v. BARBARA ANTLEY ET AL. v. PRENITA ALIMCHANDANI. SANDRA S. BLOUNT et al. TRICO ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. v. KNIGHT PETROLEUM COMPANY ET AL. The Georgia Court of Appeals serves as the intermediate appellate court in the state and may certify legal questions to the Supreme Court. PHILLIP D. FAIRCLOTH ET AL. v. GEORGIA PORTS AUTHORITY et al. INC. et al. WILLIAM E. HOLMAN ET AL. v. COUNTRY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. v. CITY OF MONROE et al. MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC v. FOXFIRE ACRES, INC. FOXFIRE ACRES, INC. v. MCCALLA RAYMER, LLC ET AL. COIN-OP SOLUTIONS, LLC v. METRO CARROLLTON CORPORATION, ET AL. This court has statewide appellate jurisdiction over all cases except for serious felonies such as murder. v. LUTHER DAVIS. JOHNSON & JOHNSON et al. Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of Court of Appeals of Georgia decisions since . v. KENNAN MAYS. ET AL. UTILICOM SUPPLY ASSOCIATES, LLC. CAJUN CONTRACTORS, INC. v. PEACHTREE PROPERTY SUB, LLC D/B/A CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL ATLANTA-MIDTOWN et al. That is, a federal Supreme Court decision is binding on all lower federal courts, both circuit courts of appeals and district courts. DANIEL E. MCBRAYER, SR. EMORY HEALTH CARE, INC. v. JACK BENNETT ET AL. GIOVANNI AMBROSIO ET AL. v. TODD CAMPBELL ET AL. v. DAVID VAN SANT. CHRISTOPHER ALLEN LARKIN HILL v. JULIA MORGAN HILL, ANTON I. BAPTISTE v. DEKALB COUNTY SHERIFF, JEFFREY L. MANN, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY. MATTHEW CHARLES CARDINALE v. STATE OF GEORGIA, IN THE INTEREST OF N. C., et al., CHILDREN (MOTHER), SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, LLC v. LARRY STEWART. WENTWORTH MAYNARD ET AL. ARTI SHARMA, INDIVIDUALLY AS SURVIVING SPOUSE OF AMIT SHARMA et al. FIVE STAR ATHLETE MANAGEMENT, INC. We also maintain an archive of Opinion Summaries from September 2000 to the Present. HBC2018, LLC v. PAULDING COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT. v. INFINITY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, INC. THE GEORGIA POWER COMPANY v. BRANDRETH FARMS, LLC et al. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. WINDWARD CAMPUS OWNER, LLC v. GOOD NIGHT MEDICAL OF OHIO, LLC et al. HEALTHCARE STAFFING, INC. v. CHERYL EDENFIELD et al. v. DEAN A. KORST. JOBIE LAMAR MYERS v. CLAYTON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ET AL. MANSOUR ELSAYED ET AL. The judges of the Court of Appeals are deeply saddened by the death of Judge Clyde Reese. WELLS FARGO CLEARING SERVICES, LLC et al v. BRIAN LEGGETT et al. JENNIFER PICKLESIMER ET AL. EXECUTIVE LIMOUSINE TRANSPORTATION, INC. v. DAVID CURRY, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS REVENUE COMMISSIONER OF THE GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, DEERLAKE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. v. CRAIG BROWN, BEAMER RENTALS, INC. v. GREENTREE INVESTMENT PARTNERS, LLC. v. TAMPA TANK & WELDING, INC. Nathan Deal Judicial Center v. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, MICHAEL E. SULLIVAN, JR. v. SHERRY M. KUBANYI, DONNA FROSS v. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. JOHNSON & JOHNSON et al. v. