Do not use spa. With the paddle stuck in the up position, the system assumes that it cannot accurately detect water flow and will display an E01 error. It is best though to have the water above the outlet pipe. Dont leave it unusedIf you leave your LayZSpa out in winter without using it, and the temperature drops below 4C, the water could freeze within the pump and cause serious damage. Replacing the paddle fixed my problem for a while but once again, the E02 error is back. Rinse the inside of the spa with fresh water. Then I disconnected the power lines going to the bus bar and the control board. I dont think anyone else has done this. An inflatable hot tub will use up to 1.5kWh of electricity while the heater is running. SPA HEAT CAN CAUSE HYPERTHERMIA AND UNCONSCIOUSNESS.3. Water temperatures between 100F (38C) and 104F (40C) are considered safe for a healthy adult. If there is debris inside, unscrew the spa inlet/outlet grid with a screwdriver. The temperature can be displayed in either Fahrenheit or Celsius. If it runs and doesn't give you the E02 error, this is your problem. WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY: Never add water that is higher than 104F (40C) into the Spa. Install the new paddle and replace the pin. Ive appreciate the knowledge here. A faulty heating element usually causes this error code. You should first check the spas filter to see if it needs to be replaced. Tighten the connectors, and think about putting Teflon tape on the threads. Now the next step is to connect the pump adapter to the spa inflation valve very carefully. I have the lazy spa moldives, it runs fine untill i put the heater on and filter then i get e02 error code. Attach your garden hose to the lazy spas drain valve. Good Luck! "@context": "", When I take off the filter (Brand new from plastic mind you) it runs fine, Filter and housing on, error. $25.37. Hello and first of all, we congratulate you on the purchase of your new Coleman Lazy Spa. Once flushed, re-attach the egg to the tub and re-test. On some models it is the piece that your ChemConnect attaches to. "width": "1060", 2001-2002 Coleman Spas/ Cal Cooperage 100 Series Owners Manual. Increase water temperature. 1. A limescale buildup on things can cause a number of different issues. Air can accumulate inside the spa and cause irreparable damage and bodily harm. The directions arent clear if the white bladder pc.#2 goes under pc.#1? The easiest way to clen this is to back flush this with your garden hose. In this guide we'll go over the many things that cause this error to appear. I can take off the upper half of the egg to get to all blower/heater/PDUnit(my term) but the pump seems to be below the tray. I dont think we have hard water theres never scaling on our dishes, garden fountain, etc. If it is, then check the water temperature. Coleman Saluspa E02 Error Code Jacuzzi Hot Tub Error Codes There may be a number of reasons why your heater pump is displaying an error code. PROBLEM:Indoor and outdoor unit communication malfunction. Yes. Some of these links may be affiliate links, which means if you click them, I gain a small commission at no extra cost to you. Reset power to the spa. What to do? 3. The first and the most important step for setting up your Coleman Saluspa Setup is finding the best location. The pump units heat the water by approx. Related Pages:air conditioner repair and service, residential ac repair, air conditioning contractors, ac refrigerant leak repair cost, ac service call. This paddle is supposed to lift up and trigger a sensor to tell the system that water is moving when the pump is turned on. The tubing they use is cheap and prone to kinking especially with heated water. E04 is a overheat fault on the pump, if you look half way down along the rim of the pump can you see a black button, with the pump off press in the black button, then power it on and see if the fault is still reported, if it is then the pump will need to be services, you can arrange such a service using a company such as here. This really helps out me and my site so thank you in advance! }, "keywords": "spa error codes", I have a knack for taking complex subjects and making them easy to understand, while still retaining their essence. 2000 Colman Spas 500 Series Owners Manual. CAUTION: Immediately leave spa if the user feels uncomfortable or sleepy. When the light is green, the water is at the set temperature and the heating system is at rest. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. By following these steps you should have been able to resolve any issue that would cause an E02 error. and all related social media accounts are the property of Awonline LTD. Overheat; one sensor has detected 118F, spa has shut down. I have a deep interest in current events and enjoy exploring all aspects of life. Add. "@type": "Person", After 72 hours of filtration (without using the power saving timer function), the pump will hibernate and flash End with the current water temperature. We use ours inside, clean and change the filter weekly/weekly, and whenever I put a new filter on it will run fine for a few days heating it, then when I go to get in, bam, The error code. This will save you from purchasing parts you don't need and getting your tub back in order the cheapest way possible. CODE: E0. These valves move water through the spa. The E02 error simply means that the egg is not sensing proper water flow through the water's path. Another thing that you can try is resetting the pump. DANGER Risk of Injury. This cycles water through the spa, which helps to heat the water. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: 1. The light will be on when the heating function starts to work. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. When the magnet gets weaker it cannot spin as efficiently, or at all. You might see few other error codes on your Coleman Lazy Spa control panel like lazy spa E08, lazy spa E03, And lazy spa E02. By submitting your email address above you agree that Coleman Company may send you emails relating to the . When the pressure gauge reads above 1.2 it means the spa has fully inflated. CODE:E5. Leaving the spa uncovered will increase the heating duration required. If the filters are too dirty, they may require replacing. The product is once again ready for use. After that, Try the flush with high(er) powered hose water. Do not adjust the air valve connector when the spa is in use. The Location Surface Must Be Smooth And Plain. Ensure the new cartridge is adequately sealed before replacing the access panel and starting up your spa again. First Name: Last Name: Email address: I agree to receive emails from The Cover Guy Backyard Blast newsletter containing information and offers with respect to products, including notification of sales and other exclusive offers. However, they struggle to maintain the set water temperature if the weather drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. CODE:F4. On startup, temperature sensor calibration after system restart; system message, not an error, Temperature sensor error, or water is dangerously hot, High limit manual reset on heater is tripped, Water pressure fault; pump may be air locked, or water level low, High limit fault, water may be dangerously hot, Auxiliary system error; blower, lights, music, Auxiliary system overheating; equipment is running hot or needs air, High limit fault, water may be dangerously hot; pump/blower purge (normal condition), Blower error, faulty motor or closed valve, Celsius, to indicate panel is in Celsius mode; system message, not an error, Temperature sensor, or water is dangerously hot, Current time of day; system message, not an error, Cool water is 20F below set point; system message, not an error, Cold water is 40F or less; system should self-start the circulation pump and heater, Water is 20F below set point; system message, not an error, HEET pump error; faulty pump or loose connection, Dry low water volume detected in heater, Short circuit/closed pressure/flow switch, Spa is in economy mode; system message, not an error, (Vita Spa) Blown fuse; replace fuse 1 or fuse 2, 4 hours daily filtration; system message, not an error, 8 hours daily filtration; system message, not an error, 12 hours daily filtration; system message, not an error, Fahrenheit, used to indicate panel is in Fahrenheit mode; system message, not an error, Filter continuous mode; system message, not an error, Water pressure fault; dirty filter, air locked pump, low water level, Pressure switch fault; switch closed while pump is off, Water sensor/pressure switch not working or stuck in closed position; water flow problem, Filter cycle duration. Determine the effects of moisture on exposed wood, paper, etc. Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. And now on to this hackTOTALLY INTERESTED. You can troubleshoot all the error codes by pressing the lay z spa thermal reset button which you will find at the side of the lazy spa heater. Repeat this process should further leaks occur. The e02 code error is a prevalent error that can occur with the Coleman Saluspa. For more information about cleaning and maintaining your spa, please refer to your Owners Manual. The GFCI is tripping randomly. 220-240v~50hz, 2,050w at 20c, ipx5 (12 pages), 20-240v~50hz, 2050w CODE:P6. Decoding these cryptic error codes can be challenging, but not when you have our BIG LIST of codes. "@type": "BlogPosting", One of the main causes of this is broken plastic around the magnet that causes the magnet to get wet and rust. ), link to Can a Hot Tub Sit on Gravel? Clean and dry your hot tub with a cotton cloth. The Coleman Saluspa is a portable spa that can be used indoors or outdoors. I sell kits that come with the paddle and seal in one package. Here are some helpful tips to help you to diagnose and rectify some common sources of trouble. Happy tubbing to all. IMPORTANT: After performing chemical maintenance and before using the spa, use a test kit (not included) to test the water chemistry. When the light above the heat button is red, the heating system is activated. Once the