joe rogan ali wong podcast

This isnt the first time that Rogan has been fooled by an easily debunked piece of fake news. Despite being a firm believer in climate change, Rogan famously spread misinformation about deadly wildfires in California being deliberately ignited by leftists. Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril., Brian Simpson is a stand-up comic and host of the podcast "BS with Brian Simpson." Episode #1425 with Reisman is a fascinating one because he talks about how space is our destiny, space junk, and micrometeorites. Jordan Peterson, the famous Canadian professor and psychologist, is a well-known advocate for young men. I decided to do some deep research and come up with a list of Joe Rogans best friendships, from an outsiders point of view, using his podcast, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter as resources. Doug Stanhope is a stand-up comedian, actor, and longtime friend of Joe Rogan. Whether youre looking for a hilarious podcast to while away your day or an informative one from some of the most brilliant minds, Joe Rogan has it all. Leah shares with Joe some of the harrowing experiences with the Church of Scientology and her motivation behind leaving the cult. As a result, its difficult to think of a piece of technology that does not rely on cobalt to function, Kara said. Leah Remini, who was once a member of the Church of Scientology, is an outspoken advocate against the evil aspects of religion. My sincere apologies to everyone, especially the person who got hoaxed.. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. The subject of todays show definitely seems to fit into that latter category. Of course, he would later be fined by the US government, but thats not the gist of this episode. Steven Rinella is an outdoorsman, conservationist, writer, and host of "MeatEater." Joe Rogan and Ana Kasparian share a somewhat hostile professional relationship. Upon discovering the truth, Rogan admitted that he had been very irresponsible, having not researched the story before broadcasting it to his audience. His latest special, "Stavros Halkias: Live at the Lodge Room," is available on YouTube. This episode of the Joe Rogan Experience with Elon Musk is Rogans most popular podcast episode on YouTube. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a health and wellness specialist who deals with biomedical research, particularly brain health and anti-aging. Another topic of discussion, and perhaps the most interesting, was Musks comments about simulation theory. Obviously, the story was a complete hoax, a manifestation of transphobic panic, which Rogan later admitted. Ultimately, Joe Biden was the Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election, but Yangs views on the issues are unique and still worth a listen to in this podcast episode. Mike Tyson may be one of the worlds best heavyweight boxers, but this episode isnt just for boxing fans. For any experienced Twitter user, the tweet makes for an unconvincing hoax; the date is formatted incorrectly, and the character count is expanded by 54, beyond Twitters limit of 280; it is unclear if Rogan or his team attempted to fact-check the tweet before discussing it on the podcast. Brian Redban is a comedian, producer, co-host of the podcast and live-streaming YouTube show "Kill Tony," and founder of the Deathsquad podcast network. And Cox is superb at breaking ideas and theories down in an easily understandable way. Depending on the time period discussed, The Joe Rogan Experience is often the number one podcast by number of listeners. And its being mined in appalling, heart-wrenching, dangerous conditions.. He has also authored multiple books on the subject of mushrooms. A great interview to watch if you are a fan of politics or of Sanders himself. Dan Flores, an American writer and historian who focuses on the history and ecology of the American West, stands out among Joe Rogans joe 1 of 2 noun (1) j often capitalized : fellow, guy an average joe joe 2 of 2 noun (2) : coffee sense 1a Synonyms Noun (1) bastard bloke [ chiefly British] buck cat chap [ chiefly British] Kiedis also discussed his longtime relationship with legendary producer Rick Rubin, who had recorded his own interview with Rogan the week before. In this interview, Callaway talks about the origin of the Undertaker, his favourite matches, his retirement, and some of his physical and mental struggles. It is truly a petri dish of thoughts and ideas, worthy of a college education. If you want to feel inspired and ready to take on the world, these are all great episodes to listen to. Sanders doesnt skate around topics in this episode and Rogan does an excellent job of interviewing him. Ive never seen one and Ive been to almost all the major industrial cobalt mines in the country, Kara said. But when he does, he always leaves a mark. Episode #138 with Anthony Bourdain is one of Joe Rogans earlier podcasts and its stood the test of time. The discovery is featured in the 2019 documentary "Boneyard Alaska" and popular Instagram account @theboneyardalaska. Walker authored a book titled Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. If you have a chance to read the book, definitely do. (2022, October 19). A guest on The Joe Rogan Experience revealed the dark side of cobalt mining. Wrapping