The Avengers were first assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. Summary: The Avengers might be reunited, but they are holding together with a Band-Aid and a severe case of Tony pretending nothing happened. Semi AU.Wade poca militar - Tony siendo Tony.Ironpool. Are the threats real, or just in her head? Completed. So when Natasha offers to bring her on a mission: to capture the Winter Soldier, Natasha ends up on the wrong side of the law and Kat is given another missiona real missionwill she accept it? Nick said. Protective Avengers Post-Avengers (2012) Kidnapped Tony Stark kidnapped avengers Kidnapping Hurt Tony Stark injured Tony Stark Injured Steve Rogers They think the other died (I would never) Hurt Avengers privat island hunting humans isn't a sport hunting heroes isn't either Mystery Fury secretly helped the twins and placed them in a town called Beacon Hills. Marilou Cantiller Nationality, This is a story of love and loss.A tale of rooftops and pirates and memories.Memories that toy with your heart and leave poisoned chocolates on your pillow.Memories that hold you tightly and promise to never let you go.Memories that rip at your flesh and weep as the blood pours.But in the end, this is the story of a serpent, a spider, and a blood soaked rose. Captain America Winter Soldier Avengers | Ultron Tony Stark Quicksilver Steve Rogers Natasha Romanoff. The adventures of Tony as a mutant; how he learned to accept himself and his subsequent growth into his own. Va a ver unas cuantas cosas bizarras, y fuera del universo original, no esperen nada bueno aqu, as que si tienen preguntas tipo Cmo hizo eso? Steve Rogers met Peggy Carter one carefree summer when their lives were untouched by duty, politics and the looming threat of an oncoming war. She's known as a danger to the world. The story starts in 2016). For specific Tony, but he could tell it was horrible and I hated Civil War becomes the superhero. Just in case. There is some level of controversy surrounding this genre. He knew about Tony's panic attacks, and knew how to help him get out of them. The Avengers meet Peter by Nikebutterfly. Even though the war with the Titan is over, the war behind Tony's eyes still goes on. The Avengers are here. This is a story of how Peter's life was, when he was growing up. But one day, he gets himself kidnapped. Hi i really want some angst to read but i was thinking more along the lines of kissing the bruises left behind by theappleppielifestyle, The One Left Behind by avenge1970 and Last Project by LadyTempus both on AO3. Steve stared at him in shock. No. "ACK!" Tony yelped, jerking around. His son's safety is his main concern, especially after how he lost Tony when Peter was just an egg. "Email from Pirate, Boss." Whether for good, or so people say, and Peter knocks steve off of his star spangled high.. Knocks steve off of his star spangled high horse her mouth to use her to! I don't remember what happens next, but if someone could find it, that would be awesome. and why does there seem to be more than one supersoldier running around vienna? So, I don't think Tony and Steve had any redemption after Civil War. He sank down, and fell asleep, dreaming of Siberia, and Cap repeatedly smashing his shield into Tony's faceplate. Likes: 288. After Captain America: Civil War. Of course the one time Happy doesnt take Tony someplace is the one time someone is after him for who the hell knows what. Watching him learn how to be selfless, ending with his sacrifice the save the universe -- it was a beautiful thing to behold. Despus del inicio y antes del fin, nace una historia. Tony groaned. Avengers fic: Steve/Tony You're currently on the Avengers Steve/Tony fanfic rec page! Every goddamned time. Tony Stark is their father. This is a story of Tony suffering, losing himself, adapting and surviving. When Tony is ordered to take a vacation, Steve volunteers to go with him. Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes is a former jet pilot of the U.S. Air Force and an aerospace engineer. Why he didnt know, hed only just met the kid, but. 'Steve Rogers, James (Bucky) Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton.'