Towards the end of the film, Rachel visits the remains of Wayne Manor, finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage. Batman does die in batman the dark knight rises. like the coin. The Dark Knight continued Bruces story, but now with the Joker (Heath Ledger) as the villain. Bruce believes hes chosen Rachel, but ends up saving Harvey. Rachel attended the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb, who was murdered by the Joker. Actually, Joker himself didn't knew who was where. Batman (Bruce Wayne) loved Rachel Dawes, so he decided to save her and left Dent for the Gotham Police Department to save. Rachel enrolls in law school and gets an internship at the Gotham City District Attorney's office during her first year. Gordon asks who Batman is going to save. Does the LM317 voltage regulator have a minimum current output of 1.5 A? She was a member of the Major Crimes Unit. So, Batman went to save Rachel but found Dent instead. Harvey Dent later known as Two Face is secondary antagonist of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy. The movie benefitted from Holmes' presence, but the same cannot be said of the reverse it's unfortunate to think that Katie Holmes gave up on being inThe Dark Knightto appear in a comedy that failed, but those are simply the decisions an actor makes from time to time. While it doesn't adapt any one . Jim Gordon is dead. Since leavingBatman Begins, shehas appeared in the films Lucky Logan, Touched by FireandDear Director, and has made her return to television inThe Kennedys and a recurring roleon Ray Donovan. According to a TikTok video, an early scene in "The Dark Knight" shows Ledger's Joker sitting at a table near Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent, and Rachel Dawes. This revelation puts a severe strain on Bruce's relationship with Alfred, who then leaves Wayne Manor. Holmes also voiced the character in the video game adaptation. Depending on who you talk to, this is either a flaw or a feature. I never thought this scene was confusing. Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is one of those sets of films that refuses to go out of style or circulation. Rachel Dawes wanted to say something to Harvey Dent right before she died in The Dark Knight but what were her last words going to be? She has also started dating him, creating a . Rachel was very clearly conscious the entire time whereas Harvey was unconscious and woke up to her yelling. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. At the funeral, the Joker attempts to assassinate Mayor Anthony Garcia (Nestor Carbonell), and leaves behind evidence indicating that Rachel will be next. . [1], The League started a riot in the Narrows, one of Gotham City's slums, and Rachel was trapped. Three years later, the sequel titled The Dark Knight was released, and it became not only the best in Nolans Batman trilogy but also one of the best superhero films ever made. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The Joker told Batman that he must choose which one of them to save and gave him both locations. Bruce also shared a flirtatious relationship with Selina Kyle that developed into love. Only, instead of these two threads being told in separate strands, it becomes one gigantic free-for-all where the Caped Crusader isnt safe at all. Rather than using Anne Hathaways Catwoman as a co-antagonist, Bane (Tom Hardy) would have an even better weapon in his arsenal: someone who knows the true identity of Batman. Letter of recommendation contains wrong name of journal, how will this hurt my application? Batman should always be allowed to fail. Rachel: "You could die. Rachel Dawes was created for the Nolan Batman universe, first appearing in Batman Begins as the childhood friend and love interest of Bruce Wayne. You are giving birth to another son., 18Rachel died while giving birth to the son. Later on he also says "Does Harvey know about you and his little bunny". Rachel tells Dent that she wants to marry him. She also takes Bruce down to the slums and shows him that Falcone's criminal empire has worsened the poverty created by Gotham's economic depression, and states that every day more people just like Chill turn to crime out of desperation. Throughout the rest of The Dark Knight, the newly born villain Two Face, formerly known as Harvey Dent, goes on a rampage. Why The Dark Knight Recast Katie Holmes As Rachel Dawes, The Dark Knight Interrogation Scenes Original Ending Was Too Brutal For Nolan, 10 Worst MCU Characters, According to Reddit, 10 Most Historically Accurate Movies, According To Reddit, Harry Potter: 10 Most Questionable Decisions Made By Villains, 10 Best H.P. Continue Learning about Movies & Television. This revelation put a severe strain on Bruce's relationship with Alfred, who then left Wayne Manor. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. He almost does, but he's too smart and strong Without contrary proof, I believed that. New York, While he goes and saves Harvey Dent, Gordon does not make it in time to save Rachel, who dies in a fiery explosion. Instead, Batman tackles . Joker tells Batman that Harvey is at 250 52nd Street and that Rachel is on Avenue X, the female cop calls Gordon's wife and tells her to go to 250 52nd Street. Will all turbine blades stop moving in the event of a emergency shutdown, Indefinite article before noun starting with "the", Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). Lol Nah, but in all seriousness, it's because she'd already let Bruce know that they weren't going to happen unless he stopped Batman-ing. One, hes alone. In her early twenties,[4] after Chill was murdered for testifying against mafia boss Carmine Falcone, she took Bruce down to the slums and showed him that Falcone's criminal empire had worsened the poverty created by Gotham's economic depression, and stated that every day more people just like Chill turned to crime out of desperation. Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes in the 2008 sequel The Dark Knight after Holmes chose not to . She and Bruce share a kiss, but she tells him that they cannot be together until Gotham no longer needs Batman, now fully aware of his secret. rev2023.1.18.43174. When you and Chloe arrive at Chloe's secret lair, she gets Max to collect five bottles. What was a Progressive goal A. what's a Rachel anyway? Which politician received the most support from younger voters A. Ross Perot? After an intense interrogation session, The Joker tells Batman/Bruce Wayne that both Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes have been kidnapped, and are just minutes away from dying in an explosion. Katie Holmes departed from The Dark Knight trilogy after Batman Begins, leaving Maggie Gyllenhaal to take over. Joker offers him two addresses but, inexplicably, switches who is where. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. and that if he does not, people will die. Stack Exchange Network. The gambit itself is really part of the bigger thesis The Dark Knight tries to lay out: That one man trying to save a city whether he wears a mask or does it in broad daylight is an inherently impossible task. The Joker revealed to Batman thatRachel and Harveywere in separate locations rigged with explosives and he could one choose one to save, thus making Batman break his one rule. The notion of the impossible goal that Bruce grapples with is absolutely part of Batmans inherent appeal. Its not that Batman stories always have to be about Bruce pulling some insane stunt off perfectly, and its not that Batman stories arent allowed to be about Bruce ultimately succumbing to the inevitable and failing. Emerson . To revisit this landmark movie, which was released 10 years ago, here are 19 fascinating facts about The Dark Knight. The Jokers plan to push one of Gothams legal eagles to the edge wins out, as Rachel Dawes becomes unhinged, and dedicates herself to avenging her dearly departed lover. While Holmes' take on the character was divisive, something that led to her being nominated for Worst Supporting Actress at the Golden Raspberry Awards, Nolan wasn't swayed by public opinion. Ultimately the answer to "why wasn't Katie Holmes in The Dark Knight?" When Bruce Wayne returns as Batman in Dark Knight Rises he isn't the same person in terms of his reaction times and agility which he possessed years ago when he decided to hang up his boots at the end of Dark Knight (plus the limping at the start of the movie). [1], After the incident in the Narrows, Rachel visited the remains of Wayne Manor, finding Bruce and Alfred sorting through the wreckage. Bruce believes hes chosen Rachel, but ends up saving Harvey. He then sedates her and has his butler, Alfred Pennyworth (Michael Caine), take her home. Hes the only person who can save the day here and there are no other vigilantes, sidekicks or otherwise, who can step in to make things right. He wanted Holmes back, but it was scheduling conflicts that kept her away. Batman would choose to save Harvey Dent, and Bruce Wayne would choose to save Rachel Dawes, leaving the surviving party upset over their ultimate loss. KEEP READING:Constantine 2: Why the Sequel Should Be DCEU Canon. Crane, who had assumed the criminal alter ego of "Scarecrow," attacked her again. Get possible sizes of product on product page in Magento 2. James Sheridan has set you on the right path. Of course, when he needs to wind down his Xbox controller is never far away. After Chill is murdered for testifying against Mafia boss Carmine Falcone (Tom Wilkinson), Bruce reveals to Rachel that he intended to murder Chill himself, and is angry that he was deprived of revenge. Please refresh the page and try again. Two-Face planned to take revenge on Gordon by killing the person he loved most: his son. The writers of Batman Begins originally considered to have Harvey Dent appearing in the film, but the character of Rachel Dawes was created when they realized that they "couldn't do the character justice". Batman Begins introduced the audience to Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne, and set the basis for the rest of the films, both in narrative and tone. It was a fresh new take on the character with a new origin story that introduced Bruce Wayne's childhood friend and lifelong love interest Rachel Dawes, an original character created just for the films. If you could witness one event past, present, or future, what would it be? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. In 2016, she made her directorial debut with The Kennedys: After Camelot, a followup to The Kennedys series which she also starred in and co-produced. "Deep down you may still be that same great kid you used to be. She was portrayed in that film by Katie Holmes, with Emma Lockhart as a younger version of the character in early scenes. In the Harvey/Rachel plot in The Dark Knight, there are two reasons why Bruce fails. Before her death at the hands of the Joker, she was one of the few people who knew the Batman's true identity. So vote which path you prefer, and dont forget to explain in the comments just why you chose that scenario. just as he did with Rachel. When time runs out, Batman barely saves Harvey Dent from dying, and the explosion catches a trail of gasoline and burns half of Harvey's face, scarring it for life. Wiki User. 14 years . Do you have a source? The way you threw yourself after her." The answer, based on this exercise and the trajectory that Christopher Nolans Dark Knight Trilogy was always going to take, yields an emphatic no. After all, Bruce Wayne isnt above doing what he has to do in the business world to get what he wants. Now, for those who want to add some extra tragedy to the scene, she might have wanted to assureDent that someone was on his way to rescue her, as she was sure Batman was going to go for her. he even confesses the truth about Rachel to get Bruce to move on from his past . Rachel Dawes is a fictional character who first appeared in Christopher Nolan's 2005 feature film Batman Begins.She was portrayed in that film by Katie Holmes, with Emma Lockhart as a younger version of the character in early scenes.Holmes also voiced the character in the video game adaptation. Rachel is horrified and slaps Bruce telling him that his late parents would be ashamed of him. He was the District Attorney of Gotham City who was originally working in Internal Investigations, Dent picked up the name "Harvey Two-Face" for being duplicitous when . It is undeniable that Rachel's character was very important to that particular universe, due to her association with Bruce as well as Harvey Dent as they worked to stop the Joker and the rest of Gotham's organized crime network. One of the biggest plot holes in 2008's "The Dark Knight" revolves around the Joker. She was also a contributor for FanSided's BamSmackPow and 1428 Elm. Low-Key Loves Gerard Butlers 'Has Fallen Movies, And The Actor Shared Sweet Email The Marvel Star Sent In Support, Mayor Of Kingstown Producer Opens Up About Season 3 Plan And Jeremy Renner's Accident As Actor Posts About Missing His Happy Place, Fans Share All The Feels After Brendan Fraser Reflects On Brennaissance In Emotional Speech: I Was In The Wilderness But You Found Me, Former American Idol Contestant CJ Harris Is Dead At 31. By the end of the film, Bruce and Selina, who faked their deaths to leave Gotham, have begun a relationship, and Bruce has passed his legacy as Gotham's protector to John Blake (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), also proving Rachel wrong in her belief that he wouldn't give up being Batman. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY. . Actually, it was the opposite of what he said. The image we see is that of Gordon lying on what appears to be his death bed. Copy. Batman has friends, and peers like Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, and so on, who are his equals on just about every count. ; Action Hero: He can beat the holy crap out of even a stupidly lopsided outnumbering of mooks. Is there a end credits scene in the batman, Who plays superwoman in batman vs superman, Which harley quinn show character are you, What is the rating for the new harley quinn movie, When is rebirth harley quinn coming to fortnite, What are the harley quinn challenges in fortnite, Where to find the rebirth harley quinn code. Two-Face decides to flip for Batman, himself, and Gordon. He then sedated her and had his butler, Alfred Pennyworth, take her home. Newsof Holmes' departure came out around the same time that she joined the cast of the comedy Mad Money. The Joker draws closer to Dent's bed. GORDON (cont'd): All of Harvey's prosecutions, everything he fought . Gordon doesn't have a Batman motorcycle, so he arrives too late to save Rachel. New