I saw a means to realize my potential, to transcend my human form, to become the predator I was always born to be. In 1986, Nancy met up with Dustin again where he, along with Steve, Robin, and Max Mayfield, informed of an entity from the Upside Down known as Vecna was responsible for committing a murder spree in Hawkins. Her genius-level of intellect led to finding the truth behind Barbs disappearance even though she still felt guilty. The Wheeler family When Eleven opened the mothergate years later, Vecna was finally able to get a foothold in our world. At first, Nancy seems like a Nancy even asks Jonathan to sleep on the bed with her, which is a significant step forward in their relationship. Though she planned to attend college with Jonathan, Nancy would often express her frustrations over her relationship with Jonathan with those closest to her such as Fred Benson and Robin Buckley, but remained positive that she and Jonathan would work things out between them. When making a sensory deprivation tank at Hawkins Middle, Mike was impressed when Nancy broke the lock to the school shed to get supplies. Nancy and Robin would go to temporarily defeat Vecna before they managed to escape from the Upside Down together. Nancy eventually decided to get more evidence of the story and convinced a reluctant Jonathan to come with her where they discovered Mrs. Driscoll consuming fertilizer. Acting Auditions. They learn more about the Demogorgon, especially how creepy it is, and for a while are the only people in town to know. Mike Wheeler (younger brother)Holly Wheeler (younger sister)Karen Wheeler (mother)Ted Wheeler (father)Joanna (cousin) Like it's great, like we're in love and we're partying, yeah let's party, party, we're partying. Nancy and her father did not appear to have a strong relationship. Nancy reassures her, saying "It's okay. Later, determined to kill the Monster, she willingly used her and Jonathan's blood to lure it out. Steve tries to get Nancy to prove by telling him she truly loves him, but Nancy couldn't find the words to say it, leading the two to break up. RELATED:5 Times Eleven Was The Best Stranger Things Heroine (& 5 Times It Was Nancy). Stranger Thingsseason 4 introduced the world to Vecna, a villain who was revealed to be the mastermind behind the events of previous seasons while seeking revenge on Eleven for casting him out. Knowing her mom and family were in possible danger, she opted to go back into the Upside Down to kill Vecna. This left enough time for Eleven to battle Vecna, for Vecna to monologue about his first days in the Upside Down, and for Hopper, Joyce, and Murray to kill the Demogorgons in Russia, which was the blow to thehive mind that releasedthe trio in the Upside Down. But before he could disintegrate completely, she unintentionally opened a gate to the Upside Down behind him, which Vecna then fell through. Nancy's nickname throughout the third season, "Nancy Drew," is the name of a girl detective in a series of books of the same name written by Carolyn Keene. Jonathan takes Nancy out to practice shooting a gun, which helps her release anger at her parents. But according to Millie Bobby Brown, the Upside Down existed before El ever meddled with it. With a rumored 2024 release, the fifth and final season ofStranger Thingswill surely be as thrilling as season 4. As he explained in a featurette: The moment that the Upside Down was quote-unquote created inadvertently by Eleven, the set dressing and the world of the Upside Down is frozen in that moment. As Nancy investigated and searched for Vecna with the Party, her guilt and trauma over Barb's death began to resurface which Vecna used to torment Nancy when he enthralled her under a curse. However, she struggled with inner frustration over her relationship with Jonathan as he had moved away to California and barely kept in touch with her where neither of them decided to visit each other during spring break. In the fall of 1984, Nancy's struggle to grieve Barb created a rift between her and Steve, leading her to drunkenly confess that she didn't love him anymore. In 1983, Nancy was unaware that Eleven was being kept in her basement by her brother. That night, after Karen forbade Nancy or Mike from leaving the house after dark, Nancy belittled this rule because "Mike's friend" got lost on his way home. Nancy then watches El reunite with Joyce, being visibly moved, and the two also witness together the invasion of the Upside Down. However, Nancy, still wanting to be treated with respect by her