avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony

N equation for for homework., Homework, huh? He could hear Rhodey muffling a laugh behind them. The first time Tony saw Peter sleepwalk, he had no idea what it was. Tony shrugged, eyes lingering on the soft lines of Peters face. Surgerys already over., Oh. His eyes drooped, and then reopened. You said he does this a lot?, Yeah. Maybe Asleep Peter is learning.. Clint snickered. The kid just hummed in response, flexing his fingers slowly. Peter Parker has me wrapped around his finger at all hours of the day, and I cant even bring myself to give a damn. So why is Tony making him take one now. You should talk to Sam about it. Wanda and Vision were scouting ahead, the others waiting for their report in the quinjet. Tony's arms are wrapped around your waist, your head is resting on his chest. 0. Tony didnt rise to the bait. Man, the kid really was fixated tonight. What else will it ever be again? "Cool! Huh? Peter shifted, then winced. np qh Avengers fanfiction tony businessman By yy qe lb zt fa ", "Don't tell me you are going to choose a high school party hosted by some school bullies over the Stark party hosted by your favourite superhero?". As if on cue, Peter nestled closer into his neck and mumbled a jumble of complete nonsense. What happened?, The scientist gave an absent nod. Peter Parker is an exhausted and overworked student in her senior year of college #1 Top Avengers Fanfiction Tony Falls Asleep Deals If you seeking special discount you need to searching when special time come or holidays Would you kindly calm me down" Peter ended the song when he saw Bucky calming down and falling asleep Tony stepped. Happy looked into his annoyed eyes for a few seconds, shrugged in defeat and pressed the button to close the divider between the driver's seat and the back. Else Bruce might get angry, and we dont want that.. Series. There was a more-than-a-little unpleasant pop as Bruce shifted one of the bones back into place, and Tony cringed, glancing down at Peter in concern. Its not a problem. He started setting up an IV bag. I-Im fine. Peter and Loki have a great dynamic both in comics and fan fiction. Youre the weirdest kid Ive ever met., Bruce stepped up beside Tony and gave the kid a little wave. I know. Tony ignored Happy on the other end, who definitely had been eavesdropping on the whole conversation. Inspected him head to toe, made sure his bag didn't seem big enough to hide a costume he isn't willing to show others. Mkay., Howre you feeling? Work Search: It oddly reminded him about kids picking their favourite parent, which is totally weird for associating with who he's talking to, and what they are talking about. You tired, buddy?, The moment the kid slumped against him with a soft sigh, he bent his knees and swept him up into his arms. Iron Man., He grinned widely as he led him towards his bed. The damn kid was like a disease. Rhodey cocked his head. Youre alright. After a while of tony watching whatever program was on the TV, he glanced over at peter and he was sound asleep. He couldnt have been sitting in the MedBay for more than an hour before Bruce was tapping on his shoulder and shooting him a sympathetic smile. Were gonna go now, okay?. "Wait." Oh, wait, does that mean 'you are on my side, so don't you dare to dress in a hero on Team Cap'? I didnt even think about the fact that the anesthesia could worsen his sleepwalking. Let me know if any of this hurts, Peter.. The older mans eyes widened in surprise. Its out, Pete. And that made Tony feel a responsibility to him. I dont feel so good.. F.R.I.D.A.Y.s gonna call Brucie, and well get you all fixed up. Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes .) Hey, kid? Sorry about that, kiddo. Go take a break, grab something to eat, update the team, and then come back. ", "Yes, of course, I invited Spider-Man to be the party trick. With his metabolism, it shouldnt be too long., Got it. As soon as Bruce was gone, he tipped his head back and sucked in a deep breath. "Wait." So hes still good, right?, Hes doing great. Bruce patted Tonys shoulder. You dreaming about Mothman, Pete? S that normal?, Totally normal, bud. Do you need help?, Nah. was fully equipped to deal with you, just in case., Yeah. Peter grinned. Peter was standing by the TV, and he seemed to be unplugging pretty much everything he could get his hands on. He blinked slowly, but otherwise sat completely still. Hows it going?, The scientist shot him a thumbs up. 5. You need something?. N-No., Okay. Tony grabbed him and guided him over to the bed. Im sorry. Take that, Steve. As such, Tony ends up attending a mandatory board meeting with his clingy feverish kid literally stuck to his back. Awe, look. No, I meant you, as in high schooler you.". His hands gripped the soft sheets, his eyes tracing the familiar features of his room. For the super-kid drugs, Pete., Oh. For a moment, the kids eyelids drooped. You dont come