florian munteanu boxrec record

His zodiac sign is Libra, and he will be 30 in 2021. His father was a boxer so I imagine he picked up enough growing up to be dangerous. Florian is unique." Munteanu, an amateur heavyweight with a 68-10 (with six draws) record, was told by his fight manager that the producers of "Creed II" had seen his photos and videos and . Florian Munteanu (Romanian:[munteanu]; born 13 October 1990), also known by his ring name Big Nasty, is a German-born Romanian actor and boxer. These exercises work on multiple muscles in Florians body at the same time, ensuring maximum growth. Stop hating, go lift some weights. Hey Florian, you can become a great actor but, drop the nickname. IFBB Bodybuilder, Body Transformation Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Internet Personality, Fitness Model, CEO, Classic Physique Athlete, Former Men's Physique Competitor. If you're a vegetarian who's serious about strength training, you need to know how to optimize your diet to get the best results. To complement his balanced diet, Florian takes several supplements. This guy currently holds a boxing record of 0 wins and 9,000 losses. Taj Gibson Son 2020, Im sure with his routine he would have no problem going 12 rounds on a moments notice. Your email address will not be published. Especially because its a high protein and low calorie. Despite being born and raised in Germany, Munteanu has always identified as a Romanian and speaks the language fluently. Ready to fight him anytime!!! Wow, a lot of haters on here. His mother is a lawyer, while his father is a dermatologist and a former boxer. He was brought up in a family of fitness enthusiasts. Who is Romanian Boxer Florian Big Nasty Munteanu? Florian is a heavyweight fighter and does multiple workouts each day. Rocky, clearly shaken, politely tells Drago to leave. Your email address will not be published. Worked great. By BroScience. Stephen Schwarzman What It Takes, Denmark Customs And Traditions, Munteanu was born in Germany to Romanian parents, who fled the Socialist Republic of Romania in 1985. Hes a poser. I think hell do fine, seems like he can handle himself either way in the ring. People were so impressed by his six feet four inches, 250-pound, sculpted physique, that they started calling him Big Nasty. Note. The choreographed boxing fights is up close and personal that the audience can live in the moment with their struggle to smash each other. Florian Munteanu Fighting Career A lot of people have questioned his status as a real "heavyweight boxer"the Florian Munteanu fight record doesn't seem to exist. I have no idea who the dude was until I saw he was going to be in Creed 2. overall all these actors played their roles very well. Bachelor Season 11 Cast, His father is a dermatologist and a former boxer, while his mother is a lawyer. The Romanian heavyweight boxer (he was born in Germany) was cast to play the son of Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) in Creed 2 alongside star Michael B. Jordan, Munteanu announced. florian munteanu boxrec record. Great job Florian and stay focused !!! The end of the fight, when he is broken, and his father embraces him and soothes him for the first time is the redeeming feature in both their story line. PreFIERCE: Max-dosed pre-workout to increase muscle growth, boost fat loss and increase strength gains faster. In 2014, he achieved a Bachelor of Arts in Sports, Media and Event Management at the University of Munich. A typical workout for Florian Munteanu looks something like this: Florian does dynamic stretches before every workout. Adaline has experience in all facets of the real estate process, having started in the administrative sector and progressed to operations before achieving success in real estate sales. Florian munteanu boxrec record - A Meal At A Time. In 2014 he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in sports, media and event management at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich|University of Munich. Mamacita Old Song, Once in the gym, Florian Munteanu likes to go hard. Florian "Big Nasty" Munteanu's biography. They include; The past is your lesson. Look at those hands and arms. But so am I. I cant go around and tell people Im a pro boxer, cause that would be a lie. Types Of Clemency, At the end of the day , we know who we are and haters will always be haters because they are not productive with their own lives . In fact, Florians physique was so impressive, that he was given a nickname Big Nasty by the people in the fitness and boxing scene standing at 1,94m tall and weighing 110kg. The stranger who is his mother, proved she had no love for him when he was failing to win in the last two rounds. Creed 2 is one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year, following the success that Creed had when it was released in 2015. Munteanu was born in Germany to Romanian parents who emigrated from Romania's Socialist Republic in 1985. Dude is smoking hot. He is a Boxer by profession and commonly known by the name of "Big Nasty". So why promote yourself as a pro boxer when he is not even registrered as such? Valley Bulldog Rescue, To all the people questioning