WebIn 1986, the Children's Television Workshop collaborated with Random House Home Video to create My Sesame Street Home Video. Rheneas didn't feel like a little engine anymore. Sir Topham Hatt had told Rheneas' driver to point out all the beautiful sights along the way. (He blows his whistle, thus starting The Grand Opening). Duncan's driver applied the brakes, but it was too late. Percy was not allowed to cross the loading ramp until the tipper had been turned off. Five new engines in the shed. Conductor 3: Cried the children. Contents 1 Plot 2 Cast (He blows his whistle, thus starting Peace and Quiet). The Captain: The lighthouse lamp has gone out! Thomas and Emily were in the foundry for repairs. Our generator is broken! Sir Topham Hatt: I'm very disappointed in you, Percy. Conductor 3: Which reminds me of when Rheneas had a roller coaster. Sir Topham Hatt: With special thanks to Skarloey. Five new friends in the shed. Salty: You don't want to get too big for your buffers. WebSesame Street Stays Up Late! Marshal (1973), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Car Wash (1976), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carbon Copy (1981), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Career Woman (1936), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carnal Knowledge (1971), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carnival in Costa Rica (1947), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carpool (1996), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carrie (1976), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Carry On Henry (1971), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Casanova (2005), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Casey at the Bat (1927), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Casino (1995), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Chi's Sweet Home, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Chibi Maruko-chan, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Crystal Tipps and Alistair, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Cubix: Robots for Everyone, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Cuphead (2017 Game), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/D.A.R.Y.L. Manager: I'll have to report this to Sir Topham Hatt. They flapped, they squawked. (Ash then carries Misty to their honeymoon, as Mallow, Hilary and Lana watch). Mr. Hmph! They were surprised to see a crowd waiting for them. You've shown him how silly it is to ignore "Go Slow" signs! But it didn't work. They like to play tricks on steam engines. who he was previously Conductor 3: Cheered the engines. Conductor 3: So that's what Bulgy knew about his look. Mr. WebScratchpad Popular in: Sesame Street Stays Up Late, Thomas, Thomas parodies Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Thomas < Sesame Street Stays Up Late View source Sir Topham Hatt: If Skarloey doesn't hurry. He was impatient. Conductor 2: Percy fumed. Girls' formal outfits from SerenaShowcase compose of: strapless mini dresses, earrings, bracelets and high heels. WebSesame Street Matching Game by Wonder Forge | for Boys & Girls Age 3 to 5 | A Fun & Fast Memory Game for Kids | Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Bert & Ernie, and More 4.7 (13,555) $1099 FREE delivery Thu, Jan 12 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon More Buying Choices $9.54 (4 used & new offers) Ages: 36 months - 5 years Conductor 3: So that's what Rheneas knew about a roller coaster. Mavis: Now come on, Bill we've got work to do. Part 8: Taking Turns (1997 Version) Part 9: BSSD - Chapter 4. The lighthouse keeper was waiting for him. The next morning, Bulgy picked up lots of passengers. Conductor 3: He overtook Trevor. Salty: Arrgh, it may be sunny now, matey, but there be a storm coming. Wherever you find Ben, you will find Bill. Down the track, the workmen were still loading their ladders. Fergus was waiting for Salty when he arrived at the smelters. (Everyone claps and cheers as Misty sings Material Girl), Misty: Some boys kiss me Some boys hug me I think they're ok If they don't give me proper credit I just walk away They can beg and they can plead But they can't see the light (that's right) 'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash Is always Mister Right 'Cause we are living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl Some boys romance Some boys slow dance That's all right with me If they can't raise my interest then I Have to let them be Some boys try and some boys lie but I don't let them play (no way) Only boys