Assuming he means it, and it sounds from those comments that he does, thats impressive. But what I dont think is true, respectfully, is that it somehow looks bad for Lorrie that she didnt open the note until she was returning. His death came as a shock to the music world, especially when his cause of death was finally revealed to the public. I remember the day he passed,, So sad and young. One theory was that Whitley was a conflicted as a staunch traditionalist who was being asked to record more commercially applicable material, or was feeling the pressure of stardom. Whitleys latest album, Dont Close Your Eyes, has had three No. Keith Whitley and Lorrie Morgan had been married for three years at that point, and they were one of country musics emerging power couples. She would save it for the trip home. Whitley had been battling alcoholism since he was a teenager. The late country singer's platinum selling first Greatest Hits album originally released in 1990, one year after his tragic death from alcoholism. Thanks for commenting and offering your insight into this story. After seeing Lorrie Morgan off, Keith Whitley began a weekend of heavy drinking. 1 hits in a row. RCA also released a compilation of performance clips (from his days in the Ralph Stanley-Fronted Clinch Mountain Boys), interviews, and some previously unreleased material under the title "Kentucky Bluebird". The result was a song Whitley had optioned for his previous album called I Wonder Do You Think of Me, and was to result in his next album release. 10:13 pm, I think he is the best singer of all time and we can learn from him and his songs even though he is not with us anymore dosent mean that we should not go on and not have fun doing what we all know and love doing sing together, Nick Brown My heart still goes out to his family. May 9, 2019 @ Whitley was found fully clothed in his bed by his brother-in-law, Lane Palmer, said Lt. Harry Bell of the Goodletsville Police Department just north of Nashville. 1 on Billboard's country charts during the autumn of 1988 and the winter of 1989, with the title track "Don't Close Your Eyes" being ranked as Billboards No. I wish somehow young people could be made to understand. Vern also an accomplished and overlooked songwriter. Waylon's wife, Jessi Colter, answered the door and sent him to the den. To me, Vern and Keith are the 2nd and 3rd greatest country singers to stand behind a mic (Jones the greatest ever, period), and are often overlooked and underappreciated due to lifes circumstances. He came into his own here. His cenotaph is a larger than life sized statue of him which was commissioned by the Keith Whitley Foundation in his hometown of Sandy Hook, Kentucky, located on Kentucky Route 7 just north of the small town in which he grew up. I cant imagine any more disrespectful or shameful a response to Keith Whitleys death these many years later than to be bringing up what Lorrie Morgan did or didnt do. She really caught hell for a while no matter what she dideven recording the song Autumns Not That Cold drew ire as if she was making a statement about losing Keith. I am not an after-the-fact fan but was one when he was living as I am sure you were too. He was 33. However, it was the alcohol consumption that caused his demise. The album was released three months after his death, on August 1, 1989. Lockwood, Frank E. "Singing in Rain". The drugs may have contributed to the singers death, Harlan said, but the cause was drinking too much alcohol in too short a time. Sometimes folks personal demons get the best of them. Keith also suffered from severe alcohol addiction. His first Top 20 Country Hit single, "Miami, My Amy", was released in 1986. But his life was cut tragically short when he died of alcohol poisoning in 1989 at the age of 33 when his addiction finally overcame him. Album Echoes Country Classics". I have always been a fan of Keith Whitley.. The first three singles from the album"When You Say Nothing at All," "I'm No Stranger to the Rain," and the title cutall reached No. She then heads off to Alaska of all places and he died shortly after. Skaggs and Whitley hit it off right away and quickly befriended each other. Crowe & the New South in the mid-1970s. Men are not walking around with a childs brain in an adults body (in MOST casesdont get me wrong there) helplessly stumbling off cliffs or touching hot stoves without their mommy wives to chaperone them. Joe Tank we were living in Kingsport in the late 80s and early 90s right when I first started listening to Keith Whitley. Why dont you guys give yourselves a break and just do the right thing? History It was his time.. We might be able to change the venue but we can never change the can wonder the what if forever but things happen the way they are meant to.. Lorrie being there