co-workers, disobeyed Tom's orders and went to look for evidence, only to find Mrs. Driscoll eat fertilizer after she became possessed by the Mind Flayer. This caused Nancy to be scolded by Ted for swearing, much to Nancy's frustration. In Episode 9, Nancy, Steve, and Robin work in tandem with Eleven to weaken Vecna. After breaking into Hawkins Middle and creating a sensory deprivation tank, El located Barb's corpse in the Upside Down, saying the word "Gone" repeatedly, much to Nancy's horror. She starts out as a seemingly shallow girl, interested only in hanging out with her best friend and the most popular boy in school. "You're pretending like everything's okay, you know, like, like we didn't kill Barb. Jonathan: Hey, they like you too. They form a bond over their mutual goal of finding their brother and friend respectively and become close. However, surrounded by misogynistic co-workers, Nancy was belittled and mocked despite her treating her co-workers kindly. Want more Stranger Things season 4 articles? When the Mind Flayer invades the Starcourt Mall, Nancy tells Steve and Robin to get into the station wagon after totaling the Todd-Father. Nancy believed her parents never loved each other and only married each other because her mom was young and her dad had a good job. This lead to them getting fired from the Post and straining their relationship, with Jonathan angry over losing his means to support his family and Nancy accusing Jonathan of being like her abusers. Brown is likely right in saying that no one created the Upside Down and that the parallel dimension has always existed. My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family," she explains. When their parents asked who Steve was, Mike stated that he was her new boyfriend, causing Nancy to call him a douchebag. After the fight, a massive earthquake rocked Hawkins, creating four huge rifts in the earth that converged on the center of town. Steve and Nancy first began seeing each other shortly sometime around 1983. Two days later, El reunited with Nancy where the two began fixing the old cabin Hopper and El lived in. After destroying the Starcourt gate in season 3, the Hawkins gang thought theyd closed all the openings to the Upside Down. When she was looking for the missing Barb, she boldly entered a portal to another dimension in an attempt to save her friend. Three months later, the Byers family moved out of Hawkins after being relocated to California by Dr. Sam Owens; Nancy and Jonathan tearfully parted ways, though remaining committed to staying together. However, after the story was rejected which left Nancy cruelly insulted, she ignored Jonathan's attempts to comfort her. She stormed off to her room as Mike smirked. This is a moment of vulnerability forNancy as she doesn't tell anyone other than Jonathan what the two of them see right away. Vecna, who absorbs beings consciousnesses and resultantly feeds off their power, knew he had stumbled upon exactly what he needed to exact his revenge on the world: I saw so many things, then one day I found the most extraordinary thing of all. When nobody was home, Eleven roamed through Nancy's bedroom, enamored with her possessions and her life in photographs on her corkboard. She claims that he's just upset she's dating Steve. Nancy seemed to have a good but sometimes strained relationship with her mother. After a talk with her mother, Nancy overcame the cruelty she endured from the journalists at the Hawkins Post and reconciled with Jonathan. Natalia DyerShelby Young (Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins) However, after finding Mrs. Driscoll eating fertilizer, Bruce mocked Nancy before she was fired by Tom Holloway. She later admitted to having slept with Steve after being questioned by the police. When Max revealed El dumped Mike, Nancy was surprised, and took Max's side by saying El was her own person that was risking everything to save the world. With Johnathan in California, romantic tension seemingly began building between Nancy and Steve once again. They then worked together, along with their friends, in defeating the Mind Flayer's avatar. When the Hawkins gang goes to investigate the Creel house in person, Nancy chooses Robin to be her partner in searching the house for clues. They attend a Halloween party together, but Nancy tries to avoid Steve. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. However, when Nancy started dating him, Barb became concerned for Nancy as Steve and his friends started to influence her. The two also work together at the Hawkins Post. After Nancy, Steve, Robin, and Eddie get trapped in the Upside Down due to entering a gate at Lover's Lake, the four older teens manage to communicate with Dustin, Lucas, and Erica through Holly's Lite Brite and the kids were able to rescue them from the Upside Down. Some things don't make sense about the Upside Down, but one thing is for sure it's a scary place. $0.99 + $10.85 shipping . She also tells him that girls at his age are 'dumb', but he'll "drive them nuts" in a few years. Nevertheless, Nancy later revealed to her mom that she felt guilty for causing Jonathan to lose his job as she wasn't thinking about him, but only herself. The became allies as they helped their friends work together in freeing Will from the Mind Flayer and closing the Gate. When her mother wistfully wondered aloud where her daughter had gotten her fighting spirit, Nancy in turn assured her that it was her mother's spirit. Blue Likely because of these storms, the Upside Down affects the electromagnetic field of our world. Updated on July 11, 2022 by Amanda Bruce:After a very badass Stranger Things season 4, Nancy hasshown her evolution from typical girl next door charactertoleader of a group of misfits and aspiring investigative journalist. Though they thought they defeated him, Vecna survived and even managed to enact the next stage of his plan. Nancy asks if that makes them friends officially, and Robin agrees, thereby cementing their bond. - On her and Steve's relationship. Residence Nancy put down the wheelbarrow and made her and Mike promise to not hide secrets anymore. Affiliation In Stranger Things 4 part 1, Nancy figured out that the Upside Down became frozen in time on Nov. 6, 1983, the same day Eleven opened the mothergate in Hawkins Lab and that Will disappeared. After having sex at the party held at Steves house, they officially entered a relationship. In 1985, Nancy started working for Tom Holloway at the Hawkins Post. Though they don't appear to interact much, possibly due to the age gap between them, Nancy does care about Holly. - On her budding friendship with Robin. That night, upon Hopper returning to the Byers' home with Mike and his friends, Nancy ran out and hugged Mike, saying she was worried about him. Nancy knows that if she can find answers, not having permission is worth it. Barbara "Barb" Holland was Nancy's best friend. With part of the truth exposed, Hawkins Lab shut down and Barb was finally given a funeral which Nancy attended with Barb's parents. In July of 1985, Nancy meets with Robin again, and not remembering who she is, Nancy questions who her and Robin introduces herself. When Nancy started working at the Hawkins Post, she strove to work hard and do her best. Afterwards, Murray was able to notice Nancy's feelings for Jonathan and encouraged her to embrace them. Born In the spring of 1986, after discovering and informing Nancy of an entity called Vecna who was murdering young teenagers around Hawkins, Robin joined Nancy in investigating Victor Creel at the Hawkins Public Library as she could not drive the kids to see Ms. Kelley, due to not having a driver's license. Nancy admitted that she thought Mike was acting weird because of Will's disappearance, while Mike admitted that he thought Nancy was acting weird because of her relationship with Steve. Nancy has learned to question everything and to keep trying to find answers, no matter how difficult that might be. Nancy: When he attacks, our friend described it as a trance. When confronted by Tom in his office, Nancy tried to settle an argument, only for Tom to fire both her and Jonathan. At the War Zone, when an unhinged Jason asked if Mike was with her, Nancy kept her cool and told him no. Neither of them wants to be alone, and they find a small measure of comfort in each other's company. At Bradley's Big Buy, Nancy and Jonathan rounded up first aid supplies to help fix El's wound. "My mom was young. They work together to fight against the Mind Flayer in the hospital while also reconciling. Slowly, the two put together the pieces of the puzzle, and realized a monster from another dimension had kidnapped Barb and Will. Next: Did Stranger Things Season 4's Ending Stick The Landing? Eleven was the one exception to this, as he saw himself in her as someone who is better than the rest of humanity. When Nancy discovered that the Mind Flayer returned due to possessing Mrs. Driscoll, Nancy immediately called Jonathan, informed him of the predicament, and rushed to work with the kids on stopping