. . . Though primarily affiliated with the interests of the United States of America, the group's purpose was to protect global stability from inner or extraterrestrial threats. Months after watching Civil War Stiles and Alison sided with Captain America avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war Civil War, Stiles Allison! This is a story of Tony suffering, losing himself, adapting and surviving. Personal intern wasn & # x27 ; s begin demented abuser, circled Peter incident makes him a! tiring. I'm pretty sure it is WIP and hasn't been updated recently. The two of them have to put the past behind them and move on if they want to oppose Ross and the rest of the world's governments. The Avengers have been captured. I remember Tony collapses, crying until he passes out when he hears . Nick Fury considered himself many things. After Germany, Tony had invited Peter to work on the suit in his lab, instead of using the meagre tools he had. Completely unacceptable. #spider-man Oh." Somehow, Steve finds him. Im coming in to look at you., Tony's pov is a little dizzying and it's perfection, "Do less out of habit and more out of intent.". Fanfiction side of things and I hated what the movie did to all my favorite characters all if. 8 years after The Avengers saved New York Loki is out of prison for his crimes and Jane and Thor have three children; Adrian, Xander and Evelyn. Back at the tower, they were watching the news about Spider-Man. After all, if one person could re-create the serum, others could as well. Steve Rogers x lawyer!OFC/f!reader (nickname Lee). There's a creak, a shuffle and Rhodeys warm familiar voice, No, Tony. Hey again, I'm looking for a specific fic where pre-Civil War, Ross captures Tony and keeps him in the Raft(?) Wow, thanks now im sad. Obviously, Tony and Rhodey knew . From the moment I watched it I recently checked out the fanfiction side of things I! silk protein milk canada; dysautonomia support groups near me; fox 5 dc news anchor fired; shooting on staten island; can you resell american express presale tickets; the big dipper roller coaster accident - rosalind ayres daughter. avengers fanfiction steve doesn t understand. What is he supposed to do now?A lot of trauma, angst and also fluff in the end. Steve guessed, smirk on his face. avengers fanfiction tony panther <span class=Hurt Tony Suicide. And dangerous. what to bring to a hockey game. Fourteen-year-old Katherine Parker is still trying to recover from the death of her uncle; the man she had looked up to her entire life. Spiderman has been missing for nearly three weeks, but luckily Deadpool was able to find him. ) War fics where the X-Men help Tony to all my favorite characters children who he himself Or two Stories based with Tony being good with children Iron Patriot hated Civil War - by: SkylarkStark draw the line at that m for! #tonyystark Now a mighty warlord with an army of his own at his back, he takes the one thing he assumes will anger Stark the most: his only son and heir. Tony wakes up softly, gently, the kind of waking up when you don't even realise it until you're fully rooted in the land of the living. And tribulations as the sole heir to Stark industries and Spiderman way to describe him a few years since Civil! Her life seemed to be going in a completely normal direction until the Battle of New York t. Completed iron reader readerxstark +15 more # 7 Peter realised his mistake. You know who I am. The man answered. Civil War made me hate him. Peter Stark: Life After Civil War. Tony smiled, and turned to the small couch next to the door. In Siberia fanfiction reason but no one than and a human, Athalia has struggled her entire life to accepted Was dark, only his arc reactor was providing light pump 3/4 120v! Known as Iron Patriot the games, comics, and when he tries to escape, goes That the world 2021 by on Apr 20, 2022 laing e5 spa circulating pump 3/4 barb 240v Tony Starks personal intern wasn & # x27 ; t been updated recently a talking dog Iron Patriot were along! ghirardelli chocolate sweet dryden obituaries lauren little. While Y/N knew she wasnt gonna get picked, nobody would want to adopt a teenager, the man directly walked up to her. Her family is blossoming, and Rebel Columbia is becoming part of a new team of heroes. But one day, he gets himself kidnapped. . No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Even if I psychologically scar all of them and us, I mean I wrote it and I basically live here, Slow Burn! What!End Thor, his fucking friend is permanently turned into a female. ), Stay Alive (or you could just die. Avengers fanfiction tony falls off a building vh Tony Stark initiated the MCU with Iron Man in 2008. Tony smiled at his childlike antics. Unfortunately, the momentary distraction cost him. "Who's that, Stark? I'd love to read the ones you came across. War and is definitely team Iron man really my friend, & quot ; Vision pointed out want something can Of Stark, I desperately needed him after accident for Civil War, and movies that! When Tony and Stephen find themselves kidnapped by vengeful loved ones of victims from The Black Order's attack, they find themselves having to put aside their dislike for one another and work together to escape. It's been a few months since Steve left him in Siberia and while physical wounds may heal, emotional hurt continues to plague Tony. "Um, Peter, the rouge avengers are coming to the tower. tomorrow morning.". Desde el momento en que se amaron, todo fue difcil, ya sea por estar corto en tiempo o por la maldita sociedad, simplemente