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. JULIE WILSON v. DEBRA ANN WERNOWSKY ET AL. CHRISTOPHER M. CARR, ATTORNEY GENERAL, TREVOR C. CANNON v. LINDA MYERS BARNES, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF CAMIE M. JOYNER. DAVID PARR et al. You're all set! The governor also appoints judges to fill vacancies. THOMAS F. CUFFIE ET AL. BAINBRIDGE LIMITED LP v. DEKALB COUNTY TAX ASSESSORS. WEALTHMORE PROPERTIES, LLC v. CHEETO HOLDINGS, LLC, SHERRI MCBRAYER et al. JOHN TIMOTHY COPELAND, SR. v. JENNIFER COPELAND, TIMOTHY L. MCCLAIN, JR. v. CARROLLTON POLICE DEPARTMENT. v. XYTEX CORPORATION ET AL. There are three methods of filing an appeal in Georgia: Direct Appeal, Discretionary Application to Appeal, or Interlocutory Application to Appeal. THE HATCHETT FIRM, P.C. v. SHEILA LONG ET AL. 12/21/2022Supreme Court to Review, Seeks Public Comment on Georgia Lawyer Competency Task Force Report, 12/19/2022Chief Justice Issues Statement Regarding the Death of Judge Clyde L. Reese, 12/01/2022Lindsay Rehberg Named New Reporter of Decisions, 11/16/2022Chief Justice Boggs Awarded Leadership Georgias J.W. Upon completion of the editorial process, the opinions are officially published in the advance sheets, which are available by subscription in printed soft-cover pamphlets. They will be hearing oral arguments at Valdosta State University on October 12, 2022 at 10:30 am. COURTESY FORD, INC. v. THOMAS C. BORDEAUX, JR. et al. Court of Appeals of Georgia Decisions 2019 Opinions 1 - 500 of 701 1 2 Next IN THE INTEREST OF C. B., A CHILD Date: December 30, 2019 Docket Number: A19A2269 MALCOLM JAMAL REEVES v. THE STATE Date: December 6, 2019 Docket Number: A19A1883 KHALIA, INC. v. DANIEL ROSEBUD Date: December 6, 2019 Docket Number: A19A1891 DANIEL ROSEBUD v. KHALIA, INC. KEMRON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. v. PROSPIRA PAINCARE, INC. GEORGIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION RISK MANAGEMENT FUND v. LOUISE ROYAL et al. What can easily confuse a lot of Georgia lawyers is that this process is not identical to the one listed above, for filing an application for direct appeal. v. TAMI CICALA, INTERVENOR, FELICIA NICOLE MCMANUS v. NICHOLAS WADE JOHNSON, LEANN ADAMS, AS CLERK OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF DALLAS v. DAFIYAN N. NEYKOV. Court of Appeals of Georgia Decisions 2023 BENNIE WILLIAMS et al v. CORNELL HARVEY et al Date: January 12, 2023 Docket Number: A22A1550 BRANDE ERICA LENECE SMITH v. THE STATE Date: January 12, 2023 Docket Number: A23A0371 WILLIAM DAVIS et al v. GREENSBORO ESTATES, LLC et al Date: January 10, 2023 Docket Number: A22A1166 DIAMOND WOODRUFF v. v. PIEDMONT HOSPITAL, INC. HIGH TECH RAIL AND FENCE, LLC v. CAMBRIDGE SWINERTON BUILDERS, INC. n/k/a SWINERTON BUILDERS, INC. CAROLE CONIFF CARLISLE, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN REID CARLISLE, DECEASED v. MARK BROE, BROTHERHOOD MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY v. TAMMY RICHARDSON. DOUGLAS R. WILSON et al v. REDMOND CONSTRUCTION, INC. REDMOND CONSTRUCTION, INC. v. DOUGLAS R. WILSON et al. v. AU MEDICAL CENTER, INC. ET AL. Slip opinions of the Supreme Court are posted on the Supreme Court website on the date of the opinion. The Court of Appeals of Georgia will be closed on Monday, Jan. 16th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday, Great advice from @JudgeDillard for young attorneys. After an opinion is published in the advance sheets, the Final Copy of that opinion is posted on the Supreme Court website, replacing the original slip opinion. DARYL MOODY ET AL. KEVIN SINYARD et al. FADY S. WANNA v. NAVICENT HEALTH, INC. v. ULTRA GROUP OF COMPANIES, INC. MITCHELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. v. GLOBAL SYSTEMS INTEGRATION, INC. CHARLES BROWN, JR. v. THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA, DONALD SCHAEFFER, JUDGE v. MARIEO KEARNEY, DANA ZAHLER v. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE STUDENT LOAN TRUST 2006-1, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION v. CATHY MIXON, STEPHEN SPIRNAK, JR. v. KATHRYN WESTBERRY MEADOWS, PREMIER EYE CARE ASSOCIATES, P.C. Court of Appeals of Georgia Cases Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of Court of Appeals of Georgia decisions since . ASHER SYED v. MERCHANT'S SQUARE OFFICE BUILDINGS LLC ET AL. DAILY UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA v. VERONICA WILLIAMS, DAILY UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA v. MARLEAUX WILLIAMS. FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. NICK H. H. STEWART ET AL. BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD HEALTHCARE PLAN OF GEORGIA, INC. et al. Presiding Judge Christopher J. McFadden, Judge Trent Brown, and Judge Todd Markle head south for the first Court of Appeals of Georgia offsite event of 2023. Recent Decisions From the Court of Appeals of Georgia IN THE INTEREST OF M. B., A CHILD Date: January 13, 2023 Docket Number: A22A1175 JUDY SIMMONS v. JIMMY BATES et al Date: January 13, 2023 Docket Number: A22A1460 THE STATE v. DAVID ELLIS IPPISCH Date: January 13, 2023 Docket Number: A22A1676 BENNIE WILLIAMS et al v. CORNELL HARVEY et al Please do not attach the following types of exhibits to pleadings such as briefs and motions (including motions for reconsideration) which are e-filed: Do not attach a copy of the Petition to the Supreme Court of Georgia for a Writ of Certiorari to the Notice of Filing the Petition. ET AL. v. ATLANTA AIRLINES TERMINAL CORPORATION. ET AL. CHRISTINE WILLIAMS v. CITY OF DOUGLASVILLE ET AL. v. ALICE CARVER et al. 14-0080-0007-029-6, FULTON COUNTY BOARD OF TAX ASSESSORS v. TECHNOLOGY SQUARE, LLC PARCEL NO. Georgia Court Rules. v. MINNIE FOUNTAIN, AS NEXT FRIEND TO LEROY WIGGINS. May 19, 2015 - PATRICK SCHUMAN v. GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DIVISION OF FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICES. Also included are a table of cases reported, a list of judgments affirmed without opinion, a table of code sections and laws, and an index to all opinions. NAJARIAN CAPITAL, LLC v. JOHN C. CLARK ET AL. Division 5 will hear an oral argument Wednesday, January 11, at 10:00 am. ET AL. HEALTHCARE STAFFING, INC. v. CATHERINE MOORE et al. v. REGINALD A. WILLIAMS. DUNWOODY OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, P.C. v. KENNESTONE HOSPITAL, INC. d/b/a WELLSTAR WINDY HILL HOSPITAL. The court has statewide appellate jurisdiction over all cases except murder, constitutional questions, and habeas corpus cases. HAZARD v. MEDLOCK TAVERN, INC. d/b/a OLD FOUNTAIN TAVERN, IN THE INTEREST OF J. D. H., JR., A CHILD (FATHER), IN THE INTEREST OF K. P., A CHILD (MOTHER). v. MARY KAY WILLCOX, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF CORLETT FLOYD EVANS, ROBERT R. JOSEPH v. CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYD'S LONDON, HILL, KERTSCHER & WHARTON, LLP ET AL. v. HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY FRANCHISING, LLC. MOXIE CAPITAL, LLC v. DELMONT 21, LLC et al. Atlanta, Georgia 30334 FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. v. DANIEL D. DELPIANO ET AL. Chief Judge Brian Rickman said, Judge Reese has been as wonderful a colleague and member of our Court family as anyone could Presiding Judge Anne Elizabeth Barnes, Judge Trent Brown, Judge Ken Hodges head south for the third Court of Appeals of Georgia offsite event of the year. FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. v. IOU CENTRAL, INC. TRAVELERS PROPERTY CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA v. SRM GROUP, INC. COBB HOSPITAL, INC. To find the record you are interested in, log into the EFAST system, select the My Cases and Filings link and click on the style of the case. ADVENTURE MOTORSPORTS REINSURANCE, LTD ET AL. v. ATLANTA GAS LIGHT COMPANY, EMONI BROWN v. ASSURANCE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY. SUNBELT