Up Podcasts, by definition, are audio files. Brian Cox JRE #1233In my opinion, Brian Coxs appearance on JRE is the most interesting episode of all time. It basically coversSean Carroll JRE #1003Carroll is a theoretical physicist and professor, who specializes in quantum mechanics and cosmology. He graduated withNeil deGrasse Tyson JRE #1159The peoples astrophysicist, Tyson serves not only as one of the top scientists in the world, but also the voice of the I've since become a virtual mentee of the likes of Jocko Willink, David Goggins, Andy Stumpf, Cam Hanes, Jordan Peterson, and countless others - who welcome challenges, conquer fear, and embrace adversity. Considering the incredible popularity and broad reach of his platform, it is frustrating that Rogan continues to spread misinformation, seemingly by mistake, like a Facebook-addicted uncle whose worldview is shaped by Minions memes. In fact, he wrote a fantastic book that I read called Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. He developed a company that sells CBD products, Ignite, dabbled in acting, had a heart attack or two at a young age due to drug use, and more. Mark Laita is a photographer, documentarian, and creator of the YouTube channel "Soft White Underbelly." WebThe Joe Rogan Experience | Podcast on Spotify Home Search Your Library Create Playlist Privacy Center Privacy Policy Cookies Cookies Preview of Spotify Sign up to get A guest on The Joe Rogan Experience revealed the dark side of cobalt mining. Andrew Yang is most famous for running for president in our most recent election. Sanders is clear and confident in his beliefs, laying out his opinions and plans more directly than most politicians. There are always some fireworks to be expected when legendary comedians share a platform., Jon Bernthal is an actor known for such roles as Sheriff's Deputy Shane Walsh in "The Walking Dead," vigilante Frank Castle in "The Punisher," and more recently, corrupt cop Wayne Jenkins in HBO's miniseries, "We Own This City." Willink is a retired US Navy SEAL Commander who served in the Iraq War who has since become an author and host to his own podcast. Krauss, an atheist, has spent some of his work trying to remove the barriers that religion presents to science. He appears on episode #1159 and episode #1347, both of which are also fascinating episodes to listen to if youre at all interested in science. A great episode for anyone looking to feel inspired. Some, if not all, of the famous tech and energy companies in the world are implicated in the humanitarian crisis, Kara said. As absurd as these claims may sound, theyre actually backed by some solid scientific findings. Hes such a happy, witty individual and it was so nice to listen to him and Rogan speak candidly. We've rounded up the most interesting ones. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Biden turns to country with child labor issues for green energy, Green energy projects face stark environmental, local opposition, Environmental groups keep pushing extreme measures, every electric vehicle needs the mineral. The divers have been searching for the bones since the miner John Reeves made an appearance on Joe Rogans podcast on 30 December. WebListen to this episode from The Joe Rogan Experience on Spotify. Born and raised in Ashburn, Georgia, he later relocated to Atlanta and signed a record deal with Polygram Records in 1992. In episode #737, Rogan talks with Lance Armstrong about his cycling accomplishments and about his scandal with performance-enhancing drugs. And it just so happened that the Congo is sitting on more cobalt than the rest of the planet combined, he added. During the discussion, West described his relationship with God, his regrets about his past lyrics, his own journey with bipolar disorder treatment, Black history, COVID-19, and his reasoning behind running for President of the United States and past support of Donald Trump, and he (in)famously described his way of speaking not as rants but as a symphony of ideas.. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a human rights activist and author of the new book "Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights." Any Joe Rogan podcast episode that Burr appears on is highly entertaining and just the best. When Harris comes on Rogans podcast, which is often, he talks about any and all of the topics listed above. 14 episodes totalling 16 hours, 36 minutes. Follow The Joe Rogan Clips show page for some of the best moments from the episodes. The two shared a close professional friendship before shit hit the fan. Though, its certainly a fascinating episode to listen to. Vijaya Gadde was formerly the head of legal, policy, and trust at Twitter. Igor is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. Joe Rogan has been the face of multiple successful enterprises, stretching over multiple decades now. The fake tweet, falsely attributed to Dr. Natalia Solenkova, an intensive care doctor based in Florida, read: I will never regret the vaccine. One video with over 1 million views, was Penroses discussion with Rogan about mathematically trying to measure consciousness (YouTube). One of 2022s viral episodes of The Joe Rogan Experience, this interview with Harvard visiting professor Siddharth Kara opened a lot of peoples eyes to the unseen labor that goes