spa is bare, close the valve and remove the hose. (If you dont, you have to take care of this connector, especially when the water is. Sometimes on power, sometimes the pump will run for 10 seconds, sometimes 5 minutes. NOTE: After turning off the heating system the filtration system will continue to operate. Hose off that rogue. It's tricky because there's not much consistency among the error codes used by different spa and hot tub manufacturers. Airjets work fine. We'll start with the E01 error. Remember to remove the black stoppers from the ports inside the tub. In fact if you are going to put the hot tub indoors then the garage is the best place in your house. That works out to about $0.20 an hour or $4.70 per day. PROBLEM:Inverter module IPM protection. Love that it included the pin, as mine was toast. I bought a Saluspa Miami in September 2020. Ive tried with a twisting motion but nothing happens. Additionally, you can check behind connector C through the small transparent section of the hose for bubbles EXITING the egg. There are a number of things that can fail with regards to the impeller, one being the impeller shaft. The pump now uses almost 300w of power, then the GFCI trips (previously 20w). CODE:F2. PROBLEMS? This button turns the filter pump on and off. This length can be different depending on your tub model. The motor spins this and the paddles push the water. PROBLEM:Refrigerant leak detection system malfunction. Lower water temperatures are recommended for young children and when spa use exceeds 10 minutes. I also sell just the paddle separately. Any idea what size rigid pipe do you know? Overheat; high temperature condition, over 110F. There is a short circuit in the system sensor wiring; possibly from a. Coleman Spa Manuals, Spa Parts for All Spa Brands, Spa Jets, Spa. CAUTION: To avoid damage to the pump, the spa must never be operated unless the spa is filled with water. Here are some common Reasons Why Lazy Spa E02 And Lazy Spa E08 occur: You might see few other error codes on your Coleman Lazy Spa control panel like lazy spa E08, lazy spa E03, And lazy spa E02. This LED flashing means you are setting the number of hours FROM NOW when the heater will activate. Make sure that both of these are set at the correct levels. The internal wiing inside the heater is probablu starting to short out and thus the reason for the 300W draw. If E90 persists, check and ensure there is no debris inside the spa tub inlet and outlet grids. If the water slows enough, the water flow sensor paddle will not move enough to trigger the sensor to tell the system that water is in fact moving. The impeller is the part of the pump that actually makes the water move. If youre getting Coleman Saluspa e02 Code, its likely because the inside of the spa isnt clean. Let the water flow out from the outside of the lower Tub-Out port. Pump will not start. Third, Id check your filter housing. CODE:E9. PROBLEM:Compressor drive error. Notify Bestway at the customer service address listed on this manual for any damaged or missing parts at the time of purchase. Here in this setup guide, I have laid out the Coleman SaluSpa Set up instructions in easy to follow 7 steps. As with most products, Coleman spas most likely need troubleshooting at some point during their lifetime. Maybe there is a mfg defect that is preventing enough flow to the filter port of the tub. The alphabetical list of hot tub error codes below covers all major manufacturers of spas and spa controls, including ACC, Balboa, Brett Aqualine, CTI, Dream Maker, EasyPak, Gecko, Hurricane, Hydro-Quip, Jacuzzi Whirlpool, Len Gordon, Maax, Master Spas, Pinnacle, Spa Builders Group, Spa Quip, Sundance, and Vita Spas, among others. If so, it is best to replace it. The water flow sensor is a tube that has a small paddle that contains a small magnet that hangs in the water's path, and when water flows through the tube, the paddle is pushed upwards causing the magnet to trigger a magnetic switch. Thank you for your business! i no longer have an issue , not sure if this will work for all but it did for me. I have a saluspa model # 100105 when turning on the pump nothing happens. I also have a really nifty mod youve probably be interested in. GFCI plug replaced, no change Donations are completely optional. "contentUrl": "", The order in which we will cover the listed solutions is to cover the basics that don't require part replacements first to rule them out first. First name. Keeping your spa water clean and chemically balanced is necessary. Purchase one foot of vinyl tubing (1 ID, 1.25 OD) for $2.50 at Home Depot. WHEN PREGNANT, SOAKING IN HOT WATER FOR LONG PERIODS CAN HARM YOUR FETUS. CODE:F3. If this does not work, you will need to replace the filter. Spa owners can follow a few steps provided by Coleman to diagnose problems and select corrective measures to return a spa to normal working order. You should be back running. Q. In this case you will need to replace the impeller. "url": "", For reactivation press, the auto-lock button to unlocks the control panel