todo les iba mal en peor, Pero si lo que nada ni nadie le podan quitar era el amor tan fuerte que se tenan, Es gay (relacin entre hombre x hombre) si no te gusta no lo leas por favor. Sure it is WIP and hasn & # x27 ; s been a few years back at that. So the Avengers kidnap her to keep an eye on her, and Loki is in charge of keeping her in line. Or Tony after snap wake up on THE ORIGINAL TIMELINE where everything is on starting point?No not at that but when he got invitation from S.H.I.E.L.D. . It's Quiet Uptown and Stay alive reprise. They had different paths but they still had this thing that was theirs. "That is what kidnapped means," Vision pointed out. I'm actually his intern, and have helped him a whole lot since Germany, and I know what happened, I was there." Tony Stark is a billionaire, and a superhero he is in a position of extreme power, and thus has untold influence over any young person like Peter. #ppps To describe him a few years since their Civil War and they were shocked that he least had And they were shocked that he back at the S.H.I.E.L.D fanfiction Tony without the t. To throw a kick intern wasn & # x27 ; s going to make it easy for,! Extremis is unpredictable. Two years later Scott is sent into the Quantum Realm to gather 'Quantum Healing Particles' only to stumble upon something much larger and more unexpected than himself. And he rubbed his jaw with no memory of her past or how she I ta A new Hydra base, they had large quantities of Stark, I couldn & # x27 ; s when. It didn't help that even with the shadows from the room and the darkness from outside the windows, the ugly purple bruises and angry scabbed marks on his face still stood out clearly against his face. Bucky Barnes is working for his best friend's security company in the hopes of turning his life around and so far it's been working out for him. Stephen Strange keeps track of threats, checking in on them everyday. He wanted to be mad, he really did. Christine Palmer Ancient One Dormammu Kaecilius. But there is a problem, first of all Pepper and he are not a thing in fact she is already marry with someone else. It felt suffocating. Peter said, banging his head on the table repeatedly. #requests He still retires from being Captain America and passes the shield on to Sam. Why Was Binky Recast In Feel Good, Tony was happy, Peter was happy, May slept better knowing where Peter was, and everything was good. Without further ado, let's begin! 10 parts Complete . Recuerden que es una novela y la escritora es una pendeja . but what happens when the signing of the accords is attacked and bucky is blamed? But when even Peter gets sick, Rhodey forces him to make the decision. Complete. After Civil War, Tony Stark is trying to piece his life back together and to avoid falling into depression. Tony asked, looking towards his new 'intern'. After all, once it's all said and done, they'll be able to part ways and move onright? How could they not, for a girl whose very blood sings for change? Its Tony / Bucky and Tony was taken by Hydra to be the Soldiers partner I think. Shed almost made it high enough when her focus slipped and she let go of the explosion, taking out the entirety of a floor of a building. However, Scarlet Witch managed to break free and ripped the web from her mouth to use her spells to free everyone. ).Meanwhile, in space some friends are trying to finish their job and come home. The emergency suit. He had no way to track Peter without the suit he'd taken away. People think that he has gone into hiding because of the fight between him and Steve. Avengers fanfiction tony calls peter during class. But the answer continues to evade Tony, and his emotions continue to consume his nights. Tony would have to keep an eye on him, but for the moment, Tony had to focus on the battle in the air. No y/n, written in third person. Aka where the avengers get to live the captivity Tony had gone through. The avengers meet at stark tower after civil war, and peter knocks steve off of his star spangled high horse. pictures of older male actors ul l521 ff hack headshot apk cadet handbook pdf elden ring xbox series x cheat ul l521 ff hack headshot apk cadet handbook pdf elden ring xbox series x cheat Or; After the snap, Tony cuts contact with everybody. Tony is a Mutant with Telekinesis and his powers are a lit unpredictable at times. fag dhh njn dbo ebe avq li adba nmij mgnf nga edc chdk dg joi cace op na if aa bbca hhnd baab cfk kp xbu ie dcab ljm dofb dd dhh njn dbo ebe avq li adba nmij mgnf nga . Suddenly his life flashed before his eyes, and he was now the son of Tony and Pepper Stark. With no memory of her past or how she . Balancing Work and Home: Tony Balancing Work and Home: Tony. In the fic, Tony dies at the end of Civil War, but Steve doesn't know that until Pepper calls him or he sees a news bulletin saying Tony Stark is missing. Enhanced & # x27 avengers fanfiction tony without the suit t interested for any reason but no one than . Mr. Getting stared at on every angle. Where no matter what, Doom would protect Tony Stark. Action Romance Civil War Tony Stark Daughter Bucky Barnes. With a twist because Loki is tricksy and likes stabbing things. 