susan michie brexit

Us? As explained at length in two 2020 'how the Left left me' interviews on YouTube; one with Melanie Philips "Why I left the left" Former Guardian writer describes her journey from "fantasy to reality"'"; and "'Dangerous' woke movement broken down by left-wing commentator Claire Fox". Brexit, crony contracts, Russian interference, the Coronavirus pandemic, democracy in danger, and the crisis in British journalism. They believe in public schools yet send their own kids to private ones. You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955) [1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change [2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group, [3] all at University College London. Registered in England & Wales | 01676637 |. 28 April 2021 at 11:07 AM. And so on. 28 April 2021 at 07:30 PM. [13][14], Michie has served as president of the European Health Psychology Society and chair of the British Psychological Societys Division of Health Psychology. Michie S, van Stralen MM, West R. That would mean, given Indian's population of 1.3 billion, that 1 in 13 of them die annually". I guess you could say he's taking the Michie. That has run out of fear-porn clickbait from the West to pull in the viewers and is scrabbling around for any scary "big" numbers it can find! From 'Noise: A Human History', Add to that the question of whether the WHO should be attempting to nudge populations rather than simply come out with technical advice, and no wonder people are getting paranoid. Michie is a clinical and health psychologist who leads the . Still seeing the news today ,handpicked as is always the case ,one must remember before putting ones hand in their pockets . It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta, Posted by: Please click here to view our media pack for more information on advertising and partnership opportunities with UnHerd. Abolition of Liberty (see also Brief History of Crime), Brief History of Crime (see also Abolition of Liberty), Broken Compass (see also Cameron Delusion), Cameron Delusion (see also Broken Compass), Conservative Party (see also Useless Tories, Tories), Death Penalty (including Capital Punishment, Execution). New medical guidelines for trans patients are too political, Communist British scientist dubbed Stalins nanny who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is given top job at World Health Organization,, . The communists really were out to destroy the West, a bit like the woke ideologues these days. I tried to comment but forgot that typing N**i is not allowed by this forum algorithm but typing Communism is fine. Prof Susan Michie, the director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, and another member of Sage's behavioural science subcommittee, tweeted: "Allowing community. PETER HITCHENS: This green revolution will turn Britain into a Third World country | ), PETER HITCHENS: This green revolution will turn Britain into a Third World country, The threat of Marshmallow Totalitarianism, too soft and sweet to excite alarm : My latest conversation with Mike Graham on Talk Radio , Click here to read about him and his books, Down the Rat Hole - the sad and futile search for the perfect bar or pub. The expert questioned the idea and the presenter. Naturally, the state run TV news services never do this amount of investigation. From the start of the programme it was obvious that Kaye Adams sides with Johnson on lifting Covid [rules].. On Mastodon Views: own. Meantime, Mr. Johnson has not had to compromise with anybody else in parliament thus the draconian way he has managed the COVID-19 pandemic and that Mr. Hitchens has been scrutinizing so thoroughly right from the very beginning. Lets treat her accordingly. Michies social background is typical of her type. Brazil has a population of about 3 times that of the UK, so multiply 650,000 by 3 and you get about 2,000,000. SAGE advisor Susan Michie: Will we wear facemasks forever? With dangerous people like her & Null Ferguson running around, it becomes hard to maintain the principle of free speech as someone who believes in it, because their words actually can wreak concrete havoc onto the population! She continued her clinical work, consultancy and research at the Royal Free Hospitals Occupational Health and Safety Unit part-time. This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. Inequality is the essence of life. Her research focused on the areas of antenatal care and screening, and occupational stress in health care staff and students. Who Really Picks the Candidates We Obediently Vote For? last year when I asked her if she was a Communist: You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state.. These things always sound harmless, bit never seem to be defined. Possibly quite rightly, given fascisms track record of human misery. Indeed it was her justification as far as Sage was concerned. Susan Michie's research focuses on behaviour change in relation to health and the environment: how to understand it theoretically and apply theory to intervention development and evaluation, and to evidence synthesis and translation. Big thumbs, tiny keyboard, miniscule screen! Data returned from the Piano 'meterActive/meterExpired' callback event. So too with these experts pretending to favour equality in reality they are creating a surveillance public health dictatorship where the science is their Latin Bible that only they can read, and they are the infallible priesthood. She seeks a set of statistics with which she can weave a tale that eases her conscience. 