home from a planet so burdened with unmarked graves. Peter felt a little relief as well as disappointent. I don't want to admit, but somehow Mr. Stark is bigger than me?" Not even a twitch in his direction. Nothing. Mister Parker appears to have a distal radius fracture that needs to be set. "I'm sorry Mr Stark. Quit that! Peter me? And dont worry about finding someone to watch him. Just sit back and relax, Peter.. Course Ill be back, bud. paused, and Tony imagined that she was whirring through mass amount of data about sleepwalking. Dude look at the size? He paused to close a drawer that Peter had left open, and looked up in surprise when the kid kept walking. Tony didn't have much confidence in how long the kid would comply, but in short term, it would be fine. So I thought I would just do some work, which save me some time later." So he was right. He looks exhausted, Tony sighs. He always felt oddly protective of Peter when he was like this. could see them, anyway. Tony rounded on him all at once. Still dont know how he got there, or why., Steve hummed. It wasnt until the door swung open and the light from the hallway shone on his sleeping mentor that he realized just how fucking stupid he was. Tony signed. Thanks, Bruce., Theres no need to thank me. The older man was so stunned that he didnt even react. Did you call his Aunt?, He nodded distractedly, eyes locked onto the kid resting on a hospital bed just a few feet in front of him. The rational part of his brain is snoozing, but his motor skills and emotional processes are still working., Rhodey snickered. Tony takes his hand back and cracks his knuckles loudly instead. Whos your favorite superhero, Peter?, The kid swayed drowsily, eyes glazed and nearly shut. Hey, Pete. - there was an arrow in the ceiling, three in the wall and one beeping in the couch. Youre alright.. Eyelashes fluttered slowly against pale cheeks and his head was tilted back against the cold glass. Hi guys, this is my first Spider-Man fanfic, hope you like it. Youre safe.. Blinking it away each time that he started to doze. Peter emphasized on the 's' at the end. Usually, he wandered pretty aimlessly. "Actually, Mr. Stark gave it to me." Ned was already all over the shiny red and gold armour covering Peter. He would probably be painted 'traitor' all over when he's asleep. Thats a good idea., Bruce shot him a wry smile. Wait, you are not inviting the Spider-Manright? It wasn't surprising, not to his parents/Caregivers, not to his Avengers family and not even to anyone at his school. He could just fake it? Theyll know somethings up. Yeah. He held a helmet in his hand. Model break and a model patient. Whoa, buddy. Peters brain, sluggish from the adrenaline drop, struggled to comprehend the reason for the gentleness. He clicked a button, and the biobed slid into a more upright (but still reclining) position. And, second of all, really fucking sucked. I need to work on Peters watch. Send the legion and tell me what he replies with, Or: Irondad is angry and Peter has no idea what a legion is. He just grit his teeth and didnt flinch once. And the first step of looking after the kid was getting him back into bed. And if his vitals are anything to go by, youll be able to ask him for yourself in a minute., Later, Tony would deny any suggestion that the way he spun back to Peter was ungraceful. S a big deal., Tony stared for a second. Is it THE real ironman armour?" He didnt like the idea of the kid being in a position that made him so easy to manipulate. Usually when Mr. Stark has something to say to him, he would have said it right away. Peter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Peter Parker Needs a Hug Precious Peter Parker Peter Parker is a Little Shit Sleepy Peter Parker Tony Stark Has A Heart Protective Tony Stark Sleepy Tony Stark Sleepy Cuddles Sharing a Bed Platonic Cuddling Headaches & Migraines Fluff Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Black Widow/Natasha R., Iron Man/Tony S., Agent Phil Coulson, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 8 . You know who I am?, S important. "R..really? Youre on a mission tonight, arent you buddy? Peter stumbled forward until he bumped into Tonys knees. Tony knelt quietly in front of the kid, smiling comfortingly despite knowing that he wouldnt process the gesture. Running around after him sounds like a chore., I dont mind. The kids grip started to loosen, and Tony shifted in anticipation of taking all his weight. No harm done. He sighed, sounding a little guilty. Tony nodded, spinning Peter around and leading him over to the thin MedBay mattress. Tony nodded, setting his mug down. Peter quirked his eyebrows and blinked a couple of times at the comment. You dont come home from a planet so heavy with echoes of the lost. You sure?, Absolutely sure. The scientist paused as he moved to walk away. Even with enhanced senses, Peter was always tripping over his own feet. You wanna stay here tonight?, He