who save their pennies Make my rainy day 'Cause we're living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl Living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl Living in a material world (material) Living in a material world Living in a material world (material) Living in a material world Boys may come and boys may go And that's all right you see Experience has made me rich And now they're after me 'Cause everybody's living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl Living in a material world And I am a material girl You know that we are living in a material world And I am a material girl A material, a material, a material, a material world Living in a material world (material) Living in a material world Living in a material world (material) Living in a material world Living in a material world (material) Living in a material world Living in a material world (material) Living in a material, (Material Girl ends, thus curtsying her yellow sleeveless dress in front of the others). Sir Topham Hatt: I'll send Toby with the farmer immediately. Salty was very proud. sesame street stays up late/spongebob squarepants - scratchpadbig bird as thomas count von count as edward telly monster as henry cookie monster as gordon grover as james elmo as percy snuffy as toby baby bear as duck bert as donald ernie as douglas hoots the owl as oliver oscar the grouch as diesel mnn logo monsters as bill and One, two, three, four, five. He was in a great hurry. Bulgy swerved. Mr. They don't lay eggs, and they never complain. Mr. It was against the rules. Daphne: Just wait till she impresses Bonnie and Clemont. The ships at sea depend upon the lighthouse to keep them safely off the rocks, but now there was trouble. He was driving so smoothly that the hens didn't wake up. With coal cars in front and coal cars behind, Percy had to go slower. Duncan was repaired again in time for the grand opening. Big Bird: Which reminds me, it's Serena behind Act 2. Conductor 3: Replied Salty happily. He looked very strong. Sir Topham Hatt: Even if it was a mistake. (Everyone claps and cheers as Tea, Mai, and Serenity sing I Heard a Rumor), Tea, Mai, and Serenity: Who needs friends who never show? Conductor 3: The engines on the Mountain Railway were excited. Murdoch was very unhappy. Without the lighthouse, the ship was heading towards the rocks! Mr. He felt like a very little engine indeed. Conductor 3: Elephant Park loomed ahead. A little later, he met Rusty at the new park station. Conductor 2: Huffed James importantly. Mr. But today is a special day for. His coach clattered and bumped and bounced along behind. Hmm. Mr. Conductor 3: Shouted the lighthouse keeper. Have you heard, pass the word, have you heard. Mr. He waited impatiently for them. Nicole and Nelly: We love you, Becca Newman! Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Rosie & Ruff in Puppydog Tales, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Rude Dog and the Dweebs, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Sergeant Stripes, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Seven Little Monsters, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Sheriff Callie's Wild West, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Street Fighter, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Super Fly T.N.T. The next day, James arrived at the smelter. (He blows his whistle, thus starting Middle Engine). Sir Topham Hatt wasn't cross with Rheneas, he was happy too. Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Wow! You hurt Salty's feelings. Conductor 2: Said Gordon, and he let out a sad wheesh of steam. Alpha Pig: Blue's Clues! Mr. Conductor 3: He puffed crossly to Rusty. Mr. Conductor 3: Boomed Sir Topham Hatt. (Everyone claps and cheers as Becca sings Te Quise Tanto), Becca: Agua que cayo en el mar No puedo vivir en esta realidad Ay, como me cuesta entender que no tengo una gota de Vida sin ti Sola por la oscuridad Que en mi habitacin no cabe nadie mas Solo esta tu voz que golpea en mi mente y ya nadie la Podr callar Te quise tanto que supe entregarte enterita mi alma Te quise tanto que nunca escuche lo que hablaban de mi Te quise tanto que para olvidarte una vida no alcanza Me queda perder la esperanza de andar por el mundo buscando por ti Te quise tanto que toda mi piel solo quiere tus besos Te quise tanto que nunca podre arrancarte de mi Te quise tanto que para olvidarte una vida no alcanza Me queda perder la esperanza de andar por el mundo buscando por ti Todo lo dejo perder Que no estars conmigo al amanecer Que es un imposible seguir adelante, castigo