Click here it experience a ride across and enjoy the view. Disclaimer In fact at one point we saw a group of 6. For more information, please call (361) 749-2850. Prepare for your next trip on country roads, the urban jungle, or the open skies. Loading was very efficient and the ferry got away almost as the ramp was closing. From 6 AM to 12 midnight there are at least two ferries departing every 30 minutes. Each ferry can carry up to 20 regular passenger vehicles. Ferry boat schedules Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses Rail Texas transit agencies - find yours Texas Airport Directory Bicycle trails and maps Texas maritime ports Express, toll, and HOV Lanes Travel publications EV charging stations Data and maps Reference maps Traffic count maps Official travel maps Roadway inventory Discover key information that TxDOT collects on traffic safety, travel, bridges, etc. Want to Dig Deeper with TxDOT Archeology? MTI0OWFmNGRkYTUzNWE2MTBjYmQ4NzZhZDQ2YjllYzhhYmI2ZDU1OWM0Mjc4 South of IH-10, State Highway 87 is the only highway around Galveston Bay. YTk1NDJhMGYxZTU0Mzk1YWY1YTJiZDYwOWY3MTQ2YTdjOGIxODljZWE3ODA3 Note: Pedestrians who walk up with a dog on a short leash may stand at the back of the ferry away from other passengers, if there is space for them to stay clear of the other passengers. Ive never seen them check under cars, under hoods, or trunks at any time. The ferry is free and the staff was extremely friendly. Please follow the directions of the deckhands while driving on and off the ferry vessel. How long is the Galveston ferry wait? From Bolivar the path gives you a great view of Fort Travis and the Bolivar Lighthouse, tankers and ships anchored or traveling into port or out to sea. ZjY5NDhlNmU0MDJmNjc1OTg1NDNiZWFkOTc0MjEwMzE4OGUxZjgyNjYwODIw If you're in Galveston and want to get to Bolivar Peninsula, this is the way to go. MGUwOTBmZjhkYzg2Y2EzYjI3M2RhYTgxYWU4YjZhOTQ0NjI2NDllZmM0Y2Yz During the day departures are more frequent but the actual Port Bolivar and Galveston ferry wait time can depend on how many vessels are in operation and what the current demand is. The Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry is the bridge between two segments of State Highway 87. Getting around can be dangerous. Theres plenty to see on the Galveston-Bolivar Ferry. The ferry was clean and they had hand sanitizer everywhere. For additional information or special needs, please call (361) 749-2850. Dont forget your camera and were sure youll find plenty to photograph along the way. We went to the Galveston Naval Museum and toured the two ships there and then did the Bryan Museum. The Port Aransas route runs between two and six ferries a day and connects travelers on SH 361 a link across the Corpus Christi Channel between Aransas Pass, on the mainland, and Port Aransas, on Mustang Island. For more information, please call 409-795-2230. 123 SH 87 We get on Galveston @ Freeport, stay a few days, & continue via the ferry to reconnect to I-10 on the east side of Houston. The Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry is the bridge between two segments of State Highway 87. The Galveston Shuttle has a convenient schedule and many pick up locations along the route from Houston airports and the Galveston cruise ship terminal. Terms. One vessel is in operation 24 hours per day. Turn right onto Harborside Drive, then continue to Kempner (22nd Street) - some 20 city blocks. This was mu third trip to Galveston and we were concentrating on things we had not seen before, We came from downtown Houston and were on our way to Louisiana and the ferry seemed a good way to avoid more Houston traffic, We had views of dolphins while crossing as well as a lot of ships of various kinds, We had come across on the ferry the last time we were in Galveston and wanted to go the other way. The Galveston-Bolivar ferry is the link between Galveston and Bolivar Peninsula on Hwy 87. Vehicles should not exceed 3 mph. Single-axle vehicles may weigh no more than 20,000 pounds, tandem axles no more than 34,000 pounds and combination vehicles may not exceed a total of 80,000 pounds. Day schedule. On our ride we saw many dolphins. Discover key information that TxDOT collects on traffic safety, travel, bridges, etc. We went to the top, felt the nice breeze, and saw several dolphins popping out of the water. . 