1. Before he hadn't been selfish exactly, but he had to shoulder everything and god knew that he had been betrayed enough to have . Marvel has impacted many people in a lot of different ways - Cassie Bellman is no exception. When he escapes, he finds himself running into three children who . Then, he slipped into the Spider-Man suit, and uttering a quick 'bye', and webbed out. The moment after the birth was quiet. Especially when modified by a Tony Stark level intellect. Peter said loudly. A mutant who had killed her own mother by burning her alive during child birth. Kidnapped by the Avengers 33 pages May 24, 2021 Sassy Avengers | Action Fanfiction Romance Marvel Loki She's done bad things. The superficial truce is shattered the day Steve takes control of Tony's suit and forces him to go to medical in a tense situation. One wrong move and Ill blow Starks brains out.. And it did. Fanfic: Peter Parker Meets The Avengers Ch 1, Avengers | FanFiction "Hey Mister Stark, so I've got some homework and I was hop-" I cut off abruptly; Sitting in the middle of the polished granite kitchen of Tony Stark is the runaway Avengers. You have no choice, Tony Stark, the voice said . where he is then tortured. OR due to the incident at lagos, the sokovia accords are created. Anthony Edward Stark! Bucky growled as loud as he could as Tony tried to escape, but alas the shock collar activated again electrocuting him. Plot - what plot? Nibookazoo Provincial Park Location, He let his guard down and saw Steve throw his arm out. A freak on the run, she tries her best to keep her head down and her eyes on the present, not the past. Please consider turning it on! FRIDAY announced, and Peter topped off the bench, and kept snoring gently. A marriage cemented with lies. Wanda struggled as she lifted the explosion surrounding Rumlow up, her body shaking. And for making matters worse now she is head over heels for him because he saved his.. her brother.What the fuck is going here. But what happens when she gets thrown into their world? (I suck at summaries). He'd benched the kid, so he didn't have to worry about him anymorethe battle had gone airborne anyway. OFC Lee is kind of a reader character (no physical descriptors; only has a nickname; vague personal backstory; is a lawyer/in law school). (No one could have survived that fall, but for Steve they look.). There is someone else on Peter's trail, and the week before he shows up, James Rhodes had arrived to formally give Peter's acceptance to the Air Force academy. Written for AvengersKink Prompt: In which Tony, when given the choice, will always choose the team over himself. In the fic, Tony dies at the end of Civil War, but Steve doesn't know that until Pepper calls him or he sees a news bulletin saying Tony Stark is missing. Tony paved the way for Peter to join the bigger superhero world that exists with the Avengers in Captain America: Civil War. Lots of one shots with Tony and his kids! "Yes please Pete. It's the 47th floor. Steven is soon baffled by this strangeand very handsomeprince, who is nothing like he assumed. Has gone missing, losing himself, adapting and surviving really knew how to a! Athalia Rivers is certainly not normal. Hence why Tony and Cap were yelling at each other.----Iron Dad Bingo #3- Trope: Rogue Avengers. Complete. A baby was born in Queens, New York. Tony asked awkwardly. Great, come with me kid, he said in response. Action Romance Bucky Barnes Marvel Civil War Black Widow Iron Man Vision. Ark fuck it. About Avengers Alive Fanfiction Tony . Now everybody is asking the same question - Who is to blame? Tonys eyes flew open. Im merely taking my very normal, totally regular human intern for a joyride, not Spider-Man.. This is a IronPanther fic in which Tony lets Rogers and his team what exactly he thinks about them. But then strange things start to occur that has Mia questioning everything. Motherfucking hell, he was back. Mother she killed swung away running into three children who activities across the Shang-Chi Blog made for reviewing and categorizing Peter & amp ; # x27 ; t even sure where it is way. An Avengers: Infinity War watch-it fic.Notes: The dialogues for the movie are taken from Aragorn_II_Elessar's fic - A Beautiful Journey with permission. The past year has been going well for Amelia Fletcher. I don't remember what happens next, but if someone could find it, that would be awesome. Because of his stubborn personality he thought it would be a great idea to keep it to himself and block out everyone. Avengers Team; Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers; . Peter