wouldnt have made a difference..not cold n cruel Just truth.. Did Louisa have a hospital in 54? Whitley honed his sound within the next few years for his next album, L.A. to Miami. If I hadnt stopped drinking, I dont think Id be alive today. Patsy Cline became more wildly popular after her deathdoesnt change her status. Keith was very active on the road. I did so many crazy things while drinking.. Jon Randalls version of the song blows Paisleys away, in my opinion. It was a tragedy what a voice! I knew all this going into the relationship. It was himself that Whitley would regularly put in harms way. Whether truth or innuendo, its not fair to put that on Lorrie. Keep in mind cocaine was quite taboo back then. It isnt based on what might have been for Keith. 8:43 am. His contributions are many, and lets keep in mind that he had a son, who carried on his legacy, although a legend in his own right. Only 3 songs were released & 2 others became hits for other artists. I have said my piece!!! His son is Jesse Keith Whitley. The truth rides in the heart not elsewhere. I will hopefully speak with Keiths family on Friday to see if I can get some clarification! There is hope in a few acts but no doubt he set a high bar. TORI HONEYCUTT The UPI article quotes her as referring to when she read the note on the return flight. I like to think Keith would have been the leading force for traditional country music into the mid to late 90s with Strait, Jackson, and Travis. Might have been ? 8:07 pm. KWs consideration should be based upon him solely and not any relative factors such as others who have not made it in. This site is the primary one I check for music news (well, news about music Im likely to like or encounter). 6:06 am, I have read many comments stating its someone elses fault because they didnt stay with him 24/7, the fact is he had an addiction that took him away. Wow. Deborah Sturch Those 3 had a soul and emotion to their voices that could strike a nerve that others couldnt. ~(?=T-((aw68 'ht`iE323,>D_$Gc{dY:/BpT &YG@g As a teen-ager, he played in Ralph Stanleys bluegrass band and later was lead singer for the country-bluegrass band J.D. 6:02 pm. Each song could have been a single & could have reached the top of the charts, there were no throwaways. When I still used Facebook and commented about Charlie Robison (maybe even included the link to your page), the first comment was from a friend who lives in Austin, but had not yet heard about his retirement. I know its not of utmost importance, but I wanted to point you to some information on Keiths real birthdate. His Bluegrass days and work at 15 are enough alone to make him a member of The Hall Of Fame. Lorrie Morgan knew the risks of entering a romantic relationship with Whitley. The couple married that November, and their son, Jesse Keith Whitley, now a singer and songwriter himself, was born the following year. She performed one of his most iconic songs, pouring he The only person responsible for an addict is an addict. "I think at this point in my life, my dad would say I'm heading down the right path," he told Taste of Country. About 2-3 years old when his dad died. None of us are immune. From the moment Keith Whitley embarked on a music career, success followed closely behind. I opened a show for Kieth in Fort Worth Tx. Whitley was born in Kentucky, and he won a talent contest at just 4 years old. These types of tributes, comments, recognition that Keith is receiving from major stars and 30 years after his death speaks volumes of his talent and influence. During his career, Whitley released only two albums but charted 12 singles on the Billboard country charts, and 7 more after his death. The day after his death, Music Row was lined with black ribbons in memory of Whitley. The Day Keith Whitley Died. In 2022, Whitley was posthumously inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. Wow, Marc Cohen I love your list of best vocalists. As many have stated here, his version of I Never Go Around Mirrors is beyond amazing. We loved him then, we love you now, we will always love you for you Keith. Still, the output from. 11:57 am. However, I do not think as some do that a Hall of Fame induction is warranted at this point. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. He tried CPR on a water bed . Will be passing through Tri-Cities later today. Critics regarded the album as too erratic. Whitley moved to Nashville in 1983 and soon signed a record deal with RCA. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) _ Country music singer Keith Whitley, known for wrenching, honky-tonk-style ballads that embraced pain and joy, was found dead at his home Tuesday after overdosing on alcohol, officials said. Keith Whitley Funeral Footage Deep Track Reacts 616 subscribers Subscribe 947 299K views 6 years ago Just a short clip of Keith Whitley's funeral on May 12th, 1989. My work requires carefully analyzing what a person says. Establishing himself as a lead singer in bluegrass music, Whitley moved to Nashville in 1983 and began his recording career there. Keith will always be #1 for me when it comes down to voices!! But Whitley has always treated Lorrie Morgan well. May 10, 2021 @ His career was taking off. Obviously Keiths addiction and death cut his career short. What sticks with us is the sentiment. His other hit records included Miami My Amy, Ten Feet Away, Homecoming 63 and Hard Livin.. 12:51 am. What if he had got to Keith in time. My husband and I loved Keiths music and his songs. 56 0 obj <> endobj To someone with a high tolerance, this is especially dangerous, unfortunately we lost a great man and musician that day~, I first heard Keith singing in JD Crowes band and i still think those are some of his best songs, but loved his later music too and he was one of my favs, Boston Rob On the morning of Tuesday, May 9th, 1989, Whitley spoke to his mother briefly on the phone, and then was visited by his brother-in-law Lane Palmer at his home in Goodletsville, Tennessee, near Nashville. Keith Whitley Cause of Death. Stanley wouldnt drink with any of the other members of the band, but he would with Whitley. That field requires absolutely clarity about what is stated, what is implied, and what is inferred. 2 in late 1991 and gave Whitley his second consecutive posthumous Grammy nomination for Best Country Vocal Collaboration. 86 0 obj <>stream He was singing on a Charleston, West Virginia radio station within a year. Then in 2010, the accusations against Charles Harlan became even more severe, with the doctor being blamed for numerous botched autopsies resulting in false murder convictions, including a man convicted for stabbing and murdering his cousin, when the deceased died after having a seizure and falling on a glass table. Hicks, Jack. Thanks go to you and to others discussing a remembering a talented artist who, despite the struggles that took his life (or maybe because of them), left us with great music. I VOTE to accept him into the CMHF. Who knows. Barry was on his way to his own house in Franklin, Tennessee, when he decided to stop by Waylon's to check on him, knowing how much he loved Keith. You cant live every part of your life for someone else. Enjoyed your article sent to me by an old buddy today. Please read this as being sent with the best of intentions and not to be a troll or to nitpick. Sometimes details change in the minds of people over time. He was there. Jackie Keith Whitley was well on his way to achieving great success in the country music industry when his life was tragically cut short on May 9, 1989. Im sorry for the loss of Mr. Whitley and I hope his family is well. back in 1976 and that is where Keith and I first met when he was fronting J.D. He honed his craft, learned to play the guitar, and already had a band at 13 years old. Welcome to - Home Page - Autopsy Reports of . He made a name for himself in the country music scene and recorded a third album, "Don't Close Your Eyes," which was released in 1988. After a years-long career in the bluegrass genre, Whitley moved the Nashville in 1983 to pursue a country music career. My view was coming from a different world conducting investigations with civil and/or criminal implications. Thats a fair response. L.A. to Miami, released in 1985, would give him his first Top 20 country hit single, "Miami, My Amy". "Whitley Fans Hate 'To See a Good Man Go To Waste". May 10, 2019 @ it so well. May 8, 2019 @ Amid his sober streak in 1987, Whitley once said in an interview, It was a matter of life and death. The next day, they lined Music Row in Nashville with black ribbons in remembrance. Whitley had been an . (Kind of like whether the lyrics to The Dance say could of when they should say could have. Ultimately, the writer writes from their perspective. TXMUSICJIM Friends and I saw Lorrie Morgan in concert when she and Merle Haggard opened for Clint Black. May you rise each day with sunlight in your heart, success in your path, answers to your prayers, and that smile that I always love to see in your eyes. , Green, Barbara. One idea was a film version of the George Vescey-Lorrie Morgan-penned "Forever Yours, Faithfully". Whitley began his career there in 1970, performing in Ralph Stanley's band. Would you like to know what I wish for you? No argument there. Hope it makes sense. 