Afterward, the group made a semi-permanent camp along Flint Creek (in the area of the future Unicoi County, Tennessee), harassing, raiding, and attacking white settlers in the surrounding countryside. He died in 1867 and was buried at White Oak, Arkansas. Yes it does confirm Cherokee Blood lines. Have latest post on thejamesscrolls.V/R,Jim. She got married had a daughter and named her Lucy ward the all. ago, we are orignially from the Pulaski/Wayne Co. Kentucky area. Gathered from those who lived during the same time period, were born in the same place, or who have a family name in common. [1] Her mother died about 1876 and she appears alone on the 1880 Cherokee census. Also - just to be clear - there are only 3 true Cherokee tribes. Please, be our brothers and sisters that we have been denied. My ancestor Richard G.Paris is buried in Paris Cemetery Clinton County Indiana(1789-1845). My gggg grandfather is Old Hop-Standing Turkey- Kanagatuckco. I am still a little confused on the wives an children. For the sake of his old friend, Corntassel arranged for Susan's passage to Indian Territory on a later trip across the Trail and married . James and his mother also descend from several of the old Cherokee warriors you noted in your vitriolic post, as do I, so if anyone should be ashamed, it's not me for my ancestors, but you for spreading ignorant, easily debunked lies. Your family disgraced our people. My name is William Ray Allison, Jr. My dad's mother, Cora Waters, was enrolled in the Dawes Roll as was her mother, Maudie Condreay Waters, her mother, Barbara Allie Palone Condreay, and her mother, Mary Parris Palone. Sally Watts Haithman Query: . I'be heard researchers say there is no Carpenter Cherokee connection and that it cannot be proved that Thomas Carpenter was ever married to a Cherokee woman or was a ship owner. He became war council head, or "skiagusta," of the Lower Cherokee.[3]. Henderson Rolls - 1835 - A listing of 16,000 Cherokees living in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, & North Carolina to be removed to Oklahoma, per Treaty New Echota. Easy, he was selling off Cherokee lands. So, if anyone can shed any light on my dilemma I would be appreciative. The wife became sick and died along the Trail. Thanks for further assisting the Corruption of the Truth by posting Blatant lies pertaining to NOT MOYTOY, NO MOYTOY never existed &c.Ani'-Yun'wi ya' a'na's'gv'ti Toochlar hi'ge ani go'la da'gah' da - Dagulaku, My name is Carie Adkins Westbrook. Sharon. Wurteh Elizabeth. Hello, I too am descended from Moytoy then down through Nancy Wardto Nancy Dial. Elizabeth states that her father was born in Monroe County, Tennessee and that her mother . I have a few research partners from that line that validate this. What a cowardly pathetic and ignorant joke you are, Anonymous. Can we separate Joseph Benjay from the Benge myth? 'Cause DNA proves nothing. Militia. They were shallow draft ships, capable of handling shallow water ports with ease. Cherokee Juliette Brewer. Query: My great great grandmother, Elizabeth Floyd, married a Cherokee man, name unknown. Later in 1793, Watts sent envoys to Knoxville, which was at the time the capital of the Southwest Territory, to meet with Governor Blount to discuss terms for a lasting peace. 5107126039. -KARYN BISHOFALSO DO ANY OF THESE NAMES LINE UP WITH YOURS?WHICH NAME DID YOU OBTAIN ENROLLMENT FROMchief murmuring ripplechief morning rippleshawandochief dancing streamchief running stream/ powhatan (the chief powhatan)scent flowermorning scent flower- paupauwiskenonomatatiske winuskewahunsonocockvirginia metis powhatanthomas munsawghewinanuske nonomaopechancanoughnamontackpride chalakahatha cornstalktaminad munsawghelocha quatsy nancy of tellicothomas pasmere corn planter carpenteramatoya moytoy (amadoya) (ama edohi) trader tom carpenterkana-gatoga moytoy- old hop/ stalking turkeysu-gi sookie moytoyanigatagewi moytoyamadoyamadoni moytoysu-gi sallie/sally grannie/granny grasshopperanuwagi peggy moytoycornelius doughertyjames doughertyelizabeth doughertynathan lawsonsampson david lawsongeorge w lawsonmary mahala j lawsoneverette s baldwin (my grandfather)beverly baldwin-bishof (my mom)karyn bishof (me), MARY MCDANIEL IS DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM MCDANIEL AND SU-GI. 1 1 1 2 5 3 2 4 1 5: Nannie Polston. 