felt tentative, alight with childish hope. As soon as he was actually on the couch, Peter sat there for a second, half curled around his knees and glazed eyes fixated on the flickering TV. Alright. Tony picks sick Peter up from school and carries him up to the penthouse to put him to bed. Still, he wouldn't dress up as Captain America since now Tony is more involved in his personal life as well. will tell me if anyone does, and I promise that the consequences wont be pretty. He shot a glare to each of the men, who rushed to raise their hands in a show of surrender. And before he can explain himself, he gets pushed through a time door and gets pulled into a completely different post-endgame timeline. Shit. Oh, yeah. What? Yep Karen. Even though Peter didn't live in the compound like most of the Avengers , he still had a room for any sort of occasion that required it, such as this one. Tony, Clint, and Peter started singing, while Steve tried to yell over the radio, Natasha glared out on the road, Thor looked confused, and Bruce was asleep. Just one of your nighttime wanders. Alright. Scarlett stared at Steve with a 'sorry' expression before Bucky carried Spider-Man and Steve carried Iron Man off of the scene. Youre okay. You can go back to sleep.. Hell probably fall back asleep pretty quickly., Bruce laughed, but not unkindly. He appears to be exhibiting perfectly normal behavior., Well, he turned off the lights and headed back towards the lab, shaking his head fondly, Something tells me that normal is gonna be pretty relative with this kid, FRI.. Right? Exhaustion + 17. They were just starting their second movie when Clint snickered and pointed. ), mouth open in preparation to say yes, I feel it too, but then she was just gone. 5k warnings: . You dont have to curl up all the way over there, Pete., He started. Is it his confidence getting in the way again? Peter sprinted out from an alley, almost jumped as he stopped beside the black Audi parking on a residential street. First published Jul 26, 2021 Peter is a secret little. Ive got it. He gave his arm a gentle tug. . The last thing he felt was ash crawling up his neck, and then he tipped over the edge and the world went dark. would alert him if the kid was up for longer than ten minutes, or if he was getting into anything dangerous, but the former rarely happened and the latter, never. But these are good people!" Peter reasoned and his hand fell into my free one; I squeezed it twice trying to give him some courage. Whats the Pythagorean Theorem?, S a squared n b squared s c squared.. Broke your wrist while you were at it., Peter stared at the offending appendage in surprise. "Don't you have something going on in Midtown High that night? It's an adult mid-night party, no kids are invited." He's fine with it, he enjoys allowing others to care for him, to make sure he's happy and safe and had settled into his routine rather nicely. At least the kid got to zombie his way through the worst part of the shame. Oh oh yeah. For some reason, his backpack was open and all of his papers were strewn out on his desk. Peter fell asleep almost immediately tony chuckled at his small snores. Peter sprinted out from an alley, almost jumped as he stopped beside the black Audi parking on a residential street. Just relax.. | DAY NINE WHUMPTOBER PROMPT/s :Sleeping in Shifts & Tossing and Turning & Caught In a Storm, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (116), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (38), The Amazing Spider-Man (Movies - Webb) (10), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker (27), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark (12), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (177), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker and Neal Caffrey are the same person, Protective Elizabeth Burke (White Collar), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark are Siblings (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Happy likes to pretend hes grumpy but he's a softie, Movie: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), Peter Parker does Mary Jane Watson a Frighten, Academic Decathlon Team & Roger Harrington, Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), PROMPTS: Sleeping in Shifts & Tossing and Turning & Caught In a Storm, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov Friendship. Every breath hurt, but he had to get out. He resolutely stared at the TV, sitting ramrod straight and ignoring Tony as he frowned slightly in his direction. He was too busy worrying that the kid would topple over. And he mustve ripped out his IV, so youll have to check that, too., Theyd only taken a few steps when Peter let out a little whimper. How bad is he hurt?, Hes in his room. He made a beeline for the kids door, thankful that hed put his room so close to his own. Despite the obvious help it was at relieving his pain, Peter said, "Oh, yeah, it's okay. "Of course, you are still a kid.". The first time Tony saw Peter sleepwalk, he had no idea what it was. At least he knows what he wants., Peter rolled over and shuffled a little closer, trying to swallow the lingering discomfort down his throat. You wont even notice I was gone., Tony reluctantly followed Bruce out the door, mouth running as soon as it shut behind them. Hey, Peter., Hey, Doctor Banner. The kid ducked his head shyly. Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Spoilers, Irondad Creators Awards 2021 - Nominations, Five times a character did something cute and one that I saved it as a bookmark. Is that alright?, Perfectly alright. The scientist tugged on a pair of rubber gloves. I'm going to sit so my legs don't fall . Five Times Peter Didn't Want to Fall Asleep SaraL Summary: .and the one time he can't Chapter 1: On a patrol Notes: (See the end of the chapter for notes .) Hes doing great. Scarlett slowly stood up, and sprung a large wave of red particles at the monster, hitting it, with Tony and Peter, making them fall asleep. Yep, definitely trapped. Nice night to be out and about, I see. He slid himself between the kid and the TV. Even if he was feeling talkative, their conversations were disjointed and confused. Well done. Im going to add a feature that alerts me or May the moment he starts to sleepwalk. Lots of kids your age are paying top dollar for this., More giggles. Tony reminded himself to make sure Happy understands the kid's enhanced hearing and everything else. Hed always known. Then, they shot open. During a day when he feels like he *has* to go to school, Peter fights hard against his Little regression, knowing that a slip-up will ruin the only chance that, he feels, he has at doing well on a very important test. He didnt even react when Tony took his already swelling wrist in gentle hands and rotated it, wincing. He could have F.R.I.D.A.Y. And I'm almost an adult." But you are crying. Sleepwalking I can deal with. Brucie says its bedtime for Spider-babies, so I brought you to a nice bed and everything. He set the kids palms against the sheets and put some light pressure on the small of his back. There are no signs of Peter having eaten anything today. He came easily, dazedly shuffling beside his mentor as the man brought him all the way back to his bedroom. 5k warnings f-bombs, angst, cheating . He snapped before he could really think about it. A slow blink, followed by syllables so loose and slurred that he only recognized the word they were meant to form because it was so undeniably familiar. Avengers Fanfiction is a website dedicated to all Avengers related stories. (Stumbling). But judging from the look on the kid's face, he's still contemplating on what Tony has said and paid little attention to other sounds in the car, another thanks to AC/DC as well. Tony's had his own fair share of escapees trying to kill him, so it's only natural to be a little worried for the kid. Weirdest place was tucked between the washer and dryer. Saved by Moon Shadow. Peter chose that moment to move. About Peter Fanfiction Asleep Avengers Falls Tony On. Tony turns to look at him again. Please consider turning it on! He can choose his cast color and make everyone sign it in the morning.. Hed gotten used to the kids weird switches of thought when he was sleepwalking. Bruce chuckled a little as he carefully took his bum wrist and set it on top of the blanket. The kid would just get up, wander around, then crawl back into bed and be out like a light. Within a minute, he was tucked underneath his covers and snoring lightly. Work Search: Like Clint says. He will figure out a protocol for that. Before he took out his phone to distract himself. Today, it happens when Tony gets an alert that Peter is fighting a super-powered criminal whod just broken out of the R.A.F.T. Cant sleep?. It wasnt like he chose to be like this. Which was why he was so confused by his staunch refusal to move, now. Look at you. Cmon, bud. We can go down, Peter. ", "But you are coming right? "You brought your homework on a patrol?" "I thought you already have a Iron Man helmet. He looked at Mister Starks face. Peter was sitting a few feet away, back pushed against his dresser and glassy eyes fixed on some distant spot. Instead, he moved to climb onto the couch, clumsy in a way that told Tony that he was most definitely not awake. Right here., He returned his mentors squeeze with one of his own. Tony pushed the door open as subtly as he could. Youre lucky Peps outta town, or you wouldve scared the crap outta her. Tony was speaking in a tone that was soft and coaxing. Just later, okay? Thats, uh, thats really good.. Terror and fear and horror and pain. In a glance it looked like the authentic Ironman suit, but more like a simplified Ironman suit, with less details and gears, obviously a fan costume, but a really good one. Shares: 300. His face was smooshed against the velvety upholstery where he was slumped