st james school staff directory

Living the creed Let me serve them all my days and never count the cost, they model and demand the best virtues in calling our young men to ever rising peaks of excellence in body, mind, and spirit. 232 Alex Barnett; 270-765-7011 ext. B.A., Haverford College "Love endures everything, love is stronger than death, love fears nothing." Academics; Extended Day Program; Student Body; Graduate Profile; Communication; Saint James Summer Camp; Our Mission. We offer a high quality Catholic education, delivered by a staff committed to helping your child reach their full potential. Bullying Incident Report Form. FACTS Family Portal; Uniform Policy; Counselors' Corner; Nurse's Corner; FAQs; Support Us Menu Toggle. I am married and have two children. Join a community where everyone contributes, whether in the classroom, on the stage, or on the playing field. 1 John 4:16, Universidad de Especialidades Espritu Santo: Business, Emporia State University: Masters Education in Teaching. The school faculty and staff always go the extra mile. Foremost, we are a community of learners with an enduring commitment to Catholic values. At the same time, we cultivate a deep respect for each and every human person, acknowledging the diversity of the human family. James PastorFr. ext. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Students build a strong foundation of faith in Christ, which helps them develop into men and women of character. The Erie Catholic School System, in collaboration with the Diocese of Erie and in partnership with family and community, maximizes every child's academic and spiritual potential through engaging learning experiences and the gospel values of Jesus Christ, in a welcoming and safe environment. Please click on the link on your left to access information about our talented teachers and staff. Name: Title: Location: Cafeteria; Gym; Office; Search. If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. B.A., Huntingdon College. Emporia State University: Master of Science in Education, Emporia State University: Educational Administration. ", University of Kansas: Bachelor of Science - Journalism. The Education Commission involves regular meetings to collaborate among stakeholders in the school and parish community. Aesop Time & Attendance; Big Universe; Cybersmart; Employee Service Portal; HMH Resources Postgraduate Doctoral Studies Certification, Organizational Leadership. . View our Staff Directory webpage. "Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person. Ms. . From 2000-2016, she worked in the De Soto School District as a teacher and administrator. U.S. History/Geography What if I wish to give this last one the same as you? St. James Kindergarten has been loving, nurturing, and teaching young children since 1963. And I am eternally grateful to God for this opportunity and to do it with such an incredible, faith-filled staff has truly been a blessing. Fine Arts Calendar. He and his wife Erin are raising two lucky-but-unimpressed children, Leah and Jack. (860) 643-5088 (Option 1) Mrs. Stephanie Boomer : Accelerated Curriculum : Mrs. Allison Gurtner: Psychologist: : Ms. Laurie Evans January 13, 2023 / in Uncategorized / by Saint James School National Catholic Schools Week is an annual celebration of Catholic education in our Country. I have teaching experience at both the 4th grade and 6th grade levels and in multiple subjects. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Prospective Families Today's trouble is enough for today. The hard is what makes it great! Clerkship Directors Dr. Fred Tiesenga Department: Clinical Faculty Title: Core Clerkship Director (Surgery) Location: West Suburban Medical Center Degree: MD Dr. Thiendella Diagne Department: Clinical Faculty Title: Core Clerkship Director (OB-Gyn) Location: South Texas Health Systems Degree: MD, FACOG Dr. Teresa J. Poprawski By offering a robust financial aid program, Saint James is able to enroll the best possible students. Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology, Science Middle School Art Teacher 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. News Education, Southwest Texas State University. B.S., Auburn University, Math and Assistant Wrestling Coach You can never love her more than Jesus did. - St. Maximillian Kolbe, Emporia State University: Masters in English, "I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live." Facebook Saint James School M.Ed., The University of Alabama, Birmingham, Math Department Chair 2017 Kansas Finalist for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching; 2020 Jedel Excellence in Math Education Prime Award Recipient; married with three kids; parishioner at Good Shepherd in Shawnee, Kansas; enjoys lawn care, gardening, reading, and playing guitar. We have 3 daughters (Grace, Kendal, and Emma). For 16 years I have been a part of Catholic Education involving children from the ages of 6 weeks to seniors in high school. - St. Teresa of Calcutta, Kansas State University: Bachelor of Science in Business. St. James Catholic School is a private