After a while (Y/n) begins to realise there may be s Laila is not your run-of-the-mill orphan. An unexpected discovery at an unexpected time, that's what Jim Hawkins encountered. ( treasure planet ) Her fingers touched the bangs on Jim' Ariel came from the sea and Jim came from the air.Both of them had troubled pasts and came onto the R.L.S Legacy for a new start.They hoped to move on and start new.Come on this adventure with them and see where it takes them.A heads up for those who want to read this story.Jim and Ariel will be 18 Dreams, something we all have from the moment we're born to our last breaths, but sometimes dreams change. You have been Jim's best friend ever since you can remember, ever since Jim's dad left and your mom died, you both have been a couple of troublemakers. I would suggest you read the description first, but if you don't, at least watch it in HD and on fullscreen so you can see the images the best. John Silver is the film's main antagonist, and something of an Anti-Villain (the villain's version of an Anti-Hero). I turned around to tell Jim we needed to get out of there, but before I could, Jim shoved the map into the indent on the ground. She was petrified, despite feeling safer in Jim's hold, of what was going to happen next she had no way to defend herself if the pirates turned again. The two of you set off on an adventure, but what happens next will change your view on Jim You, F/N L/N, are a normal 17-year-old girl who has not had the best of lives. Sophie gasped suddenly looking down. It's been about 3 years since you left Jim, since then Jim has been going to the Royal Naval Academy and met a girl named Kate. Ben: Disable a few laser cannons, what is the big deal? Now that we can reach the stars, its time that we write our very own stories as we travel through Annie Jones is a student that goes to Installer Academy, she has an assignment for school and Captain Amelia takes her with her on an adventure of a life time. Meltdown: [Belches] .*: cover & filter by me. Long ago, they said that stories were written in stars before time. (Treasure Planet fanfiction. "And how in blue blazes are we supposed ta get there?" Rose learns how to control her fear of fire and learn about love, bravery, and friendship. He used this portal to roam the universe stealing treasure." Jim: Yeah, but I'm gonna change all that. Treasure Planet received a sequel in 2002 in the form of a video game called Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, which is a real-time strategy, naval combat game. With his share of the treasure, he and his mother were able to rebuild the Admiral Benbow Inn. We are so smart! Note that this story will be taking creative license and might Travel Through The Stars [ Jim Hawkins x Fem!Reader ], Chasing Stardust: A Treasure Planet Twisted Tale, Treasure Planet: Bravery Can Conquer Shyness, Future Hope (Retold) (Rewrite In Progress), Inlove With The Enemy. (Jim Hawkins x Female Reader) Sophie called, a foot further then he would've fell off the cliff, the pirate holding her tightened his hold and brought her backwards so she was pressed against his chest. I have a question. Fire was blocking the stairs, Rose's father was on the other side refusing to leave them. For that matter, it opened less than a week after Die Another Day arrived in theaters. Silver spoke in thought, similar to the blonde's thought pattern was this how Captain Flint appeared and escaped undetected? Other Names:Rosie, Ms. Morgan, Nurse, and Rose Budders. There were nights when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom, made one's spirit soar. B.E.N spoke to himself, before making the teenagers and shapeshifter jump with his sudden outburst, "Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupe?!" I would suggest you read the description first, but if you don't, at least watch it in HD and on fullscreen so you can see the images the best. The past, the present, and Future of Jim and you. [pulls out a gun and points it at pirate] Is this yours? A mermaid, to be precise, named Ariel Triton. I know everyone knows the stories of jim hawkins and melody from disney, but I decided to make a story that brings them both together. Treasure Planet and Little Mermaid Crossover | FanFiction. Jim Hawkins is a 17 year old trouble maker who wants more out of life. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace. However, her daughter, Princess Jamie, wants to rule the land with kindness and love. I smell treasure a-waitin'!" HarmonyGirl11 5 2 Lumina From My Fanfic, Journey To Nomazi HarmonyGirl11 6 3 Lumina From My Fanfic, Journey To Nomazi HarmonyGirl11 4 0 A Question to the World ReiBara 11 5. left kudos on this work! Jim shouted as he fell over, though it was a help since there was a strange indentation in the ground one that seemed to fit the map perfectly. Sometimes the greatest treasure of them all isn't at the furthest reaches of the galaxy, but has been there with you all along. You are very kind, generous and brave. At least he was right, the trail led them to a cliff edge, stopping abruptly before the end of it peculiar, Sophie thought. 6. The Futuristic Five by TheMermaidJedi. "So that's how Flint did it," Jim excitedly deduced. Chapter 4 It's buried in the-" B.E.N. After losing his girlfriend from cancer it felt like Jim Hawkins' happiness was taken away from him thinking it would be hard to love again until he find an girl from the ocean who seems to look a lot like Melody but apparently she's a princess from the past. Being only 15 years old their father never let them go on any of his trips, but he often told them the tales You were just a normal girl, who had worked at the BenBow inn for a few weeks. This story is only of Jim Hawkins x reader one shots, unless it's an authors note. She was adopted by Captain Amelia and is now the third in command. Let's see; Kinapis Montressor Spaceport," Jim grinned. 18. She is fresh out of Junior flight academy and for a full ride t Fairy Tail is the wackiest pirate crew in the seven seas. Pirates raided and destroyed her village one night, while her father went to fight them off, Margaret hid her daughter in a small secret room and told her not to come out. B.E.N. Movie: Treasure Planet. You two will b Join Jim Hawkins as he sets off to discover the legend of Treasure Planet, what happens when he meets a girl similar in age to him? What they don't know, is that Captain Flint was so selfish, he had a back-up treasure hidd. Treasure Planet and Little Mermaid crossover fanfiction archive with over 121 stories. The question iscan Jim love again? He refused to let go of my hand so I was stumbling a bit as I tried to keep up. on the inside & into ( jim x Go on romantic adventures with the great Jim Hawkins! His task is to get his hands on the ancient red ruby itself. The sequel to 'Treasure Planet'! Well, I have a lot of help to offer, anatomically--amanamonically--asastronomically. "A big door opening and closing" Jim murmured to himself as he looked over the holographic map. Before they know it, they are transported to a world of literature with magic beyond t You save those painful stories school made you write. Let me explain in this short book. Because of his rebellious demeanor, you often have to bail him out of bad situations, and be forced (sometimes willingly) to join along in his illegal shenanigans. ** Use of the terms Lass/Lad for reader ** 16. He shouted, Jim smirked a little and pushed by the cyborg gently to touch the Treasure Planet holograph at the centre of the globe, "Just open the right door" He spoke calmly, Sophie's eyes widened when the door opened to reveal Flint's Trove, or better known as 'The loot of a Thousand Worlds'. But when she meets Jim, she shied away from him. -Jim forgets to tie up th hey guys so there's a new game called Five Nights at Treasure Island, its a very awesome game. She has a role to play as the daughter of John Silver. Jim spoke again, this time smiling with the familiarity of home. Please consider turning it on! Two children named Taj and Michelle stumble upon a library while escaping a storm. He felt alone, nobody to understand him, and became a question to the world as well as to himself, wandering aimlessly towa Jim and you have been best friends since you were toddlers, and as you've grown, your relationship with him has become stronger. Jim tried to resist, but it didn't do him much good. Chapter 6 She was al Nia and her family moves back to montressor planet, where Nia is reunited with her best friend, jim hawkens. A collection of behind the scenes featurettes that detail how Treasure Planet was made. the night, you are Upon hearing that the treasure was in the center of the planet, the other crew members dropped to the ground and started to dig, but were immediately stopped in their tracks when their tools broke or bent after hitting the solid metal ground. "I don't know. you're the place I Together they both find themselves on a journey, along with a strange cyborg who likes to bark orders, a strong minded || They / Them Prounouns || Jim is a troubled teen who finds a mysterious orb that leads to an infamous treasure. Enemies:John Silver (formerly), Scroop, and pirates. photo credit: @locksxcreenxs on tumblr. In every difficult situation there is a gold lining, nothing is as hopeless as it may appear. Jim Hawkins: If I'm not back in five minutes, leave without me. Join Jim Hawkins as he sets off to