4752 Cherokee Rd Jonesborough TN 37659 5973 Kingsport Hwy Johnson City TN 37615 5973 Kingsport Hwy Gray TN 37615 5751 Kingsport Hwy Gray TN 37615 103 Bumpus . SUV LC205979 For Sale at 21st Century Auto Group Springfield 07081 jeudi 8 novembre 1979, Journaux, Ottawa :[Le droit],1913- . I have information back to my great great grandmother and found her parents names once but haven't been able to find them since but the line went back to Pidgeon of Tellico and further back to Motoy(s). There is a widespread belief that he was the son of the John Benge who lived with the Cherokee and his white wife. I am on ELIZABETH WATTS - people search, genealogy, find deceased relatives and locate ancestors: Name SSN Date of birth Date of death Lived State Zip Code (Last Residence) Zip Code (Lump Tax payment) ELIZABETH WATTS: 218-30-5302: June 6, 1892: July 1, 1963: 71 years : ELIZABETH WATTS: 353-22-6693: November 25, 1893: June 1, 1965: Read some real history, as it was prevalent among the 5ct. John Jolly (Due): John Jolly was a Cherokee chief, (half?) 1,645 Followers, 658 Following, 578 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Elizabeth Watts Schrack (@elizabethwatts5) elizabethwatts5. In fact, they were not allowed to be deeded land if Indian or Mixed Blood, or in Virginia, Black (all those of Indian and Mixed blood during one disgraceful era in the commonwealth's history). These were my 5th great grandparents. Hit me up if you have any info on this line. She was his first wife. Mary died either in England or Virginia. Many researchers believe Parker Adkins only had 2 children with Bluesky, Littleberry and Charity. 124 confirmed names, back to chief moytoy yet not accepted.if you have anything to help you can email me at, Hello, (very distant) cousin. DAUGHERTY/DOUGHERTY, NATHAN LAWSON,SAMPSON LAWSON, GEORGE LAWSON, MARY/MAHALA LAWSON, EVERETTE BADWIN (GPA), BEVERLY BALDWIN (MOM) KARYN BISHOF (ME)PLEASE EMAIL ME AT KARYNBISHOF10@GMAIL.COM. Amazing! Elizabeth Watts in Florida. Very interesting stuff! William Dorton, Jr., s/o William & Elizabeth Dorton) born in the year 1750 died December 10, 1826. I checked ouut the Essary tree looking for any Links to England or Ireland and found nothing as all mainly USA Then I stumbled upon Elizabeth Mcdaniel wo married an Essary. Am I reading this history correct? But I don't know if that means I am a member of a particular Cherokee tribe?? Original source documentation trumps BS posted online by wanabes and armchair researchers chasing CDIB cards through fictitious Cherokee Princesses. His pension application (images on Fold3 at. ) Rich Joe, my g-uncle, was killed in 1844 when his steamboat exploded near Louusville. How they were excluded from the Nation because they were black? She was lasoknown as Raven. And there are free places to search the rolls.Just Google Dawes Roll but here is an easy one that is free He was the father of Matoaka "Pocahontas" Powhatan. your pride in it. She can't give you any sources, because their are none. Yes, the Vanns seem an appropriate people to decide who are the real Cherokee and who aren't. I already consider myself Cherokee, but would love to officially sign up. My mother was a Cherokee woman and my father was a white man. The last relative I have who was on the last rolls was David Hadley born in 1900 in the Cherokee Nation. What to expect; First visit; FAQ; My 5x great grandfather was Henry ( Tarle Skawee) Mcgee. Watts's mother, Oousta, was a sister of Cherokee chiefs Attakullkulla Carpenter 1702-1777 and Old Tassel - Great Eagle Carpenter 1702-1777, father to Chief DoubleHead, Hanging Maw and Pumpkin Boy, . I've heard only sketchy tales of being related to Attacullaculla (mostly because my father's parents died when he was young so he didn't get much family history passed down to him.) It is very difficult, almost impossible right now (and in my opinion not worth it) trying to become a member of the Eastern Cherokees because of the money involved with the Casinos. It is incredible that all this is actually documented. So none of this can be proven or dis-proven and anyone who wants to verify their link to the Cherokee needs to do so for present day and post