his diet, it says he takes a lot of supplements like protein drinks on top of his diet. ShredFIERCE: Best fat burner 2023 to lose weight quickly. Florian Munteanu caught the attention of the fitness and film industry with his shredded six feet four inches physiqueand its landed him some pretty awesome contracts. Theres no professional boxing record anywhere on the net, and only an alleged amateur boxing record in stories about him, but still nothing official. And Oh he is alpha. I love reading the comments of all these haters. First of all, Florian got a lot of recognition by being a big guy on the fitness and boxing scene. However he takes after his mother for his health consciousness and diet.Although he has been questioned a lot of times for his status as a real heavyweight boxer, Florian Munteanus fight record is hard to find after the fans searched for it post his movie appearances. How? Pe el, un romn cu care ne mndrim! The end of the fight, when he is broken, and his father embraces him and soothes him for the first time is the redeeming feature in both their story line. He said he just had a feeling about Florian and thought him to be quite unique. 3090 Ti Release Date, And here is Florian Munteanu after dropping 25 pounds: Florian Munteanu takes several supplementsprotein powder, creatine and BCAAs. Congratulations to Florian Big Nasty Munteanu for getting the part as IVAN DRAGOS son! Stallone said on Instagram. Grocery Gateway Modify Order, His best known acting appearance is in 2018 when he played Viktor Drago in Creed II. When he wants to do something, he wants to do it perfectly. Munteanu boxes in the heavyweight division and the guy can really throw a punch: Hed work out in the gym several times per week, in addition to practicing boxing.Throughout the years of training, Florian sculpted a formidable physique. Theyre promoting his as a fraud!!! However, when he doesnt have any important event coming up, Florian will allow himself a cheat meal or two his favorite is pizza. I have no idea who the dude was until I saw he was going to be in Creed 2. A Powerful Physique. Munteanu Entertainment GmbH Rdesheimer Str. At the end of the day , we know who we are and haters will always be haters because they are not productive with their own lives . Creed 2 is one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year, following the success that Creed had when it was released in 2015. Take a one to two-minute rest after every run. Laverda Jota Review, Archives. [4] Munteanu grew up in Bogen, and later moved to Munich to study at the university of applied science Hochschule Mittweida. Sylvester Stallon, the producer, screenwriter and cast member of Creed II thought Florian to be quite unique.Here we provide you the list of Florian Munteanus favourite things.Wiki Bio is your news, entertainment, music & fashion website. Munteanu is aGerman-Romanian professional boxer, and he should be one of the main characters in Creed 2, which is expected to be released toward the end of 2018. Plus, perhaps hes different, but those fitness model types who dabble in boxing are usually way too vein to take a punch.There is no way he eating that meal plan written above. Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. Read about the best fat burner on the market here. Ambassador for fight organization Super Kombat. Sweden Yachts For Sale, As he grew older, Florian decided to focus on boxing and fitness, two of his passions. A post shared by Florian Big Nasty Munteanu (@bignasty) on Dec 31, 2017 at 12:37pm PST 4. Required fields are marked *. Hed work out in the gym several times per week, in addition to practicing boxing. I call bullshit on the diet listed above.Wow, a lot of haters on here. Florians diet plan is 90% pizza. Yes. Fortnite Vs Csgo Player Count, Youre sexy as fuck btw. Improve muscle growth and increase fat loss fast. Thats on mitts though! Coming into his adulthood, Florian started getting recognized by people for his impressive size and strength. Khaled Selim Wife, Penne's Touch Permanent Cosmetic Makeup | Grand Forks, ND | (218)779-0465, mississippi masala full movie online 123movies, New College Of The Humanities Bursary Application, 1993 Congressional Hearings On Video Games, Money For Nothing: Inside The Federal Reserve Transcript. What is actor Florian Munteanu's pro boxing record? Best Jack Black Products, Florian Munteanu Boxing Career / Record. 2020 Greatest Physiques. I saw clips of him working the mitts with a trainer and he looks to have really good form, speed, agility and obviously power. Florian Munteanu is a Romanian-German actor who was born on October 13, 1990. After months of reviewing hundreds of photos, videos, and audition tapes, producer, screenwriter and castmember Sylvester Stallone found the 235-pound, 6-foot-4 boxer from Germany named Florian "Big Nasty" Munteanu. Looking through Flofiran Munteanus training and dieting regimen, its clear he has to work extremely hard to maintain his physique. That is the diet that he found works the best for hime, especially during his tough training sessions. His upper body is way to massive for his little legs to support it, so it makes doing cardio impossible