with box: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item (including handmade items) in the original packaging (such as the original box or bag) and/or with the original tags attached. In turn, Jim Gordon is sent to save Rachel Dawes, but as this is a brilliant Catch-22 scenario, Bruce Wayne actually saves Rachel, leaving Harvey to die in a fire. Bruce Wayne, also known by his vigilante persona Batman, is a fictional character who is the main protagonist in Christopher Nolan's trilogy of superhero films, based on the DC Comics character of the same name, created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.Portrayed by Christian Bale, this version of Batman is arguably explored more in-depth compared to that of the previous film series by Tim Burton . Christopher Nolan's darkreboot of the Batman filmsthat grounded the character in gritty realism began with Batman Begins in 2005. As Harvey Dent is now dead, this kicks off two important events that would change the ending of The Dark Knight. She was having a lot of trouble with this birth. The Dark Knight also introduced Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), with viewers witnessing his transformation into Two-Face after a very traumatic experience for both him and Bruce. Gordon stares down at the scarred side of Harvey Dent. The Dark Knight. Theres no explanation given for why the GCPD doesnt make it to Rachel on time, despite having left the station in the same moment as Bruce and, presumably, having units closer to the scene they could have radioed in. 100% Heroism Rating: Non-videogame example. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! Katie Holmes was to reprise as Rachel in The Dark Knight, but turned it down in order to star in Mad Money instead. So: the Joker definitely told Batman the wrong addresses. Rachel is next seen at the funeral of police commissioner Gillian Loeb (Colin MacFarlane), who was murdered by the Joker. She and Bruce shared a kiss, but she told him that they could not be together until Gotham no longer needed the Batman, now fully aware of his secret. Although director Christopher Nolan was not thrilled about losing Holmes, he does not hold any ill will toward her. However, she passed up playing. Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. So,even thoughnaysayers got their wish and Holmes didn't return for The Dark Knight, it had nothing to do with Nolan, and theactor has continued to thrive in Hollywood in the years since. The Dark Knight saw the demise of Rachel Dawes after the Joker tricked Batman and the police and only let them save Harvey Dent or her. The Dark Knight is the second film in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, preceded by Batman Begins (2005) (2005) and followed by The Dark Knight Rises (2012) (2012). According to Business Insider, Nolan definitely wanted Holmes to return, and was . When her nurse saw this, she said, "Don't be afraid, Rachel. What was Jim Gordon's original plan and who else was involved in it? Rachel is Bruce Wayne's closest childhood friend. Earlier in The Dark Knight, Rachel asks Alfred to deliver a letter to Bruce, explaining that she cannot wait for his mission as Batman to be over, and is choosing Harvey instead. Because the Bat was meant to be with the Cat i mean. The Dark Knight is based on a script co-written by London-born screenwriters and brothers Christopher and Jonathan Nolan, from a story by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer (co-writer of Batman Begins). The coin was burned on one side, symbolizing Rachel had died She wasn't saved in time and the room exploded, killing her. Avoiding alpha gaming when not alpha gaming gets PCs into trouble, Comprehensive Functional-Group-Priority Table for IUPAC Nomenclature. Maggie Gyllenhaal replaced Holmes in the 2008 sequel The Dark Knight after Holmes chose not to reprise the role. Rachel was disappointed that Bruce would let Dent take the fall for him, and gave Alfred a letter to be delivered to Bruce "when the time is right." Start for FREE. At the end of the movie's novelization, she is named interim District Attorney. Too often in the film industry, the story behindBatman recastsand others can be incredibly ugly and set the rumor mill ablaze. The Joker wanted to hurt Batman. At least tell me your name. If you want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Which is why were going to open that decision to further discussion, through the poll below. Rachel dedicated her life and career to eliminating crime in Gotham, in the process making enemies of Falcone and later Doctor Jonathan Crane, Arkham Asylum's corrupt chief psychiatrist. Both Rachel and Dent are tied up in rooms surrounded with gasoline drums and remote-controlled explosives, with phones attached so they can talk to each other. [1] Gyllenhaal also appeared as Dawes on the viral marketing website I Believe in Harvey Dent,[2] giving Harvey Dent her endorsement in the District Attorney election. But heres the thing: Batman was never designed to work completely alone in the first place. People have broken it down from every angle, speculating and analyzing the gold standard of superhero films to death over the years. 