Sequoyah but their Colonial history is lost to the sands of time. Watts's mother, Oousta, was a sister of . John "Old Forked Tongue" Watts (1/2 Blood Cherokee). John Jolly (Due): John Jolly was a Cherokee chief, (half?) Please email me is any of u share a connection Amatoya Moytoy is my 10th Great Grandfather. She never existed, there is not one schred of factual evidence that she was a real person. Her mother and John Vann are my 5x-grands. We never knew where my ggrandfather came from, but thanks to, I now know that his ggrandmother was Cornblossom, daughter or Doublehead. >k.c. Thanks Amanda I appreciate your comments. What better job than working with the Indians. If anyone is interested in exchanging family info please contact me @ It is McDaniel and Suki, Daughter Rachel her Husband Henry Chambers, Tatum married Chamber's Daughter, Tatums Daughter marries Tharp. So, this character named Thomas Pasmere Corn Planter Carpenter was born in 1607 England and came over here and met a Shawnee woman named Pride somewhere around Jamestown, Virginia, took her back to England where they got married in 1553 and had two children together naming their son Trader and their daughter Pride, thus starting the Cherokee tribe. I am related to Chief Moytoy on my mothers side. Old Hop went to live with his Aunt and Uncle Amatoya Moytoy after the death of his parents. There is a whole lot of those kind of things that get picked up & repeated over & over again. thanks, KAYLIN,MARY MCDANIEL AND CATHERINE MCDANIEL WERE SISTERSMY LINEAGE GOES DOWN FROM MOYTOY TO OLD HOP TO SUGI/ GRANNIE HOPPER, TO MARY MCDANIEL, TO ELIZ. According to my family tree results Amatoya Moytoy is my 8th great grandfather, so it seems we may actually be distantly related. Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Miller was born on December 24, 1856. On the way to Knoxville, the war party encountered the small settlement of Cavett's Station. James Vann, William Springston, John Shepherd and Edward Adair: . Does that ring a bell? I share your first few ancestors! Discover your family history in millions of family trees and more than a billion birth, marriage, death, census, and military records. Elizabeth Watts, also known as "Wurte" Watts, was the supposed mixed-blood daughter of John Watts, a British government interpreter [known as "Old Forked Tongue Watts"], who died in 1770.Her mother was a sister of "Old Tassel", "Doublehead" and "Pumpkin Boy". Love this, thank you for writing it. Elizabeth Watts Red Paint Clan Cherokee passed away on 1795 in St Joseph River, Crow Creek Settlement, Arkansas. Chiefs: Dragging Canoe (1777-1792) John Watts (1792-1802) Doublehead, brother of Old Tassel, served from 1802-1807 The Glass, or Ta'gwadihi (1807-1809) Cherokee Nation East (1794-1839) John Ross, c. 1866 Little Turkey was elected First Beloved Man of the . IF SO USING WHAT NAME AND LINE OF LINEAGE?, Osiyo Cousin. The son of Elizabeth Emory was an entry to denote Ta-lo-nv-ti-s-gi as the older [half-]brother of John Jolly as per Starr, A32, pg 472. . It couldn't have been the Vanns could it? In several years of research I have not found them on any rolls.Your help would be appreciated.Carol. I am very glad to have found this site. Watts spurned any "national office." Elizabeth was Cherokee. I look forward to your textthank you so much and good luck to you all who are on a quest for documenting facts. A paper trail of historical events at the time also disproves this relationship. Well, let me queue the laughter. . My last post. I'm a descendant through Moytoy, Doublehead, Colbert, Tharp, etc. My ancestors were English traders (and one was Oglethorpe's liaison to the Indians) and the traders took Indian wives even though they had English wives. Aller directement au contenu. The DNA test do not show tribe. One of my Dad's cousins applied for tribal membership and received it. The old cherokee tribe also had numerous links to kentucky.other tribes and early euro traders had to pay the cherokee kings lease and trade fees for being in cherokee territory much like the king powhatan era. There are myriad original documents supporting my posted FACTS that were kept by the early Moravians, Indian agents, and military/widows' pensions for service in which the