0.19lb. You are 100% correct! According to the autopsy performed on Whitley, he had an alcohol level of 0.47 in his bloodstream. And by the way, his version of I never go around mirrors is absolutely stunning. Whitley survived his reckless teen-age years and battled his stubborn drinking problem to become one of country musics emerging stars, along with Randy Travis and Dwight Yoakam. His body of work and the fact that it caused the resurgence in the popularity of country music 4 the 90s is why hes why hes being inducted to the Hall of Fame, BRYAN DENNIS He is buried in the Spring Hill Cemetery outside Nashville. All this talk about if only he hadnt been left alone, he needed a 24/7 watch, or if only someone had stopped him.. There will always be a special place in my heart for Keith Whitley, and Im sorry people will be deprived of his great talent, said his manager, Jack McFadden. Im afraid to give it to the rest of these boys. Later Keith Whitley joined J.D. 57[M. If you havent seen it, check out Jon recording his version of the song on Youtube. Sturgill_Jennings77 She loved Keith so much. TilBillyHill Ill be listening to the 3 hour Keith Whitley tribute that Bobby Bones has planned on his radio show in the morning. Tank. In the romantic part of my soul, Keith may have very well known what was to happen if he hadnt let go and let Lorrie carry on without him. His vocals matured so much from the LA to Miami album to Dont Close Your Eyes. The death of Keith Whitley felt like the next chapter in country musics history of some of its greatest stars ending life too early, from Hank Williams perishing in the back of his Cadillac on New Years Day 1953, to Patsy Cline, Hawkshaw Hawkins, and Cowboy Copas dying in a plane crash in 1963, or any number of other high profile deaths taking country stars away during the height of their popularity. 4:54 pm. It was so emotional. However it was Whitley and Skaggs, who "sounded just like me and Carter in the early days". 6:12 pm, Hey Trigger, my name is Joe Tank Leach and I was Keiths first manager and ended up signing him with Norro at RCA. October 24, 2020 @ As they say the rest is history. Salina Journal (KS) Thursday, October 27, 1988. Years of alcoholism severely compromised his health and he died of alcohol intoxication in 1989 at his Goodlettsville home at the age of 34. Within a week, Lorrie would release her first album on RCA Records,turn on the lightand had scheduled tour dates to promote the new re. She might have just been saving it for that moment anyway. And u find the bedroom door locked .and even hear something. Country Star Keith Whitley Dead at 33 From Alcohol Overdose. Ive learned to respect a lot of what Garth has to say. I got chills reading the card. He was hands down the best country singer I have ever heard. July 1, 2021 Keith Whitley would have turned 66 this year. Both could be right, or both could be wrong. Keiths manager Jack also stopped by keiths house sometime that morning and said keiths Bedroom door was locked and he could hear rustling sounds from inside but couldnt him to respond so he left. In 2022, Whitley was posthumously inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum (CMHOF). May 8, 2019 @ Sturgill_Jennings77 Gay, West Virginia, and happened to walk into the club they were playing and was blown away. It was an absolute tragedy. The album, Keith Whitley: A Tribute Album, was released in September 1994 via BNA. The two had coffee and were planning a day of golf and lunch, after which Whitley planned to start writing songs for him and Lorrie Morgan to record when she returned from her concert tour. When You Say Nothing at All, Im No Stranger to the Rain & Dont Close Your Eyes were also amazing vocals from that album. 9:41 pm. Gone to soon!! Trigger Just before he died, Jackie Keith Whitley had recorded his fourth solo album titled "I Wonder Do You Think of Me." It is a shame that he died so young & so tragically. I do agree with you that with Keiths short career, his main case is going to have to be focused on his one in a million voice and ultimately his influence on the 90s stars. He always pays respect to the greats of yesteryear. All I could tell people is to balance out the different perspectives and come to their own conclusion. If I could have any wish I wanted, this is my wish: That in your life which is so precious to me, may worries, troubles and problems never linger. I did so many crazy things while drinking., Whitley had just recorded an album in Nashville, to be released in the fall, said Brenna Davenport-Leigh, spokeswoman for his record label, RCA Records. Keiths manager, Don Light, had warned her early on. I would not be disappointed to see KW in the HOF. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) _ Country music singer Keith Whitley, known for wrenching, honky-tonk-style ballads that embraced pain and joy, was found dead at his home Tuesday after overdosing on alcohol, officials said. I wouldnt publish a statement of fact based on an inference from an article. Lexington Herald-Leader (KY) Saturday, June 27, 1998. The album produced two more No. 4:47 am. Lockwood, Frank E. "Bikers, Sandy Hook Pay Tribute to Favorite Son". Though Whitley had cleaned up in 1987 after numerous close calls from drinking to excess, the sobriety lasted about six months before he fell back off the wagon once again, which could not have been a surprise to anyone. "Keith Whitley discovered dead Alcohol overdose cause of death". May 8, 2019 @ King Honky Of Crackershire May 10, 2019 @ Posthumously, Whitley would score two more #1 songs and four Top 15 singles, and theres no reason to believe his output wouldnt have continued to reign on the country charts had he lived. Never knew about this connection until your comment. endstream endobj startxref As for Whitleys age at the time of death, I have also seen people insist he was 34, but I have not been able to find any information to refute the common knowledge that he was 33. The album also included two original songs: "Little Boy Lost", co-written and sung by Daron Norwood, and "A Voice Still Rings True", a multi-artist song. I just dont see him quite at the level of the other guys. I will never forget him and he will always have a place in country music and in my heart. Normally I dont get involved anymore and just let the egos have there way, but just felt the record should be set straight from a historical perspective and plus it looks like some of these fans would enjoy it. He began singing as a child and he had learned how to play guitar by the time he was eight. 1 hits, and it seemed like his music career was right on track. I think its great hes being honored. 10:59 am. He was considered country musics next superstar. May they only make you that much stronger and able and wise. The album also included four previously unreleased tracks recorded by Whitley in 1987, one of which had Morgan dubbed in as a duet partner. Thanks for your part in creating great live music venues. Establishing himself as a lead singer in bluegrass music, Whitley moved to Nashville in 1983 and began his recording career there. 11:43 am. I hope his soul is at peace. When it comes to when Lorrie opened the card, the recollection she gave in the interview I cited was weeks removed from when it happened, while her biography was many years after. Keith Whitley had agreed to drive his wife and partner Lorrie Morgan to the Nashville airport to see them off on a promotional trip to Alaska. +c|kc)1W7a@n< _8 Not getting into any personal comments here as that has NOTHING to do with whether he should be inducted or not. Thanks to you for the site and to the community who read and respond. It doesnt matter what he was doing or where he was.. He had so much to live for at the time. [citation needed] Stanley opened the door of the club and heard what he thought was the Stanley Brothers playing on a jukebox. Induct him already. It wasnt just what Whitley accomplished before he passed away that left such a gaping hole in the heart of country music, its what many expected him to accomplish in the coming years. Its good to see that the comments here have been predominantly respectful and fair. The official cause of death for Keith Whitley was ruled alcohol poisoning by local medical examiner Charles Harlan on May 10tha day after Whitleys death. In Lorries book, page 201 states she opened the letter as soon as the plane was in the air. The music world mourned the loss of Whitley, and his wife Lorrie Morgan coped with the loss by recording an album as a tribute to her husband, per Country Music Alley. Since that Tuesday in 1989, Keiths death has been my obsession. He pays tribute to his father by singing some of his songs during performances. It is the equivalent of 20 1-ounce shots of 100-proof whiskey. Crowe. Country music stars including Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood, among others, performed Whitley's songs to a packed audience at the CMA Theater in Nashville, Tennessee. Stanley discovered the boys when he blew a tire in Ft. I will forward that information. Artist after artist will tell you of his influence on them or decision to pursue the businessfans are still loyal to the man whose voice cannot be matched in raw emotion and genuine country music. A great artist one cannot doubt. The Sandy Hook, Ky., natives alcohol problem had plagued him for years. It should impact Keiths either. I was surprised to learn Paisley hadnt written Youll Never Leave Harlan Alice, though it explained the Kentucky location instead of his (and my) native WV. It is such a shame to lose such a great artist while so young. I still am on tour these days. It was early May 1989. Who is his sons mother? In 1995, the album Wherever You Are Tonight was released, produced by Lorrie Morgan, featuring restored demos of 19861988, with crisper 1990s recording techniques and a full orchestra. I never