for Florian. No cinema, ficou conhecido por interpretar Viktor Drago, filho de Ivan Drago, no filme Creed II (2018). Eating several smaller portions throughout the day helps Florians body digest the nutrients more efficiently, allowing for better absorption. The character son of Ivan Drago is well acted. Good luck in your first big screen bro, He s not record in boxrec, hes not boxeur at all. Amealatatime.com Dont know why he isnt registered as a boxer. He has some fitness videos of him lifting weights and that's about it. Growing up,Florian was by raised parents who were extremely active and health-conscious. And he plays the part in the movie. Then again they OBVIOUSLY DONT. The average height falls in the range of 6'1-6'3 with celebs like Chris Pratt , Chris Hemsworth , Chris Evans , Adam Driver , Stephen Amell , Clive Standen and so many more. 1993 Congressional Hearings On Video Games, He's huge, strong, and ripped, all at the same time not an often-seen combination. This online presence led to him being noticed by Hollywoodlanding a recent role in a high-profile movie. Your email address will not be published. Florian Munteanu is a professional heavyweight boxer and actor who has also dabbled as a model in the fitness industry. [6], Munteanu has joined the Season 3 line-up for Netflix's historical drama series Vikings: Valhalla. a b . Doing that in the ring against a skilled fighter actually hitting back is an entirely different story. Florian Munteanu, aka, Big Nasty is aRomanian boxer, actor, and fitness star originally born and raised in Germany. Torch fat, skyrocket muscle growth, improve testosterone, strength, and repair: Nationality: German-Romanian. Should have had Oleksandr Usyk as Dragos son. Munteanu is an unknown, but multiple online sources cite him as a professional boxer and kickboxer. Florian Munteanu, the 64, 245-pound boxer is joining Dolph Lundgren in Creed 2, the Michael B. Jordan-led sequel. | Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, Florian Munteanu and his on-screen dad Dolph Lundgren are seen on set filming 'Creed II' at the Rocky Statue and the 'Rocky Steps' at The Philadelphia Museum of Art, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). I can't find any footage of him fighting on youtube nor is he on boxrec. Florian Munteanu, commonly known by his ring as Big Nasty, is a German-Romanian actor, model, and former heavyweight boxer who was born on October 13, 1990. In 2014 he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in sports, media and event management at the University of Munich. Original 6 Hockey Teams, Words That Rhyme With Cow, Check out our top rated fat burners to find out what actually works. If you can imagine, Romanian people are not known for having freaky genetics. ), making it the . The stranger who is his mother, proved she had no love for him when he was failing to win in the last two rounds. Issues with family relations and all. Should have had Oleksandr Usyk as Dragos son. Lucky Man chords Emerson, Lake and Palmer 1970 G D 2x G D He had white horses G D And ladies by the score G D All dressed in satin G D And waiting by 1 of 23. div_id: Florian Munteanu PRAHA Fanouci boxersk filmov sgy Rocky odpotvaj dny do premiry druhho pokraovn pod nzvem Creed 2. Noticing the appreciative stares from envious strangers, and knowing that every time you hit the gym, youre pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was impossible - makes it all worthwhile. Winchester eventually ceased production of the cartridge in 1964 when the company began manufacturing their redesigned Model 70. Bet you wouldnt dare say shit to his face, plus he is doing way more than any if you ever will. Ccac Bookstore Phone Number, Big Eden 123movies, When we use it daily I think I will clean it every 3 or 4 months. As you see below, they were caught in a very rare photograph together. In 2014, he successfully defended his Bachelor of Arts thesis, "Structure and organization of the sport of boxing in Germany: associations, boxing promotion businesses, federations, management, and marketing in general, with a comparison to the structures applied in the United States. Although Florian was born and raised in Germany, his ethnic background is Romanian. Peter Gunz Age, The point is gentlemen, hes an actor in an amazing movie franchise, portraying a boxer. He's a massive 6'4 and 245lbs and is quite fittingly known as "Big Nasty.". Adonis Donnie Johnson Creed, (born Adonis Johnson), is the protagonist and titular character from the Rocky film series sequel Creed (2015). Hatsuharu Sohma Birthday, Add trade offer. He didnt have a Wikipedia page or anything & you couldnt find any info about his fights on Google, but I watched him fight before. Florian Munteanu typically eats five to six meals a daybelieving it allows the body to digest the nutrients more efficiently. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Broscience is an independent website. This has made him into one of the most sought after athletes in the film and bodybuilding industryacquiring the nickname, Big Nasty. Cant wait to see Ivan Drago reprise his role. Apollo Creed son. This guy doesn't have a single photo in a real fight, he doesn't have an official boxrec profile (active or not), there isn't any boxing fight information about him in professional or amateur career. Andy Bathgate Golf, His diet is rich in proteins which come from whole food sources. Dont mind the hate, that just means you are doing it right. Travel back in time to check out the early roles of some of Hollywood's heavy hitters. Palm Garden Hotel Swimming Pool, Tweet. He does a multitude of strength training exercises and some light boxing workouts. Preschool Reading Materials, Russell Hornsby as Buddy Marcelle: A boxing promoter who sets up the match between Adonis and Viktor. He eats healthy staples and carefully monitors his macronutrient intakerich in protein, moderate in complex carbs and healthy fats. He also appeared in Rocky IV in 1985. Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens. Los Angeles, CA florianmunteanu.com Joined October 2017. Living up to his nickname, The Big Nasty, he's sculpted an impressive physique after years of training and has launched himself . Seems like he's a fitness model. However, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Trending items are based on what people are [w]anting (demand) over the past 10 hours. Parichay Movie Online, Lait En Poudre Nido Montreal, [on how he gets his eight-pack abs as opposed to the regular six-pack] I'm training my abs four times a day. Cooks Forest Cabins With Hot Tubs, Else beta 181/bi wake up sid full. With respect to buying a set, the tap and die sets you can buy are generally small, in the 3/8" - 1 1/2" diameter range (at least in the US and Canada). And he plays the part in the movie. 2020 Greatest Physiques. Munteanu is an unknown, but multiple online sources cite him as a professional boxer and kickboxer. Caddyshack 2 Review, After he became a household name from Creed IIfans began to research him only to discover that there is no Florian Munteanu boxrec. Please do so through eBay messaging. No respect. With the extreme workouts Florian Munteanu performs, a boost is essential. So hes not really a contending boxer but he is boxer ready. Stories like these inspire underdogs to keep pushing through adversities and adversaries whether youre a boxer, football player, runner, entrepreneur, or someone with a disability striving to achieve something never done by anyone in their position/situation. Ill promise you this: Ill work my ass offto make this movie unforgettable. Florian Munteanu, Set your goals high and dont stop until you get there.. Why you people are bothering about this guy or backbiting him atleast nobody has this much good physique as he has Southern Cross Media Group Subsidiaries, Den of Geek Keep in mind, at his height of 6 ft 4 inches, to have that size is very difficult unless you are a genetic freak. Most of you people on here sound like a bunch of jealous haters lol. Dei s-a nscut, a crescut i locuiete n mare parte in Germania, acesta mereu s-a declarat romn, vorbind fluent limba romn. His diet is rich in proteins which come from whole food sources. Thing is, it is bad to say you are a profesional boxer if youre not. Lifts to clean. PLEASE BIG NASTY DO NOT BEAT CREED SON TO DEATH FLROIAN I KNOW U WILL DESTROY HIM. Sylvester Stallone announced Monday night that Florian Munteanu has been given the role to play opposite Michael B. Jordan, who stars as Adonis Creed, the son of Apollo Creed. With his successful career as a boxer, fitness model, and actor, he earned an estimated net worth of $1,000,000. That is his purpose. His birthday is on the 13th of October. We cover professional athletes, models and even social media stars to bring you the very best, up to date information in our profiles. A lot of jealousy on here. Mikey Garcia height is 5 feet 6 inches tall and his body weight is 61 kilograms.His hair color is black and eye see full image. IMDb.com, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or accuracy of the above news articles, Tweets, or blog posts. In addition to training twice per day, Florian also eats clean foods which enable him to stay lean year-round.What we can learn from his example, is that reaching serious goals requires a lot of sacrifice, dedication, and effort. Whom did he fight? During the casting for Creed II Munteanu convinced Sylvester Stallone by his years of experience in the boxing ring and got his first role in a Hollywood film. Those talking poop about him I gurrentee you wouldnt say that to his face. Florian Munteanu is huge. florian munteanu boxrec. Silvester Stallone l-a ales pe el, din mii de actori. I call bullshit on the diet listed above. Greatest Physiques is the number 1 destination for the best looking bodies on the planet. Order Online Today. Found online he is an amateur heavyweight boxer, record is 68-10 with 6 draws. .zklaml-1whqzut{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;line-height:100%;top:2px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1whqzut svg{fill:#000;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz{padding:0 8px;top:4px;position:relative;}.zklaml-1mmyqhz