Cherokee participated. I gedmatch with all true descendants in this line, including Rachel's Sister Tookah's descendants that are also enrolled citizens of the Cherokee Nation.A210989, HEY, DO YOU MATCH WITH ME ON ANCESTRY OR 23 AND ME OR GED MATCH? She is named in no records and is known only by extrapolation from references to her father, her brother, and her son. I have relatives on the Dawes rolls. I do not know his I.D. I had my DNA tested and I do show Native DNA . I was only four years old when my parents came to the Indian Territory and I am now ninety-three years old. Mrs. Elizabeth Watts A Biographic Sketch Route #2, Box 168, Muskogee, Oklahoma By L. D. Wilson, Field Worker Indian-Pioneer History Source of Information received from a . Was Tomas erssay called another invlish name. She died in 1780, in Tennessee, United States, at the age of 25. Just asking! . [1] Watts' parents resided in the Overhill Towns along the Little Tennessee River. . In fact, they're the majority now. Probably more Jewish than 90% of the European Jews runnin' around the world, playin' Indian like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man. I have detached Robert Due, Bloody Fellow, John Jolly, and Obediah Benge from Wurteh. . I have been doing research for ten years in hopes to find a roll number to which I can apply for a CDIB card from at Cherokee Nation in Tahlequah, OK. The individual regional councils for each of the major Cherokee geographic divisions still dominated decisions in their relative areas. His research is very extensive and was/is on point with the information that was given to me. brother of Talonteskee, born about 1770. here are my names below only on my moms dads side, only with moytoys ancestors and decendants. Yes, because of them I have had a better life. Elizabeth Watts Freelance Writer at Elizabeth Watts Professional and Educational Writer Canton, Georgia, United States 36 connections, Hi Carie, My name I Sheila King. I have been told "Cherokee Woman" Agatagwi Kimmerling wa the daughter of Chief Amadajiyi Pidgeon of Tellico, Moytoy and she was married to Jacob Friedrich Kimmerling. His mother was Scent Morning Flower and his Father was Running Stream. White men and women who married Cherokees are then considered to be a member of the tribe. My mother's father, grandfather, & g. grandfather are all on the Dawes Final Rolls. To know my Carpenter Family . So, I have decided to write it just like I did to them, and include their emails in the book so at least the information is there! ( Hicks attempted to group people who were known to be relatives into families. I have arched on that links it all. I really need to know who they were! Which ties me to Chief Cornstalk "Peter I" and Moytoy II of Tellico. And all the deuce dents on both Sides the McGees and Vann was denided clames. Robert Due [[Due-74]]: No source is listed for this claim. Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first deceive! . Her Wikitree profile lists four husbands and five children. She married a George Booker. There is no single roll of those who participated in the 1838 forced removal known as the Trail of Tears. I believe that Amatoya Moytoy I is my 10th great grandfather through his son Kanagatoga AKA ((Old Hop), ("Standing Turkey), (Cunne Shote) Moytoy but only if Conaleuski AKA Robert John Challange Wilson is his grandson (Amatoya MOytoy I grandson) I found it somewhere that he was the next line if so I would like to know how to become a card carrying member of one one the Cherokee tribes. There is some circumstantial evidence that he was the father of John Jolly. Mitochondrial DNA from a direct descendant of Charity Adkins shows that Charity's mother was a white woman - mostly English and Irish - not native American. Lucy Benge Lowrey: Lucy is usually described as the sister of Bob Benge and is commonly listed with Wurteh as her mother. What is the roll numbers. Obediah Martin Benge: He was a white man, a well-documented Revolutionary War soldier, the son of a white woman named Elizabeth Lewis(?) Tommy Wright (R-Victoria) Del. Catherine was of Cherokee lineage and had several family members on the Trail to OK. Any information you may have would be very helpful. says that he was born in Virginia, moved to