77550. Galveston Ferry Recent Posts; What Airlines Fly Out Of DFW Airport? The quarter-mile route typically takes less than ten minutes, although peak summer hours may require drivers to wait longer. Segway Galveston Sunset Tour 18 Recommended Segway Tours from $66.67 per adult The area 502 Ferry Rd, Galveston, Galveston Island, TX 77550-3146 Full view Best nearby Restaurants 131 within 3 miles The Boat Inn 1 482 ftBar British Pub America's Kitchen 24 0.4 mi$ American Diner Suki Poke By The Sea 6 0.6 mi$ See all Attractions One vessel is in operation 24 hours per day. Please do not walk in front of or behind any parked vehicle while the ferry vessel is approaching and/or entering the landing. No dogs may exit vehicles and be on the deck, except seeing-eye dogs. InterContinental (IHG) Hotels in Galveston, Hotels near George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Motels near George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Hotels near Texas A&M University at Galveston, Hotels near University of Texas Medical Branch, Things to do near Galveston - Port Bolivar Ferry, Points of Interest & Landmarks in Galveston, Game & Entertainment Centers in Galveston, Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum: Tickets & Tours, Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier: Tickets & Tours, Galveston's 61st Street Fishing Pier: Tickets & Tours, Galveston Railroad Museum: Tickets & Tours, Galveston Historic Seaport - Home of the 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA: Tickets & Tours, Galveston Island Brewing: Tickets & Tours, One-Hour Private Seattle Sightseeing Cocktail Cruise, From Lahaina Harbor: Sunset Prime Rib or Mahi Mahi Dinner Cruise, Barbados Excursion Snorkel cruise and beach day on Carlisle Bay. YjFkNGFkYzg1NmRmNmZlNjlkYTgyYmZjOGM0MzZmMGU5NjdjNWU5NjNmY2Vh The Galveston Ferry is a free transportation service from Galveston to Bolivar Peninsula. I am sure it would be a long, fascinating trip. Today, the service operates six diesel-powered ferries 24/7. Best advice is to plan ahead and allow extra time to get wherever you are going, especially on sunny weekends. Single-axle vehicles may weigh no more than 20,000 pounds, tandem axles no more than 34,000 pounds and combination vehicles may not exceed a total of 80,000 pounds. My cousin is coming in from Oklahoma this weekend and her dad's and mother's wishes were to have their ashes scattered in Galveston. The quarter-mile route typically takes less than ten minutes, although peak summer hours may require drivers to wait longer. NGI1NzgxODQwYjFmNDI3MWExN2VhODg5MDIzYmIwZjUyYWVkM2U2ZDFkOWQ1 If you see any information that you believe to be incorrect or out of date on our site please let us know. For additional information or special needs, please call 361-749-2850. Turn right onto Kempner (22nd Street) and follow the . All the driving is straight ahead, lots of room to turn around at either end. motorists can cross the waterway between Bolivar Peninsula and Galveston Island. Please set your parking brake. YjVkM2I1MTA3NTlkY2Q0MjFjMjU0YjM1MTBiMGYyZTNjNjNjZWQ0MTJmMmEx I have seen conflicting answers. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:54:19 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. The Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry provides free transportation between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. Port Bolivar, TX 77650. over a year ago Reviewed this attraction klnoe Galveston, Texas 3 Votes Operates 24/7.from what I've been told. More than 8 million passengers ride the Port Aransas and Galveston-Port Bolivar ferries annually. Notifications and email alertswill tell you if there will be additional service on the following holidays: There may also be extra service for special events on any route. Large dogs (in the back of trucks) must be restrained or accompanied by owner. Dolphin Sightseeing Tour in Galveston with a Guide, Galveston's Haunted Cemetery Walking Tour, Segway Galveston Haunted Legends: Ghost Tour, The Ghosts of Galveston Guided Walking Tour, The Shadows of Revelry Walking Ghost Tour, Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum, Galveston Historic Seaport - Home of the 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA. Podcast: The Civil War Battle of Galveston, The Ultimate Galveston Spring Break Guide, Mardi Gras Galveston Returns in 2023, Headliners Announced, Podcast: The History of the 1892 Bishop's Palace in Galveston, Texas, 601 Tremont St Galveston, ZWQ3ODlhMTJlMzE1ZDE4MWQ1ZDJhZjQ4MjkzN2M2ZDBiMTdiNjc3ZTM1NzU3 OTkwYzllNWRkYTYwNjFhZmQ0OWUwZmI0MjljMDllZjRhZjVhMmRhNWRkNTk0 Get up to the front of the boat and check out the view both from the main car deck as well as the upper passenger deck. Use our site to stay up-to-date, find out where the best live music is this weekend or the best place to eat, or just learn more about Bolivar Peninsula and everything we have to offer. | The free ferry service provided by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is the only way motorists can cross the waterway between Bolivar Peninsula and Galveston Island. MTYwNWFiNjE5ZmFjYmEyMzhmYTBiMzFmYjI0MWU0MDEzNGRhMjM0YjkzODIw One of the most popular activities of all happens to be one that takes you away from Galveston. Exit the ferry onto Ferry Road (Highway 87). Find Washington State Ferries schedule information by route using the links below. All rights reserved. This is the first thing we did in the morning of a full Tuesday day planned for Galveston. From 12 midnight to 6 AM, there is one ferry operating on the hour. There is nothing in walking distance. Once aboard, please ask any ferry crew member if you need assistance. A second vessel will be placed in service at 6:30 a.m. After this departure, the two vessels will operate based on traffic volumes, and will space themselves to carry traffic as efficiently and safely as possible. 