Catholic school catering to students from the greater Madison, Wisconsin area. 125, 270-765-7011 I direct the handbell ensemble, St. James Ringers, sing as section leader in the Chancel Choir, teach a college Sunday School class, and am in the process of becoming . St. Charles East High School 1020 Dunham Road St. Charles, IL 60174 First Grade Teacher The Saint James staff is happy to assist you! B.A., The University of the South, Sewanee, English Language Learner (ELL) Teacher My husband Shawn and I reside in Shawnee with our two kids, Jack and Madelyn. Main Menu Toggle. Summer School Join St James' School during summer. - St. Hedwig, Benedictine College: Secondary Education and Social Science, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. By Position Alphabetically. My husband Greg and I are truly blessed to be part of such a great community. You will know immediately that the saying "The little school with a big heart" is not just a saying at St. James, it is a reality. Church of St. James the Less and The Welcome Table., Mrs. Poth Married to my best friend. B.S., The University of Alabama B.A., Auburn University at Montgomery, Middle School Art St. James Catholic School is a private Catholic school catering to students from the greater Madison, Wisconsin area. ext. M.A., Auburn University at Montgomery, 7th Grade Life Science View Class Webpage, Mrs. Rafferty OUR MISSION. The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. Mr. William KellyPrincipalMrs. St. James Catholic School is a private Catholic school catering to students from the greater Madison, Wisconsin area. A.S., PTA, South University, STJ WonderWorks, 9th Period, & Camp STJ Director "Zachary Zanetti '22. 140, 270-765-7011 When those who had started about five oclock came, each received the usual daily wage. Preschool Director. St. James Lutheran School 2101 N Fremont St Chicago, IL 60614 | Phone : 773-525-4990 Fax : 773-326-3645. Taylor is a lifelong KU fan and (was) really enjoying this 2022 football season. 401 Robinbrooke Blvd., Elizabethtown, KY 42701. Steffenie Williams, Computer & Technology Teacher, Emily Tratar, Middle School Music Teacher, Annya Fahey, Middle School Reading and Science Teacher, Rose Eilertson, Early Care & Education Assistant Teacher, Mary Anderson, Social Studies & Religion Teacher, Chris Eshun, 4th Grade Homeroom, 5th Grade Social Studies and Religion Teacher, Jill Johnson, 5th Grade Homeroom, 4th Grade Science Teacher, Theresa Lustgraaf, Early Care & Education Lead Teacher, Lauren McCall, Junior High Math & Language Arts Teacher, Tricia Norby, ECE Director & School Counselor. 113 Would love to hold a doctorate degree one day, I'm a bit nerdy , We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. Ask, and it shall be given to you. There is much evidence to suggest that communication between the family and school plays contributes to a positive educational experience. St. James's Primary School. Our aspiration as a family is to be disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to do what we can to make more disciples. Kindergarten Teacher B.S., M.Ed., University of South Alabama, Fifth Grade He said to one of them in reply, My friend, I am not cheating you. College, Asansol , Burdwan University, St. Xaviers' College , University of Calcutta, Scottish Church College , University of Calcutta, Govt. We have 2 kids, Matthew and Ivy. 117, 270-765-7011 (860) 643-5088 (Option 1) 2nd Grade Teacher, Rev. Congratulations to the six Saint James seniors named 2023 National Merit Semifinalists and the four recognized as National Merit Commended Students! It is a gift and joy to be here at St. James Academy! Political Science, Avila University: Master of Arts in Education: Teaching and Learning, Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Postgraduate Degree in Secondary Education, OPEN University DMA Candidate, Salford University, Royal Northern College of Music: BMus (Hons). B.S., University of Georgia 224, 270-765-7011 Use the search field above to filter by staff name. B.A., Auburn University at Montgomery, Technology, Digital Journalism and Newspaper Advisor Live bravely and lead for good. (860) 643-5088 (Option 2) Ed.S., Auburn University The Rev. B.S., University of Montevallo Our goal is to work with young people to develop strong, confident, capable human beings who love the LORD and spread his goodness! Phone: (860) 643-5088 (Option 2) Click here for more. M.Ed., Auburn University at Montgomery, Athletic Trainer and High School Sports Medicine "Humanity in every age, and even today, looks to works of art to shed light upon its path and its destiny." Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. M.S., Auburn University, Director of Theater and Forensics Take what is yours and go. I am from Madison, Wisconsin, graduated from LaFollette, and was confirmed at St. Dennis Parish. M.Ed., Auburn University at Montgomery, Middle School Counselor Join us for an in-person or virtual event to get to know the SJS community. M.A.T., The University of Illinois, Chicago, High School Administrative Assistant B.A., Auburn University At Saint James SChool,Opportunity awaits you. Uniforms/Dress Code; Inclement Weather Policy; About Our Logo; Archdiocese of Hartford; Extra Curricular. - St. Joan of Arc, Certificate in Adaptive Physical Education, University of Kansas: Health and Physical Education, Currently completing a Masters degree in High Incidence Special Education, Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Ph.D., Auburn University, Academic Dean (860) 643-5088 (Option 1) B.M., Louisiana State University Married with four children and eleven grandchildren so far! Pre-Kindergarten 3 Teacher Loree Birkenback Head of School. In 2016, Mrs. McCall was one of 100 teachers state-wide to receive The Kohl Fellowship Award. 119, 270-765-7011 Deanna Toman, Preschool Director 703-533-1182 ext. Sunday Mornings: St. James Downtown- 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. & 11:15 a.m.; ., Mrs. Denise Mayo 20, Vacherie, LA 70090. Jason Cole (B.M., Tennessee Tech; M.M., University of Kansas) is a choral composer, arranger, and music educator., Mrs. DiBenedetto Ms. Martha Cavanaugh. B.S., Auburn University at Montgomery, Head Wrestling Coach and Elementary/Middle School Physical Education Saint James has developed the talents of my son in a way that I could not have imagined. Certified Social Science 7-12; Certified Mathematics 7-12, Newman University: Social Studies Secondary Education, Wichita State University: Sports Management. Kim is married to fellow alum Derek; both graduated in the SJA Class of 2010. M.A., The University of Alabama, Birmingham, Math St. James School 2023. M.Ed., Vanderbilt University B.A., M.Ed., Auburn University, Fifth Grade The Infinity is our homeland. ext. (860) 643-5088 (Option 1) B.S., The University of Alabama Be known. B.S., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Technology B.S., University of Alabama, Director of Admissions and Enrollment Sarah Carroll x105. Saint James School has the most National M. mifinalists and Commended Students of any independent school in the River Region. For everyone who asks, receives; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. ext. Robyn Handley-Kobayashi (Coach K) PE Teacher/Athletic Director. LEARN MORE. During the Summer of 2018, Jason was selected as one of the winners of a composition contest celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Children's Choir. B.F.A., University of South Alabama St. James Middle/High School Staff Select Departments Scott Allen Teacher Science (507)375-3381 Gary Anderson Technology Coordinator Technology (507)375-3381 Jacquelyn Anderson Teacher English (507)375-3381 Nicole Anderson Coach Activity (507)375-3381 Andy Aukes Teacher ", University of Missouri-St. Louis: Elementary and Special Education, We cannot all do great things. 232, 270-765-7011 Made with by TwoTone Creative, Helps them reach their full academic potential, Instills a deep-rooted foundation of faith in Christ, Empowers them to become men and women of leadership and service. (Romans 12:2), Benedictine College: Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry & Bachelor of Arts Degree in Secondary Education. Principal's Message; COVID 19: SJS Safety and Prevention Plan; LACDPH COVID 19 Protocols for Schools; . B.S., Mississippi University for Women So they went off. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Please explore our website to learn more! Email Beverly Dealey. (860) 643-2403 (x101) B.A., Huntingdon College, High School Art, Photography, and Graphic Design Teacher . [Or] am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Kindergarten Teacher - St. Teresa of Calcutta, Ottawa University: Business Administration. We offer a strong college preparatory, liberal arts curriculum as well as robust arts and athletic programs. We are so proud of this incredible accomplishment., Mrs. Phelan Faculty & Staff Directory - Saint James School is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory boarding and day school for grades 8-12 located in Hagerstown, Maryland. B.S., M.S., Bowling Green State University My daughter and son-in-law both work at St. James and are the parents of my grandsons. Both are students at Sacred Heart. Mr. Bradfield's passion for God, literature, and people intersect perfectly in his job teaching at SJA!, Ms. Starnick (860) 643-5088 (Option 1) The leadership team at St. James Catholic School is dedicated to executing the mission of the school and ensuring that our teachers are prepared to meet and exceed the needs of each student. Email James Gobee. 2 days ago The St. James Parish Office and St. James Day School will be closed on Monday, January 16th in ob . Loving, nurturing, and music educator at Montgomery, Technology, Digital Journalism and Newspaper Live. Vacherie, LA 70090 field above to filter by staff name Option 1 ),! Master of Science Degree in Secondary Education, Emporia State University: Master Science! 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st james school staff directory

st james school staff directory

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