North Carolina with his mother, and in May, 1785 at the age of 16 or 17 was forced to serve in the War by a step-father named Fielder. I am researching my family tree and I came across the name ADAIR, and I decided to see where it went . The family that began with Joseph Vann, a Sephardic Jewish translator working with Richard Henderson, Colonel John Sevier, and Daniel Boone at the Treaty of Sycamore Shoals in 1775 when Cheucunsene declared war on them as rogues. My 10g grandmother is Nancy Ward. Elizabeth Watts Schrack. We are from Texas.My mother had a olive complexion was small stature, quite person and she always told us she was indianBut she didn't know The history is outstanding.I am very proud to be of indian desent. Regardez le Salaire Mensuel de Jeep Grand Cherokee Occasion Maroc en temps rel. Malachi is the son of Robert Parris and Penny Langley. I would love to maybe form a group of us and somehow formulate a more accurate tree with these common ancestors. We share the same 9th grandfather. Old Hop's father was Chief Moytoy. My family is also related to the Moytoy. Yes, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. I have found record of Elizabeth Judd married to Benjimin Pennell burried in Winkler cemetary in Boone, NC. Yes, some of Rich Joe Vann's slaves participated in the Slave Revolt. View Elizabeth Watts results in Mississippi (MS) including current phone number, address, relatives, background check report, and property record with Whitepages. We already know who our relatives are. I have had a BIA card since I was about 11 (am 47 now), recently tested my DNA and it does show Native American. Bill Wiley (R-Winchester) Del. It was to be a three-pronged attack: Tahlonteeskee (aka Ataluntiski) would lead a force to ambush the Kentucky road; Middle Striker would take the Walton road; and Watts would lead the main army of 280 Cherokee, Shawnee, and Muscogee warriors against Nashville (it was then the capital of the Miro District of the new Southwest Territory). 2: is there a free place to search dawes rolls? Osiyo! As a descendent of Attacullaculla (a member of the family by marriage, adoption, and possibly blood), family tradition often solves a lot of these problems. Redbird Sixkiller. What do you know about that identity, Vann? What did Joseph Vann inherit? Elizabeth Watts, a Cherokee woman whose mother was born along the Trail of Tears, described the trek westward. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Elizabeth Watts filed Cherokee Claim 10622 in 1906 from Ft. Mountain in Murray County, Georgia. She married Thomas Lawson Kendrick on Oct 17, 1850 in Cherokee, North Carolina. White Wing's son Richard Adkins is my 5th gr-grandfather. I have over 140 names associated with the dawes and guion miller rolls but none of which have proven beneficial due to the 7 years of enrollment and residence in ok at the time rule. He was succeeded by Doublehead. Watts moved with the band downriver to Running Water Town, still in Tennessee but further from the frontier. Sharon, I believe the way you do. I do however wish to validate the claim that someone in the same line, yet closer on my tree, (my 4x great grandparents) were of Cherokee origin. Many of my relatives have their Cherokee Nation cards, but I still do not. As with most early Cherokee women, almost nothing is known of the woman called Wurteh Watts, the mother of Bob The Bench Benge. Watts, Elizabeth. The following students who have a grade point average of 3.8 to 4.0 were recognized: The only reply I got was from his wife who gave me his direct email and still no reply. The information about the Dortons seems to have been added by someone no longer connected to the profile, but I will wait a couple of days before detaching them and replacing the bio with documented facts in case there are any objections or discussion. I have that she was of the Deer Clan and that she married John Phillip Lightfoot {1725-1780}. He notes the marriage of Wurteh to Bloody Fellow is speculative but plausible. I believe Nenetoonyah should be detached from Wurteh. Social Workers generally specialize in Anxiety and Depression, in addition to other issues.. There is no documentation to support this conclusion. Bob Benge and his brother The Tail are described as the nephews of John Watts and great-nephews of Old Tassel, leading to the conclusion that their mother was the sister of John Watts. Hanging Maw was wounded, while his wife and daughter (along with several other Indians and one of the white delegates), were killed. 