92% of travelers recommend this experience. A - Z Site Index MTNhODlkNjM1ZGIzZWZlYTY2NDc2Njk4YzJmMDZhOTI5NDFlZmZiYWQwNzY2 Galveston Wharves is planning to renovate cruise infrastructure and pursue additional building projects, as it prepares for record-breaking calls and passenger numbers in 2023. The ferry is actually a collection of vessels operated by the Highway Department as a part of State Highway 87, which includes Broadway Avenue and continues on to Bolivar Peninsula. There is not much over there, but the trip on the ferry is worth it. The Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry takes travelers on SH 87 between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. Privacy & Security Policy NTk2MmNiOGY5OGRhZDcxYzA3N2ZmMTBmZjFjOTdhZmNhYWY3MDQxNTMyYTI3 People who are deaf or hard of hearing may make a request by calling the Washington State Relay at 711. By the way, sunset at Fort Travis Park is outstanding. A ride on the Galveston-Bolivar Ferry is a great way to spend a couple hours and enjoy the view while traveling, on vacation or a day-trip. If you are handicapped or have special needs, please contact the ferry in advance so vessel parking accommodations can be made. A second vessel will be placed in service at 6:30 a.m. Do not tamper with any lifesaving equipment. A third vessel will be placed in service during the afternoon period in necessary. NDMxZTMwOWFkY2MzMzY1YmI1NzVkNGMyOTIwOTQzNzc1OGIxNjlkYzJmZTA5 A service provided FREE to all travelers 24 hours a day by TX-Dot since 1934. The Galveston-Port Bolivar ferry takes travelers on SH 87 between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. NTRiZGE5ZGM0N2UwOTM2OTk0NTE5MjQxODMxMWQyNjZiMDAzNDkyMzc3ZDhm Anytime other that commuter times when the wait can be a while, but for sight seeing I'd suggest afternoon. Up to five vessels may be operated for summer and holiday traffic. Accept, Request your Official Galveston Visitor's Guide Today. Just wanted to take a trip over to Bolivar for lunch and sightsee. Many times throughout the year, the wait time to board the ferry boat is longer than the ride itself. There are 2 boats in service with a 45 minute wait in Galveston and a 120 minute wait in Bolivar. Port Bolivar, TX 77650. Galveston is a tourist- driven city with much to see and do. These nightly Galveston departures are scheduled on the hour between 12am and 6 am and Bolivar 30 minutes passed the hour i.e. The ferries are constantly docking and leaving, so the traffic does move, but be prepared for the line up to take at least some time. A newly opened third cruise terminal, high passenger occupancy rates and . We decided to take the free ferry accross the inlet between Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. NjcwMDQxNmFlNzliYWQ5OWY5ODM1OTJjMmVjNDU4MWQxODk4NDExN2ZiOGVi THE GALVESTON-BOLIVAR FERRY - FREE RIDE (Opened in 1930) Approaching the Bolivar Peninsula from Galveston Island, the visitor will be delighted to find the bay crossing will be accomplished by driving onto a free highway department ferry boat. -----BEGIN REPORT----- Pets and animals, other than service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, must remain inside the owner's vehicle. Safety rest areas and travel information centers, Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses, Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers, Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants, Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs, Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal, Transportation systems management and operations, view current ferry wait times and live cameras. One vessel is in operation 24 hours per day. 502 Ferry Rd, Galveston, Galveston Island, TX 77550-3146, $$ - $$$ Italian Pizza Vegetarian Friendly, Speciality Museums Points of Interest & Landmarks. What hotels are near Galveston - Port Bolivar Ferry? Terribly inefficient and poorly done. With an upper observation area outside and a sitting area with a/c inside that's surrounded by windows the view is amazing both inside and outside. As the ferry turns into the Galveston dock in the distance youll also see the Galveston Yacht Basin. Follow the directions of the ferry deckhand while driving on and off the ferry. MmY4MzVkMGMxYjk4OWQzODE0ZDIzYmU0NzI3NGIwODI5NzRhNWJlNzM4MjUw Galveston Ferry 1000 Ferry Road N. Galveston, TX 77550. Y2JkOGZjMGVjMWYzNWRlN2YxYmYzOWZhZWY1ZGViNmZkYmFkZDlkZjY4NDY0 If you are not staying or fishing over on Bolivar you might not consider taking the ferry ride. One ferry operates 24 hours a day while a second is placed in service at 6:30am and a 3rd in the afternoon. An additional wheelchair accessible bathroom is located on the Bolivar end of the main car deck. OTRhMzVmMDE1M2UxMTg2NzBkZGYzN2YwY2IyNGM4ZmUxMDZlZDNjMjQ3ODg3 The Galveston Ferry runs between Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula. The Galveston Shuttle has a convenient schedule and many pick up locations along the route . A third vessel will be placed in service during the afternoon period in necessary. 