es mirar Hacia atrs Tanto que no se querer Porque no pude amar a nadie mas Tengo tu caricia tatuada en mi pecho y ya nada la Podr borrar Te quise tanto que supe entregarte enterita mi alma Te quise tanto que nunca escuche lo que hablaban de mi Te quise tanto que para olvidarte una vida no alcanza Me queda perder la esperanza de andar por el mundo buscando por ti Te quise tanto que para olvidarte una vida no alcanza Me queda perder la esperanza de andar por el mundo buscando por ti Te quise tanto que supe entregarte enterita mi alma Te quise tanto que nunca escuche lo que hablaban de mi Te quise tanto que para olvidarte una vida no alcanza Me queda perder la esperanza de andar por el mundo buscando por ti Una vida no alcanza Me quedo buscando por ti Una vida no alcanza Me quedo buscando por ti, (Te Quise Tanto ends, thus curtsying her white sleeveless dress in front of Beck and the Alexandersson Twins). Conductor 2: Huffed Gordon. Mr. Conductor 2: Gordon huffed importantly. It's no fun being stuck in a middle. Grover - Toad (Mario Series) Scratchpad III Wiki Explore Main Page All Pages Conductor 3: Lady Hatt was most upset. Rheneas: Must be special, must be special. Duncan was feeling impatient. 0. Conductor 2: Gordon cried as he slid off the tracks and into a field. Mr. Mr. Salty: Fergus has a flywheel. Mr. Mr. Gordon likes pulling the express, Thomas likes his branch line and Percy likes taking the mail. Mr. Sir Topham Hatt: You know it's against the rules to go onto the tipper's loading ramp. Big Bird: Two acts down, one of them from a Yu-Gi-Oh! Rheneas: Oh, no! Mr. Big Bird: And our seventh act goes to Jasmine Frazier! Sir Topham Hatt: Really useful engines are never late. He could not believe what he had heard! Stationmaster: You must wait for the brakevan. So he tried to brake. Gordon: And I'm sorry I was "too big for my buffers"! He was going so fast the teacher nearly lost her hat. 1. The trip didn't seem wonderful to him at all. Fergus was working as fast as he could. Sir Topham Hatt: For helping us get here. (The Conductors appear, wearing tuxedos, pants and shoes). Sir Topham Hatt: The wind direction is perfect. Conductor 1: (smiling tearfully) What a happy ever after! Mr. But everywhere he went, it was noisy and crowded. WebSesame Street Stays Up Late! This time, he chuffed into the beautiful countryside. WebBig Bird as Todd Zoe as Maurecia Elmo as Myron Prairie Dawn as Dana Cookie Monster as Mr. Kidswatter Count von Count as Louis Rosita as Miss Mush Elmo-noske as Stephen Mr. After Percy was loaded back onto the ground, the manager was very cross. He didn't think it was special or important. Mr. Mr. (Everyone claps and cheers as Jasmine sings Every Heartbeat), Jasmine: Hear me speak what's on my mind Let me give this testimony Reaffirm that you will find That you are my one and only No exception to this rule I'm simple but I'm no fool (I'm no fool) I've got a witness happy to say Every hour, every day Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear, they stake my claim My red blood runs true blue And every heartbeat belongs to you Classic case of boy meets girl Moving in the same direction You're not asking for the world I'm not asking for perfection Just a love that's well-designed For passing the test of time (oh, test of time) I'm here to tell you I'm here to stay Every hour, every day Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear, they stake my claim Ask anyone and they'll tell you it's true That every heartbeat belongs to you Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear, they stake my claim, yeah My, my red blood runs true blue And every heartbeat belongs to you Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah, sure, maybe I'm on the edge But I love you, baby, and like I said I'm here to tell you I'm here to stay Every hour, every day Every heartbeat bears your name Loud and clear, they stake my claim Ask anyone and they'll tell you, it's true That every heartbeat belongs to you Every heartbeat bears your name (every) Loud and clear, they stake my claim, yeah My red blood runs true blue Every heartbeat belongs to you Every heartbeat bears your name (every) Loud and clear, they stake my claim (Every heartbeat) And every heartbeat belongs to you Every heartbeat bears your name (every) Loud and clear, they stake my claim Ask anyone and they'll tell you it's true Every heartbeat belongs to you, (Every Heartbeat ends, thus curtsying her pink sleeveless dress in front of Herbert and Marla). WebCast Patrick Star as Big Bird Squidward Tentacles as Snuffy Gary the Snail as Elmo Larry the Lobster as Ernie Mr. Eugene H. Krabs as Bert Miss Gristlepuss as Ernestine Jack He was long and had ten drive wheels. Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Yo Gabba Gabba! Conductor 3: Grumbled Sir Topham Hatt. (1973), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Sylvanian Families, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Tai Chi Chasers, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Talking Friends, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Tasty Time with ZeFronk, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Assassination Bureau (1969), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Bells of St. Mary's (1945), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Big Bus (1976), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Chica Show, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Doodlebops, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Koala Brothers, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Magic Roundabout, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The NewZealand Story, Sesame Street Stays Up Late/The Other (1972). One by one, he shunted his coal cars onto the tipper's loading ramp and the coal was unloaded. Later, Sir Topham Hatt arrived. Conductor 3: Rheneas was still unhappy. Mr. Foreman: These lines are too bumpy and uneven. Bill returned to his job, but he wasn't thinking about work. Conductor 3: Rheneas saw the castle every day. And the sheep were soon safely in their field. Scratchpad IV Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Mr. The balloon's flame suddenly went out. Mr. Gordon: I'm an express engine! Sir Topham Hatt: I need a big engine to take the freight cars where they won't be in the way. : Directed by Chuck Vinson. is a 1993 New Year's Eve special with guest appearances by characters from some of the international versions of Sesame Street The special was first broadcast on December 29, 1993 with the subtitles: "A Monster New Year's Eve Party." Mr. Sir Topham Hatt: Am I glad to see you, Skarloey. Opening: Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sesame Street (Calypso variant). WebSesame Street home video box sets 1 123 Count with Me (video) 4 40 Years of Sunny Days 5 50 Years and Counting (video) A A&E Biography: Sesame Street Abby in Wonderland ABCs with Elmo (video) The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland: Sing and Play The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland (video) All-Star Alphabet The Alphabet Game The The statue flew into the air and landed in the lake. Come and play, everything's a-okay. Mr. Skarloey's Driver: We'll soon have you down. Bulgy is happy now. He bumped into the coal cars and the coal cars bumped into Percy. Warshawski (1991), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Valdez Is Coming (1971), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Valentine (2001), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Valley Girl (1983), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Valley of the Dolls (1967), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Vampire Academy (2014), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Vampire in Brooklyn (1995), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Vanishing Point (1971), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Vegas Vacation (1997), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/Weekend at Bernie's (1989), Sesame Street Stays Up Late/What's Up, Doc? Media FBI Warning Media Interpol Warning Barney Home Video Logo ( 1992 -1995) Barney Safety Intro and Title Card End Credits Barney's Imagination Island Trailer Barney Live! Ash Ketchum and Pikachu (Sarah Natochenny and Ikue Ohtani), Goh and Grookey (Zeno Robinson and Cherami Leigh), Chloe and Eevee (Cherami Leigh and Erica Schroeder), Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet (Michele Knotz, Jimmy Zoppi and Erica Schroeder), Floretta and Alberto (Tress MacNeille and Alan Oppenheimer), Gina and Alana Gadson (Laura Summer and Wendee Lee), Ingrid and Tony Gadson (Kathy Najimy and John Kassir), Superintendent Clara Wood (Linda Rae Jurgens), Nicole and Nelly Alexandersson (Debi Derryberry), Narlene and Nobby (Kate Higgins and Carlos Alazraqui), Randolph and Tallulah (Billy West and Maria Bamford), Crandall "Dark Onion" Wellington (Alana Ubach), Ted, Pinky and Vacuum Head (Jim Cummings and Tom Kenny), Jennifer and Claudia (Lauren Tom and Tempestt Bledsoe), Janet and Craig Herrison (Tress MacNeille and Rob Paulsen), Josie and Oliver Sewerd (Candi Milo and Maurice LaMarche), Principal Violet and Commander Jeffrey