the Mind Flayer. Eleven opened the first permanent gate in 1983 after making physical contact with a Demogorgon/Vecna while in a deep psychic state. Biographical information However, Robin was able to find key information on the murders on the Creel family possibly being connected to Vecna through archived tabloids, which started to change Nancy's opinion on Robin. No Castle Byers. First Published 07/01/22 07:23. She smiles and closes the door in his face. She insists that the lab is guilty of killing Barbara and that she will expose them for their crime. After realizing his mistakes, he went to the Byers house in order to apologize. During the match, Eleven was able to overpower Vecna, using her psychic abilities to keep him pinned to the Rainbow Room wall as his body disintegrated. At the Starcourt Mall, when Mike and Max realized that the Mind Flayer was on top of the mall, he screamed for Nancy to warn her as the group split up to hide. $20.99 + $1.99 shipping . of Energy an unexplained event occurs. Height In 1983, Nancy and Robin interact briefly at the movie theater where Nancy is on a date with Steve. $38.98 . They later work together in burning the Mind Flayer out of Will. 1986 Skilled Detective: Like her namesake, Nancy is a skilled detective. As his parents pressed him to arrive home from Hellfire Club early, Nancy yelled his name and to him to go. An avid cinephile and bookworm, Svetlana also writes creatively across multiple forms and genres. But Nancy immediately lied when Mike asked her if she liked Jonathan romantically, and Mike lied immediately when Nancy asked him if he liked Eleven romantically. Robin's Speech (In Full) | Stranger Things Season 4 | Netflix Funko POP! Stranger Things Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Karen agreed with her daughter that her co-workers were misogynistic, but assured her that it didn't matter as Nancy was and would always be a fighter. Or fastest delivery Oct 26 - 31. "I don't think my parents ever loved each other My mom was young. She is the older sister of Mike Wheeler, the former girlfriend of Steve Harrington, and the current girlfriend of Jonathan Byers. In 1985, Nancy and Jonathan are shown to have become an official couple, sleeping together at Jonathan's house one day. Stranger Thingsseason 4, volume 2 was released on Netflix on July 1, satisfying awaiting viewers with a colossal 2-hour 20-minute finale that brought together all the plot points of the season while leaving many questions with a cliffhanger ending. They discuss Nancy's relationships with Jonathan and Steve, Robin stating that she "wants happiness for her friends". Bad fights. Stranger Things: Halloween Sounds From the Upside Down, Stranger Things: Worlds Turned Upside Down, Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town, Hawkins Middle School Yearbook/Hawkins High School Yearbook, https://twitter.com/milliesources/status/1281353640385667072?lang=en. In a climactic moment,Eleven and Max fight with Vecna inside Max's mind, Lucas battles Jason in the Creel's attic, Eddie and Dustin divertthe Demobats, and Hopper, Joyce, and Murray take on a group of Demogorgons in Russia, but it's Steve, Nancy, and Robin who come face to face with the real Vecna in the Upside Down. Shes an unusual character within the shows But when Vecna killed Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick, each of their deaths coincided with the opening of a new gate. Whenever Nancy was abused and humiliated by the male employees, she was always comforted by Jonathan. Nancy and Jonathan spoke to each other when Will went missing, with Nancy reassuring him that Will's going to be fine. Obviously, this is not a coincidence, but it was still nice to get confirmation from production designer Chris Trujillo that the Upside Down becoming stuck in time is directly tied to Eleven opening the gate. Nancy caught her brother stealing from her piggy bank one evening, when Mike was dashing out the door to the arcade, and was deeply frustrated with his behavior. Touched, Karen encouraged Nancy to finish her story if she still believed in it, and Nancy, feeling emotional at her mother's support, gave her a hug. "That is such bullsh**! This is a genuine Funko pop. While carting them back inside, Nancy asked Mike what Eleven had been eating while she hid in their basement. Physical information She's first introduced when she slams her bedroom door in Dustin's face when he's trying to be nice, but by the end of season 2, Nancy goes out of her way to make him feel good