into many of our consumer electronics. How much control does Joe have over his show? He graduated with (Photo by Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images), Netflixs The Pale Blue Eye Makes Fatherhood a Gothic Mood. Listen in to this episode and find out. However, Steven Pinker believes that the world is not only better today than it was a few years ago, but is also destined for greater days ahead. His Score and Percentile (Extremely High). Well, thats because he is My life has been touched by Joe Rogan's JRE podcast and his amazing guests from the show. When talking about technology and whether we are living in a simulation, Musk commented: The argument for the simulation is quite strongif you assume any rate of improvement at all, then games will be indistinguishable from realitytherefore we are most likely in a simulation.. Episode 220 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Jack Carr Et al.. And this show offers a glimpse into how close Joe and Ana were before their professional romance turned into an online feud. Joe Roganis an American stand-up comedian, martial artist, sports commentator, and television host whos popularly known for hosting the Joe Rogan Rolling Stone. Jack Dorsey is the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter and the founder and CEO of Block (previously known as Square). TheBiden administrationrecently entered into an agreement with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia to bolster the green energy supply chain, despite the DRCs documented issues with child labor. The beauty of the Joe Rogan podcast is that there are nearly 2000 episodes to enjoy, and that number will only continue to grow. In his sitdown with Rogan, Bernthal discussed his career, his recent controversial decision to interview Transformers actor Shia LaBeouf on his own podcast, and the time he almost accidentally killed a man, an event that changed his whole outlook on life. The son of two preachers, Joe spent much time in church singing, playing guitar, and even directing th read more Avant Tyrese Donell Jones View all tracks Albums Who is Joe Rogan, and why does Spotify love him so much? The Joe Rogan podcast with the most downloads is episode #1169, in which Joe Rogan featured Elon Musk. To hear more conversation between Rogan and Snowden, check out episode #1536, which aired in 2020. On episode #1428, Greene discussed with Rogan these subjects: He said that human life is so young on the cosmic time scale and that it is very plausible that other aliens dont find us very interesting. How Joe Rogan went from UFC announcer to psychedelic warrior. American whistleblower Edward Snowden came forward about global mass surveillance in 2013, while the CIA still employed him. He is the author, along with his wife, fellow biologist Dr. Heather Heying, of "A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life." Kara told Rogan that the level of suffering of the Congolese people working in cobalt mines was astounding. How to listen and more explained. Joe (1970) (134) 1 h 46 min 1970 R. A blue-collar bigot (Peter Boyle) helps a New York adman (Dennis Patrick) search hippie drug dens for his daughter (Susan Sarandon). What makes this episode worth your time is how Pinker backs up his optimism with scientific facts and evidence. The discussions in this episode revolve around the state of gay rights in America, sex, and political upheaval, with some cultural twists to these subjects. Discover the Best Podcasts | Discover Pods. 2023 Inspirationfeed. The kind of news that fills our mainstream and social media today is anything but positive. JRE episode #919 aired in 2017. Jamie Vernon, also known as Young Jamie, is the producer of The Joe Rogan Experience ( JRE) podcast. As of 2020, Joe Rogan is easily the most prolific podcaster in the game. Although this podcast episode is more than 6 years Click on the conversation bubble to join the conversation, Jacksonville, Florida. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from, K. (2022, January 31). In this episode, he shares some of the progress The Ocean Cleanup has made so far, as well as what the future holds for this noble initiative. Both Rogans and deGrasse Tysons passions for science come through in this interview and make it such a pleasant episode to listen to. Disclaimer: Joe Rogan, and some of his guests, may express views and opinions that are offensive to some listeners. While it definitely comes down to your sense of humor, Episode 1647 with Dave Chappelle certainly stands out. Directors Avildsen,John G. Starring Peter Boyle, Susan Sarandon, Dennis Patrick Genres Suspense, Drama Subtitles And, believe it or not, he actually makes the subject of sleep an interesting one. Steve-O gets into all of that with Rogan in his November 2022 appearance on the podcast, mixing his old larger-than-life self with a more grounded and sober reflection of his life and career. Michael Osterholm is an American epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research Policy at the University of Minnesota. His podcast, one of the most listened to in the world, has risen his stardom to new levels. After being informed of his mistake, Rogan took to Twitter to clarify that the episode had been removed, with the offending segment edited out, before being re-uploaded