379k members in the ukpolitics community. She responded to Prof Michie on Twitter: "I am surprised-and disappointed Susan, that a woman of [your] standing would resort to such snarky condescension and furthermore try to drum up a Twitter pile-on. The Nazis murdered fewer people than communism continues to do, and its outlawed in the UK. Who advised Queen to do it? Posted by: The issue of the scientific basis for her work is a separate matter. Some private schools may be trading as charities when they are in reality private businesses and perhaps that should be addressed. If they are businesses, tax them as nomal businesses. As the contrast between the Swedish approach and the UK and continental approach to dealing with the pandemic shows a lack of a broad understanding of the need for individual choice over rigid one choice for all circumstances policies is essential. The important thing is that when one gives scientific advice, one does so using the expertise one has, not going beyond the expertise, being transparent about what expertise you provide. Professor Susan Michie (@SusanMichie) / Twitter Follow Professor Susan Michie @SusanMichie Professor of Health Psychology & Director of Centre for Behaviour Change, UCL, UK. mdi-fullscreen. Just use the words National Socialist instead, N**i Schmatzi, say Werner Von Braun! Tom Lehrer 1965. They believe in free speech until you say somethibg they disagree with. Steve Aiken, its new party leader, began the recent Westminster election campaign boldly declaring it was pro . (Whatever your views on vaccine the roll has been a lot more efficient than most of the rest of the world, including much of Europe. ) That is where some kind of regulation might encourage such medics to prioritise their NHS work a little more. As usual, it sounds like a lot of woke gibberishhow do we make societies fairer and root out inequalities? First, tackle the enormous wealth transfer going on in plain sight then! Please report any comments that break our rules. London overground trains between Shepherds Bush and Clapham were empty in March to May period in 2020. Thats effectively what she is saying. 2:42 A veteran Communist Party of Britain member has been appointed chair of a World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) She is indeed a stalinist, though not saying this lightly- she also shows some very glaring sociopathic traits(as noted in the DSM-V written by fellow psychologists) and brandishes them with sadistic glee, and this is something that isnt simply any average commie will exhibit. You shouldn't believe everything you read in the fake news media. Probably wanted to avoid the inevitable confusion with Corbynism. Yes there are a lot of people dying, possibly even as a result of contracting covid 19, but there are still considerably more who die every day in India from perfectly treatable issues as simple as clean water availability or a lack of an effective health system. And of course for a team that has Neil Ferguson and Susan the commie batting for them, discrediting the opposition is the ultimate case of "pot - kettle - black". It starts to feel distinctly like fundamental questions of how a society should be organised are being taken out of the political sphere where they can be debated and ultimately rejected at the ballot box and hard-wired into new scientific disciplines that are then treated as unquestionable expertise. As you can imagine they practiced the worst kind of manipulation. Welcome to the new Dark Ages. On Twitter, several listeners objected to the interruptions. Steve balmforth | Undoubtedly (if the figures are to be believed) the rollout of the vaccine has been successful but writing that the whole vaccination program is a success suggests something else. I had assumed she had some actual health related expertise. Posted by: Just ask Profs. Progress | 28 April 2021 at 02:09 PM, "That sees over 100,000,000 deaths per year?!?!" It comes as England prepares to end free Covid tests for most from April 1 and the lifting of all remaining restrictions on Thursday. Please click here to submit your pitch. HP10 9TY. 29 April 2021 at 10:24 AM. So thats why weve decided to make the ability to comment only available to our paying subscribers. Professor Susan Michie has told LBC it is wrong to say schools are "safe" as millions of pupils face staying at home from January 4. Prof David Hendy, 27/30 'Radio Everywhere', Radio 4, 23 April 2013 [in part]: "The dream of the Nazi radio programmers was to create a kind of volkesgemeinschaft, a social unity that amounted in effect to a single way of thinking among the German people. Why should her being a hardline Communist be seen as any better? With each new year comes a wave of good intentions as people aim to be better. Professor Susan Michie, an adviser to the UK Government on pandemic behavioural science, was questioned by BBC Scotland's Kaye Adams on Monday morning. Posted by: That's 4,000,000 million deaths a year, maybe, in Brazil in a NORMAL year, which equates to over 10,000 per day. India has a space program. [28] In March 2018, she spoke at a public meeting saying that communists should be "working full tilt" for the election of Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. Comments (51) Its about subliminally putting over a scare message, without appearing so to do. The interview took place before it was announced all remaining Covid restrictions would be scrapped in England including the legal requirement for those who test positive for the virus to self isolate. Michie S, Rubin GJ & Amlt R. Behavioural science must be at the heart of the public health response to covid-19. She admitted there was no diversity they all think alike. Shame on the WHO, shame on Michie. But hang on a cotton picking minute. The main problem with McCarthy, the misbehaviour for which the Senate condemned him, was that he falsely accused innocent people of being Communists, and consequently weakened the battle against Communism. contact the editor here. -"It is at this point that I recall