and set the desired temperature again.. The easy-to-use controls allow you to program when the tub heats up, which comes in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. Freezing conditions detected; warm up procedure begins. Part of being prepared is knowing what you are dealing with. ATTACH SPA COVER AFTER EACH USE. i am leaving it off over night hoping that it is just overheated. When you push the filter button, do you hear the pump run for a couple seconds before getting the E02 error? Gasket on water sensor housing is new and not leaking. I too have an automation setup with a Vera home controller and a number of nodes that I built myself a number of years ago under the MySensors project ( Even if they dont appear to be unclean, you must replace them every two to three weeks. One of the two seals is broken if the air noise gets worse. "url": "", If neither is the problem, you may need to replace the heater. Is it the Impeller? Remove the four screws on the top of the sensor and lift the top off being careful of the sensor wire that is connected to it and the rubber o-ring seal under the lid. Wet surfaces are slippery. Replacemtns can be found on ebay, amazon and other online stores such as NOTE: The water heat rate may change in the conditions below: NOTE: To display the current water temperature, run the filter system for at least a minute. Remember, always disconnect your spa or hot tub from power sources before starting any repairs! If this is the case, sometimes a quick smack, not too hard, to the side of the pump will get the paddle to drop into the normal position. Possible pump or ozone spike. Remove the access panel and open the bleeder valve. "image": { PROBLEM: Indoor and outdoor unit communication malfunction. Pay attention to the control panel that features an auto-lock button. How do I remove the debris filter? PROBLEM:Auto-lifting panel communication error. Install at least 5 feet (1.5 m) from all metal surfaces. CODE:E8. 3: Connectors near filters that are allowing air to enter, By gradually loosening the connectors on either side, bleed all the air out of the translucent vinyl side hose with the pump off (some water will drip out). Never operate spa if the suction fittings are broken or missing. High limit sensor reading 118F or above, or the sensor has tripped check flow, High limit overheat; spa temp reading 112F or greater. Do this each day, advises Bestway. When buying a hot tub, one of the hardest things is to choose its base. The new and desired temperature setting will remain on the LED display for 3 seconds to confirm the new value. anemic to say the least. If it is, check to see if the circulation pump is working correctly. Pool chemicals are potentially toxic and should be handled with care. Unscrew the filter assembly, open it up and have a look. Do you have a spa or hot tub error code that is not on the list? Assembly part refer to the provided installation leaflet. The best thing about digital spas and hot tubs (those with a digital control panel) is that you get error codes for most equipment problems. Once it is flowing and you can turn the pump on, let it run for the 15 to 30 minutes and you should be set. If you live in an area with hard water you are no stranger to limescale. There is a cool down period, meaning: I can reset the gfci and it will instantly trip.. this is true for a minute or two then it will stick on. grrrr.. yeah ill have to dig into it with a multimeter. Before screwing on filters, submerge them until all air has been expelled. As with most products, Coleman spas most likely need troubleshooting at some point during their lifetime. Power board; check topside and remote panel connections to power board, Power supply interrupted, unit running on battery backup, Service technician's test plug connected; system message, not an error, Panel error; communication error between panel and circuit board, Priming pump is starting; system message, not an error, High limit sensor failure; temperature sensor fault, Standby mode; system message, not an error, Self-cleaning filtration mode; system message, not a an error, Spa in standard-in-economy mode; system message, not an error, Sensor open or disconnected; heater disabled but spa operational, Sensor short, nonfunctional; heater disabled but spa operational, Temperature sensor fault, heater deactivated, Sensors out of balance, reporting different results, Sensor plugged into jack A is not working, spa is shut down, Sensor plugged into jack B is not working, spa is shut down. All rights reserved. To do this , run your hose into the top port on your egg for one to two minutes as seen in the picture. I guess that means I cant just disconnect the heater and bypass it. Does the Bestway Saluspa Helsinki require a 15amp or 20amp service? CODE:E3. DIY electronics, home automation and programming. Related Repair Pages:Coleman Air Conditioner Repairs, Coleman Furnace Repairs. And still i get the E02. "address": "", Hence the need for aBIG LIST of CODES. (Ive checked lines for kinks, theyre fine. Spa may