against the door. Li.. Like me? Im taking the baby to bed. Rhodey snickered and Steve just smiled into the heel of his palm. Tony chuckled the whole way up to the kitchen. Steve was the only one who didnt laugh, although he did fix the pair with one of the fondest, dopiest smiles Tony had ever seen. The teenager hummed for a minute before mechanically climbing back into bed, sprawling out and head lolling the moment it hit the pillow. Peter stopped him in time, so the suite had no weapon installed, and with some modification it became the suit he is wearing at this moment. Comfortember Day 6. had assured him was highly unlikely countless times, but he still couldnt shake the nagging concern. He leaned back and watched as the kid bumbled over the fridge, opened it, and stared. S an equation. A wide grin spread across his face. Hi, bud. Whered it go?, Dont worry about it, Pete. He glanced at the ceiling. Saved by Moon Shadow. "Good news are, first, he caught you by accident, when he and his colleague were flying in the helicopter to another news scene, so you don't have to worry about people watching above you every night. Which, first of all, Tony hadnt even known that super-kids could get. My cameras were down. The AI paused. Any ways, the streets have been really quite these days, there's not much to help. I was running routine diagnostics in the MedBay systems. He screamed, pain flaring throughout his body- Peter Parker awoke violently in his bed, the long gone taste of dust on his lips, a strangled cry pent up in his chest. On the other hand, he is (who is not?) Hey, kid. Did that hurt at all?, Good. Thank you., Dont have to thank me, kiddo. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Now give him some space. As in Peter Parker? A part of Tony hated the scientist for being so calm when he felt so unhinged. Shell, uh, shell be here once she finishes her shift. Its not a big deal., Does he do that? He was working in the lab late one night, hours after Peter had gone to bed, when the door slid open and the teenager wandered in, bumping his shoulder against the . Fondness swept through Tony like a riptide. On the Train What was a legion? Wanna go back to bed, Pete? Cmon, bud. Peter shuffled in the seat jittery, he could have waited until they get to the tower and started to work on the planned project to change out some of the less used features in his suit, then would probably be a better time to have a casual conversation and figure out what happened before he got into the car. And maybe something else. He didn't want to sleep, he wanted to stay with Tony. He felt his mentor rock under the weight, pulling him up and holding him close. He rounded the corner just in time to see Peter (Peter? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Which was a sudden idea Tony had a few months ago about making him officially his protege, and called this the Ironkid in Training Protocol. Youre okay.. Worst parts over., Tony snapped to get his attention. Can you wake him up and let him know whats going on? The scientist chuckled. Do we cast it?, Bruce nodded. His mentors hands threaded through the hair at the back of his head. That's so cool!". was trying to wake you., Im sorry to disturb you, Boss, but I believe that Mister Parker is in need of assistance., He sighed and kissed Pepper on the cheek in apology. "Uh..no?" He also grudgingly decided that after everything, giving into the urge to brush the bangs away from the teenagers forehead before slipping out to let him rest really wasnt so bad. F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Miser Stark?, He took the acknowledgement as his cue to come closer. Avengers fanfiction peter calls tony during a meeting Avengers fanfiction peter calls tony during a meeting. All he really knew was that one minute he was being held, and the next he was lying on his back, staring at the dark Titan sky. He could feel the weightiness in the air. So, whats up?, His mentor steadily increased the pressure on his shoulders until his knees buckled and he sank onto the mattress. Thats it. Bruce pressed one last button on a monitor and stepped back. It hit Tony all at once. Peters eyes were half-lidded, and he looked right past Tonys shoulder at the far wall without actually seeing anything. The kitchen is also empty and spotless, not a thing missing from the pantry or the refrigerator, and no dishes in the sink. It was actually a little bizarre the hear the kids voice used so lethargically. Then come back him close does this a lot?, the scientist gave an absent.... Be fine his dresser and glassy eyes fixed on some distant spot be fine mumbled!, Theres no need to thank me, kiddo already have a great dynamic both in comics and fiction! 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avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony

avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony

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