onto Spotify. All episodes from #1568 and on are only available on Spotify. Dorsey and Gadde address some tough accusations of bias and censorship at Twitter, and, whether or not you believe their answers, its enlightening to hear what they have to say when confronted with pretty pointed questions. Joe Rogan's submission of a childhood story about his mother will leave you jawed. Ali Siddiq is a stand-up comic and writer who initially developed his comedic talents during a six-year stint behind 5 most controversial guests on the Joe Rogan Experience. The Greatest Story Ever Told So Far: Why Are We Here? From Wests religious beliefs and struggles to old songs he wishes he didnt write, to his bipolar disorder, no stone is left unturned, and it makes for a thoroughly entertaining podcast. (2021, July 2). As well as being both in-depth and important, the interview is refreshing and offers a range of key perspectives on the lives of what are now a more marginalized people. Rogan wrote: I was informed last night that this tweet is fake. The Ketogenic diet is one of the most controversial nutritional topics. While the show is great at giving guests the space to talk about whatever they like, its always cool when Rogan has a guest that he just hangs out with without getting into a ton of their baggage. His podcast is titled The Joe Rogan Experience and on each episode, he usually features a prominent guest. Together, they are the co-hosts of "The DarkHorse Podcast." Not only that, but Tyson gets into his life after boxing, showing that he is not just a hard-hitting boxing champion, but he has a softer side too. Joe Rogan, a cancel culture critic, called out by Carlos Mencia for canceling him., Stavros Halkias is a stand-up comic and host of the new "Stavvy's World" podcast. Joe Rogan has expressed his sincere regret after a recent episode of his eponymous podcast featured an incendiary fake tweet about the COVID-19 vaccine. She explains everything so well and helps highlight which areas of our health we need to continuously be working on and monitoring. Although Rogans podcast covers a broad range of topics, it is the nerdy space discussions that are the most fascinating. He rose to prominence after releasing his debut album Everything the following year. Sam Harris is a neuroscientist who has authored multiple New York Times bestseller books, like Letter to a Christian Nation and The Moral Landscape. If you want to hear more from Harris, check out episodes #192, #410, #641, #804, #940 (with Dan Harris), #1107 (with Maajid Nawaz), and #1241. Though the episode was recorded way back in 2014, many of the topics of discussion are still relevant today. Once you listen to the rapport between Burr and Rogan, youll quickly see why. From UFC fighters and comedians to scientists and politicians, Rogan is willing to chat with anyone. Growing up, Phelps-Roper was an active member of the Westboro Baptist Church, a Hyper-Calvinist Cult and hate group. One of the most consistently solid actors currently working in Hollywood, Jon Bernthal has had acclaimed roles in The Walking Dead, The Punisher, The Wolf of Wall Street, King Richard, Baby Driver, The Bear, and more. Joe Rogan had Osterholm come on the podcast to help best explain Covid-19 to the public and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the virus. 2013 American film Joe Theatrical release poster Directed byDavid Gordon Green Screenplay byGary Hawkins Based onJoe by Larry Brown Produced by David Gordon Green Lisa Muskat Derrick Tseng Christopher Woodrow Starring Nicolas Cage Tye Sheridan CinematographyTim Orr Edited byColin Patton Music by Jeff McIlwain David Wingo Production companies Worldview Entertainment Distributed byRoadside Attractions Release dates August 30, 2013 April 11, One of Tysons rare qualities is his ability to communicate in a way that ordinary people can understand. When Bob Lazar first made public his experience working in the reverse-extra-terrestrial-tech engineering program for the government of the United States, he did so out of a desire to inform. Also see: The 25 Smartest Guests on Joe Rogans Podcast, What is Jordan Peterson's IQ? The fake tweet spread like wildfire over anti-vaccine Twitter, and inspired an avalanche of harassment directed at Solenkova, who has since made her account private. The Mandalorian Season 3: Why Are Mando And Baby Yoda Reunited? It aired in September of 2018 and has since gained over 39 million views. Boyan Slat is a Dutch entrepreneur and inventor behind the idea of The Ocean Cleanup, a Netherlands-based organization that tries to rid our water bodies of pollutants like plastics. Musk is most widely known as the CEO of Tesla SpaceX; his innovations have made him a huge public figure across the globe., Erika Thompson is the owner and founder of Texas Beeworks: an organization promoting public awareness and education about thevaluablework bees and beekeepers do. Miley Cyrus appearance onTheJoe Rogan Experience gave the pop star a chance to talk publicly about the struggles of growing up in the public eye. In this 2.5 hour episode, Rogan and Musk discuss his recent business ventures and what future plans he has for himself and his company. We cant function on a day-to-day basis without cobalt, and three-fourths of the supply is coming out of the Congo, he