another very interesting, thought-provoking article by Peter Hitchens last August on Claire Fox who was nominated for a peerage by Mr. Johnson despite Ms. Fox's past opposition to the very existence of the House of Lords and having been a member of a strange cultish group called the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). I know that it sounds like a clich but it really shows how decisive it is to think hard before we drop that piece of paper into the ballot box. I think you'll find that the figure is about 9 million, so you're out by a factor of more than 10. As you rightly point out they have no principles. Whoops!!! I am not sure it would help. Another example of double standard. Instead, the interviewers genuflect in front of one of their own. Having examined the PsyOps (covert manipulation) techniques used by Susan Michael and her colleagues, all I can say is that they dont fool me or nudge me. "The illogical reality of UK finance means that these decisions made for England by a failing Prime Minister affect the money the devolved nations have to provide testing., A BBC spokesperson said: "We stand by our journalism. Unless you mean few thousand a day? 'Interrupting' BBC interviewer blasted by Covid expert over 'fixed view' on scrapping rules, Boris Johnson scraps ALL Covid restrictions in England as self-isolation ended, Ian Blackford jeered by Tory MPs for criticising Boris Johnson ending Covid rules. 29 April 2021 at 03:55 PM. They want to lose weight, exercise more, be nicer, drink less and smoke not at all. SAGE is just an extension of the BIT (behavioural insights team) as below. You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. She doesnt want a liberal tolerant society like all Communists this is simply a front for her real wish, which is to live in a Bolshevist one, an ideology which we should never tire of repeating, has killed tens, probably hundreds of millions of peoplein the 20th century, plus of course on a lesser but still inhuman scale, leading to economic stagnation, a complete lack of freedom, huge numbers of informers and spies etc. Did any other CH protest about it? Posted by: Perhaps we should be given some options on defunding the WHO? We welcome applications to contribute to UnHerd please fill out the form below including examples of your previously published work. Why make it worse ? Michie sounds dangerous in her off-the-cuff remarks because its the subtext that is alarming: forcing us all to be equal through her skewed view of the world enforcing mask mandates while having zero understanding of their ineffectiveness from a proper scientific perspective. [16], Michie was elected a Fellow of the British Psychological Society in 2001,[9] the Academy of Social Sciences in 2010,[9] the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2017,[9] the British Academy in 2021,[17] the European Health Psychology Society, and the US Society of Behavioral Medicine and Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research. Its all about people compliance. And receive the best part of a billion in aid from UK. One Twitter user remarked: So much for the BBCs impartiality. If she is simply an communist psychologist that has latched on to Sunsteins work to see a way to promulgate her ideological preferences she certainly should not be on any WHO committee. Mr. Peston further states that Professors Vallance and Whitty were sceptical about a Chinese-type shutdown, and that it was Dominic Cummings and Ben Warner (a Cummings ally, apparently) who, fearing the NHS would be overwhelmed, pushed for the more stringent measures which were adopted soon after. DU is used in armour plates in heavy tanks and in armour-piercing ammunition. The social justice ideological position held among Michie and her colleagues that greater social equality is desirable is not a scientific view but a political view and it is in fact essential that proper representation of voices in favour of the common desire for freedom of choice appears on such committees where mixed scientific and ideological advice is given. And so did Mao during the Cultural Revolution- and interestingly he has been praised by Michie, whom lamented the subsequent reforms made by his successor Deng which actually helped the Chinese people somewhat compared to Maos grave disaster. I disliked it then and I dislike it now. From the economy to culture. Of course I meant "4,000,000" or "4 million". Kah, Mendez, Michie and Vironen 2014). Posted by: The ghost | 28 April 2021 at 07:30 PM Nigel Smith | BIT was created in 10 Downing Street in 2010 as the world's first government institution dedicated to the application of behavioural sciences to policy., 2019. That means that based on my figures - which yes, are assumptions - the daily death toll NOT from covid-19 may be about 7,500. From around 1990s onwards hasn't most US/EU/NATO tanks' armour and ammunition been made with materials including depleted uranium (DU) due to its density and penetrating power whereas the old Soviet/Iraqi tanks almost certainly did not contain such material? " There is no nuance or debate required here. 29 April 2021 at 01:16 PM. Michie frequently contributes to national news media during the COVID-19 pandemic as an expert in behaviour change,[20][21][22][23] notably in May 2020 when a government advisor left the city and thus broke the government's COVID-19 rules.