discover the legend of Treasure Planet, what happens when he meets a girl similar in age to him? to be released. Treasure Planet Jimriel AU. Slowly, Sophie inched her way forward towards Jim, B.E.N and Morph following her. But once in a while, you strike a gold mine. Ben X OC. But what happens when Jim starts to develop roma You paid no attention to Jim at first, though he always paid attention to you. She squeaked in fright when one of the pirates grabbed the back of her neck to force her to move along, concerned Morph nuzzled into her hands she could feel him trembling as he whined in fear. reassured Silver and came a bit closer towards him. The Little Mermaid: Athena and Damien is a book I wrote that will be released by the Walt Disney Animation Studios as a 2D animated series and will be available on Disne Today we'll talk about already 6th Game of CookieSlime [Jim Hawkins x reader one shot], Treasure Planet: The Next Voyage (OC INSERT). Relatives:Margaret (mother, deceased), David (father, deceased), Isaac (half-brother), Captain Amelia (adopted mother), Dr. Delbert Doppler (adopted father), Mr. Arrow (adopted father, deceased), Jim Hawkins (boyfriend/husband), Sarah Hawkins (mother-in-law), Leland Hawkins (father-in-law),Jasmine, Katniss, Lilac, and Everett(adoptive younger siblings), Aurora Mayflower (adopted cousin). let daddy livesey fill ur vitamin d perscription. This is for one of my friend mochan. "I think it's my life." Even the shallowest contact was sending shivers of pain through his arm. Everyone got out of the boat, except for Delbert, Amelia, and a pirate who stayed behind to guard them. As they journey to find the planet, the two also grow closer from a severed bond. Belong to me. Jinx couldn't of been happier when hired to be on the Voyage to the ever elusive Treasure Planet. He pressed a couple, and each time the gateway closed briefly only to open back up to reveal a new location. For her prin . "We're gettin' close, lads. What more will he find in the undiscovered places he finds, and who will he meet? 5. It's ok." He murmured, rather distracted as he watched Silver's movements whilst holding Sophie's smaller hands in his other hand. Powers and abilities:healing, nursing, gunmanship (possibly), hand-to-hand combat skills, (possibly), and ability to breathe and sustain regular homeostasis in outer space without the aid of a spacesuit or a conventional spacecraft. Jim Hawkins, Silver, Morph, Scroop, Mrs. Hawkins, BEN, Amelia, etc. He was worried for Sophie and everyone else if this map wouldn't open again then this may be the end of the line. Once through, we all gasped when we saw that the blinking light lead straight to a sheer cliff. And you know how smart he is. After narrowly escape pirates and house burning down, Jim is going on a treasure hunt with old family friend Dr. Delbert Doppler. He pressed the crescent moon to reveal the spaceport where we had begun our journey. He's a shapeshifter. Apparently Silver had noticed it as well, unsheathing his sword as he cut down some plants in his way, "We're getting' close lads! Three years ago, a rag-tag, anti-social boy named Jim Hawkins discovered the Loot of a Thousand Worlds: Treasure Planet. Going on the adventure of a lifetime will it bring further apart or close as you always hope. According to Word of God, this film was made to be Disney's big film for "single parent, Generation X" kids, as reflected in the darker family subtext. Silver: Morph, I have a job for you. I fo **NEEDS MAJOR EDITING, CHANGING SOME PLOTS I ORIGINALLY HAD. 4. Clarissa charming's coronation attendance gown. Jim Hawkins x reader) Being Jim Hawkins's best friend is hard. Jim sighed in defeat; he was too exhausted to fight and besides that he knew that somebody had to take care of his wound. All her life, she had lived the same boring routine every single day. I dropped down to Jim's side to make sure he was alright. Gail Stewart, a strong, tough, and reckless girl who can stand on her own two feet. Now that we can reach the stars, its time that we write our very own stories as we travel through the stars. Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. Silver asked, his hands on his hips. And how will the journey effects her destiny? He growled lowly, as Silver continued the threat to Jim who was thinking away. ' . 8. That's about to change when she meets Jim Hawkins, the famous cabin boy who traveled to the Treasure Planet. Way to go us!'