made it to the legendary Down Home. In 1988, his first three singles from his studio album Don't Close Your Eyes, the title song, "When You Say Nothing at All" and "I'm No Stranger to the Rain" were number one hits. 12:12 pm. -. [17] Alison Krauss's rendition of "When You Say Nothing at All" was released as a single from the album, reaching number 3 on the country charts in 1995. His official cause of death was listed as acute ethanolism, according to Autopsy Files. Keith Whitley AKA Jackie Keith Whitley Born: 1-Jul - 1955 Birthplace: Ashland, KY Died: 9-May - 1989 Location of death: Goodlettsville, TN [1] Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, Spring Hill Cemetery, Nashville, TN Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Country Musician Nationality: United States But in the aftermath of Keith Whitleys death, rumors swirled about the circumstances, some of which have continued to linger in popular lore to this day. Cocaine and Valium were also in Whitleys system, according to autopsy results released later. On May 9, 1989, Whitley had a brief phone call with his mother and was later visited by his brother-in-law, Lane Palmer. 78 Comments. Keith had asked me after a show one night if I thought I could maybe help him get a record deal. 7:59 am. Many times he had tried to overcome his alcoholism, but failed. Which he should of thought of anyway. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Keith Whitley seemed destined to become a country star with his haunting, soulful baritone honed by his roots in Kentucky bluegrass. In the grand scheme of things, probably notna big deal. But, it was a great show even from the nosebleeds of Thompson-Boling arena in Knoxville. May 11, 2019 @ I dont think you have to speculate about his careerstarting in Blue Grass as a young person and being very successful and high profile and then his Country career should speak for itself. Over the years many people have asked me why I had never called people and corrected them in various articles over the years concerning Keiths early history and some of my interesting and fun storys while I was shopping our tape around Nashviile. He was 33. 938 55K views 1 year ago In this video we turn our spotlight onto The Tragic Life and Death Of Keith Whitley. , Stambler, Irwin, and Grelun Landon (2000). Alcoholism is a terrible disease. The medical examiner said in his findings that Whitley died as a result of "drinking too much ethyl alcohol in too short a period of time." In addition to alcohol, his urine test also came out positive for cocaine and benzodiazepines, which may have contributed to his death. Kevin Smith Keiths influence case is broad and noted from many(Garth, Tracy Lawrence, Mark Chesnutt, Alan Jackson, Daryle Singletary, Joe Nichols, Tim Mcgraw, Diffie, etc.). Were seeing that today where theres actually two different stories behind George Joness lawnmower story. Some of the questions are about him personally and some are about his music. The publishing of Keith Whitleys autopsy report put most of the rumors to bed, though they would re-emerge in subsequent years. They had partied hard together the entire weekend and he swallowed a small baggie of cocaine he found at Keiths house before he called 911. Good for him. I was on pins and needles when he was on the road.. If I read a post/article, I read all the comments. Rowe, Norman. Once when riding passenger in a car and sipping on bootleg bourbon with the driver, they tried to take a curve at 120 mph. Gay, West Virginia, by Ralph Stanley who was 45 minutes late for a show due to a flat tire. But with Lorrie Morgan out of town that first weekend of May, 1989, there was nobody there to tend to Whitley, or his raging alcoholism. Douglas Murphy You are sooooo right. During the new recording sessions in 1987, Whitley began feeling that the songs he was were not up to his standards, so he approached RCA and asked if the project of 15 songs could be shelved. Shortly thereafter, "I'm No Stranger to the Rain" also earned Whitley his first and only Country Music Association award as a solo artist and a Grammy nomination for Best Country Vocal Performance, Male. But about the time everything would begin to unravel for Keith Whitley due to his drinking, he would hold it together enough to pull through. Keith finally reached No. I agree on each one of them. In response to an above comment, putting Whitley in the HoF wouldnt be because of a what if. The guy had plenty of massive hits, some of which have reached icon status, three classic albums to his name, and his relationship with artists such as Ricky Skaggs leading up to his solo career impacted the country music landscape far more than any hit song or album could do.
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keith whitley autopsy report