[24]. [9], In July 2022, Michie was appointed chair of the WHOs Behavioural Advisory Group. "Their' lifestyles will continue unaffected and in fact enhanced by the policies they pursue, even if it will likely mean that future generations of their own sort may not see it last. She is also an advisor to the British Government via the SAGE advisory group[4][5] on matters concerning behavioural compliance with government regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is a psychologist and psychology in general (albeit not always) and the type of psychological research she has been involved with is wholly unscientific. The India deaths total per million of population is currently 150 people. It is important that we continue to promote these adverts as our local businesses need as much support as possible during these challenging times. Members of the scientific community have called out the broadcaster for going to Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural scientist and reportedly longstanding member of the Communist Party.. 01 May 2021 at 12:25 PM. This website and associated newspapers adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation's [31][32] She has stated that her political positions are unrelated to her scientific advice. As usual like here, they dont put the normal death rate pre Covid so as to give context. Social media users expressed concern over her hiring due to Michie's stances during the COVID epidemic. Well said Sally except that's just the point. He added: It appears these dangerous choices are purely political and are being made up on the hoof, it is another symptom of a Government in turmoil. READ MORE:Boris Johnson scraps ALL Covid restrictions in England as self-isolation ended. BMJ Opinion, February 28 th 2020. Main Its the same rubbish journalism that spawned corrie or strictly. Its SAGE behavioural scientists at work.". The reason being that if you can maniuplate people into backing what your portray as a virtuous cause, for example, liberating a country from a dictator or allegedly saving lives threatened by a virus or climate change then you are far more likely to win the support of those who can't see beyond the smoke and mirrors. When Professor Susan Michies appointment as the new Chair of the World Health Organisations Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights was announced on Monday, almost every news report mentioned that she is a longstanding member of the British Communist Party. For it seems an average per million COVID problem . It is interesting that the tilt in favour of freedom came from a country that is commonly regarded as fairly collectivist and egalitarian in its general policy. It is time to get pest control in. British professor who is member of the Communist party appointed as chair of WHO advisory group,, . It is in this context in which one can understand, I think, the presence of Professor Michie amongst the government's top SAGE advisers but what do I know. Steve Balmforth (30 April 2021 at 03:23 PM) makes a good point about statistics taken out of context not telling the real story. . More importantly, if you are not confined to any rigid belief system which at the core these people aren't then you are light on your feet. Posted by: The concept of equality ( 1 = 1, 1 + 1 = 2 etc.) A row has broken out over a question Richard Madeley asked Professor Susan Michie on Good Morning Britain.After she'd questioned the wisdom of lifting the mask mandate on July 19th, he asked her whether her judgment might be influenced by her membership of the Communist Party, given the top-down, big state authoritarianism of Communist regimes, or whether her views were purely based on . Incidentally, some people including researchers suspect exposure to depleted uranium was a major component of Gulf War Syndrome(and maybe even ME, Fibromyalgia etc). [18] In 2020, she became a participant in the COVID-19 SAGE's Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B). Wait Richard- Wasnt that exactly what Deborah Birx, Null Fergusons US counterpart, show to President Trump to extend the spring 2020 US lockdown- her own stats? 01 May 2021 at 04:24 AM. But she added: Today, I was surprised to be interrupted on several occasions after having waited 25 minutes before being brought into the conversation. In 2009, Michie became a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and convened its subgroup, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Behaviour group. 30 April 2021 at 03:23 PM, Sally "they think of themselves as being superior to everybody else". It means its users reduce the burden on the NHS, leaving more in theory for the rest of us taxpayers. "Were audiences really starting to succumb to a kind of mass delusion or hypnosis through the radio? Public Health is not a science. It presupposes a mind-body duality, which I think does not exist. The liberal elite may be a term which encompasses a high percentage of the Western world but the elite which is manipiulating them from the shadows is anything but liberal. Only when government announced eat out to help out scheme more covidiots came out. Posted by: In September 2021, the Free Speech Union crowdfunded around 25,000 for the legal fees of a train conductor who had been fired by West Midlands Trains for a Facebook post including the comment "I don't want to live in some sort of alcohol-free Muslim caliphate just to beat Covid-19". A Gannett Company. Posted by: Co-Director of the MSc in Behaviour Change and responsible for Psychology BSc 2nd and 3rd . It cannot be discovered in the real world. And yet if we want to go privately, an NHS surgeon working privately in his spare time is available within days to carry out the op and to do that in some cases using hired NHS facilities. Slight exaggeration there!!! Why do we not outlaw communism? 