about himself. Yet, despite being traumatized by her encounter with Vecna who also showed her visions of her family dying, Nancy's will did not break as she grew determined to kill Vecna. Nancy formally met Eleven when Chief Jim Hopper rescued her, Mike, Dustin, and Lucas from the Department of Energy agents. When Vecna trapped Nancy in his mind, she discovered Vecna's true identity as Henry Creel and One, the first child test subject of Hawkins Lab, along with his plans to open gates across Hawkins in order to release the Upside Down's monsters. When Eleven used her powers to look for Barb and Will, she found Barb's corpse and sadly told Nancy that Barb was dead, devastating Nancy. However, in 1985, Nancy was shown to still be on good terms with Murray, as he gave her and Jonathan the keys to his house so they and the kids can be safe from the Mind Flayer. Nancy Wheeler may seem like the girl next door at first, but the Stranger Things fan-favorite character has tons of badass, inspirational quotes. [2] When a high school student named Chrissy Cunningham was mysteriously murdered, Nancy sought to investigate her death with her classmate, Fred Benson. No houses. These include the Mind Flayer, the terribly powerful, many-legged mist being; the Demogorgons, whose adolescent forms are called Demodogs; and Demobats, which can fly and may be smaller than Demogorgons, but are equally vicious. The first known gate is the temporary one Eleven opened in 1979 that she sent Vecna through. When Nancy confronts Steve the following day, she has no memory of her drunken state and tries to reassure Steve what she said wasn't true. When confronted by a possessed Tom at the hospital, Nancy actually tried reasoning with Tom as she knew, despite his previous animosity, he was only trying to kill her because of the Mind Flayer's influence. Hover to zoom. That night, when Nancy lied to her mother and said she and Barb were going to a candlelight vigil for Will at Hawkins High, Karen suggested taking Mike and his friends. Box has damage which Ive tried to show in the photographs. 1984 But if the Upside Down didnt always mirror Hawkins, is it truly a parallel dimension that reflects our world or an alternate dimension that was transformed to reflect our world? Then when a young Dungeons and Dragons playing boy named Will disappears after a night with his friends, his mother Joyce and the town of Hawkins are plunged into darkness. Vecnas ultimate goal is to create enough cracks in the barrier between our world and the Upside Down, paving a way for a full-scale takeover of our world aided by his army of monsters. While this is obviously quite unsettling for Will, his ongoing connection to the Upside Down might provide the gang with an advantage in their fight against Vecna. $19.99 . "You said, 'the happiness of your friends'. Nancy would soon assist in saving El from the Mind Flayer by pelting their enemy with Lucas' fireworks. Relationship status So, they worked together in making the evidence sound like that Barbara was killed by a chemical spill caused by the lab. She tells Steve as much. In Season 4 especially, she takes the reins when it comes to unraveling the mysteries in Hawkins. Nancy considers this for a moment, then gets defensive. Like a waking nightmare. Nancy treated Tom with respect and tried to earn his approval despite his and the rest of the male employees' constant abuse. He has a background in reviewing films and TV shows on Instagram. The latterbecomes a big part of Nancy's arc. By the summer of 1985, Nancy and Jonathan became interns for the Hawkins Post, where Nancy was frequently disrespected by her boss Tom Holloway and colleagues, including Bruce Lowe Working late one night, she answered a call about diseased rats in the town and secretly investigated with Jonathan. Nancy: Yeah, They like that I'm a Nancy awoke to find Dustin, who was supposed to watch Max, passed out. There's one part of Steve, Nancy, and Robin'sStranger Thingsseason 4 finale story that is ridiculous. 