578 posts. As with most early Cherokee women, almost nothing is known of the woman called "Wurteh Watts," the mother of Bob "The Bench" Benge. I believe he should be detached from Wurteh. Vann grabbed one small boy and pulled him onto his saddle, but Doublehead killed the boy with an axe. I have 124 names on the rolls between guion miller and dawes (CN and EB). What is so astonishing is that my mother is descended from Mary Moore Ayres and John Amory while my father is descended from Mary and Thomas Ayres! He was not a Cherokee as many believe. Go to for the details. We were all born in Oklahoma and are also Scottish, being Duncan on both sides of my mothers family. She passed away before she could find Ancestry.Com. More research, more questionsbut loving every minute of it! I do not know to put this together to prove it. I am a descendant of MoytoyI through his granddaught BlueSky Cornstalk who was Grandadughter of Amatoy's son Amatoy of Tellico. Alie Keath. Yes, the Vanns held slaves, and it wasn't only four or five Cherokee families who did so. No matter the racial or ethnic composition of someone who originated from outside the Clans, if they married a Cherokee, they were considered as full-blood by the Nation. When James Watts was born in 1748, in Virginia, British Colonial America, his father, John Watts, was 24 and his mother, Tali Wurteh Red Paint Wadi, was 38. Elizabeth Watts was the daughter of Isaac Watts and Sarah Lowdermilk of Iredell county, North Carolina. If you were an Anonymous give me the time and date and I will be glad to remove it. I don't see a purpose to it. She was the sister of John Watts, Cherokee Chief, also known as "Young Tassel". Grasshoppers name was Susan. As someone also doing research, I find your story quite interesting. In 1792, Dragging Canoe died suddenly on March 1, 1792, but he had earlier said he wanted Watts to succeed him. . Can any one confirm, deny, or suggest research that Mary Bluesky Cornstalk only had two children? His mother/sister (?) But, that is a whole other story as it turned out to be Choctaw. Thanks! I'm a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and descend from two Vann lines. But, in tracing back this captured woman was to be a daughter of Chief Pigeon Moytoy. I did not obtain enrollment from any of them. With DNA we could know what tribe or many different tribes, as in my case, but I cannot enroll because grandmothers married white men who wanted their wives to be white so their children would be white so they would not be persecuted, killed, rounded up and moved, tagged like cattle. The one is Oklahoma is closed to new members (How can a nation be closed to legitimate members of the nation? I am a documented Cherokee Nation citizen with connections to myriad ancestors "alleged" to be descendants of the Moytoys, but I would never claim it because it's IMPOSSIBLE to prove. He was known as a trader in interpreter. DID YOU EVER RECEIVE ONE? Oh my goodness! Called Wahli by many confused researchers, Mother Vann was Joseph Vann's wife, but was born a Vann herself. There is a widespread belief that he was the son of the John Benge who lived with the Cherokee and his white wife. Remember the sons of Dragging Canoe's younger brother Shoeboots? Watts's mother, Oousta, was a sister of Cherokee chiefs Attakullkulla Carpenter . That is an almost impossible task. should be too ashamed of your family name to even speak on who is and who isn't a real Cherokee. MARTHA CONNER:1880 Census [CN]: Cooweescoowee, 4711902-07 Dawes roll: card# 3855, roll# 9293 as Martha Tucker1906-09 Miller roll: Afton, OK, ap# 24873, roll# 27399 as Martha TuckerBlood: 1/16 CherokeeBEULAH F TUCKER, b. 2,000 acres, several trading posts, a few riverboat ferries, the Vann House in Spring Place (Georgia), and his father's accumulated gold which amounted to over $200,000 back then. Thanks, William David McDaniel is one of my great me with your information at
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