29 April 2021 at 05:11 PM. Perhaps McCarthy had a point, something I had not considered until now. But she is one of many neoMarxist in position of authority in uk. That sees OVER yes 10, not 100, MILLION death per year?!?! lead advisory group. I am curious to what metrics you have applied to call the vaccine program an outstanding success? I have found this article most insightful indeed, Mr. Hitchens, thank you. I agree with this as regards the presentation. > I think you'll find that the figure is about 9 million, so you're out by a factor of more than 10. Thanks. I did not vote and pay taxes to be manipulated without my knowledge. Independent SAGE. But its voluntary. So quite why she thinks she has the right to push them on the country against the concensus of the people is beyond me. As for her crying out that masks should be forever, I would simply say that this illustrates that she is incapable of actually looking at the real evidence, that is that upteem randomized controlled trials conducted since the 1920s to the present day have failed to show any benefit whatsoever of community masking in the context of respiratory virus infections. Psychology, I have concluded, is a sub-branch of religion and supernaturalstic. What does the Marxist manifesto say about private inherited wealth". Johnson has been criticised by many public health experts for moving too quickly and for failing to publish the advice the Government has received from its public health experts. Effectively, they have none, except the idea that nothing is really right or wrong in except so far as it suits them. Shortly before reading your exchange here, I read this weeks Spectator. 01 May 2021 at 08:37 PM. I suppose its better than killing, which they used to do. It would certainly help with the current cost of living crisis. Well whoever disagrees with the likes of her would be cancelled and smeared, and wont be counted as one of the aka public health experts. Im not sure where you can draw the line. Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson, and also openly smeared Lord Sumption for backing the Great Barrington Declaration? Taking even more tax from the rich is not. The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused. I suspect a lot of the rather absurd limitations on safe movement of people outside during the pandemic arose through egalitarian collectivist thinking that those who might be able to travel further safely should not be privileged. I am inclined to doubt it. (Thats not sarcasm either). Iran's Revolutionary Guard Fanatics feed on the (often ignorant and unself-aware) hostility of the West. What does this mean ? 01 May 2021 at 09:42 AM. They believe in masks for you but are not able to remember to put one on when they visit a shop. Even it it means going half way round the world. You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state. But they wont admit it, because they like to hide their wealthy lifestyles, and partly because they think of themselves as being superior to everybody else. Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson for starters, and of course the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and the list goes on! June 15,2021 Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist who sits on the all-important Sage committee, made headlines last week by appearing to suggest that social distancing and wearing facemasks should remain in place "forever". This is a practical guide to designing and evaluating behaviour change interventions and policies. But what IS wrong with Johnson and Hancock is that they keep on letting SAGE do this and get away with it. adeledicnander | - Perhaps they could learn from Sally? The conversation will go back to what it should be about people who care passionately about the issues, but disagree constructively on what we should do about them. Remember how she shared around SAGE a smear letter denigrating Profs. Susan Michie certainly doesnt think so, as she told me in her UnHerd interview last year when I asked her if she was a Communist: But in this example, it becomes hard to separate politics from science. [7][8], Michie obtained a BA in experimental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1976, an MPhil in clinical psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry in 1978, and a DPhil in developmental psychology from University College, Oxford in 1982. Thats why she tells you that there is no diversity or call for more personalized healthcare- Because its run by HER cabal! Communists dont want a liberal, tolerant society, as they imprison those who disagree with them. In 2022, she was appointed Chair of the World Health Organisations (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health. Exclude fascists, communists, people with strong religious convictions, atheists, Peoples backgrounds will sometimes influence the work they do. Posted by: Posted by: WHO appoints Communist Party member who said face masks should continue forever as chair of advisory board,, But is it fair to make a scientists private politics part of the story? Surely few million Kulaks? See where Im going with this? Have you tried typing National Socialist? He does not need to worry about any political opposition, the prime minister I mean, not even from a Labour party whose leader appears to go along with government's policy in this area as if he was worrying about not damaging the image of his party in the eyes of the so-called traditional Labour voters and so avoiding the potentially catastrophic results for his party --an his leadership-- at the next general election whenever that maybe. In short, it seems to be the nature of radio to encourage people to think and feel alike.'. Banning private systems is unfair but but fairly regulating their profitability is the real nut we have to crack. Are you sure you want to delete this comment? The truth of the matter is that in the community masks of all types fail to protect and fail to prevent transmission, and this is quite evident when one actually looks at the data for SARS-CoV2 by simply comparing neighboring regions with very similar demographics.

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