Applications are to be submitted online via The township provides a $500 flat bonus each year on each eligible employee's work anniversary. The Federal government has issued The Transparency in Coverage Rule requiring health insurers and group health plans to provide detailed Spring Township Tax Collection Office Steve Skrocki, Tax Collector Phone Number: 610-678-1287 Email Address: Office Hours: July - November Place your TRASH and RECYCLING containers out THE NIGHT BEFORE your pick-up date. The supervisors recently approved a five-year contract with Powell at an annual salary of $125,000, with raises to be determined based on annual performance evaluations. Supervisors:$50 per advertised meeting, not to exceed $1,000 a year. We'd love to hear eyewitness His salary this year is set for $105,350. You have permission to edit this article. Police Officer Salary Range: $38,213-$54,358 We are now accepting applications for individuals interested in joining our Parks and Recreation team this summer! And while Young's salary at $83,680 last year ranked among the bottom in this analysis, he brought home $112,140 with overtime, putting his actual pay in the top half of earners. . Must possess excellent oral and written communication skills. Niekrasz is seen here at his swearing-in ceremony in July 2014. He was reinstated with back pay in 2014 after an arbitrator ruled he could . Mayor, borough council:Council members and the mayor each make $600 annually. Participate in our bicycle rodeo and check out First Responders' vehicles and equipment. When he was hired in 2014, he started with a salary of $87,000, which put him among the lowest paid chiefs. Council members and the mayor:do not accept payment for service, although by law they are entitled to up to $300 per year. The agency serves the second-largest population of the agencies included in our analysis at 59,708 residents. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Spring Township Police serves a 28 square mile area in the Bellefonte Area School. But he is among the bottom-third of earners. Marketing Events Manager, Coding Quality Auditor, Landscape Branch Manager, Jobs with a similar salary range to Police Officer : **total salary reflects more than one year of pay. Follow Crime Map Site Home About Us About Us Chief's Message Search more salaries here: Police Officer Salaries with an Associate's Degree, Police Officer Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Police Officer Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Police Officer Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent, The Department of Virginia State Police Police, Pennsylvania State Police Department Trooper, Detailed skills and competency reports for specific positions. 69 louis Fronina Police officer Spring twp. That said, McHale occupies a unique position also serving as borough manager. With clothing and college bonus payments, his actual pay was $114,400.20. Other agencies, however, either don't offer the bonus or cap the amount, including one agency that limits longevity to $1,500 annually. Police departments typically account for the highest percentage of any municipality's annual budget. He oversees 22 police officers, among other duties, and earned a 2017 base salary of $108,332, which matched his actual year-end pay. Salary Search: Operations Manager Trainee, Spring 2023 salaries in Township of Monroe, NJ; See popular questions & answers about JB Hunt; Before and After School Care 2022/23 school year. Chief Leon J. Grimm South Heidelberg Township Police Department . But Adams said education and training levels also vary. According to National Conference of State Legislatures records as of January 2016, annual salaries are: Lieutenant Gov. Indeed, chiefs in some of the states smallest communities take home some of the biggest salaries. Must pass a physical and psychological exam and drug screening. The previous director earned a $119,944 base salary with a $50 bonus for each year he worked with the department. . Which Cumberland County employees bring home the most money? We are in the process of updating the website, check back for new information. His base salary for this year is $77,888. For most chiefs, it's a 24-hour job dealing with a constant stream of calls, emails and situations. Cioffi's deputy chief, Michael McMorrow, makes $212,132 per year. SILVER SPRING TOWNSHIP Richard Hammon has resigned from his position as the superintendent of police in Silver Spring Township. Little, a lifelong Toms River resident, is the son of a retired deputy chief in the community. The previous police chief left under a separation agreement but no public explanation a few months after being placed on administration leave. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Zoning officer, $200 per month or $2,400 per year. The Springfield Township Police Department is dedicated to maintaining high standards of professionalism and integrity. He said his salary roughly breaks down into thirds, with one-third going to his work as manager, one-third for his work over the sewer plant and one-third for police chief. Highest salary at Spring Township in year 2021 was $110,836. His base salary for this year is set for $92,700. He started as a Reading police officer in November 1991, working his way up to captain before retiring after 22 years. Are other government-provided services reliable and efficient? Chris Christie in May 2013 when Christie visited the borough for a Today show appearance on the boardwalk. How much do Spring Garden Township Police Department employees make? The West Shore Police Department covers the merged municipalities of Lemoyne and Wormleysburg, with a combined population of about 7,701. Competitive salary, starting at $15.00 per hour. This year, his base salary is $112,163, with no additional bonuses or financial compensation. Reminder to Residents, Suburban Berks West Joint Comprehensive Plan Update. Mouchette previously worked 20 years for the New York Police Department. Spring Township Salaries . Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement updated 7/1/2022). Spring Township is rated in the top 10 safest cities in PA. The Parks and Recreation Board Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 19th, at 7:00 p.m. Search thousands of open positions to find your next opportunity. Be Nice. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, or anything. It was a diligent interview process, Gore said. The public safety director of tiny West York with its 4,525 population is among the highest paid chiefs in the region. Council and mayor:accept no salary for their service. 13) Ridgefield Park Police Chief Edward Rose, Rose has been chief since 2010. Advertisement Employees Number 201 1 2 3 4 Advertisement 29 were here. Police Chief Dave Hiester oversees eight officers and he earned $79,125, which was nearly $2,000 over his base pay from filling in patrol shifts and selling back vacation time he could not use. Ulshafer served as officer-in-charge the past two months following Stinskys retirement, but that didnt make him a lock for the top job. Highest salary at Spring Township in year 2021 was $43,601. Copyright 20082023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. { "name": "Native_infosite_salaries_fluid_en-US","id": "div-AdSlot-ld1w4184", "fluid": true }. The pay scale for a Spring Township patrolman with 1-5 years of service is $54,288.34 - $77,125.38 in 2021. The chiefs who earn less than him come from small departments, while Carter oversees 144 officers. The department has 15 officers to serve more than 17,000 residents. No data is available based on your input. In addition to passing the written exam, the selected candidate will also be required to complete a successful oral interview and background investigation. Township of Spring Police Department (follow link and go to the new Township of Spring Police Department website) 2800 Shillington Road Reading, PA 19608 Phone: 610-678-3431 Fax: 610-678-3637 2800 Shillington Road But the department employs much fewer officers than Lancaster at 52 officers. Non-emergency calls can be directed to 1-800-479-0050. . Darrell Reider then was tapped for the job at a base salary of $115,000 this year. Are there comparable municipalities doing as much or more with the same level of tax revenues? William L. Harvey, was hired in 2009 at a salary of $90,000. I feel very privileged to be part of it.. He is not eligible for any additional compensation. He is seen here in 2013 at Hudson County's annual valor awards luncheon. The regionalized department had the lowest per-capita rate for a police executive's salary at $1.89 per resident. Longevity-pay boosted one chief's salary by more than $11,000. He is a past president of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association. He can add to his actual pay by selling back up to eight vacation days. Secretary/treasurer:$1,000 a month (not elected, figured from council budget), Janitor:$11 an hour, hours varying from 15-30/week, Sewer Department:$17.35 an hour at 40 per week. Spring Township average salary is 41 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 58 percent higher than USA median. David Steffen started his police career in Hampden Township in 1979, then worked for another township and the Northern York County Regional department, where he retired in 2011. Spring Township is rated in the top 10 safest cities in PA. The supervisors recently approved a five-year contract with Powell at an annual salary of $125,000, with raises to be determined based on annual performance evaluations. The former chief, Wes Kahley, retired at the end of last year with a base salary of $108,550. Police Chief Bill Ryan earned $86,380 last year after receiving longevity pay and buying back sick time he did not use. He oversees 39 officers and serves a population of 24,923. As of Jan. 1, 2016, he receives $49,862.30 per year as a salary for that position. Police department office-in-charge and road department foreman:Wages are established by negotiated union contract. Besides covering the borough, the Fleetwood Police Department, which has six full-time officers and up to four part-time officers, provides coverage on a contractual basis to Richmond and Ruscombmanor townships and Topton. Nichelle Luster, top left inset, and Emilio Gonzalez, center inset, are paid $203,476 each. Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. Treasurer. Chief Charles R. Broad (Retired) Reading Police Department Shippensburg employs nine full-time officers and six who work part-time. Its a great department, Powell, 56, said of the Spring Township force. One way is just took look around. This is what supervisor chairman Steve Demfonte receives. He serves a population of 3,008 residents, which represents the second-smallest municipality in our analysis. Don't Threaten. But his actual pay last year was lower since he didn't work a full year. The deadline for applications is September 03, 2021 @ 5:00 pm. Code Officer (hired after 12/31/2006): $30,993.35, Assistant Public Works Director: $45,488.94, Director of Economic Development: $57,500, Community Development Coordinator: $53,060. As part of his duties, he oversees six full-time police officers and 11 part-time officers. A committee of police chiefs in Berks interviewed the finalists, who also had to make a presentation to a panel of stakeholders in the community that included representatives of key businesses and organizations. Number of employees at Spring Township in year 2020 was 108. His base salary this year is $127,202, which includes $11,564 for longevity. Extra perks offered to police chiefs also vary, with some agencies rewarding longevity with salary boosts of $50 to $500 per year worked. He was hired at a base salary of $105,000 to oversee 29 officers. Gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. . Salaries are determined on a department-by-department basis based off the proposed fiscal year 2016 Budget. $29,500 salary. We invite you to use our commenting platform to engage in insightful conversations about issues in our community. Garth Warner won the job as chief in 2016 after working 27 years for the township. All persons hired will start as probationary officers regardless of experience. Number of employees at Spring Township in year 2021 was 114. Public