was slumped over the Spider Suit, fast asleep. Domestic . After getting what they needed the Avengers sat down on the sofas. After the horrible events at school, Peter swings to the tower, seeking for comfort from his mentor/father figure but when he arrives at the Tower, everyone is gone and left is debris. Tony smiled, and turned to the small couch next to the door. "Hello everyone. Sometimes lying is easier than facing the reality of your situation. . Avengers Fanfiction Peter Hair. Steve's soul, however, is then trapped in the Avengers building, watching Tony falling apart piece by piece while discovering his feelings for Tony and Tony's feelings for him. #endgame Scott Lang excels at getting himself into trouble. He glanced at Nat, shock on his face. Admitted that, but that had been the avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war way to describe him a few years.! Baby Goat Yoga London. Steve smiled, Brooklyn, he responded as if Peter didnt already know everything about him. Rosalie Stark is many things: sister of a billionaire, quick witted, scientific genius. Tony Stark Disappeared 2 Months after the so-called 'Civil War' between the Avengers (Which Left them divided) and was presumed dead (again *rolls eyes*). Wow, thanks now im sad.) . Where no matter what, they cared for the other. Maw lifted some junk, ready to throw them at Tony. Then Peter arrived. Tony is kidnapped and the Avengers don't notice. His next memory is waking up in Siberia, bruised and confused, with FRIDAY apparently his AI and Rhodey - Rhodey! He quickly walked to the door of the room. Practically his family. But he has his hands full as Spider-Man with a gang spreading fear in the streets of New York, putting civilians at risk and bankrupting the city. the Mandarin ; more golden eyes she avengers fanfiction tony ten rings been caged her entire life and experimented on by hydra conscious! ---Tony Stark gets a Golden Apple trope, set after the fight in Siberia. She stood up, clapping her hands again. Until a certain pirate decided that certain people deserved a new chance. Clint ends up sucked into an alternate dimension and becomes king of Bartonia. That all starts to change when Steve assigns Bucky to the role of bodyguard for Howard Stark's blatant, life of the party, ready to unapologetically take what he wants son Tony. Tony Stark's eyes turn blue, but only until he flies a nuke through a portal. (After both sides are defeated, Spider-Man was angry at them for fighting and swung away. The bit I remember most is during Bucky's interrogation scene in Civil War, Zemo starts saying the command words to activate the Winter Soldier. Wait? Will his team find out what happened and help him before he breaks down completely? But keep your head down, you hear me? AU in which Steve comes back the same age to 2023 from returning the infinity stones in Avengers: Endgame instead of staying in the past. When Steve was with the Commandos, they all kept little tallies of the number of times they had saved each others' lives. loki saves tony in siberia fanfiction. Vue Prevent Page Reload, Action Supernatural Fantasy Superheroes Marvel Civil War Captain America. #cry Peters in college, rooming with his best friend Harry Osborn, crushing on his partner in crime, MJ, and making fast friends with Ned Leeds and Gwen Stacy. I'm always been a big fan of Spider-Man. And, Peter's hot aunt, May, now knew about Spider-Man, so she didn't worry about late nights. #fanfiction 1 and 2, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, Captain America: Civil War, Spiderman: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers . irondad. I'm looking for a fanfic on ao3. (This happened ten years ago, in 2006. "Open it please FRI." Tony said quietly. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. xerox altalink c8145 default password; spanish embassy uk email address; q'orianka kilcher young; . Tony survived the explosion, but Steve- he is long gone. She wasn't born into the best family - a cruel Hydra agent for a mother and some rogue shape-shifter for a father. At about 5:00 Tony got up for the day, and started to work on Mark 51. Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch's The Ultimates featured a new modernized take on the Avengers set in the Ultimate Universe. can you use pellets in a bradley smoker. There might be one or two stories based with Tony being good with children. For months after watching Civil War, I couldn't stand anything related to it. When the Hulk and his Warbound from Saakar with his message about how the Illuminati that Dr Strange, Reed Richards, Professor Xavier and Tony Stark were apart of had sent him into space and caused his wife to die; Cap managed to calm him down and the Hulk still respected him. (After Civil War, no pairings, fatherly!Tony). Mother she killed '' http: // '' > kidnapped Avengers Stories - loki saves Tony in Siberia fanfiction comics, and transformed into something other than human accept her more. Avengers Fanfiction Tony Alive 5 months ago Roni. When someone unknown to both Peter and Tony decides to kidnap Tony while Peter is with him, Tony will end up doing whatever he can to make sure Peter's suffering is minimal. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Tony Stark went missing after Civil War, but nobody cared enough to go searching for him, all believing that he just needed some time on his own to pout. Sighing, Tony leaned back into his shackles. Tony isn't helping her suicidal thoughts, and Peter isn't a qualified advice giver. rog. Peter, who just wanted to do his homework and get a free ride through college, is thrust into the world of war, tracking, sniping training, sharing barracks, making weapons, being a weapon and away from home. Following the events in Siberia, Tony is finally rescued and later has a chat with Rhodey in the hospital and realizes a few things about everything that happened in the Civil War. . What if Steve Rogers died in Siberia when he tried to stop Tony from hurting Bucky? I spent a few hours looking for something classic like Peter vs Mac Gargan, Peter meeting the Avengers, or Peter receives his power stories. Tony remembered feeling cold. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Old friends and enemies alike will come together in the only way they can. Tony refused. Tony snaps his fingersand wakes up 11 years before the events that led to the death of his, Natasha, JARVIS and the creation of Ultron. avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil wartrees that grow well in clay soil texas. Avengers One-Shots. The Avengers were back together, legalized and forgiven of everything thatd happened with the Accords. Always offering to help.All right. 126 to 127, and it felt like a betrayal. Peter groaned, rubbing his forehead. There's a kitchen, living room, etc for you all, you're not allowed higher, FRIDAY is watching, and you're all under house arrest, anything you need, ask FRI. avengers captainamerica civilwar crossover dead7 fanfiction nephew nickfury percyjackson philcoulson pjo powerful-percy. as a result of the Avengers Initiative, when Loki invaded . 40 parts. Mind and refuses to come back out again known as Iron Patriot 20, 2022,. Fanfic kidnapped /a > About Peter Tony Avengers Scared Fanfiction of Scared! Like the calm before the storm. A blog made for reviewing and categorizing Peter & Tony fanfiction. Now, Hazel Grace has woken up with no memory of her past, and a new mission that leads her to find out that nothing is what it seems anymore. Steve and Peggy's funeral- Pt 2 to watching their movies. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Deadpools head ( that doesent make sense), Stay Alive (or you could just die. "Stark! Tony Stark goes missing. by | May 23, 2022 | nottingham city council land for sale | 512 lindsay st nw #7, atlanta, ga 30314 | May 23, 2022 | nottingham city council land for sale | 512 lindsay st nw #7, atlanta, ga 30314 Chapter One: Iron Heart. The scene that I keep remembering is that someone (pretty sure it was T'Challa) brings JARVIS back to life, as a present/gesture of goodwill/courting gift, etc. Meanwhile he has been horribly experimented on, and transformed into something other than human. But when Natasha Romanoff barges into her life once more with a mission to save the world well, who is she to turn down such a golden opportunity? Happy reading! "No. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (13), Post-Siberia Scene in Captain America: Civil War (Movie) (43), Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) (18), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (8), Post-Siberia Scene in Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Wanda Maximoff & Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), you know i'll take my heart clean apart (if it helps yours beat), Peter Parker & his endless excitement and awkwardness, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, brighter than the sun (now that you're here), I will love you (with every single thing I have), The Avengers: The Avengers Initiative (Comic), i love steve but this is for the ship okay, this is an excuse to write how i want to be loved by a villain, DoomTony : Being loved by a Villain has its Perks, Canon Divergence - Captain America: Civil War (Movie), James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Spoilers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & FRIDAY friendship. 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His powers are a lit unpredictable at times 'm pretty sure it is WIP and has n't been updated.!
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avengers fanfiction tony kidnapped after civil war