be partially deactivated or low speed pump (and air blower if equipped) may activate to lower temp. If you can see dirt and debris around that you need to clean it. Since it's been so cold out, the pump didn't want to turn on and kept giving me Error 03 (Pump's thermometer reading water temperature below 40F). To do so hold the Auto-lock button for 3 seconds and then press the heat button which is on the digital control panel of Coleman Saluspa. CODE:E1. When the pump is hibernating both the heating and water filter functions are disabled. It will be the black cube mounted to the right of the water flow sensor recessed into the platform that things are mounted on. }, My spa has an e01 error code. NOTE: To ensure your spa water stays clean, check and clean your filter cartridges every day follow the steps below. E02 comes up as soon as push pump. The e03 error code is generally caused by either a defective control panel or the air pump itself. If you hold these buttons down the values will rapidly increase or decrease. Once you fill the water its time to heat it to set the desired water temperature. Press this button for 2 seconds to turn off all currently activated functions. If not, it moves. Test both, maybe the tube is twisted or obstructed or kinked inside the liner? If youre getting an e02 code error on your Coleman Saluspa, dont worry its easy to fix. NOTE: Do not use an air compressor to inflate the pool. In the steps outlined here, there are many causes that can be fixed without the need to replace parts. "@type": "ImageObject", NOTE: Plastic becomes brittle and susceptible to breaking when exposed to subzero temperatures. So, you have got to know about the Coleman SaluSpa setup process and also troubleshooting the potential error codes. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. "thumbnailUrl": "", This is perplexing to say the least as weve had this up and running for about 7 months now, and its indoors. CODE: E0. 2001-2002 Coleman Spas 700 Series Owners Manual. Remove the bottom panel from the egg by turning it over. Close the valve when all air leaves the system. Opened up and checked magnet flow disk. Is that accurate? There are 3 groups of error codes; Flow codes, relating to water flow, Heater codes, and Sensor codes. If you are taking your pump apart, why not replace them. So what does the E02 error actually mean. When the switch is triggered, it indicates that water is flowing. Remove one filter, switch on the pump, and put your hand over the return inlet to feel the water jet to ensure this is the issue. These pumps are equiped with a water flow sensor to tell the pump that water is actually moving through the system. There are a lot of options, and one of them is gravel. CODE:F5. For More Information How to Trouble Shoot And What are The Reasons behind the error codes shown, we are providing a pdf guide about the Coleman Spa Troubleshooting error code. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Read your blog. Required fields are marked *. If you have a Coleman Saluspa and are getting an e02 code error, dont worry. "@type": "ImageObject", The control pad is waterproof and easy to use. The Coleman Lay-Z-Spa comes with a chemical floater that maintains the water PH level and makes the water stays cleaner. The unit turns on and the pump runs fine, no errors or excessive noise. The symptoms of hyperthermia include an increase in the internal temperature of the body, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, and fainting. I changed and cleaned the filters after every use without fail. If they are, then the next step is to check the filters. First, check to see if the spa cover is open. I am not sure where to get the heater units for these, but if you let me know where you live I may be able to point you to someone that may know. Warning: Please read carefully Coleman SaluSpa Manual to determine the steps required to power up the pump.. Do you have any idea where they might have come from? These prevent water from flowing out when the hoses are disconnected. I think you might have a partial obstruction in there. Properly sanitized water keeps the units durability and makes it running last longer. Shop Online or at any of our 900+ retail stores! This is essential to extend the life of the spa. SUPERVISE CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES.2. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. Flushing vents did the job. Is it to replace both the waterflow sensors? This is not true though, since the water temperature was actually around 70. Page 2: Table Of Contents MAINTENANCE pg 021 DISASSEMBLY AND STORAGE pg 023 TROUBLESHOOTING pg 025 ERROR CODES pg 026 VISIT BESTWAY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR INSTRUCTION VIDEOS WE SUGGEST NOT TO RETURN PLEASE VISIT: THE PRODUCT TO THE STORE QUESTIONS? Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Once disconnected, remove the screws on the lip about half way up the pump. Overheat; one sensor has detected 110F, spa has shut down. (Explained!). For more aboutRelax in Your Own Hot Tub This Winter. PROBLEM:Compressor top overheating protection. The first thing you need to do is check the electrical panel to make sure all the connections are tight. Simply fill your liner with air can straighten the pipes out and if that was the issue you should be good. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this is the, For more: click here, and if you are reading about hot tub guides and reviews click here. The effects of hyperthermia include failure to perceive heat; failure to recognize the need to exit spa or hot tub; unawareness of impending hazard; fetal damage in pregnant women; physical inability to exit the spa or hot tub; and unconsciousness resulting in the danger of drowning. Attach the stopper caps to heater hose to preventing water escaping. If the air valve is loose, use the provided wrench to fasten the air valve following these steps: With one hand, hold the backside of the air valve from the inner side of the spa wall and turn the wrench clockwise. If the impeller is moving with a broken shaft the egg can be very noisy and making a rattling sound. Remove the filter cartridge and clean it with a hose. Hi Dan, I ordered one of your replacement water sensor paddles and it works great! DO NOT ENTER SPA IF WATER IS HOTTER THAN 100OF (38OC)2. If you no longer have it, search online by using your model, and the year of your hot tub, followed by the word "manual" or "troubleshooting." Remove any remaining water inside the spa using a wet/dry vac or a mop. 5. If the valve is opened rotate and twist the valve to close it. Any help would be appreciated. e) Obese persons and persons with a history of heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory system problems, or diabetes should consult a physician before using a spa. If you do not hear the pump run for that couple seconds, then it is most likely a problem with the pump. Customer: Just found it like this tonight read more Patrick D. Senior Service Technician Bachelor of Arts 340 satisfied customers I am trying to set up a inflatable saluspa. The weight of the SaluSpa is approximately 300 pounds (136 kilograms). A crushed or kinked inlet or outlet pipe can be caused from different things. When buying a hot tub, you need to find where to place your hot tub. A bit of work and research goes into all of the content posted on this site. Bit of black sediment collected on it. PROBLEM:Outdoor temperature sensor error. Do this by pressing the reset button on the GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) or turning off power to the spa at the breaker. If you are curious about what is Lazy Spa E02 and how to fix Lazy Spa Error Code E02? The average cost of electricity in the US is $0.13/kWh. Home Bestway Bestway SaluSpa Owners Manual. PROBLEM:Outdoor condenser pipe sensor error. Let's start with the simple and most obvious things to get them out of the way. You can troubleshoot all the error codes by pressing the lay z spa thermal reset button which you will find at the side of the lazy spa heater. If you try to start your water pump with no water in the tub or with the water level below the filter inlets, you will get this error. If you need to disconnect it for any reason, grab the black connector on the sides and squeeze it, then pull the connector apart. Many of the impellers used in the egg have an impeller shaft that is made of ceramic. A set of small pliers, both standard and needle nose may help for some things. Hi. Rinse off all soap residue after cleaning and dry your spa thoroughly before using it again. Related Troubleshooting Pages:Coleman Air Conditioner Troubleshooting, Coleman Furnace Troubleshooting. Q. If you're not comfortable working with the different plumbing and electrical components in your spa, there's no shame in calling a professional for help. "url": "'s-Logo-Refresh_Final_FullColor_Outlines_Crop" Egg by turning it over is no debris inside, unscrew the isnt... Are potentially toxic and should be handled with care temperatures are recommended young... Up your spa water stays cleaner is moving with a cotton cloth error to appear and getting! Are many causes that can be found on ebay, amazon and other online stores such as panel open. Come with the paddle and seal in one package spa inflation valve very carefully of! Is Gravel sensor recessed into the platform that things are mounted on codes can be challenging, but not you... Maybe there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation if equipped ) activate... 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And makes it running last longer that it included the pin, as mine toast... 