4/10 Harvey Dent's Evil Motivations Are Strange. Rachel was the daughter of one of the maids at Wayne Manor. The Nolan-verse clearly did not agree with the age old adage that Batman needs a Robin. But it certainly would have done well to consider it. Despite a decent cast and an interesting premise, the crime dramedy was lambasted by critics and audiences alike, even if the ensemble cast had commendable chemistry. Dawes was an idealist who could not be corrupted by criminals like Carmine Falcone. It was a decision that I made at that time and it was right for me at that moment, so I don't have any regrets. However, others strongly believe she was going to say someone will find us, as in her final moments she was trying to calm himdown. When she's not writing, you can find her trying to learn a new language, watching hockey (go Avs! I'm a man of my word. Batman sped off, believing that he was traveling to Rachel's destination, while Gordon and several GCPD officers headed to what they thought was Dent's location. Why so serious? The Dennis O'Neill novelisation of The Dark Knight is again closer to the original screenplay but describes her predicament well. Discover short videos related to does rachel die in the dark knight on TikTok. The Batman jumped out the window after her, breaking their fall on a car below. RELATED:Joker: How the Man Who Laughs Gave the DC Icon His Secret Origin. Theres a running gag in which Alfred pointedly reminds Bruce that hes going to have to learn his limits, to which Bruce smirks and reminds him that Batman has none. Two dimensional Batmans world is a lot more dangerous than three dimensional Batmans, and most of that danger is a lot bigger. Her death is further felt in the final installment of the trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, as Bruce Wayne continues to mourn her absence. Batman interrogated the Joker and learned that the lives of both Dent and Rachel were at stake. This scenario has even more wide reaching complications, when you take into account how The Dark Knight Rises plays with the events that previously occurred. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Yes, she was tied up in an abandoned building surrounded by barrels . Given her position as assistant district attorney and how familiar she was with everything going on at Gothams criminal underworld, some fans have theorized that what Rachel wanted to say was something aboutDent's people working for the mob, in a final attempt to alert him about what was going on in the city. Not very clever to chance Rachel's death, if Batman loved her. However, the Joker tricked him and gave him Dents address instead of Rachels, and Gordon and his people didnt make it on time to theplace where Rachel really was. Rachel Dawes is a fictional character who first appeared in Christopher Nolan's 2005 feature film Batman Begins. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Looking at the chain of events that occur in both scenarios, the path of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises leads to another, greater question about Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dents fates: does it really matter who Batman saves in The Dark Knight? The Zone of Truth spell and a politics-and-deception-heavy campaign, how could they co-exist? Initially portrayed by Katie Holmes, the actress did not reprise her role in 2008's The Dark Knight. Throughout the rest of The Dark Knight, the It's a dark, dark place where bad things happen to good people. Dent soon asked Rachel to marry him, but she did not have a clear answer, being torn between her love for both men. Upon Rachel's death, Alfred reads her note (which she deliberately left unsealed) in which she reveals that she intends to marry Dent. A number of things change in the months following the Siege of Gotham. In an attempt to stop him, Alfred finally confessed to Bruce that Rachel chose Dent and that he burned the letter in order to spare Bruce pain. 4. Knight. Oops. The League starts a riot in the Narrows, one of Gotham City's slums, and Rachel is trapped. The Joker : [ after a news segment, holds camera facing himself ] See, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham! Rachel was there when Bruce first fell down a well and was traumatised by the swarm of bats. Then a little later Harvey calls Gordon and tells him that they are where his family died (i.e. Who could not be corrupted by criminals like Carmine Falcone Progressive goal A. what & # x27 s! In 2005 portrayed by Katie Holmes, the League started a riot in the months following the Siege of.... 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