. Rose named the chameleon Artemis after the Greek goddess of hunting and the moon. Jim answered, frantically pushing buttons and twisting the sphere, "I can't get it open." Jim, after surviving his harrowing experience on Treasure Planet, enrolls in the Royal Interstellar Academy under recommendation of Captain Amelia. There's also the spaceport, which was intentionally built to resemble a crescent moon from a distance. He opened random locations, trying to find even the faintest glimmer of gold. She was adopted by Captain Amelia and is now the third in command. "Where's that blasted treasure?" Credits to Robert Louis Stevenson for originally writing Treasure Island and Walt Disney for bringing Treasure Planet. While it performed well with critics, the film flopped and flopped hard financially. Mr Onus shouted, Sophie and Morph screamed in fright when she was pushed onto her knees and a sword point at her throat, Jim decided to place the map in the indentation halting the pirate's threats and complaints immediately. I-I can't get it open," Jim said, struggling with the map. the place I call home It's been two years since the voyage of the RLS Legacy to find Flint's trove. This is Luna Romella, a beautiful gypsy girl Jim Hawkins befriends at the Montressor spaceport and falls in love with during his voyage to Treasure Planet. Silver strikes again with: "Change in plan, lads! Wed should've never followed this boy! Jasmine and Jim have survived Treasure Planet. Amelia: Did you actually aim for that? When their fathers come back the decide to run away, on their adventure they find out were the true treasure is hidden Jinx - A 15 year old girl has seen enough tragedy and pain to last her a lifetime and more than enough scars. An Anti-Hero's flaws are more prominent than their heroic qualities, while an Anti-Villain's good points are more prominent than their villainous . Okay so this is a different kind of story. Jim Hawkins is now 22 and is adventuring out to find more treasures. One great, big, stinking hunk of nothing," Mr. 23. It took months of travelling to get here, and we could get back in mere seconds with this device. Doppler: Well, u-uh, thank you. Completed "I see nothing! Light surged through the various markings in the ground around the map and everyone gasped in awe. Now then, I didn't draw any of these. An important point of the design of absolutely everything, was that the universe had a 70/30 ratio of the blend between Victorian-era style, and its technological capacities. So Silver's got the treasure that he's spent a good chunk of his life searching for, and given up an arm, leg, and eye for. Treasure Planet is owned by Walt Disney Pictures, Rob Clements and John Musker Rose is owned by me Created on Heroine Creator Dress up Game Image details Image size 796x1240px 325.06 KB 2017 - 2023 Comments 10 Join the community to add your comment. Treasure Planet | Adventure Fanfiction Jim Ariel Treasure Space Ariel came from the sea and Jim came from the air.Both of them had troubled pasts and came onto the R.L.S Legacy for a new start.They hoped to move on and start new.Come on this adventure with them and see where it takes them.A heads up for those who want to read this story.Jim and Ariel will be 18 . as well as Chapter 22 tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. Treasure Planet (2002) Relationships: Jim Hawkins/Female Original Character; Jim Hawkins & Sarah Hawkins; Jim Hawkins & Silver (Treasure Planet) Amelia/Delbert Doppler; Silver & Female OC (father figure) Characters: Jim Hawkins; John Silver; Captain Amelia; Delbert Doppler; B.E.N. 14. We would have to continue on foot. u read the title One great, big stinking hunk of nothing!" Jim kept me close to him as we walked, firmly grasping my hand and keeping an eye on all the other pirates. Meltdown (the fat pirate) also fits this trope: The black hole sequence, where they actually. She happens to be the love interest and later wife of Jim Hawkins. Silver demanded, shoving us back. [DISCONTINUED]. Jim and you have been best friends since you were toddlers, and as you've grown, your relationship with him has become stronger. ** COMPLETED ** She spoke quietly, B.E.N freaked and began to clutch at his head, "Treasure! I fell in love with Treasure Planet. Warning: has swearing Sarah gave a sad sigh. This is just a little Chapter I'm inserting I felt like this should've been apart of the story. Through it, we could see gorgeous silver and blue dust clouds swirling. "I'm sorry. Strong language. Chapter 13 Mysteries from your forgotten past somehow stir back to you when a map i A collection of romantic scenarios between the reader and some of the most famous or underrated animated and live action cinema characters. Maybe this film could someday replicate the eventual success The Nightmare Before Christmas enjoys now. Once in a lifetime (treasure planet jim x reader) 22 pages April 18, 2015 Hazy
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treasure planet fanfiction