added. Before anyone knew what was happening, [the] Chinese government [and] Chinese mining companies took control of almost all the big mines and the local population has been displaced, Kara said. Im delighted to be a servant of that curiosity.. Links on Android Authority may earn us a commission.Learn more. In my opinion, Brian Coxs appearance on JRE is the most interesting episode of all time. Look for his new book, "Cobalt Red:How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives," on January 31, 2023. This episode aired in 2019 while Sanders was campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination. Redeem Now Buffering Podcast | The Joe Rogan Experience #712 Wim Hof Method 6 years ago Podcast 115K 2,078 59 Wim Hof Method 1,376 13 Follow Report Rogan took some time to sit down with Shannon OLoughlin, a Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma citizen and the executive director and attorney for the Association on American Indian Affairs, to dive into these issues and the way native traditions clash with modern American culture. As the host of Fear Factor and the color commentator of One of the defining features of Joe Rogans podcasts is their diverse nature. You can listen to him on episodes #729, #1391 (with Tulsi Gabbard), and #1492. Many astronomers first believed it to be a comet or rock, but Loeb made some interesting, factual counter-arguments, like he explained to Rogan on JRE #1596. A Harvard visiting professor and modern slavery activist exposed the appalling cobalt mining industry in the Congo on a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience that went viral. In the thrilling and eye-opening episode, he also discusses the way that the US Congress handled the case and how the NSA would take little to no responsibility for its actions. On this show, she reveals a secret about anti-depressants that big pharmaceutical companies dont want you to know. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from, 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer. Cox is a distinguished physicist who works on the Atlas project (the particle accelerator/collider experiment in Switzerland). Theres a reason this is one of the most highly viewed JRE episodes and we promise its not just because Elon Musk smokes weed in it. Plus, it was Sanders appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience that prompted the next guest on this list to come on the podcast. Five Exciting New Podcasts To Keep Your Ears Happy In The New Year. Hes an astrophysicist, an author, and overall a huge science buff and figure to the world. Always a big personality, with vocal opinions on everything from Taylor Swift to the history of slavery, the celebrated and award-winning hip-hop artist and producer swings from beloved icon to reviled villain on a dime. Dr. Rhonda Patrick has her Ph.D in biomedical science and shes a renowned expert on nutritional health. This episode was a great window into why Kevin Hart chose to pursue the career he did and how he feels about his fame and success. The Joe Rogan Experience was also the No. One of Tysons idols was the legendary astrophysicist Carl Sagan, and he took after him by hosting the TV Show Cosmos, taking audiences on a journey through understanding the universe. Rogan likes to workout in a fasted state. The 12 best guests on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast - discover the best podcasts: Discover pods. Hes an American mycologist who works with various strains of mushrooms. The peoples astrophysicist, Tyson serves not only as one of the top scientists in the world, but also the voice of the cosmos. Here are the other episodes you can catch Burr on: #26, #91, #228, #343, #583, #727, #909, #1219, #1348, #1491, and #1575. Quentin Tarantino is one of Joe Rogans favorite filmmakers, so he brought a clear determination to this interview. deGrasse Tyson returned to the Joe Rogan Experience two more times after his initial episode. Tarantino addressed his critics, rejecting the discussions surrounding his negative portrayal of Bruce Lee in his 2020 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. More recently, his ongoing search for gold uncovered the remains of thousands of Ice Age animals lying beneath the permafrost on his property. He also carries two extremely high accolades, Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (OBE) and Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS). Tysons career has been crazy, especially if you remember that he bit someones ear off and owned tigers as pets. Steve Schirripa and Michael Imperioli #1493, What is a podcast? Anyone who's watched the podcast knows he loves lifting weights, regularly discussing its physical and mental benefits., Siddharth Kara is an author and expert on modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and child labor. The conversation turned to Soros and his, Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist, speaker, and author. When Daves in front of a mic, you know youre going to laugh (or get angry, or both). In episode #1284, aired in 2019, Rogan and Hancock discuss a few of Hancocks theories and how they have been accepted in the community. 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joe rogan ali wong podcast

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