PLASTIC EXTRUSIONS, INC. et al. JENNIFER VALADE v. MERIWETHER & THARP, LLC et al. v. SHARI MENDEZ, JONATHAN NORROD v. ASHTON WILLINGHAM f/k/a ASHTON NORROD. ALTERMAN PROPERTIES LLC v. SUNSHINE PLAZA ASSOCIATES LTD. WILLIE JEAN THOMAS ET AL. MICHAEL PARNELL et al. G & E CONSTRUCTION, LLC v. RUBICON CONSTRUCTION, INC. Oral Argument Webcasts v. TERESSA BLONDELL et al. Court of Appeals of Georgia Decisions 2021. These judges issue arrest and search warrants, hold preliminary criminal hearings, try civil matters, and hear misdemeanors, such as traffic violations. The Court of Appeals may certify legal questions to the Supreme Court. LAMARIO GARRETT ET AL. TACTICAL SECURITY GROUP, LLC v. CYNTHIA WELCH et al. CRYSTAL RIMERT v. MERIWETHER & THARP, LLC et al. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. JAY DANIEL POE et al. WARD. LENSEY WALLACE v. STEPHANIE CHANDLER et al. UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERVICES, INC. v. LORI BELINDA HICKS et al. JOSHUA BRUMBELOW v. JEANNIE MATHENIA ET AL. v. VICKIE LYNN KENNISON, PRENITA ALIMCHANDANI v. A & M HOSPITALITIES, LLC. v. EMORY HEALTHCARE, INC., d/b/a EMORY UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL MIDTOWN et al. 2020). FindLaw offers a free RSS feed for this court. v. ADVESCO, LLC. MICHAEL OWENS et al. Fanning Award. v. WILMINGTON TRUST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR MFRA TRUST 2014-2, STEPHANIE ORR et al. v. PILGRIM'S PRIDE CORPORATION, LYNDA WEAVER MULLINAX ET AL. Responses to Applications now have separate Response Exhibits filing option with requirement for Exhibit description and title to match your index. DONEGAL MUTUAL INSURANCE GROUP v. JEFFREY JARRETT. ET AL. When court concludes, the judges of Division 1 will tour Valdosta State Friday, September 16, at 10 am we will hold a program that recounts the 1964 murder of Colonel Lemuel Penn by members of the KKK just days after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and explores the atmosphere of the times. The bound volumes include lists of all superior court judges, senior superior court judges, and state court judges. See Court of Appeals of Georgia, Oral Argument, Case No. ET AL. You're all set! For example, a decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit binds MARY AGNES MONTGOMERY v. THE TRAVELERS HOME AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. The Georgia Court of Appeals has three terms of court: January, April and September. SHAWN M. SMITH v. HI-TECH PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. STERLIN WADE HELMS AS ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF NATHANIEL RAY HELMS v. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY. FALCONE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS LLC v. FORBO FLOORING B.V. RCC WESLEY CHAPEL CROSSING, LLC ET AL. D. ROSE, INC.et al. SAMANTHA SMITH et al. AMERICAN SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY v. SPN TRANS, LLC. v. STEPHANIE SMITH ET AL. LORA ALEXA BURNHAM v. MICHAEL BRUCE BURNHAM, PAUL V. SCOTT ET AL. v. KENNETH VALADE, DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF TAX ASSESSORS v. JIMMY C. BARRETT, ALLSTATE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY v. LAURA COCHRAN NAY, LAURA COCHRAN NAY v. ALLSTATE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, KHOSROW DANESHGARI et al. v. HOUSTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ET AL. BEVERLY SPILLERS AS ADMINSTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF HOLLEY HERRING v. ROBERT EARL BRINSON et al. DAVID MITCHELL v. RANDALL CADE PARIAN ET AL. v. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ET AL. ET AL. Law360 (December 17, 2021, 1:49 PM EST) -- Georgia's top judges this year saddled Alston & Bird LLP with most of a seven-figure legal malpractice judgment even though it was only found partly . TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. LEONARD J. BRANCEWICZ v. SMS FINANCIAL P, LLC. IN RE THE ESTATE OF JOYCE MARIE PLYBON, DECEASED, PATRINA WILLIAMS v. CITY OF TYBEE ISLAND, MAGNUM CONTRACTING, LLC et al. CITY OF PENDERGRASS v. KATHERINE RINTOUL ET AL. MICHAEL J. BAZEMORE et al. VILLA SONOMA PERIMETER SUMMIT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. v. JESSE F. MAINOR, CHRISTINE COLLINS ET AL. v. SAVANNAH INTERNATIONAL MOTORS, INC.. RONALD BLACKWELDER v. KRISTA SHUGARD et al. GS CLEANTECH CORPORATION et al. ANSLEY WALK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. et al. The Court of Appeals of Georgia has amended its rules to revise the required and suggested elements of appellate and amicus briefs. CL SNF, LLC ET AL. v. THEODORE JACKSON ET AL. ET AL. You're all set! LESLIE RENEE SMITH v. RUSSELL TIBBITS, EXECUTOR ET AL. IMF ENTERTAINMENT, LLC v. HERC RENTALS, INC. ANGELA HOLLY HARBIN et al v. BOBBY RITCH et al, BROOKE AUGUSTIN et al. The Georgia Court of Appeals was established in 1906 and is the intermediate appellate court for the state. v. CANTOR COLBURN, LLP. v. AARON LEE MILLER, ALAN WESLEY SKIPPER ET AL. WILLIAM R. CHAMBERS, JR. v. KATHY ANN EDWARDS, EBONI STEMBRIDGE v. PRIDE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC, GEORGIA DIVISON, SONS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, INC. et al v. BRYAN A. DOWNS, IN HIS OFFICAL CAPACITY AS CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF DECATUR et al, CAROLE ANNE ADAMS et al v. PIEDMONT HENRY HOSPITAL, INC. et al, CALVIN OWENS, JR. v. PROGRESSIVE PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, CALLAWAY GARDENS RESORT, INC. et al v. CYNTHIA GRANT et al. Final copies of opinions published in the advance sheets are maintained on the Supreme Court website for two years. Call 1-800-GEORGIA to verify that a website is an official website of the State of Georgia. v. THE CITY OF SANDERSVILLE. ALLISON JOY RUSSELL et al. GUS H. SMALL ET AL. MARY HARRIS ET AL. The advance sheets are published every Thursday, consisting of Supreme Court opinions for one week followed by two consecutive weeks of Court of Appeals opinions. v. FRANCES KIRBY et al. v. ESTATE OF CATHERINE SHRODES BY EXECUTOR RENNIE KEVIN SHRODES et al. FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY v. HOLDER CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC et al. v. JOSEPH T. LINDSEY, DARREN ALSTON et al. J.P. CAREY ENTERPRISES, INC. v. CUENTAS, INC., f/k/a NEXT GROUP HOLDINGS, INC. HANK "BO" ROWE d/b/a SHELLMAR TREE SERVICE v. HOWARD L. TYSON, ALEXANDER LAW FIRM, P.C. A22A1452. v. THE MEDICAL CENTER OF CENTRAL GEORGIA d/b/a THE MEDICAL CENTER. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, LLC v. B. REID ZEH, EBONY CALLOWAY-SPENCER v. FREDERICK M. SPENCER, THOMAS C. BORDEAUX, JR ET AL. ET AL. EDMUND BURBACH v. MOTORSPORTS OF CONYERS, LLC d/b/a FALCONS FURY HARLEY-DAVIDSON et al. We will also email electronic copies if you provide your email address. The opinions published on Justia State Caselaw are sourced from individual, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. The opinions published on Justia State Caselaw are sourced from individual, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. FRANK R. SALVATI v. DELOACH BROKERAGE, INC. OB-GYN ASSOCIATES, P.A. DAWSON FOREST HOLDINGS, LLC v. DAWSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ET AL. ELIZABETH LANGLEY v. TRAVELERS INSURANCE THRU GEICO, LESLIE MCCLOUD-PUE, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF ANNETTE CAVANAUGH-MCCLOUD v. ATLANTA BELTLINE INC. et al. v. ESTATE OF SUSIE ANN AMIN BY EXECUTOR DAA'OOD RASHEED AMIN, SR. et al. Welcome to the webpage of the Office of the Reporter of Decisions of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals of Georgia! v. JOHNNY L. WILLIAMS, BY AND THROUGH HIS CONSERVATOR, ALFONZA LEWIS, STAR RESIDENTIAL, LLC ET AL. v. SYLVAN AIRPORT PARKING, LLC d/b/a PEACHY AIRPORT PARKING, WILLIAM DAVIDSON v. LINDFIELD HOLDINGS, LLC, PETER B. MANCUSO AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF MARCIA V. BRISCOE, et al. SPENCER LAMBETH ET AL. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. TWO RIVERS HOLDING COMPANY, INC. v. CECILIA M. ROGERS ET AL. v. JUDY MARTIN ET AL. MICHAEL SMITH v. PARK HOTELS & RESORTS, INC. et al. v. SNAPCHAT, INC. CROWN SERIES, LLC ET AL. ARBOR MANAGEMENT SERVICES, LLC v. CARLOS HENDRIX et al. v. CITY OF ATLANTA. Judicial Internship Application Information, Division 5 Holds Oral Arguments in Coffee County, Court of Appeals Mourns the Loss of Judge Clyde Reese, Division 1 Holds Oral Arguments in Valdosta, Court of Appeals Revises Rules on Briefing. Please see above links. PHILLIP BEASLEY et al. CHRISTOPHER DILFIELD ET AL. VERNON MARCUS, AS PARENT OF VERNON MARCUS, A MINOR ET AL. Instead of the previous Rule 25 (a)s requirements that Presiding Judge Stephen Louis A. Dillard, Judge Amanda Mercier, and Judge Todd Markle travel to Mercer Law School to hear offsite oral arguments. MELISSA KNIGHT v. SAFETY NATIONAL CASUALTY CORPORATION. v. SHARON WILLIAMS. v. ERIC BROWN ET AL. DREYSON STADTERMAN v. SOUTHWOOD REALTY CO. et al. v. PATRICK M. GIORDANO, JR. OMNITECH INSTITUTE, INC. et al v. JASMINE NORWOOD. v. GREGORY ALLEN HISE. TIMOTHY GLENN ROSE v. BETHANY DAWN CLARK, f/k/a BETHANY DAWN ROSE, BRANDY EVANS ET AL. JESSIE TUGGLE et al. ET AL. Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. v. PHILLIP D. FAIRCLOTH ET AL. CLINTON BELL v. BEDELIA C. HARGROVE ET AL. JULIE LUCKETT v. SPARKLES OF GWINNETT, INC. et al. You can explore additional available newsletters here. LUIS MAYORGA v. JIM BENTON d/b/a VITAL RECORD SOLUTIONS, EDWARD E. WILLIAMS v. DEKALB COUNTY et al, CAROLINE JEFFORDS et al v. FULTON COUNTY et al, EMORY UNIVERSITY d/b/a EMORY UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL SMYRNA et al. The opinions published on Justia State Caselaw are sourced from individual, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, BENNIE WILLIAMS et al v. CORNELL HARVEY et al, WILLIAM DAVIS et al v. GREENSBORO ESTATES, LLC et al, IN THE INTEREST OF S. M., A CHILD (MOTHER), IN THE INTEREST OF S. M., A CHILD (FATHER), SCHROEDER HOLDINGS, LLC et al. v. ADVENTURE AIR SPORTS KENNESAW, LLC ET AL. ET AL. MARK MARCZAK ET AL. v. JENNIFER PAUL. v. DAVID PETTIS ET AL. COURTNEY STATION 300, LLC et al. v. 360 RESIDENTIAL, LLC et al. NANCY GASTEL v. DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ET AL. JENRY VILLALOBOS v. ATLANTA MOTORSPORTS SALES, LLC, GEICO GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY v. HAROLD HOWARD BREFFLE. CONTRAVEST MANAGEMENT COMPANY v. TERESSA BLONDELL et al. FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. v. FELICIA SIMONE FEDEE. Phone: (404) 656-3470 We will mail them if you provide postage cost. v. RICHARD FARRELL, CORNERSTONE MINISTRIES & CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, INC. d/b/a CORNERSTONE MINISTRIES v. PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES, LLC. STACI ANNE JOINER-CAROSI v. TEMITOPE JOHN ADEKOYA. Good NIGHT MEDICAL of OHIO, LLC v. CARLOS HENDRIX et al M. ROGERS et al MOTORS,.. 'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY v. SPN TRANS, LLC et al POLICE.... Courtesy FORD, INC. v. 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georgia court of appeals decisions