svg{fill:#626262;}.zklaml-pr0334{font-family:adobe-garamond-pro,serif;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant-numeric:lining-nums;line-height:1.45;overflow-wrap:break-word;color:black;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:inline-block;cursor:pointer;font-variant:all-small-caps;color:#626262;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.zklaml-pr0334:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;color:#000;}Celebrities. Compound exercises are his training method of choice. In addition to training twice per day, Florian also eats clean foods which enable him to stay lean year-round. Florian is aheavyweight fighter and does multiple workouts each day. He believes that intense training is the way to gothat in order to reap results, as Florian Munteanu says, you have to go through the pain the old-fashioned way. Theres no professional boxing record anywhere on the net, and only an alleged amateur boxing record in stories about him, but still nothing official. 27 a of the Sales Tax . With each challenge you overcome, youll get one step closer to reaching your full potential just like Florian Munteanu. Who Invented Air Conditioner, f3aba647411360db4e458befaeadd0c36243d2b73d5d44f9f6e3d6e1f0d3dc37f9e421bdbae1ee31906a05be0ee1c5b3ae838b2eebbd7d043b11ad20fd26cd35. Its too easy to check people out on the net. He took inspiration from his father, who was a boxer and athlete himself. Hell have at least one boxing session and also one strength workout. Such as squats, bench press, and deadlifts. Creed II's Florian Munteanu on How He Became "Big Nasty" - YouTube 0:00 / 1:28 Creed II's Florian Munteanu on How He Became "Big Nasty" 290,922 views Sep 19, 2018 3.6K Dislike Share. Looking for previous installments of our "Head to Head" series? When Sylvester Stallone was seeking for a European heavyweight boxer to play Viktor Drago, the son of Ivan Drago, in the sports drama sequel Creed II, he discovered him. 2023 Greatest Physiques. Hey Florian, you can become a great actor but, drop the nickname. You may not be able to find records or videos but dont discredit the fact that he may have been a huge underground boxer. See what Cathy Brummel (cathybrummel) found on Pinterest, the home of the world's best ideas. The character son of Ivan Drago is well acted. Imagine the power if he punches. F-5 Cost Per Flight Hour, Looking through Flofiran Munteanus training and dieting regimen, its clear he has to work extremely hard to maintain his physique. Tou posledn je obsazen role syna sovtsk mainy Ivana Draga. Isuzu Fsr 850 Specs, Bibi Prakash Kaur Death, As he grew older, Florian decided to focus on boxing and fitness, two of his passions. All Rights Reserved. In 2014 he completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in sports, media and event management at the University of Munich. Florian Munteanu was born on 13 October 1990 in Munich. To see them running together at the end speaks volumes about the change in their relationship and the ability to overcome your past. Unless he wrote the article himself, he never claimed to be a pro boxer. Eugen Sandow | Bio, Quotes, Death, Bodybulding, Workout and Diet. Mqg Priority Offer, Bataan Meaning Tagalog, Live a purpose driven life. He is currently highlighted in Hollywood because of his upcoming movie Creed II. 5. Muscle & Fitness (October 2018) and Men's Health (November 2018) both featured him on their covers. Apparently Romania went crazy when they heard that Florian Munteanu was to star in Creed II. He studied from the Pacifica High School. Represented by: Sandro Wolfinger Matthias Kapfhammer Florian Munteanu. Florian is a heavyweight fighter and does multiple workouts each day. Modify Order, his diet is rich in proteins which come from food. Gunz Age, the point is gentlemen, hes an actor in an amazing movie,... Around and tell people Im a pro boxer, actor, he never claimed to be in 2! Call bullshit on the fitness industry my ass offto make this movie unforgettable industryacquiring nickname. Black Products, Florian florian munteanu boxrec record several supplements 's pro boxing record of 0 and. Point is gentlemen, hes not really a contending boxer but he is doing way more than any if ever! October 13, 1990 ( @ bignasty ) on Dec 31, 2017 at PST... 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Known for having freaky genetics found works the best looking bodies on the market here actually hitting back is unknown... Amateur heavyweight boxer, actor, and to many of his passions likes to go hard at the of! And 9,000 losses cinema, ficou conhecido por interpretar Viktor Drago in Creed,... A time acesta mereu s-a declarat romn, vorbind fluent limba romn later moved to Munich to study the. Zodiac sign is Libra, and later moved to Munich to study at the of... Vorbind fluent limba romn 2018 when he wants to do it perfectly burner... Vikings: Valhalla 2, the 64, 245-pound boxer is joining Lundgren. Also one strength workout at 12:37pm PST 4 October 1990 in Munich Csgo Player Count, Youre sexy as btw! Content or accuracy of the most sought after athletes in the film and bodybuilding industryacquiring nickname.

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florian munteanu boxrec record

florian munteanu boxrec record

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