services director/roadmaster:$23 per hour, Roadmaster, $18 per hour, $41,478, full-time, Police chief, ($13.50 an hour) $6,240, part time, Assistant road foreman, ($16 per hour) $28,904, full-time, Three part-time police officers, $13 per hour. Applicants are responsible forchecking their email and logging into their PoliceApp, PublicSafetyApp, FireFighterApp or EmployementApp account to monitor for emails, scheduling and process updates. From those to whom much is given, much should be required. The probationary pay for an entry-level police officer for 2021 is $51,000. Spring Township Salaries . Supervisor Joe Gierlach is also director of public works. Free food and giveaways, as well! He earned a base salary of $101,787 last year to oversee 27 officers. The department is among the larger ones in the region with 58 officers and a population of 48,175, nearly the size of Harrisburg's resident population. Average annual salary was $65,012 and median salary was $70,856. nLqbQcqr*8UUWH1Wu:v{H)V]Uc_uc{6`.6o._GSg mH674e8=|h1 fvv5=ux\Z]~|}W>QO! Share with Us. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. The borough and township have about 24,215 residents. Adams earned $120,450 last year in actual pay and is set to earn a base salary of $124,748 this year, his 40th year with the township and his 15th as chief. Analyze the market and your qualifications to negotiate your salary with confidence. Source: Wikipedia (as of 04/11/2019). Chance of rain 40%.. Cloudy with occasional rain late. 2010 - 2023 Read what they think about their salaries on our Compensation FAQ page for Spring Garden Township Police Department. How much does the Harrisburg mayor's cabinet make? $15 an hour. George Swartz worked 21 years in the city of York before retiring and taking the top job in the suburb of Spring Garden Township in 2001. It's likely safe to say that nobody enjoys paying taxes. The Spring Garden chief makes more than the Manheim chief even though the Manheim chief oversees triple the officers and population. The analysis found it is not big-city chiefs who earn the most. Please check our. Jobs close at 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the deadline date specified, or when the position capacity has been met, or unless otherwise specified in the announcement. Check out the latest Spring Garden Township Police Department Jobs & Careers. To report ANY emergency or crime in progress, dial 9-1-1.. (Associated Press), 4) Toms River Police Chief Mitchell Little. Recently searched related titles: Full-time township road laborer, $16.50 per hour, Secretary treasurer, part-time, $14,500 for 2016, Zoning hearing board members, $25 each per meeting. His salary this year is set for$97,392 to oversee 42 police officers and the fire companies. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERS. The probationary pay for an entry-level police officer for 2021 is $51,000. To contact the police department directly please call (814) 355-5134. Overall Benefits Rating.css-11cfy92{color:#0caa41 !important;}0. Salary vs. service for township managers . Scott has worked for Shippensburg for about 16 years after retiring from a 29-year-career with the Pennsylvania State Police . The township's population is about 24,411. Associate's Degree, 5 + years experience The Spring Township Police Department (Centre County) is accepting applications for a full-time police officer. This year, his base salary is $109,273, which represents a three-percent raise. Immediate Past President. This year, his base salary is $122,990 to oversee 63 officers. Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision. Must be Act 120 certified and/or have Act 120 certification by anticipated hire date. Police Commissioner Thomas Carter (at left). At right is Deputy Chief Mark Anderko, who is paid $216,159 annually. Secretary/treasurer Veronica Dombrosky:The borough's only paid employee works part time and is paid $700 per month. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on the city and many other important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. All rights reserved (About Us). He earned a base salary last year of $118,406, but raised it by more than $10,000 through vacation buyback and longevity pay. Read what they think about their salaries on our Compensation FAQ page for , ACOOUNTING ASSISTANT salaries - 1 salaries reported, Spring Garden Township Police Department, Spring Garden Township Police Department Jobs & Careers, The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. 5 Willow Mill Park Road Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 Ph: 717-697-0607 FX: 717-766-5984 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM Police Roster The Spring Township Police Department also offers a competitive benefits package and police pension. In many departments, some officers earn more than the police chief with their ability to collect overtime pay. Ulshafer came across as incredibly prepared, the mayor said. He previously worked as special assistant to the director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Still, if taxpayers know they're getting a pretty good bang for their buck, they usually don't mind. The Spring Township supervisors officially appointed Stephen D. Powell as chief of police in early December, one year after hiring him as deputy chief of the 30-member department. Working as a Police Officer typically requires 2 to 4 years of related experience. Supervisor as Road Master:$21.35 per hour, Three elected supervisors, $1,875 per year, Zoning Officer:$25/permit; $15.58 an hour, Secretary/treasurer: 6 percent of collected taxes, Supervisor as road master: $16.40 per hour, Police Lieutenant/Officer in Charge: $22.10 per hour, Road Maintenance Worker in Charge:$19.75 per hour, Township Secretary/Treasurer:$14.25 per hour, Requests for information unsuccessful: Right to Know Requests pending, Supervisor (Roadmaster as needed) - $19.88 per hour, Supervisor Secretary/Treasurer (full-time) - $49,440 salary, Public Works Liaison (part-time) - $19.88 per hour, Emergency Management Coordinator (full-time) - $29,500 salary. 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