1000 Ferry Road N. Dumping trash on the ferry deck or in the water is prohibited by law. Ferry boat schedules Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses Rail Texas transit agencies - find yours Texas Airport Directory Bicycle trails and maps Texas maritime ports Express, toll, and HOV Lanes Travel publications EV charging stations Data and maps Reference maps Traffic count maps Official travel maps Roadway inventory They must be held. Use your up and down arrows to scroll through cameras. Board a Port Bolivar vehicle ferry. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. We parked in a nearby lot and walked up to wait; there was no line and we were the only ones there but still had to wait for clearance to walk on after a long line of vehicles got loaded on. Visit Website Expore the Oceans' Depths Moody Gardens Aquarium For additional information or special needs, please call 409-795-2230. See something wrong? To view current ferry wait times and live cameras, visit the Houston Transtar website. You can also find the link listed in the top right-hand column of each of the route schedule page. Passenger restrooms are located on both the Galveston and Port Bolivar sides near the vehicle staging areas, also on the upper deck of all ferry vessels. Is there a permit or anything that she needs to obtain to make their wishes come true? No smoking is allowed anywhere on the ferry, including inside your vehicle. If accommodations are needed due to a handicap or special need, please contact the Ferry Operation in advance so vessel parking accommodations can be made prior to your arrival. Safety rest areas and travel information centers, Texas vehicle registrations, titles, and licenses, Road, bridge, and maintenance contractors, and roadway and traffic material suppliers, Engineering, architectural, and surveying consultants, Disadvantaged and Small Business Enterprise Programs, Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal, Transportation systems management and operations. Galveston - Port Bolivar Dumping trash on the ferry deck or in the water is prohibited by law. Galveston, TX 77550 Port Bolivar Ferry 123 SH 87 Port Bolivar, TX 77650 Day Schedule One vessel is in operation 24 hours per day. Im talking about the Galveston Port Bolivar Ferry, a boat ride across the water that runs back and forth continuously between Galveston Island and the Bolivar peninsula. NjBkMGUxMmRkOTg4ZTMyZjMifQ== Disclaimers, Content Usage, and Privacy, Connect With Us | Mobile Web | iPhone App | Android App, Current Travel Time: Seawall to Bolivar via ferry, Current Travel Time: Bolivar to Galveston via ferry, 1000 Ferry Road North, Galveston, TX 77550, 123 Texas Highway 87, Port Bolivar, TX 77650. Browse projects in your area and find opportunities to get involved. Vehicles must be turned off as soon as you are parked on the ferry vessel or when directed to do so by the ferry crew. YmJjMzMyNTBiNDc3NjM0NDlmM2QxNmE1NTg5OTQ5OTYxYmE3ZTExYTA1MTg3 A second vessel will be placed in service at 6:30 a.m. After this departure, the two vessels will operate based on traffic volumes, and will space themselves to carry traffic as efficiently and safely as possible. These 2 lanes always load first while the 6 other totally full lanes just sit there. The Galveston Shuttle has a convenient schedule and many pick up locations along the route from Houston airports and the Galveston cruise ship terminal. ZTFkNzAwZDdmNjE4OTQ0YmNlZGFkN2M4ZDJkNzZmZDc1NGNjNWIzMGY1YTk0 Maybe if someone can pass along a number or office I can look up and call to find out for sure that would also be a great help. Galveston County Emergency Communication District. YjFkNTZiNGM3NmQ4NjAyZDVmYmIwYmZiNjliYzgzZTU0YzY2NDhhNzYzMWZk Texas Department of Transportation To view current ferry wait times and live cameras, visit the Houston Transtar website. The deckhands while driving on and off the ferry was clean and they had hand sanitizer.... Houston airports and the Galveston dock in the afternoon period in necessary dont forget your camera and were youll! Of the ferry deck or in the back of trucks ) must be restrained or accompanied by owner N.,. 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galveston ferry schedule