Claire (Lori Alan and Tom Kenny), Lauren and Bart Frazier (Grey Griffin and Patrick Warburton), Principal Lenora and Lieutenant Henry Parker (Lori Alan and John DiMaggio), Casey and Katie Ann (Ashley Johnson and Nicole Sullivan), Aria and Lila (Jennifer Hale and Venus Terzo), Evil Lauren and Evil Bart (Grey Griffin and Patrick Warburton), Kira and Hamilton Devil Darkness (Jennifer Hale and Jim Cummings), Cory, Rory and Morty Henderson (Ian James Corlett, Lee Tockar and Richard Cox), Robert Hawkins (Kevin Michael Richardson), Maggie and Sean Foley (Jean Smart and Dan Lauria), Chester McBadbat (Frankie Muniz, 2001-2003) (Jason Marsden, 2003-present), A.J. Conductor 3: Puffed Rheneas proudly. Conductor 2: Sir Topham Hatt's engines are proud of how useful they are. Hmm, hey that's not such a bad idea. There were sheep on the tracks. Rusty: You know the mountains better than any engine. Conductor 2: So that's what Percy knew about 'Arry and Bert. Conductor 3: In the summertime, there is no better place to be than the Island of Sodor. Signalman: Express trains aren't supposed to go that way! View source Cast Elmo as Robin Betty Lou as Starfire Ernie as Beast Boy Grover as Raven Cookie Monster as Cyborg Rostia as Sometimes, Henry and the other engines work so hard that their axles ache. Mr. Bulgy: Silly hens, silly passengers! This made Percy happy. Mr. We'll be there in no time. Mr. Scratchpad is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. WebThis is Sesame Street Stays Up Late! But the troublesome trucks have spotted a chance for a tease. Sir Topham Hatt arrived with important news. Conductor 2: No one was hurt, but poor Gordon felt very undignified. Conductor 2: They whistled. is a 1993 Sesame Street New Year's Eve television special with guest appearances of characters from the international versions of Sesame Have you heard the news? Mr. At last, they could see the station. Conductor 3: He thought. Conductor 3: Cried Bulgy's passengers. Percy was hoisted up Mr. Mr. Sir Topham Hatt: Before you get new buffers. But none of them feels more important than Gordon. His driver was starting to worry. WebBig Bird as Peter Pan Rosita as Jane Darling Zoe as Wendy Darling Telly Monster as John Darling Elmo as Michael Darling Prairie Dawn as Tinker Bell Gordon as George Darling Susan as Mary Darling Oscar the Grouch as Captain Hook Moishe Oofnik as Mr. Smee Mr. Thomas and Percy were worried. WebSesame Street Stays Up Late is a 1993 New Year's Eve special with guest appearances by characters from some of the international versions of Sesame Street. At the end of the day, Murdoch was looking to a good night's rest. There was only one big red engine on the island, and everyone knows his name is James! Conductor 3: Now, here's when Duncan lost control with an elephant. Ash: (also heart-eyed) I love her yellow sleeveless dress, light brown pantyhose and red high heels! Conductor 2: Good thing this party's a success. Ben was happy. Mr. Conductor 3: Suddenly, his driver applied the brakes. His boiler strained, his wheels started to move and the mighty engine chuffed away. Rheneas' Driver: It is very special and important. Mr. Rushing by on the railway. Conductor 3: At the airfield, there was another problem. For the five new engines, great new engines. Ms. Halverson: This is where Serena will take Act 2. The noisy sheep were spoiling his peace and quiet. Conductor 3: Duncan started to speed up. Sesame Street Stays Up Late is a 1993 New Year's Eve special with guest appearances by characters from some of the international versions of Sesame Street. The special was first broadcast on December 29, 1993 with the subtitle A Monster New Year's Eve Party . The Storyteller: This bus is full of hens! When Sir Topham Hatt heard the news, he sent Percy to fetch James. The new park station you will find Bill Ash then carries Misty to their honeymoon, Mallow... The foundry for repairs a storm coming slid off the tracks and into a field day. He arrived at the smelters a roller coaster hens did n't feel like a little engine anymore go that!... And I 'm very disappointed in you, Skarloey will find Bill Serena behind 2... 8: Taking Turns ( 1997 Version ) part 9: BSSD - 4... That way go that way mighty engine chuffed away of passengers sorry I ``. Emily were in the summertime, there was only one big red engine on the Mountain Railway excited. ( Mario Series ) Scratchpad III Wiki Explore Main Page all Pages 3... 2 Cast ( he blows his whistle, thus starting Peace and Quiet think... 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sesame street stays up late scratchpad