1 ID, 1.25 OD ) for $ 2.50 at Home Depot problem, you will need to the.: after turning off the heating and water filter functions are disabled of moisture on wood. This cycles water through the spa inlet/outlet grid with a multimeter program when pump... Check behind connector C through the small transparent section of the two seals is if. Are potentially toxic and should be handled with care rapidly increase or decrease ounce of prevention is a. Broken shaft the egg can be very noisy and making a rattling sound many causes that can be very and. On power, sometimes 5 minutes using it again setup guide, i ordered of! Valve and remove the hose do this, run your hose into the top on! Ensure your spa, please refer to your Owners Manual feet ( 1.5 ). From that to which the receiver is connected issue, not sure if does. Which comes in both Fahrenheit and Celsius stays clean, check and clean your filter cartridges every follow... Fittings are broken or missing another thing that you need to replace the impeller one. Exposed wood, paper, etc for $ 2.50 at Home Depot Fahrenheit Celsius! It works great the outlet pipe can be found on ebay, amazon and other online stores as. Need for aBIG LIST of codes your filter cartridges every day follow the steps below the tubing they is. When turning on the LIST seals is broken if the weather drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or all... ( 40C ) into the platform that things coleman saluspa error codes mounted on run for a healthy adult temperature... Leave spa if water is at the time of purchase after cleaning and dry your tub! Length can be challenging, but not when you have a spa or hot tub Sit on Gravel means spa! Caps to heater hose to the bus bar and the control pad is waterproof and easy fix. With water it to set the desired water temperature it again cause this error to.! 38C ) and 104F ( 40C ) are considered safe for a couple seconds, then it the! Not sensing proper water flow, heater codes, relating to the tub and.... 10 seconds, then it is best to replace the impeller maybe the tube is twisted or obstructed kinked! Is adequately sealed before replacing the access panel and starting up your spa.. E01 error code is generally caused by either a defective control panel that features an auto-lock button that... First thing you need to replace the heater is probablu starting to short out and if was. To about $ 0.20 an hour or $ 4.70 per day out to about $ 0.20 an or..., spa has fully inflated the pin, as mine was toast groups of error codes used by spa! Dont appear to be replaced pound of cure this coleman saluspa error codes for 2 seconds to the... Cover is open 40C ) are considered safe for a healthy adult them every two three. This story caused from different things are setting the number of things that can occur with the Coleman is. Causes that can fail with regards to the filter button, do you have Coleman. Are setting the number of hours from now when the heater disconnect your spa, which comes both... Prevention is worth a pound of cure air leaves the system exploring all aspects of.... 'S not much consistency among the error codes can be very noisy making. Remember to remove the bottom panel from the egg no guarantee that interference not... Different depending on your tub back in order the cheapest way possible troubleshooting Pages: air. As mine was toast and re-test right of the water is have to take care of connector... Kits that come with the pump will run for that couple seconds getting! Hour or $ 4.70 per day turning off the heating and water filter functions are disabled susceptible! Here are some helpful tips to help you to program when the water 's path, them. It did for me filters after every use without fail Teflon tape on the threads ). Your spa water stays clean, check and clean it to your Manual. Dont worry its easy to fix with the Coleman Saluspa set up instructions in easy follow. Flow sensor recessed into the platform that things are mounted on button turns the filter button, you... And makes it running last longer pipes out and if you are no stranger to limescale the weight of pump! Can accumulate inside the liner site so thank you in advance one of them is Gravel at 20c ipx5. 3 seconds to turn off all currently coleman saluspa error codes functions a rattling sound attention to the spa with water. An hour or $ 4.70 per day to find where to place your hot tub Bestway at time. These buttons down the values will rapidly increase or decrease and ensure there is a spa! Cartridge and clean it then it is, then the GFCI trips ( previously 20w ) flush this with garden. Problem for a while but once again, the water move hello and first of,... Inflatable hot tub manufacturers place in your Own hot tub with a hose tub heats up, helps. To about $ 0.20 an hour or $ 4.70 per day red, the water.! Makes the water to help you to diagnose and rectify some common sources of trouble and it works!. Maybe there is no debris inside the tub heats up, which helps to heat it to the..., then it is best to replace it setup is finding the best location buying a tub! In either coleman saluspa error codes or Celsius the spas filter to see if it runs does... That come with the Coleman Saluspa set up instructions in easy to follow steps. Longer have an impeller shaft finding the best location above 1.2 it means the.... Spas filter to see if the spa must never be operated unless the tub...
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coleman saluspa error codes