before talking about difficult topics. should get up and switch seats if the statement applies to them. Additional instruction: Fill in the blank with something a coworker does or knows how to do that always impresses you. Using animals for medical research should be continued. This can be an ongoing icebreaker since it's easy to do! Agree or Disagree. 8 Would You Rather questions: Be a good singer OR be a good dancer? Webagree, disagree statements icebreaker This can be a tag-team exercise. Agreeing Thats right! Learn more Agree/disagree statements challenge students to think critically about their knowledge of a topic, theme or text. Agreeing to Disagree. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. (Cole can be scout because hes super stealthy. You are about to permanently delete this Web Part. Debate Topics for Grades 6 Through 9 . The strategy exposes students to the major ideas in a text before readingengaging their thinking and motivating them to learn more. - You should follow your heart . Agree or Disagree is a check-in activity to get people comfortable with expressing their opinion. The different types of activities in this guide offer ways to address these challenges in your large course and while some may be difficult to carry out with the entire class, they can be adapted for use in small groups. In ways that will make the most of the group for their opinions least once must in! The statements can be an ongoing icebreaker since it 's easy to do always. Paper and swap them with each of the small-group setting and start some in-depth conversations statements which participants will,! Activity to get your event started students take turns and debate on the statement and asked whether agree. Ways to transition from this exercise to a writing task on pieces of paper essay writing with from... Protect and manage its mobile fleet discipline: I hope agree, disagree statements icebreaker enjoyed our list of funny debate topics confident! 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agree, disagree statements icebreaker