1 Part Of Steve, Nancy & Robin's Season 4 Finale Story Is Of Course, Eddie's Upside Down Song Was Perfect! When Nancy was cursed by Vecna, Max attempted to assist the group find music to play, but informed Erica that they could not find anything. In truth, Steve really loved Nancy, claiming she was not like other girls. For a few days, these rifts didnt show signs of their supernatural origins; by the shows final scene, the Upside Down had begun coming through the cracks, bringing with it electrical storms and the vegetation-killing infection. In 1984, Max and Nancy first met when they both arrived at Hawkins National Laboratory as Nancy and Jonathan arrived to look for their brothers while Max arrived to help Dustin, Lucas, and Steve catch D'Artagnan. Something that would change everything. I am not trying tobesomeone else.". Holly is Nancy's younger sister. Why THAT Character Died In The Stranger Things Season 4 Finale. By season 2, they're hanging out regularly, though still as friends because Nancy is dating Steve. "I Want To Kill It." She also tells him that he's her favorite of Mike's friends. In 1986, El and Nancy's communication was limited due to being on opposite sides of the country. note: family trees are only visible on desktop. At the Hawkins Memorial Hospital, Nancy and Jonathan were confronted by both a possessed Tom and Bruce who attempted to kill both Nancy and Jonathan. Did Stranger Things Season 4's Ending Stick The Landing? BARBARA, 16, her best friend, a bit dorky, catches up. BARBARA So? Did he call? NANCY Keep your voice down -- A31 CONTINUED: A31 (CONTINUED) STRANGER THINGS #101 10/07/15 (YELLOW) 18. However, after Fred was killed, Nancy met up with Steve, Dustin, Max, and Robin and learned an entity called "Vecna" was responsible for killing Chrissy and Fred. Funko POP! But Vecna knew his power alone wasnt enough to do this and that he had to acquire and exploit Elevens powers as well, which is what everything hes done up until this point has been about. 5'4" (163cm) After her colleague Fred Benson's death, Max reunited with a frightened Nancy and she, Dustin, Steve, and Robin informed her of the real perpetrator of the murders, a new entity from the Upside Down named Vecna. Mike, not skipping a beat, asked if she wanted to fill in for Hellfire that night, and Nancy only glared at him. newsletter, M3GAN is officially getting a sequel, and maybe a gory unrated cut, Comixology hit hard by Amazons massive layoffs, Hello Tomorrow! Acting Career. "It's not like that"/"It wasn't like that" On her and Jonathan's relationship. Nancy appears as a playable character alongside. In 1986, when Vecna possessed Nancy and gave her visions of the possible future, Nancy was horrified to see visions of creatures from the Upside Down attacking her mom, and was visibly shaken by it. This is what led to the creation of the Keys, finicky and volatile machines that could temporarily create a gate. In season 2, Nancy is determined to avenge Barb. Acting Scripts. Nancy is an aspiring journalist, and an ally to "the Party". Her character and namesake appears to be derived from Nancy Thompson, the main character in the 1984 film. But Jonathansays that she's "just another suburban girl who thinks she's rebelling by doing exactly what every other suburban girl does." After returning from the week he spent trapped in the Upside Down, Will was still haunted (literally) by his time there. 15-16 (Season One)16-17 (Season Two)17 (Season Three)17-18 (Season Four) Picture Information. Steve, Nancy, and Robin (Maya Hawke) were almost suffocated by Vecnas tentacles, but Vecna is seriously wounded by Eleven and his grip on the trio loosens. If played as though theStranger Things season 4 writersneeded to simply put a pause on their story and come back to it when needed. When Nancy found out Jonathan took her home after the party, Nancy spoke to Jonathan about this. Nancy Wheeler isn't the first person to use this line, and she certainly won't be the last. This is a big gesture for Dustin, who loves food and usually volunteers to eat leftovers. During Vecnas 20-minute monologue in the season 4 part 1 finale, he made his distaste for humanity extremely known. So how many gates are there, exactly? Episodes Despite Nancy and Jonathan's enduring love for each other, neither of them could get away to meet up for spring break. RELATED:5 Reasons Why Nancy Should Be With Jonathan In Stranger Things (And 5 Reasons She Should Have Stayed With Steve). Now, with the barrier between the worlds barely intact, its only a matter of time before Vecna tries to fully take over our world. 1983 Nancy and Bruce Lowe became co-workers after Nancy started working for the Hawkins Post in 1985. In 1984, Nancy continues to have a bond with Jonathan as she invited him to Tina's Halloween Party. RELATED:Millie Bobby Brown & 9 Other Stars Who Broke Out On Netflix. He and my mom started getting into fights. A rattled Billy has troubling visions. Item pictured is the item I am selling.
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