Sixty-two. The Any Key dramatic male monologue. That beautiful mess is Tracy. Irena describes her plight as an ally to the escaping children and families during WWII. but even at their best dinner at Antoines or a really good bed partner (and God knows there were never many of them) food and making love cant hold a candle to sleep. But whos counting? WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN HERE? . . That night. Here, she plays Susanna, as she is discharged from the mental hospital with the wild menagerie of characters. Chiraptophobia is an inspiring and innovatively structured examination of a communitys struggles with grief and guilt in the wake of the loss of a teenage girl to an eating disorder. Unfortunately, Dr. Nukulyes insistence that she has repressed homosexuality leads to his suggestion that she seek the help of a surrogate female sex partner. I just have a yeast infection, AGAIN! That reminds me, I dont think I ever got a piece! HULLABALOO Maggie is deeply distressed over her son who spent the previous night in the slammer. His death and her inaction to prevent it are the subjects of this riveting monologue. . Are you going to ride around on bikes with berets and f***ing baguettes in the basket of the front of your bikes? This is a play about dealing with tragedy and the strength necessary to survive, all in the search for just one good thing. through a network of handshakes, the Under-Secretary of Outrageous Falsehoods will shake hands with the Secretary for Pernicious Behavior under the Cloak of Night. Lets see if Shirley Temple and Keith Moon had a love child, shed definitely be Sally. 11. I mean, at what point do I become a joke? My parents: Sharon and Dave. as far as any improvement in his ailment goes. In this monologue she expresses her plan to win Demetrius\' love back . But I would be much obliged if you would ask Mr. Bunbury, from me, to be kind enough not to have a relapse on Saturday, for I rely on you to arrange my music for me. Shes alone with the coffin. Im a planet. BASILICA 8. Finds ita folded 8 10 sheet of paper.). I kept it hidden under blankets during the day. Anyway, its not as bad as it sounds Still. I have to haul a** to the kitchen, re-distribute the food and like squish in extra place-settings and people are on mismatched chairs and all. Either way, bitter and rock and roll end up together. Heh, sorry mom. My Fair Lady. What am I doing? No, Im not getting an abortion. 63. Yes, Ill use every art I have to conquer this enemy of women! I find that just as annoying as those sistas who have never experienced cramps. The Importance Of Being Earnest. Can God influence our lives? Oh, yes, absolutely yes. Once married, got up his head above, a stiff, crooked, knobby, inflexible, tyrannous creature he grows; then they turn like water, more you would embrace, the less you hold. Where have they gone? But now Ive got to rack my brains! Everyone has their own inner demons, and these characters are not afraid to voice the inner turmoil plaguing their psyche. A monologue from the screenplay by Diablo Cody. Read the play here Regular|Acting Edition, A monologue from the play by Idris Goodwin, Ive got something to show you. . these get sent to the FBI, analyzed, Xeroxed and burned. (Male or Female, Serio-Comedic/Comedic, 20s 40s) To give an instance and this is true and very very illustrative everyone came to my eighteenth-birthday party . Once Id melted one, I was hooked! Of The Fields, Lately 7. I dont fit. That was a college-level analysis. And my whole family is big and loud. Yeah, well give a D there. Monologue 2. Judge Dredd Digital - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. The second after Id got my drivers license, I grabbed my fake ID, jumped into my Pinto, and headed straight over the hill for Hollywood. This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. And in conclusion, may I remind you that it doesnt say R.S.V.P. on the Statue of Liberty. In this monologue, Erynne talks to her boyfriend Nemo about the death and suicide of her sister Dierdre. Griffith High School. Its not mine. and wears high heels and sexy business suits, she is SBF1s best friend, confidante, and alter ego. He has feelings for Greg, and later on in the play it seems as though these may be reciprocated. I think Ill have him. Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes anythe suddenly. And its giving me a fearsome headache. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. losing weight every week. []. And I cried because I didnt want to be. I must have cleared out every box of Crayolas in the city! But he will. When he tapped me on the shoulder in the middle of the night I thought he wanted me! Suddenly, the idea of becoming a teacher or a nurse lost its edge. It was the most bad-assed thing Id ever seen a woman do. Its actually not that hard to believe if youve ever tried to have a conversation with her. . Home | Uncategorized | 35 Comedic Monologues for Women, A monologue from the play by Tony Kushner. teetering sweet. You may receive a verification email. Did you enjoy life when you were a child? Oh, yes, you were a wonderful baby, Harold. The girl hes in love with doesnt know he exists, his father is leaving his mother, and his older brother has been deployed to Iraq. But not always pure. She reveals that after her husband, Nick, came back from the war, he wasnt the same. He loved his state. "A Midsummer Night in the OC" by D. Tupper McKnight "A modern interpretation of the jealous maiden, Helena's. Six people come together, each for their own reasons, at a restaurant on the Lower East Side. She is bogged down by what a doctor would call depression, but her descriptions are more poetic than direct, implying that she knows how she feels but is unaware of whats causing it or how to stop it. My birthday. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. They had to go. When Autumn comes upon them discussing Amelias social ambitions, Helen lies and says they were just saying how sad that their father wouldnt be present at Helens wedding. A female comedic monologue from the play Dead Man's Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl. Autumn (19) is on the verge of a manic episode right before a tea party planned for her sister Helens fianc whom she secretly loves. We should totally just stab Caesar! But now I dont know how to act around him. . shell certainly have this Gayless: nay, were she as well convinced of his poverty as I am, shed have him. . A monologue from the play by Thomas Middleton. Wed only been together six weeks then he decided itd be too much of a thing. Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. The official site for award winning screenwriter and playwright ARTHUR M. JOLLY. He doesnt want me to see her. Dont be shy. The festivities continue the following evening when the boys are joined by Timps girlfriend Laura and Sophie, who we soon understand is having a secret relationship with Mack. Maggie endures a loveless marriage and within ten years gives birth to five children. But she didnt do it well enough. . Somebody pinched it, and what I say is, them that pinched it, done her in. My first husband, the heart surgeon. I felt as you have felt. That sort of thing infuriates me. Do you go to sleep easily? Id say so. A monologue from the play by David Garrick. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. Why is that? . Where are all your friends? Should sex education be taught outside the home? Oh, I would say no, wouldnt you, Harold? Right? Sky Lines explores the lives of Venita, Maggie, and Sarah who live in a rundown apartment building in an unnamed American city. How oft it chances that in dreams a man Has wed . . For every color, I imagined a taste . Oh, if only I could draw out Baltazar no, what am I saying? 1. This character sits in a church at a funeral for one of their classmates. With every mouthful you just saw this look of pure gratitude crossing her face like I cant believe Im getting to eat this this is awesome. And Mr Podkolyosin isnt too bad, either. I wish you well and I wont bother you anymore. Is this what you want Lillian!? The wench is married, husband. You have successfully purchased store credit. Listen. . Thinking the bear told on her discovery and got her in trouble, she defaces it and hides the evidence away from the world. Just business as usual, especially when I was in college and all I could afford was Saint Vincents. faith, little better than nothinghes a man, and thats alland heaven knows mere man is but small consolation. . Lillian Hellmann? I came here to this house. She is my sister and family is sacred. Copyright [2021] Mighty Actor, DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), 20 Best Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays, 11. "Well, Tommy has proposed to Lady Bracknell has become aware of Jack's intentions toward Gwendolyn. She describes a fantasy shes had about being hired as an actress on a soap opera, which leads into an anecdote about the time she realized that her mother had been married when she met her father. Often times actors are either unemployed, or on a break . Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. You followed my gaze and saw it. I really hate going to the doctors office. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. Helena is depressed as Demetrius doesn\'t love her anymore. My aunt died of influenza, so they said. What is Performerstuff? If you must be married, could you introduce nobody into our family but a highwayman? You might like to read Camus The Stranger, if you have not already done so. Looking for a female monologue from a character struggling with a crisis? My friends are different. . . Marry? After a series of unhappy encounters she feels fearful, misses Colin and asks him to come and take her home. Theyve gone. Mr Zhevakins also a man of distinction. A monologue from the screen play by Heather Hatch. Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. A monologue from the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. Blacktop Sky 16. Sex. Be this advice pursued by each fond maid, Neer slight the substance for an empty shade: Rich, weighty sparks alone should please and charm ye: For should spouse cool, his gold will always warm ye. Just 9, huh? Because this was pointless. And you know why he told me, Barney? Nothing personal, but I dont think were going to have our affair. Arent you?! 1. She spent ages looking for it. Oedipus the King. . 1 to 2 minute monologue from wizard of oz comedu. So I have to use persuasion. It is intercut with recollections from the past. Here is she going to throw away fifteen thousand pounds; upon what? Hudson Valley Cornhole. Are you honestly and truly going to Prom with Katrina De Voort? Nick has a love of the Existentialists. I mean Mr Anuchkinno, I wont, I wont. Simply click on the appropriate link below to access the full monologue lists. . Then shes quite gone;Theres no means to help her, nay, for a need,Wilt swear unto thy credulous fellow lechersThat thart more in favour with a ladyAt first sight than her monkey all her lifetime.How many of our sex by such as thouHave their good thoughts paid with a blasted nameThat never deserved loosely, or did tripIn path of whoredom beyond cup and lip?But for the stain of conscience and of soul,Better had women fall into the handsOf an act silent than a bragging nothing.Theres no mercy int. And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. Wait a second, what am I stressing about, this is like, Josh. .) . Monologues MENTALLY DISTURBED MALE/ FEMALE DRAMATIC 1min 35-70 YEARS OLD (To total strangers) What a beautiful wife. Arent we lucky to be living in such a civilised age? Mack, Cam, Timp and Benny share a flat in Edinburgh. Cause all those things would be exponentially cooler than going to Prom with you. My defenses drop. Persona is a 1966 Swedish psychological drama film, written and directed by Ingmar Bergman . Oh, yes, he will, all right. I think she only stopped sleeping with it when she started sleeping with Sally. Um. WHICH IM SURE IS PERFECTLY BLEACHED! And a great bass player. Are you uncomfortable meeting new people? Well, I think thats a yes, dont you agree, Harold? Rules; Blog; Contact; Browse: Home / Uncategorized / psychotic female monologues from published plays She is pregnant with Colins baby and needs time and space to figure out what it is she wants. Yet cant he be cured of his timidity, by being taught to be proud of his wife? I see how your mother talks to you and dont get me wrong. All the time! This brief selection of examples shows how Spregelburd's translation neutralizes the ambiguities in the source text by determining a female character to the main voice in the play (1, 2), attributing a male identity or a generic nature to entities that are not defined in terms of gender (3) and using masculine generic forms in the target text in Spanish (4). From here you can access a wide range of monologues. Then they moved her from the school when she got out of hospital because they wanted to change her routine and they werent sure our school was a healthy environment. Thats Faith. Every girl here is afraid of you. I mean, like, how could I, like, get an F? but as soon as it has got his branch above the waves is presently hard, stiff, not to be bowed but burst; so when your husband is a suitor and under your choice, Lord, how supple he is, how obsequious, how at your service, sweet lady! Other monologues for you to enjoy: Finding my Root a South African monologue as a one act play Marry Him! After this long explanation of what is going on with his brain, she/he can only offer him pills. Thats cause youre still changing. A monologue from the play by Nikolai Gogol. . 10 Monologues from Characters Coping with Mental Illness : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. Except this Signor Baron, the ill-mannered lout! Absolutely yes. of a handsome but not affected fineness, a good faithful eye, and a well-humored cheek. . "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley. Of course, there are a couple of intense dramatic monologues from Shakespeare. Two love struck actors audition for Broadway and are confronted with questions that are afraid to answer and routines that lead them into questioning their lives. . 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psychotic female monologues from published plays